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渭河断陷南缘断裂带新活动特征与古地震   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
渭河断陷南缘断裂带东起潼关,西至宝鸡,全长310公里,它的主边界断裂包括有华山山前断裂、秦岭北缘断裂。本文根据近年1∶5万活动断裂地质填图最新详细资料研究了断裂的活动历史、分段性及其构造活动特征。华山山前断裂晚第四纪以来具有明显的新活动,沿断裂带及其两侧分布有最新断层崖、基岩裂缝、黄土裂缝、山体崩(滑)塌体等众多的地震形变和破坏遗迹,华山山前断裂应是1556年华县8级大地震的发震断层。据华山山前断裂古地震剖面分析大地震重复间隔约2000—2500年,秦岭北缘断裂同样存在有基岩崩(滑)塌、裂缝、断层崖等古地震形变遗迹,由古地震剖面分析其大地震重复间隔约为2000—4000年之间。  相似文献   

渭河盆地华山山前断裂带古地震遗迹及其重复间隔   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
华山山前断裂带属渭河盆地南界断裂的东段,近东西向展布,是渭河盆地主要的发展断裂之一,1556年华县8级地震就发生在该断裂带上。野外地震地质考察结果表明,在华山山前断裂带上存在着大量的古地震遗迹,并有可测定的用以推断古地震重复间隔的年代标志。1.全新世断层坎和埋藏地裂缝在华山山前三公里处存在着一线状分布的黄土坎,夫南,东至华阴县上洼、郭家城一带,长达30多公里,西起华县南冯家,作北东东向断续延伸,经柿枝、坎高各处不等,一般高4—5米,切割了上更新统地  相似文献   

在考虑地震失稳的滑动-弱化特征后,研究了估计大地震重复间隔的问题,建议了一种计算大地震重复间隔的方法,给出了计算复发间隔的公式。同时,应用这个方法计算了海原断裂带、华山山前断裂带、贺兰山东麓断裂带和小江西支断裂带的8级大震复发间隔,它们分别为3466年、2043年、2688年和975年。这些数值与古地震研究给出的实际古地震复发间隔甚为一致,说明建议的计算方法可以应用于活动断裂地震复发时间和地震危险性的估计。  相似文献   

大青山山前活动断裂带分段与潜在震源区划分   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
潜在震源区的划分主要包括潜在震源区范围的划定以及震级上限的确定,目前遵循地震构造类比和地震活动重复等原则。而活断层的分段特性也是潜在震源区划分时必须考虑的一个重要因素。大青山山前断裂带至今有3种不同的分段方案,文中比较分析了前人对大青山山前断裂带的分段,并在此基础上对大青山及山前盆地的潜在震源区作了新的划分。鄂尔多斯块体周缘被拉张性断陷盆地围绕,这些断裂系地震构造相似,且除呼包盆地外均有历史8级以上地震记录。文中将大青山山前断裂带与鄂尔多斯块体周缘断裂系进行了构造对比,特别是与华山山前断裂进行了断裂活动性定量对比,得出雪海沟到土左旗段的震级上限为8级,断裂两端潜源震级上限均为7.5级  相似文献   

全新世以来,距今越近,华山山前断裂中段的垂直活动速率越大,甚至出现跳跃式的增长。重新梳理该断裂带40多处断层陡坎测量结果,发现这种不合理应与1556年华县8级地震有关。通过减掉1556年华县大地震的同震位移量,消除了这次大震的同震位移对活动速率计算值的放大作用,而且不同时期地貌陡坎的计算结果均表现出了很好的稳定性,说明这种处理是必要和有效的。最后,应用上述处理方法得到了华山山前断裂中段全新世以来较为可靠的平均垂直活动速率为(1.56±0.2)mm/a。  相似文献   

由于南华山北麓断裂带的新活动,使得南华山北麓菜园—乱堆子16公里范围内的21条冲沟发生明显断错,显示出左旋位移指向。本文研究了这些断错冲沟的地质地貌表征、断错冲沟的发育过程和断错量,并根据晚更新世以来沉积物的~(14)C年龄和区域冲沟的溯源侵蚀速率,计算出晚更新世以来南华山北麓断裂带的平均滑动速率为4.3毫米/年;同时,量测出1920年海原8.5级地震震中区地震断层的最位移量为6.9米。根据以上资料,估算出南华山北麓断裂带8.5级强震的重复率约为1600年  相似文献   

对西安及邻区展布的华山山前断裂、渭河断裂和临潼-长安断裂等重要断裂进行重点观测,并以 1556年华县地震和史前地震遗迹调查为主线进行考察编录,对该地区晚第四纪以来地震活动习性进行追溯.  相似文献   

郯庐断裂带是中国东部活动性最强的断裂带,郯庐断裂带江苏段主要由5条分支断层组成,并于更新世强烈活动,其中安丘-莒县断裂持续活动至全新世,是1668年郯城■级特大地震的发震断裂。文中采用古地震探槽方法研究安丘-莒县断裂江苏段全新世以来的古地震事件,并采用14C测年方法确定古地震的时间。结合前人通过探槽揭露的古地震时间进行综合分析,认为安丘-莒县断裂江苏段全新世以来共有3次古地震事件,时间分别为距今3 000a以来、距今约6 000a和11 000a,垂直同震位移均约1m。1668年郯城8.5级地震在安丘-莒县断裂新沂段山前出露区存在地表破裂的迹象,在隐伏区表现为大量喷砂冒水现象,在探槽揭露的晚全新世地层中有密集的裂缝和砂脉。  相似文献   

史载公元849年10月20日,内蒙古河套地区发生大地震.对这次地震的震中位置、震级、烈度的认识目前存在较大分歧.作者在大青山山前断裂带活断层填图和古地震研究过程中,在大青山山前断裂中、西段,发现多处距今1000多年的地震形变遗迹;结合公元849年地震史料的进一步考证,表明大青山山前断裂带为公元849年地震的发震构造.宏观震中位置应在活动断裂变位量最大的包头铝厂至永富一带,地理坐标约为北纬40.4°,东经110.2°.震中烈度为Ⅹ度,震级为7.7.  相似文献   

史载公元849年10月20日,内蒙古河套地区发生大地震.对这次地震的震中位置、震级、烈度的认识目前存在较大分歧.作者在大青山山前断裂带活断层填图和古地震研究过程中,在大青山山前断裂中、西段,发现多处距今1000多年的地震形变遗迹;结合公元849年地震史料的进一步考证,表明大青山山前断裂带为公元849年地震的发震构造.宏观震中位置应在活动断裂变位量最大的包头铝厂至永富一带,地理坐标约为北纬40.4deg;,东经110.2deg;.震中烈度为Ⅹ度,震级为7.7.   相似文献   

柯坪塔格推覆体的新生代变形与扩展   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
柯坪塔格推覆体位于天山西南麓。新生代以来,由于印度板块与欧亚板块的碰撞,天山晚古生代褶皱和断裂构造重新复活隆起,并向南北两侧推挤,在前陆盆地中渐进式地形成多排褶皱-逆断裂带。文中讨论了皮羌近SN向断裂带以西推覆体的新生代变形与扩展特征。结果表明,推覆体的新生代变形为波浪式差异性隆起。从天山南侧到塔里木盆地方向,构成推覆体的各排褶皱-逆断裂带的形成顺序有先后之分,早期形成的靠近天山,晚期形成的靠近塔里木盆地,反映推覆体在形成过程中由北向南的扩展,其扩展距离最大约76km。除此之外,各排褶皱-逆断裂带前缘都由多条断裂组成,它们与褶皱伴生,具有不同的形成和新活动时代。早期形成的断裂靠近山地一侧,晚期形成的断裂靠近盆地一侧,反映褶皱-逆断裂带单排前缘断裂也具有由北向南扩展的性质,其扩展距离为100~500m。最后,对推覆体扩展的形成机制进行了讨论  相似文献   

Coseismic displacement plays a role in earthquake surface rupture, which not only reflects the magnitude scale but also has effect on estimates of fault slip rate and earthquake recurrence intervals. A great historical earthquake occurred in Huaxian County on the 23rd January 1556, however, there was lack of surface rupture records and precise coseismic vertical displacements. It's known that the 1556 Huaxian earthquake was caused by Huashan front fault and Weinan plateau front fault, which are large normal faults in the east part of the southern boundary faults in Weihe Basin controlling the development of the basin in Quaternary. Here, we made a study on three drilling sites in order to unveil the coseismic vertical displacements. It is for the first time to get the accurate coseismic vertical displacements, which is 6m at Lijiapo site of Huashan front fault, 7m at Caiguocun site, and 6m at Guadicun site of Weinan plateau front fault. These coseismic displacements measured based on same layers of drilling profiles both at footwall and hanging wall are different from the results measured by former geomorphological fault scarps. It's estimated that some scarps are related with the nature reformation and the human beings' activities, for example, fluviation or terracing field, instead of earthquake acticity, which leads to some misjudgment on earthquake displacements. Moreover, the vertical displacements from the measurement of geomorphological scarps alone do not always agree with the virtual ones. Hence, we assume that the inconsistency between the results from drilling profiles and geomorphological scarps in this case demonstrates that the fault scarp surface may have been demolished and rebuilt by erosion or human activities.  相似文献   

南天山柯坪塔格推覆体前缘断裂活动性质及速率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柯坪塔格推覆体位于天山西南麓,由多排NEE—EW向的褶皱-逆断裂带组成。文中介绍了皮羌—巴楚磷矿以西3排褶皱-逆断裂带前缘断裂的活动性质及速率。新获资料表明,各排褶皱-逆断裂带前缘皆由多条断裂构成,都具典型的逆断层性质。其中最新活动断裂位于褶皱-逆断裂带的最前缘,活动时代为晚更新世—全新世。它们切割冲沟T0、T1、T2、T3阶地堆积,形成不同高度的断层陡坎。根据陡坎剖面测量和年龄样品测试,求得T0面形成以来断裂的垂直位移量、位移速率、地壳缩短量和缩短速率分别是0.9~1.1m、0.53~0.65mm/a、1.93~2.56m和1.14~1.52mm/a;T1面形成以来分别是1.4~1.8m、0.36~0.46mm/a、3.00~3.86m和0.77~0.99mm/a;T2面形成以来分别是2.1~3m、0.31~0.45mm/a、4.50~6.98m和0.67~1.04mm/a;T3面形成以来分别是3.4~4.2m、0.28~0.35mm/a、7.29~9.22m和0.61~0.77mm/a。根据T0面形成以来的缩短量和缩短速率,计算柯坪塔格推覆体约1.7ka以来总的地壳缩短量是9.65~12.80m,缩短速率  相似文献   

华山岩体中、新生代抬升的裂变径迹证据   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
对采自华山岩体不同高度的磷灰石样品进行裂变径迹分析 ,所得结果结合相关地质资料认为 :(1)华山岩体抬升至少始于渐新世或始新世 ;(2 )华山主峰及北峰间可能发育一条对应于华山山前断裂的次级正断层 ,断距约 340m ;(3)据华山北峰样品研究 ,其各时段的平均抬升速率依次为2 9 2 6~ 2 5 0 5Ma ,V =0 183mm/a ;2 5 0 5~ 2 3 2 7Ma ,V =0 152mm/a ;2 3 2 7~ 2 0 59Ma ,V =0 0 19mm/a  相似文献   

通过断错地貌调查和探槽开挖,获得了临汾盆地西界罗云山山前断裂带龙祠-峪口段的最新活动信息:该段山前洪积扇后缘断断续续存在高2.5m、5.2m、8m左右的地表地貌陡坎;附近冲沟的Ⅰ级阶地热释光测年为距今7500a左右;在NW向的席坊沟内存在拔沟3.5m、8m、18m左右的3级阶地,与地貌陡坎有对应关系;席坊沟探槽揭示罗云...  相似文献   

Based on DEM data and ArcGIS software, we extract the geomorphic parameters of drainage basins and rivers that flow through the Huashan piedmont, which include stream length-gradient index (SL), stream-power incision model normalized channel steepness index (ksn), hypsometric integral (HI), valley floor width to valley height ratio (Vf)and mountain front sinuosity (Smf). Study shows that all parameter indexes have obviously different distributions roughly bounded by Huaxian and Huayin. In the Huaxian to Huayin section, the stream length-gradient index has extremely high abnormal values near the fault, the values of river mean SL, mean ksn, HI, Vf and Smf are concentrated in 500~700, 120~140, 0.5~0.6, 0~0.1 and 1.0~1.1, respectively. Between Lantian and Huaxian and between Huayin and Lingbao, the parameter indexes distributional characteristics are largely the same, with the values in 300~500, 100~120, 0.4~0.5, 0.2~0.6 and 1.2~1.5, respectively. Comprehensive analysis suggests that tectonic activity is the primary factor responsible for these differences. We divide each geomorphic parameter into three classes (strong, medium, and low)and calculate the relative active tectonics (Iat)of the Huashan piedmont. The results show that the Iat values in Huaxian to Huayin section are in 1.0~1.5, those at other places are in 1.5~3.0, indicating that the tectonic activity from Huaxian to Huayin is most intense, while that of other places are relatively weak. Field geological investigations show that the Huashan piedmont fault can be divided into Lantian to Huaxian section, Huaxian to Huayin section and Huayin to Lingbao section. In Huaxian to Huayin section the fault has been active several times since Holocene indicative of strongest activity, while in Lantian to Huaxian section and Huayin to Lingbao section the fault was active only in the late Pleistocene and its activity was weaker as a whole. Tectonic activity of the Huashan piedmont derived from river geomorphic parameters is consistent with field geological investigations, indicating that geomorphic parameters of rivers can be used to characterize activity of faults on a regional scale.  相似文献   

The Yarlung Tsangbo fault zone, one of the most important geological interfaces in the Yarlung Tsangbo suture zone which is a huge geotectonic boundary with nearly east-west-trending in southern Tibet Plateau, has undergone a long-term tectonic evolution. Studying this fault zone can help us understand the development and evolution history of the suture zone and the tectonic mechanism of subduction-collision about the Tibet Plateau, so it has always been a hot topic in the field of geology. Most of existing data suggest that the current tectonic activity in southern Tibet is given priority to the rift system with nearly north-south-trending, and the Yarlung Tsangbo fault zone with nearly east-west-trending has relatively weaker activity since late Quaternary. There are only some evidences of Holocene activity found in the Lulang town section near eastern Himalayan syntaxis, and there are few reports about the reliable geological evidences of late Quaternary activity of the section on the west of Milin County of the fault zone. Based on image interpretation, field investigation and chronological method, we found several fault profiles along the Yarlung Tsangbo fault zone near the Angren Lake in this study. These profiles reveal that loose fault gouge has been developed on the fault plane which nearly extends to the surface and offsets the loess sediments and its overlying alluvial-proluvial gravels. The loess is characterized by coarser grains, higher content of fine sand and tiny small gravels. The results of the two OSL dating samples collected in the loess are(94.68±6.51)ka and(103.84±5.14)ka respectively, showing that the loess revealed at the Angren site should be the middle-late Pleistocene sand loess distributed on the high-terraces along the Yarlung Tsangpo River. Consequently, the Angren segment of the Yarlung Tsangpo fault zone is active since the late Quaternary. In addition, synchronous left-lateral offsets of a series of small gullies and beheaded gullies can be seen near the profiles along the fault, which are the supporting evidence for the late Quaternary activity of the fault. However, the segment with obvious geomorphology remains is relatively short, and no evidence of late Quaternary activity have been found in other sections on the west of Milin County of the Yarlung Tsangpo fault zone. Existing data show that, in the southern Tibet, a series of near NS-trending rift systems are strongly active since the late Quaternary, cutting almost all of the near east-west-trending tectonic belts including the Yarlung Tsangpo fault zone. In addition, majority of the earthquakes occurring in southern Tibet are related to the NS-trending rift systems. Tectonic images show that the Angren segment locates between the Shenzha-Dingjie rift and the Dangreyong Lake-Gu Lake rift. These two adjacent rifts are special in the rift system in southern Tibet:Firstly, the two rifts are located in the conversion position of the trend of the whole rift system; Secondly, the size of the two rifts varies significantly between the north side and the south side of the Yarlung Tsangbo fault zone. Thirdly, the Shenzha-Dingjie rift seems to be of right-lateral bending, while the Dangreyong Lake-Gu Lake rift shows left-lateral bending. These characteristics may lead to the fact that the amount of absorption and accommodation of the rift activities in the north side of the Yarlung Tsangbo fault zone is larger than that in the south side during the migration of the plateau materials, leading to the differential movement of the block between the two sides of the fault zone. Therefore, the Yarlung Tsangbo fault zone possesses the accommodating tectonic activity, of course, the intensity of this accommodating activity is limited and relatively weaker, which may be the reason why it is difficult to find large-scale tectonic remains characterizing the late Quaternary activity along the fault zone. The scale of the rift system in southern Tibet is systematically different between the two sides of the Yarlung Tsangbo fault zone, so it cannot be ruled out that there are also weak activities similar to the Angren segment in other sections of the fault zone.  相似文献   

南北地震带北段及其两侧断层现今活动性   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
范燕  车兆宏 《地震》2001,21(2):87-93
分析了南北地震带北段及其两侧跨断层流动形变资料,研究了各断裂带的活动水平、动态过程及其与强震的关系。结果表明,南北地震带北段及其两侧现今断层平均垂直活动速率为0.19mm/a,断层活动处于第四纪以来较低水平;区域断层活动增强是强震发生的重要标志之一;强震前断层异常活动存在由外围向震中迁移的特征;南西华山-六盘山断裂带为近年可能发生强烈地震的地区。  相似文献   

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