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To aid rock art conservation, rock temperatures have been monitored at different depths and at low (30 min) and high (1 min) acquisition rates in a painted rock shelter in the uKhahlamba‐Drakensberg Park (South Africa). Preliminary data for winter (cold and dry) show that in that season cryoclasty is unlikely to occur (rare subzero thermal events and probable reduced moisture availability) and thermal shocks are improbable (highest measured ΔTt < 2 °C min?1). High amplitude (about 30 °C) rock temperature cycles accompanied by reversals of the thermal gradient have been observed to occur almost daily and hint at the possibility of thermal stress fatigue. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Granular disintegration has long been recognized and referred to in weathering texts from all environments, including the Antarctic. Despite this universal identification and referral, few to no data exist regarding thermal conditions at this scale and causative mechanisms remain little more than conjecture. Here, as part of a larger weathering study, thermal data of individual grains (using infrared thermometry and ultra‐fine thermocouples) composing a coarse granite, as well as the thermal gradients in the outer 10 cm (using thermistors), were collected from a north‐facing exposure. Measurements were also made regarding the surface roughness of the rock. Based on recorded temperatures, the nature of the rock surface and the properties of the minerals, an argument is made for complex stress fields that lead to granular disintegration. Mineral to mineral temperature differences found to occur were, in part, due to the changing exposure to solar radiation through the day (and through seasons). Because the thermal conductivity and the coefficient of thermal expansion of quartz are not equal in all directions, coupled with the vagaries of heating, this leads to inter‐granular stresses. Although fracture toughness increases with a decrease in temperature, it is suggested that the tensile forces resulting from falling temperatures are able to exceed this and produce granular disassociation. The lack of equality with respect to crystal axis of both thermal conductivity and expansion in quartz further exacerbates the propensity to failure. Grain size and porosity also influence the thermal stresses and may help explain why some grains are held in place despite disassociation near the surface. While the data presented here appear to beg more questions than providing answers, they do provide a basis for better, more detailed studies of this important weathering scale. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A multi‐proxy approach was used to examine the geomorphic dynamics and environmental history of an upper deltaic ?oodplain tract in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta, California. Three long cores were collected from the McCormack–Williamson Tract (MWT) and these cores were analyzed for bulk density, loss‐on‐ignition, ?ne (clay and silt) content, Al concentration, magnetic susceptibility, pollen, and charcoal. Radiocarbon dates obtained for the cores were converted into calendar years and an age–depth model was constructed. Long‐term vertical accretion and sedimentation rates were estimated from the age–depth model. Cross‐core relations show that coarse sediment generally accumulates more rapidly and has greater magnetic susceptibility compared to ?ne sediment. Percentage ?ne and LOI data show a strong linear relationship that indicates ?ooding is the primary mechanism for the deposition of particular organic matter on the ?oodplain and that landscape wash load has contributed a highly consistent fraction of persistent organic matter averaging 5·5 per cent to the site. Down‐core grain size pro?les show two hydrological domains in the cores, namely millennial ?ne–coarse ?uctuations superimposed on general up‐core ?ning. Coarse sediment is viewed as channel or near‐channel overbank deposits, whereas ?ne deposits are considered to be distal overbank ?ood deposits. The coarse–?ne ?uctuations are indicative of changing depositional settings as channels migrated laterally across MWT, whereas the upward ?ning trend re?ects a combination of self‐limiting overbank deposition as ?oodplain elevation increased and decreasing competence as sea‐level rise reduced ?ood‐pulse energy slopes. MWT has been cross‐cut and incised numerous times in the past, only to have the channels abandoned and subsequently ?lled by ?ne sediment. The channels around MWT attained their modern con?guration about 4000 years ago. MWT likely came under tidal in?uence at about 2500 cal BP. Wetlands have recently developed on MWT, but they are inorganic sediment dominated. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We investigated a small‐scale laboratory model of a talus slope evolution. Five different size classes of basaltic rock were selected and marked with different colours. Homogenized mixtures of grains of different sizes were dropped from a fixed height onto a tilted experimental board covered with a loose granular layer. This was conducted in a series of regular sequences, and the resulting distribution on the board was studied after each sequence. At the beginning of the experiment, the grains developed a longitudinal gradation similar to natural talus slopes, where small grains settle at the top while the large ones roll down to the distal part. However, after a transient period dominated by single‐particle dynamics on the inert granular medium, the evolution proved to be more variable than expected. Due to the continuous shower of falling grains, the shear stress at the bottom of the upper granular layer increased. This resulted initially in a slow creep down slope that finally collapsed in large avalanches homogenizing the material. The slides occurred at the boundary between a weaker layer created by migration of small grains through the interstices, and marked by a vertical transition between small and large grains. We compare the experimental findings with observations from natural talus slopes, and suggest that similar experiments may be helpful in understanding the evolution of taluses. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Crack widths and rock temperatures were monitored on an andestic bedrock cliff in the summit area of the Daisetsu Mountains, Hokkaido, northern Japan. Sequential data recorded the gradual widening of a crack to the point of critical crack extension, which resulted in catastrophic rock breakage. The data indicate that a combination of liquid water in?ltration into crack tip and subsequent freezing is the most signi?cant factor contributing to critical crack extension. The recorded sub‐critical crack movements involved a number of minor crack extensions and contractions, the timing of which correlates well with the magnitude of the reconstructed thermal stresses at the crack tip derived from thermal deformation of the plate‐shaped rock fragment. Larger crack extensions occurred when stress at the crack tip exceeded a threshold value, possibly re?ecting the control of rock fracture mechanics by which cracks are thought to propagate when the stress intensity factor at the crack tip exceeds the threshold values for stress corrosion cracking and the fracture toughness of the material. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Many undertakings have used either a single value or a narrow window of temperatures as a threshold for the freezing of water within rock. These temperatures vary from 0 to ?5 C, with most windows being in the range ?1 to ?4 C. Based on thermal data, these thresholds are commonly used to ‘count’ the number of freeze–thaw events as a basis for determining freeze–thaw weathering. Data collected from northern Canada indicate that the temperature at which freezing occurs can vary substantially, even for the same site. Using exotherm and zero curtain observations from bricks, at angles of 90 and 45, aligned to the four cardinal aspects, the various temperatures at which water froze are shown. Bricks on the north and east commonly did exhibit freezing, based on exotherms, within the window ?1 to ?5 C, while data for the south and west aspects showed substantial variation, with freezes sometimes between ?6·4 and ?8·9 C. The data were evaluated for evidence of zero curtain effects (indicative of water freezing), but no unequivocal events could be found, and it is suggested that, at the scale of observation used here, they are unlikely. It would therefore appear that the use of thermal thresholds may not be meaningful for evaluation of freeze–thaw events. The available data also indicate many instances when temperatures went substantially sub‐zero (e.g. ?20 C) and yet no indication of water freezing occurred – most likely because there was no water available to freeze. This indicates that any form of freeze–thaw event counting, in the absence of some indicator of the presence of water and that it actually froze, is flawed, as thermal conditions alone are not adequate to indicate the occurrence or not of actual freeze–thaw weathering events. These data suggest that evaluations of freeze–thaw occurrence based simply on thermal thresholds may be substantially in error. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The movement of unconsolidated materials near the Earth's surface is often driven by disturbances that occur at a range of spatial and temporal scales. The nature of these disturbances ranges from highly variable, such as tree turnover, to periodic and predictable, such as frost heave or creep. To explore the effect of probabilistic disturbances on surface processes, we formulated a granular creep model with analogy to rate process theory (RPT) used for chemical reactions. According to the theory, individual particles must be energized to a height greater than adjacent particles in order for grain dilation and transport to occur. The height of neighbouring particles (which is akin to activation energy in chemical reactions) varies with slope angle such that energy barriers get smaller in the downslope direction as slopes steepen. When slopes approach the friction‐limited angle of repose, the height of energy barriers approaches zero and grains ?ow in the absence of disturbance. An exponential function is used to describe the probability distribution of particle excitation height although alternative distributions are possible. We tested model predictions of granular dynamics in an experimental sandpile. In the sandpile, acoustic energy serves as the disturbance agent such that grains dilate and shear in response. Particle velocities are controlled by the frequency of energy pulses that result in grain displacement. Using tracer particles, we observed a convex‐upward velocity pro?le near the surface of the sandpile, consistent with predictions of our RPT‐based velocity model. In addition, we depth‐integrated the velocity model to predict how ?ux rates vary with inclination of the sandpile and observed non‐linear ?ux–gradient curves consistent with model predictions. By varying the acoustic energy level in the experimental sandpile, we documented changes in the rate of grain movement; similar changes in modelled velocities were achieved by varying the exponent of the particle excitation probability distribution. The general agreement between observed and modelled granular behaviour in our simple laboratory sandpile supports the utility of RPT‐based methods for modelling transport processes (e.g. soil creep, frost heave, and till deformation), thus enabling us to account for the probabilistic nature of disturbances that liberate sediment in natural landscapes. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Large rock slope failures from near‐vertical cliffs are an important geomorphic process driving the evolution of mountainous landscapes, particularly glacially steepened cliffs. The morphology and age of a 2·19 × 106 m3 rock avalanche deposit beneath El Capitan in Yosemite Valley indicates a massive prehistoric failure of a large expanse of the southeast face. Geologic mapping of the deposit and the cliff face constrains the rock avalanche source to an area near the summit of ~8·5 × 104 m2. The rock mass free fell ~650 m, reaching a maximum velocity of 100 m s?1, impacted the talus slope and spread across the valley floor, extending 670 m from the base of the cliff. Cosmogenic beryllium‐10 exposure ages from boulders in the deposit yield a mean age of 3·6 ± 0·2 ka. The ~13 kyr time lag between deglaciation and failure suggests that the rock avalanche did not occur as a direct result of glacial debuttressing. The ~3·6 ka age for the rock avalanche does coincide with estimated late Holocene rupture of the Owens Valley fault and/or White Mountain fault between 3·3 and 3·8 ka. The coincidence of ages, combined with the fact that the most recent (AD 1872) Owens Valley fault rupture triggered numerous large rock falls in Yosemite Valley, suggest that a large magnitude earthquake (≥M7.0) centered in the south‐eastern Sierra Nevada may have triggered the rock avalanche. If correct, the extreme hazard posed by rock avalanches in Yosemite Valley remains present and depends on local earthquake recurrence intervals. Published in 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study presents the results of experimental compaction while measuring ultrasonic velocities of sands with different grain size, shape, sorting and mineralogy. Uniaxial mechanical compaction tests up to a maximum of 50 MPa effective stress were performed on 29 dry sand aggregates derived from eight different sands to measure the rock properties. A good agreement was found between the Gassmann saturated bulk moduli of dry and brine saturated tests of selected sands. Sand samples with poor sorting showed low initial porosity while sands with high grain angularity had high initial porosity. The sand compaction tests showed that at a given stress well‐sorted, coarse‐grained sands were more compressible and had higher velocities (Vp and Vs) than fine‐grained sands when the mineralogy was similar. This can be attributed to grain crushing, where coarser grains lead to high compressibility and large grain‐to‐grain contact areas result in high velocities. At medium to high stresses the angular coarse to medium grained sands (both sorted sands and un‐sorted whole sands) showed high compaction and velocities (Vp and Vs). The small grain‐to‐grain contact areas promote higher deformation at grain contacts, more crushing and increased porosity loss resulting in high velocities. Compaction and velocities (Vp and Vs) increased with decreasing sorting in sands. However, at the same porosity, the velocities in whole sands were slightly lower than in the well‐sorted sands indicating the presence of loose smaller grains in‐between the framework grains. Quartz‐poor sands (containing less than 55% quartz) showed higher velocities (Vp and Vs) compared to that of quartz‐rich sands. This could be the result of sintering and enlargement of grain contacts of ductile mineral grains in the quartz‐poor sands increasing the effective bulk and shear stiffness. Tests both from wet measurements and Gassmann brine substitution showed a decreasing Vp/Vs ratio with increasing effective stress. The quartz‐rich sands separated out towards the higher side of the Vp/Vs range. The Gassmann brine substituted Vp and Vs plotted against effective stress provide a measure of the expected velocity range to be found in these and similar sands during mechanical compaction. Deviations of actual well log data from experimental data may indicate uplift, the presence of hydrocarbon, overpressure and/or cementation. Data from this study may help to model velocity‐depth trends and to improve the characterization of reservoir sands from well log data in a low temperature (<80–100o C) zone where compaction of sands is mostly mechanical.  相似文献   

The 20th May 2006 lava dome collapse of the Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat, had a total non-dense rock equivalent (non-DRE) collapse volume of approximately 115?×?106?m3. The majority of this volume was deposited into the ocean. The collapse was rapid, 85% of the mobilized volume being removed in just 35?min, giving peak pyroclastic flow flux of 66?×?103?m3?s?1. Channel and levee facies on the submarine flanks of the volcano and formation of a thick, steep-sided ridge, suggest that the largest and most dense blocks were transported proximally as a high concentration granular flow. Of the submerged volume, 30% was deposited from the base of this granular flow, forming a linear, high-relief ridge that extends 7?km from shore. The remaining 70% of the submerged volume comprises the finer grain sizes, which were transported at least 40?km by turbidity currents on gradients of <2°. At several localities, the May 2006 distal turbidity currents ran up 200?m of topography and eroded up to 20?cm of underlying substrate. Multiple turbidites are preserved, representing current reflection from the graben margins and deflection around topography. The high energy of the May 2006 collapse resulted in longer submarine run out than the larger (210?×?106?m3) Soufrière Hills dome collapse in July 2003.  相似文献   

Previous geomorphological investigations using the traversing micro‐erosion meter (TMEM) have identified daily and hourly contractions and expansions of littoral rock on a range of lithologies. While organic influences on these patterns have been inferred, this has rarely been tested in a controlled way. Here, a TMEM was used to measure micro‐scale (<mm) topographic changes on supratidal limestone of the Massif des Calanques, southern France. Four TMEM monitoring sites (each 64 cm2) were set up in total, two in the Calanque de Morgiou and two in the Presqu'ile de Cassis. On both shores one TMEM bolt site was positioned on bare rock and the other on colonized rock. TMEM data were collected and the surface micro‐topography mapped for each site at two‐hourly intervals from early morning to late evening across one day in mid‐summer. Significant relative expansion and contraction was observed between measurement periods at all four sites, regardless of biofilm colonization (P < 0.001 in all instances), and sometimes between adjacent zones on the rock surface (at a scale of centimetres). Rock with and without biofilm behaved broadly similarly, but the magnitude of topographic change varied: average movement from one interval to the next was 0.03 mm on bare sites and 0.06 mm on biofilm‐colonized sites. As expected, patterns of surface change related largely to insolation, with greatest movement occurring in the morning and evening when thermal gradients were steepest. Interestingly, the presence of a biofilm intensified rock expansion, but delayed surface response to microclimatic variability. We largely attribute this effect to biofilm influences on surface albedo, and hypothesize that episodes of contraction and expansion are superimposed onto longer (annual to decadal) episodes of surface movement and downwearing. Short‐term TMEM studies therefore need to be coupled with longer‐term seasonal and annual measurements to improve understanding of rock surface dynamics. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The conceptual hydrogeological model of the low to medium temperature Daying and Qicun geothermal fields has been proposed, based on hydrochemical characteristics and isotopic compositions. The two geothermal fields are located in the Xinzhou basin of Shanxi, China and exhibit similarities in their broad‐scale flow patterns. Geothermal water is derived from the regional groundwater flow system of the basin and is characterized by Cl·SO4‐Na type. Thermal water is hydrochemically distinct from cold groundwater having higher total dissolved solids (TDS) (>0·8 g/l) and Sr contents, but relatively low Ca, Mg and HCO3 contents. Most shallow groundwater belongs to local flow systems which are subject to evaporation and mixing with irrigation returns. The groundwater residence times estimated by tritium and 14C activities indicate that deep non‐thermal groundwater (130–160 m) in the Daying region range from modern (post‐1950s) in the piedmont area to more than 9·4 ka BP (Before Present) in the downriver area and imply that this water belong to an intermediate flow system. Thermal water in the two geothermal fields contains no detectable active 14C, indicating long residence times (>50 ka), consistent with this water being part of a large regional flow system. The mean recharge elevation estimated by using the obtained relationship Altitude (m) = ? 23·8 × δ2H (‰ ) ? 121·3, is 1980 and 1880 m for the Daying and Qicun geothermal fields, respectively. The annual infiltration rates in the Daying and Qicun geothermal fields can be estimated to be 9029 × 103 and 4107 × 103 m3/a, respectively. The variable 86Sr/87Sr values in the thermal and non‐thermal groundwater in the two fields reflect different lithologies encountered along the flow path(s) and possibly different extents of water‐rock interaction. Based on the analysis of groundwater flow systems in the two geothermal fields, hydrogeochemical inverse modelling was performed to indicate the possible water‐rock interaction processes that occur under different scenarios. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In arid environments, thermal oscillations are an important source of rock weathering. Measurements of temperature have been made on the surface of rocks in a desert environment at a sampling interval of 0·375 s, with simultaneous measurements of wind speed, air temperature, and incoming shortwave radiation. Over timescales of hours, the temperature of the rock surface was determined primarily by shortwave radiation and air temperature, while rapid temperature variations, high dT/dt, at intervals of seconds or less, were determined by wind speed. The maximum values of temperature change and time spent above 2°C min?1 increased at high measurement rates and were much higher than previously reported. The maximum recorded value of dT/dt was 137°C min?1 and the average percentage time spent above 2°C min?1 was ~70 ± 13%. Maximum values of dT/dt did not correlate with the maximum values of time spent above 2°C min?1. Simultaneous measurements of two thermocouples 5·5 cm apart on a single rock surface had similar temperature and dT/dt values, but were not correlated at sampling intervals of less than 10 s. It is suggested that this is resulting from rapid fluctuations due to small spatial and timescale wind effects that are averaged out when data is taken at longer sampling intervals, ~10 s or greater. Published in 2010 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Channel curvature produces secondary currents and a transverse sloping channel bed, along which the depth increases towards the outer bank. As a result deep pools tend to form adjacent to the outer bank, promoting bank collapse. The interaction of sediment grains with the primary and secondary flow and the transverse sloping bed also causes meanders to move different grain sizes in different proportions and directions, resulting in a consistent sorting pattern. Several models have been developed to describe this process, but they all have the potential to over‐predict pool depth because they cannot account for the influence of erodible banks. In reality, bank collapse might lead to the development of a wider, shallower cross‐section and any resulting flow depth discrepancy can bias associated predictions of flow, sediment transport, and grain‐size sorting. While bed topography, sediment transport and grain sorting in bends will partly be controlled by the sedimentary characteristics of the bank materials, the magnitude of this effect has not previously been explored. This paper reports the development of a model of flow, sediment transport, grain‐size sorting, and bed topography for river bends with erodible banks. The model is tested via intercomparison of predicted and observed bed topography in one low‐energy (5·3 W m?2 specific stream power) and one high‐energy (43·4 W m?2) study reach, namely the River South Esk in Scotland and Goodwin Creek in Mississippi, respectively. Model predictions of bed topography are found to be satisfactory, at least close to the apices of bends. Finally, the model is used in sensitivity analyses that provide insight into the influence of bank erodibility on equilibrium meander morphology and associated patterns of grain‐size sorting. The sensitivity of meander response to bank cohesion is found to increase as a function of the available stream power within the two study bends. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Temporal variability in suspended sediment delivery processes was studied during three seasons in a 7·9 km2 catchment at Cape Bounty, Melville Island, Nunavut in the Canadian High Arctic. Discharge was controlled primarily by the magnitude of snowmelt, with limited inputs from ground ice melt and precipitation. Years with greater snowpack non‐linearly increased sediment yield and resulted in seasonal counter‐clockwise hysteresis, while a year with low snowpack resulted in reduced sediment yield and clockwise hysteresis, and indicates that sediment was increasingly available after the onset of streamflow. In addition to the event‐scale hysteresis observed during the nival discharge peak, diurnal clockwise hysteresis was observed during all three seasons and suggests daily exhaustion of sediment supplies. These results indicate that the channel snowpack plays a primary role over sediment accessibility during the nival discharge peak. Similarly, grain size analysis of suspended material in the river showed that the coarsest mean grain size was transported during the early phase of peak nival discharge and indicates that isolated sources of coarse material were being accessed by high velocity flow. Snowpack is present through the peak nival period and conditions sediment availability by isolating channel sediments from high‐energy flow. These results indicate sediment delivery characteristics in small High Arctic catchments reflect complex interactions with channel snowpack and disproportionate responses to flow conditions that differ from glacial and temperate settings. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sediment data were analyzed to determine grain‐size dependant factors affecting sediment transport in a low‐ordered, ephemeral watershed. Sediment and flow samples were collected during 22 flow events at the outlet of a 4·53 ha sub‐watershed within the Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed in south‐eastern Arizona. Measured concentrations ranged from 4191 to 115 045 mg l?1 and included grain sizes up to 8·0 mm in diameter. Two grain‐size dependent transport patterns were observed, that of the finer grain‐size fraction (approximately < 0·25 mm) and that of a coarser grain‐size fraction (approximately ≥ 0·25 mm). The concentration of the fine fraction decreased with flow duration, peaking near the beginning of a flow event and declining thereafter. The concentration of the fine fraction showed slight trends with season and recovery period. The concentration of the coarse fraction displayed a slight negative trend with instantaneous discharge and was not correlated with event duration. These patterns typically produced a condition where the majority of the fine fraction of the sediment yield was evacuated out of the watershed before the hydrograph peak while the majority of the coarser sediment was evacuated during the falling limb of the hydrograph. Each grain‐size dependent transport pattern was likely influenced by the source of the associated sediment. At the flow event time scale, the fines were primarily wash load, supplied from the hillslopes and the coarser grains were entrained from the channel bed. Because transport patterns differ based on grain size, attempts to define the total sediment concentration and sediment yield by the behavior of a single grain‐size fraction may lead to erroneous results, especially when a large range of sediment grain sizes are present. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Bedload, the transport of sediment remaining in contact with the stream bed, has mainly been studied from the perspective of the correlation between fluid driving forces and the responding sediment flux. Yet grain–grain interactions are important and bedload should also be considered as a granular phenomenon. We review progress made recently in the study of granular flows, especially on segregation and rheology, that better illuminates the nature of bedload. Granular flows may exhibit gas‐like or fluid‐like flow, or quasi‐solid deformation. All three conditions might be duplicated in bedload. Understanding of intense bedload transport occurring continuously in a layer several grains deep – typical of sand beds – might greatly benefit from results in granular physics, as illustrated by grain‐inspired bedload results. However, processes restricted to the surface of the bed, when particles move intermittently and the bed becomes structured, while characteristic in gravel‐bed channels, are not well addressed in granular physics. Mutual study of these phenomena may benefit both physics and fluvial geomorphology. We intend, therefore, to contribute to an enhanced dialogue between granular physics and bedload science communities. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The study of thermal expansion by a dilatometer technique on a few granitic rocks from the Peninsular shield and Himalayan regions of India confirms that the linear coefficient of thermal expansion (α) is a function of heating rate, crack porosity, thermal cycling, mineral composition and grain orientation. Permanent set in the samples occurs at the limiting temperature (Tp) and restricts the validity of the apparent thermal-expansion coefficient with rise in temperature. Values of α are determined for a heating rate of ?2°C min?1 in order to calculate the volume coefficient of expansion (αv) and the temperature dependence of density (ρT).  相似文献   

Precambrian basement rocks have been affected by Caledonian thermal metamorphism. Caledonian‐aged zircon grains from Precambrian basement rocks may have resulted from thermal metamorphism. However, Hercynian ages are rarely recorded. Zircon U–Pb Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP) dating reveals that zircon ages from the Huyan, Lingdou, and Pengkou granitic plutons can be divided into two groups: one group with ages of 398.9 ±5.3 Ma, 399 ±5 Ma, and 410.2 ±5.4 Ma; and a second group with ages of 354 ±11 Ma, 364.6 ±6.7 Ma, and 368 ±14 Ma. The group of zircon U–Pb ages dated at 410–400 Ma represent Caledonian magmatism, whereas the 368–354 Ma ages represent the age of deformation, which produced gneissosity. The three plutons share geochemical characteristics with S‐type granites and belong to the high‐K calc‐alkaline series of peraluminous rocks. They have (87Sr/86Sr)i ratios of 0.710 45–0.724 68 and εNd(t) values of ?7.33 to ?10.74, with two‐stage Nd model ages (TDM2) ranging from 1.84 Ga to 2.10 Ga. Magmatic zircon εHf(t) values range from ?3.79 to ?8.44, and have TDMC ages of 1.65–1.93 Ga. The data suggest that these granites formed by partial melting of Paleoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic continental crust. A collision occurred between the Wuyi and Minyue microcontinents within the Cathaysia Block and formed S‐type granite in the southwest Fujian province. The ca 360 Ma zircon U–Pb ages can represent a newly recognized period of deformation which coincided with the formation of the unified Cathaysia Block.  相似文献   

The central focus of this work is to study the processes acting well below the surface of a moving rock or debris avalanche during travel over stationary substrate material. Small‐scale physical models at a linear scale of 1:104 used coal as avalanche analogue material and different granular material simulating sedimentary substrates varying in frictional resistance, thickness and relative basal boundary roughness, as well as inerodible, non‐deformable runout path conditions. Substrate materials with the least frictional resistance showed the greatest response to granular flow overriding, becoming entirely mobilized beneath and ahead of the moving mass and producing the longest runout observed with a unique deposit profile shape. With a smooth substrate basal contact, failure occurred along this plane and avalanche and substrate became coupled during runout. With a rough base, however, temporary force chains of grain contacts in the substrate prevailed longer, imparted their resistance to motion/shear into the granular flow, and the flow rear section consequently halted earlier than when moving over substrates with a weak base. Reducing substrate thickness diminished the effect of basal contact roughness on granular flow runout and deposit length. Inerodible, non‐deformable substrate conditions caused changes in granular flow behaviour from essentially en masse sliding on low‐friction surfaces to increasing granular agitation over rougher paths. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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