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揋reenhouse effect?causing global warming has been an important issue of studying climate change. In the latest 100 years, the earth surface temperature has been increased by about 0.4℃—0.8℃[1,2]. And this has been becoming a hotspot of the world[3,4]  相似文献   

Retrospective data of monitoring under conditions of low seismic activity are used to identify free oscillations of the Earth, including the fundamental mode, the oscillation with a central period of 54 min (0 S 2 m multiplet), split into five lines with azimuthal numbers m = ?2, ?1, 0, 1, 2. It is shown that some lines of this oscillation are also recorded in atmospheric pressure variation spectra and group in ensembles of observations around frequencies predicted by the 0 S 2 m splitting theory. This phenomenon is discovered in data recorded both synchronously and in different time intervals. A causal relationship involved in the oscillation under study is determined on the basis of the examination of the direction of the acoustic energy flux. The energy flux in the region of the 0 S 2 m multiplet is shown to be directed from the Earth toward the atmosphere. This suggests that deep processes in the Earth are capable of exciting its upper shells.  相似文献   

The accuracy limitations of critical frequency predictions in the ionospheric F2 layer are considered, which arise due to random variations in the Sun’s extreme UV radiation during the month. An analysis of δf (relative values of monthly rms scatters of the F2-layer critical frequencies) and the appropriate δu values (monthly rms scatters of extreme UV radiation) has shown their dependence on the solar activity level. A conclusion is drawn that when prognostic models of monthly medians are used for forecasting foF2 for a particular date, the error can hardly be less than ~7% at low solar activity and ~15% at a higher solar activity level.  相似文献   

On the basis of distribution of active fault and regional rheological structure, a three-dimensional finite element model of Sichuan-Yunnan region, China, is constructed to simulate contemporary crustal motion and stress distri- bution and discuss the dynamic mechanism of crustal motion and deformation in the Sichuan-Yunnan region. Lin- ear Maxwell visco-elastic model is applied, which includes the active fault zones, the elastic upper crust and vis- cous lower crust and upper mantle. Four different models with different boundary conditions and deep structure are calculated. Some conclusions are drawn through comparison. Firstly, the crustal rotation about the eastern syntaxis of the Himalaya in the Sicuan-Yunnan region may be controlled by the special dynamic boundary condition. The drag force of the lower-crust on the upper crust is not negligible. At the same time, the main active fault zones play an important role in the contemporary crustal motion and deformation in Sichuan-Yunnan region.  相似文献   

The paper presents the modern structural-tectonic pattern and a tectonodynamic model of the zone of interaction of the most seismically active northeastern side of the Baikal rift zone (BRZ) and the conjugate system of seismogenic structures of the Aldan-Stanovoy block, where disastrous events with M ≥ 6.0 have been reported. Regularities in the structural formation of active faults and their kinematics are discussed. The faults form block structures accumulating significant tectonic strain. Motions between large tectonic blocks cause sudden release of the strain, which results in catastrophic events (M ≥ 6.0) with focal mechanisms of definite kinematic type.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Geochronology》2008,3(1-2):150-172
In ESR dating of tooth enamel, dose values are usually obtained from powdered samples. It has been shown that the qualitative response of enamel powder to environmental and laboratory dosing is closely similar, thus apparently validating ESR protocols for dose estimation. When working on human fossils, their cultural and scientific value prevents the powdering of any samples. Measurements are carried out on enamel fragments instead. In fragments, natural and laboratory irradiations cause significantly different ESR responses. These can be attributed to two distinct CO2 radicals, one with apparently axial symmetry (orientated) and one that has no preferential orientation (non-orientated). The spectra of the naturally irradiated samples investigated here show a mix of about 90% of the orientated and about 10% of the non-orientated CO2 radicals. In contrast, laboratory irradiation induces a mix of about 60% orientated and 40% non-orientated CO2 radicals. Heating experiments show that the non-orientated CO2 radicals are significantly less stable than the orientated. This fact on its own would have serious implications for dose estimations, implying massive underestimations. It turns out, however, that with the heating induced decline of the non-orientated CO2 radicals, a larger number of orientated CO2 radicals is created. It is presently unclear whether these two processes are directly connected. In spite of very large internal reorganisations during these processes, powder spectra are only little affected by heating, because the powder spectra of both CO2 radicals are closely similar.The maximum differences that are observed on powder spectra in post-irradiation heating experiments, are in the range of 3%, dose values may be affected by a similar amount. However, when using preheating steps, which would occur when applying post-irradiation heating protocols to single aliquots, the thermal behaviour of the irradiated samples is quite different. While the annihilation of the non-orientated CO2 radicals has about the same decay rate in preheated and non-preheated samples, the increase of the orientated CO2 radicals is less pronounced in the preheated samples. As a result, overall intensity changes become critically dependent on the preheating times. The observed increase in signal intensity is in contrast to long-term fading experiments that showed that the ESR intensity of irradiated samples actually decreased over 6–12 years after laboratory irradiation. In view of this complexity and the small amount of quantitative information available, it is presently not possible to recommend any pre- or post-irradiation protocols.The good news for ESR dating is that any systematic errors introduced by a different mix of orientated and non-orientated CO2 radicals in the natural and irradiation spectra seem relatively small (<5%). At present, the most reliable way for the dose estimation of fragments seems to measure the samples rotating around the three principal axes and to merge the spectra to produce a powder-equivalent spectrum and use this for the construction of the dose response curve.  相似文献   

A simple biogeochemical model coupled to an offline ocean tracer transport model driven by reanalysis ocean data is used to simulate the seasonal and interannual CO $_2$ flux variability in the northern Indian Ocean. The maximum of seasonal and interannual CO $_2$ emission variances in the northern Indian Ocean are located in the coastal Arabian Sea (AS) and Southern Peninsular India (SP) with a basin-wide seasonal amplitude and standard deviation of 0.044 $\pm $ 0.04 Pg C year $^{-1}$ . The area integrated CO $_2$ emissions from these two regions in the model are significantly correlated (above a 95 % level) with the observations of Takahashi et al. (Deep-Sea Res-II, 56:554–577, 2009). The interannual anomalies of CO $_2$ emission from the AS and SP are found as 40 and 30 % of their respective seasonal amplitudes. Both the Arabian Sea (AS) and Southern Peninsular India (SP) interannual CO $_2$ emission anomalies show a 3–4-year variability. The correlations of AS and SP CO $_2$ emission anomalies with the Indian Ocean Dipole/Zonal Mode (IODZM) and Southern Oscillation (SO) indices from 1980 to 1999 are 0.35, 0.21 and 0.32, 0.01 respectively. A 5-year window moving correlation analysis shows that the relationship of AS and SP CO $_2$ emission to the SO and IODZM are complementary to each other. During the years when the correlation of air–sea CO $_2$ emission with the IODZM is stronger, the corresponding correlation with the SO is weaker or opposite. The total change in pCO $_2$ is broken down into changes induced by the individual components such as dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), sea surface temperature (SST), alkalinity, and salinity and found that (1) the effect of SST in the AS CO $_2$ emission increases (decreases) when the correlation of CO $_2$ emission with the IODZM is positive (negative), and (2) the SP CO $_2$ emission is strongly controlled by the circulation-driven DIC changes; however, this relation is found to be weaker when the SO correlates negatively with the SP CO $_2$ emission.  相似文献   

KinematicfeaturesoftheseismogenicfaultoftheTangshanearthquakeandtherecurrenceperiodoflargeearthquakesJIELIU1)(刘洁)HUI-ZHENSON...  相似文献   

The results of processing and analyzing the instrumental observations of the Earth’s magnetic field at the Geophysical Observatory Mikhnevo of the Institute of Geosphere Dynamics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IGD RAS) for 2010–2015 are presented. Quasi-harmonic components with the periods close to the lunar–solar tidal waves are revealed in the spectra of geomagnetic variations over a period of 0.4 to 30 days. The elliptical S1 tidal wave which is detected in the geomagnetic variations has modulations with periods of 1/3, 1/2, and 1 year. The spectra of the geomagnetic variations contain peaks corresponding to the free oscillations of the Earth. The analysis of the time series of the magnetic field for the period of the strong earthquakes in the absence of geomagnetic disturbances revealed the fine structure of the Earth’s fundamental spheroidal mode 0S2, which splits into five singlets. The established features of the spectrum of geomagnetic variations are helping the development of the new method for studying the deep structure of the Earth and the properties of the inner geospheres for estimating the viscosity of the Earth’s outer core and dynamics of the current systems in the outer (liquid) core, as well as for exploring, with the use of empirical data, the general regularities governing the regimes of energy exchange processes in the geospheres.  相似文献   

Sediment samples were collected from sandy beaches at a variety of sites in the southern Galápagos Archipelago to assess levels of hydrocarbon contamination following the wreck of the oil tanker Jessica. Hydrocarbon levels in sediments were generally very low by international standards ranging between 0.4 and 48.9 ppm, with contamination attributable to the Jessica only detected at three sites Santa Fe, Playa Estación (Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz) and Long Beach (Isabela). There was evidence of residual hydrocarbon contamination from sources other than the wreck of the Jessica.  相似文献   

The research on climate change in polar regions, especially on the role of polar in the global climate system, has gain unprecedented level of interest. It has been the key scientific issue of the International Polar Year program (IPY, 2007―2008). In this paper, we dealt with the debate upon the breakup time of the stratospheric polar vortex in boreal spring. An observational study of the relation between strato- spheric polar vortex breakup and the extra-tropical circulation was performed. The mean breakup date―when the winter westerly at the core of polar jet turns to summer easterly―is about April 10. The breakup time has large interannual variation with a time span of about 2 months. It also has a long-term trend with the 1990s and 2000s witnessing more and more late breakups of polar vortex. Composite of wind speed at the core of polar jet for the extremely early and late breakup years shows that late years have two periods of westerly weakening while early breakup years have only one. The first weakening in the late years happens in middle January with wind speed dropping sharply from more than 40 m s?1 to about 15 m s?1. This is accompanied with anomalous activities of planetary waves in both strato- sphere and troposphere; while the second weakening in the late breaking years is mainly the results of diabatic heating with very weak wave activities. In early breakup years, the transition from westerly to easterly is rapid with wind speed dropping from more than 30 m s?1 to less than ?10 m s?1 within a month. This evolution is associated with a strong bidirectional dynamical coupling of the stratosphere and troposphere. The circulation anomalies at low troposphere are also analyzed in the extremely early and late breakup years. It shows that there are significant differences between the two kinds of extreme years in the geopotential height and temperature composite analysis, indicating the dynamical cou- pling of stratosphere and troposphere with the evolution of stratospheric polar vortex.  相似文献   

Analysis of fault outcrops and trench sections indicates fault displacements of 0.2m - 6.0 m on the bottom paleosol layer of the Epipleistocene with the maximum rate of 0.047 mm/a and an average displacement of 1.1 meters. The activity appears as fissures on the fault surface in the late Epipleistocene and there is no obvious displacement. The fault activity is weak and the most active segment is the Bailuyuan segment.  相似文献   

The profile crossing the west Kunlun region cov-ers the area between the Tarim Basin and the Kara-korum Fault, which is the highest (~5000 m a.s.l.) andthe most narrow part (400—500 km from north tosouth) of the Tibetan Plateau, thus attracting great at-tention of the geological community because of itsunique tectonic features. The Geological Bureau of Xinjiang Uygur Auton-omous Region and Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS) carried out mineral exploration and geologicalmapping in th…  相似文献   

县域避难场所规划建设薄弱,灾后老年人等避难弱者的需求不能得到充分满足。长宁“6·17”地震发生后,笔者赴灾区调研,对老人、妇女、儿童等避难弱者进行访谈,深入了解避难弱者的避难经历、对避难场所的认知及相关需求,总结避难弱者在灾后初期、中期、后期阶段的需求变化及对避难空间的诉求。在避难弱者需求视角下提出县域避难场所规划提升措施,包括建立避难弱者数据库、优化避难场所选址、提高避难场所建设标准、加强对避难弱者“定制化”的防灾宣传和避难引导等,以保障避难弱者的生命安全,提升避难生活质量。  相似文献   

ProcessofsourcedynamicsoftheJingtaiearthquake(M=6.2)Xue-BinDU(杜学彬);Zhi-DeYAN(闫志德)andMing-WuZOU(邹明武)(EarthquakeResearchInstitu...  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONYunnanis located in the east margin of the collision zone between the India Plate and theEurasian Plate on the Chinese Continent , where crustal movement is violent and moderate-strongearthquakes are frequent withlarge magnitudes and wide distributions .It is also a place of particularinterest to geo-science researchers both at home and abroad. Since 1970 , 8 earthquakes withmagnitude 7·0 have occurred here .It is a perfect site to study seismicity.Whether or not seismicit…  相似文献   

The results of long-term sounding of the lithosphere by seismic waves from the deep-focus Hindu Kush earthquakes are presented. The travel time series of the first longitudinal wave on a fixed base are constructed for six seismic observation stations (SS) located on the Russian Platform (the Obninsk SS), on the Siberian Platform (the Eltsovka SS), on the Cis-Ural Trough (the Arti SS), in the Central-Ural Megazone (the Sverdlovsk SS), in the Transbaikalia (the Bodaibo SS), and in the Northern Tien Shan (the Przhevalsk SS). The time series duration in years for these stations ranged from 1964–1970 to 2007. The travel time series of seismic waves for the stations indicated are characterized by multi-slope negative linear trends caused by changes in the stress-strain state of rocks. From the comparison of the trend slopes at different stations it follows that the changes in the stress conditions within the lithosphere are relatively weak in the aseismic regions of the Russian and Siberian Platforms and in the Ural Megazone, whereas in the seismically active regions of Tien Shan, Transbaikalia and the Cis-Ural Trough they are more pronounced. The correlation has been observed between the time series trends of the average annual travel times of seismic waves and the time series of the Earth’s rotation speed. The strongest correlation between the series can be seen for the stations, located on the platforms with weak manifestations of both seismicity and active geodynamic processes. Within the long-term periods of deceleration and acceleration of the Earth’s rotation, travel times of seismic waves are decreased and increased, respectively.  相似文献   

Lu Peng 《中国地震研究》2006,20(4):426-434
INTRODUCTIONThe famousformulalgN=a-bMwas put forward by Gutenbergand Richter (1944) ,accordinto seismicity studies in California . From then on, the magnitude-frequency distribution of thearthquakes within a certain area was considered one of the most important features of seismicity,anwas widely used (Tsuneji Rikitake ,1978 ;Li Shanbang,1981 ;Geng Luming,1993) .In particularthe coefficientbinthe formula is commonly appliedinresearchinto earthquake precursors relatingstrongearthquakes…  相似文献   

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