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Hydrological drought durations (lengths) in the Canadian prairies were modelled using the standardized hydrological index (SHI) sequences derived from the streamflow series at annual, monthly and weekly time scales. The rivers chosen for the study present high levels of persistence (as indicated by values exceeding 0.95 for lag-1 autocorrelation in weekly SHI sequences), because they encompass large catchment areas (2210–119 000 km2) and traverse, or originate in, lakes. For such rivers, Markov chain models were found to be simple and efficient tools for predicting the drought duration (year, month, or week) based on annual, monthly and weekly SHI sequences. The prediction of drought durations was accomplished at threshold levels corresponding to median flow (Q50) (drought probability, q?=?0.5) to Q95 (drought probability, q?=?0.05) exceedence levels in the SHI sequences. The first-order Markov chain or the random model was found to be acceptable for the prediction of annual drought lengths, based on the Hazen plotting position formula for exceedence probability, because of the small sample size of annual streamflows. On monthly and weekly time scales, the second-order Markov chain model was found to be satisfactory using the Weibull plotting position formula for exceedence probability. The crucial element in modelling drought lengths is the reliable estimation of parameters (conditional probabilities) of the first- and second-order persistence, which were estimated using the notions implicit in the discrete autoregressive moving average class of models. The variance of drought durations is of particular significance, because it plays a crucial role in the accurate estimation of persistence parameters. Although, the counting method of the estimation of persistence parameters was found to be unsatisfactory, it proved useful in setting the initial values and also in subsequent adjustment of the variance-based estimates of persistence parameters. At low threshold levels corresponding to q < 0.20, even the first-order Markov chain can be construed as a satisfactory model for predicting drought durations based on monthly and weekly SHI sequences.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor C. Onof

Citation Sharma, T.C. and Panu, U.S., 2012. Prediction of hydrological drought durations based on Markov chains in the Canadian prairies. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (4), 705–722.  相似文献   


The standardized series of monthly and weekly flow sequences, referred to as standardized hydrological index (SHI) series, from five rivers in the Canadian prairies were subjected to return period (Tr) analysis of drought length (L). The SHI series were truncated at drought probability levels q ranging from 0.5 to 0.05 with the intention of deducing drought events and corresponding drought lengths. The values of L were fitted to the Pearson 3, the gamma (2-parameter), the exponential (1-parameter), the Weibull 3 and the Weibull (2-parameter) probability density functions (pdfs). A priori assignment of one week or one month for the location parameter in the Pearson 3 pdf proved logical and also facilitated the rapid estimation of other parameters using either the method of moments or the method of maximum likelihood. The Pearson 3 turns out to be the most suitable pdf to describe and to estimate return periods of drought lengths. At the monthly and weekly time scales, it was inferred that the sample size (T, months or weeks) of SHI series could be treated equivalent to the return period of the largest recorded drought length. At the annual time scale, however, the sample size (T, years) should be modified using either the Hazen or the Gringorten plotting position formula to reflect the actual return period of the largest recorded drought length in years.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor E. Gargouri  相似文献   


Two entities of importance in hydrological droughts, viz. the longest duration, LT , and the largest magnitude, MT (in standardized terms) over a desired time period (which could also correspond to a specific return period) T, have been analysed for weekly flow sequences of Canadian rivers. Analysis has been carried out in terms of week-by-week standardized values of flow sequences, designated as SHI (standardized hydrological index). The SHI sequence is truncated at the median level for identification and evaluation of expected values of the above random variables, E(LT ) and E(MT ). SHI sequences tended to be strongly autocorrelated and are modelled as autoregressive order-1, order-2 or autoregressive moving average order-1,1. The drought model built on the theorem of extremes of random numbers of random variables was found to be less satisfactory for the prediction of E(LT ) and E(MT ) on a weekly basis. However, the model has worked well on a monthly (weakly Markovian) and an annual (random) basis. An alternative procedure based on a second-order Markov chain model provided satisfactory prediction of E(LT ). Parameters such as the mean, standard deviation (or coefficient of variation), and lag-1 serial correlation of the original weekly flow sequences (obeying a gamma probability distribution function) were used to estimate the simple and first-order drought probabilities through closed-form equations. Second-order probabilities have been estimated based on the original flow sequences as well as SHI sequences, utilizing a counting method. The E(MT ) can be predicted as a product of drought intensity (which obeys the truncated normal distribution) and E(LT ) (which is based on a mixture of first- and second-order Markov chains).

Citation Sharma, T. C. & Panu, U. S. (2010) Analytical procedures for weekly hydrological droughts: a case of Canadian rivers. Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(1), 79–92.  相似文献   


A hydrological drought magnitude (M T ) expressed in standardized terms is predicted on annual, monthly and weekly time scales for a sampling period of T years in streamflow data from the Canadian prairies. The drought episodes are considered to follow the Poisson law of probability and, when coupled with the gamma probability distribution function (pdf) of drought magnitude (M) in the extreme number theorem, culminate in a relationship capable of evaluating the expected value, E(M T ). The parameters of the underlying pdf of M are determined based on the assumption that the drought intensity follows a truncated normal pdf. The E(M T ) can be evaluated using only standard deviation (σ), lag-1 autocorrelation (ρ) of the standardized hydrological index (SHI) sequence, and a weighting parameter Φ (ranging from 0 to 1) to account for the extreme drought duration (L T ), as well as the mean drought duration (Lm ), in a characteristic drought length (Lc ). The SHI is treated as standard normal variate, equivalent to the commonly-used standardized precipitation index. A closed-form relationship can be used for the estimation of first-order conditional probabilities, which can also be estimated from historical streamflow records. For all rivers, at the annual time scale, the value of Φ was found equal to 0.5, but it tends to vary (in the range 0 to 1) from river to river at monthly and weekly time scales. However, for a particular river, the Φ value was nearly constant at monthly and weekly time scales. The proposed method estimates E(M T ) satisfactorily comparable to the observed counterpart. At the annual time scale, the assumption of a normal pdf for drought magnitude tends to yield results in close proximity to that of a gamma pdf. The M T , when transformed into deficit-volume, can form a basis for designing water storage facilities and for planning water management strategies during drought periods.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor C. Onof

Citation Sharma, T.C. and Panu, U.S., 2013. A semi-empirical method for predicting hydrological drought magnitudes in the Canadian prairies. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (3), 549–569.  相似文献   

A distribution free plotting position   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
 Many plotting position formulae have been proposed for the past few decades. These formulae are derived or obtained under some specific assumption of probability distribution. Because in practice the data are often plotted in order to determine its probability distribution, it causes difficulty and confusion in selecting the plotting position formula. The objective of this study is to find a plotting position formula which is distribution free. In this study, the plotting position formulae corresponding to the order statistic mean, mode and median are investigated. The order statistic mean, mode and median values are determined by numerical integration and differentiation, and the corresponding plotting position formulae are obtained by regression analysis. The results indicate that both the plotting position formulae for the order statistic mean and mode vary with the distribution of data, but the plotting position formula for the order statistic median is distribution free. The distribution free plotting position formula for the order statistic median is proposed in this study as (i−0.326)/(n+0.348).  相似文献   


The index flood method of the regional L-moments approach is adapted to annual maximum rainfall (AMR) series of successively increasing durations from 5 minutes to 24 hours. In Turkey, there are 14 such AMRs having standard durations of 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, 360, 480, 720, 1080 and 1440 min. The parameters of the probability distributions found suitable for these AMR series in a homogeneous region need to be adjusted so that their quantile functions will not cross each other over the entire range of probabilities. This adjustment is done so as to make (1) the derivative of the quantile function with respect to the Gumbel reduced variate of a longer-duration AMR be greater than or equal to that of the shorter-duration AMR, and (2) the quantile of a longer-duration AMR be greater than that of the shorter-duration AMR, both to be satisfied for any specific probability. Accordingly, the parameters of a probability distribution fitted to some AMR series must either increase or decrease or be constant with respect to increasing rainstorm duration; and the parameters of different distributions fitted to two sequential AMR series must be interrelated. The index flood method by the L-moments approach modified in such manner for successive-duration AMR series is applied to the Inland Anatolia region of Turkey using data recorded at 31 rain-gauging stations with recording lengths from 31 to 66 years.
EDITOR Z.W. Kundzewicz; ASSOCIATE EDITOR A. Viglione  相似文献   


The important elements of a drought phenomenon are the longest duration and the largest severity for a desired return period. These elements form a basis for designing water storage systems to cope with droughts. At times, a third element, drought intensity, is also used and is defined as the ratio of severity to duration. The commonly available statistics for the causative drought variables such as annual rainfall or runoff sequences are the mean, the coefficient of variation and the lag one serial correlation coefficient, and occasionally some indication of the probability distribution function (pdf) of the sequences. The extremal values of the duration and severity are modelled in the present paper using information on the aforesaid parameters at the truncation level equal to the mean of the drought sequence, which is generally taken as the truncation level in the analysis of droughts. The drought severity has been modelled as the product of the duration and intensity with the assumption of independence between them. An estimate of drought intensity has been realized from the concept of the truncated normal distribution of the standardized form of the drought sequences in the normalized domain. A formula in terms of the extremal severity and the T-year return period has been suggested similar to the flood frequency formulae, commonly cited in hydrological texts.  相似文献   


The southern coast of the Caspian Sea in northern Iran is bordered by a mountain range with forested catchments which are susceptible to droughts and floods. This paper examines possible changes to runoff patterns from one of these catchments in response to climate change scenarios. The HEC-HMS rainfall–runoff model was used with downscaled future rainfall and temperature data from 13 global circulation models, and meteorological and hydrometrical data from the Casilian (or “Kassilian”) Catchment. Annual and seasonal predictions of runoff change for three future emissions scenarios were obtained, which suggest significantly higher spring rainfall with increased risk of flooding and significantly lower summer rainfall leading to a higher probability of drought. Flash floods arising from extreme rainfall may become more frequent, occurring at any time of year. These findings indicate a need for strategic planning of water resource management and mitigation measures for increasing flood hazards.
EDITOR M.C. Acreman ASSOCIATE EDITOR not assigned  相似文献   

Parametric method of flood frequency analysis (FFA) involves fitting of a probability distribution to the observed flood data at the site of interest. When record length at a given site is relatively longer and flood data exhibits skewness, a distribution having more than three parameters is often used in FFA such as log‐Pearson type 3 distribution. This paper examines the suitability of a five‐parameter Wakeby distribution for the annual maximum flood data in eastern Australia. We adopt a Monte Carlo simulation technique to select an appropriate plotting position formula and to derive a probability plot correlation coefficient (PPCC) test statistic for Wakeby distribution. The Weibull plotting position formula has been found to be the most appropriate for the Wakeby distribution. Regression equations for the PPCC tests statistics associated with the Wakeby distribution for different levels of significance have been derived. Furthermore, a power study to estimate the rejection rate associated with the derived PPCC test statistics has been undertaken. Finally, an application using annual maximum flood series data from 91 catchments in eastern Australia has been presented. Results show that the developed regression equations can be used with a high degree of confidence to test whether the Wakeby distribution fits the annual maximum flood series data at a given station. The methodology developed in this paper can be adapted to other probability distributions and to other study areas. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new unbiased plotting position formula for Gumbel distribution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The probability plots (graphical approach) are used to fit the probability distribution to given series, to identify the outliers and to assess goodness of fit. The graphical approach requires probability of exceedence or non exceedence of various events. This is obtained through the use of plotting position formula. In literature many plotting position formulae have been reported. All of the many existing formulae provide different results particularly at the tails of the distribution and hence there is need of unbiased plotting position formulae for different distributions. Expression for the largest expected order statistics is found in a simple form. Using exact plotting position from Gumbel order statistics a new unbiased plotting position formula has been developed for the Gumbel distribution. The developed formula better approximates the exact plotting positions as compared to other existing formulae.  相似文献   


Two parameters of importance in hydrological droughts viz. the longest duration, LT and the largest severity, ST (in standardized form) over a desired return period, T years, have been analysed for monthly flow sequences of Canadian rivers. An important point in the analysis is that monthly sequences are non-stationary (periodic-stochastic) as against annual flows, which fulfil the conditions of stochastic stationarity. The parameters mean, μ, standard deviation, σ (or coefficient of variation), lag1 serial correlation, ρ, and skewness, γ (which is helpful in identifying the probability distribution function) of annual flow sequences, when used in the analytical relationships, are able to predict expected values of the longest duration, E(LT ) in years and the largest standardized severity, E(ST ). For monthly flow sequences, there are 12 sets of these parameters and thus the issue is how to involve these parameters to derive the estimates of E(LT ) and E(ST ). Moreover, the truncation level (i.e. the monthly mean value) varies from month to month. The analysis in this paper demonstrates that the drought analysis on an annual basis can be extended to monthly droughts simply by standardizing the flows for each month. Thus, the variable truncation levels corresponding to the mean monthly flows were transformed into one unified truncation level equal to zero. The runs of deficits in the standardized sequences are treated as drought episodes and thus the theory of runs forms an essential tool for analysis. Estimates of the above parameters (denoted as μav, σav, ρav, and γav) for use in the analytical relationships were obtained by averaging 12 monthly values for each parameter. The product- and L-moment ratio analyses indicated that the monthly flows in the Canadian rivers fit the gamma probability distribution reasonably well, which resulted in the satisfactory prediction of E(LT ). However, the prediction of E(ST ) tended to be more satisfactory with the assumption of a Markovian normal model and the relationship E(ST ) ≈ E(LT ) was observed to perform better.  相似文献   

West Africa experienced severe drought during the 1970s and 1980s, posing a threat to water resources. A wetter climate more recently suggests recovery from the drought. The Mann-Kendall trend and Theil-Sen’s slope estimator were applied to detect probable trends in weather elements in four sub-basins of the Niger River Basin between 1970 and 2010. The cross-entropy method was used to detect breakpoints in rainfall and runoff, Spearman’s rank test for correlation between the two, and cross-correlation analysis for possible lags. Results showed an overall increase in rainfall and runoff and a decrease in sunshine duration. Spearman’s coefficients suggest significant (5%) moderate to strong rainfall–runoff correlation for three sub-basins. A significant lower runoff was observed around 1979, with a rainfall break around 1992, indicating possible cessation of the drought. Temperatures increased significantly, at 0.02–0.05°C year-1, with a negative wind speed trend for most stations. Half of the stations exhibited an increase in potential evapotranspiration.
EDITOR M.C. Acreman

ASSOCIATE EDITOR Not assigned  相似文献   


A two-parameter monthly water balance model to simulate runoff can be used for a water resources planning programme and climate impact studies. However, the model estimates two parameters of transformation of time scale (c) and of the field capacity (SC) by a trial-and-error method. This study suggests a modified methodology to estimate the parameters c and SC using the meteorological and geological conditions. The modified model is compared with the Kajiyama formula to simulate the runoff in the Han River and International Hydrological Programme representative basins in South Korea. We show that the estimated c and SC can be used as the initial or optimal values for the monthly runoff simulation study in the model.
EDITOR M.C. Acreman; ASSOCIATE EDITOR S. Kanae  相似文献   

Rising in the Andes, the Madeira River drains the southwestern part of the Amazon basin, which is characterized by high geographical, biological and climatic diversity. This study uses daily records to assess the spatio-temporal runoff variability in the Madeira sub-basins. Results show that inter-annual variability of both discharge and rainfall differs between Andean and lowland tributaries. High-flow discharge variability in the Andean tributaries and the Guaporé River is mostly related to sea surface temperature (SST) in the equatorial Pacific in austral summer, while tropical North Atlantic (TNA) SST modulates rainfall and discharge variability in the lowlands. There also is a downward trend in the low-flow discharge of the lowland tributaries which is not observed in the Andes. Because low-flow discharge values at most lowland stations are negatively related to the SST in the tropical North Atlantic, these trends could be explained by the warming of this ocean since the 1970s.
EDITOR A. Castellarin

ASSOCIATE EDITOR A. Viglione  相似文献   

The identification of homogeneous precipitation regions has value in many water resources engineering applications (infrastructure planning, design, operations; climate forecasting, modelling). The objective of this paper is to assess the sensitivity of precipitation regions to the temporal resolution (monthly, seasonal, annual and the annual maximum series) of the data. The presented method uses the fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm to partition climate sites into statistically homogeneous precipitation regions. The regions are validated using an approach based on L-moment statistics. The method is conducted in two climatically different study areas in western and eastern Canada. There does not appear to be a relationship between the spatial distributions of the regions formed using different temporal resolutions of the precipitation data. It is recommended to delineate precipitation regions that are specific to the task at hand, and to select a temporal resolution that is consistent with the final application of the regional precipitation dataset.
EDITOR A. Castellarin; ASSOCIATE EDITOR T. Kjeldsen  相似文献   

Hydrologists use the generalized Pareto (GP) distribution in peaks-over-threshold (POT) modelling of extremes. A model with similar uses is the two-parameter kappa (KAP) distribution. KAP has had fewer hydrological applications than GP, but some studies have shown it to merit wider use. The problem of choosing between GP and KAP arises quite often in frequency analyses. This study, by comparing some discrimination methods between these two models, aims to show which method(s) is (are) recommended. Three specific methods are considered: one uses the Anderson-Darling goodness-of-fit (GoF) statistic, another uses the ratio of maximized likelihood (closely related to the Akaike information criterion and the Bayesian information criterion), and the third employs a normality transformation followed by application of the Shapiro-Wilk statistic. We show this last method to be the most recommendable, due to its advantages with sizes typically encountered in hydrology. We apply the simulation results to some flood POT datasets.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis; ASSOCIATE EDITOR E. Volpi  相似文献   


In this study, a multi-modelling approach is proposed for improved continuous daily streamflow estimation in ungauged basins using regionalization—the process of transferring hydrological data from gauged to ungauged watersheds. Four regionalization models, two data-driven and two hydrological, were used for continuous daily streamflow estimation. Comparison of the individual models reveals that each of the four models performed well on a limited number of ungauged basins while none of them performed well for the entire 90 selected watersheds. The results obtained from the four models are evaluated and reported in a deterministic way by a model combination approach along with its uncertainty range consisting of 16 ensemble members. It is shown that a combined model of the four individual models performed well on all 90 watersheds and the ensemble range can account for the uncertainty of models. The combined model was more efficient and appeared more robust compared to the individual models. Furthermore, continuous ranked probability scores (CRPS) calculated for the ensemble model outputs indicate better performance compared to individual models and competitive with the combined model.
EDITOR A. Castellarin ASSOCIATE EDITOR G. Di Baldassarre  相似文献   


Evaporation is one of the most important components in the energy and water budgets of lakes and is a primary process of water loss from their surfaces. An artificial neural network (ANN) technique is used in this study to estimate daily evaporation from Lake Vegoritis in northern Greece and is compared with the classical empirical methods of Penman, Priestley-Taylor and the mass transfer method. Estimation of the evaporation over the lake is based on the energy budget method in combination with a mathematical model of water temperature distribution in the lake. Daily datasets of air temperature, relative humidity, wind velocity, sunshine hours and evaporation are used for training and testing of ANN models. Several input combinations and different ANN architectures are tested to detect the most suitable model for predicting lake evaporation. The best structure obtained for the ANN evaporation model is 4-4-1, with root mean square error (RMSE) from 0.69 to 1.35 mm d?1 and correlation coefficient from 0.79 to 0.92.
EDITOR M.C. Acreman

ASSOCIATE EDITOR not assigned  相似文献   

The reliability of a levee system is a crucial factor in flood risk management. In this study we present a probabilistic methodology to assess the effects of levee cover strength on levee failure probability, triggering time, flood propagation and consequent impacts on population and assets. A method for determining fragility curves is used in combination with the results of a one-dimensional hydrodynamic model to estimate the conditional probability of levee failure in each river section. Then, a levee breach model is applied to calculate the possible flood hydrographs, and for each breach scenario a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model is used to estimate flood hazard (flood extent and timing, maximum water depths) and flood impacts (economic damage and affected population) in the areas at risk along the river reach. We show an application for levee overtopping and different flood scenarios for a 98 km reach of the lower Po River in Italy. The results show how different design solutions for the levee cover can influence the probability of levee failure and the consequent flood scenarios. In particular, good grass cover strength can significantly delay levee failure and reduce maximum flood depths in the flood-prone areas, thus helping the implementation of flood risk management actions.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis

ASSOCIATE EDITOR A. Viglione  相似文献   

Expressions for the expected values of GEV order statistics have been derived in simple summation form and in terms of probability weighted moments. Using exact plotting positions from GEV order statistics a new unbiased plotting position formula has been developed for the General Extreme Value distribution. The formula can, explicitly, take into account the coefficient of skewness, (or the shape parameter, k), of the underlying distribution.The developed formula better approximates the exact plotting positions as compared to other existing formulae and is quite easy to use.  相似文献   

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