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A step-up street canyon is a characteristic urban element composed of two buildings in which the height of the upwind building ( $H_\mathrm{u}$ ) is less than the height of the downwind building ( $H_\mathrm{d}$ ). Here, the effect of canyon geometry on the flow structure in isolated step-up street canyons is investigated through isothermal wind-tunnel measurements. The measurements were acquired along the vertical symmetry plane of model buildings using two-dimensional particle image velocimetry (PIV) for normal approach flow. The building-height ratios considered were: $H_\mathrm{d}/ H_\mathrm{u} \approx 3$ , and $H_\mathrm{d}/ H_\mathrm{u} \approx 1.67$ . For each building-height ratio, the along-wind lengths (L) of the upwind and downwind buildings, and the street-canyon width (S) were kept constant, with $L \approx S$ . The cross-wind widths (W) of the upwind and downwind buildings were varied uniformly from $W/S \approx 1$ through $W/S \approx 4$ , in increments of $W/S \approx 1$ . The objective of the work was to characterize the changes in the flow structure in step-up canyons as a function of W/S, for fixed L, S, and $H_\mathrm{d}/H_\mathrm{u}$ values. The results indicate that the in-canyon flow structure does not vary significantly for $H_\mathrm{d}/H_\mathrm{u} \approx 3$ for the W/S values considered. Qualitatively, for $H_\mathrm{d}/H_\mathrm{u} \approx 3$ , the upwind building behaves as an obstacle in the upwind cavity of the downwind building. In contrast, the flow patterns observed for the $H_\mathrm{d}/H_\mathrm{u} \approx 1.67$ configurations are unique and counter-intuitive, and depend strongly on building width (W/S). For $W/S \approx 1$ and $W/S \approx 2$ , the effect of lateral flow into the canyon is so prominent that even the mean flow patterns are highly ambiguous. For $W/S \approx 3$ and 4, the flow along the vertical symmetry plane is more shielded from the lateral flow, and hence a stable counter-rotating vortex pair is observed in the canyon. In addition to these qualitative features, a quantitative analysis of the mean flow field and turbulence stress field is presented.  相似文献   

Measurements of vertical fluxes and concentration differences above a spring wheat crop (height $h=0.9$ $0.95$  m, row spacing 0.25 m, displacement height $d=0.5$ $0.6$  m) were analyzed to determine the Schmidt numbers for water vapour ( $S^\mathrm{v}$ ) and carbon dioxide ( $S^\mathrm{c}$ ) based on concentration differences between intakes 2.55 and 3.54 m above the ground. During nearly-neutral stratification $S^\mathrm{v}(0) = 0.68 \pm 0.1$ while $S^\mathrm{c} = 0.78 \pm 0.2$ , implying that the roughness sublayer extended above $2.5 h$ .  相似文献   

Vertical mixing of the nocturnal stable boundary layer (SBL) over a complex land surface is investigated for a range of stabilities, using a decoupling index ( $0 < D_{rb} < 1$ ) based on the 2–50 m bulk gradient of the ubiquitous natural trace gas radon-222. The relationship between $D_{rb}$ and the bulk Richardson number ( $R_{ib}$ ) exhibits three broad regions: (1) a well-mixed region ( $D_{rb} \approx 0.05$ ) in weakly stable conditions ( $R_{ib} < 0.03$ ); (2) a steeply increasing region ( $0.05 < D_{rb} < 0.9$ ) for “transitional” stabilities ( $0.03 < R_{ib} < 1$ ); and (3) a decoupled region ( $D_{rb} \approx 0.9$ –1.0) in very stable conditions ( $R_{ib} > 1$ ). $D_{rb}$ exhibits a large variability within individual $R_{ib}$ bins, however, due to a range of competing processes influencing bulk mixing under different conditions. To explore these processes in $R_{ib}$ $D_{rb}$ space, we perform a bivariate analysis of the bulk thermodynamic gradients, various indicators of external influences, and key turbulence quantities at 10 and 50 m. Strong and consistent patterns are found, and five distinct regions in $R_{ib}$ $D_{rb}$ space are identified and associated with archetypal stable boundary-layer regimes. Results demonstrate that the introduction of a scalar decoupling index yields valuable information about turbulent mixing in the SBL that cannot be gained directly from a single bulk thermodynamic stability parameter. A significant part of the high variability observed in turbulence statistics during very stable conditions is attributable to changes in the degree of decoupling of the SBL from the residual layer above. When examined in $R_{ib}$ $D_{rb}$ space, it is seen that very different turbulence regimes can occur for the same value of $R_{ib}$ , depending on the particular combination of values for the bulk temperature gradient and wind shear, together with external factors. Extremely low turbulent variances and fluxes are found at 50 m height when $R_{ib} > 1$ and $D_{rb} \approx 1$ (fully decoupled). These “quiescent” cases tend to occur when geostrophic forcing is very weak and subsidence is present, but are not associated with the largest bulk temperature gradients. Humidity and net radiation data indicate the presence of low cloud, patchy fog or dew, any of which may aid decoupling in these cases by preventing temperature gradients from increasing sufficiently to favour gravity wave activity. The largest temperature gradients in our dataset are actually associated with smaller values of the decoupling index ( $D_{rb} < 0.7$ ), indicating the presence of mixing. Strong evidence is seen from enhanced turbulence levels, fluxes and submeso activity at 50 m, as well as high temperature variances and heat flux intermittencies at 10 m, suggesting this region of the $R_{ib}$ $D_{rb}$ distribution can be identified as a top-down mixing regime. This may indicate an important role for gravity waves and other wave-like phenomena in providing the energy required for sporadic mixing at this complex terrain site.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the temporal and height variations of the temperature structure parameter $C_\mathrm{T}^{2}$ in strongly convective situations derived from the sodar echo-signal intensity measurements were analyzed for the first 100 m. It was corroborated that the probability density function (pdf) of the logarithm of $C_\mathrm{T}^{2}$ in the lower convective boundary layer is markedly non-Gaussian, whereas turbulence theory predicts it to be normal. It was also corroborated that the sum of two weighted Gaussians, which characterize the statistics of $C_\mathrm{T}^{2}$ within convective plumes and in their environment and the probability of plume occurrence, well approximates the observed pdfs. It was shown that the height behaviour of the arithmetic mean of $ C_\mathrm{T}^{2}$ (both total and within plumes) follows well a power law $C_\mathrm{T}^{2} (z) \sim z^{-q}$ with the exponent $q$ close to the theoretically predicted value of 4/3. But for the geometrical means of $C_\mathrm{T}^{2}$ (both total and within the plumes), $q$ is close to 1. The difference between arithmetically and geometrically averaged $C_\mathrm{T}^{2}$ profiles was analyzed. The vertical profiles of the standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis of $\hbox {ln}C_\mathrm{T}^{2}$ pdfs were analyzed to show their steady behaviour with height. The standard deviations of the logarithm of $C_\mathrm{T}^{2}$ within the plumes and between them are similar and are 1.5 times less than the total standard deviation. The estimate of the variability index $F_\mathrm{T}$ and its height behaviour were obtained, which can be useful to validate some theoretical and modelling predictions. The vertical profiles of the skewness and kurtosis show the negative asymmetry of pdfs and their flatness, respectively. The spectra of variations in $\hbox {ln}C_\mathrm{T}^{2}$ are shown to be satisfactorily fitted by the power law $f^{-\gamma } $ in the frequency range 0.02 and 0.2 Hz, with the average exponent $\approx $ 1.27  $\pm $  0.22.  相似文献   

The air–sea transfer velocity of $\mathrm{CO}_{2}\, (k_{\mathrm{CO}_{2}})$ was investigated in a shallow estuary in March to July 2012, using eddy-covariance measurements of $\mathrm{CO}_{2}$ fluxes and measured air–sea $\mathrm{CO}_{2}$ partial-pressure differences. A data evaluation method that eliminates data by nine rejection criteria in order to heighten parametrization certainty is proposed. We tested the data evaluation method by comparing two datasets: one derived using quality criteria related solely to the eddy-covariance method, and the other derived using quality criteria based on both eddy-covariance and cospectral peak methods. The best parametrization of transfer velocity normalized to a Schmidt number of 600 $(k_{600})$ was determined to be: $k_{600} = 0.3\,{U_{10}}^{2.5}$ where $U_{10}$ is the wind speed in m $\mathrm{s}^{-1}$ at 10 m; $k_{600}$ is based on $\mathrm{CO}_{2}$ fluxes calculated by the eddy-covariance method and including the cospectral peak method criteria. At low wind speeds, the transfer velocity in the shallow water estuary was lower than in other coastal waters, possibly a symptom of low tidal amplitude leading to low intensity water turbulence. High transfer velocities were recorded above wind speeds of 5 m $\mathrm{s}^{-1}$ , believed to be caused by early-breaking waves and the large fetch (6.5 km) of the estuary. These findings indicate that turbulence in both air and water influences the transfer velocity.  相似文献   

The scalar flux–gradient relationships of temperature ( $\phi _{T}$ ? T ) and specific humidity ( $\phi _{q}$ ? q ) under unstable conditions are investigated using eddy-covariance measurements of air–sea turbulent fluxes and vertical profiles of temperature and specific humidity collected from a marine meteorological platform. The gradients of temperature and specific humidity are obtained from measurements at five heights above the sea surface using the log-square fitting method and the simpler first-order approximation method. The two methods yield similar results. The proposed flux–gradient relationships $\phi _{T}$ ? T and $\phi _{q}$ ? q covers a wide range of instability: the stability parameter $\zeta $ ζ ranges from $-$ ? 0.1 to $-$ ? 50. The functional form of the proposed flux–gradient relationships is an interpolation between the Businger–Dyer relation and the free convection relation, which includes the “ $-$ ? 1/2” and “ $-$ ? 1/3” scaling laws at two different stability regimes. The widely used COARE 3.0 algorithm, which is an interpolation between the integrals of the Businger–Dyer and the free convection relations, is also evaluated and compared. The analysis and comparisons show that both schemes generate reasonable values of $\phi _{q}$ ? q in the whole unstable regime. The COARE 3.0 algorithm, however, overestimates $\phi _{T}$ ? T values under very unstable conditions. The errors in the flux–gradient relationships induced by the random errors in the turbulence measurements are assessed. When the random errors are taken into account, the observations agree with predictions of various schemes fairly well, implying that the dominant transport mechanism is adequately captured by the Monin–Obukhov similarity theory. The study also shows that $\phi _{q}$ ? q is significantly ${>}\phi _{T}$ > ? T under unstable conditions and that the ratio $\phi _{q}/\phi _{T}$ ? q / ? T increases with $-\zeta $ ? ζ . The ratio of $\phi _{q}$ ? q to $\phi _{T}$ ? T and the ratio of turbulent transport efficiencies of heat and water vapour ( $R_{wT}/R_{wq}$ R wT / R wq ) suggest that heat is transported more efficiently than water vapour under unstable conditions.  相似文献   

The current outbreak of mountain pine beetle (MPB) that started in the late 1990s in British Columbia, Canada, is the largest ever recorded in the north American native habitat of the beetle. The killing of trees is expected to change the vertical distribution of net radiation ( $Q^*$ Q ? ) and the partitioning of latent ( $Q_\mathrm{E}$ Q E ) and sensible ( $Q_\mathrm{H}$ Q H ) heat fluxes in the different layers of an attacked forest canopy. During an intensive observation period in the summer of 2010, eddy-covariance flux and radiation measurements were made at seven heights from ground level up to 1.34 times the canopy height in an MPB-attacked open-canopy forest stand $(\hbox {leaf area index} = 0.55~\mathrm{{m}}^{2}\ \mathrm{{m}}^{-2})$ ( leaf area index = 0.55 m 2 m - 2 ) in the interior of British Columbia, Canada. The lodgepole pine dominated stand with a rich secondary structure (trees and understorey not killed by the beetle) was first attacked by the MPB in 2003 and received no management. In this study, the vertical distribution of the energy balance components and their sources and sinks were analyzed and energy balance closure (EBC) was determined for various levels within the canopy. The low stand density resulted in approximately 60 % of the shortwave irradiance and 50 % of the daily total $Q^*$ Q ? reaching the ground. Flux divergence calculations indicated relatively strong sources of latent heat at the ground and where the secondary structure was located. Only very weak sources of latent heat were found in the upper part of the canopy, which was mainly occupied by dead lodgepole pine trees. $Q_\mathrm{H}$ Q H was the dominant term throughout the canopy, and the Bowen ratio ( $Q_\mathrm{H}/Q_\mathrm{E}$ Q H / Q E ) increased with height in the canopy. Soil heat flux ( $Q_\mathrm{G}$ Q G ) accounted for approximately 4 % of $Q^*$ Q ? . Sensible heat storage in the air ( $\Delta Q_\mathrm{S,H}$ Δ Q S , H ) was the largest of the energy balance storage components in the upper canopy during daytime, while in the lower canopy sensible heat storage in the boles ( $\Delta Q_\mathrm{S,B}$ Δ Q S , B ) and biochemical energy storage ( $\Delta Q_\mathrm{S,C}$ Δ Q S , C ) were the largest terms. $\Delta Q_\mathrm{S,H}$ Δ Q S , H was almost constant from the bottom to above the canopy. $\Delta Q_\mathrm{S,C}$ Δ Q S , C , $\Delta Q_\mathrm{S,B}$ Δ Q S , B and latent heat storage in the air ( $\Delta Q_\mathrm{S,E}$ Δ Q S , E ) varied more than $\Delta Q_\mathrm{S,H}$ Δ Q S , H throughout the canopy. During daytime, energy balance closure was high in and above the upper canopy, and in the lowest canopy level. However, where the secondary structure was most abundant, ${\textit{EBC}} \le 66\,\%$ EBC ≤ 66 % . During nighttime, the storage terms together with $Q_\mathrm{G}$ Q G made up the largest part of the energy balance, while $Q_\mathrm{H}$ Q H and $Q_\mathrm{E}$ Q E were relatively small. These radiation and energy balance measurements in an insect-attacked forest highlight the role of secondary structure in the recovery of attacked stands.  相似文献   

In order to investigate effects of interactions between turbulence and gravity waves in the stable boundary layer on similarity theory relationships, we re-examined a dataset, collected during three April nights in 1978 and in 1980 on the 300-m tower of the Boulder Atmospheric Observatory (BAO). The BAO site, located in Erie, Colorado, USA, 30 km east of the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, has been known for the frequent detection of wave activities. The considered profiles of turbulent fluxes and variances were normalized by two local, gradient-based scaling systems, and subsequently compared with similarity functions of the Richardson number, obtained based on data with no influence of gravity currents and topographical factors. The first scaling system was based on local values of the vertical velocity variance $\sigma _\mathrm{w}$ and the Brunt–Väisäla frequency $ N,$ while the second one was based on the temperature variance $\sigma _{\theta }$ and $N.$ Analysis showed some departures from the similarity functions (obtained for data with virtually no influence of mesoscale motions); nonetheless the overall dependency of dimensionless moments on the Richardson number was maintained.  相似文献   

In Kochendorfer et al. (Boundary-Layer Meteorol 145:383–398, 2012, hereafter K2012) the vertical wind speed $(w)$ measured by a non-orthogonal three-dimensional sonic anemometer was shown to be underestimated by $\approx $ 12 %. Turbulent statistics and eddy-covariance fluxes estimated using $w$ were also affected by this underestimate in $w$ . Methodologies used in K2012 are clarified here in response to Mauder’s comment. In addition, further analysis of the K2012 study is presented to help address questions raised in the comment. Specific responses are accompanied with examples of time series, calculated correlation coefficients, and additional explanation of the K2012 methods and assumptions. The discussion and analysis included in the comment and in this response do not affect the validity of the methods or conclusions presented in K2012.  相似文献   

In a valley sheltered from strong synoptic effects, the dynamics of the valley atmosphere at night is dominated by katabatic winds. In a stably stratified atmosphere, these winds undergo temporal oscillations, whose frequency is given by $N \sin {\alpha }$ N sin α for an infinitely long slope of constant slope angle $\alpha $ α , $N$ N being the buoyancy frequency. Such an unsteady flow in a stably stratified atmosphere may also generate internal gravity waves (IGWs). The numerical study by Chemel et al. (Meteorol Atmos Phys 203:187–194, 2009) showed that, in the stable atmosphere of a deep valley, the oscillatory motions associated with the IGWs generated by katabatic winds are distinct from those of the katabatic winds. The IGW frequency was found to be independent of $\alpha $ α and about $0.8N$ 0.8 N . Their study did not consider the effects of the background stratification and valley geometry on these results. The present work extends this study by investigating those effects for a wide range of stratifications and slope angles, through numerical simulations for a deep valley. The two oscillatory systems are reproduced in the simulations. The frequency of the oscillations of the katabatic winds is found to be equal to $N$ N times the sine of the maximum slope angle. Remarkably, the IGW frequency is found to also vary as $C_\mathrm{w}N$ C w N , with $C_\mathrm{w}$ C w in the range $0.7$ 0.7 $0.95$ 0.95 . These values for $C_\mathrm{w}$ C w are similar to those reported for IGWs radiated by any turbulent field with no dominant frequency component. Results suggest that the IGW wavelength is controlled by the valley depth.  相似文献   

The air–sea $\text{ CO }_{2}$ flux was measured from a research vessel in the North Yellow Sea in October 2007 using an open-path eddy-covariance technique. In 11 out of 64 samples, the normalized spectra of scalars ( $\text{ CO }_{2}$ , water vapour, and temperature) showed similarities. However, in the remaining samples, the normalized $\text{ CO }_{2}$ spectra were observed to be greater than those of water vapour and temperature at low frequencies. In this paper, the noise due to cross-sensitivity was identified through a combination of intercomparisons among the normalized spectra of three scalars and additional analyses. Upon examination, the cross-sensitivity noise appeared to be mainly present at frequencies ${<}0.8\,\text{ Hz }$ . Our analysis also suggested that the high-frequency fluctuations of $\text{ CO }_{2}$ concentration (frequency ${>}0.8\,\text{ Hz }$ ) was probably less affected by the cross-sensitivity. To circumvent the cross-sensitivity issue, the cospectrum in the high-frequency range 0.8–1.5 Hz, instead of the whole range, was used to estimate the $\text{ CO }_{2}$ flux by taking the contribution of the high frequency to the $\text{ CO }_{2}$ flux to be the same as the contribution to the water vapour flux. The estimated air–sea $\text{ CO }_{2}$ flux in the North Yellow Sea was $-0.039\,\pm \,0.048\,\text{ mg } \text{ m }^{-2}\,\text{ s }^{-1},$ a value comparable to the estimates using the inertial dissipation method and Edson’s method (Edson et al., J Geophys Res 116:C00F10, 2011).  相似文献   

The structure parameters of temperature and humidity are important in scintillometry as they determine the structure parameter of the refractive index of air, the primary atmospheric variable obtained with scintillometers. In this study, we investigate the variability of the logarithm of the Monin-Obukhov-scaled structure parameters (denoted as $\log ({\widetilde{C_{s}^2}_{\mathrm {}}})$ ) of temperature and humidity. We use observations from eddy-covariance systems operated at three heights (2.5, 50, and 90 m) within the atmospheric surface layer under unstable conditions. The variability of $\log ({\widetilde{C_{s}^2}_{\mathrm {}}})$ depends on instability and on the size of the averaging window over which $\log ({\widetilde{C_{s}^2}_{\mathrm {}}})$ is calculated. If instability increases, differences in $\log ({\widetilde{C_{s}^2}_{\mathrm {}}})$ between upward motions (large $C_{s}^2$ ) and downward motions (small $C_{s}^2$ ) increase. The differences are, however, not sufficiently large to result in a bimodal probability density function. If the averaging window size increases, the variances of $\log ({\widetilde{C_{s}^2}_{\mathrm {}}})$ decrease. A linear regression of the variances of $\log ({\widetilde{C_{s}^2}_{\mathrm {}}})$ versus the averaging window size for various stability classes shows an increase of both the offset and slope (in absolute sense) with increasing instability. For temperature, data from the three heights show comparable results. For humidity, in contrast, the offset and slope are larger at 50 and 90 m than at 2.5 m. In the end we discuss how these findings could be used to assess whether observed differences in $C_{s}^2$ along a scintillometer path or aircraft flight leg are just within the range of local variability in $C_{s}^2$ or could be attributed to surface heterogeneity. This is important for the interpretation of data measured above a heterogeneous surface.  相似文献   

A semi-analytical scheme is proposed to parametrize the Obukhov stability parameter \(\zeta \) (= \(z/L\) ; \(z\) is the height above the ground and \(L\) is the Obukhov length) in terms of the bulk Richardson number ( \(R_{iB}\) ) in unstable conditions within the framework of Monin–Obukhov similarity (MOS) theory. The scheme involves, (i) a solution of a cubic equation in \(\zeta \) whose coefficients depend on the gradient Richardson number ( \(R_{i}\) ), and (ii) a relationship between \(R_{i}\) and \(R_{iB}\) . The proposed scheme is applicable for a wide range (i) \(-5\le R_{iB}\le 0\) , (ii) \(0\le \hbox {ln}(z_{0}/z_{h})\le 29.0\) , and (iii) \(10\le z/z_{0}\le 10^{5}\) and performs relatively better than all other schemes in terms of accuracy in computation of surface-layer transfer coefficients. The absolute errors in computing the transfer coefficients do not exceed 7 %. The analysis presented here is found to be valid for different \(\gamma _{m}\) and \(\gamma _{h}\) appearing in the expressions of the similarity functions \(\varphi _{m}\) and \(\varphi _{h}\) (representing non-dimensional wind and temperature profiles), so long as the ratio of \(\gamma _{m}\) to \(\gamma _{h} \ge 1\) . The improved scheme can be easily employed in atmospheric modelling for a comprehensive range of \(R_{iB}\) and a variety of surfaces.  相似文献   

Scintillometer measurements of the turbulence inner-scale length $l_\mathrm{o }$ l o and refractive index structure function $C_n^2$ C n 2 allow for the retrieval of large-scale area-averaged turbulent fluxes in the atmospheric surface layer. This retrieval involves the solution of the non-linear set of equations defined by the Monin–Obukhov similarity hypothesis. A new method that uses an analytic solution to the set of equations is presented, which leads to a stable and efficient numerical method of computation that has the potential of eliminating computational error. Mathematical expressions are derived that map out the sensitivity of the turbulent flux measurements to uncertainties in source measurements such as $l_\mathrm{o }$ l o . These sensitivity functions differ from results in the previous literature; the reasons for the differences are explored.  相似文献   

For many decades, attempts have been made to find the universal value of the critical bulk Richardson number ( $Ri_{Bc}$ ; defined over the entire stable boundary layer). By analyzing an extensive large-eddy simulation database and various published wind-tunnel data, we show that $Ri_{Bc}$ is not a constant, rather it strongly depends on bulk atmospheric stability. A (qualitatively) similar dependency, based on the well-known resistance laws, was reported by Melgarejo and Deardorff (J Atmos Sci 31:1324–1333, 1974) about forty years ago. To the best of our knowledge, this result has largely been ignored. Based on data analysis, we find that the stability-dependent $Ri_{Bc}$ estimates boundary-layer height more accurately than the conventional constant $Ri_{Bc}$ approach. Furthermore, our results indicate that the common practice of setting $Ri_{Bc}$ as a constant in numerical modelling studies implicitly constrains the bulk stability of the simulated boundary layer. The proposed stability-dependent $Ri_{Bc}$ does not suffer from such an inappropriate constraint.  相似文献   

Similarity Scaling Over a Steep Alpine Slope   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
In this study, we investigate the validity of similarity scaling over a steep mountain slope (30–41 $^\circ $ ). The results are based on eddy-covariance data collected during the Slope Experiment near La Fouly (SELF-2010); a field campaign conducted in a narrow valley of the Swiss Alps during summer 2010. The turbulent fluxes of heat and momentum are found to vary significantly with height in the first few metres above the inclined surface. These variations exceed by an order of magnitude the well-accepted maximum 10 % required for the applicability of Monin–Obukhov similarity theory in the surface layer. This could be due to a surface layer that is too thin to be detected or to the presence of advective fluxes. It is shown that local scaling can be a useful tool in these cases when surface-layer theory breaks down. Under convective conditions and after removing the effects of self-correlation, the normalized standard deviations of slope-normal wind velocity, temperature and humidity scale relatively well with $z/\varLambda $ , where $z$ is the measurement height and $\varLambda (z)$ the local Obukhov length. However, the horizontal velocity fluctuations are not correlated with $z/\varLambda $ under all stability regimes. The non-dimensional gradients of wind velocity and temperature are also investigated. For those, the local scaling appears inappropriate, particularly at night when shallow drainage flows prevail and lead to negative wind-speed gradients close to the surface.  相似文献   

The bulk Richardson number ( $Ri_{Bh}$ ; defined over the entire stable boundary layer) is commonly utilized in observational and modelling studies for the estimation of the boundary-layer height. Traditionally, $Ri_{Bh}$ is assumed to be a quasi-universal constant. Recently, based on large-eddy simulation and wind-tunnel data, a stability-dependent relationship has been proposed for $Ri_{Bh}$ . In this study, we analyze extensive observational data from several field campaigns and provide further support for this newly proposed relationship.  相似文献   

Methane ( ${\mathrm {CH}}_{4}$ ) fluxes observed with the eddy-covariance technique using an open-path ${\mathrm {CH}}_{4}$ analyzer and a closed-path ${\mathrm {CH}}_{4}$ analyzer in a rice paddy field were evaluated with an emphasis on the flux correction methodology. A comparison of the fluxes obtained by the analyzers revealed that both the open-path and closed-path techniques were reliable, provided that appropriate corrections were applied. For the open-path approach, the influence of fluctuations in air density and the line shape variation in laser absorption spectroscopy (hereafter, spectroscopic effect) was significant, and the relative importance of these corrections would increase when observing small ${\mathrm {CH}}_{4}$ fluxes. A new procedure proposed by Li-Cor Inc. enabled us to accurately adjust for these effects. The high-frequency loss of the open-path ${\mathrm {CH}}_{4}$ analyzer was relatively large (11 % of the uncorrected covariance) at an observation height of 2.5 m above the canopy owing to its longer physical path length, and this correction should be carefully applied before correcting for the influence of fluctuations in air density and the spectroscopic effect. Uncorrected ${\mathrm {CH}}_{4}$ fluxes observed with the closed-path analyzer were substantially underestimated (37 %) due to high-frequency loss because an undersized pump was used in the observation. Both the bandpass and transfer function approaches successfully corrected this flux loss. Careful determination of the bandpass frequency range or the transfer function and the cospectral model is required for the accurate calculation of ${\mathrm {CH}}_{4}$ fluxes with the closed-path technique.  相似文献   

Measurement flights with the meteorological mini aerial vehicle (M $^2$ AV) were performed in spring 2011 to assess the capability of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to measure the structure of the transition zone between the convective boundary layer and the stably stratified free atmosphere. The campaign took place at the Meteorological Observatory Lindenberg/Richard-Aßmann-Observatory of the German Meteorological Service. Besides the M $^2$ AV flights, observations were made from a 12-m and a 99-m tower, a sodar, two ceilometers, radiosondes, and a tethered balloon with sensor packages at six different levels. M $^2$ AV measurements were intentionally combined with remote sensing systems. The height range of the entrainment zone as well as its diurnal cycle were provided by the remote sensing instruments. The UAV provided the high-resolution in situ data of temperature and wind for the study of turbulent processes. It is shown that the M $^2$ AV is able to maintain constant altitude with very small deviations—a pre-requisite to study processes inside the often quite thin entrainment zone and that M $^2$ AV high-resolution wind and temperature measurements allow for very detailed studies of the fine structure of the atmosphere and thus for the identification of quite local and/or short-duration processes such as overshooting thermals or downward intrusions of warm air. Spatial series measured by the M $^2$ AV during horizontal flights show turbulent exchange of heat in short turbulent bursts at heights close to and within the entrainment zone. Scaled vertical profiles of vertical velocity, potential temperature variance, and sensible heat flux confirm the general shape found by previous measurements and numerical studies.  相似文献   

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