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One of the predictions of the standard cold dark matter model is that dark haloes have centrally divergent density profiles. An extensive body of rotation curve observations of dwarf and low surface brightness galaxies shows the dark haloes of those systems to be characterized by soft constant-density central cores. Several physical processes have been proposed to produce soft cores in dark haloes, each one with different scaling properties. With the aim of discriminating among them we have examined the rotation curves of dark-matter-dominated dwarf and low surface brightness galaxies and the inner mass profiles of two clusters of galaxies lacking a central cD galaxy and with evidence of soft cores in the centre. The core radii and central densities of these haloes scale in a well-defined manner with the depth of their potential wells, as measured through the maximum circular velocity. As a result of our analysis we identify self-interacting cold dark matter as a viable solution to the core problem, where a non-singular isothermal core is formed in the halo centre surrounded by a Navarro, Frenk & White profile in the outer parts. We show that this particular physical situation predicts core radii in agreement with observations. Furthermore, using the observed scalings, we derive an expression for the minimum cross-section ( σ ) which has an explicit dependence with the halo dispersion velocity ( v ). If m x is the mass of the dark matter particle: σ m x ≈4×10−25 (100 km s−1  v −1) cm2 GeV−1.  相似文献   

We use high-quality optical rotation curves of nine low-luminosity disc galaxies to obtain the velocity profiles of the surrounding dark matter haloes. We find that they increase linearly with radius at least out to the edge of the stellar disc, implying that, over the entire stellar region, the density of the dark halo is about constant.
The properties of the mass structure of these haloes are similar to those found for a number of dwarf and low surface brightness galaxies, but provide a more substantial evidence of the discrepancy between the halo mass distribution predicted in the cold dark matter scenario and those actually detected around galaxies. We find that the density law proposed by Burkert reproduces the halo rotation curves, with halo central densities ( ρ 0∼1–4×10−24 g cm−3) and core radii ( r 0∼5–15 kpc) scaling as ρ 0∝ r 0−2/3.  相似文献   

We investigate the figure rotation of dark matter haloes identified in Λ cold dark matter (CDM) simulations. We find that when strict criteria are used to select suitable haloes for study, five of the 222 haloes identified in our   z = 0  simulation output undergo coherent figure rotation over a  5 h −1 Gyr  period. We discuss the effects of varying the selection criteria and find that pattern speeds for a much larger fraction of the haloes can be measured when the criteria are relaxed. Pattern speeds measured over a  1 h −1 Gyr  period follow a lognormal distribution, centred at  Ωp= 0.2 h rad Gyr−1  with a maximum value of 0.94 h rad Gyr−1. Over a  5 h −1 Gyr  period, the average pattern speed of a halo is about  0.1 h rad Gyr−1  and the largest pattern speed found is  0.24 h rad Gyr−1  . Less than half of the selected haloes showed alignment between their figure rotation axis and minor axis, the exact fraction being somewhat dependent on how one defines a halo. While the pattern speeds observed are lower than those generally thought capable of causing spiral structure, we note that coherent figure rotation is found over very long periods and argue that further simulations would be required before strong conclusions about spiral structure in all galaxies could be drawn. We find no correlation between halo properties such as total mass and the pattern speed.  相似文献   

We confirm and extend the recent finding that the central surface density  μ0D≡ r 0ρ0  of galaxy dark matter haloes, where r 0 and  ρ0  are the halo core radius and central density, is nearly constant and independent of galaxy luminosity. Based on the co-added rotation curves (RCs) of ∼1000 spiral galaxies, the mass models of individual dwarf irregular and spiral galaxies of late and early types with high-quality RCs, and the galaxy–galaxy weak-lensing signals from a sample of spiral and elliptical galaxies, we find that  log μ0D= 2.15 ± 0.2  in units of  log(M pc−2)  . We also show that the observed kinematics of Local Group dwarf spheroidal galaxies are consistent with this value. Our results are obtained for galactic systems spanning over 14 mag, belonging to different Hubble types and whose mass profiles have been determined by several independent methods. In the same objects, the approximate constancy of  μ0D  is in sharp contrast to the systematical variations, by several orders of magnitude, of galaxy properties, including  ρ0  and central stellar surface density.  相似文献   

Mass-to-light ratio gradients in early-type galaxy haloes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Owing to the fact that the near future should see a rapidly expanding set of probes of the halo masses of individual early-type galaxies, we introduce a convenient parameter for characterizing the halo masses from both observational and theoretical results:  ∇ϒ  , the logarithmic radial gradient of the mass-to-light ratio. Using halo density profiles from Λ-cold dark matter (CDM) simulations, we derive predictions for this gradient for various galaxy luminosities and star formation efficiencies  εSF  . As a pilot study, we assemble the available  ∇ϒ  data from kinematics in early-type galaxies – representing the first unbiased study of halo masses in a wide range of early-type galaxy luminosities – and find a correlation between luminosity and  ∇ϒ  , such that the brightest galaxies appear the most dark-matter dominated. We find that the gradients in most of the brightest galaxies may fit in well with the ΛCDM predictions, but that there is also a population of fainter galaxies whose gradients are so low as to imply an unreasonably high star formation efficiency  εSF > 1  . This difficulty is eased if dark haloes are not assumed to have the standard ΛCDM profiles, but lower central concentrations.  相似文献   

We present the Millennium-II Simulation (MS-II), a very large N -body simulation of dark matter evolution in the concordance Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) cosmology. The MS-II assumes the same cosmological parameters and uses the same particle number and output data structure as the original Millennium Simulation (MS), but was carried out in a periodic cube one-fifth the size  (100  h −1 Mpc)  with five times better spatial resolution (a Plummer equivalent softening of  1.0  h −1 kpc  ) and with 125 times better mass resolution (a particle mass of  6.9 × 106  h −1 M  ). By comparing results at MS and MS-II resolution, we demonstrate excellent convergence in dark matter statistics such as the halo mass function, the subhalo abundance distribution, the mass dependence of halo formation times, the linear and non-linear autocorrelations and power spectra, and halo assembly bias. Together, the two simulations provide precise results for such statistics over an unprecedented range of scales, from haloes similar to those hosting Local Group dwarf spheroidal galaxies to haloes corresponding to the richest galaxy clusters. The 'Milky Way' haloes of the Aquarius Project were selected from a lower resolution version of the MS-II and were then resimulated at much higher resolution. As a result, they are present in the MS-II along with thousands of other similar mass haloes. A comparison of their assembly histories in the MS-II and in resimulations of 1000 times better resolution shows detailed agreement over a factor of 100 in mass growth. We publicly release halo catalogues and assembly trees for the MS-II in the same format within the same archive as those already released for the MS.  相似文献   

We use a high-resolution ΛCDM numerical simulation to calculate the mass function of dark matter haloes down to the scale of dwarf galaxies, back to a redshift of 15, in a  50 h −1 Mpc  volume containing 80 million particles. Our low-redshift results allow us to probe low-σ density fluctuations significantly beyond the range of previous cosmological simulations. The Sheth & Tormen mass function provides an excellent match to all of our data except for redshifts of 10 and higher, where it overpredicts halo numbers increasingly with redshift, reaching roughly 50 per cent for the  1010–1011 M  haloes sampled at redshift 15. Our results confirm previous findings that the simulated halo mass function can be described solely by the variance of the mass distribution, and thus has no explicit redshift dependence. We provide an empirical fit to our data that corrects for the overprediction of extremely rare objects by the Sheth & Tormen mass function. This overprediction has implications for studies that use the number densities of similarly rare objects as cosmological probes. For example, the number density of high-redshift  ( z ≃ 6) QSOs  , which are thought to be hosted by haloes at 5σ peaks in the fluctuation field, are likely to be overpredicted by at least a factor of 50 per cent. We test the sensitivity of our results to force accuracy, starting redshift and halo-finding algorithm.  相似文献   

Using high-resolution simulations within the cold dark matter (CDM) and warm dark matter (WDM) models, we study the evolution of small-scale structure in the local volume, a sphere of 8-Mpc radius around the Local Group. We compare the observed spectrum of minivoids in the local volume with the spectrum of minivoids determined from the simulations. We show that the ΛWDM model can easily explain both the observed spectrum of minivoids and the presence of low-mass galaxies observed in the local volume, provided that all haloes with circular velocities greater than 20 km s−1 host galaxies. On the contrary, within the ΛCDM model the distribution of the simulated minivoids reflects the observed one if haloes with maximal circular velocities larger than  35 km s−1  host galaxies. This assumption is in contradiction with observations of galaxies with circular velocities as low as 20 km s−1 in our local Universe. A potential problem of the ΛWDM model could be the late formation of the haloes in which the gas can be efficiently photoevaporated. Thus, star formation is suppressed and low-mass haloes might not host any galaxy at all.  相似文献   

Recent images taken with the Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) of the interacting disc galaxies NGC 4038/4039 (the Antennae) reveal clusters of many dozens and possibly hundreds of young compact massive star clusters within projected regions spanning about 100 to 500 pc. It is shown here that a large fraction of the individual star clusters merge within a few tens to a hundred Myr. Bound stellar systems with radii of a few hundred parsecs, masses ≲ 109 M⊙ and relaxation times of 1011 − 1012 yr may form from these. These spheroidal dwarf galaxies contain old stars from the pre-merger galaxy and much younger stars formed in the massive star clusters, and possibly from later gas accretion events. The possibility that star formation in the outer regions of gas-rich tidal tails may also lead to superclusters is raised. The mass-to-light ratio of these objects is small, because they contain an insignificant amount of dark matter. After many hundred Myr such systems may resemble dwarf spheroidal satellite galaxies with large apparent mass-to-light ratios, if tidal shaping is important.  相似文献   

If dark haloes are composed of dense gas clouds, as has recently been inferred, then collisions between clouds lead to galaxy evolution. Collisions introduce a core in an initially singular dark matter distribution, and can thus help to reconcile scale-free initial conditions – such as are found in simulations – with observed haloes, which have cores. A pseudo-Tully–Fisher relation, between halo circular speed and visible mass (not luminosity), emerges naturally from the model: M vis∝ V 7/2.
Published data conform astonishingly well to this theoretical prediction. For our sample of galaxies, the mass–velocity relationship has much less scatter than the Tully–Fisher relation, and holds as well for dwarf galaxies (where diffuse gas makes a sizeable contribution to the total visible mass) as it does for giants. It seems very likely that this visible-mass/velocity relationship is the underlying physical basis for the Tully–Fisher relation, and this discovery in turn suggests that the dark matter is both baryonic and collisional.  相似文献   

We present 21-cm H  i line observations of the blue compact dwarf galaxy NGC 1705. Previous optical observations show a strong outflow powered by an ongoing starburst dominating the H  ii morphology and kinematics. In contrast, most of the H  i lies in a rotating disc. An extraplanar H  i spur accounts for ∼8 per cent of the total H  i mass, and is possibly associated with the H  ii outflow. The inferred mass loss rate out of the core of the galaxy is significant, ∼0.2 − 2 M yr−1, but does not dominate the H  i dynamics. Mass model fits to the rotation curve show that the dark matter (DM) halo is dominant at nearly all radii and has a central density ρ0 ≈ 0.1 M pc−3: ten times higher than typically found in dwarf irregular galaxies, but similar to the only other mass-modelled blue compact dwarf, NGC 2915. This large difference strongly indicates that there is little evolution between dwarf irregular and blue compact dwarf types. Instead, dominant DM haloes may regulate the morphology of dwarf galaxies by setting the critical surface density for disc star formation. Neither our data nor catalogue searches reveal any likely external trigger to the starburst in NGC 1705.  相似文献   

The observed rotation curves of dark matter-dominated dwarf galaxies indicate low-density cores, contrary to the predictions of CDM models. A possible solution of this problem involves stellar feedback. A strong baryonic wind driven by vigorous star formation can remove a large fraction of the gas, causing the dark matter to expand. Using both numerical and analytical techniques, we explore the maximum effect of the feedback with an instantaneous removal of the gaseous disc. The energy input depends on the compactness of the disc, hence the specific angular momentum of the disc. For the plausible cosmological parameters and a wide range of the disc angular momenta, the feedback is insufficient to destroy the central halo cusp, while the inner density is lowered only by a modest factor of 2 to 6. Any realistic modelling of the feedback would have even lesser impact on dark matter. We find that no star formation effect can resolve the problems of CDM cusps.  相似文献   

We present predictions for the line-of-sight velocity dispersion profiles of dwarf spheroidal galaxies and compare them to observations in the case of the Fornax dwarf. The predictions are made in the framework of standard dynamical theory of spherical systems with different velocity distributions. The stars are assumed to be distributed according to Sérsic laws with parameters fitted to observations. We compare predictions obtained assuming the presence of dark matter haloes (with density profiles adopted from N -body simulations) with those resulting from Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND). If the anisotropy of velocity distribution is treated as a free parameter, observational data for Fornax are reproduced equally well by models with dark matter and with MOND. If stellar mass-to-light ratio of 1 M/L is assumed, the required mass of the dark halo is     , two orders of magnitude larger than the mass in stars. The derived MOND acceleration scale is     . In both cases a certain amount of tangential anisotropy in the velocity distribution is needed to reproduce the shape of the velocity dispersion profile in Fornax.  相似文献   

N -body simulations predict that cold dark matter (CDM) halo-assembly occurs in two phases: (i) a fast-accretion phase with a rapidly deepening potential well; and (ii) a slow-accretion phase characterized by a gentle addition of mass to the outer halo with little change in the inner potential well. We demonstrate, using one-dimensional simulations, that this two-phase accretion leads to CDM haloes of the Navarro, Frenk & White (NFW) form and provides physical insight into the properties of the mass-accretion history that influence the final profile. Assuming that the velocities of CDM particles are effectively isotropized by fluctuations in the gravitational potential during the fast-accretion phase, we show that gravitational collapse in this phase leads to an inner profile  ρ( r ) ∝ r −1  . Slow accretion on to an established potential well leads to an outer profile with  ρ( r ) ∝ r −3  . The concentration of a halo is determined by the fraction of mass that is accreted during the fast-accretion phase. Using an ensemble of realistic mass-accretion histories, we show that the model predictions of the dependence of halo concentration on halo formation time and, hence, the dependence of halo concentration on halo mass, and the distribution of halo concentrations all match those found in cosmological N -body simulations. Using a simple analytic model that captures much of the important physics, we show that the inner   r −1  profile of CDM haloes is a natural result of hierarchical mass assembly with an initial phase of rapid accretion.  相似文献   

We present new models for the formation of disc galaxies that improve upon previous models by following the detailed accretion and cooling of the baryonic mass, and by using realistic distributions of specific angular momentum. Under the assumption of detailed angular momentum conservation, the discs that form have density distributions that are more centrally concentrated than an exponential. We examine the influence of star formation, bulge formation, and feedback on the outcome of the surface brightness distributions of the stars. Low angular momentum haloes yield disc galaxies with a significant bulge component and with a stellar disc that is close to exponential, in good agreement with observations. High angular momentum haloes, on the other hand, produce stellar discs that are much more concentrated than an exponential, in clear conflict with observations. At large radii, the models reveal distinct truncation radii in both the stars and the cold gas. The stellar truncation radii result from our implementation of star formation threshold densities, and are in excellent agreement with observations. The truncation radii in the density distribution of the cold gas reflect the maximum specific angular momentum of the gas that has cooled. We find that these truncation radii occur at H  i surface densities of roughly 1 M pc−2, in conflict with observations. We examine various modifications to our models, including feedback, viscosity, and dark matter haloes with constant-density cores, but show that the models consistently fail to produce bulge less discs with exponential surface brightness profiles. This signals a new problem for the standard model of disc formation: if the baryonic component of the protogalaxies out of which disc galaxies form has the same angular momentum distribution as the dark matter, discs are too compact.  相似文献   

The alignment of clusters of galaxies with their nearest neighbours and between clusters within a supercluster is investigated using simulations of 5123 dark matter particles for ΛCDM and τ CDM cosmological models. Strongly significant alignments are found for separations of up to 15  h −1 Mpc in both cosmologies, but for the ΛCDM model the alignments extend up to separations of 30  h −1 Mpc. The effect is strongest for nearest neighbours, but is not significant enough to be useful as an observational discriminant between cosmologies. As a check of whether this difference in alignments is present in other cosmologies, smaller simulations with 2563 particles are investigated for four different cosmological models. Because of poor number statistics, only the standard CDM model shows indications of having different alignments from the other models.  相似文献   

We use the Millennium Simulation (MS) to measure the cross-correlation between halo centres and mass (or equivalently the average density profiles of dark haloes) in a Lambda cold dark matter (ΛCDM) cosmology. We present results for radii in the range  10  h −1 kpc < r < 30  h −1 Mpc  and for halo masses in the range  4 × 1010 < M 200 < 4 × 1014  h −1 M  . Both at   z = 0  and at   z = 0.76  these cross-correlations are surprisingly well fitted if the inner region is approximated by a density profile of NFW or Einasto form, the outer region by a biased version of the linear mass autocorrelation function, and the maximum of the two is adopted where they are comparable. We use a simulation of galaxy formation within the MS to explore how these results are reflected in cross-correlations between galaxies and mass. These are directly observable through galaxy–galaxy lensing. Here also we find that simple models can represent the simulation results remarkably well, typically to ≲10 per cent. Such models can be used to extend our results to other redshifts, to cosmologies with other parameters, and to other assumptions about how galaxies populate dark haloes. Our galaxy formation simulation already reproduces current galaxy–galaxy lensing data quite well. The characteristic features predicted in the galaxy–galaxy lensing signal should provide a strong test of the ΛCDM cosmology as well as a route to understanding how galaxies form within it.  相似文献   

Popular models for describing the luminosity–density profiles of dynamically hot stellar systems (e.g. Jaffe, Hernquist, Dehnen) were constructed to match the deprojected form of de Vaucouleurs' R 1/4 light-profile. However, we now know that elliptical galaxies and bulges display a mass-dependent range of structural profiles. To compensate this, the model in Terzić & Graham was designed to closely match the deprojected form of Sérsic R 1/ n light-profiles, including deprojected exponential light-profiles and galaxies with partially depleted cores. It is thus applicable for describing bulges in spiral galaxies, dwarf elliptical galaxies, both 'power-law' and 'core' elliptical galaxies, also dark matter haloes formed from Λ cold dark matter cosmological simulations. In this paper, we present a new family of triaxial density–potential–force triplets, which generalizes the spherical model reported in Terzić & Graham to three dimensions. If the (optional) power-law core is present, it is a five-parameter family, while in the absence of the core it reduces to three parameters. The isodensity contours in the new family are stratified on confocal ellipsoids and the potential and forces are expressed in terms of integrals which are easy to evaluate numerically. We provide the community with a suite of numerical routines for orbit integration, which feature: optimized computations of potential and forces for this family; the ability to run simulations on parallel platforms; and modular and easily editable design.  相似文献   

If the dark matter particle is a neutralino, then the first structures to form are cuspy cold dark matter (CDM) haloes collapsing after redshifts   z ≈ 100  in the mass range  10−6–10−3 M  . We carry out a detailed study of the survival of these microhaloes in the Galaxy as they experience tidal encounters with stars, molecular clouds, and other dark matter substructures. We test the validity of analytic impulsive heating calculations using high-resolution N -body simulations. A major limitation of analytic estimates is that mean energy inputs are compared to mean binding energies, instead of the actual mass lost from the system. This energy criterion leads to an overestimate of the stripped mass and an underestimate of the disruption time-scale, since CDM haloes are strongly bound in their inner parts. We show that a significant fraction of material from CDM microhaloes can be unbound by encounters with Galactic substructure and stars; however, the cuspy central regions remain relatively intact. Furthermore, the microhaloes near the solar radius are those which collapse significantly earlier than average and will suffer very little mass-loss. Thus, we expect a fraction of surviving bound microhaloes, a smooth component with narrow features in phase space, which may be uncovered by direct detection experiments, as well as numerous surviving cuspy cores with proper motions of arcminutes per year, which can be detected indirectly via their annihilation into gamma-rays.  相似文献   

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