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欧空局早期公布的时域法和空域法解算的GOCE模型均采用能量守恒法处理轨道数据,但恢复的长波重力场信号精度较低,而且GOCE卫星在两极存在数据空白,利用其观测数据恢复重力场模型是一个不适定问题,导致解算的模型带谐项精度较低,需进行正则化处理。本文分析了基于轨道数据恢复重力场模型的方法用于处理GOCE数据的精度,对最优正则化方法和参数的选择进行了研究。利用GOCE卫星2009-11-01—2010-01-31共92d的精密轨道数据,采用不依赖先验信息的能量守恒法、短弧积分法和平均加速度法恢复GOCE重力场模型,利用Tikhonov正则化技术处理病态问题。结果表明,平均加速度法恢复模型的精度最高,能量守恒法的精度最低,短弧积分法的精度稍差于平均加速度法。未来联合处理轨道和梯度数据时,建议采用平均加速度法或短弧积分法处理轨道数据,并且轨道数据可有效恢复120阶次左右的模型。Kaula正则化和SOT处理GOCE病态问题的效果最好,并且两者对应的最优正则化参数基本一致,但利用正则化技术不能完全抑制极空白问题的影响,需要联合GRACE等其他数据才能获得理想的结果。  相似文献   

论述了联合卫星轨道和重力梯度数据严密求解重力场的方法及数据处理方案,研究了GOCE重力场反演中有色噪声的AR去相关滤波、病态法方程的Kaula正则化和观测值最优加权的方差分量估计等关键问题。模拟结果表明:①极空白问题会降低法方程求解的稳定性,导致低次位系数的求解精度较低,而Kaula正则化可有效用于GOCE病态法方程的求解,并得到合理稳定的解;②重力梯度有色噪声会降低GOCE重力场求解的整体精度,特别是对低阶位系数的影响最为明显,而AR去相关滤波法可有效处理有色噪声,但解算结果仍含有低频误差;③方差分量估计可有效确定SST和SGG两类观测值的最优权比,并且有色噪声造成的低频误差经过联合求解后得到了抑制;④利用30d、5s采样的GOCE模拟数据恢复200阶次的重力场模型,其大地水准面和重力异常精度在纬度±83°范围内分别为±3.81cm和±1.056mGal。  相似文献   

联合地球重力场和海洋环流探测器(Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer,GOCE)和重力恢复与气候实验(Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment,GRACE)卫星观测数据确定全球静态重力场模型是当前大地测量学的研究热点之一。联合近3 a的GOCE卫星梯度数据和7 a左右的GRACE星间距离变率数据计算的ITG-GRACE2010S模型的法方程恢复了210阶次的重力场模型SWJTU-GOGR01S。采用带通数字滤波方法处理GOCE卫星的4个高精度梯度观测分量,利用梯度数据恢复重力场模型的观测方程直接建立在梯度仪坐标系中,可以避免坐标转换过程中高精度的梯度观测分量受低精度分量的影响;联合法方程解的最优权采用方差分量估计迭代计算,GOCE数据的两极空白引起的病态问题采用Kaula正则化方法进行约束。基于EIGEN-6C2模型和北美地区的GPS水准网观测数据,对SWJTU-GOGR01S模型进行内外符合精度分析,结果表明,SWJTU-GOGR01S模型在210阶次的大地水准面误差和累计误差分别为1.3 cm和5.7 cm,精度与欧洲空间局公布的第四代时域法模型相当,略优于GOCO02S和GOCO03S模型的精度。  相似文献   

基于Fortran语言编写了一套恢复重力场模型的软件系统实现GOCE卫星。基于傅里叶展开式设计了一种重力梯度的滤波方法。分别对GOCE PKI轨道数据和引力梯度数据进行了反演计算,恢复了几个重力场模型。结果显示,GOCE轨道的反演能力约在120阶次以内;两极空白对梯度数据反演计算的影响大于轨道数据。联合2009-11-02~2010-01-10共70d的GOCE轨道数据和重力梯度数据恢复了一个200阶次的地球重力场模型SWJTU2013GO,通过内外符合精度评定,判定了该模型的整体精度略低于ICGEM公布的同类型模型GO_CONS_GCF_2_TIM_R3。  相似文献   

利用GOCE卫星轨道反演地球重力场模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据积分方程法反演地球重力场的数学模型,利用GOCE卫星2009-11-02~2010-01-02共61d的精密轨道数据反演了几组地球重力场模型。结果表明,GOCE卫星轨道能有效提取地球重力场的长波信息,弥补了GOCE卫星重力梯度带宽的限制,在106阶次的大地水准面误差为±9.6cm,该阶次精度优于EIGEN-CHAMP03S及GRACE卫星两个月轨道反演地球重力场的精度,但由于两极空白,反演的带谐位系数精度偏低。联合GOCE及GRACE卫星轨道反演的模型在106阶次的大地水准面误差为±6.9cm,弥补了GOCE卫星轨道的缺陷。  相似文献   

利用傅立叶级数拟合GOCE卫星的耗散能,解决了基于能量守恒法恢复GOCE重力场模型时耗散能的计算问题。采用Helmert-Wolf参数估计法统一求解位系数、能量常数和耗散能的傅立叶级数拟合参数,并采用消局部参数的最小二乘法求解位系数。该方法不需要任何初始值或参考模型,不需要采用差分方法处理能量常数,也不需要进行迭代计算。利用GOCE卫星2009-11-01~2010-02-12共103d的精密轨道数据反演了三组100阶次的重力场模型GOCE-ECP01S、GOCE-ECP02S和GOCE-ECP03S,并与EIGEN-5C、EIGENCHAMP05S和GOCO03S模型进行比较。结果表明,采用一阶傅立叶级数拟合GOCE卫星的耗散能效果最好,反演的GOCE-ECP01S模型精度最高,整体精度优于EIGEN-CHAMP05S,但较GOCO03S模型的精度偏低;在100阶次的大地水准面误差为±3.2cm,但由于极空白的影响,恢复模型的带谐项位系数精度偏低。  相似文献   

不同于当前广泛使用的空域法、时域法、直接解法,本文尝试采用Torus方法处理GOCE实测数据,利用71 d的GOCE卫星引力梯度数据反演了200阶次GOCE地球重力场模型,实现了对参考模型的精化。首先,采用Butterworth零相移滤波方法加移去—恢复技术,处理引力梯度观测值中的有色噪声,并利用泰勒级数展开和Kriging方法对GOCE卫星引力梯度数据进行归算和格网化,计算得到了名义轨道上格网点处的引力梯度数据。然后,利用2D-FFT技术和块对角最小二乘方法处理名义轨道上数据,获得了200阶次的GOCE地球重力场模型GOCE_Torus。利用中国和美国的GPS/水准数据进行外部检核结果说明,GOCE_Torus与ESA发布的同期模型的精度相当;GOCE_Torus模型与200阶次的EGM2008模型相比,在美国区域精度相当,但在中国区域精度提高了4.6 cm,这充分体现了GOCE卫星观测数据对地面重力稀疏区的贡献。Torus方法拥有快速高精度反演卫星重力场模型的优势,可以在重力梯度卫星的设计、误差分析及在轨快速评估等方面得到充分应用。  相似文献   

基于改进短弧积分法的GRACE重力反演理论、方法及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈秋杰 《测绘学报》2017,46(1):130-130
正CHAMP、GRACE和GOCE等卫星重力任务的成功实施,为大地测量学、冰川学、海洋学、水文学等学科提供了诸多高时空分辨率的地球重力场模型。由于GRACE对地球重力场的长波段信号十分敏感,且能以较高的精度恢复中波段重力场信号,因此应用GRACE重力数据恢复时变与静态地球重力场,一直以来备受大地测量学者关注。本文在经典短弧积分法的基础上,对重力场反演理论和方法作进一步的探讨和改进,并用GRACE实测数据解算了静态和时变重力场模型,主要研究成果  相似文献   

本文探讨了基于能量守恒方法利用CHAMP卫星精密星历和加速度数据恢复地球重力场模型的原理和方法。给出了地心惯性系下顾及地球自转和非保守力能量损耗的能量守恒方程,并且对日、月摄动位与引潮力附加位的计算方法作了相应的分析,同时介绍了加速度数据的处理方法。基于能量守恒方法,利用2002年1-2月、7-8月和11-12月三个不同时期共180天的CHAMP卫星精密星历和加速度数据恢复了三组50阶次的地球重力场模型GFM01、GFM02和GFM03,并将这些模型与EGM 96重力场模型和GFZ公布的EIGEN-CG01C重力场模型进行比较。结果表明:能量守恒方法恢复的GFM系列模型与EGM 96重力场模型及EIGEN-CG01C重力场模型在低阶位系数上均有较好的一致,但与EIGEN-CG01C模型有更好的一致。这说明了CHAMP卫星对地球中、长波重力场的敏感性,也说明了能量守恒方法恢复低阶地球重力场位系数的有效性。  相似文献   

引入了一种由卫星轨道数据计算瞬时加速度的实用数值微分算法,分别采用模拟卫星轨道数据、地球重力场和稳态海洋环流探测(GOCE)卫星任务发布的几何法轨道数据验证该算法的有效性。数值模拟结果表明,采用8阶9点10s采样间隔的移动窗口多项式数值微分算法计算加速度的精度最佳,71天实测几何法轨道数据采用相同算法恢复的100阶重力场模型GOCE-PKI-AA与EIGEN-5C模型在80阶以前具有良好的一致性,GOCE-PKI-AA模型整体精度优于EIGEN-CHAMP03S,低阶(小于15)部分较欧空局发布的第一代GOCE重力场模型GO-CONS-GCF-2-TIM-R1更接近于EIGEN-5C模型。  相似文献   

In this contribution, we describe the global GOCE-only gravity field model ITG-Goce02 derived from 7.5 months of gradiometer and orbit data. This model represents an alternative to the official ESA products as it is computed completely independently, using a different processing strategy and a separate software package. Our model is derived using the short arc approach, which allows a very effective decorrelation of the highly correlated GOCE gradiometer and orbit data noise by introducing a full empirical covariance matrix for each arc, and gives the possibility to downweight ‘bad’ arcs. For the processing of the orbit data we rely on the integral equation approach instead of the energy integral method, which has been applied in several other GOCE models. An evaluation against high-resolution global gravity field models shows very similar differences of our model compared to the official GOCE results published by ESA (release 2), especially to the model derived by the time-wise approach. This conclusion is confirmed by comparison of the GOCE models to GPS/levelling and altimetry data.  相似文献   

First GOCE gravity field models derived by three different approaches   总被引:28,自引:10,他引:18  
Three gravity field models, parameterized in terms of spherical harmonic coefficients, have been computed from 71 days of GOCE (Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer) orbit and gradiometer data by applying independent gravity field processing methods. These gravity models are one major output of the European Space Agency (ESA) project GOCE High-level Processing Facility (HPF). The processing philosophies and architectures of these three complementary methods are presented and discussed, emphasizing the specific features of the three approaches. The resulting GOCE gravity field models, representing the first models containing the novel measurement type of gravity gradiometry ever computed, are analysed and assessed in detail. Together with the coefficient estimates, full variance-covariance matrices provide error information about the coefficient solutions. A comparison with state-of-the-art GRACE and combined gravity field models reveals the additional contribution of GOCE based on only 71 days of data. Compared with combined gravity field models, large deviations appear in regions where the terrestrial gravity data are known to be of low accuracy. The GOCE performance, assessed against the GRACE-only model ITG-Grace2010s, becomes superior at degree 150, and beyond. GOCE provides significant additional information of the global Earth gravity field, with an accuracy of the 2-month GOCE gravity field models of 10?cm in terms of geoid heights, and 3?mGal in terms of gravity anomalies, globally at a resolution of 100?km (degree/order 200).  相似文献   

 A prerequisite for the success of future gravity missions like the European Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) is a precise orbit determination (POD). A detailed simulation study has been carried out to assess the achievable orbit accuracy based on satellite-to-satellite tracking (SST) by the US global positioning system (GPS) and in conjunction the implications for gravity field determination. An orbit accuracy at the few centimeter level seems possible, sufficient to support the GOCE gravity mission and in particular its gravity gradiometer. Received: 21 January 2000 / Accepted: 4 July 2000  相似文献   

The determination of local geoid models has traditionally been carried out on land and at sea using gravity anomaly and satellite altimetry data, while it will be aided by the data expected from satellite missions such as those from the Gravity field and steady-state ocean circulation explorer (GOCE). To assess the performance of heterogeneous data combination to local geoid determination, simulated data for the central Mediterranean Sea are analyzed. These data include marine and land gravity anomalies, altimetric sea surface heights, and GOCE observations processed with the space-wise approach. A spectral analysis of the aforementioned data shows their complementary character. GOCE data cover long wavelengths and account for the lack of such information from gravity anomalies. This is exploited for the estimation of local covariance function models, where it is seen that models computed with GOCE data and gravity anomaly empirical covariance functions perform better than models computed without GOCE data. The geoid is estimated by different data combinations and the results show that GOCE data improve the solutions for areas covered poorly with other data types, while also accounting for any long wavelength errors of the adopted reference model that exist even when the ground gravity data are dense. At sea, the altimetric data provide the dominant geoid information. However, the geoid accuracy is sensitive to orbit calibration errors and unmodeled sea surface topography (SST) effects. If such effects are present, the combination of GOCE and gravity anomaly data can improve the geoid accuracy. The present work also presents results from simulations for the recovery of the stationary SST, which show that the combination of geoid heights obtained from a spherical harmonic geopotential model derived from GOCE with satellite altimetry data can provide SST models with some centimeters of error. However, combining data from GOCE with gravity anomalies in a collocation approach can result in the estimation of a higher resolution geoid, more suitable for high resolution mean dynamic SST modeling. Such simulations can be performed toward the development and evaluation of SST recovery methods.  相似文献   

王燚  姜效典 《测绘学报》2017,46(11):1802-1811
从球冠谐理论出发,详细推导了球冠坐标系下扰动重力梯度的无奇异性计算公式。基于Tikhonov正则化方法,利用GOCE卫星实际观测数据解算局部重力场球冠谐模型。数值计算表明,基于扰动重力梯度的球冠谐分析建模方法能够有效地恢复局部重力场中的短波信号,与GO_CONS_GCF_2_DIR_R5模型的差异在±0.3×10~(-5) m/s~2水平。  相似文献   

Regularization of gravity field estimation from satellite gravity gradients   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
 The performance of the L-curve criterion and of the generalized cross-validation (GCV) method for the Tikhonov regularization of the ill-conditioned normal equations associated with the determination of the gravity field from satellite gravity gradiometry is investigated. Special attention is devoted to the computation of the corner point of the L-curve, to the numerically efficient computation of the trace term in the GCV target function, and to the choice of the norm of the residuals, which is important for the Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) in the presence of colored observation noise. The trace term in the GCV target function is estimated using an unbiased minimum-variance stochastic estimator. The performance analysis is based on a simulation of gravity gradients along a 60-day repeat circular orbit and a gravity field recovery complete up to degree and order 300. Randomized GCV yields the optimal regularization parameter in all the simulations if the colored noise is properly taken into account. Moreover, it seems to be quite robust against the choice of the norm of the residuals. It performs much better than the L-curve criterion, which always yields over-smooth solutions. The numerical costs for randomized GCV are limited provided that a reasonable first guess of the regularization parameter can be found. Received: 17 May 2001 / Accepted: 17 January 2002  相似文献   

Gravity gradients acquired by the Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer(GOCE) do not cover the entire earth because of its sun-synchronous orbit leaving data gaps with a radius of about 6.5° in the polar regions.Previous studies showed that the loss of data in the polar regions deteriorates the accuracy of the low order(or near zonal) coefficients of the earth gravity model,which is the so-called polar gap problem in geodesy.In order to find a stable solution for the earth gravity model from the GOCE gravity gradients,three models,i.e.the Gauss-Markov model,light constraint model and the mixed model,are compared and evaluated numerically with the gravity gradient simulated with the EGM2008.The comparison shows that the Best Linear Uniformly Unbiased Estimation(BLUUE) estimator of the mixed model can solve the polar gap problem as effectively as the light constraint model;furthermore,the mixed model is more rigorous in dealing with the supplementary information and leads to a better accuracy in determining the global geoid.  相似文献   

Tikhonov正则化方法在GOCE重力场求解中的模拟研究   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
本文在阐述Tikhonov正则化方法基本原理的基础上,给出了四类可用于重力场解算的正则化矩阵(零次、一次、二次和Kaula),以及用于确定正则化参数的L曲线法和GCV方法的数学模型。基于SA方法利用模拟数据分析讨论了零次、一次以及Kaula正则化矩阵应用于GOCE全球重力场模型确定的有效性,并由Kaula正则化矩阵分析了L曲线法和GCV方法确定正则化参数的可行性。数值结果表明三类正则化矩阵获得的最优解(以大地水准面MSE最小为准则确定)的精度水平相近,关键在于相应正则化参数的确定,数值结果同时说明了GCV方法和L曲线法可用于确定正则化参数,且前者较后者具有更好的稳定性。  相似文献   

Three GOCE-based gravity field solutions have been computed by ESA’s high-level processing facility and were released to the user community. All models are accompanied by variance-covariance information resulting either from the least squares procedure or a Monte-Carlo approach. In order to obtain independent external quality parameters and to assess the current performance of these models, a set of independent tests based on satellite orbit determination and geoid comparisons is applied. Both test methods can be regarded as complementary because they either investigate the performance in the long wavelength spectral domain (orbit determination) or in the spatial domain (geoid comparisons). The test procedure was applied to the three GOCE gravity field solutions and to a number of selected pre-launch models for comparison. Orbit determination results suggest, that a pure GOCE gravity field model does not outperform the multi-year GRACE gravity field solutions. This was expected as GOCE is designed to improve the determination of the medium to high frequencies of the Earth gravity field (in the range of degree and order 50 to 200). Nevertheless, in case of an optimal combination of GOCE and GRACE data, orbit determination results should not deteriorate. So this validation procedure can also be used for testing the optimality of the approach adopted for producing combined GOCE and GRACE models. Results from geoid comparisons indicate that with the 2 months of GOCE data a significant improvement in the determination of the spherical harmonic spectrum of the global gravity field between degree 50 and 200 can be reached. Even though the ultimate mission goal has not yet been reached, especially due to the limited time span of used GOCE data (only 2 months), it was found that existing satellite-only gravity field models, which are based on 7 years of GRACE data, can already be enhanced in terms of spatial resolution. It is expected that with the accumulation of more GOCE data the gravity field model resolution and quality can be further enhanced, and the GOCE mission goal of 1–2 cm geoid accuracy with 100 km spatial resolution can be achieved.  相似文献   

The issue of optimal regularization is investigated in the context of the processing of satellite gravity gradiometry (SGG) data that will be acquired by the GOCE (Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer) satellite. These data are considered as the input for determination of the Earths gravity field in the form of a series of spherical harmonics. Exploitation of a recently developed fast processing algorithm allowed a very realistic setup of the numerical experiments to be specified, in particular: a non-repeat orbit; 1-s sampling rate; half-year duration of data series; and maximum degree and order set to 300. The first goal of the study is to compare different regularization techniques (regularization matrices). The conclusion is that the first-order Tikhonov regularization matrix (the elements are practically proportional to the degree squared) and the Kaula regularization matrix (the elements are proportional to the fourth power of the degree) are somewhat superior to other regularization techniques. The second goal is to assess the generalized cross-validation method for the selection of the regularization parameter. The inference is that the regularization parameter found this way is very reasonable. The time expenditure required by the generalized cross-validation method remains modest even when a half-year set of SGG data is considered. The numerical study also allows conclusions to be drawn regarding the quality of the Earths gravity field model that can be obtained from the GOCE SGG data. In particular, it is shown that the cumulative geoid height error between degrees 31 and 200 will not exceed 1 cm. AcknowledgmentsThe authors thank Dr. E. Schrama for valuable discussions and for computing the orbit used to generate the long data set. They are also grateful to Prof. Tscherning and two anonymous reviewers for numerous valuable remarks and suggestions. The orbit to generate the short data set was kindly provided by J. van den IJssel. Computing resources were provided by Stichting Nationale Computerfaciliteiten (NCF), grant SG-027.  相似文献   

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