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We study the propagation of nonlinear MHD waves in a highly magnetized plasma cavity. The cavity's moving boundaries generate Alfvén waves, which in turn drive and interact with slow magnetosonic waves. The interacting wave system is analyzed by a Galerkin and multiple-scale analyses leading to simple dynamical equations. When the frequency of the forcing provided by the moving boundaries and that of the fundamental Alfvén eigenmode are close, the cavity behaves like a Duffing oscillator. Application of the Melnikov function theory shows that the Alfvén wave's amplitude undergoes both flip and saddle-node bifurcations as the amplitude and the phase of the boundary forcing vary. Direct numerical integration confirms these results and provides an estimate of the amount of energy dissipated in the bifurcations.  相似文献   


In this paper, starting from the spectral DIA equations obtained by Veltri et al. (1982), describing the spectral dynamical evolution of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence in the presence of a background magnetic field B 0, we have derived an approximate form of these equations (shell model) more appropriate for numerical integration at high Reynolds numbers.

We have studied the decay of an initially isotropic state, with an initial imbalance between the energies for the two signs of the cross-helicity. Reynolds numbers up to 105 have been considered.

Numerical results show that the nonlinear energy cascade behaves anisotropically in the k-space, i.e. in the spectra there is a prevalence of the wavevectors perpendicular to B 0 with respect to the parallel wavevectors. This anisotropic effect, which is due to the presence of the background magnetic field, can be understood in terms of the so-called ‘‘Alfvén effect''.

A different source of anisotropy, due to the difference of the energy transfer for the two polarizations perpendicular to k, is recovered, but its effect is found to be mainly concentrated in the injection range.

Only little differences have been found, in the inertial range, in the spectral indices from the Kraichnan 3/2 value, which is valid for an isotropic spectrum. A form for the anisotropic spectrum can be recovered phenomenologically from our results. Values of the spectral indices quite different from the Kraichnan 3 2 value are obtained only when we consider stationary states with different forcing terms for the two modes of Alfvén wave propagation.

The comparison of our results with the observations of the v and B fluctuations in the interplanatery space shows that the anisotropy found in interplanetary fluctuations might be attributed only partially to the result of a nonlinear energy cascade.  相似文献   


Starting from Euler's equations of motion a nonlinear model for internal waves in fluids is developed by an appropriate scaling and a vertical integration over two layers of different but constant density. The model allows the barotropic and the first baroclinic mode to be calculated. In addition to the nonlinear advective terms dispersion and Coriolis force due to the Earth's rotation are taken into account. The model equations are solved numerically by an implicit finite difference scheme. In this paper we discuss the results for ideal basins: the effects of nonlinear terms, dispersion and Coriolis force, the mechanism of wind forcing, the evolution of Kelvin waves and the corresponding transport of particles and, finally, wave propagation over variable topography. First applications to Lake Constance are shown, but a detailed analysis is deferred to a second paper [Bauer et al. (1994)].  相似文献   


A spectral low-order model is proposed in order to investigate some effects of bottom corrugation on the dynamics of forced and free Rossby waves. The analysis of the interaction between the waves and the topographic modes in the linear version of the model shows that the natural frequencies lie between the corresponding Rossby wave frequencies for a flat bottom and those applying in the “topographic limit” when the beta-effect is zero. There is a possibility of standing or eastward-travelling free waves when the integrated topograhic effect exceeds the planetary beta-effect.

The nonlinear interactions between forced waves in the presence of topography and the beta-effect give rise to a steady dynamical mode correlated to the topographic mode. The periodic solution that includes this steady wave is stable when the forcing field moves to the West with relatively large phase speed. The energy of this solution may be transferred to the steady zonal shear flow if the spatial scale of this zonal mode exceeds the scale of the directly forced large-scale dynamical mode.  相似文献   


The two dimensional incompressible MHD equations describing the decay of a random initial velocity field in the presence of a uniform magnetic background field are solved numerically by a Chebyshev spectral method. The nonlinear interactions of standing Alfvén-waves of a given energy are studied for various Reynolds numbers and field strengths of the magnetic background field. Small scale structures are generated by these interactions, which increase the energy dissipation, however, the uniform background field suppresses the production of arbitrary small scales. Thus energy dissipation is found to be insignificant at sufficiently high Reynolds numbers. Anisotropies of the fluctuating field components are also studied. In the temporal evolution they appear first in the magnetic field. This is explained by the conservation of mean square vector potential in the limit of infinite conductivity.  相似文献   


We are investigating numerically the nonlinear behaviour of a space-periodic MHD system with ABC forcing. Most computations are performed for magnetic Reynolds numbers increasing from 0 to 60 and a fixed kinematic Reynolds number, small enough for the trivial solution with a zero magnetic field to be stable to velocity perturbations. At the critical magnetic Reynolds number for the onset of instability of the trivial solution the dominant eigenvalue of the kinematic dynamo problem is real. In agreement with the bifurcation theory new steady states with non-vanishing magnetic field appear in this bifurcation. Subsequent bifurcations are investigated. A regime is detected, where chaotic variations of the magnetic field orientation (analogous to magnetic field reversals) are observed in the temporal evolution of the system.  相似文献   


The annulus model considers convection between concentric cylinders with sloping endwalls. It is used as a simplified model of convection in a rapidly rotating sphere. Large azimuthal wavenumbers are preferred in this problem, and this has been exploited to develop an asymptotic approach to nonlinear convection in the annulus. The problem is further reduced because the Taylor-Proudman constraint simplifies the dependence in the direction of the rotation vector, so that a nonlinear system dependent only on the radial variable and time results. As Rayleigh number is increased a sequence of bifurcations is found, from steady solutions to periodic solutions and 2-tori, typically ending in chaotic behaviour. Both the magnetic (MHD convection) and non-magnetic problem has been considered, and in the non-magnetic case our bifurcation sequence can be compared with those found by previous two-dimensional numerical simulations.  相似文献   


In this paper we consider the propagation of magneto-acoustic-gravity waves in a compressible, conducting isothermal atmosphere permeated by a uniform horizontal magnetic field. The singular levels, arising in a horizontal magnetic field, are considered in their most general form. Exact analytical solutions for a number of particular cases of wave propagation are obtained. The wave transformation is analyzed for all these cases using the solutions obtained.

Based on the theory of wave propagation across a magnetic field, low-frequency wave trapping in a chromospheric resonator is explained, and some properties of running penumbral waves are discussed.  相似文献   


In order to show that aperiodic magnetic cycles, with Maunder minima, can occur naturally in nonlinear hydromagnetic dynamos, we have investigated a simple nonlinear model of an oscillatory stellar dynamo. The parametrized mean field equations in plane geometry have a Hopf bifurcation when the dynamo number D=1, leading to Parker's dynamo waves. Including the nonlinear interaction between the magnetic field and the velocity shear results in a system of seven coupled nonlinear differential equations. For D>1 there is an exact nonlinear solution, corresponding to periodic dynamo waves. In the regime described by a fifth order system of equations this solution remains stable for all D and the velocity shear is progressively reduced by the Lorentz force. In a regime described by a sixth order system, the solution becomes unstable and successive transitions lead to chaotic behaviour. Oscillations are aperiodic and modulated to give episodes of reduced activity.  相似文献   


The simplest model for geophysical flows is one layer of a constant density fluid with a free surface, where the fluid motions occur on a scale in which the Coriolis force is significant. In the linear shallow water limit, there are non-dispersive Kelvin waves, localized near a boundary or near the equator, and a large family of dispersive waves. We study weakly nonlinear and finite depth corrections to these waves, and derive a reduced system of equations governing the flow. For this system we find approximate solitary Kelvin waves, both for waves traveling along a boundary and along the equator. These waves induce jets perpendicular to their direction of propagation, which may have a role in mixing. We also derive an equivalent reduced system for the evolution of perturbations to a mean geostrophic flow.  相似文献   

Specific features of the spatial-temporal dynamics of LF disturbances of the Earth’s magnetosphere have been analyzed by the method of numerical simulation of magnetic hydrodynamic equations taking into account plasma temperature variations. The effects related to the appearance of long-living magnetospheric jumps of density and temperature, MHD wave scattering on such inhomogeneities, Alfvén wave reflection from the near-Earth region, and magnetospheric plasma heating as a result of dissipative processes at a repeated propagation of MHD waves between magnetically conjugate regions have been considered. The problems of conformity of the discrete mathematical model with continuous equations of magnetic hydrodynamics are discussed.  相似文献   


The dynamical nonequilibrium of close-packed flux tubes is driven by the torsion in the individual tubes so that, wherever tubes with the same sense of twisting come into contact, there is reconnection of their azimuthal field components. The reconnection consumes the local torsion, causing the propagation of torsional Alfven waves into the region from elsewhere along the tubes.

The formal problem of the propagation of the torsion along twisted flux tubes is presented and some of the basic physical properties worked out in the limit of small torsion.

It is pointed out that in tubes with finite twisting the propagation of torsional Alfven waves can be a more complicated phenomenon.

Application to the sun suggests that the propagation of torsion from below the visible surface up into the corona is an important energy supply to the corona for a period of perhaps 10–20 hours after the emergence of the flux tubes through the surface of the sun, bringing up torsion from depths of 104km or more. Torsion is continually supplied by the manipulation and shuffling of the field by the convection, of course.  相似文献   


The stratification profile of the Earth's magnetofluid outer core is unknown, but there have been suggestions that its upper part may be stably stratified. Braginsky (1984) suggested that the magnetic analog of Rossby (planetary) waves in this stable layer (the ‘H’ layer) may be responsible for a portion of the short-period secular variation. In this study, we adopt a thin shell model to examine the dynamics of the H layer. The stable stratification justifies the thin-layer approximations, which greatly simplify the analysis. The governing equations are then the Laplace's tidal equations modified by the Lorentz force terms, and the magnetic induction equation. We linearize the Lorentz force in the Laplace's tidal equations and the advection term in the magnetic induction equation, assuming a zeroth order dipole field as representative of the magnetic field near the insulating core-mantle boundary. An analytical β-plane solution shows that a magnetic field can release the equatorial trapping that non-magnetic Rossby waves exhibit. A numerical solution to the full spherical equations confirms that a sufficiently strong magnetic field can break the equatorial waveguide. Both solutions are highly dissipative, which is a consequence of our necessary neglect of the induction term in comparison with the advection and diffusion terms in the magnetic induction equation in the thin-layer limit. However, were one to relax the thin-layer approximations and allow a radial dependence of the solutions, one would find magnetic Rossby waves less damped (through the inclusion of the induction term). For the magnetic field strength appropriate for the H layer, the real parts of the eigenfrequencies do not change appreciably from their non-magnetic values. We estimate a phase velocity of the lowest modes that is rather rapid compared with the core fluid speed typically presumed from the secular variation.  相似文献   


The mechanism of nonlinear interaction in hydrodynamics is studied with dynamical systems having finite degrees of freedom. The equations are assumed to have the same integrals of motion and main features as those peculiar to hydrodynamical equations. The simplest system of this kind is a triplet (a system described by three parameters). Its equations of motion coincide with the Euler equations in the theory of the gyroscope. The forced motion of a triplet is treated theoretically. A real hydrodynamical system controlled by the equations of motion of a triplet was devised and verified in the laboratory.

The simplest theoretical model of baroclinic motion which provides a basis for studies of of forced heat convection in an ellipsoidal cavity was also constructed. Under certain conditions, the addition of rotation causes a regime of motion analogous to the Rossby regime in a rotating annulus.

More complicated models constructed from a large number of interacting triplets can simulate the cascade process of energy transformation in developed turbulence.  相似文献   

Turbulent magnetofluids appear in various geophysical and astrophysical contexts, in phenomena associated with planets, stars, galaxies and the universe itself. In many cases, large-scale magnetic fields are observed, though a better knowledge of magnetofluid turbulence is needed to more fully understand the dynamo processes that produce them. One approach is to develop the statistical mechanics of ideal (i.e. non-dissipative), incompressible, homogeneous magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence, known as “absolute equilibrium ensemble” theory, as far as possible by studying model systems with the goal of finding those aspects that survive the introduction of viscosity and resistivity. Here, we review the progress that has been made in this direction. We examine both three-dimensional (3-D) and two-dimensional (2-D) model systems based on discrete Fourier representations. The basic equations are those of incompressible MHD and may include the effects of rotation and/or a mean magnetic field B o. Statistical predictions are that Fourier coefficients of the velocity and magnetic field are zero-mean random variables. However, this is not the case, in general, for we observe non-ergodic behavior in very long time computer simulations of ideal turbulence: low wavenumber Fourier modes that have relatively large means and small standard deviations, i.e. coherent structure. In particular, ergodicity appears strongly broken when B o?=?0 and weakly broken when B o?≠?0. Broken ergodicity in MHD turbulence is explained by an eigenanalysis of modal covariance matrices. This produces a set of modal eigenvalues inversely proportional to the expected energy of their associated eigenvariables. A large disparity in eigenvalues within the same mode (identified by wavevector k ) can occur at low values of wavenumber k?=?| k |, especially when B o?=?0. This disparity breaks the ergodicity of eigenvariables with smallest eigenvalues (largest energies). This leads to coherent structure in models of ideal homogeneous MHD turbulence, which can occur at lowest values of wavenumber k for 3-D cases, and at either lowest or highest k for ideal 2-D magnetofluids. These ideal results appear relevant for unforced, decaying MHD turbulence, so that broken ergodicity effects in MHD turbulence survive dissipation. In comparison, we will also examine ideal hydrodynamic (HD) turbulence, which, in the 3-D case, will be seen to differ fundamentally from ideal MHD turbulence in that coherent structure due to broken ergodicity can only occur at maximum k in numerical simulations. However, a nonzero viscosity eliminates this ideal 3-D HD structure, so that unforced, decaying 3-D HD turbulence is expected to be ergodic. In summary, broken ergodicity in MHD turbulence leads to energetic, large-scale, quasistationary magnetic fields (coherent structures) in numerical models of bounded, turbulent magnetofluids. Thus, broken ergodicity provides a large-scale dynamo mechanism within computer models of homogeneous MHD turbulence. These results may help us to better understand the origin of global magnetic fields in astrophysical and geophysical objects.  相似文献   


This paper considers the static force-free equilibrium V×BB of a magnetic field in which all of the lines of force connect without knotting between parallel planes. The field is formed by continuous deformation from an initial uniform field, and is conveniently described in terms of the scalar function ψ, which is effectively the stream function for the incompressible wrapping and interweaving of the lines of force, and the scalar function θ, which describes the local compression and expansion. Equilibrium requires satisfaction of two independent equations (the third equation defines α), which cannot be accomplished without the full freedom of both functions ψ and θ. It is shown by integration along the characteristics of the equilibrium equations that, when ψ is predetermined by an arbitrary winding pattern, there appear discontinuities in α. Discontinuities in α have discontinuities in the field (i.e. current sheets) associated with them.

We expect such discontinuities to be produced in the magnetic fields extending outward from the convecting surfaces of the cooler stars.  相似文献   


In the present paper the behavior of (internal) magneto-acoustic-gravity waves near the cusp resonance in a lossless, compressible, isothermal, stratified, electrically conducting atmosphere that is permeated by a uniform, nearly horizontal magnetic field is re-addressed (Kamp, 1989). The previously analyzed linear conversion of long acoustic-gravity waves into short magneto-acoustic waves that carry off the energy from the resonance region along the magnetic field, is re-analyzed with boundary layer techniques that are based on the smallness of the vertical component of the magnetic field. More specifically the existence of the so-called valve effect for the generated magneto-acoustic mode near the critical level is explicitly demonstrated and shown to be governed by two rivalling effects.  相似文献   


We have used techniques of nonlinear dynamics to compare a special model for the reversals of the Earth's magnetic field with the observational data. Although this model is rather simple, there is no essential difference to the data by means of well-known characteristics, such as correlation function and probability distribution. Applying methods of symbolic dynamics we have found that the considered model is not able to describe the dynamical properties of the observed process. These significant differences are expressed by algorithmic complexity and Renyi information.  相似文献   

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