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概述了Turbo Edit算法的基本原理,指出了伪距观测值精度较低造成的小周跳探测不准的问题,分析归纳了不敏感周跳组合。设计了基于移动平滑窗口的探测模型,分别改进了Melbourne-Wübbena组合和Geometry-Free组合的周跳探测阈值条件,有效降低了伪距观测值精度较低对于周跳探测的影响。实验采用GPS和北斗实测双频数据进行了验证,结果表明,该算法能够准确地探测和修复双频非差观测数据中所有模拟的周跳。  相似文献   

为了准确地探测和确定GPS/GLONASS周跳并且提高小周跳探测和修复的能力,综合电离层残差法和相位减伪距法,提出了一种新的GPS/GLONASS周跳探测和确定方案:采用电离层残差法探测出周跳;由相位减伪距法确定周跳数的搜索范围;根据搜索范围组合出所有周跳数的候选值;最后,由电离层残差法检验量与其观测噪声最为接近的候选值为最佳的周跳值。采用该方案对江苏CORS和青岛CORS部分基准站观测数据进行处理分析。结果表明:该方法具备探测和确定小周跳的能力,其搜索的成功率在95%,探测分辨率可以达到0.03周,且修复精度可以达到±0.031周。  相似文献   

使用多频组合观测值探测与修复周跳   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究模拟GPS L5观测数据的方法,论述利用多频组合观测值探测与修复周跳的原理。利用模拟的L5观测数据,基于多频组合观测值探测与修复周跳的原理,进行周跳的探测与修复的实例计算。实验结果表明,利用多频组合观测值能实时探测出大、小周跳,由于其长波长特性,对小周跳的探测尤其有效,从而证明此方法在周跳探测与修复上的有效性和准确性,具有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   

针对三频几何无关相位组合无法修复三个频点周跳的问题,提出了一种GPS三频非差观测值探测并修复周跳的方法。按照适当的原则组合三频伪距/载波观测值,形成多个有效的几何无关检测量,并推导其各自发生周跳的阈值条件,系统地分析和验证新方法探测大周跳、小周跳和特殊组合周跳的性能;对大周跳取整修复观测值后,采用空间搜索的方法修复小周跳;最后用GPS数据进行算法测试与分析。实验表明,本文算法能够简单实时地探测并修复所有频率上可能发生的周跳组合。  相似文献   

针对传统码-载波相位周跳探测方法应用于单频RTK时,存在的对小周跳不敏感、易受码观测噪声的影响等问题,本文提出一种多普勒观测值辅助的单频周跳探测方法。该方法将连续两个相邻历元多普勒观测值与载波相位差分观测值相结合,以构造实时周跳探测的多普勒-载波相位差分序列。然后应用假设检验方法,检测单频载波相位观测值是否存在周跳。实测数据分析表明:本文提出的方法能够准确探测单频载波相位观测数据中的小周跳,且该方法对周跳探测的灵敏度比传统码-相位差分序列方法更高,适用于单频RTK定位技术。   相似文献   

利用改进的TurboEdit算法与Chebyshev多项式探测与修复周跳   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据利用TurboEdit方法对GPS观测数据进行周跳探测的特点,设计了固定弧段长度的滑动窗口拟合模型,对其中的Geometry-Free组合法进行改进;在探测出周跳后,利用最小二乘Chebyshev多项式拟合来修复周跳。实验结果表明,改进后的TurboEdit算法可以探测出等周的1周小周跳、等周的大周跳和连续的小周跳、大周跳,同时,最小二乘Chebyshev多项式拟合可以精确修复以上周跳对。  相似文献   

一种基于TurboEdit改进的GPS双频观测值周跳探测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对TurboEdit方法的局限性,提出了一种改进的GPS双频观测值周跳探测方法——两步法。该方法首先基于MW(Melborne-Wubbena)组合滑动前后向窗口来进行宽巷周跳探测,然后用经过宽巷周跳修正的电离层残差(phase ionospheric residual,PIR)组合观测值,基于一阶差商滑动窗口来探测L1载波上的周跳。实验结果表明,此方法能有效抑制噪声,在小周跳探测方面较TurboEdit方法具有优越性,并且能探测出两个载波上同时发生周跳的情况。  相似文献   

分析了TurboEdit方法中MW组合和GF组合的缺陷,提出了GPS双频非差周跳探测修复SET(satellite elevation TurboEdit)法。设计了自适应滑动窗口模型对MW组合进行改进,避免了在低高度角时引入多径误差和噪声误差对后续处理精度的影响,增强了对小周跳的探测与修复能力。对GF(geometry-free)组合中引入的伪距误差采用历元间求差法进行替换,同时在卫星低高度角时,对其探测阈值引入高度角加权系数,有效剔除虚假周跳,提高周跳探测成功率与可靠性。在探测出周跳后,联合两种方法组合进行周跳修复。实验结果表明,SET法能够有效地抑制低高度角时的多径效应和观测噪声,降低周跳误探率,并对周跳进行有效修复。  相似文献   

分析了未能探测到的小周跳或粗差对GPS精密单点定位的影响,提出了一种改进的抗差Kalman滤波方法。该方法通过相位观测值验后残差分析,对传统抗差方案中等价权为0的情况进行周跳处理,能同时兼顾相位观测值中的粗差和小周跳问题。利用实测数据和模拟数据进行实验,结果表明,该方法不但可以显著改善未能探测的周跳对于定位结果的影响,同时避免了传统抗差方案中出现的后续历元相位残差持续增大的情况。  相似文献   

多频数据组合在周跳探测和修复上的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用模拟的L5观测数据,结合传统的伪距/载波组合法,对周跳的探测与修复进行了实例计算,并与双频组合观测值的周跳探测方法进行了比较。结果证明,不管对大周跳还是小周跳,该方法均能在单历元间准确地探测出各个频率上发生的周跳,较之双频组合观测值的探测方法具有更大的优越性。  相似文献   

针对全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)数据处理中周跳探测与修复方法的合理选择问题,本文对三种常见的周跳探测与修复方法的性能进了评价分析.给出一种基于数理统计理论的周跳探测结果可靠性评价新方法,利用该新方法评价了多项式拟合法和TurboEdit法对同一组双频实测数据进行周跳探测所得结果的可靠性,以及多项式拟合法和三频无几何组合法对同一组三频实测数据进行周跳探测所得结果的可靠性.综合两组评价结果可知,对于双频实测数据而言,TurboEdit法的探测效果优于多项式拟合法;对三频实测数据而言,三频无几何组合法的探测效果优于多项式拟合法;但多项式拟合法对双频、三频观测数据均可进行周跳探测与修复,因此适用性更广.   相似文献   

随着GPS现代化的实施和L5频率的开设,GPS进入了三频时代。相对于双频观测数据三频观测值线性组合可以形成更多长波长、弱电离层、低噪声的组合。本文分析了GPS三频无几何相位组合的特性,利用两个GPS三频无几何相位组合和一个三频伪距载波组合组成观测矩阵探测周跳,并采用搜索方法确保周跳修复的正确。最后利用模拟的L5观测数据进行验证,结果表明该算法可以有效地探测并修复周跳。  相似文献   

对伪距与载波相位观测值进行二次差分构造周跳检验参数,并利用Jarque-Bera方法对历元窗口内的周跳参数进行正态分布检验,较好地实现了周跳的实时探测。利用实测GPS静态数据以及车载GPS动态数据进行了周跳探测算例分析,结果表明,此方法能够实时探测出周跳,并能有效修复周跳。  相似文献   

The difficulty to detect and repair cycle slip of carrier phase measurements is a key limit for continuously high accuracy of GNSS positioning and navigation services. We propose an automated cycle slip detection and repair method for data preprocessing of a CORS network. The method jointly uses double-differenced (DD) geometry-free (GF) combination and ionospheric-free observation corrected for the computed geometrical distance (IF-OMC) to estimate the cycle slips in dual-frequency observations. The DD GF combination, which is only affected by the ionospheric residual, can be used to detect cycle slips with high reliability except for special pairs such as (77, 60) on GPS L1/L2 frequencies. The detection principle of the IF-OMC observable is such that there is a large discontinuity related to the previous epoch when cycle slips occur at the present epoch. The disadvantages of these two combinations can be overcome employing the proposed detection method. The cycle slip pair (77, 60) has no effect on the GF combination, while a change of 14.65 m is derived from GPS L1/L2 observations using the IF-OMC algorithm. Using pre-determined station coordinates as precise values, we found that the accuracy of the DD IF-OMC combination was 18 mm for a 200-km CORS baseline. Therefore, cycle slips in dual-frequency observations can be correctly and uniquely determined using DD GF and IF-OMC equations. The proposed method was verified by adding simulated cycle slips in observations collected from the CORS network under a quiet ionosphere and shown to be effective. Moreover, the method was assessed with observations made during intense ionospheric activity, which generated extensive cycle slips. The results show that the algorithm can detect and repair all cycle slips apart from two exceptions relating to long data gaps.  相似文献   

基于伪距相位和STPIR组合的北斗三频周跳探测与修复   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
GNSS周跳探测中,电离层残差法的适用性受数据采样间隔的影响较大,同时联合其它组合观测量进行周跳修复时,周跳修复方程组易出现病态解。针对这些问题,文中提出一种可靠的北斗三频周跳探测与修复算法,通过构造北斗三频电离层残差组合观测量,进行二阶历元间差分,基于三频伪距相位组合优选理论,选取适用于北斗三频数据的伪距相位组合,结合两种组合观测量,优选条件数较小的组合系数矩阵进行周跳修复,最后通过北斗三频实测数据验证,结果表明:在数据采样间隔较大的情况下,利用构建的三个组合观测量可以探测出北斗三频原始数据中的所有周跳,具有很好的修复效果。  相似文献   

This paper develops a new automated cycle slip detection and repair method that is based on only one single dual-frequency GPS receiver. This method jointly uses the ionospheric total electron contents (TEC) rate (TECR) and Melbourne–Wübbena wide lane (MWWL) linear combination to uniquely determine the cycle slip on both L1 and L2 frequencies. The cycle slips are inferred from the information of ionospheric physical TECR and MWWL ambiguity at the current epoch and that at the previous epoch. The principle of this method is that when there are cycle slips, the MWWL ambiguity will change and the ionospheric TECR will usually be significantly amplified, the part of artificial TECR (caused by cycle slips) being significantly larger than the normal physical TECR. The TECR is calculated based on the dual-frequency carrier phase measurements, and it is highly accurate. We calculate the ionospheric change information (including TECR and TEC acceleration) using the previous epochs (30 epochs in this study) and use the previous data to predict the TECR for the epoch needing cycle slip detection. If the discrepancy is larger than our defined threshold 0.15 TECU/s, cycle slips are regarded to exist at that epoch. The key rational of method is that during a short period (1.0 s in this study) the TECR of physical ionospheric phenomenon will not exceed the threshold. This new algorithm is tested with eight different datasets (including one spaceborne GPS dataset), and the results show that the method can detect and correctly repair almost any cycle slips even under very high level of ionospheric activities (with an average Kp index 7.6 on 31 March 2001). The only exception of a few detected but incorrectly repaired cycle slip is due to a sudden increased pseudorange error on a single satellite (PRN7) under very active ionosphere on 31 March 2001. This method requires dual-frequency carrier phase and pseudorange data from only one single GPS receiver. The other requirement is that the GPS data rate ideally is 1 Hz or higher in order to detect small cycle slips. It is suitable for many applications where one single receiver is used, e.g. real-time kinematic rover station and precise point positioning. An important feature of this method is that it performs cycle slip detection and repair on a satellite-by-satellite basis; thus, the cycle slip detection and repair for each satellite are completely independent and not affected by the data of other satellites.  相似文献   

在高精度GNSS测量中,周跳的存在直接影响到整周模糊度的解算及最终定位精度。针对目前各省市连续运行基准站网多系统观测数据的获取导致周跳探测工作量增加,该文基于甘肃省卫星定位连续运行基准站网(GSCORS)双频观测值提出了一种满足普遍条件的多系统周跳探测方法。采用相位减伪距结合电离层残差法分别对GPS和BDS原始观测值进行周跳探测与修复,通过对相应载波的模拟周跳探测发现,BDS较大的卫星钟差和伪距噪声影响了数据质量,其周跳检测量时间序列波动大于GPS,对7周以上周跳探测的精度较GPS会有1周的偏差,但电离层残差法能对BDS相位减伪距法探测残留的1周小周跳进行二次探测并修复。实验最终证实该方法能够有效探测并且正确分离GPS和BDS每个频率1周以上的周跳。  相似文献   

Cycle slip detection and repair is an important issue in the GPS data processing. Different methods have been developed to detect and repair cycle slips on undifferenced , single- or double-differenced observations. The issue is still crucial for high-precision GPS positioning, especially for the undifferenced GPS observations. A method is proposed to fix cycle slips based on the generalized likelihood ratio (GLR) test. The method has a good performance on cycle slip fixing of undifferenced carrier phase observations on individual frequencies, either on L1 or on L2, without making a linear combination among the observables. The functional model is a piecewise cubic curve fitted to a number of consecutive data using the least squares cubic spline approximation (LS-CSA). For fixing the cycle slips, an integer estimation technique is employed to determine the integer values from the float solution. The performance of the proposed method is then compared with the existing two methods using simulated data. The results on a few GPS data sets with sampling rate of 1 Hz or higher confirm that this method can detect and correct all simulated cycle slips regardless of the size of the cycle slip or the satellite elevation angle. The efficacy of the method is then investigated on the GPS data sets with lower sampling rates of 5, 10, and 30 s. The results indicate that the proposed method always performs the best for the data sets considered. This is thus an appropriate method for cycle slip detection and repair of single-frequency GPS observations.  相似文献   

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