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This part concerns folding of elastic multilayers subjected to principal initial stresses parallel or normal to layering and to confinement by stiff or rigid boundaries. Both sinusoidal and reverse-kink folds can be produced in multilayers subjected to these conditions, depending primarily upon the conditions of contacts between layers. The initial fold pattern is always sinusoidal under these ideal conditions, but subsequent growth of the initial folds can change the pattern. For example, if contacts between layers cannot resist shear stress or if soft elastic interbeds provide uniform resistance to shear between stiff layers, sinusoidal folds of the Biot wavelength grow most rapidly with increased shortening. Further, the Biot waves become unstable as the folds grow and are transformed into concentric-like folds and finally into chevron folds. Comparison of results of the elementary and the linearized theories of elastic folding indicates that the elementary theory can accurately predict the Biot wavelength if the multilayers contain at least ten layers and if either the soft interbeds are at most about one-fifth as stiff as the stiff layers, or there is zero contact shear strength between layers.Multilayers subjected to the same conditions of loading and confinement as discussed above, can develop kink folds also. The kink fold can be explained in terms of a theory based on three assumptions: each stiff layer folds into the same form; kinking is a buckling phenomenon, and shear stress is required to overcome contact shear strength between layers and to produce slippage locally. The theory indicates that kink forms will tend to develop in multilayers with low but finite contact shear strength relative to the average shear modulus of the multilayer. Also, the larger the initial slopes and number of layers with contact shear strength, the more is the tendency for kink folds rather than sinusoidal folds to develop. The theoretical displacement form of a layer in a kink band is the superposition of a full sine wave, with a wavelength equal to the width of the kink band, and of a linear displacement profile. The resultant form resembles a one-half sine curve but it is significantly different from this curve. The width of the kink band may be greater or less than the Biot wavelength of sinusoidal folding in the multilayer, depending upon the magnitude of the contact shear strength relative to the average shear modulus. For example, in multilayers of homogeneous layers with contact strength, the Biot wavelength is zero so that the width of the kink band in such materials is always greater than the Biot wavelength. In general, the higher the contact strength, the narrower the kink band; for simple frictional contacts, the widths of kink bands decrease with increasing confinement normal to layers. Widths of kink bands theoretically depend upon a host of parameters — initial amplitude of Biot waves, number of layers, shear strength of contacts between layers, and thickness and modulus ratios of stiff-to-soft layers — therefore, widths of kink bands probably cannot be used readily to estimate properties of rocks containing kink bands. All these theoretical predictions are consistent with observations of natural and experimental kink folds of the reverse variety.Chevron folding and kink folding can be distinctly different phenomena according to the theory. Chevron folds typically form at cores of concentric-like folds; they rarely form at intersections of kink bands. In either case, they are similar folds that develop at a late stage in the folding process. Kink folds are more nearly akin to concentric-like folds than to chevron folds because kink folds form early, commonly before the sinusoidal folds are visible. Whereas concentric-like folds develop in response to higher-order effects near boundaries of a multilayer, kink folds typically initiate in response to higher-order shear, as at inflection points near mid-depth in low-amplitude, sinusoidal fold patterns. Chevron folding and kink folding are similar in elastic multilayers in that elastic “yielding” at hinges can produce rather sharp, angular forms.  相似文献   

Parallel, similar and constrained folds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Theoretical analysis of folding of viscous multilayers with free slip or bonding at layer contacts indicates that folds in such multilayers can be described in terms of three end-members:parallel, in which orthogonal thicknesses of layers are largely constant;similar, in which vertical thicknesses of layers and shapes of successive interfaces are essentially constant; andconstrained, in which amplitudes of anticlines and synclines decrease to zero at upper and lower boundaries. Constrained,internal folds form if the multilayer is confined by rigid media; parallel,concentric-like folds form if the multilayer is confined by soft media, provided soft interbeds are sufficiently thin for the stiff layers to fold as an ensemble. Similar,sinusoidal orchevron folds form throughout much of the thickness of a multilayer, for any stiffness of confining media, provided wavelengths of folds are short relative to the thickness of the multilayer or soft interbeds are sufficiently soft and thick for the stiff layers to act independently. The analysis shows that multilayer folds may have the same form regardless of whether the layer contacts are freely slipping or bonded.

The forms of folds in multilayers confined by media with different viscosities above and below depend on the viscosity contrast of the media. For no medium above and a rigid medium below, the forms are concentric-like in the upper part and internal in the lower part of the multilayer. For no medium above and a soft medium below, the folds are concentric-like throughout the multilayer.

The theory indicates that a useful way to analyze forms of folds in rocks or in experiments is in terms of component waveforms, as defined, for example, by Fourier series. The distributions of amplitudes of component waveforms throughout the multilayer appears to be diagnostic, reflecting contrasts in properties of the multilayer and its confining media. Analysis of a large fold in the central Appalachians, Pennsylvania, and of a smaller fold in the Huasna syncline, California, indicates that at least three component waveforms are required to produce the gross forms of those folds.

The theory closely predicts wavelengths and shapes of folds produced in analogous elastic multilayers, indicating that nonlinearities in material behavior, which are inherent in the elastic material but are absent in the viscous material, are less significant than nonlinearities in the boundary conditions, which are the same in elastic and viscous materials.  相似文献   

Most folds in stratified rock are similar in form to ideal kink, concentric or chevron folds, in which there are discontinuities in slope or curvature of bedding planes. In this respect most folds appear to be closely related to faults, traces of which can be considered to be lines across which there are discontinuities of displacement of layers. Further, the close association of reverse faults and folds or monoclinal flexures seems to indicate that theories of faulting and folding should be closely related.The theory of characteristics is a mathematical tool with which we can obtain insights into processes involving discontinuities. Theoretical characteristic lines are directions across which certain variables might be discontinuous and they are directions along which discontinuities propagate. The theory has been widely applied in plasticity theory and in fluid mechanics and theoretical studies of faulting have suggested that faults are analogous to the lines of discontinuity predicted by plasticity theory. Elasticity and viscosity theories, on which theories of folding have been founded, exclude the existence of characteristic lines in the materials unless the equilibrium equations, rheological properties or strains are nonlinear. However, all folding theories are nonlinear to some extent and the theories can be modified so that they predict lines of discontinuity for some conditions of loading and deformation.Theories of folding will be developed in subsequent papers of this series in order to predict conditions under which characteristic lines can exist in multilayered materials and in order to determine the conditions that must be satisfied across and along the characteristic lines. The theory should help us to recognize lines of apparent discontinuity in natural and experimental folds and study of these lines should provide further understanding of mechanisms of folding.Experimental studies of folding of a wide variety of materials, including alternating layers of rubber and gelatin, modeling clay and grease or graphite, and potter's clay and rubber or cardboard, suggest that the patterns of folding in these materials begin with sinusoidal forms, transform into concentric or kink forms and then into chevron forms as the multilayers are shortened axially. A suitable theory of folding of multilayers should account for these observations.  相似文献   

One of the rules of thumb of structural geology is that drag folds, or minor asymmetric folds, reflect the sense of layer-parallel shear during folding of an area. According to this rule, right-lateral, layer-parallel shear is accompanied by clockwise rotation of marker surfaces and left-lateral by counterclockwise rotation. By using this rule of thumb, one is supposed to be able to examine small asymmetric folds in an outcrop and to infer the direction of axes of major folds relative to the position of the outcrop. Such inferences, however, can be misleading. Theoretical and experimental analyses of elastic multilayers show that symmetric sinusoidal folds first develop in the multilayers, if the rheological and dimensional properties favor the development of sinusoidal folds rather than kink folds, and that the folded layers will then behave much as passive markers during layerparallel shear and thus will follow the rule of thumb of drag folding. The analyses indicate, however, that multilayers whose properties favor the development of kink folds can produce monoclinal kink folds with a sense of asymmetry opposite to that predicted by the rule of thumb. Therefore, the asymmetry of folds can be an ambiguous indicator of the sense of shear.The reason for the ambiguity is that asymmetry is a result of two processes that can produce diametrically opposed results. The deformation of foliation surfaces and axial planes in a passive manner is the pure or end-member form of one process. The result of the passive deformation of fold forms is the drag fold in which the steepness of limbs and the tilt of axial planes relative to nonfolded layering are in accord with the rule of thumb.The end-member form of a second process, however, produces the opposite geometric relationships. This process involves yielding and buckling instabilities of layers with contact strength and can result in monoclinal kink bands. Right-lateral, layer-parallel shear stress produces left-lateral monoclinal kink bands and left-lateral shear stress produces right-lateral monoclinal kink bands. Actual folds do not behave as either of these ideal end members, and it is for this reason that the interpretation of the sense of layer-parallel shear stress relative to the asymmetry of folds can be ambiguous.Kink folding of a multilayer with contact strength theoretically is a result of both buckling and yielding instabilities. The theory indicates that inclination of the direction of maximum compression to layering favors either left-lateral or right-lateral kinking, and that one can predict conditions under which monoclinal kink bands will develop in elastic or elastic—plastic layers. Further, the first criterion of kink and sinusoidal folding developed in Part IV remains valid if we replace the contact shear strength with the difference between the shear strength and the initial layer-parallel shear stress.Kink folds theoretically can initiate only in layers inclined at angles less than to the direction of maximum compression. Here φ is the angle of internal friction of contacts. For higher angles of layering, slippage is stable so that the result is layer-parallel slippage rather than kink folding.The theory also provides estimates of locking angles of kink bands relative to the direction of maximum compression. The maximum locking angle between layering in a nondilating kink band and the direction of maximum compression is . The theory indicates that the inclination of the boundaries of kink bands is determined by many factors, including the contact strength between layers, the ratio of principal stresses, the thickening or thinning of layers, that is, the dilitation, within the kink band, and the orientation of the principal stresses relative to layering. If there is no dilitation within the kink band, the minimum inclination of the boundaries of the band is to the direction of maximum compression, or to the direction of nonfolded layers. Here α is the angle between the direction of maximum compression and the nonfolded layers. It is positive if clockwise.Analysis of processes in terminal regions of propagating kink bands in multilayers with frictional contact strength indicates that an essential process is dilitation, which decreases the normal stress, thereby allowing slippage and buckling even though slopes of layers are low there.  相似文献   

The origin of tight, asymmetric, kink-like or chevron-like folds in interbedded shales and radiolarian cherts of the Franciscan Complex in the San Francisco Bay area has been somewhat of a mystery for many years. Stephenson Ellen provided many clues as to the origin and indicated that the folds became asymmetric as a result of layer-parallel shear. He believed that the original folds were conjugate kink folds.As a result of reexamination of most of the folds studied by Ellen, of experimentation with elastic multilayers and of the theories developed in Parts III and IV of this series of papers, we believe that the original folds were mostly chevron rather than kink folds. Thus, we suggest that the folds formed by a combination of layer-parallel shortening and layer-parallel shear when the rocks were soft and pore pressures were high.Several lines of evidence suggest that typical folds in the Franciscan are asymmetric chevron folds. A combination of theory of finite simple shear and of experimentation with elastic multilayers indicates that the tight folds of the Franciscan could have been produced by smaller angles of simple shear if the original folds were typical chevron folds rather than typical kink folds. Several field observations, including thickening of shales but not of cherts in hinges of folds and lack of deformation of radiolaria in the cherts, indicate that the cherts were soft and the shales very soft at the time of folding. The pore-water pressures in the shales probably were high. Such conditions theoretically favor concentric-like and chevron folding, not kink folding. Finally, most of the asymmetric folds in a quarry exposure can be reconstructed geometrically as typical chevron folds but not as typical kink folds subjected to simple shear.  相似文献   

Folds in the Huasna area of the southern Coast Ranges of California provide an opportunity to study different fold forms and to estimate dimensional and relative rheological properties of rocks at the time of folding. Plunging, concentric-like and chevron-like folds with wavelengths ranging from about 0.1 to 1 km are clearly visible in natural exposures at the south end of the Huasna syncline, which has a wavelength of 12–16 km. Examination of two fresh roadcut exposures in the Miocene Monterey Formation suggests that folding within part of the Monterey was accommodated primarily by layer-parallel slip between structural layers with thicknesses ranging from 30 to 43 m, even though lithologic layers range from a few mm to a few dm in thickness. This part of the Monterey is folded into a series of concentric-like folds, with chevron-like folds at their cores and with a ratio of wavelength to total thickness of layers of about . Theoretical analysis of multilayers, comprised of identical, elastic or elastic—plastic layers with frictionless contacts, indicates that the effective, or weighted-average thickness of structural layers corresponding with an ratio of 0.42 is about 41 m. Thus, the theoretical predictions are roughly in agreement with available data concerning these folds.Thicknesses of structural units in other folds of this area are inadequately known to closely check theoretical predictions, but most of the data are consistent with predictions. An exception is the Huasna syncline which has a larger wavelength than we would predict. There are several likely explanations for this discrepancy. Layers in the underlying Franciscan complex may have taken part in the folding, making our estimates of total thickness too small. The basement rocks may have been much softer, relative to the overlying sedimentary rocks, than we assumed. The Huasna syncline could be partly a result of gravitational instability of relatively low density, Miocene siliceous and porcelaneous shales, overlain by relatively high density, Pliocene sandstones.The Huasna syncline and some of the smaller folds in the Miocene rocks are doubly in the northwest—southeast direction. Further, the maximum compression was approximately normal to the traces of the large faults in this part of California.  相似文献   

If the orientation of the principal compressive stress is oblique to layering, viscous multilayers fold in response to the layer-parallel shortening and develop asymmetric interfaces in response to the layer-parallel shear. A theoretical analysis of folding of viscous multilayers with different slip laws at layer contacts shows that the sense of asymmetry of folds is determined largely by the behavior of the layer contacts and the sense of layer-parallel shear during folding.

For a given sense of layer-parallel shear, the sense of asymmetry of folds can be reversed by changing only the behavior of the layer contacts. If the slip rate is linearly proportional to the shear stress at layer contacts, the resistance to slip is the same everywhere along interfaces, and the folds develop the sense of asymmetry of drag folds. If the slip rate is a nonlinear function of the shear stress at layer contacts, however, the resistance to slip varies with position along interfaces, and folds develop the sense of asymmetry of monoclinal kink folds.

For a given variable resistance to slip at layer contacts, the sense of asymmetry depends on the sense and magnitude of the layer-parallel shear and on the thickness-to-wavelength ratio of the multilayer.

For finite multilayers with variable resistance to slip at contacts, an increase in the layer-parallel shear stress decreases the dominant wavelength and increases the amplification factor for the initial perturbation of the interface.

The multilayer consists of linear viscous layers and is confined by thick, viscous media. Resistance to slip at layer contacts is modeled theoretically by a powerlaw relationship between rate of slip and contact shear stress. The equations, derived to 2nd order in the slopes of the interfaces, describe the growth of asymmetric folds from initial, symmetric perturbations.  相似文献   

The infinitesimal and finite stages of folding in nonlinear viscous material with a layer-parallel anisotropy were investigated using numerical and analytical methods. Anisotropy was found to have a first-order effect on growth rate and wavelength selection, and these effects are already important for anisotropy values (normal viscosity/shear viscosity) < 10. The effect of anisotropy must therefore be considered when deducing viscosity contrasts from wavelength to thickness ratios of natural folds. Growth rates of single layer folds were found to increase and subsequently decrease during progressive deformation. This is due to interference between the single layer folds and chevron folds that form in the matrix as a result of instability caused by the anisotropic material behaviour. The wavelength of the chevron folds in the matrix is determined by the wavelength of the folded single layer, which can explain the high wavelength to thickness ratios that are sometimes found in multilayer sequences. Numerical models including anisotropic material properties allow the behaviour of multilayer sequences to be investigated without the need for resolution on the scale of individual layers. This is particularly important for large-scale models of layered lithosphere.  相似文献   

Fold shapes and strain distributions produced in stiff single layers inclined up to 20° to the direction of principal shortening were investigated using finite-element computer models. The finite-element model was formulated for constant-strain quadrilaterals using the constitutive equation for a compressible, linearly viscous fluid. The model of a stiff layer imbedded in a less viscous medium was designed to accommodate 2 Biot wavelengths. Inclinations of the stiff layer to the shortening direction were 0°, 5°, 10°, 15° and 20°. At each inclination folds were produced with viscosity ratios of 17 : 1, 24 : 1 and 42 : 1. Folds were initiated by prescribing symmetric sinusoidal perturbations with limb dips of 2°. Results from models with 0° initial inclinations are similar to results obtained by others. Folds are sinusoidal and symmetric, and strain distributions are symmetrically disposed about axial planes in both the matrix and stiff layer. As layer inclination is increased, these features change. The folds become asymmetric (as measured by the ratio of limb lengths), and the amount of asymmetry increases with inclination. Finite-strain distributions in both the stiff layer and matrix are not symmetrically disposed about the axial plane. Principal strains in the matrix tend to parallel the long limb of the stiff layer, and are “refracted” through the long limb at a larger angle than through the short limb.  相似文献   

The term “folding” encompasses a wide range of processes, most of which are poorly understood. Jura folds, though comparatively simple, have developed by a superposition of different types of instabilities both in space and time. They are never periodic and sinusoidal and are more realistically approximated by kink bands with rounded hinges. Thrusting and kinking instabilities had closely similar thresholds, with kinks usually following and deforming thrusts. An analysis of embryonic folds shows that instabilities in the sedimentary cover were initiated primarily at inherited flaws of the basal décollement layer. They thence spread upward, often following stratigraphically higher incompetent layers in secondary décollement and there nucleating secondary instabilities before reaching the surface (disharmonic folding). Embryonic folds thus are usually narrow, emanating from secondary décollement layers that are connected with the basal décollement zone by thrusts nucleated at inherited obstacles. These are eventually overcome, permitting basal décollement to coalesce with kinking instabilities that grow downward from nuclei in higher décollement intervals. In this way folds centered in the basal décollement layer, and consequently of normal width, may be superposed on the narrow embryonic folds. The sequence and importance of the different elements may vary from place to place to result in a vast catalog of fold shapes.  相似文献   

The existence of detachment surfaces or décollement zones beneath folded rocks of the Valley and Ridge and Plateau provinces of the Appalachians has been recognized as an important condition of folding. Large folds at the border between the two provinces resulted primarily from repetition of strata by thrusting of blocks over ramp faults that connect detachement surfaces at different horizons. Some investigators have suggested that folds in the Plateau province of Pennsylvania were produced by splay faults arising from detachment surfaces, but field observations and theoretical analyses by Sherwin and by Wiltschko & Chapple suggest that the folds are a result of buckling of multilayered rocks above a décollement. An exception may be the Burning Springs anticline in West Virginia, which appears to have formed at the termination of a detachment surface.Investigation of the translation of an homogenous, viscous material above a flat detachment surface that terminates laterally indicates that the termination produces a broad, low-amplitude anticline in passive layering as a result of thickening induced by a gradient of shear stresses in the vertical direction. This thickening above the termination of a detachment is a mechanism of folding. If the viscous fluid contained mechanical layering, the fold would become amplified by buckling. Computations of stresses in the material indicate that minor faults should be generated first near the termination of the flat detachment surface. The Burning Springs anticline probably was initiated by termination of a detachment surface and subsequently amplified by buckling.  相似文献   

Six experiments of single-layer folding with simple-shear boundary conditions were completed. Using materials of ethyl cellulose, the viscosity ratio of the stiff layer to matrix ranged from 20 to 100. The experiments were monitored by 10–14 photographs taken at equally spaced time intervals. Strain distributions in both the stiff layer and matrix were calculated from the displacements of over 300 ink dots distributed over the surface of each experiment. Both incremental strain (calculated from the relative displacements of the dots between successive photographs) and accumulating strain were determined on the two-dimensional profile of the materials as they folded.Symmetrical fold wavelengths occur and seem to be controlled by the wavelengths of initial perturbations in the stiff layer. If the Biot wavelength was not present initially, it will not occur in the final waveform. Consequently, in a group of natural folds, the mean value of wavelength/thickness ratios apparently reflects the initial perturbations. The mean value should not be confused with the Biot wavelength and should not be used to calculate viscosity ratios in naturally deformed rocks.Substantial layer thickening occurred only with viscosity ratios of 20. The amount of layer thickening also depends on initial perturbations of the stiff layer. If these perturbations are near the Biot wavelength, they are greatly amplified, the folds grow rapidly and layer thickening is small. If the perturbations are not near the Biot wavelength, amplification is small, the folds grow slowly and layer thickening is much greater.Principal elongations of the accumulated strain in the cores of some of the folds are not symmetrically distributed about axial planes and may cut across the axial plane at angles up to 20°. Strain shadows in the matrix, near the convex side of fold hinges, are also prominent. These triangular-shaped regions of low strain are not symmetrically disposed about fold axial planes, in contrast to strain shadows occurring in folds produced under pure-shear boundary conditions.The rotation of accumulating principal elongations in the stiff layer was calculated at fold inflections. Even though the folds themselves are generally symmetrical, these rotations at opposite fold inflections are not. One fold limb exhibits little rotation of principal elongations during folding while the other has rotations up to 70°. In contrast, folds formed in pure-shear boundary conditions have rotations of principal directions on opposite fold limbs equal in magnitude.  相似文献   

The theoretical model and non-homogeneous differential equation of equal thickness multi-layer folds sandwiched in different thickness and same character media are established by elas-tic and plastic mechanics.The special answer of the non-homogeneous differential equation and the common answer of the homogeneous differential equation are deduced by applying logistic equation and special function,and the dominant wavelength theory of equal thickness multi-layer folds sand-wiched in different thickness and same character media.In addition,the experimental folding in both elastic and sticky materials proves the dominant wavelength theory.  相似文献   

A non-coaxial deformation involving pre-folding initiation of cleavage perpendicular to bedding is proposed to explain non-axial planar cleavage associated with mesoscopic folds in part of the Appalachian foreland thrust-belt of southwest Virginia. Folds are gently plunging, asymmetric, upright to slightly inclined, sinusoidal forms with non-axial fanning cleavage. They show extreme local variations in type and degree of transection and the consistency of transection direction. These relations are further complicated by hinge migration.Cleavage-fan angles, bedding-cleavage angles and δ transection values appear influenced by fold tightness, and in part by fold flattening strain. Fold flattening increments are considered simultaneous with folding. Axial surface traces, and not cleavage traces, coincide with the principal extension direction in fold profiles. Geometric modelling of cleavage fanning and bedding-cleavage angle variations for various theoretical folding modes suggest that folding in limestone and sandstone layers was by tangential longitudinal strain. Significant shape modification and change in bedding-cleavage relations occurred after limb dips of 40 and 50° were attained in limestone and sandstone respectively. Mud-rock class 1C folds with convergent cleavage fans show features transitional between buckling and flexural flow. Initiation of ‘cleavage’ fabrics during layer-parallel shortening prior to significant folding may be important for cleavage evolution in some deformed rocks.  相似文献   

Bending anisotropy is the property of a layer of material whereby it bends more easily in some directions than it does in others. In macroscopically homogeneous layers, bending anisotropy results from the material itself being rheologically anisotropic in the plane of the layering.In this paper we investigate bending anisotropy in materials with orthorhombic symmetry and linear elastic or viscous behaviour. Although such models are rheologically simple, we believe they may provide a first approximation to the behaviour of some tectonites with linear and planar fabrics. Thus we predict that in rocks with strong linear fabrics, folds will form with axes nearly parallel to the linear fabrics, for a variety of different stress fields. This has important geological consequences.  相似文献   

The landscape of northeast Norfolk is dominated by a high (>50 m) ridge which has been interpreted as an end moraine (Cromer Ridge). This feature is truncated by coastal erosion at Trimingham. Evidence of large- and small-scale compressive styles of deformation is found throughout the sequence, except at the very top, where late Anglian/early Hoxnian lake sediments are found within an undeformed kettle hole. The deformation consists of open folds (including chevron folds) and listric thrust faults. It is suggested that these are the result of a single compressive event, which was caused by proglacial glaciotectonic deformation. It is inferred that this deformation is due to a combination of frontal pushing and compressive stresses transmitted through a subglacial deforming wedge. It is also shown that strain increases towards the ice sheet margin, as reflected by the deformational styles (from open folding up-glacier to listric thrust faulting down-glacier). The Cromer Ridge is shown to be a push moraine complex related to an actively retreating ice margin.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional analysis of folded surfaces oblique to the mechanical layering can shed light on the kinematic mechanisms that operated during the development of folds. A new version of the program ‘FoldModeler’, developed in the Mathematica™ environment, is used to obtain the deformed configuration of an initial pattern of oblique surfaces deformed by any combination of the most common kinematic folding mechanisms: flexural flow, tangential longitudinal strain, with or without area change and heterogeneous simple shear. The layer can also undergo any form of homogeneous strain at any moment of the folding process. The outputs of the program provide complete information about the strain distribution in the folded layer that includes graphs of the angle between the oblique surfaces as a function of the inclination of the layering through the fold. These graphs can be very useful to discriminate between the mechanisms that operate in the development of natural folds, and they have been obtained and discussed for the most common combinations of strain patterns. The program is applied to obtain theoretical folds that give a good fit of some natural examples of folded oblique surfaces.  相似文献   

From a general understanding of the flow mechanisms in alpine-type peridotites, it is possible to describe without ambiguity the general flow regime and its directions in a massif. This result provides the means for an investigation of the origin of the folding in pyroxenitic layers independent of any preconceived theory on folding.The folds are usually isoclinal and of the flexural-flow type as demonstrated by petrofabric studies in hinges. Their axes are always parallel or subparallel to a mineral lineation which in turn is parallel or close to the orientation of the fabric elements defining the flow line. Their axial plane, which usually coincides with the foliation, is parallel to or close to the flow plane. This conclusion, also supported by paragenetic observations, shows that the folds were formed or transposed during the plastic flow responsible for the development of structures (foliation and lineation), textures and preferred mineral orientations. In the case of the Lanzo Massif and a few other Iherzolite massifs, the flow occurred during the intrusion from the mantle. The mapping in Lanzo yields evidence of a large-scale U-shaped fold with a remarkable pattern of mesoscopic folds attached to it: the tight isoclinal folds are restricted to the limbs of the largescale structure, and the open folds locally refolding former isoclinal ones to the hinge area where the angle between the folded pyroxenitic layering and the axial-plane foliation is large. Stereograms of the field structures in this hinge area clearly illustrate the geometric relations mentioned above.This folding, characterized by its axis and axial plane respectively close to the flow line and flow plane, can be explained either by rotation towards the flow line of non-cylindrical-fold axes or by direct formation in a non-plane flow when the flow line is initially contained in the layering or close to it. In this respect, the folding may bring information on the minor flow component, complementary to that given on the major flow component by considering the textures and fabrics. Finally this folding is shown to be ubiquitous in plastically deformed peridotites. It is proposed that these conclusions be extended to other domains submitted to intense non-plane flow.  相似文献   

拉卡兰褶皱带中,发育于Ballarat-Bandigo冲断带中的低级变质砂、泥岩的宏观构造以间离劈理和人字形褶皱为特征,而且劈理在褶皱中呈扇形发育。劈理和褶皱的几何关系分析显示:劈理和褶皱的形成为压溶作用、压扁作用、弯曲作用和被动旋转共同作用的结果,而褶皱砂、泥岩中变形构造则以与压溶作用和再沉淀过程有关的显微构造为其典型特征。Fry法进行的全岩应变测量显示,褶皱砂岩的内部应变相当低(X/Z=1.40—1.83),褶皱应变格局给出变形机制的信息包括:缩短过程中的压扁作用和压溶作用、褶皱过程中由弯滑导致的层平行剪应变、以及褶皱后期发育阶段内弧区强烈的压溶作用。宏观构造、显散构造以及应变特征多方面信息证明:低级变质的沉积岩在褶皱变形过程中,压溶作用为一重要的变形机制。应变分解显示在30%—50%的总地壳水平缩短量下,弯曲导致的缩短最为14%—36%,压扁导致的缩短量为3%—14%,压溶导致的缩短量为8%—26%,而且压溶作用主要发生在褶皱内弧区。  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of modelling deformations in stratified formations involved in gliding down a tilted base. The modelling is performed to simulate an “orogenic wave”. Gravity folding is compared to folding caused by horizontal compression from a rigid block. Various morphologic types of structure arise with gravitational gliding depending on the thickness and physical properties of the layers involved. These are kink, sine, chevron and fan-like folds, uplift-thrusted structures and selective folding. In similar strata similar deformations originate both in gravity gliding and by compression from a rigid block. The results of the experiments suggest that gravity gliding tectonics may be responsible fo a much wider variety of structure than has been previously envisaged.  相似文献   

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