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The fisheries sector is a significant contributor to the Egyptian economy. Recently, issues relating to fishing ports have been highlighted in port planning, availability of facilities, management, and environmental issues. Additional problems include Egypt's lack of specific guidelines for planning and design of fishing ports. This paper aims to assess the current status of five fishing ports (both natural and artificial) located along the Mediterranean coast of Egypt. Data were collected via a questionnaire supplied directly to the fishermen. The questionnaire contains two sections that cover information regarding the fishermen and fishing vessels. There are sections to assess the degree of satisfaction of the fishermen regarding economic, environmental, planning, facilities, and managerial issues. 250 fishermen received the questionnaire. The data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The results confirm that the fishing ports are negatively affected by a number issues, as well as management deficiencies, resulting in several weaknesses. The main issues include pollution, sedimentation, deterioration of infrastructure, and lack of port facilities. It is recommended that decision-makers should develop monitoring tools and improve infrastructure and services. Recommendations are made for future development to enable the expansion in the fishing industry and improve the sustainability of fishing ports.  相似文献   

陈东  陈兆林 《海岸工程》2006,25(4):60-62
为了打造帆船之都,促进青岛旅游业和旅游经济的发展,提出了利用休渔期,选择安全性能好的渔船和经过专门培训的渔民搞海上旅游观光、垂钓并发展渔村餐饮业,以解决渔民增收和生活问题,使旅游码头和渔港码头优势互补,共同发展,为青岛旅游业开辟另一条新路。  相似文献   

A detailed understanding of fishing activity in Scottish waters is required to inform marine spatial planning. Larger fishing vessels are fitted with Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) offering spatial information on fishing activity. VMS does not cover smaller vessels (under 15 m), which fish predominantly in inshore waters where the competition for space is often greatest. To improve knowledge of the distribution of fishing activity and value of fisheries in Scotland's inshore waters, Marine Scotland conducted a participatory fisheries mapping project, known as ScotMap. The data were collected during face-to-face interviews with 1090 fishermen of Scottish registered commercial fishing vessels under 15 m in overall length and relate to fishing activity for the period 2007–2011. Interviewees were asked to identify the areas in which they fish, estimate the contribution these areas make to vessel earnings, and to provide associated information. The majority of interviews relate to creel fishing. The data collected were aggregated to provide mapped outputs of the monetary value, relative importance to fishermen and the usage of the seas around Scotland (number of fishing vessels and number of crew). ScotMap outputs provide information on the locations of inshore fishing activities and the economic importance of different sea areas at a much higher spatial resolution than was previously possible. Outputs have informed marine policy development, provide a valuable resource for marine spatial planning in Scotland and illustrate how participatory mapping can generate useful resources on the location and importance of inshore fishing areas.  相似文献   

One hundred and twenty-four fishing areas were identified and georeferenced according to fishermen's traditional ecological knowledge. Nearly 80% of the designations of the fishing areas were known by fishermen only and are registered for the first time. Fishermen identify fishing areas according to depth, wooden logs used to anchor fixed nets, gradation of water transparency, and traditional use of certain areas. This study reveals the richness of knowledge held by fishermen, it illustrates their solid straight relationship with the natural environment where they live, and shows the potential uses of TEK for fisheries management.  相似文献   

The dangers associated with commercial fishing are well documented, and fishermen consistently face one of the highest job-related mortality risks of all US occupations. This study explored fishermen's perceptions of these risks in a representative sample of Maine commercial fishing vessel captains. Data were collected on sociodemographic characteristics and risk preferences during sea boardings of working commercial fishing vessels (n=233) along the full extent of the Maine coastline. Trends in perceived risk were explored across the various sociodemographic categories. Fishermen in this study consistently undervalued their true occupational risk, and rated it as average despite consistent evidence to the contrary. Those more likely to downgrade the risk of fishing included state registered vessels and those found to be non-compliant with existing safety regulations. Less educated fishermen and those who come from a fishing family were also more likely to underrate the risks, as were those fishermen who displayed risk-loving tendencies in other facets of their lives such as smokers and those who did not use seat belts. Middle-aged fishermen were also more likely to underrate the risk than the youngest and oldest groups, suggesting that overconfidence grows and then wanes over time. The results of this study strongly suggest that the current safety training and awareness programs targeting fishermen are inadequate. Furthermore, widespread voluntary participation in organized safety training is unlikely since the majority of fishermen believed that the risks were not relevant to their own activities.  相似文献   

In the period 1983-2007, The European Union controlled the evolution of the capacity of its fishing fleet through the so-called Multi-Annual Guidance Programmes (MAGPs). As a result, The European Union reduced the number of fishermen, fishing vessels, gross tonnage and power. However, the end of this period saw an increase in the average size of the fishing vessel and a reduction in crew size. The new “average fishing-vessel” was a more technologically advanced vessel with a greater fishing capacity and a higher degree of autonomy. The aim of the study presented here is to determine the degree of inequality to be found between the fishing capacities of the fleets of the European Union, and to verify whether the evolution of the “average fishing-vessel” responds to a homogenous trend shared by all of the fishing fleets of the European Union or whether it is in fact more unequal. The study formalises a methodology, using Theil indices, which enables the inequalities found between the capacities of the fishing fleets during the period of application of the MAGP adjustment polices to be analysed. The study uses data on fishermen, boats and tonnages from 13 countries of the European Union and results are obtained for the inequality indices of the average size of the fishing vessels, their degree of technological advance and their average crews.  相似文献   

A closed fishing season is arguably the most important fisheries regulation measure implemented by the government of India in the new millennium. Applied mainly to the inshore trawl fishing fleet, the planners’ intention was a safe-guarding of capture fisheries. This article, which is based on fieldwork in seven harbour locations, considers the socio-economic consequences of the closed fishing season for trawler fishermen in the state of Tamil Nadu. It concludes that the success of the ban is based on cooperation between government and local fisher associations, and on broad agreement as to its necessity. Those who are impacted most by the implementation of the closed fishing season are lower-class workers and traders lacking opportunities for alternative employment.  相似文献   

渔船海损事故给广大渔民的生命财产造成重大损失。本文从加强渔船安全管理的角度出发,分析产生海损事故的四个主要原因,并提出四项防范措施。事故原因;1.对安全工作重视不够;2.职务船员素质不高;3.片面强调经济效益而忽视安全生产;4.法制观念淡薄,有章不循或者违章作业以及主管部门对造成事故的直接责任者惩处不严。防范措施:1.加强对广大干部和渔民的安全教育,严格实行“渔业安全管理目标责任制”;2.加强对职务船员的选拔以及现职船员的培训;3.加强对普通船员的技术普及;4.加强法制教育。  相似文献   

Safety at sea is a serious issue for the commercial fishing industry; it ranks highly in all assessments of occupational dangers including risk-taking, injuries, and fatalities. This paper examines the impact of fisheries management on safety at sea and the use of fishermen's input in the safety regulatory and management process. Using case study techniques of analysis, 22 boatowners, captains and crew all with a minimum of 10 years experience in the commercial fishing industry and from a common New England port (New Bedford) are interviewed. Findings strongly suggest that regulations that have been primarily designed to reduce pressure on fish stocks may also result in increased pressure on fishermen and decreased safety at sea. Attitudes about the role of the New England Fisheries Management Council and improvements to the safety regulatory and management process particularly with regard to the increased participation by fishermen are also examined.  相似文献   

Abstract. The energy flows of two habitats are quantified and compared by using a trophic network model. The habitats are representative of two typical subsystems of the Venice Lagoon: the seagrass meadows, which represent a mature stage in the ecological succession of lagoon environments, and the Tapes philippinarum fishing grounds, which are subjected to mechanical clam harvesting.
The results obtained for the 'seagrass habitat'are consistent with other field studies, confirming the'key-stone'role played by phanerogams in a lagoon environment. The results for the 'Tapes habitat'show that the energy flow from the sediment to the water column is extremely important. Indeed, the high T. philippinarum biomass cannot be supported solely by the primary production of the local phytoplankton. Instead, this biomass could be supported by a supply provided by the sediment resuspension caused by intensive clam fishing. These findings suggest the presence of a positive feedback between fishing effort and T. philippinarum standing crop.  相似文献   

Resource conflict is a common feature of coastal management. This conflict is often managed by using spatial planning tools to segregate uses, with access decisions made through a comparison of the economic costs and benefits of the competing sectors. These comparisons rarely include an in-depth analysis of the extent or nature of the conflict. One commonly experienced form of resource conflict in coastal communities involves professional fishing, recreational fishing and broader coastal tourism. In New South Wales, Australia the professional fishing industry is often seen as being in conflict with recreational fishing and tourism, and there are frequent calls to close areas to professional fishing, arguing that this will provide improved economic benefits to local communities. This research examined the relationships between the three sectors using economic valuations, qualitative interviews and a large-scale representative questionnaire of the general public. The results revealed highly interconnected and mutually supportive relationships, with professional fishing providing a range of services that benefit both tourism and recreational fishing. These results suggest that spatial management exercises that seek to segregate or remove one sector from an area, may be counterproductive to the interests of all these groups. Relying on economic valuations of each sector as if they stand alone is insufficient to adequately understand their roles in local communities. Resource allocation decisions should be based on evaluations that consider the interconnections between sectors, and consider whether negotiated sharing of resources may provide greater community benefits than excluding certain groups of users.  相似文献   

We study an individual transferable quota system with imperfect enforcement. We apply a model of individual fisherman behavior to the red shrimp (Pleuroncodes monodon) fishery in central-southern Chile. Simulation results suggest that illegal fishing could generate a 21% increase in fishing effort, resulting in a 13% increase in catch and a 2% lower quota price in comparison with the results of a system that operates under perfect compliance. The results are sensitive to changes in the level of fish abundance, total allowable catch, and the design of enforcement to induce compliance.  相似文献   

An economic survey of the commercial operators currently active in the Queensland Coral Reef Fin-Fish Fishery has been carried out, as part of a research project aimed at evaluating alternative management options for this fishery. This paper presents the background analysis used as a basis to develop the sampling design for this survey. The background analysis focuses on activity patterns of the fleet based on effort and catch information, as well as patterns of quota ownership. Based on this information, a fishing business profile describing the micro-economic structure of fishing operations is developed. This profile, in conjunction with the qualitative information gained in undertaking the economic surveys, allows preliminary understanding of the key drivers of profitability in the CRFFF, and possible impacts of external factors on fishing operations.  相似文献   

史磊  宋毅宁  秦宏 《海洋科学》2021,45(4):40-50
自20世纪80年代以来,我国出台了众多海洋捕捞相关政策,厘清这些政策变迁规律对海洋捕捞业的健康发展具有重要意义。本文对1986年以来我国海洋捕捞业的政策文本展开量化分析,构建政策时间维度、政策工具维度、政策价值维度三维政策文本分析框架,梳理当前捕捞业政策变迁和结构特征,并深入分析了捕捞业政策与现实的匹配性。研究发现,海洋捕捞业的部分政策目标之间存在一定的冲突和矛盾;政策工具体系全面,但不同政策工具数量分布不均衡;早期政策的经济价值取向突出,社会、生态价值相对不足,需要适时调整政策价值取向。未来应明确政策目标,推动海洋捕捞管理范式由投入控制向产出控制的转变;优化政策工具组合,引导渔民自觉养护海洋渔业资源,提高海洋捕捞业政策的有效性;整合政策价值取向,协调产业发展、资源养护和渔民利益的关系,推动海洋捕捞可持续发展。  相似文献   

A large number of the marine protected areas (MPAs) designated in Spain have been proposed by public authorities or conservation NGOs in conjunction with their own administrations and other social and economic stakeholders. The only examples to date of MPAs proposed by fishing interests – the fishermen and their organizations – are located at Cedeira and Lira, two small communities in North West Spain. These fishing interests have been involved in these two proposals from the start, including design and development, as well as internal awareness-raising. However, 5 years from the outset, both marine reserves have failed to meet the conditions and essential requirements of a successful fisheries management system. This paper evaluates how the artisanal fishing sector has been identified with the idea of sustainability; and how the role and power relations of the Galician regional administration acquired both the key institutions of co-management and their associated functions which have conditioned the consolidation process of these marine reserves.  相似文献   

Despite the increasingly positive reviews of individual transferable quotas (ITQs), few studies have considered how quota leasing activities can reduce the economic benefits to society and to fishermen operating under the ITQ fisheries system. This analysis reveals negative economic impacts of ITQs previously overlooked by examining the extent of quota leasing and the relationship between the catch value, the cost of fishing, and the quota lease price in the BC halibut fishery, long considered a poster child for ITQs. Findings challenge assumptions of economic theory used to promote the benefits of ITQs.  相似文献   

A complex controversy emerged when the grey seal population in the Baltic Sea recovered after decades of stagnation. The seals now cause substantial economic losses to coastal fisheries. The paper analyses the attempts taken in Finland to mitigate the problems of fishermen. The mitigation attempts include the hunting of seals, fishing technology development, economic compensations and more comprehensive management approaches. These measures are discussed in light of the long-term sustainability and adaptability of a coastal fishery. This question is important with respect to further discussions on the possibility of the coastal fishery’s co-existence with seals and sheds light on more general goals for the adaptability in the management of social–ecological systems. The paper concludes that the more comprehensive measures taken have acknowledged the need to enhance the fishery’s adaptability, but the managerial approach they represent falls short of the requirements for successful adaptive management, especially in terms of embedding the management into specific coastal contexts.  相似文献   

Fuel consumption in fisheries is a primary concern because of its effects on the environment and the costs incurred by fishermen. Many studies have been conducted to reduce the fuel consumption in fishing operations. Fuel consumption due to fishing gear during a fishing operation is generally related to the hydrodynamic resistance on the gear. This means that fuel consumption is proportional to the drag created by the towing speed. Based on numerical methods, this study suggests a new approach to reduce fuel consumption in fisheries. The results of the simulation are in good agreement with those of model experiments. The total as well as partial resistance forces on the gear are calculated by simulation. The simulation results suggest improved materials and gear structure for reducing the hydrodynamic forces on the gear while maintaining gear performance. The method for assessing the gear performance involves measuring the height and width of the net mouth. Furthermore, this study investigates the efficiency of a low-energy trawl from an economic point of view. The findings of this study will be useful in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in fishing operations, and thereby contribute toward lowering fishing costs by saving fuel.  相似文献   

The failure of the command and control approach to fisheries management has encouraged governments to look for new ways of balancing the requirement to conserve fish stocks and yet maintain a flow of benefits that will meet economic and social targets. In the quest to establish a system for sustaining production in the Common Pond, the European Union (EU) has begun to investigate alternatives to the current management system. This research paper examines the problems associated with the current management regime operating in the EU in the light of alternatives for managing the fisheries. The research seeks to establish whether, given the serious problems confronting the EU's fishing industries, fishermen would be prepared to accept change and offer their ideas and support to develop an alternative management system. The research draws on the opinions of fishermen from Shetland and discusses the findings gained from interviewing key informants in conjunction with the results of an opinion survey of skippers and boat owners.  相似文献   

Vaquita marina, a small species of porpoise endemic to the Northern Gulf of California in Mexico, is the world's most endangered cetacean species. With the purpose of preserving vaquita, the Mexican government launched PACE-Vaquita in 2008. This voluntary program offers an innovative schedule of compensations: as in a payment-for-conservation program, PACE-Vaquita compensates for temporary reductions in fishing effort; as in a program to accelerate technology adoption, PACE-Vaquita compensates for switching to vaquita-safe fishing methods; and as in a buyback program, PACE-Vaquita compensates fishermen for a permanent exit from fisheries. This paper seeks the factors explaining fishermen's participation in PACE-Vaquita during its first year of operation. Analysis is carried out through a multinomial logit specification on a data set collected one week after the enrollment deadline. This paper shows that fishermen with skills in alternative economic activities more likely quit fishing, and fishermen with relatively less productive vessels more likely switched to vaquita-safe fishing methods. Discussion of public policy implications is provided.  相似文献   

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