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La Pacana is one of the largest known calderas on Earth, andis the source of at least two major ignimbrite eruptions witha combined volume of some 2700 km3. These ignimbrites have stronglycontrasting compositions, raising the question of whether theyare genetically related. The Toconao ignimbrite is crystal poor,and contains rhyolitic (76–77 wt % SiO2) tube pumices.The overlying Atana ignimbrite is a homogeneous tuff whose pumiceis dacitic (66–70 wt % SiO2), dense (40–60% vesicularity)and crystal rich (30–40 % crystals). Phase equilibriaindicate that the Atana magma equilibrated at temperatures of770–790°C with melt water contents of 3·1–4·4wt %. The pre-eruptive Toconao magma was cooler (730–750°C)and its melt more water rich (6·3–6·8 wt% H2O). A pressure of 200 MPa is inferred from mineral barometryfor the Atana magma chamber. Isotope compositions are variablebut overlapping for both units (87Sr/86Sri 0·7094–0·7131;143Nd/144Nd 0·51222–0·51230) and are consistentwith a dominantly crustal origin. Glass analyses from Atanapumices are similar in composition to those in Toconao tubepumices, demonstrating that the Toconao magma could representa differentiated melt of the Atana magma. Fractional crystallizationmodelling suggests that the Toconao magma can be produced by30% crystallization of the observed Atana mineral phases. Toconaomelt characteristics and intensive parameters are consistentwith a volatile oversaturation-driven eruption. However, thelow H2O content, high viscosity and high crystal content ofthe Atana magma imply an external eruption trigger. KEY WORDS: Central Andes; crystal-rich dacite; eruption trigger; high-silica rhyolite; zoned magma chamber  相似文献   

New analytical and experimental data constrain the storage and equilibration conditions of the magmas erupted in 1912 from Novarupta in the 20th century's largest volcanic event. Phase relations at H2O+CO2 fluid saturation were determined for an andesite (58.7 wt% SiO2) and a dacite (67.7 wt%) from the compositional extremes of intermediate magmas erupted. The phase assemblages, matrix melt composition and modes of natural andesite were reproduced experimentally under H2O-saturated conditions (i.e., PH2O=PTOT) in a negatively sloping region in T-P space from 930 °C/100 MPa to 960 °C/75 MPa with fO2~NNO+1. The H2O-saturated equilibration conditions of the dacite are constrained to a T-P region from 850 °C/50 MPa to 880 °C/25 MPa. If H2O-saturated, these magmas equilibrated at (and above) the level where co-erupted rhyolite equilibrated (~100 MPa), suggesting that the andesite-dacite magma reservoir was displaced laterally rather than vertically from the rhyolite magma body. Natural mineral and melt compositions of intermediate magmas were also reproduced experimentally under saturation conditions with a mixed (H2O + CO2) fluid for the same range in PH2O. Thus, a storage model in which vertically stratified mafic to silicic intermediate magmas underlay H2O-saturated rhyolite is consistent with experimental findings only if the intermediates have XH2Ofl=0.7 and 0.9 for the extreme compositions, respectively. Disequilibrium features in natural pumice and scoria include pristine minerals existing outside their stability fields, and compositional zoning of titanomagnetite in contact with ilmenite. Variable rates of chemical equilibration which would eliminate these features constrain the apparent thermal excursion and re-distribution of minerals to the time scale of days.  相似文献   

Volcán San Pedro in the Andean Southern Volcanic Zone(SVZ) Chile, comprises Holocene basaltic to dacitic lavas withtrace element and strontium isotope ratios more variable thanthose of most Pleistocene lavas of the underlying Tatara–SanPedro complex. Older Holocene activity built a composite coneof basaltic andesitic and silicic andesitic lavas with traceelement ratios distinct from those of younger lavas. Collapseof the ancestral volcano triggered the Younger Holocene eruptivephase including a sequence of lava flows zoned from high-K calc-alkalinehornblende–biotite dacite to two-pyroxene andesite. Notably,hornblende–phlogopite gabbroic xenoliths in the daciticlava have relatively low 87Sr/86Sr ratios identical to theirhost, whereas abundant quenched basaltic inclusions are moreradiogenic than any silicic lava. The latest volcanism rebuiltthe modern 3621 m high summit cone from basaltic andesite thatis also more radiogenic than the dacitic lavas. We propose thefollowing model for the zoned magma: (1) generation of hornblende–biotitedacite by dehydration partial melting of phlogopite-bearingrock similar to the gabbroic xenoliths; (2) forceful intrusionof basaltic magma into the dacite, producing quenched basalticinclusions and dispersion of olivine and plagioclase xenocryststhroughout the dacite; (3) cooling and crystallization–differentiationof the basalt to basaltic andesite; (4) mixing of the basalticandesite with dacite to form a small volume of two-pyroxenehybrid andesite. The modern volcano comprises basaltic andesitethat developed independently from the zoned magma reservoir.Evolution of dacitic and andesitic magma during the Holoceneand over the past 350 kyr reflects the intrusion of multiplemafic magmas that on occasion partially melted or assimilatedhydrous gabbro within the shallow crust. The chemical and isotopiczoning of Holocene magma at Volcán San Pedro is paralleledby that of historically erupted magma at neighboring VolcánQuizapu. Consequently, the role of young, unradiogenic hydrousgabbro in generating dacite and contaminating basalt may beunderappreciated in the SVZ. KEY WORDS: Andes; dacite; gabbro; Holocene; strontium isotopes  相似文献   

Volcanic activity in Askja central volcano and its fissure swarmin 1875 occurred in response to a crustal rifting episode inIceland, resulting in up to 70 km lateral flow of magma withinthe crust, caldera collapse and a plinian eruption of acid magma(0·2 km3 dense-rock equivalent). Petrologic studies ofthe predominantly rhyolitic and crystal-poor ejecta reveal thata complex array of other liquid compositions was also present,including icelandite (0.75 per cent) and basalt (1.9 per cent),as well as leucocratic xenoliths of trondhjemite type. Mineralgeothermometers indicate that the rhyolite evolved at 990 to1010 °C and 0·5 Kb PH2O, the icelandite at 1005 to1020 °C and at fO2 10–10 atm. and the basalt at 1140to 1170 °C. A petrologic model of Askja in 1875 consists of a density-stratifiedmagma chamber with a rhyolitic upper part and a lower part offerrobasalt, with an intervening layer of icelandite. The modelcalculations show that the icelandite can be derived from ferrobasaltby 50 per cent fractional crystallization, but one-stage fractionalcrystallization models cannot account for generation of theacid magma. Simple partial or complete fusion of the field-associatedtrondhjemite xenoliths cannot produce the acid magma. Instead,a more complex fusion, hybridization and fractional crystallizationmodel is presented, which is consistent with the available petrologicevidence. This model involves large-scale fusion of pre-existingtrondhjemite intrusions or reactivation of previously consolidatedroof-rock in the magma chamber followed by hybridization ofthe acid magma with 7 to 14 per cent basaltic magma. Finally,10 to 11 per cent fractional crystallization of the dacite hybridis required to produce the observed compositional range withinthe rhyolite ejecta. The 1875 explosive eruption was causedby the ascent of tholeiitic basalt magma from depth during crustalrifting. Influx of new basalt magma in 1874–75 triggeredconvective mixing and hybridization in the compositionally zonedmagma chamber.  相似文献   

Calc-alkaline olivine andesite and two-pyroxene dacite of theTaos Plateau volcanic field evolved in an open magmatic system.mg-numbers of spatially and temporally associated ServilletaBasalt (54–61) and ohvine andesite (49–59) are comparableand preclude fractional crystallization of ferromagnesian mineralsas the major differentiation process. If Servilleta olivinetholeiite is assumed to be the parental magma type, enrichmentsof highly incompatible trace elements (up to 17 ?) oVer concentrationsin the basalts require that andesitic and dacitic magmas containa substantial proportion of assimilated crust. Isotopic compositionsof andesite and dacite, which have slightly higher 87Sr/86Srratios than the basalts but lower 143Nd/144Nd, 206Pb/204Pb,207Pb/204Pb, and 208Pb/204Pb ratios, are consistent with contaminationof parental basalt by old, low Rb/Sr, low U/Pb, and low Th/Pbcontinental crust. Concentrations of highly incompatible traceelements in andesite and dacite lavas are decoupled from majorelement compositions; the highest concentrat ions of these elementsoccur in andesitic, rather than dacitic compositions, and andesitelavas are more variable in trace element contents. Assimilationof heterogeneous crust concurrent with fractional crystallizationof varying mineral assemblages could cause this decoupled behavior.High mg-numbers in andesite and dacite, skeletal olivine phenocrysts,and reversely zoned pyroxene phenocrysts are manifestationsof mafic replenishment and magma mixing in the Taos Plateaumagmatic system. Taos Plateau volcanoes are monolithologic and are distributedin a semi-concentric zoned pattern that is a reflection of thecomplex subvolcanic magmatic system. A central focus of basaltshields developed above the main basaltic conduit system; thesemagmas contain 10–35% admixed andesitic and dacitic magma.Basalt shields are surrounded by a partial ring of olivine andesiteshield volcanoes, where replenishment of basaltic magma providedthe heat necessary for prolonged assimilation of crust, resultingin intermediate-composition lavas. Dacite shields are locatedaround the periphery of the more mafic volcanoes and reflecta decrease in mafic input on the fringes of the magmatic system.  相似文献   

 A variety of cognate basalt to basaltic andesite inclusions and dacite pumices occur in the 7-Ma Rattlesnake Tuff of eastern Oregon. The tuff represents ∼280 km3 of high-silica rhyolite magma zoned from highly differentiated rhyolite near the roof to less evolved rhyolite at deeper levels. The mafic inclusions provide a window into the processes acting beneath a large silicic chamber. Quenched basaltic andesite inclusions are substantially enriched in incompatible trace elements compared to regional primitive high-alumina olivine tholeiite (HAOT) lavas, but continuous chemical and mineralogical trends indicate a genetic relationship between them. Basaltic andesite evolved from primitive basalt mainly through protracted crystal fractionation and multiple cycles (≥10) of mafic recharge, which enriched incompatible elements while maintaining a mafic bulk composition. The crystal fractionation history is partially preserved in the mineralogy of crystal-rich inclusions (olivine, plagioclase ± clinopyroxene) and the recharge history is supported by the presence of mafic inclusions containing olivines of Fo80. Small amounts of assimilation (∼2%) of high-silica rhyolite magma improves the calculated fit between observed and modeled enrichments in basaltic andesite and reduces the number of fractionation and recharge cycles needed. The composition of dacite pumices is consistent with mixing of equal proportions of basaltic andesite and least-evolved, high-silica rhyolite. In support of the mixing model, most dacite pumices have a bimodal mineral assemblage with crystals of rhyolitic and basaltic parentage. Equilibrium dacite phenocrysts are rare. Dacites are mainly the product of mingling of basaltic andesite and rhyolite before or during eruption and to a lesser extent of equilibration between the two. The Rattlesnake magma column illustrates the feedback between mafic and silicic magmas that drives differentiation in both. Low-density rhyolite traps basalts and induces extensive fractionation and recharge that causes incompatible element enrichment relative to the primitive input. The basaltic root zone, in turn, thermally maintains the rhyolitic magma chamber and promotes compositional zonation. Received: 1 June 1998 / Accepted: 5 February 1999  相似文献   

EWART  A. 《Journal of Petrology》1963,4(3):392-431
Systematic mineralogical and chemical study of the younger Taupovolcanic ash showers, collected from the Terraces Quarry, Taupo,has enabled the showers to be grouped into ten eruptive sequences(numbers refer to the stratigraphical position of the deposits,after Baumgart (1954)): 3; 4; 5–8; 9–13; 14–15;16; 17–18; 19–22; 23–25; 26. The showers arecomposed of rhyolitic pumice and finer glass fragments; accessoryfragments dominantly of rhyolite, with minor dacite, ignimbrite,and andesite; crystals of plagioclase, hypersthene, and magnetite.The proportions of these components provide a useful guide todistinguishing the showers for correlation purposes. Refractiveindices of the glasses show wide variations, even in one pumicefragment, and increase markedly with increased weathering. Correlationof natural glasses by this method must, therefore, be done withextreme care. Vesiculation of pumice from most of the sequences has been studiedquantitatively by measurements of density and porosity (by modalanalysis). These give a measure of the extent of vesiculation,and in the sequences studied it is shown that there is a progressivedecrease in vesiculation with time in each sequence, here attributedto progressive volatile loss. In the large Taupo (3) and Waimihia(15) deposits, there was a rapid initial rise of intensity ofvesiculation. The last phase of several sequences appears tohave been relatively hotter than the earlier magma, as shownby more calcic plagioclase and more magnesian-rich pyroxenes. As a result of differences in nucleation of the various pumices,three general textures can be recognized: (i) finely cellularwith thick intercellular walls; (ii) finely cellular with thinintercellular walls; (iii) coarsely cellular pumice, usuallywith widely varying vesicle size. Glasses from seven members have been chemically analysed, andshow a close similarity. However, they fall into two distinctgroups, comprising the older showers (19, 24, 25) and the youngershowers (3, 5, 8, 15). The former have higher normative quartz,orthoclase, and anorthite. The compositions are rhyolitic. Plagioclase (An36-An48), hypersthene (Mg48-Mg64), and magnetiteform the characteristic mineralogical assemblage. The plagioclasehas well-developed normal oscillatory zoning, which is believedto be due to movement of crystals within the magma into zonesof varying vapour pressure. Many crystals have sharp discontinuitiesof some zones, which are attributed to sharp drops in vapourpressure, possibly due to eruption of preceding members of thesequence. Three chemical analyses of plagioclase are presented. From vesiculation and chemical results, it is believed thatsequences 3, 5–8, 14–15, and 17–18 crystallizedunder a very high vapour pressure, and were probably eruptedas a result of this. Sequences 19–22 and 23–25 crystallizedunder much lower vapour pressure. From the Ab-Or-Q-H2O diagram,a vapour pressure of 2,000–3,000 kg/cm2 is suggested forthe former sequences, equivalent to about 4 miles lithostaticload. Comparison is made between the mineralogy of the Tauporhyolitic glasses and recently published work on some Britishand Icelandic Tertiary rhyolitic glasses.  相似文献   

Quaternary Erzincan Volcanics (QEVs) from the Erzincan Basin consist of mega- and pheno-cryst-bearing high-K calc-alkaline dome lavas. Fourteen nearly phenocrystic domes, with a range of basaltic-andesite, andesite, dacite and rhyolite compositions, were emplaced in the North Anatolian Fault Zone. The emplacement ages yielded by the unspiked K–Ar technique range from 102 to 140 ka. The andesitic domes (each less than 3 km in diameter) contain amphibole megacrysts. Amphibole compositions show a linear variation from ferro-edenite, edenite to pargasite from rhyolite to andesite. Pargasitic amphibole megacrysts scattered into the groundmass are very similar in composition to the microlites. All plagioclases are 53 mol%. Oscillation types are An32−50 whose variations range from 10 to 16 mol% An and have 10–150 μm in thickness. Pre-eruptive conditions, calculated from mega- and pheno-cryst composition, using pyroxene and two oxide thermometers and the Al-in-hornblende barometer, ranged from 918 to 837 °C and 6.6 to 4.3 kbar for andesitic magma, 824–755 °C and 4.6–4.2 kbar for dacitic magma to 803–692 °C and 4.3–3.9 kbar for rhyolitic magma, which correspond to a depth of >10 km for storage region of the crust. The fO2 values vary from −14.25 to −15.35 log units which are plotted just below nickel–nickel oxide (NNO) buffers. The systematic decrease in thermobarometric results from andesite to rhyolite is consistent with a single magma reservoir moving upward through the crust followed by fractional crystallization. Textural and compositional relationships of mega- and pheno-crystic phases suggest that magma mixing, fluid input to the reservoir and fractional crystallization processes, with a small amount crustal contamination play key role in evolution of the QEVs.  相似文献   

Basaltic lava flows and high-silica rhyolite domes form the Pleistocene part of the Coso volcanic field in southeastern California. The distribution of vents maps the areal zonation inferred for the upper parts of the Coso magmatic system. Subalkalic basalts (<50% SiO2) were erupted well away from the rhyolite field at any given time. Compositional variation among these basalts can be ascribed to crystal fractionation. Erupted volumes of these basalts decrease with increasing differentiation. Mafic lavas containing up to 58% SiO2, erupted adjacent to the rhyolite field, formed by mixing of basaltic and silicic magma. Basaltic magma interacted with crustal rocks to form other SiO2-rich mafic lavas erupted near the Sierra Nevada fault zone.Several rhyolite domes in the Coso volcanic field contain sparse andesitic inclusions (55–61% SiO2). Pillow-like forms, intricate commingling and local diffusive mixing of andesite and rhyolite at contacts, concentric vesicle distribution, and crystal morphologies indicative of undercooling show that inclusions were incorporated in their rhyolitic hosts as blobs of magma. Inclusions were probably dispersed throughout small volumes of rhyolitic magma by convective (mechanical) mixing. Inclusion magma was formed by mixing (hybridization) at the interface between basaltic and rhyolitic magmas that coexisted in vertically zoned igneous systems. Relict phenocrysts and the bulk compositions of inclusions suggest that silicic endmembers were less differentiated than erupted high-silica rhyolite. Changes in inferred endmembers of magma mixtures with time suggest that the steepness of chemical gradients near the silicic/mafic interface in the zoned reservoir may have decreased as the system matured, although a high-silica rhyolitic cap persisted.The Coso example is an extreme case of large thermal and compositional contrast between inclusion and host magmas; lesser differences between intermediate composition magmas and inclusions lead to undercooling phenomena that suggest smaller T. Vertical compositional zonation in magma chambers has been documented through study of products of voluminous pyroclastic eruptions. Magmatic inclusions in volcanic rocks provide evidence for compositional zonation and mixing processes in igneous systems when only lava is erupted.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated experimentally that basaltic and dacitic magmas can be easily mixed to form both banded dacite and homogeneous andesite in less than a few hours. The presence of phenocrysts larger than 0.5 mm increased considerably the efficiency of mixing. Flow patterns in the experimental system were visualized using Pt spheres, which indicated that convection occurs in basalt melt, but not in dacite melt. The Reynolds numbers of the basaltic and dacitic melts in the experimental system were calculated to be about 10–3 and 10–6, respectively. Mixing proceeds initially by mechanical mixing of the two magmas in a large scale, but later by coupling interfacial convection and mutual diffusion. Thus, depending on the depth where vesiculation and following disruption of the magma occurs, banded pumice, homogeneous pumice and homogeneous andesite lava are erupted. The observed textures of mixed rocks of Plinian type eruption and the limiting occurrence of banded pumice are satisfactorily accounted for on this model.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(10):1179-1190
Andesite magmatism plays a major role in continental crustal growth, but its subduction-zone origin and evolution is still a hotly debated topic. Compared with whole-rock analyses, melt inclusions (MIs) can provide important direct information on the processes of magma evolution. In this article, we synthesize data for melt inclusions hosted by phenocrysts in andesites, extracted from the GEOROC global compilation. These data show that melt inclusions entrapped by different phenocrysts have distinct compositions: olivine-hosted melt inclusions have basalt and basaltic andesite compositions, whereas melt inclusions in clinopyroxene and othopyroxene are mainly dacitic to rhyolitic. Hornblende-hosted melt inclusions have rhyolite composition. The compositions of melt inclusions entrapped by plagioclase are scattered, spanning from andesite to rhyolite. On the basis of the compositional data, we propose a mixing model for the genesis of the andesite, and a two-chamber mechanism to account for the evolution of the andesite. First, andesite melt is generated in the lower chamber by mixing of a basaltic melt derived from the mantle and emplaced in the lower crust with a felsic melt resulting from partial melting of crustal rocks. Olivine and minor plagioclase likely crystallize in the lower magma chamber. Secondly, the andesite melt ascends into the upper chamber where other phenocrysts crystallize. According to SiO2-MgO diagrams of the MIs, evolution of the andesite in the upper chamber can be subdivided into two distinct stages. The early stage (I) is characterized by a phenocrystal assemblage of clinopyroxene + othopyroxene + plagioclase, whereas the late stage (II) is dominated by crystallization of plagioclase + hornblende.  相似文献   

The Thalanga volcanic‐hosted massive sulfide deposit occurs in the Cambro‐Ordovician Mt Windsor Subprovince in northern Queensland. The orebody comprises steeply dipping, stratiform, sheet‐like, polymetallic massive sulfide lenses. Overall, the volcanic facies architecture at Thalanga is dominated by quartz‐ and/or feldspar‐phyric lavas and synvolcanic intrusions that comprise coherent facies and in situ and resedimented autoclastic facies. Systematic phenocryst logging (mineralogy, abundance, size) has been used to discriminate separate emplacement units of rhyolite in the footwall and dacite in the hangingwall. Some of the petrographically different rhyolite and dacite types can also be distinguished using immobile‐element geochemistry. Rhyolitic lavas and intrusions in the footwall are weakly to strongly altered. Apparent clastic textures resulting from hydrothermal alteration and metamorphism are widely developed in the coherent facies. Genuine clastic textures are characterised by clasts with randomly oriented internal laminar or banded fabric (e.g. rotated, flow‐laminated clasts), marked and consistent differences in quartz phenocryst abundance and/or size range between clasts and matrix, and normal grading. Mass‐flow‐emplaced, rhyolitic breccia units delineate palaeo‐sea‐floor positions in the footwall that are potentially prospective for exhalative massive sulfide mineralisation. A comparison of the distribution of clastic and coherent facies with the geometry of strongly altered zones in the footwall indicates that intense hydrothermal fluid flow was independent of the facies arrangement. The massive sulfide lenses conformably overly altered footwall rhyolite and occur in a distinctive facies association which includes coarse quartz‐phenocryst‐rich rhyolitic sills with peperitic contacts and crystal‐rich polymictic breccia. The hangingwall to the orebody consists of largely unaltered dacitic lavas and synvolcanic intrusions and minor dacitic pumice breccia, dacitic breccia and polymictic volcanic breccia. The facies architecture shows that the Thalanga massive sulfide deposit formed in a below‐storm‐wave‐base depositional environment on top of an elevated, lava‐dominated, rhyolitic volcanic centre. A modern analogue for the setting of the Thalanga massive sulfide is the PACMANUS hydrothermal field on the crest of the dacite lava‐dominated Pual Ridge in the eastern Manus backarc basin (Papua New Guinea).  相似文献   

The Matahina Ignimbrite (~160 km3 rhyolite magma, 330 ka) was deposited during a caldera-forming eruption from the Okataina Volcanic Centre, Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ), New Zealand. Juvenile clasts are divided into three groups: Group (1) the dominant crystal-poor rhyolite type, Group (2) a minor coarse-grained, mingled/mixed intermediate type, and Group (3) a rare fine-grained basalt. The ignimbrite consists of the Group 1 type and is divided into three members: a lower and middle member, which is high-silica, crystal-poor (<10 vol.%) rhyolite, and the upper member, which is low-silica and slightly more crystal-rich (up to 21 vol.%). Cognate, crystal-rich (up to 50 vol.%) basalt to intermediate pumice occurs on top of lag breccias and within lithic-rich pyroclastic density current deposits along the caldera margin (Groups 2 and 3). Several lines of evidence indicate that the intermediate clasts represent the cumulate complement to the melt-rich rhyolite: (1) continuity in the compositions of plagioclase, orthopyroxene, hornblende, and oxides and normal zoning of individual phenocrysts; (2) the silicic glass from the intermediate magma (interstitial melt) overlaps compositionally with the bulk rock rhyolite and glass; (3) high Zr and a slight positive Eu anomaly in the intermediate magma relative to quenched enclaves from other intermediate TVZ eruptions indicates zircon and plagioclase accumulation, respectively; (4) an increase in the Cl contents in glass from the least evolved to most evolved is consistent with the concentration of volatiles during magma evolution. Most of the compositional variations in the low- to high-silica rhyolites can be accounted for by continued Rayleigh fractionation (up to 15%), following melt extraction from the underlying mush, under varying fO2fH2O conditions to form a slightly compositionally zoned rhyolitic cap. This link to the varying fO2fH2O conditions is evidenced by the strong correlation between key geochemical parameters (e.g. Dy, Y), that qualitatively reflect fH2O conditions (presence or absence of hornblende/biotite), and fO2 estimated from Fe–Ti oxide equilibrium. Magma mingling/mixing between the basalt–andesite and the main slightly compositionally zoned rhyolitic magma occurred during caldera-collapse, modifying the least-evolved rhyolite at the lower portion of the reservoir and effectively destroying any pre-eruptive gradients.  相似文献   

The Violet Town Volcanics (Lachlan Fold Belt, Australia) arean S-type ignimbrite suite containing microgranitoid enclaves,basaltic andesite enclaves and enclaves of high-silica rhyolite.The microgranitoid enclaves are similar to those in peraluminousgranites. They typically have lower initial 87Sr/86Sr and higherNd than the host, and represent globules of a mafic, mantle-derivedmagma, which was hybridized by mixing and diffusional exchangewith the host magma. The basaltic andesite enclaves were incorporatedinto the ignimbrite as xenoliths, but their parental magma mayhave been similar to that of the microgranitoid enclaves. Theyare isotopically less depleted than other mantle-derived rocksfrom the Lachlan Fold Belt, reflecting contamination by crustalmaterial, or derivation from less depleted mantle sources. Thehigh-silica rhyolite enclaves, previously interpreted to berelated to the ignimbrite by crystal fractionation, have Ndvalues up to 3 units higher than their host, and cannot be relatedto their host by crystal fractionation or assimilation-fractionalcrystallization (AFC) processes. The coexistence of S-type magmasand mantle-derived magmas suggests that the latter may haveplayed a role in the Palaeozoic magmatism of the Lachlan FoldBelt, acting as a heat source for melting and perhaps also contributingchemical components to the crustally derived magmas. KEY WORDS: enclaves; magma mingling; magma mixing; S-type *Present address: Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, S.A. 5005, Australia. Telephone: +-61-8-3035973. Fax: +-61-8-3034347. e-mail: melburg{at}geology.adelaide.edu.au  相似文献   

Neoproterozoic volcanic series are exposed in the northern edge of the Saghro massif (Eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco). Four volcanic rock types (basalt, andesite, dacite, and rhyolite) were distinguished in the Boumalne inlier within the so-called Saghro volcanic sequences based on petrographic and geochemical observations. Boumalne volcanic rocks contain high Al2O3, Fe2O3, Ba, Sr, Zr, Rb, and Nb contents, including calc-alkaline affinity in composition. Boumalne volcanic rocks are similar to other lower-Neoproterozoic volcanic rocks such Agouiniy formation in Sirwa inlier and in other parts of Bou-Azzer inlier. Indeed, they indicate an active subduction signature. The geochemical data show a LREE enrichment compared to HREE. The fractional crystallization has played a major role during the evolution of the magma. The less-siliceous dacitic rocks could have been formed after a low degree of partial melting of mafic parental magma source, whereas the rich-siliceous rhyolite may have been derived from dacitic magma source by a higher degree of fractional crystallization.  相似文献   

Mt. Jefferson is an andesite-dacite composite volcano in the Cascade Range, the locus of andesite and dacite-dominated volcanism for at least 1 million years. A large trace element data set for Mt. Jefferson and its surrounding mafic volcanic platform effectively rules out any fractionation based model (FC or AFC) for the generation of Mt. Jefferson andesites. Several incompatible element (Zr, Nb, Y) concentrations decrease in the range from basalt to andesite, and then increase in the range from andesite to rhyodacite. Others (Ba, Rb, La, Th) remain constant or show a slight increase in the basalt to andesite range, with modest increases from andesite to rhyodacite. Systematic variations in highly incompatible element ratios such as Ba/La and Rb/Th suggest magma mixing dominates the trace element signatures. Rhyodacites are isotopically uniform (87Sr/86Sr=0.70325-0.70343; 206Pb/204Pb=18.75-18.85; ‘18O=6.3ǂ.3), whereas andesite and dacite are more variable (87Sr/86Sr=0.70291-0.70353; 206Pb/204Pb=18.59-18.86; ‘18O=6.0ǂ.6). Typical basaltic andesite has 87Sr/86Sr=0.70326-0.70358, 206Pb/204Pb=18.78-18.85, and ‘18O=5.9ǂ.4. Sr-rich (>1,000 ppm) basaltic andesite is more variable (87Sr/86Sr=0.70300-0.70360; 206Pb/204Pb=18.70-18.89; ‘18O=5.9ǂ.4). The data define mixing arrays with one end member at 87Sr/86Sr=0.7029; 206Pb/204Pb=18.59, another at rhyodacite, and a third at 87Sr/86Sr=0.7036; 206Pb/204Pb=18.89. The first end member is defined by Sr-rich (800-1,200 ppm) andesite with high Al2O3, and low K2O, Ba, and Rb/Th; the third one by K2O- and very Sr-rich (>2,000 ppm) shoshonite. Isotopic data for basalts in northern Oregon preclude any fractionation relationship between basalt and either rhyodacite or Sr-rich andesite (e.g., the minimum 206Pb/204Pb ratio in basalt is 18.83). Considered in light of geophysical models for the Cascades, these data suggest two types of crustal melting beneath the arc. Rhyodacite may be generated at 25-30 km depth by partial melting of arc basalt-like amphibolite at 850-900 °C. Sr-rich andesite may be formed by partial melting of depleted MORB-like mafic granulite at 35-45 km depth at 1,000-1,100 °C. Experimental and REE evidence supports these interpretations as does the restriction of Sr-rich andesite in the Cascades to the area south of the 100 mW/m2 heat flow contour between Mt. Jefferson and Mt. Hood. Thick crust and high heat flow are necessary to produce such andesite.  相似文献   

银山地区火山岩-次火山岩由流纹岩、流纹英安斑岩、英安质熔岩、英安斑岩和粗面安山斑岩组成,喷发和侵入存在着反序特征.通过各种物理化学方法确定了岩浆房中存在的化学成分和温度、密度、粘度梯度.建立了以英安质岩浆为主,顶部有一层富SiO2、富K的流纹质岩浆,底部为少量粗面安山质岩浆的带状岩浆房.岩浆演化及带状岩浆房的形成是分离结晶、同化混染、岩浆对流和边界层机制共同作用的结果.  相似文献   

Vein distributions in line samples from four epithermal Au–Ag deposits of the Hauraki Goldfield were logged and quantified by vein spacing, vein density, vein thickness and percentage of vein extension. One deposit is hosted in andesite lavas (Martha Hill), one in andesite lavas and dacite porphyry, dacitic tuffs and pyroclastic breccias (Golden Cross), and two in rhyolite lavas and rhyolitic tuffs with minor andesite lavas or andesite dikes (Ohui and Wharekirauponga). The vein systems in these deposits form fault-controlled arrays of extensional veins. Vein spacing distributions are non-fractal over two to three orders of magnitude (1 mm to 5 m), and therefore fractal dimension statistics are not applicable. The coefficient of variation (Cv) of vein spacing was used as a measure of the degree of vein clustering. Rock type has a marked influence on vein spacing distributions, with veining in rhyolite lava having lower average thickness and percentage extension, but a generally higher degree of vein clustering compared with veining in andesite lava in the same deposit. Vein spacing distributions in well-jointed lithologies, mainly andesite lava, have Cv values (0.8–1.2) that are indicative of anticlustered to weakly clustered patterns, particularly in the vein stockwork of the upper part of the Golden Cross deposit. These Cv values are consistent with field observations that joints are a major control on vein spacing. In the poorly jointed dacitic and rhyolitic rocks, the veins are weakly to strongly clustered as shown by higher Cv values (1.2–2.4), and are commonly associated with normal faults. Overall, andesite lava and dacite porphyry and pyroclastics host thicker and more persistent veins than rhyolite lava and tuff. These larger veins contain significant volumes of high-grade gold mineralisation. The higher chemical reactivity to hydrothermal fluids of andesite and dacite compared with rhyolite may have aided propagation and thickening of the veins in andesite-hosted deposits. Within an individual epithermal deposit, location close to thick veins, representing major fluid conduits, commonly overrides the effect of different lithologies. Sites that are deeper and located within or adjacent to major vein structures have higher average vein thickness, percentage extension and degree of vein clustering. Systematic collection and analysis of vein spacing, thickness and density data can be used to define trends that are useful in the exploration of gold-bearing epithermal vein deposits. Received: 25 August 1998 / Accepted: 23 December 1999  相似文献   

Lascar Volcano (Atacama, Chile) erupted on 18–20 April 1993. Several sub-Plinian explosions occurred, and some were mushroom-shaped. The highest column rose up to 23 km. Ash clouds crossed South America eastwards. Dacite pumice falls made of blocks and ashes were deposited on the flanks of the volcano as a result of collapsed columns. The pumice contains phenocrysts of plagioclase, enstatite, augite, biotite, magnetite and ilmenite and small crystals of apatite. The 1992 previous andesite dome inside the crater was destroyed. Banded blocks resulting from mingling of the dacitic pumice and andesite from the dome are found in the pumice flow. Both the lava dome and the pumice are representative of the Lascar high-K magma unit. Dacitic pumice is a product of crystal fractionation of the andesitic magma.  相似文献   

 Cerro Panizos, a large caldera in the central Andes Mountains, produced two large dacitic ignimbrites at 7.9 Ma and 6.7 Ma and many andesitic and dacitic lava flows and domes. The older rhyodacitic Cienago Ignimbrite represents the most silicic magma erupted by the system. The younger, much larger volume dacitic Cerro Panizos Ignimbrite is very crystal-rich, containing up to 50% biotite, plagioclase, and quartz crystals in the pumice. It is weakly zoned, with most of the zoning apparent between two main cooling units. Major and most trace elements show little variation through the Cerro Panizos Ignimbrite, but the small range of composition is consistent with typical fractionation trends. Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic ratios are very “crustal”, with initial 87Sr/86Sr values of 0.711 to 0.715, ɛNd values of –7.5 to –10.2, and nearly invariant Pb isotopic ratios (206Pb/204Pb=18.85, 207Pb/204Pb=15.67, and 208Pb/204Pb=38.80). The limited zonation observed in the Cerro Panizos Ignimbrite is explained by impeded crystal settling due to high crystal content. The magma body was a crystal-liquid mush before ascent to the pre-eruption crustal levels. Crystals formed, but did not separate easily from the magma. Limited fractionation of plagioclase and biotite may have occurred, but the composition was largely controlled by lower crustal MASH processes. AFC modeling shows that the Cerro Panizos magmas resulted from a mixture of roughly equal proportions of late Miocene mantle-derived basalts and melts from ∼1.0 Ga (Grenville age) lower crust. This occurred in a MASH zone in the lower crust, and set the crustal isotopic ratios observed in the Cerro Panizos magmas. The great thickening of the crust beneath the central Andes Mountains sent upper and middle crustal rock types to lower crustal (and deeper) depths, and this explains the “upper crustal” isotopic signatures of the Cerro Panizos rocks. Minor upper crustal assimilation of early Miocene volcanic or subvolcanic rocks produced much of the isotopic variation seen in the system. The nearly invariant high Pb isotopic values and high Pb concentrations indicate that Pb came almost entirely from the crustal source, and was little altered by any subsequent upper crustal assimilation. This Pb signature is isotopically similar to that of the southern Bolivian Tin Belt, suggesting a widely distributed Pb source. The great difference between compositions of Miocene and Quaternary central Andean volcanic rocks is explained by crustal thickening in early Miocene time leading to abundant lower crustal water and associated fluxed melting during the time of the earlier eruptions. The lower crust dried out considerably by Quaternary time, so less crustal component is present. Received: 22 December 1994 / Accepted: 13 September 1995  相似文献   

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