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The timing and effect of the Cenozoic uplift of Scandinavia has been investigated using a multi-disciplinary approach involving sedimentological, seismic and biostratigraphic data from the Danish and the adjacent Norwegian parts of the North Sea Basin. It is concluded that significant uplift took place periodically throughout the Palaeogene possibly marking an earlier onset of the so-called “Neogene uplift” of Scandinavia. This conclusion is based on a number of sedimentological observations, including smectite content, grain-size variations, kaolinite thermal stabilities and Tmax values supported by seismic reflection geometries and biostratigraphic data. These data indicate several phases of re-working of Palaeogene and older sediments situated further to the east and northeast during the middle to late Eocene and during the middle to late Oligocene. The tectonic patterns were similar during the late Paleocene and the Oligocene with some inversion taking place, whereas no inversion has been observed during the Eocene. Main provenance areas were to the north and northeast during the Paleocene and Oligocene, whereas the Eocene sediments originate mainly from the British Isles to the west. It is proposed that Palaeogene uplift of Scandinavia was associated with regional tectonic movements along crustal zones of weakness, which were reactivated as they accommodated strain induced by the Alpine Orogeny and the opening of the North Atlantic.  相似文献   

The pattern of fault reactivation, basin deformation and concentration of seismicity along the main trans-Netherlands fault zone, located NW–SE across the centre of the Netherlands, indicates that this zone is a major zone of weakness. Gravity modelling reveals after back-stripping of the sedimentary succession a distinctive continuous positive anomaly that can be explained by lithospheric sources. This zone of weakness is therefore likely to have a major influence on the tectonic processes currently active in the Netherlands region. We give a review of the tectonic history of the Netherlands and then present the results of a quantitative study of the reactivation of basin boundary faults and the influence on the surrounding basin. Well-data, balanced and back-stripped cross-sections are used to constrain the lithosphere rheology. The lithosphere rheology modelling results show a weak coupling between upper crustal deformation and the subcrustal lithosphere. A finite element modelling approach focussing on the upper crust is carried out in which the basin boundary faults are assigned various dips. The modelling results indicate that, for continuous reactivation of basin boundary faults, the presence of both a pre-existing weakness and a reduced friction angle is required. The latter implies that large displacements accommodated by primary faults cannot be directly attributed to the relative weakness of these faults compared to the secondary faults, which is in close accordance with inferences from trenching. A reduced friction angle has a significant effect on lithospheric strength and appears to be the major controlling factor in the reactivation of basin boundary faults.  相似文献   

A complex history of Cenozoic vertical movements in the Faroe region has been revealed from interpretation of geophysical and geological data, mainly offshore reflection seismic data, side-scan images, shallow cores, and onshore mapping. The history comprises several phases of tectonic disturbances observed at different scales. On the eastern margin of the Faroe Platform a late Eocene–early Oligocene phase of doming of the Faroe Platform has caused a postdepositional tilting of Eocene strata along the southern margin of the platform; a mid-Miocene phase of compressional tectonics is evidenced on seismic transects as gentle anticlines and associated reverse faults; and possible Pliocene uplift of the Faroe Islands is indicated by a progradational wedge of sediments deposited on the eastern Faroe Platform. At the continental margin/slope north of the Faroe Platform, reflection seismic data imaging the postbasalt sedimentary strata indicate three distinct tectonic events phases in the Eocene–Oligocene, Miocene and Pliocene, respectively. In contrast to the Faroe Platform the Faroe–Shetland Channel was characterised by more or less continuous subsidence dominated throughout the Cenozoic. During the Eocene, sediments deposited in the Faroe–Shetland Channel was mostly derived from a source area on the British shelf.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Marquez Dome, Leon County, Texas represents a 13 km diameter Paleocene/Eocene impact structure formed in largely unconsolidated sediments in a near-shore environment. The present study is an analysis of samples from cores taken from boreholes drilled separately on the edge of the central uplift and in the surrounding annular basin. The borehole drilled in the annular basin of the structure penetrated a sequence of interbedded sands, silts, and shales that is typical of the stratigraphy of the surrounding area. In contrast, the borehole drilled on the edge of the central uplift penetrated material that is relatively homogeneous in chemical composition and texture and may represent a mixture of sand, silt, clay, and minor carbonate derived from deeper levels in the preimpact stratigraphy. Veins containing pseudotachylitic breccias are not found and are not expected in this environment because low-strength target materials are not conducive to frictional melting. Similarly, the low strength and unconsolidated nature of these target materials are not conducive to the formation of other types of typical impact breccias (e.g., melt rocks or suevites). The absence of such lithologies results either from explosive ejection of these materials caused by the water-rich character of the target sediments or, more probably, from removal of these materials by deeper postimpact erosion than has been suggested previously. Planar deformation features (PDFs) were not found in quartz grains from any of these samples. The scarcity of quartz grains with PDFs, which have only been reported in rare impact breccias from the central uplift, and the large amount of vertical displacement indicated for the central uplift of this structure may also be a consequence of the low strength of target materials.  相似文献   

The Meuse river system is located in the northeastern part of the Paris Basin, the Ardennes, and the Roer Valley Rift System (RVRS). The Meuse river system developed during the uplift of the Ardennes since the Eocene and it was affected by renewed rifting of the RVRS starting in the Late Oligocene. In response to the uplift of the Ardennes, the river system incised and a terrace sequence developed during the Plio–Pleistocene. The sediments generated by erosion in the catchment were transported into the RVRS and further to the north, into the Zuiderzee Basin and the North Sea Basin. Using a digital terrain model, the amount of eroded rock volume versus time for the Meuse catchment has been computed using the Paleogene and older planation surfaces and the fluvial terraces. Comparison of the amount of eroded material with the volume of sediment preserved in the RVRS for the early Middle Pleistocene shows that about 17.5% of the sediment volume transported into the RVRS remained there, the rest being transported further into the Zuiderzee Basin and the North Sea Basin. The Quaternary tectonic uplift of the Ardennes inferred from the incision history of the Meuse river system is characterized by a long-term uplift, on which a Middle Pleistocene acceleration is superimposed. The accelerated uplift is contemporaneous with an uplift event in the RVRS and in the neighbouring Eifel area, and with the onset of the youngest phase of volcanism in the Eifel area. The areal distribution of this uplift is characterized by a dome shape centered around the Eifel area.  相似文献   

It is now well accepted that surface processes provide a critical feedback on the surface tectonic deformation, whatever it is, orogenic building or basin evolution. However, the idea that the influence of these processes may go below the crustal levels, is less common. In this preliminary study, we use coupled thermo-mechanical numerical models to investigate the possible influence of surface processes on the styles of continental collision, in particular, continental subduction. For that, we further exploit the recent successful model of continental subduction of the early stages of India–Asia collision by Toussaint et al. [Toussaint G., Burov, E., and J.-P. Avouac, Tectonic evolution of a continental collision zone: a thermo-mechanical numerical model, Tectonics, 23, TC6003, doi:10.1029/2003TC001604, 2004b.]. On the example of India–Asia-like settings, we show that not only the surface topography but also the total amount of subduction may largely vary as function of denudation rate (controlled by the coefficient of erosion, k). Erosion provides a dynamic discharge of the hanging wall of the major thrust zone, whereas the sedimentation increases loading on the footwall and this helps down-thrusting of the lower plate. Both processes reduce the resistance of the major thrust and subduction channel to subduction. However, very strong or very slow erosion/sedimentation enhance the possibility of plate coupling and promote whole-scale thickening or buckling. The maximal amount of subduction is thus achieved for some intermediate values of erosion rates when the tectonic uplift rate is fine-balanced by the denudation rate. In our case the optimal balance is reached for the values of k on the order of 3000 m2/yr. We then extended our model beyond the conditions of India–Asia collision, in terms of the tested range of k and convergence rates. The experiments suggest that for provided settings, both extra slow (k < 50–100 m2/yr) and extra rapid erosion (k > 6000–8000 m2/yr) limit, by up to 50%, the total amount of subduction, if not totally prevent it. The model demonstrates the large capability of surface processes to adopt to different deformation styles: the orogenic building and subduction successfully develop (subduction number, S > 0.5) in the range of k between 500 m2/yr and 6000 m2/yr at convergence rates ranging from 1 cm/yr to 6 cm/yr. Within this range, some peculiar features of orogenic style such as the geometry of the accretion prism, amount of upper crustal subduction, horizontal progression of the mountain range/thrust fault and the amount of exhumation of metamorphic facies are sometimes quite different. We conclude that surface processes may control deep, mantle level tectonic evolution.  相似文献   

Studies of the mid-Norwegian margin reveal that the Fennoscandian continental uplift represents a flexural intraplate deformation event separated in time and space from the regional syn-rift uplift associated with crustal breakup at the Plaeocene-Eocene transition. In the area 64–68°N, the uplift occurred from late Oligocene through Pliocene. During Late Pliocene and Pleistocene times the tectonic uplift was amplified by isostatic rebound in response to the Northern Hemisphere glaciation. The tectonic uplift component reaches 1 km in the northern part of the study area decreasing to the south. The shelf stratigraphy and sediment composition record the combined effects of tectonic uplift, eustatic sea level changes and Neogene climatic deterioration. The coeval uplift and climatic change may suggest causal relations. The resulting depositional model has three stages: (1) late Miocene ( 10.5-5.5 m.y.) increased continental erosion and deposition of prograding wedges most of which were later removed; (2) early-middle Pliocene (5.5-2.6 m.y.) development of extensive local ice-sheets reaching the coastline and deposition of the prominent, oldest Pliocene wedges; (3) Northern Hemisphere glaciation (2.6-0.01 m.y.) resulting in the younger wedges farther west covered by Quaternary deposits. The model is consistent with the development of landforms on the adjacent mainland. Both the tectonic and isostatic components of the Fennoscandian uplift appear to vary in magnitude along the uplift axis, however separation of the syn-rift plate boundary related uplift and the intraplate event support the Neogene age of the main Fennoscandian uplift. We document a correspondence between structural and physiographic margin segmentation and uplift magnitude and suggest that the intraplate deformation has a thermal origin. A hot-cold asthenosphere boundary beneath the Caledonide-Baltic Shield transition combined with pre-Tertiary relief at the base of the lithosphere might induce small-scale convection and preferential volume expansion beneath the observed elongate uplift.  相似文献   

Quaternary uplift of northern England   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Upland flats, attributable to erosion, have long been recognised in the landscape of the Lake District region of NW England, at altitudes of up to ~ 800 m O.D. Extrapolation using uplift rates derived from dated Pleistocene sites (karstic caves and other features) in the adjacent Pennine uplands suggests that if this succession of flats formed close to sea-level they date from the Middle Pliocene onwards, indicating a subsequent time-averaged uplift rate of almost 0.3 mm a 1. Numerical modelling indicates that erosion of surrounding areas at a typical rate of 0.2 mm a 1 since 3.1 Ma could have caused this uplift, as well as constraining the local effective viscosity of the lower crust as ~ 4 × 1018 Pa s and the typical local Moho temperature as ~ 650 °C. It is thus feasible that most of the topography of northern England has developed since the Middle Pliocene, as a consequence of coupling between erosion and the resulting induced flow in the lower continental crust. The much faster vertical crustal motions indicated in this part of northern England, compared with SE England, are thus mainly a consequence of much greater mobility of the lower crust in the north, due to its younger thermal age and the heating effect of radioactive Palaeozoic granites. Uplift of this magnitude, which has previously gone unrecognised, may have affected post-Pliocene global climate.  相似文献   

Abstract Seismic data across the offshore half of the Chicxulub impact crater reveal a 145 km‐diameter post‐impact basin to be a thickening of Tertiary sediment, which thickens by ?0.7 sec from the basin margin to the basin center. The basin existed long after the impact and was gradually infilled to its current flat surface. A suite of seismic horizons within the impact basin have been picked on four reflection lines across the crater. They reveal that the western and northwestern parts of the impact basin were filled first. Subsequently, there was a dramatic change in the depositional environment, indicated by an unconformable surface that can be mapped across the entire basin. A prograding shelf sequence downlaps onto this unconformity in the eastern basin. The seismic stratigraphic relationships suggest a marine regression, with sedimentation becoming gradually more passive as sediments fill the eastern part of the impact basin. The central and northeastern parts of the basin are filled last. The onshore hole Yaxcopoil‐1 (Yax‐1), which was drilled on the flanks of the southern basin, has been projected onto the offshore seismic data to the west of the crater center. Using dates obtained from this onshore well and regional data, approximate ages have been placed on the most significant horizons in the offshore seismic data. Our preliminary interpretation is that the western and northwestern basins were almost entirely filled by 40 Ma and that the marine regression observed in the eastern basin is early Miocene in age. Offshore seismic stratigraphic analyses and onshore data within Yax‐1 suggest that the early Paleocene is highly attenuated across the impact basin. The Mesozoic section appears to be ?1 km thicker offshore than onshore. We calculate that, given this offshore thickening, the volume of Mesozoic rocks that have been excavated, melted, or vaporized during impact is around 15% larger than expected from calculations that assume the offshore thickness is equal to that onshore. This has significant consequences for any environmental calculations. The current offset between the K‐T boundary outside and inside the crater is ?700 m. However, infilling of basins with sediments is usually accompanied by subsidence, and immediately following the impact, the difference would have been smaller. We calculate the original topographic offset on the K‐T boundary to have been between 450 and 700 m, which is in agreement with depth‐diameter scaling laws for a mixed target.  相似文献   

The Tharsis region is an 8000-km-wide structural dome that incorporates a concentration of the main volcanic and tectonic activity on the Planet Mars. The area of structural doming is characterised by giant radial graben-dike systems. Nested on a set of these giant dikes to the northern side of Tharsis, is Alba Patera, one of the largest volcanoes in the planetary system. The regional dikes there are in arcuate arrangement and imply an E-W to NW-SE regional extension at Alba Patera. To assess the influence of regional and local tectonics, we studied the dike orientations on the volcano with Viking mosaic data and simulated plausible stress fields with finite element modelling. We found that the influence of a NW-SE regional extension was strong near the volcano centre but decreased rapidly in importance towards the northern pole, i.e., far from the Tharsis centre. By combining this regional stress with a broad uplift that is due to a buoyancy zone of about 1400 km in lateral extent and centred under Alba Patera, we reproduced the radial pattern of dike swarms that diverge from the Tharsis trend. Regional tectonics may have dominated the early stages of dike injection. During the evolution of Alba Patera, however, local updoming controlled the dike pattern, supporting the idea of a hotspot under Alba Patera. The well-expressed dike geometry and characteristics of Alba Patera provide an ideal example for comparative study with analogue hotspots on Earth where plate tectonics and active erosion may complicate the reconstruction of volcanic and tectonic history and the understanding of involved geodynamic processes.  相似文献   

This paper aims to aid understanding of the complicated interplay between construction and destruction of volcanoes, with an emphasis on the role of substrate tectonic heritage in controlling magma conduit geometry, lateral collapse, landslides, and preferential erosion pathways. The influence of basement structure on the development of six composite volcanoes located in different geodynamic/geological environments is described: Stromboli (Italy), in an island arc extensional tectonic setting, Ollagüe (Bolivia–Chile) in a cordilleran extensional setting, Kizimen (Russia) in a transtensional setting, Pinatubo (Philippines) in a transcurrent setting, Planchon (Chile) in a compressional cordilleran setting, and Mt. Etna (Italy) in a complex tectonic boundary setting. Analogue and numerical modelling results are used to enhance understanding of processes exemplified by these volcanic centres. We provide a comprehensive overview of this topic by considering a great deal of relevant, recently published studies and combine these with the presentation of new results, in order to contribute to the discussion on substrate tectonics and its control on volcano evolution. The results show that magma conduits in volcanic rift zones can be geometrically controlled by the regional tectonic stress field. Rift zones produce a lateral magma push that controls the direction of lateral collapse and can also trigger collapse. Once lateral collapse occurs, the resulting debuttressing produces a reorganization of the shallow-level magma migration pathways towards the collapse depression. Subsequent landslides and erosion tend to localize along rift zones. If a zone of weakness underlies a volcano, long-term creep can occur, deforming a large sector of the cone. This deformation can trigger landslides that propagate along the destabilized flank axis. In the absence of a rift zone, normal and transcurrent faults propagating from the substrate through the volcano can induce flank instability in directions respectively perpendicular and oblique to fault strike. This destabilization can evolve to lateral collapse with triggering mechanisms such as seismic activity or magmatic intrusion.  相似文献   

Global data sets of images, topography and gravity are available for Mars from several orbiter missions. At the eve of new global data from Mars Global Surveyor (MGS), the capabilities of 3D geophysical modelling based on areal topography and gravity data combined with geologic-tectonic image interpretation is demonstrated here. A unique structure is chosen for the model calculations: the Alba Patera volcanic complex at the northern border of the Tharsis rise. Five groups of graben are discriminated: Ceraunius Fossae, Catenae, Tantalus Fossae (radial group) radial to the Tharsis rise, mainly associated to the formation of Tharsis, and Alba and Tantalus Fossae (circular group), younger than the other graben and circular around Alba Patera. Combining 3D elastic flexure of the lithosphere due to a 3D topographic surface load with 3D gravity models results in a rather thick lithosphere (150–200 km) and thick crust (60–100 km). In another model estimate it has been assumed that the circular grabens are induced by the stresses from the surface load of Alba Patera. In a first order calculation the surface stresses under a point load have been determined resulting in a good correlation of the stress maximum with the location of the circular grabens for a 50-km thick lithosphere. This is in accordance with earlier results from this method, but in contradiction with the thick lithosphere derived from flexure-gravity models. One possibility for this contradiction may be that the different models represent two evolutionary points of Alba Patera. (1) The correlation of stresses with the circular grabens may represent an older stage of evolution with a thinner lithosphere. (2) The flexure-gravity models represent a younger to present stage with a thick lithosphere. The results of the lithosphere thicknesses are compared with an admittance calculation and different thermal evolution models which determine comparable thicknesses (150 km). More detailed models including 3D stress models should wait for new data sets from MGS. The results from the lineament analysis and geophysical modelling are summarized in an evolution model for Alba Patera.  相似文献   

Here we present a crustal folding or buckling mechanism to explain the rootless 3–5 km high Alborz Mountains in northern Iran as well as  10 km of Late Miocene to recent subsidence in the south Caspian basin and  3–6 km of subsidence in the central Iranian basin in the context of the middle Miocene to recent Arabia–Eurasia collision. A key element of the mechanism is the presence of lateral and vertical lithospheric strength contrasts between the north Iranian continental and south Caspian oceanic crusts: when compression from the collision is applied across the region, the strong south Caspian oceanic crust, buried under > 10 km of premiddle Miocene sediment, interacts with the bottom of the mechanically strong continental upper crust of northern Iran, resulting in upward buckling of the continental crust and downward buckling of the oceanic crust. We test this mechanism using a finite-element numerical model with a Maxwell rheology and obtain results that are consistent with the geological and geophysical observations. The observations compiled here and the model results demonstrate the potential for using this region as a natural laboratory for studying the early stages of continent–oceanic collision, including processes like basin inversion, fault localization and, potentially, subduction initiation.  相似文献   

Estimates of lava volumes on planetary surfaces provide important data on the lava flooding history and thermal evolution of a planet. Lack of information concerning the configuration of the topography prior to volcanic flooding requires the use of a variety of techniques to estimate lava thicknesses and volumes. A technique is described and developed which provides volume estimates by artificially flooding unflooded lunar topography characteristic of certain geological environments, and tracking the area covered, lava thicknesses, and lava volumes. Comparisons of map patterns of incompletely buried topography in these artificially flooded areas are then made to lava-flooded topography on the Moon in order to estimate the actual lava volumes.This technique is applied to two areas related to lunar impact basins; the relatively unflooded Orientale basin, and the Archimedes-Apennine Bench region of the Imbrium basin. Artificially flooding the Orientale basin to the Cordillera Mountains (outer basin ring) produces a lava fill geometry with two components; (a) thebasin interior (within the inner Rook ring) where the area covered is small but lava thicknesses are large (6–8 km), and (b) thebasin, edges where larger areas are covered but thicknesses are less, averaging about 2 km. Detailed examination of the Archimedes-Apennine Bench area (Imbrium basin edge) also shows average thicknesses in this region of basins of approximately 2 km.On the basis of these analyses it is concluded that early flooding of the basin interior places a major load on the lithosphere in the same geographic region where mascon gravity anomalies are concentrated. Mare ridges and arches are concentrated at the outer edge of the region of thickset fill and appear to be related to tectonic activity accompanying basin loading and downwarping. Lava thicknesses in most areas of flooded, impact basins (>2 km) exceed the thickness of lava where vertical mixing of underlying non-mare material is possible. Thus, vertical mixing is not likely to have been an important process in mare deposits within flooded impact basins. Thickness estimates derived from this technique exceed those derived from the morphometry of buried or partially buried craters by at least a factor of two. Examination of the assumptions employed in the latter technique show several sources of variability (e.g., initial rim height variability in a fresh crater) which may result in significant underestimation of lava thicknesses.  相似文献   

The Pyoza River area in the Arkhangelsk district exposes sedimentary sequences suitable for study of the interaction between consecutive Valdaian ice sheets in Northern Russia. Lithostratigraphic investigations combined with luminescence dating have revealed new evidence on the Late Pleistocene history of the area. Overlying glacigenic deposits of the Moscowian (Saalian) glaciation marine deposits previously confined to three separate transgression phases have all been connected to the Mikulinian (Eemian) interglacial. Early Valdaian (E. Weichselian) proglacial, lacustrine and fluvial deposits indicate glaciation to the east or north and consequently glacier damming and meltwater run-off in the Pyoza area around 90–110 ka BP. Interstadial conditions with forest-steppe tundra vegetation and lacustrine and fluvial deposition prevailed at the end of the Early Valdaian around 75–95 ka BP. A terrestrial-based glaciation from easterly uplands reached the Pyoza area at the Early to Middle Valdaian transition around 65–75 ka BP and deposited glaciofluvial strata and subglacial till (Yolkino Till). During deglaciation, laterally extensive glaciolacustrine sediments were deposited in ice-dammed lakes in the early Middle Valdaian around 55–75 ka BP. The Barents–Kara Sea ice sheet deposited the Viryuga Till on the lower Pyoza from northerly directions. The ice sheet formed the Pyoza marginal moraines, which can be correlated with the Markhida moraines further east, and proglacial lacustrine deposition persisted in the area during the first part of the Middle Valdaian. Glacio-isostatic uplift caused erosion followed by pedogenesis and the formation of a deflation horizon in the Middle Valdaian. Widely dispersed periglacial river plains were formed during the Late Valdaian around 10–20 ka BP. Thus, the evidence of a terrestrial-based ice sheet from easterly uplands in the Pyoza area suggests that local piedmont glaciers situated in highlands such as the Timan Ridge or the Urals could have developed into larger, regionally confined ice sheets. Two phases of ice damming and development of proglacial lakes occurred during the Early and Middle Valdaian. The region did not experience glaciation during the Late Valdaian.  相似文献   

Abstract— The boundaries between the highly deformed tessera terrain and adjacent volcanic plains are primarily those of embayment, where the tessera are stratigraphically older than the plains. Previous studies show that <3% of these boundaries display evidence of tectonic tilting after the emplacement of the plains. One of these unusual boundaries is the western margin of Alpha Regio tessera, a zone ~ 100 km in width that separates the plains from the interior structures of Alpha. This zone is characterized by margin parallel, fine‐scale (1–5 km) fractures, graben, and ridges that truncate and postdate the broad‐scale (10–30 km) ridges and troughs of the interior of Alpha. The western margin is embayed by several volcanic plains units that are progressively tilted and deformed by graben with closer proximity to Alpha Regio. The earliest deformation of the plains consists of northeast‐trending graben ~1 km in width that are similar in morphology and spacing to graben that deform intratessera plains and plains at the eastern boundary of Alpha. Northwest‐trending graben then formed over an interval marked by the emplacement of two additional plains units; their similarity to northwest‐trending structures emanating from Eve corona and the Lada Terra rift suggests a possible genetic relationship. The tilting of the plains adjacent to western Alpha implies relative vertical movement of the margin, either uplift of tessera or downwarping of plains subsequent to the formation and relaxation of the interior of Alpha Regio. Subsidence of plains at this locale is supported by the presence of a basin to the west of Alpha surrounded by a fracture belt contiguous with western Alpha. Thus, the fractures and deformation at the western boundary of Alpha may be related to the formation of a basin to the west of Alpha with some influence from the northernmost extension of the Lada Terra rift. Such a basin is not present at a section along the eastern boundary of Alpha Regio, where the origin of tilted plains remains equivocal. We conclude that the deformation along the western margin of Alpha Regio is not directly related to the process of tessera formation but is an example of tessera modification and is consistent with the stratigraphic position of tessera as the oldest unit observed on Venus.  相似文献   

Subsidence analysis of 16 wells in the Austrian Molasse basin documents major spatial and temporal changes in tectonic subsidence as well as a late-stage surface uplift. The timing of the main phase of tectonic subsidence shifted from early Oligocene in the western part of the peripheral foreland to the early Miocene in the eastern part. These temporal and spatial changes in tectonic subsidence reflect a change from oblique dextral to sinistral convergence between the Alpine nappe stack and its foreland. The main phase of sediment accumulation was delayed to the early Miocene and led to the infill of the basin and a major second, sediment-load driven phase of basement subsidence. Sediment accumulation rates in the basin reflect the build-up of topography in the Alpine mountain chain. Since approximately 6 Ma a pronounced regional uplift of the entire Molasse basin has taken place, marking the transition from lateral extrusion to orthogonal contraction within the Alpine system and deep-seated changes in geodynamic boundary conditions, possibly due to delamination of previously thickened lithosphere. Surface uplift is contemporaneous with similar processes in extra-Alpine Central Europe, where it is interpreted to reflect intra-plate stress changes.  相似文献   

A digital terrain model (1000-m effective spatial resolution) of the Caloris basin, the largest well-characterized impact basin on Mercury, was produced from 208 stereo images obtained by the MESSENGER narrow-angle camera. The basin rim is far from uniform and is characterized by rugged terrain or knobby plains, often disrupted by craters and radial troughs. In some sectors, the rim is represented by a single marked elevation step, where height levels drop from the surroundings toward the basin interior by approximately 2 km. Two concentric rings, with radii of 690 km and 850 km, can be discerned in the topography. Several pre-Caloris basins and craters can be identified from the terrain model, suggesting that rugged pre-impact topography may have contributed to the varying characteristics of the Caloris rim. The basin interior is relatively smooth and shallow, comparable to typical lunar mascon mare basins, supporting the idea that Caloris was partially filled with lava after formation. The model displays long-wavelength undulations in topography across the basin interior, but these undulations cannot readily be related to pre-impact topography, volcanic construction, or post-volcanic uplift. Because errors in the long-wavelength topography of the model cannot be excluded, confirmation of these undulations must await data from MESSENGER’s orbital mission phase.  相似文献   

We present a preliminary photogeologic map of the Scandia region of Mars with the objective of reconstructing its resurfacing history. The Scandia region includes the lower section of the regional lowland slope of Vastitas Borealis extending about 500–1800 km away from Alba Mons into the Scandia sub-basin below ?4800 m elevation. Twenty mapped geologic units express the diverse stratigraphy of the region. We particularly focus on the materials making up the Vastitas Borealis plains and its Scandia sub-region, where erosional processes have obscured stratigraphic relations and made the reconstruction of the resurfacing history particularly challenging. Geologic mapping implicates the deposition, erosion, and deformation/degradation of geologic units predominantly during Late Hesperian and Early Amazonian time (~3.6–3.3 Ga). During this time, Alba Mons was active, outflow channels were debouching sediments into the northern plains, and basal ice layers of the north polar plateau were accumulating. We identify zones of regional tectonic contraction and extension as well as gradation and mantling. Depressions and scarps within these zones indicate collapse and gradation of Scandia outcrops and surfaces at scales of meters to hundreds of meters. We find that Scandia Tholi display concentric ridges, rugged peaks, irregular depressions, and moats that suggest uplift and tilting of layered plains material by diapirs and extrusion, erosion, and deflation of viscous, sedimentary slurries as previously suggested. These appear to be long-lived features that both pre-date and post-date impact craters. Mesa-forming features may have similar origins and occur along the southern margin of the Scandia region, including near the Phoenix Mars Lander site. Distinctive lobate materials associated with local impact craters suggest impact-induced mobilization of surface materials. We suggest that the formation of the Scandia region features potentially resulted from crustal heating related to Alba Mons volcanism, which acted upon a sequence of lavas, outflow channel sediments, and polar ice deposits centered within the Scandia region. These volatile-enriched sediments may have been in a state of partial volatile melt, resulting in the mobilization of deeply buried ancient materials and their ascent and emergence as sediment and mud breccia diapirs to form tholi features. Similar subsurface instabilities proximal to Alba Mons may have led to surface disruption, as suggested by local and regional scarps, mesas, moats, and knob fields.  相似文献   

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