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Photometric observations of the minor planet (3782) Celle, which has been associated both dynamically and spectroscopically with the Vesta asteroid family, were obtained using the 1.8-m Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope during September 2001 and December 2002-January 2003. Analysis of these data reveals a normal rotational lightcurve (, amplitude =0.10-0.15 mag). During the 2002-2003 run, anomalous attenuation events were observed lasting for about 2.6-3.5 h that varied in amplitude from 0.15-0.3 mag. The attenuations were of two distinct types that can clearly be identified as primary and secondary occultation/eclipses similar to those that have been previously observed in known minor planet binary systems (Pravec et al., 2000). We therefore interpret our data as clear evidence that (3782) Celle is actually an asynchronous binary system with an orbital period of (Ryan et al., 2003). A preliminary model, based on spherical components, yields a primary-to-secondary diameter ratio of 0.43±0.01 and a combined bulk density of for the two components. Because these objects are likely to be composed of basaltic fragments, this density is indicative of a moderate to a highly fractured internal structure for at least one, if not both, of the binary components. Since the Vesta family is believed to have been created via a cratering event, this finding has important implications for understanding possible ejecta re-accumulation and satellite formation in subcatastrophic collisions.  相似文献   

Observations of Uranus were made in September 2009 with the Gemini-North telescope in Hawaii, using both the NIFS and NIRI instruments. Observations were acquired in Adaptive Optics mode and have a spatial resolution of approximately 0.1″.NIRI images were recorded with three spectral filters to constrain the overall appearance of the planet: J, H-continuum and CH4(long), and long slit spectroscopy measurements were also made (1.49-1.79 μm) with the entrance slit aligned on Uranus’ central meridian. To acquire spectra from other points on the planet, the NIFS instrument was used and its 3″ × 3″ field of view stepped across Uranus’ disc. These observations were combined to yield complete images of Uranus at 2040 wavelengths between 1.476 and 1.803 μm.The observed spectra along Uranus central meridian were analysed with the NEMESIS retrieval tool and used to infer the vertical/latitudinal variation in cloud optical depth. We find that the 2009 Gemini data perfectly complement our observations/conclusions from UKIRT/UIST observations made in 2006-2008 and show that the north polar zone at 45°N has continued to steadily brighten while that at 45°S has continued to fade. The improved spatial resolution of the Gemini observations compared with the non-AO UKIRT/UIST data removes some of the earlier ambiguities with our previous analyses and shows that the opacity of clouds deeper than the 2-bar level does indeed diminish towards the poles and also reveals a darkening of the deeper cloud deck near the equator, perhaps coinciding with a region of subduction. We find that the clouds at 45°N,S lie at slightly lower pressures than the clouds at more equatorial latitudes, which suggests that they might possibly be composed of a different condensate, presumably CH4 ice, rather than H2S or NH3 ice, which is assumed for the deeper cloud. In addition, analysis of the centre-to-limb curves of both the Gemini/NIFS and earlier UKIRT/UIST IFU observations shows that the main cloud deck has a well-defined top, and also allows us to better constrain the particle scattering properties.Overall, Uranus appeared to be less convectively active in 2009 than in the previous 3 years, which suggests that now the northern spring equinox (which occurred in 2007) is passed the atmosphere is settling back into the quiescent state seen by Voyager 2 in 1986. However, a number of discrete clouds were still observed, with one at 15°N found to lie near the 500 mb level, while another at 30°N, was seen to be much higher at near the 200 mb level. Such high clouds are assumed to be composed of CH4 ice.  相似文献   

Solar light gets scattered at cloud top level in Venus’ atmosphere, in the visible range, which corresponds to the altitude of 67 km. We present Doppler velocity measurements performed with the high resolution spectrometer MTR of the Solar telescope THEMIS (Teide Observatory, Canary Island) on the sodium D2 solar line . Observations lasted only 49 min because of cloudy weather. However, we could assess the instrumental velocity sensitivity, per pixel of 1 arcsec, and give a value of the amplitude of zonal wind at equator at .  相似文献   

We report on direct wind measurements in Venus’ mesosphere (90-115 km), performed in support of Venus Express, and based on CO millimeter observations. Most observations, sampling the CO(2-1) and CO(1-0) lines, were acquired with the IRAM 30-m telescope, over four distinct periods: (i) Summer 2006; (ii) May-June 2007, in association with the coordinated ground-based campaign; (iii) August 2007 inferior conjunction and (iv) September 2007. In the latter period, additional measurements (CO(3-2)) were obtained with the APEX 12-m telescope. Overall, the measurements indicate a large body of temporal variability of the Venus mesospheric field, but general features emerge: (i) winds strongly increase with altitude within the mesosphere, by a factor of 2-3 over a decade in pressure; (ii) many, but not all, of our observations can be viewed as the superposition of zonal retrograde and subsolar-to-antisolar (SSAS) flows of comparable speeds, typically 30-50 m/s near 0.1 mbar () and 90-120 m/s near 0.01 mbar () (iii) the wind field was very stable over three consecutive observing days in May-June 2007, but much more variable on a similar time base in August 2007 (iv) at a resolution, the nightside wind field appears very complex, with evidence that the SSAS flow does not reach high latitudes, and possible evidence for additional meridional winds. Our Summer 2006 observations, which sample Venus’ dayside, seem to suggest that a prograde zonal flow is superimposed to the SSAS circulation for this period. This surprising result, which implies a pre-midnight convergence of the wind field, requires confirmation, and fruitful comparisons may be obtained from the analysis of motions in the O2 emission images, as observed by Venus Express.  相似文献   

The Alice ultraviolet spectrograph onboard the New Horizons spacecraft observed two occultations of the bright star χ Ophiucus by Jupiter’s atmosphere on February 22 and 23, 2007 during the approach phase of the Jupiter flyby. The ingress occultation probed the atmosphere at 32°N latitude near the dawn terminator, while egress probed 18°N latitude near the dusk terminator. A detailed analysis of both the ingress and egress occultations, including the effects of molecular hydrogen, methane, acetylene, ethylene, and ethane absorptions in the far ultraviolet (FUV), constrains the eddy diffusion coefficient at the homopause level to be  cm2 s−1, consistent with Voyager measurements and other analyses (Festou, M.C., Atreya, S.K., Donahue, T.M., Sandel, B.R., Shemansky, D.E., Broadfoot, A.L. [1981]. J. Geophys. Res. 86, 5717-5725; Vervack Jr., R.J., Sandel, B.R., Gladstone, G.R., McConnell, J.C., Parkinson, C.D. [1995]. Icarus 114, 163-173; Yelle, R.V., Young, L.A., Vervack Jr., R.J., Young, R., Pfister, L., Sandel, B.R. [1996]. J. Geophys. Res. 101 (E1), 2149-2162). However, the actual derived pressure level of the methane homopause for both occultations differs from that derived by [Festou et al., 1981] and [Yelle et al., 1996] from the Voyager ultraviolet occultations, suggesting possible changes in the strength of atmospheric mixing with time. We find that at 32°N latitude, the methane concentration is  cm−3 at 70,397 km, the methane concentration is  cm−3 at 70,383 km, the acetylene concentration is  cm−3 at 70,364 km, and the ethane concentration is  cm−3 at 70,360 km. At 18°N latitude, the methane concentration is  cm−3 at 71,345 km, the methane concentration is  cm−3 at 71,332 km, the acetylene concentration is cm−3 at 71,318 km, and the ethane concentration is  cm−3 at 71,315 km. We also find that the H2 occultation light curve is best reproduced if the atmosphere remains cold in the microbar region such that the base of the thermosphere is located at a lower pressure level than that determined by in situ instruments aboard the Galileo probe (Seiff, A., Kirk, D.B., Knight, T.C.D., Young, R.E., Mihalov, J.D., Young, L.A., Milos, F.S., Schubert, G., Blanchard, R.C., Atkinson, D. [1998]. J. Geophys. Res. 103 (E10), 22857-22889) - the Sieff et al. temperature profile leads to too much absorption from H2 at high altitudes. However, this result is highly model dependent and non-unique. The observations and analysis help constrain photochemical models of Jupiter’s atmosphere.  相似文献   

The heavily-cratered southern hemisphere of Mars encompasses the planet’s strongest, most widespread magnetization. Our study concentrates on this magnetized region in the southern hemisphere within 40° of latitude 40°S, longitude 180°W. First we rotate the coordinates to position the center at −40°, 180° and treat these new latitudes and longitudes as if they were Cartesian coordinates. Then, using an ordinary two-dimensional Fourier analysis for downward continuation, the MGS (MAG/ER) magnetic field data at satellite mapping elevation of ∼400 km are extrapolated to 100 km, sources are estimated and used to model the fields. Quantitative comparison of the downward continued field with the aerobraking field for bins having angular deviation within ±30° gives correlation of .947, .868, and .769 for the components, respectively. This agreement of the fields may result from most of the power in the magnetization resting in wavelengths ∼400 km, with comparatively little at ∼100 km. Over this region, covering nearly an octant of the planet, just a dozen sources can account for 94% of the variance of the magnetic field at the surface. In these models for the field an obvious asymmetry in polarity exists, with majority of the sources being positive. The locations of strongest surface magnetization appear to be near - but not actually within - ancient multi-ringed basins. We test the likelihood of this association by comparing the observed sources found within and near basins for two alternative basin location scenarios with random distributions. For both alternatives we find the observed distributions to be low-probability occurrences. If contemporaneous, this would establish that Mars’ magnetic field extended to the time of impacts causing these basins.  相似文献   

Spectra taken by Cassini’s Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) between 10 and 600 cm−1 (17-1000 μm) of surface thermal emission of Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Rhea and Iapetus have been used to derive the thermal inertia and bolometric Bond albedo values. Only an upper limit for the bolometric Bond albedo of Iapetus’ dark leading side could be determined due to the insensitivity of the thermal model to albedo when albedos are very low. The thermal inertia in this region however is better constrained. The CIRS coverage of Enceladus is extensive enough that the latitudinal variation in these values from 60°S to 70°N has been determined in 10° wide bins. The bolometric Bond albedos determined here are consistent with literature values which show the surface of the saturnian icy moons to be covered in ice contaminated to varying degrees. The thermal inertia of the moons is shown to be in the range 9-, approximately 2-6 times lower than that of the Galilean satellites, implying a less well consolidated and more porous surface. The thermal inertias of Iapetus and Phoebe are somewhat higher, suggesting that the very low thermal inertias of satellites from Rhea inwards may be related to their probable coating of E-ring material. Latitudinal variations on the surface of Enceladus show that the bolometric Bond albedo and thermal inertia increase towards the active plume source at the south pole.  相似文献   

Using TEXES, the Texas Echelon cross Echelle Spectrograph, mounted on the Gemini North 8-m telescope we have mapped the spatial variation of H2, CH4, C2H2 and C2H6 thermal-infrared emission of Neptune. These high-spectral-resolution, spatially resolved, thermal-infrared observations of Neptune offer a unique glimpse into the state of Neptune’s stratosphere in October 2007, LS = 275.4° just past Neptune’s southern summer solstice (LS = 270°). We use observations of the S(1) pure rotational line of molecular hydrogen and a portion of the ν4 band of methane to retrieve detailed information on Neptune’s stratospheric vertical and meridional thermal structure. We find global-average temperatures of 163.8 ± 0.8, 155.0 ± 0.9, and 123.8 ± 0.8 K at the 7.0 × 10−3-, 0.12-, and 2.1-mbar levels with no meridional variations within the errors. We then use the inferred temperatures to model the emission of C2H2 and C2H6 in order to derive stratospheric volume mixing ratios (hence forth, VMR) as a function of pressure and latitude. There is a subtle meridional variation of the C2H2 VMR at the 0.5-mbar level with the peak abundance found at −28° latitude, falling off to the north and south. However, the observations are consistent within error to a meridionally constant C2H2 VMR of at 0.5 mbar. We find that the VMR of C2H6 at 1-mbar peaks at the equator and falls by a factor of 1.6 at −70° latitude. However, a meridionally constant VMR of at the 1-mbar level for C2H6 is also statistically consistent with the retrievals. Temperature predictions from a radiative-seasonal climate model of Neptune that assumes the hydrocarbon abundances inferred in this paper are lower than the measured temperatures by 40 K at 7 × 10−3 mbar, 30 K at 0.12 mbar and 25 K at 2.1 mbar. The radiative-seasonal model also predicts meridional temperature variations on the order of 10 K from equator to pole, which are not observed. Assuming higher stratospheric CH4 abundance at the equator relative to the south pole would bring the meridional trends of the inferred temperatures and radiative-seasonal model into closer agreement.We have also retrieved observations of C2H4 emission from Neptune’s stratosphere using TEXES on the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) in June 2003, LS = 266°. Using the observations from the middle of the planet and an average of the middle three latitude temperature profiles from the 2007 observations (9.5° of LS later, the seasonal equivalent of 9.5 Earth days within Earth’s seasonal cycle), we infer a C2H4 VMR of at 1.5 × 10−3 mbar, a value that is 3.25 times that predicted by global-average photochemical models.  相似文献   

We report on observations of the dust trail of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (CG) in visible light with the Wide Field Imager at the ESO/MPG 2.2 m telescope at 4.7 AU before aphelion, and at with the MIPS instrument on board the Spitzer Space Telescope at 5.7 AU both before and after aphelion. The comet did not appear to be active during our observations. Our images probe large dust grains emitted from the comet that have a radiation pressure parameter β<0.01. We compare our observations with simulated images generated with a dynamical model of the cometary dust environment and constrain the emission speeds, size distribution, production rate and geometric albedo of the dust. We achieve the best fit to our data with a differential size distribution exponent of −4.1, and emission speeds for a β=0.01 particle of 25 m/s at perihelion and 2 m/s at 3 AU. The dust production rate in our model is on the order of 1000 kg/s at perihelion and 1 kg/s at 3 AU, and we require a dust geometric albedo between 0.022 and 0.044. The production rates of large (>) particles required to reproduce the brightness of the trail are sufficient to also account for the coma brightness observed while the comet was inside 3 AU, and we infer that the cross-section in the coma of CG may be dominated by grains of the order of .  相似文献   

Analysis of three spectra of the exosphere of Mercury in the Na-D lines are presented. Spectra were secured with the high-resolution spectrograph (SARG) of the 3.5 M Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG, located on the Roque de los Muchachos, Canaries) on the evenings of August 23 and 24, 2002. Spectra have resolution ; the slit length was 26.7”. The Na column abundances range from 4.3 to with the highest abundances being close to the illuminated limb. Our observations at true anomaly angles (TAA) from 171°to 174°show the traces of the emission lines to be strongly peaked at the illuminated limb, supportive of recent modeling that shows thermal desorption to be a strong factor in determining the distribution of Na about the planet.  相似文献   

The giant planets of our solar system possess envelopes consisting mainly of hydrogen and helium but are also significantly enriched in heavier elements relatively to our Sun. In order to better constrain how these heavy elements have been delivered, we quantify the amount accreted during the so-called “late heavy bombardment”, at a time when planets were fully formed and planetesimals could not sink deep into the planets. On the basis of the “Nice model”, we obtain accreted masses (in terrestrial units) equal to for Jupiter, and for Saturn. For the two other giant planets, the results are found to depend mostly on whether they switched position during the instability phase. For Uranus, the accreted mass is with an inversion and without an inversion. Neptune accretes in models in which it is initially closer to the Sun than Uranus, and otherwise. With well-mixed envelopes, this corresponds to an increase in the enrichment over the solar value of 0.033±0.001 and 0.074±0.007 for Jupiter and Saturn, respectively. For the two other planets, we find the enrichments to be 2.1±1.4 (w/ inversion) or 1.2±0.7 (w/o inversion) for Uranus, and 2.0±1.2 (w/ inversion) or 2.7±1.6 (w/o inversion) for Neptune. This is clearly insufficient to explain the inferred enrichments of ∼4 for Jupiter, ∼7 for Saturn and ∼45 for Uranus and Neptune.  相似文献   

An explosion on Comet 17P/Holmes occurred on 2007 October 23, projecting particulate debris of a wide range of sizes into the interplanetary medium. We observed the comet using the mid-Infrared Spectrograph (5-40 μm), on 2007 November 10 and 2008 February 27, and the imaging photometer (24 and 70 μm), on 2008 March 13, on board the Spitzer Space Telescope. The 2007 November 10 spectral mapping revealed spatially diffuse emission with detailed mineralogical features, primarily from small crystalline olivine grains. The 2008 February 27 spectra, and the central core of the 2007 November 10 spectral map, reveal nearly featureless spectra, due to much larger grains that were ejected from the nucleus more slowly. Optical images were obtained on multiple dates spanning 2007 October 27-2008 March 10 at the Holloway Comet Observatory and 1.5-m telescope at Palomar Observatory. The images and spectra can be segmented into three components: (1) a hemispherical shell fully 28′ on the sky in 2008 March, due to the fastest (262 m s−1), smallest (2 μm) debris, with a mass ; (2) a ‘blob’ or ‘pseudonucleus’ offset from the true nucleus and subtending some 10′ on the sky, due to intermediate speed (93 m s−1) and size (8 μm) particles, with a total mass ; and (3) a ‘core’ centered on the nucleus due to slower (9 m s−1), larger (200 μm) ejecta, with a total mass . This decomposition of the mid-infrared observations can also explain the temporal evolution of the millimeter-wave flux. The orientation of the leading edge of the ejecta shell and the ejecta ‘blob,’ relative to the nucleus, do not change as the orientation of the Sun changes; instead, the configuration was imprinted by the orientation of the initial explosion. The distribution and speed of ejecta implies an explosion in a conical pattern directed approximately in the solar direction on the date of explosion. The kinetic energy of the ejecta >1021 erg is greater than the gravitational binding energy of the nucleus. We model the explosion as being due to crystallization and release of volatiles from interior amorphous ice within a subsurface cavity; once the pressure in the cavity exceeded the surface strength, the material above the cavity was propelled from the comet. The size of the cavity and the tensile strength of the upper layer of the nucleus are constrained by the observed properties of the ejecta; tensile strengths on >10 m scale must be greater than 10 kPa (or else the ejecta energy exceeds the binding energy of the nucleus) and they are plausibly 200 kPa. The appearance of the 2007 outburst is similar to that witnessed in 1892, but the 1892 explosion was less energetic by a factor of about 20.  相似文献   

We use a radiative-conductive-convective model to assess the height of Pluto’s troposphere, as well as surface pressure and surface radius, from stellar occultation data from the years 1988, 2002, and 2006. The height of the troposphere, if it exists, is less than 1 km for all years analyzed. Pluto has at most a planetary boundary layer and not a troposphere. As in previous analyses of Pluto occultation light curves, we find that the surface pressure is increasing with time, assuming that latitude and longitude variations in Pluto’s atmosphere are negligible. The surface pressure is found to be slightly higher ( μbar in 1988,  μbar in 2002, and 18.5 ± 4.7 μbar in 2006) than in our previous analyses with the troposphere excluded. The surface radius is determined to be . Comparison of the minimum reduced chi-squared values between the best-fit radiative-conductive-convective (i.e., troposphere-included) model and best-fit radiative-conductive (i.e., troposphere-excluded) shows that the troposphere-included model is only a slightly better fit to the data for all 3 years. Uncertainties in the small-scale physical processes of Pluto’s lower atmosphere and consequently the functional form of the model troposphere lend more confidence to the troposphere-excluded results.  相似文献   

We have obtained numerically integrated orbits for Saturn's coorbital satellites, Janus and Epimetheus, together with Saturn's F-ring shepherding satellites, Prometheus and Pandora. The orbits are fit to astrometric observations acquired with the Hubble Space Telescope and from Earth-based observatories and to imaging data acquired from the Voyager spacecraft. The observations cover the 38 year period from the 1966 Saturn ring plane crossing to the spring of 2004. In the process of determining the orbits we have found masses for all four satellites. The densities derived from the masses for Janus, Epimetheus, Prometheus, and Pandora in units of g cm−3 are , , , and , respectively.  相似文献   

Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) visible (solarband bolometer) and thermal infrared (IR) spectral limb observations from the Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) support quantitative profile retrievals for dust opacity and particle sizes during the 2001 global dust event on Mars. The current analysis considers the behavior of dust lifted to altitudes above 30 km during the course of this storm; in terms of dust vertical mixing, particle sizes, and global distribution. TES global maps of visible (solarband) limb brightness at 60 km altitude indicate a global-scale, seasonally evolving (over 190-240° solar longitudes, LS) longitudinal corridor of vertically extended dust loading (which may be associated with a retrograde propagating, wavenumber 1 Rossby wave). Spherical radiative transfer analysis of selected limb profiles for TES visible and thermal IR radiances provide quantitative vertical profiles of dust opacity, indicating regional conditions of altitude-increasing dust mixing ratios. Observed infrared spectral dependences and visible-to-infrared opacity ratios of dust scattering over 30-60 km altitudes indicate particle sizes characteristic of lower altitudes (cross-section weighted effective radius, ), during conditions of significant dust transport to these altitudes. Conditions of reduced dust loading at 30-60 km altitudes present smaller dust particle sizes . These observations suggest rapid meridional transport at 30-80 km altitudes, with substantial longitudinal variation, of dust lifted to these altitudes over southern hemisphere atmospheric regions characterized by extraordinary (m/s) vertical advection velocities. By LS=230° dust loading above 50 km altitudes decreased markedly at southern latitudes, with a high altitude (60-80 km) haze of fine (likely) water ice particles appearing over 10°S-40°N latitudes.  相似文献   

Assuming that an unknown mechanism (e.g., gas turbulence) removes most of the subnebula gas disk in a timescale shorter than that for satellite formation, we develop a model for the formation of regular (and possibly at least some of the irregular) satellites around giant planets in a gas-poor environment. In this model, which follows along the lines of the work of Safronov et al. [1986. Satellites. Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson, pp. 89-116], heliocentric planetesimals collide within the planet's Hill sphere and generate a circumplanetary disk of prograde and retrograde satellitesimals extending as far out as ∼RH/2. At first, the net angular momentum of this proto-satellite swarm is small, and collisions among satellitesimals leads to loss of mass from the outer disk, and delivers mass to the inner disk (where regular satellites form) in a timescale ?105 years. This mass loss may be offset by continued collisional capture of sufficiently small <1 km interlopers resulting from the disruption of planetesimals in the feeding zone of the giant planet. As the planet's feeding zone is cleared in a timescale ?105 years, enough angular momentum may be delivered to the proto-satellite swarm to account for the angular momentum of the regular satellites of Jupiter and Saturn. This feeding timescale is also roughly consistent with the independent constraint that the Galilean satellites formed in a timescale of 105-106 years, which may be long enough to accommodate Callisto's partially differentiated state [Anderson et al., 1998. Science 280, 1573; Anderson et al., 2001. Icarus 153, 157-161]. In turn, this formation timescale can be used to provide plausible constraints on the surface density of solids in the satellitesimal disk (excluding satellite embryos for satellitesimals of size ∼1 km), which yields a total disk mass smaller than the mass of the regular satellites, and means that the satellites must form in several ∼10 collisional cycles. However, much more work will need to be conducted concerning the collisional evolution both of the circumplanetary satellitesimals and of the heliocentric planetesimals following giant planet formation before one can assess the significance of this agreement. Furthermore, for enough mass to be delivered to form the regular satellites in the required timescale one may need to rely on (unproven) mechanisms to replenish the feeding zone of the giant planet. We compare this model to the solids-enhanced minimum mass (SEMM) model of Mosqueira and Estrada [2003a. Icarus 163, 198-231; 2003b. Icarus 163, 232-255], and discuss its main consequences for Cassini observations of the saturnian satellite system.  相似文献   

We study the Jupiter family comet (JFC) population assumed to come from the Scattered Disk and transferred to the Jupiter’s zone through gravitational interactions with the Jovian planets. We shall define as JFCs those with orbital periods and Tisserand parameters in the range 2<T?3.1, while those comets coming from the same source, but that do not fulfill the previous criteria (mainly because they have periods ) will be called ‘non-JFCs’. We performed a series of numerical simulations of fictitious comets with a purely dynamical model and also with a more complete dynamical-physical model that includes besides nongravitational forces, sublimation and splitting mechanisms. With the dynamical model, we obtain a poor match between the computed distributions of orbital elements and the observed ones. However with the inclusion of physical effects in the complete model we are able to obtain good fits to observations. The best fits are attained with four splitting models with a relative weak dependence on q, and a mass loss in every splitting event that is less when the frequency is high and vice versa. The mean lifetime of JFCs with radii and is found to be of about 150-200 revolutions (∼. The total population of JFCs with radii within Jupiter’s zone is found to be of 450±50. Yet, the population of non-JFCs with radii in Jupiter-crossing orbits may be ∼4 times greater, thus leading to a whole population of JFCs + non-JFCs of ∼2250±250. Most of these comets have perihelia close to Jupiter’s orbit. On the other hand, very few non-JFCs reach the Earth’s vicinity (perihelion distances ) which gives additional support to the idea that JFCs and Halley-type comets have different dynamical origins. Our model allows us to define the zones of the orbital element space in which we would expect to find a large number of JFCs. This is the first time, to our knowledge, that a physico-dynamical model is presented that includes sublimation and different splitting laws. Our work helps to understand the role played by these erosion effects in the distribution of the orbital elements and lifetimes of JFCs.  相似文献   

We have completed a series of local N-body simulations of Saturn’s B and A rings in order to identify systematic differences in the degree of particle clumping into self-gravity wakes as a function of orbital distance from Saturn and dynamical optical depth (a function of surface density). These simulations revealed that the normal optical depth of the final configuration can be substantially lower than one would infer from a uniform distribution of particles. Adding more particles to the simulation simply piles more particles onto the self-gravity wakes while leaving relatively clear gaps between the wakes. Estimating the mass from the observed optical depth is therefore a non-linear problem. These simulations may explain why the Cassini UVIS instrument has detected starlight at low incidence angles through regions of the B ring that have average normal optical depths substantially greater than unity at some observation geometries [Colwell, J.E., Esposito, L.W., Srem?evi?, M., Stewart, G.R., McClintock, W.E., 2007. Icarus 190, 127-144]. We provide a plausible internal density of the particles in the A and B rings based upon fitting the results of our simulations with Cassini UVIS stellar occultation data. We simulated Cassini-like occultations through our simulation cells, calculated optical depths, and attempted to extrapolate to the values that Cassini observes. We needed to extrapolate because even initial optical depths of >4 (σ > 240 g cm−2) only yielded final optical depths no greater than 2.8, smaller than the largest measured B ring optical depths. This extrapolation introduces a significant amount of uncertainty, and we chose to be conservative in our overall mass estimates. From our simulations, we infer the surface density of the A ring to be , which corresponds to a mass of . We infer a minimum surface density of for Saturn’s B ring, which corresponds to a minimum mass estimate of . The A ring mass estimate agrees well with previous analyses, while the B ring is at least 40% larger. In sum, our lower limit estimate is that the total mass of Saturn’s ring system is 120-200% the mass of the moon Mimas, but significantly larger values would be plausible given the limitations of our simulations. A significantly larger mass for Saturn’s rings favors a primordial origin for the rings because the disruption of a former satellite of the required mass would be unlikely after the decay of the late heavy bombardment of planetary surfaces.  相似文献   

We explore conventional Neptune migration model with one additional planet of mass at 0.1-2.0M. This planet inhabited in the 3:2 mean motion resonance with Neptune during planet migration epoch, and then escaped from the Kuiper belt when jovian planets parked near the present orbits. Adding this extra planet and assuming the primordial disk truncated at about 45 AU in the conventional Neptune migration model, it is able to explain the complex structure of the observed Kuiper belt better than the usual Neptune migration model did in several respects, which are the following. (1) High-inclination Plutinos with i?15-35° are produced. (2) Generating the excitation of the classical Kuiper belt objects, which have moderate eccentricities and inclinations. (3) Producing the larger ratio of Neptune’s 3:2 to 2:1 resonant particles, and the lower ratio of particles in the 3:2 resonance to those in the classical belt, which may be more consistent with observations. (4) Finally, several Neptune’s 5:2 resonant particles are obtained. However, numerical experiments imply that this model is a low-probability event. In addition to the low probability, two features produced by this model may be inconsistent with the observations. They are small number of low-inclination particles in the classical belt, and the production of a remnant population with near-circular and low-inclination orbit within . According to our present study, including one extra planet in the conventional Neptune migration model as the scenario we explored here may be unsuitable because of the low probability, and the two drawbacks mentioned above, although this model can explain better several features which is hard to produce by the conventional Neptune migration model. The issues of low-probability event and the lack of low-inclination KBOs in the classical belt are interesting and may be studied further under a more realistic consideration.  相似文献   

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