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南极低温微生物研究及其应用前景   总被引:25,自引:6,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
曾胤新  陈波 《极地研究》1999,11(2):66-75
南极由于其独有的地理及气候特征,蕴育了丰富的低温微生物资源。这些低温微生物具有独特的分子生物学机制和生理生化特性,它们不但在南极生态环境系统中占有重要的地位和作用,在基础研究和生物工程应用方面同样也具有相当大的潜在价值。本文从开发利用南极微生物资源的角度出发,简述了近年来国内外有关南极低温微生物的研究状况及取得的研究成果(重点在微生物生理生化方面和遗传方面),并进一步探讨了南极低温微生物在环境保护、食品、化工及医药等多个领域中的开发应用前景。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the spatiality of the Australian Antarctic Territory in the important 1954–61 period. Attending particularly to three key components of polar spatiality—geopolitics, international territorial law, and the built environment—the article analyses the development of the Territory as a unique Australian space. The 1954–61 period is particularly significant: during this period, the International Geophysical Year brought an unprecedented number of people to Antarctica; the continent's first permanent colonies were constructed; and, despite Cold War tensions, the 1961 Antarctic Treaty established the spatial configurations and rules which continue to govern the continent today. The article focuses particularly on two key stations in the Territory constructed during this period: Australia's Mawson Station and the Soviet Mirnyy Station. Mawson is a legal colony, designed to cement Australia's claim to 42 per cent of the Antarctic continent; Mirnyy, in contrast, is an anti-colony, designed to reject Australia's claim. How the individual spatialities of these two stations articulate to the broader politics of Antarctic territoriality—and particularly Australia's claim to the Australian Antarctic Territory—is the focus of this article.  相似文献   

根据1987年1月17日~2月2日我国第三次南极考察期间,在南设得兰群岛邻近海域所获28个测站的甲藻样品,分析研究了微小型浮游甲藻的种类组成、数量分布和群落结构特征。经鉴定共有11属47种甲藻,其中以圆甲藻属(Gyrodinium spp.)、裸甲藻属Gymnodinium spp.)和原多甲藻属(Protoperidinium spp.)为主。网样甲藻平均丰度为(6.47×10~3个/m~3;水样甲藻平均丰度达2511.43×10~3个/m~3。微小型浮游甲藻的组成具有鲜明的南极海区的地方特点,大部分种是南极地区特有种,适宜在南极高寒海域大量繁殖;部分种为南极沿岸种或南极—亚南极冷水种;还有一部分为南极寒海域冷水种或分布较广的寒温带种;仅个别为广温广布种;南极海域出现的甲藻类分别代表着南极海域生物地理学和海洋生态学的特点。  相似文献   

本文利用前人的成果及笔者1992/1993年的南极海冰观测和收集的资料以及水文观测资料数据阐述了南极海冰的特性,特别是南极海冰过程、冰穴以及冰川冰对南极水团(南极表层水、南极底层水、南极陆架水、南极中层水以及南极冰架水)的形成和变性所起的特殊作用。 南极海冰覆盖面积的年际变化,夏季最大年份是最小年份的2倍多,冬季年间变化较小,最大仅为20%;但其季节变化非常大,冬季平均覆盖面积通常是夏季的5倍。南极海冰对大气-海洋间相互作用有重大影响,特别是深海洋区中冬季的结冰和发育造成的垂向对流、夏季的融化是形成南极表层水(含南极冬季水和南极夏季表层水),进而形成南极中层水的主要原因;南极陆架区的的海冰兴衰过程是形成南极陆架水的直接原因,它与变性南极绕极深层水混合并受到冰川冰的进一步冷却作用,成为形成南极底层水的主要水团;南极冰架底部的冷却、融化和冰架以下水体的结冰作用形成的高盐对流过程产生的南极冰架水,亦是形成南极底层水的贡献者。 冰穴是70年代以来卫星观测的重大发现。对其形成和对大气、海洋的影响作用尚不完全清楚,初步的研究成果表明,冰穴中产生的热盐对流对南极水团的形成、变性、大洋深层的翻转以及海洋-大气间的热量传输和气体交换起有非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

南极温度的时空特征及其与我国夏季天气的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用南极地区20个站1958—1983年逐年逐月温度资料和同期南方涛动指数、北半球高度场资料及我国大范围温度和降水资料,对南极地区冷暖变化规律及其与北半球大气环流和我国夏季降水的关系进行了初步分析。发现南极地区的温度和南方涛动都存在准3年振荡,我国华北地区的夏季温度与前期和同期南极大陆的温度存在显著的遥相关。 当南极大陆夏季温度偏高时,翌年我国华北地区夏季降水往往偏多,东北地区夏季温度偏低,反之亦然。  相似文献   

Transport of moisture-bearing air to the Antarctic is one of the important factors that control the mass balance of the ice sheet. Here, we investigate the distribution of air-parcel transport using a backward trajectory analysis over the entire Antarctic ice sheet, based on whether the air parcel was located inside or outside of Antarctica at 5 days before arrival. At this time, we considered the air from outside Antarctica to be moisture rich. Oceanic air was found to dominate in West Antarctica throughout the year, whereas air from inland was more prominently distributed around East Antarctica, especially in summer. In East Antarctica, there was a significant seasonal variation: air from inland dominated in summer, while air of oceanic origin dominated in winter. The distribution of air parcels that came from oceanic/inland sources was similar to the accumulation map (based on satellite data), which indicates that oceanic air parcels could be a substitute for moisture transport to the Antarctic. To determine the future impacts of climate change (e.g., sea level rise), more precise predictions of the variations in the surface mass balance will be required. Our results contribute towards the improved understanding of the spatial distributions of accumulation and aerosols found in Antarctic snow and ice cores.  相似文献   

刘惠荣  姜茂增 《极地研究》2015,27(2):212-218
风险预防原则是国际环境法中重要的一般原则,但是《关于环境保护的南极条约议定书》中却没有明确地规定该原则。在对比分析环境法领域中现有的关于风险预防原则的解释基础之上,避开了科学不确定性所产生的一些适用上的矛盾,从环境脆弱性的角度提出了一种全新的风险预防原则构成要素的结构分析。该结构分析有助于应对南极环境管理过程中所面临的困境,尤其是避免了与议定书中相关规定的冲突,可以更好地解决南极环境管理中的累积性影响、外来物种应对等;同时,完善全面环境影响评价报告中关于"知识差距和不确定性"的规定,也有助于南极环境的有效保护。  相似文献   

南极洲政治前景浅析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
颜其德  胡领太 《极地研究》2005,17(3):157-164
南极洲的政治前景问题,即南极洲向何处去,或南极洲属于谁的问题。就这个问题的核心和实质而言,也可以说是在新的世界政治、经济格局中和南极条约体系运作的框架下,人类将如何应对和寻求解决南极洲的领土主权归属和资源开发利用的问题。自南极洲发现至今,乃至将来,这一问题都是各国政治家、外交家和社会历史学家们十分关注而又极难应对的棘手问题,也是人们普遍关注的热点问题。由于南极洲独特的自然地理、生态环境、富有资源的特殊性和政治背景的复杂性。时至今日,对南极洲国际事务处理和管理的最好办法,仍然是《南极条约》和南极条约协商国组织及其会议。那么,南极洲究竟属于谁呢?可以肯定,在相当长的时间里是很难找到肯定答案的。本文着重分析了过去和现在决定或影响南极洲政治前景的三种力量,尝试对“南极洲的政治前景”作一探索分析,以期对关注这一问题的人们有所裨益。  相似文献   

史久新 《极地研究》2018,30(3):287-302
本文介绍了近期南极冰架-海洋相互作用的研究进展。冰架底部融化速率大于前缘崩解通量,成为南极冰盖质量损失的首要途径。冰架下的海洋按照底部融化驱动因素的不同,可以分为由高密度陆架水驱动的冷冰腔和由变性绕极深层水驱动的暖冰腔。威德尔海的菲尔希纳-龙尼冰架和罗斯海的罗斯冰架属于冷冰腔,占南极冰架总面积的2/3,却只贡献了15%的净融化;东南太平洋扇区阿蒙森海和别林斯高晋海等若干属于暖冰腔的小型冰架,虽然只占南极冰架总面积的8%,却贡献了超过一半的冰架融水。以往看做冷冰腔的东南极托滕冰架和埃默里冰架,也相继发现有变性绕极深层水进入冰腔并造成底部融化。冰架对海洋有冷却和淡化的作用。冷冰腔输出的冰架水具有海洋中最低的温度,对南极陆架水性质乃至南极底层水的形成都有影响。冰架融化加剧,可能是近期观测到的南极底层水淡化的原因。  相似文献   

We investigated the morphological features, vertical sinking fluxes, and number densities of the resting cells of ice-associated microorganisms in the 20–100 μm fraction of natural marine sediments collected from ice-covered and ice-free areas around Syowa Station, Lützow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica. We identified the resting cells of various taxonomic groups, including the spores of a diatom, cysts of three dinoflagellates, cysts of five oligotrich ciliates, and the eggs of a mesozooplankton. This is the first report of oligotrich ciliate cysts from Antarctic waters. The resting spores of Thalassiosira australis (diatom), cysts of Polarella glacialis (dinoflagellate), and egg type 1 sink to the bottom sediment during summer. Our results suggest that some planktonic and ice-associated microorganisms in Antarctic coastal areas send their resting cells to the bottom sediments as seed populations for the following generation.  相似文献   

董跃  葛隆文 《极地研究》2018,30(2):199-209
伴随各类南极活动的增多, 如何尽可能地减少和避免遇险、遇难事件并更好地进行搜救成为南极活 动各国重点关注的问题之一。在国际海事组织(IMO)和国际民航组织(ICAO)所划分搜救区域的基础上, 南极 地区形成了以距离南极最近的5 个国家为主导的南极搜救体系。各国的搜救职责依4 个国际公约确立。承 担搜救责任的5 个国家基于本国的搜救体系, 开展国际合作, 在南极搜救方面发挥了重要的作用和贡献。在 现有南极条约体系框架下, 南极搜救活动难免会对相关国家在南极的实质性存在、极地安全等问题产生一 定的影响。我国作为参与南极活动的主要国家之一, 在南极有着重要的利益诉求, 有必要通过完善相关的硬 件设施、提升搜救软实力等途径来提高我国的南极搜救活动参与度, 强化我国在南极的实质性存在与影响, 增强对南极事务的话语权。  相似文献   

王自磐 《极地研究》2003,15(3):177-185
对南极乔治王岛菲尔德斯半岛贼鸥的食性生态进行观测与研究 ,结果表明 ,本区贼鸥的食物结构中 ,自然生态类食物百分组成 ,棕贼鸥 (C .s.lonnbergi)占 63.4% ,灰贼鸥 (C .maccormic ki)占 77.8%。同期 ,取自考察站的人类废弃物中垃圾食物的百分组成分别为 36.6%和 2 2 .3%。贼鸥食性对考察站废弃物有一定的依赖性 ,与本区环境质量下降 ,尤其考察站对废弃物的疏于管理有着直接的关系。由此表明 ,强化南极考察人员环境意识 ,建立封闭式废弃物管理系统 ,对保护南极环境有重要意义  相似文献   

Although temperature extremes have led to more and more disasters, there are as yet few studies on the extremes and many disagreements on temperature changes in Antarctica. Based on daily minimum, maximum, and mean air temperatures(Tmin, Tmax, Tmean) at Great Wall Station(GW) and Zhongshan Station(ZS), we compared the temperature extremes and revealed a strong warming trend in Tmin, a slight warming trend in Tmean, cooling in Tmax, a decreasing trend in the daily temperature range, and the typical characteristic of coreless winter temperature. There are different seasonal variabilities, with the least in summer. The continentality index and seasonality show that the marine air mass has more effect on GW than ZS. Following the terminology of the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC AR5), we defined nine indices of temperature extremes, based on the Antarctic geographical environment. Extreme-warm days have decreased, while extreme-warm nights have shown a nonsignificant trend. The number of melting days has increased at GW, while little change at ZS. More importantly, we have found inverse variations in temperature patterns between the two stations, which need further investigation into the dynamics of climate change in Antarctica.  相似文献   

南极长城站酸雨监测的样品采集与分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
王国贵 《极地研究》1999,11(1):64-71
进行南极酸性湿沉降(降水pH值<5.6)的监测研究是为开展全球环境大气化学动态监测、评价区域环境质量、制定环境标准,研究环境中化学元素的迁移、转化、富集规律,以及南极资源的保护和合理开发利用提供第一手的科学依据。利用1998年1~9月在中国南极长城站采集监测的酸雨资料综合分析得出,南极确有酸雨存在,在104个水样中,有19个样品的pH值小于5.6,占总样品的18.3%。根据南极环境背景值和出现酸雨时的风向,认为由于大气环流把远离南极的污染源传输到南极上空,遇降水即冲刷降至地面形成酸雨  相似文献   

With the recognition that global climate change may adversely affect human health, there has been an increase in relevant research worldwide. In the Antarctic medical research has been largely directed at the potential health effects of stratospheric ozone depletion. For over a decade continuous broad-band measurements of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) have been made at all Australian stations. Results of UV measurements are presented and comparisons made with the "ozone hole" moving over the stations, erythemal UVR increasing by a factor of more than 2.5 over a three day period. During late spring and despite the large difference in latitude, Davis, Antarctica, and Melbourne, Australia, are very similar in erythemal UVR. Antarctic immunological and photobiological research is presented and the role of UVR discussed. Epidemiological data is reviewed for short-term links between UVR and related disease. With increased awareness of the dangers of UVR and consequent changes in sun-related behaviour, the incidence of the acute effects of UVR is much lower than decades ago. As the itinerant Antarctic population spends a maximum of 12-1 8 months at a time in that location it is an excellent control group for studies on the health effects of UVR on permanent populations at similar latitudes in the Arctic.  相似文献   

记忆、空间认知等基本认知功能是影响考察人员能否在南极高寒、单调、孤立、封闭的极端环境下完成复杂任务的基础认知能力.关于极地驻留时间长短对认知功能的影响尚缺乏专门的研究.本文通过计算机记录反应时技术,追踪自度夏到越冬中期,中国南极第25次队长城站越冬人员短时再认、记忆搜索、空间认知能力随驻留时间延长发生的变化.结果表明:...  相似文献   

In the austral summer of 2006–2007, the 48th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE-48) installed two unmanned low-power magnetometers to form a closely spaced magnetometer network in combination with the permanent sites at Japan's Syowa Station in Antarctica. To identify field line resonances (FLRs), gradient methods are applied to the data from three adjacent sites in Antarctica and data from conjugate points in Antarctica and Iceland. By analyzing the data from the Antarctic and Icelandic sites individually, the structure of FLRs with high coherence is clearly identified. However, by analyzing the data from closely spaced Antarctic sites, it is more difficult to identify the signature of FLRs because of the inclusion of multiple signals related to the local geomagnetic pulsations over a broad frequency range. The frequency and resonance width of FLRs are determined by applying the amplitude phase gradient method (APGM) to the data from Antarctic sites. This yields the eigenfrequency as a continuous function of ground latitudes in the area surrounding Syowa Station. The mass density in the equatorial region at the L of the auroral zones is estimated from the obtained FLR frequency by numerically solving the standing Alfvén wave equation. The mass density thus obtained is consistent with observational results from previous in situ measurements by spacecraft. The results of the present study demonstrate that data from geomagnetic conjugate points are helpful in identifying FLR in cases in which the magnetometers are too close to each other to enable identification. Once FLR is identified, APGM can be applied to the identified FLR, yielding the FLR frequency as a continuous function of ground latitudes. Therefore, the magnetospheric equatorial mass density is readily estimated with high spatial resolution.  相似文献   

普里兹湾地区近10年来的气候变化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用中山站 1 989年建站以来和澳大利亚戴维斯站同期气象资料 ,分析了普里兹湾地区短期气候变化过程及其特征。结果表明 ,该地区温度变化存在明显的降温倾向 ,两站降温趋势均为 - 0 .0 66℃ /a ,其结果与整个南极地区温度变化趋势相反。降温倾向的主要特点是月平均温度以秋季下降幅度最大 ,夏季则为升温 ,最高温度存在升温倾向 ,最低温度呈现降温趋势。该地区月平均温度波动很大 ,极端异常过程中月平均温度偏高或偏低达到 1 0℃左右 ,与南极大陆地面高压和绕极低压中心位置及范围的异常分布关系密切。  相似文献   

Contrasting climate change in the two polar regions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The two polar regions have experienced remarkably different climatic changes in recent decades. The Arctic has seen a marked reduction in sea-ice extent throughout the year, with a peak during the autumn. A new record minimum extent occurred in 2007, which was 40% below the long-term climatological mean. In contrast, the extent of Antarctic sea ice has increased, with the greatest growth being in the autumn. There has been a large-scale warming across much of the Arctic, with a resultant loss of permafrost and a reduction in snow cover. The bulk of the Antarctic has experienced little change in surface temperature over the last 50 years, although a slight cooling has been evident around the coast of East Antarctica since about 1980, and recent research has pointed to a warming across West Antarctica. The exception is the Antarctic Peninsula, where there has been a winter (summer) season warming on the western (eastern) side. Many of the different changes observed between the two polar regions can be attributed to topographic factors and land/sea distribution. The location of the Arctic Ocean at high latitude, with the consequently high level of solar radiation received in summer, allows the ice-albedo feedback mechanism to operate effectively. The Antarctic ozone hole has had a profound effect on the circulations of the high latitude ocean and atmosphere, isolating the continent and increasing the westerly winds over the Southern Ocean, especially during the summer and winter.  相似文献   

人类活动对南极陆地生态系统的影响   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
陈杰 《极地研究》2000,12(1):62-74
由于科学考察活动日益频繁以及旅游业在南极地区的迅速开展 ,人类活动对南极陆地生态系统的影响在最近几十年内一直倍受国际社会的关注。在广泛收集国外有关资料的基础上 ,本文对人类活动引发的南极地区区域性的土壤与植被污染、野生动物受扰、外来物种引进、以及细菌性疾病侵入等方面进行了论述。同时 ,阐述了南极以外地区的人为污染源对南极环境的潜在威胁。最后 ,对“南极条约体系”与国际社会为保护南极环境所作出的不懈努力进行了简要介绍与评价。  相似文献   

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