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Upper mantle shear structure of North America   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary. The waveforms and travel times of S and SS phases in the range 10°–60° have been used to derive upper mantle shear velocity structures for two distinct tectonic provinces in North America. Data from earthquakes on the East Pacific Rise recorded at stations in western North America were used to derive a tectonic upper mantle model. Events on the north-west coast of North America and earthquakes off the coast of Greenland provided the data to investigate the upper mantle under the Canadian shield. All branches from the triplications due to velocity jumps near 400 and 660 km were observed in both areas. Using synthetic seismograms to model these observations placed tight constraints on heterogeneity in the upper mantle and on the details of its structure. SS–S travel-time differences of 30 s along with consistent differences in waveforms between the two data sets require substantial heterogeneity to at least 350 km depth. Velocities in the upper 170 km of the shield are about 10 per cent higher than in the tectonic area. At 250 km depth the shield velocities are still greater by about 4.5 per cent and they gradually merge near 400 km. Below 400 km no evidence for heterogeneity was found. The two models both have first-order discontinuities of 4.5 per cent at 405 km and 7.5 per cent at 695 km. Both models also have lids with lower velocities beneath. In the western model the lid is very thin and of relatively low velocity. In the shield the lid is 170 km thick with very high elocity (4.78 km s-1); below it the velocity decreases to about 4.65 km s-1. Aside from these features the models are relatively smooth, the major difference between them being a larger gradient in the tectonic region from 200 to 400 km.  相似文献   

Summary. Teleseismic P and S arrival times to North American stations are obtained from the ISC bulletins for the 10-yr period 1964–73, and relative travel-time delays are calculated with respect to standard tables. Station anomalies as well as variations of the delays with azimuth and epicentral distance from station are analysed, and the location of the velocity anomalies responsible for them is discussed. Inversion of the P delays to infer upper mantle velocity structure down to a depth of 700 km is obtained using three-dimensional blocks, as proposed by Aki, Christofferson & Husebye. Three layers can be resolved in this depth range. It is found that the heterogeneities responsible for the travel-time delays are primarily located in the first 250 km of the upper mantle, and that they correlate with surface features. Significant heterogeneities subsist to depths of at least 700 km and their broad scale pattern also correlates with the surface features: in the third layer (500 to 700 km depth) there is an increase of velocity from the West to the East of the United States, while the second layer (250 to 450 km depth) exhibits a reversed pattern. A tentative interpretation of these deeper anomalies is made, as being due mainly to topography of the major upper mantle discontinuities, near 400 and 650 km depth.  相似文献   

Summary. Application of both spatial filtering and multiple-frequency filtering techniques allows one to isolate a higher-mode surface wave and to find the regional variation of its dispersion. The method is applied to four sets of long-period records across the United States for intermediate earthquakes located in the New Hebrides. The first and second higher Rayleigh modes show lower phase velocities in the western part of the States than in the eastern part. Furthermore, an oceanic phase-velocity curve is determined between 50 and 130 s for the first higher Rayleigh mode on the full path across the Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

Summary. Available seismic refraction data from three different continental areas, northern Britain and the eastern and western United States, has been studied for possible Pn , velocity anisotropy using the methods described by Bamford. There are various deficiencies in the time—distance data used in each case but, while the uppermost mantle beneath northern Britain and the eastern United States seems to be isotropic within the limits of measurement error, there is a small but significant anisotropy beneath the western United States.
Both the amount (up to 3 per cent) and the direction (70–80° east of north) of this anisotropy are very similar to the results obtained in the Pacific Ocean off California. We tentatively conclude that this anisotropy is present as a consequence of the subduction of oceanic lithosphere beneath the western United States.  相似文献   

Summary. Phase velocity variations obtained in the previous paper are inverted by the Backus–Gilbert method for the velocity structure of the upper mantle. Spheroidal modes and toroidal modes in the period range of 125–260 s are used in the inversion. The data cannot constrain all six parameters in a transversely isotropic medium and we chose to perturb only two parameters, SH and SV velocities. SV velocities are resolved between the depths of about 200 and 400 km and SH velocities between 0 and 200 km. Resolution kernels have half-peak widths of about 200–300 km in depth, becoming broader for deeper target depths. SV velocity kernels show secondary peaks near the surface of the Earth, with widths varying from 50 to 100 km. The deeper the target depths, the wider the secondary peaks near the surface. SH velocity kernels do not possess such secondary peaks. The trade-off between SV and SH velocities is small. SV velocity is essentially determined by spheroidal modes and SH velocity by toroidal modes. Because of the broad width of the resolution kernels, the structure in the resolved region is difficult to detect from our data set; for example the differences in SV velocity structure between 250 and 350 km or the differences in SH velocity between 100 and 200 km are difficult to distinguish. Considering the horizontal resolution of about 2000 km, obtained in the previous paper, averaging kernels for 3-D structure are quite elongated in the horizontal dimension.  相似文献   

Summary. Various factors can make it difficult to explain observations of Love- and Rayleigh-wave dispersion with the same relatively simple isotropic model. These factors include systematic errors which might occur in determinations of observed group and phase velocities, lateral variations in structure along the path of travel, and the attempt to explain observations with a model comprised of only a small number of thick layers. The last of these factors is illustrated by an inversion of dispersion data in the central United States where shear-wave anisotropy had previously been invoked as one way to explain incompatible Love- and Rayleigh-wave velocities. It is shown that the data can be satisfied equally well by an isotropic model consisting of several thin layers.
In cases where the incompatibility of Love- and Rayleigh-wave data might be produced by intrinsic anisotropy, it is necessary to invert those data using an anisotropic theory rather than by separate isotropic inversions of Love and Rayleigh waves. Inversions of fundamental-mode data for a region of the Pacific, assuming anisotropic media in which the layers are transversely isotropic with a vertical axis of symmetry, lead to models which are highly non-unique. Even if the inversions solve only for shear velocities in the litho-sphere and asthenosphere it is not possible, without supplementary information, to ascertain the depth interval over which anisotropy occurs or to determine the thickness of the lithosphere or asthenosphere with much precision.  相似文献   

The avalanche hazard in the United States is most severe in the continental zone of Colorado, where property damage and deaths exceed those in any other state. The continental zone is normally characterized by a shallow snowpack, faceted crystal growth, and relatively fewer avalanches as compared to the coastal and intermountain zones farther west. This study illustrates that variations in the avalanche character in the continental zone may, at times, resemble some less continental characteristics that are found farther west as a result of anomalous atmospheric circulation patterns. Results from cluster analyses show that some sites in the southern portion of the continental zone generally represent a less continental character. Anomalies of 500-mb heights explain the variability of avalanche climates for selected sites, particularly for Berthoud Pass, within the continental zone. Negative heights over the southwestern United States during early winter correspond with less continental conditions, but the zone of negative heights tends to shift westward over the eastern Pacific Ocean during February and March. However, generalizations of how synoptic patterns govern avalanche climate variations also vary between different locations as a result of smaller-scale climatic controls that operate over the region. [Key words: avalanche climatology, continental zone, 500-mb heights, Rocky Mountains.]  相似文献   

Summary. Travel times and waveforms of long-period SH -waves recorded at distances of 10–30° and some SS waveforms are used to constrain the upper mantle velocities down to a depth of 400km beneath both the Indian Shield and the Tibetan Plateau. the shear velocity in the uppermost mantle beneath both the Indian Shield and the Tibetan Plateau is high and close to 4.7 km s−1. the Indian Shield has a fairly thick high velocity lid, and the mean velocity between 40 and 250 km is between 4.58 and 4.68 km s−1. In contrast, S -wave travel times and waveforms of S -waves, as well as a few for SS , show that the mean velocity between 70 and 250km beneath the central and northern part of the Tibetan Plateau is slower by 4 per cent or more than that beneath the Indian Shield and probably is between 4.4 and 4.5km s−1. No large differences in the structure of the two areas below 250 km are required to explain both the arrival times and the waveforms of SH phases crossing Tibet or the Indian Shield. These results show that the structure of Tibet is not that of a shield and imply that the Indian plate is not underthrusting the whole of the Tibetan Plateau at the present time.  相似文献   

We present a regional surface waveform tomography of the Pacific upper mantle, obtained using an automated multimode surface waveform inversion technique on fundamental and higher mode Rayleigh waves, to constrain the   VSV   structure down to ∼400 km depth. We have improved on previous implementations of this technique by robustly accounting for the effects of uncertainties in earthquake source parameters in the tomographic inversion. We have furthermore improved path coverage in the South Pacific region by including Rayleigh wave observations from the French Polynesian Pacific Lithosphere and Upper Mantle Experiment deployment. This improvement has led to imaging of vertical low-velocity structures associated with hotspots within the South Pacific Super-Swell region. We have produced an age-dependent average cross-section for the Pacific Ocean lithosphere and found that the increase in   VSV   with age is broadly compatible with a half-space cooling model of oceanic lithosphere formation. We cannot confirm evidence for a Pacific-wide reheating event. Our synthetic tests show that detailed interpretation of average   VSV   trends across the Pacific Ocean may be misleading unless lateral resolution and amplitude recovery are uniform across the region, a condition that is difficult to achieve in such a large oceanic basin with current seismic stations.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have documented that the Pacific/North American (PNA) pattern is the dominant extratropical response to ENSO forcing affecting the circulation over North America. However, the PNA is not the sole pattern that occurs during ENSO events. This study identifies the dominant synoptic circulation patterns and associated temperature and precipitation departures that occur during ENSO winters. Using standardized departures of 500 mbar heights over North America and the North Pacific Ocean, a subjective classification of the anomaly maps for winter months identified as warm ENSO events identifies three basic categories of 500 mbar standardized anomaly patterns: Variations of the PNA pattern, the reverse PNA pattern, and patterns with no PNA signature. Composite standardized anomaly maps of the synoptic categories of 500 mbar heights as well as composites of standardized temperature and precipitation departures for the contiguous United States were constructed. Three variations of the PNA, accounting for nearly half of the ENSO winters, are presented, identifying various configurations of the 500 mbar anomaly field and their effect on precipitation and temperature distribution. Similar composites are presented for reverse PNA and non-PNA winters. [Key words: climatology, climate change, El Nińo/Southern Oscillation, troposphere.]  相似文献   

Summary. Rayleigh and Love wave group velocities were determined for 21 paths across the Barents shelf. Those group velocities exhibit regional variations of 1.0 km-1 or more at short periods, depending upon the location of the path within the shelf. Only two different crustal shear-velocity models beneath sedimentary layers are required, however, to explain all of the group velocity data. One model pertains to most of the shelf from a longitude near the eastern coast of Svalbard to Novaya Zemlya. The other pertains to a 200 or 300 km wide region at the western edge of the shelf. Shear velocities in the upper crust of the western region are significantly higher and the crust is much thinner than they are for the rest of the shelf. That region is known to have moved to its present prosition from a point several hundred kilometres to the north during the Caledonian orogeny.
Surface wave group velocities within each of the two regions are strongly influenced by sediments which have accumulated in basins within the Barents shelf. Some of these basins, in the southern portion of the shelf, may be 10km or more in thickness.  相似文献   

Summary. Equations governing non-linear and finite-amplitude convection in a heterogeneous planetary interior are developed. Using spherical harmonic expressions of variables, together with Green's function of Laplacian operator in a spherical coordinate, the equations are reduced to one-dimensional integro-differential equations and their numerical solutions are obtained by a finite-difference scheme. The theory is then applied to several lunar models and the following conclusions are obtained.
(1) The mean temperatures and velocities of convecting zones of variable viscosity models are higher than those of constant viscosity ones. This is due to the development of lithospheres with 400–500 km thicknesses in the former models, which reduce heat loss considerably.
(2) Molten regions are continuous shells in variable viscosity models whereas they become discontinuous and localized in a constant viscosity model. The continuous molten shells decrease lateral variations of temperature significantly and tend to stabilize convection.
(3) Lateral variations of viscosity have negligible effects on the thermal evolution of the models considered.  相似文献   

Summary. The Nootka fault zone is the boundary between the small Explorer and Juan de Fuca plates which are situated between the America and Pacific plates off western Canada. To investigate the crustal structure in the region, three explosive/large airgun refraction lines were shot into three ocean bottom seismometers (OBSs) with three-component geophone assemblies. In this phase of the study, P -wave velocity—depth models are interpreted by comparison of the travel time and amplitude characteristics of the observed data with theoretical seismograms computed using a WKBJ algorithm. The interpretation gives relatively consistent results for the upper crust. However, the structure of the lower crust is significantly different among the various profiles. Upper mantle velocities range from 7.5 to 8.3 kms−1 and the sub-bottom crustal thickness vanes from 6.4 to 11 km. Nevertheless, these seismic models are consistent in general terms with oceanic crustal models represented by ophiolite complexes. Some aspects of the differences among profiles can be explained by consideration of a recent tectonic model for the development of the fault zone. This requires, within a 1 Myr time interval, variations in the process of crustal formation at the ridge, crustal 'maturing', or both. The abnormally thick crust near a spreading centre may result in part from the complex interaction of the Juan de Fuca and Explorer plates with the larger and older America and Pacific plates. Upper mantle velocity variations are consistent with the concept of velocity anisotropy. The different record sections show that seismic energy is attenuated for ray paths traversing the Nootka fault zone.  相似文献   

Summary. The mid-crustal earthquake of 1973 March 9 (mb= 5.5, h ≤ 20 km) located 60 km south-west of Sydney, Australia, provides unambiguous evidence of contemporary thrust faulting in South-eastern Australia — a region of high heat flow and Cenozoic basaltic volcanism. Aftershock locations suggest a steeply dipping fault in the depth range from 8 to 24 km with a lateral extent of about 8 km. The mechanism solution is consistent with a tectonic stress field that is dominated by east—west horizontal compression. A seismic moment of 5.7 ± 1023± 20 per cent dyne-cm was computed from surface-wave amplitudes. Minimum values of slip and stress drop, 2 cm and 1 bar respectively, were estimated from the moment and a fault size taken' from aftershock locations.
Refinement modelling by a controlled Monte Carlo technique was used to provide unbiased models directly from multimode group velocities. The dispersion of fundamental and higher mode surface waves recorded at the digital high-gain station at Charters Towers, Queensland, and the WWSSN station at Adelaide, South Australia, is satisfied by crust- and upper-mantle models which have neither pronounced S-wave low-velocity zones nor thick high-velocity lids within 140 km of the Earth's surface. These models have subcrustal shear velocities of 4.20–4.32 km/s which are 0.4–0.5 km/s slower than Canadian shield shear velocities (CANSD).  相似文献   

Summary. We have determined the lateral distribution of Love-wave phase velocities in the Pacific for the periods 40, 67, 91 and 125 s. Application of the pure-path and spherical harmonic representation methods indicates that the velocities are primarily a function of the age of the seafloor. A comparison of the results from these two techniques indicates inherent modelling constraints in both methods. The pure-path method is limited by its a priori nature while the spherical harmonic approach is unsuitable in describing sharp lateral velocity gradients. To circumvent these limitations, we propose the sequential application of the pure-path and spherical harmonic methods. The sequential inversion separates the velocity distribution into two separate components; velocity as a function of the age of the oceanic plate and variations superimposed on this relationship. Application of this method demonstrates the presence of velocity anomalies which cannot be modelled by an age–velocity relationship. These anomalies are tentatively correlated with regions of anomalous seafloor depths and/or the presence of active hot-spots. In the central south Pacific, an area with numerous active hot-spots coincides roughly with a region of anomalously slow Love wave velocities. A method for determining the errors associated with the slowness distributions calculated by the spherical harmonic method is presented and provides a means for determining the resolvability of these features.  相似文献   

Summary. Rayleigh-wave phase velocities at very long periods (185–290 s) are investigated and regionalized, taking into account the lateral heterogeneities within ocean plates revealed by earlier studies at shorter periods. The two-station method is applied to a few 'pure-age' oceanic paths, and is shown to be compatible with the average Earth model C2 (Anderson & Hart 1976) below depths of 180 km. Under this assumed oceanic model, regionalized for age above 180 km, continental velocities are then derived from a set of experimental great-circle values, both new or taken from previously published studies. The results basically agree with earlier studies (Dziewonski 1970; Kanamori 1970), although they exhibit less scatter than Kanamori's model. Results are successfully checked against a set of values derived by the two-station method from a pure continental path.
Although the shield velocities are substantially different from the mean oceanic ones, they still fall within the range of variation of oceanic velocities with the age of the plate. This makes velocities derived theoretically from Jordan's (1975a, b) models of deep continent—ocean lateral heterogeneities, inconsistent with the present set of experimental data. Finally, we show that Dziewonski's (1971) model S2 reconciles all experimental seismic data relative to shields, without being significantly different from oceanic models below 240 km.  相似文献   

Upper-mantle structure under the Baltic Shield is studied using non-linear high resolution teleseismic P -phase tomography. Observed relative arrival-time residuals from 52 teleseismic earthquakes recorded by the Swedish National Seismological Network (SNSN) are inverted to delineate the structure of the upper mantle. The network consists of 47 (currently working) three-component broad-band stations located in an area about 450 km wide and 1450 km long. In order to reduce complications due to possible significant three-dimensionality of Earth structure, events chosen for this study lay close to in-line with the long-axis of the array  (±30°)  . Results indicate P -wave velocity perturbations of ±3 per cent down to at least 470 km below the network. The size of the array allows inversion for structures even at greater depths, and lateral variations of velocity at depths of up to 680 km appear to be resolved. Below the central part of the array (60°–64° N), where ray coverage is best, the data reveals a large region of relatively low velocity at depths of over about 300 km. At depths less than about 250–300 km, the models include a number of features, including an apparent slab-like structure dipping gently towards the north.  相似文献   

Summary. Group velocities for first and second higher mode Rayleigh waves, in the frequency range 0.8–4.8 Hz, generated from a local earthquake of magnitude 3.7 M L in western Scotland, are measured at stations along the 1974 LISPB line. These provide detailed information about the crustal structure west of the line. The data divide the region into seven apparently homogeneous provinces. Averaged higher mode velocity dispersion curves for each province are analysed simultaneously using a linearized inversion technique, yielding regionalized shear velocity profiles down to a depth of 17 km into the upper crust. Shear wave velocity is between 3.0 and 3.4 km s−1 in the upper 2 km, with a slow increase to around 3.8 km s−1. P -wave models computed using these results agree with profiles from the LISPB and LUST refraction experiments.  相似文献   

Summary. The Lg phase has been shown previously to be a collection of higher-mode surface waves guided by the continental crust (Knopoff, Schwab & Kausel). A simple scaling between continental and oceanic crustal thicknesses suggests that a search for an oceanic Lg phase should be made in the period range from 1 to 2s. In a search for SH polarized Lg arrivals over oceanic paths, we found that in addition to the fundamental mode, seismo-grams at relatively short ranges in the Pacific showed the presence of only the first higher mode with group velocities on the steep portion of the dispersion curve rather than at the group velocity minimum as expected. Numerical model analysis indicates that, contrary to the continental case, there is no strong confluence of stationary phases of higher-mode crustal waves in the appropriate period range to produce Lg wave packets; this is due to small but significant differences in scaled crustal structures. Further, lateral variations in the thickness of oceanic sediments are sufficient to scatter most of the crustal surface-wave energy within a relatively short distance. Even were this thickness uniform, attenuation in the sediments would be strong enough to absorb the Lg stationary phases in a short distance.  相似文献   

Global mapping of upper mantle reflectors from long-period SS precursors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Long-period precursors to SS resulting from underside reflections off upper mantle discontinuities ( SdS where d is the discontinuity depth) can be used to map the global distribution and depth of these reflectors. We analyse 5,884 long-period seismograms from the Global Digital Seismograph Network (1976-1987, shallow sources, transverse component) in order to identify SdS arrivals. Corrections for velocity dispersion, topography and crustal thickness at the SS bounce point, and lateral variation in mantle velocity are critical for obtaining accurate estimates of discontinuity depths. The 410 and 660 km discontinuities are observed at average depths of 413 and 653 km, and exhibit large-scale coherent patterns of topography with depth variations up to 40 km. These patterns are roughly correlated with recent tomographic models, with fast anomalies in the transition zone associated with highs in the 410 km discontinuity and lows in the 660 km discontinuity, a result consistent with laboratory measurements of Clapeyron slopes for the appropriate phase changes. The best resolved feature in these maps is a trough in the 660 km discontinuity in the northwest Pacific, which appears to be associated with the subduction zones in this region. Amplitude variations in SdS arrivals are not correlated with discontinuity depths and probably result from focusing and defocusing effects along the ray paths. The SdS arrivals suggest the presence of regional reflectors in the upper mantle above 400 km. However, only the strongest of these features are above probable noise levels due to sampling inadequacies.  相似文献   

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