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We present 1-D eddy diffusion model calculations of the distributions of propane and acetone in the atmosphere for continental conditions. The magnitude of the surface seasonal variation in propane mixing ratios that we obtain is in general agreement with measurements at the surface and in the free troposphere. A comparison of the absolute values of the model with propane measurements suggests that a larger surface flux than we have used may be more appropriate for continental conditions. The acetone model results for summer conditions that we obtain are also in reasonable accord with measurements. However, we find serious disagreement between the model winter profiles of acetone and the measurements at the tropopause and in the lower stratosphere. The measured values are lower than the model values at 45° N by a factor of 7–30. In addition, it is also surprising that, given the relatively long lifetime of acetone, free tropospheric values of acetone more representative of surface values have not been measured. The results simulating the decay of elevated levels of propane in the upper troposphere caused by rapid convective transport of boundary layer air indicate that propane will be primarily dispersed by transport rather than destroyed photochemically. Thus, the impact on acetone and PAN is minimal.  相似文献   

Two procedures for the calibration of an electron capture detector (ECD) for peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) are discussed. One is based on the first-order decay rate of the the PAN mixing ratio in conditioned glass storage vessels. The other method makes use of the photochemical generation of PAN in mixtures of acetone and NO2 in air. For this purpose a Penray Hg lamp was inserted into a glass vessel filled with 1 atmosphere of air containing 10 ppm NO2 and 1% acetone. After 3 min of irradiation, the average PAN mixing ratio formed was 8.87±0.25 ppmv as determined in six separate runs.  相似文献   

The photodissociation coefficient, J NO2 of NO2 in the atmosphere was calculated at 235 and 298 K using the measured temperature dependences of the absorption cross-sections and quantum yields. These calculations gave a ratio J NO2(298 K)/J NO2(235 K)=1.155±0.010 which is only weakly dependent on altitude, surface albedo and solar zenith angle.  相似文献   

The potential impact of climate variability and climate change on agricultural production in the United States and Canada varies generally by latitude. Largest reductions are projected in southern crop areas due to increased temperatures and reduced water availability. A longer growing season and projected increases in CO2 may enhance crop yields in northern growing areas. Major factors in these scenarios analyzes are increased drought tendencies and more extreme weather events, both of which are detrimental to agriculture. Increasing competition for water between agriculture and non-agricultural users also focuses attention on water management issues. Agriculture also has impact on the greenhouse gas balance. Forests and soils are natural sinks for CO2. Removal of forests and changes in land use, associated with the conversion from rural to urban domains, alters these natural sinks. Agricultural livestock and rice cultivation are leading contributors to methane emission into the atmosphere. The application of fertilizers is also a significant contributor to nitrous oxide emission into the atmosphere. Thus, efficient management strategies in agriculture can play an important role in managing the sources and sinks of greenhouse gases. Forest and land management can be effective tools in mitigating the greenhouse effect.  相似文献   

The atmospheric concentration of peroxyacetylnitrate (PAN) was measured during a cruise of the R.S. Polarstern from Bremerhaven (Germany) to Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) in September/ October 1988. The measurements were made in-situ by a combination of electron capture gaschromatography with a cryogenic preconcentration step. The theoretical lower limit of detection (3) was 0.4 ppt. The mixing ratios of PAN varied by more than three orders of magnitude from 2000 ppt in the English Channel to less than 0.4 ppt south of the Azores (38° N). South of 35° N, PAN levels were below the detection limit, except at 30–31° S off the eastern coast of South America. Here, PAN mixing ratios of 10 to 100 ppt were detected in continentally influenced air masses. Detectable levels of PAN were mostly observed in air masses of continental or high northern origin. Changes in the wind directions were usually associated with substantial changes in the PAN mixing ratios.  相似文献   

A version of the National Center for Atmospheric Research community climate model — a global, spectral (R15) general circulation model — is coupled to a coarse-grid (5° latitude-] longitude, four-layer) ocean general circulation model to study the response of the climate system to increases of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). Three simulations are run: one with an instantaneous doubling of atmospheric CO2 (from 330 to 660 ppm), another with the CO2 concentration starting at 330 ppm and increasing linearly at a rate of 1% per year, and a third with CO2 held constant at 330 pm. Results at the end of 30 years of simulation indicate a globally averaged surface air temperature increase of 1.6° C for the instantaneous doubling case and 0.7°C for the transient forcing case. Inherent characteristics of the coarse-grid ocean model flow sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) in the tropics and higher-than-observed SSTs and reduced sea-ice extent at higher latitudes] produce lower sensitivity in this model after 30 years than in earlier simulations with the same atmosphere coupled to a 50-m, slab-ocean mixed layer. Within the limitations of the simulated meridional overturning, the thermohaline circulation weakens in the coupled model with doubled CO2 as the high-latitude ocean-surface layer warms and freshens and westerly wind stress is decreased. In the transient forcing case with slowly increasing CO2 (30% increase after 30 years), the zonal mean warming of the ocean is most evident in the surface layer near 30°–50° S. Geographical plots of surface air temperature change in the transient case show patterns of regional climate anomalies that differ from those in the instantaneous CO2 doubling case, particularly in the North Atlantic and northern European regions. This suggests that differences in CO2 forcing in the climate system are important in CO2 response in regard to time-dependent climate anomaly regimes. This confirms earlier studies with simple climate models that instantaneous CO2 doubling simulations may not be analogous in all respects to simulations with slowly increasing CO2.A portion of this study is supported by the US Department of Energy as part of its Carbon Dioxide Research Program  相似文献   


The University of Victoria's (UVic) Earth System Climate model is used to conduct equilibrium atmospheric CO2 sensitivity experiments over the range 200–1600 ppm in order to explore changes in northern hemisphere snow cover and feedbacks on terrestrial surface air temperature (SAT). Simulations of warmer climates predict a retreat of snow cover over northern continents, in a northeasterly direction. The decline in northern hemisphere global snow mass is estimated to reach 33% at 600 ppm and 54% at 1200 ppm. In the most northerly regions, annual mean snow depth increases for simulations with CO2 levels higher than present day. The shift in the latitude of maximum snowfall is estimated to be inversely proportional to the CO2 concentration. The northern hemisphere net shortwave radiation changes are found to be greater over land than over the ocean, suggesting a stronger albedo feedback from changes in terrestrial snow cover than from changes in sea ice. Results also reveal high sensitivity of the snow mass balance under low CO2 conditions. The amplification feedback (defined as the zonal SAT anomaly caused by doubling CO2 divided by the equatorial anomaly) is greatest for scenarios with less than 300 ppm, reaching 1.9 at the pole for 250 ppm. The stronger feedback is attributed to the significant albedo changes over land areas. The simulation with 200 ppm triggers continuous accumulation of snow ('glaciation') in regions which, according to paleo‐reconstructions, were covered by ice during the last glacial cycle (the Canadian Arctic, Scandinavia, and the Taymir Peninsula).  相似文献   

There is considerable uncertainty as to whether interannual variability in climate and terrestrial ecosystem production is sufficient to explain observed variation in atmospheric carbon content over the past 20–30 years. In this paper, we investigated the response of net CO2 exchange in terrestrial ecosystems to interannual climate variability (1983 to 1988) using global satellite observations as drivers for the NASA-CASA (Carnegie-Ames-Stanford Approach) simulation model. This computer model of net ecosystem production (NEP) is calibrated for interannual simulations driven by monthly satellite vegetation index data (NDVI) from the NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) at 1 degree spatial resolution. Major results from NASA-CASA simulations suggest that from 1985 to 1988, the northern middle-latitude zone (between 30 and 60°N) was the principal region driving progressive annual increases in global net primary production (NPP; i.e., the terrestrial biosphere sink for carbon). The average annual increase in NPP over this predominantly northern forest zone was on the order of +0.4 Pg (1015 g) C per year. This increase resulted mainly from notable expansion of the growing season for plant carbon fixation toward the zonal latitude extremes, a pattern uniquely demonstrated in our regional visualization results. A net biosphere source flux of CO2 in 1983–1984, coinciding with an El Niño event, was followed by a major recovery of global NEP in 1985 which lasted through 1987 as a net carbon sink of between 0.4 and 2.6 Pg C per year. Analysis of model controls on NPP and soil heterotrophic CO2 fluxes (Rh) suggests that regional warming in northern forests can enhance ecosystem production significantly. In seasonally dry tropical zones, periodic drought and temperature drying effects may carry over with at least a two-year lag time to adversely impact ecosystem production. These yearly patterns in our model-predicted NEP are consistent in magnitude with the estimated exchange of CO2 by the terrestrial biosphere with the atmosphere, as determined by previous isotopic (13C) deconvolution analysis. Ecosystem simulation results can help further target locations where net carbon sink fluxes have occurred in the past or may be verified in subsequent field studies.  相似文献   

Freshwater discharge is one main element of the hydrological cycle that physically and biogeochemically connects the atmosphere, land surface, and ocean and directly responds to changes in pCO2. Nevertheless, while the effect of near-future global warming on total river runoff has been intensively studied, little attention has been given to longer-term impacts and thresholds of increasing pCO2 on changes in the partitioning of surface and subsurface flow paths across broad climate zones. These flow paths and their regional responses have a significant role for vegetation, soils, and nutrient leaching and transport. We present climate simulations for modern, near-future (850?ppm), far-future (1880?ppm), and past Late Cretaceous (1880?ppm) pCO2 levels. The results show large zonal mean differences and the displacement of flows from the surface to the subsurface depending on the respective pCO2 level. At modern levels the ratio of deeper subsurface to near-surface flows for tropical and high northern latitudes is 1:4.0 and 1:0.5, respectively, reflecting the contrast between permeable tropical soils and the areas of frozen ground in high latitudes. There is a trend toward increased total flow in both climate zones at 850?ppm, modeled to be increases in the total flow of 34 and 51%, respectively, with both zones also showing modest increases in the proportion of subsurface flow. Beyond 850?ppm the simulations show a distinct divergence of hydrological trends between mid- to high northern latitudes and tropical zones. While total wetting reverses in the tropics beyond 850?ppm due to reduced precipitation, with average zonal total runoff decreasing by 46% compared to the 850?ppm simulation, the high northern latitude zone becomes slightly wetter with the average zonal total runoff increasing by a further 3%. The ratio of subsurface to surface flows in the tropics remains at a level similar to the present day, but in the high northern latitude zone the ratio increases significantly to 1:1.6 due to the loss of frozen ground. The results for the high pCO2 simulations with the same uniform soil and vegetation cover as the Cretaceous are comparable to the results for the Cretaceous simulation, with higher fractions of subsurface flow of 1:5.4 and 1:5.6, respectively for the tropics, and 1:2.2 and 1:1.6, respectively for the high northern latitudes. We suggest that these fundamental similarities between our far future and Late Cretaceous models provide a framework of possible analogous consequences for (far-) future climate change, within which the integrated human impact over the next centuries could be assessed. The results from this modeling study are consistent with climate information from the sedimentary record which highlights the crucial role of terrestrial-marine interactions during past climate change. This study points to profound consequences for soil biogeochemical cycling, with different latitudinal expressions, passing of climate thresholds at elevated pCO2 levels, and enhanced export of nutrients to the ocean at higher pCO2.  相似文献   

To simulate effects of projected climate change on water temperature characteristics of small lakes in the contiguous U.S., a deterministic, one-dimensional year-round water temperature model is applied. In cold regions the model simulates ice and snow cover on a lake. The lake parameters required as model input are surface area, maximum depth, and Secchi depth as a measure of radiation attenuation and trophic state. The model is driven by daily weather data. Weather records from 209 stations in the contiguous U.S. for the period 1961–1979 were used to represent present climate conditions. The projected climate change owing to a doubling of atmospheric CO2 was obtained from the output of the Canadian Climate Center General Circulation Model. The simulated water temperature and ice characteristics are related to the geometric and trophic state lake characteristics and to geographic location. By interpolation, the sensitivity of lake water temperature characteristics to latitude, longitude, lake geometry and trophic status can therefore be quantified for small lakes in the contiguous U.S. The 2× CO2 climate scenario is projected to increase maximum and minimum lake surface temperatures by up to 5.2°C. (Maximum surface water temperatures in lakes near the northern and the southern border of the contiguous U.S. currently differ by up to 13°C.) Maximum temperature differences between lake surface and lake bottom are projected to increase in average by only 1 to 2°C after climate warming. The duration of seasonal summer stratification is projected to be up to 66 days longer under a 2×CO2 climate scenario. Water temperatures of less than 8°C are projected to occur on lake bottoms during a period which is on the order of 50 days shorter under a 2×CO2 climate scenario. With water temperature change projected to be as high as 5.2°C, ecological impacts such as shifts in species distributions and in fish habitat are most likely. Ice covers on lakes of northern regions would also be changed strongly.  相似文献   

Springtime measurements of NOx, ozone, PAN,J(NO2), and other compounds were made near Ny-Ålesund,Svalbard (78°54N, 11°53E), in 1994 and Poker Flat,Alaska (65°08N, 147°29W), in 1995. At Svalbard medianmixing ratios for PAN and NOx of 237 and 23.7 pptv,respectively, were observed. The median mixing ratios at Poker Flat for PANand NOx were 79.5 and 85.9 pptv, respectively. These data areused to estimate thermal PAN decomposition using several differentapproaches. At Svalbard PAN decomposition was very small, while at PokerFlat up to 30 pptv/h PAN decomposed. At both sites the NOx/PANratio increased with temperature between –10 and 20°C implyingthat PAN decomposition is an important NOx source. In-situozone production was calculated from the measured NO, NO2,O3, J(NO2), and temperature data, using thesteady state assumption Median ozone production was 605 pptv/h at PokerFlat, and one order of magnitude smaller at Svalbard during the daytime.Only at Poker Flat could a direct influence on the diurnal ozone cycle beobserved from in-situ production. These results imply that PAN decompositionis a major source of NOx in the high latitude troposphere, andthat this contributes to the observed spring maximum in surface ozone.  相似文献   

In summer, atmospheric ozone was measured from an aircraft platform simultaneously with nitric oxide (NO), oxides of nitrogen (NO y ), and water vapor over the Pacific Ocean in east Asia from 34° N to 19° N along the longitude of 138±3°E. NO y was measured with the aid of a ferrous sulfate converter. The altitude covered was from 0.5 to 5 km. A good correlation in the smoothed meridional distributions between ozone and NO y was seen. In particular, north of 25° N, ozone and NO y mixing ratios were considerably higher than those observed in tropical marine air south of 25° N. NO y and O3 reached a minimum of 50 pptv and 4 ppbv respectively in the boundary layer at a latitude of 20° N. The NO concentration between 2 and 5 km at the same latitude was 30 pptv. The profiles of ozone and water vapor mixing ratios were highly anti-correlated between 25° N and 20° N. In contrast, it was much poorer at the latitude of 33° N, suggesting a net photochemical production of ozone there.  相似文献   

The impact of future climate change on sugar beet yields is assessed over western Europe using future (2021–2050) climate scenario data from a General Circulation Model (GCM) and the Broom's Barn simulation model of rain-fed crop growth and yield. GCM output for the 1961–1990 period is first compared with observed climate data and shown to be reliable for regions west of 24° E. Comparisons east of this meridian were less reliable with this GCM (HadCM2) and so were omitted from simulations of crop yield. Climate change is expected to bring yield increases of around 1 t/ha of sugar in northern Europe with decreases of a similar magnitude in northern France, Belgium and west/central Poland, for the period 2021–2050. Averaged for the study area (weighted by current regional production), yields show no overall change due to changed climate. However, this figure masks significant increases in yield potential (due to accelerated growth in warmer springs) and in losses due to drought stress. Drought losses are predicted to approximately double in areas with an existing problem and to become a serious new problem in NE France and Belgium. Overall west and central Europe simulated average drought losses rise from 7% (1961–1990) to 18% (2021–2050). The annual variability of yield (as measured by the coefficient of variation) will increase by half, from 10% to 15% compared to 1961–1990, again with potentially serious consequences for the sugar industry. The importance of crop breeding for drought tolerance is further emphasised. These changes are independent of the 9% yield increase which we estimate, on the basis of work by Demmers-Derks et al. (1998), is the likely direct effect of the increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration by 2021–2050.  相似文献   

The effect of projected global climate change due to a doubling of atmospheric CO2 on water temperatures in five streams in Minnesota was estimated using a deterministic heat transport model. The model calculates heat exchange between the atmosphere and the water and is driven by climate parameters and stream hydrologic parameters. The model is most sensitive to air temperature and solar radiation. The model was calibrated against detailed measurements to account for seasonally variable shading and wind sheltering. Using climate projections from the GISS, GFDL and OSU GCMs as input; stream temperature simulations predict a warming of freely flowing river reaches by 2.4 °C to 4.7 °C when atmospheric CO2 doubles. In small shaded streams water temperatures are predicted to rise by an additional 6 °C in summer if trees along stream banks should be lost due to climate change or other human activities (e.g. logging). These projected water temperature changes have significant consequences for survival and growth of fishes. Simulation with the complete heat budget equations were also used to examine simplified water temperature/air temperature correlations.  相似文献   

Using the lAP two-level general circulation model,the ice age July climate was simulated through the surface conditions of 18 000 years before present assembled by the CLIMAP Project.Comparing with the present July simulation results,the ice age atmosphere is found to have a substantially lower temperature,precipitation,and cloudiness,higher sea-level pressure,especially in the high latitude land region of the Northern Hemisphere and Antarctica.When the CO2 content is set as the modern value the climatic response is very small,which shows that the problems of CO2 sensitivity should be studied by means of coupled models.It is also pointed out that there are some common characteristics between CO2-induced climatic changes and the ice age surface condition-induced climatic changes,which may give us some insight into how climate responds to external forcings.  相似文献   

A catalytic reduction technique for the measurement of total reactive odd-nitrogen NO y in the atmosphere was evaluated in laboratory and field tests. NO y component species include NO, NO2, NO3, HNO3, N2O5, CH3COO2NO2(PAN), and particulate nitrate. The technique utilizes the reduction of the higher oxides to NO in reaction with CO on a metal catalyst and the subsequent detection of NO by chemiluminescence produced in reaction with O3. The efficiency and linearity of the conversion of the principal NO y species were examined for mixing ratios in the range of 0.1 to 100 parts per billion by volume (ppbv). Results of tests with Au, Ni, and stainless steel as the catalyst in the temperature range of 25–500°C showed Au to be the preferred catalyst. NH3, HCN, N2O, CH4, and various chlorine and sulfur compounds were checked as possible sources of NO y interference with the Au catalyst. The effects of pressure, O3, and H2O on NO y conversion were also examined. The results of the checks and tests in the laboratory showed the technique to be suitable for initial NO y measurements in the atmosphere. The technique was subsequently tested in ambient air at a remote ground-based field site located near Niwot Ridge, Colorado. The results of conversion and inlet tests made in the field and a summary of the NO y data are included in the discussion.  相似文献   

Vapor phase concentrations of acetone, acetaldehyde and acetonitrile over their aqueous solutions were measured to determine Henry's law partition coefficients for these compounds in the temperature range 5–40 °C. The results are for acetone: ln(H 1/atm)=–(5286±100)T+(18.4±0.3); acetaldehyde: ln(H 1/atm)=–(5671±22)/T+(20.4±0.1); and acetonitrile: ln(H 1/atm)=–(4106±101)/T+(13.8±0.3). Artificial seawater of 3.5% salinity in place of deiionized water raisesH 1 by about 15%. A similar technique has been used to measure the equilibrium constants for the addition compounds of acetone and acetaldehyde with bisulfite in aqueous solution. The results are ln(K 1/M –1)=(4972±318)/T–(11.2±1.1) and ln(K 1/M –1)=(6240±427)/T–(8.1±1.3), respectively. The results are compared and partly combined with other data in the literature to provide an average representation.  相似文献   

Methods of calibrating infrared CO2 analysers for sensitivity to CO2 and water vapour are described. Equations to correct eddy covariance CO2 flux measurements are presented for: (i) analyser cross-sensitivity to water vapour and the effects of density fluctuations arising from atmospheric fluxes of water vapour and sensible heat, (ii) flux losses caused by signal processing and limited instrument frequency response for open- and closed-path CO2 analysers, and (iii) flux losses resulting from damping of concentration fluctuations in a tube used to sample air for closed-path CO2 analysers. Examples of flux corrections required for typical instruments are presented.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide, methane, and carbon monoxide are the carbon cycle gases, the data on their emissions are needed when monitoring air pollution and developing methods for reducing anthropogenic emissions to the atmosphere and for climate forecasting. The estimates of nocturnal area fluxes for CO2, CH4, and CO presented for a suburb of Saint Petersburg (Peterhof) are obtained using the box model and continuous observations of concentration of these gases. The mean values of CH4, CO2, and CO fluxes estimated for Peterhof for 2014–2015 are 44 ± 27, 6100 ± 4000, and 90 ± 100 t/(km2 year), respectively. The intensity of the CO area flux has pronounced seasonal variations characterized by the maximum of ~(160 ± 120) t/(km2 year) in November—February and by the minimum of ~(30 ± 20) t/(km2 year) in June-July. The analysis of the ratio of CO/CO2 fluxes identified the main types of anthropogenic sources typical of Peterhof: motor transport, natural gas combustion, and the use of wood stoves for the heating of private low-rise buildings (in the cold season).  相似文献   

The Ogallala or High Plains aquifer provides water for about 20% of the irrigated land in the United States. About 20 km3 (16.6 million acre-feet) of water are withdrawn annually from this aquifer. In general, recharge has not compensated for withdrawals since major irrigation development began in this region in the 1940s. The mining of the Ogallala has been pictured as an analogue to climate change in that many GCMs predict a warmer and drier future for this region. In this paper we attempt to anticipate the possible impacts of climate change on the sustainability of the aquifer as a source of water for irrigation and other purposes in the region. We have applied HUMUS, the Hydrologic Unit Model of the U.S. to the Missouri and Arkansas-White-Red water resource regions that overlie the Ogallala. We have imposed three general circulation model (GISS, UKTR and BMRC) projections of future climate change on this region and simulated the changes that may be induced in water yields (runoff plus lateral flow) and ground water recharge. Each GCM was applied to HUMUS at three levels of global mean temperature (GMT) to represent increasing severity of climate change (a surrogate for time). HUMUS was also run at three levels of atmospheric CO2 concentration (hereafter denoted by [CO2]) in order to estimate the impacts of direct CO2 effects on photosynthesis and evapotranspiration. Since the UKTR and GISS GCMs project increased precipitation in the Missouri basin, water yields increase there. The BMRC GCM predicts sharply decreased precipitation and, hence, reduced water yields. Precipitation reductions are even greater in the Arkansas basin under BMRC as are the consequent water yield losses. GISS and UKTR climates lead to only moderate yield losses in the Arkansas. CO2-fertilization reverses these losses and yields increase slightly. CO2 fertilization increases recharge in the base (no climate change) case in both basins. Recharge is reduced under all three GCMs and severities of climate change.  相似文献   

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