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郑州市龙湖成湖方案研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人工湖建设可能引起地下水位的抬升,将对周边生态环境造成影响,如部分河岸区的浸没、土壤次生盐渍化、地下水质恶化、影响湖周高层建筑物的地基承载力等。在分析人工湖渗漏问题基础上, 提出了在不采取防渗措施和采取防渗措施两种不同情况下的成湖方案, 并进行了防渗方案的优选。用地下水数值模型MODFLOW和优化模型MODMAN对处于黄河冲积平原地区拟开挖人工湖进行了数值模拟及优化。结果表明,在龙湖运行时,只要人工湖的渗漏量控制在一定范围内,辅之于相应的湖体周边的降水措施,就可有效避免各种环境问题的出现。  相似文献   

目前仍然坚守在防洪御潮第一线的钱塘江明清古海塘,由于年代久远,部分塘段的塘趾部位存在流土现象,因此,选用合理且不破坏古海塘风貌的塘基防渗加固方案来保护古海塘十分必要。以浙江海宁某明清古海塘试验段为依托,通过现场试验,对比研究了4种塘基防渗加固保护方案,通过有限元分析、现场渗透试验、加固后开挖检验、施工期对古海塘的影响监测等手段,分析总结了各加固方案的优缺点,得到了机械适当改制后的“塘趾旋喷注浆”方案为优选方案的结论,研究成果对下一步钱塘江临江古海塘保护工程的塘基防渗加固方案选取具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

既有基坑延深开挖稳定性评价与支护方案确定   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
蔡海波  吴顺川  周喻 《岩土力学》2011,32(11):3306-3311
以北京市某特殊基坑工程为背景,采用FLAC3D软件,选用Mohr-Coulomb准则,对基坑在现有支护方案条件下进行延深开挖,计算分析桩锚支护体系的变形、受力情况。结果表明,基坑在现有支护方案条件下进行延深开挖将导致护坡桩抗弯性能不足、支护结构水平位移过大、锚固体系失效等问题,要保证基坑延深开挖后的安全稳定,必须对护坡桩增设支点,增加支护力。根据设计变更要求及施工现场实际条件,对多种加固支护方案进行比选,最终选用对护坡桩增设锚索的方案进行延深基坑的预加固。采用数值方法模拟分析上述加固方案后的基坑延深开挖力学行为,预测基坑及支护结构的变形情况,并与现场监测数据进行对比分析。结果表明,基坑延深开挖预加固支护方案合理有效,表明该方法对于类似工程的设计优化及现场施工具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

该项研究采用理论与实体工程、现场与室内试验相结合的方法,研究了土冻结时的基本规律、渠道工程冻害机制及防冻措施,较全面系统地分析总结了典型土的物理特性和地基土的冻胀特性,提出具体的抗冻防渗措施及实施方案。主要研究内容:  相似文献   

宁波某大面积深基坑工程地质条件复杂,变形控制难度大。根据基坑开挖流程和区段特点,经方案比选与论证,对基坑外围采用桩锚与桩撑相结合的支护体系,对分期开挖交界处采用重力式挡墙+放坡支护。结合基坑监测数据分析研究基坑开挖过程,重点分析不同锚索类型的内力及变形控制效果。本工程实践及研究成果可为类似工程提供参考。  相似文献   

龙湖周边机井开采对地下水流影响的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人工湖、库和河流等将改变区域水文循环过程,特别是地表水与地下水交换关系。本文对郑州市规划的龙湖入渗水利用和龙湖周边机井布设方案进行比较分析。龙湖水体形成后,湖区与周围地下水位的2.5m落差将使湖水大量入渗补给地下水,大范围抬升湖区周围地下水位,龙湖周围低洼处将有发生盐碱化的危险,威胁到紧靠龙湖的西部国家森林公园和规划中的东北部生态回廊绿地。本文利用美国地质调查局(USGS)颁布的三维地下水数值模型(MODFLOW),模拟不同湖底防渗措施和机井开采方案下龙湖周围地下水位变化以及龙湖入渗量,对龙湖周边布井方案可行性和降低地下水效果加以分析和比较。  相似文献   

以兰花路地铁车站基坑开挖工程为研究对象,利用FLAC3D有限差分元软件建立了围岩应力三维计算模型,采用数值分析和现场试验相结合的手段,对距基坑边缘不同距离、开挖深度不同深度及随时间变化土体水平位移变化规律展开研究。研究表明:由数值模拟结果分析,位于基坑边缘距离10 m之内的土体为高影响区,位于基坑边缘距离10m之外的土体为缓影响区;根据现场试验可得,随着时间的往后推移,相对应的开挖深度逐渐增大,水平位移值逐渐增大,且在前期增长速度较快,其中为凸字形曲线的为正常曲线,较为安全。结合数值模拟结果及现场检测结果,获得基坑开挖过程周边土体时间和空间范围内土体变形规律,为工程作业过程提供降低土体坍塌等安全隐患的范围。  相似文献   

大瑞铁路澜沧江大桥工程边坡稳定性三维数值模拟分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
采用现场调查、工程地质分析和三维数值模拟方法,对在建大瑞铁路工程澜沧江大桥边坡稳定性进行了综合分析研究。澜沧江大桥是在建大瑞铁路的控制性工程之一,由于多种因素的综合作用,桥址岸坡发育延伸较长的顺坡向节理和近垂直的陡倾节理。右岸桥位工程开挖区位于一组较大型顺坡结构面的下方,岸坡稳定性直接关系到桥位的适宜性。综合研究表明,工程开挖后,右岸桥位上部岩体极易在顺坡向结构面的控制下发生滑移–拉裂式破坏,沿外倾结构面产生较大的位移,甚至可能失稳,需要进行专门的工程治理。左岸边坡岩体结构相对稳定,工程开挖后,位移将主要集中在开挖面附近的浅表层部位,不仅变形较小,影响范围也相对较小。   相似文献   

曾旺  兰凯 《探矿工程》2007,34(1):15-17
根据场区工程及水文地质和环境条件,选定了武汉市第二医院科教综合楼基坑的防渗止水方案,即单管高压旋喷法,详细阐述了其施工工艺。现场实践证明:所选定的方案截断了上层滞流水体,开挖时坑壁无滴水,为后续工程施工提供了便利;同时单管高压旋喷法施工具有施工简单、造价低、不需要开挖就可以处理隐蔽工程等特点,非常适于城市深基坑的止水与加固。  相似文献   

以张石高速JK-2合同段岔道2#双连拱隧道工程为背景,通过现场埋设多源传感器构建的监测信息平台,结合回归分析方法及高置信度关系模型等参数反馈信息,对获取数据进行提取、融合和态势分析,得到了浅埋偏压连拱隧道在施工开挖过程中围岩应力、位移、变形、塑性区和支护结构等动态变化规律;对监测过程出现的各种异常现象及产生原因进行深入分析与研究,客观描述了围岩的稳定性状与支护效果。同时,采用有限元软件以实际地形等高线为参照,建立仿真三维模型对隧道施工开挖进行数值模拟,比较采用不同施工方案对隧道整体结构及支护的影响。针对原浅埋、偏压连拱隧道施工方案提出优化建议,修正优化开挖方案和支护设计,对目前同类特征隧道施工具有借鉴指导意义  相似文献   

在详细分析了龙子湖地区水文地质条件和工程地质条件的基础上,根据龙子湖的设计方案,指出龙子湖建成后可能存在渗漏量过大的问题,从而影响该区的生态环境等环境地质问题。本文建立了三维渗流数值模型,通过数值模拟证实了龙子湖建成后确实存在渗漏量过大的问题,并为解决这些环境地质问题提供参考方案,还预测分析了环境水文地质条件改变后可能进一步出现的问题并提出了相应的解决方案。  相似文献   

林宾  王小勇 《安徽地质》2007,17(3):203-207
合肥市生活垃圾处理项目是安徽省内规模最大的垃圾处理填埋场,工程区地质条件复杂,防渗设计要求严苛,经过工程地质水文地质测绘、钻(静)探、取样测试、地球物理勘探、原位测试、水文地质试验等综合手段勘察,取得了科学准确的参数,对建筑物的地基持力层的选择、设计参数、防渗处理等提出了经济合理的结论和建议,为优化设计、节省投资、安全施工奠定了基础,取得了良好的经济效益及社会效益,同时也积累了同类型项目在花岗岩地区复杂地质条件下的水文地质工程地质勘察经验.  相似文献   

In response to the impact of climate change, the US Army Corps of Engineers proposed a large-scale implementation plan for an aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) project in the Kissimmee River Basin, Florida, in 2009. It is envisaged that the routine operation of the ASR will deliver recovered water from ASR wells into Lake Okeechobee with inherently different water quality parameters. However, the addition of ASR well water into such a large, shallow lake has raised concerns about sediment phosphorus stability, which could lead to increased eutrophication in Lake Okeechobee. This paper presents a geochemical assessment to explore possible impacts of the addition of ASR well water on lake sediment in terms of phosphorus adsorption, desorption, and diffusion processes via laboratory-scale batch and column tests. Based on five different mixing ratios of ASR well water and lake water, estimated isotherms, and piston velocity calculations, a mechanistic modeling analysis provided a better understanding of the fate of sediment phosphorus and its transport processes. A final multicriteria decision analysis suggests that the mixing ratio of 1:10 between ASR well water and lake water is deemed more applicable than others based on the given composition of ASR well water, which might buffer more external phosphorus loading in the long run.  相似文献   

大型地下水封石油洞库渗流场时空演化特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地下水封石油洞库是利用饱水岩体密封性进行石油储存的方式。在地下水封石油洞库的建设中,由于工程体的出现,改变了区域地下水的补给、径流和排泄条件,干扰了原来平衡的地下水渗流场,为保证地下石油洞库的水封效果,需进行裂隙岩体渗透特性及地下水渗流场时空演化研究。以国内首个在建的大型地下水封石油储库为工程背景,结合现场试验数据分析,运用等效连续介质的方法,采用裂隙岩体各向异性渗透张量,建立三维地下水数值模拟模型,预测不同施工进程时地下水位的变化。分析预测结果表明:在地下洞室开挖过程中,无水幕条件下地下水位逐渐降低,主洞室部分区域出现零水头压力区,无法保证水封性;模拟运营期水幕巷道施加定水压力,地下水位上升至设计高度35 m且趋于稳定,可以满足水封效果要求。研究结果对地下石油洞库的水封性评价具有一定的工程意义和理论价值。  相似文献   

Jia Qi Liu  Yu Xia Zhang 《GeoJournal》1996,40(1-2):219-227
Sanitary and industrial sewage is a daily serious detriment to the water quality of Dianchi Lake, Yunnan Province, China. The numerous anionic detergents contained in sanitary sewage and the large number of metallic elements such as Cu, Pb, Cd contained in industrial discharge have made an obvious harmful effect on growth of carp (Cyprinus carpio chilia Wu et al.) in the lake. At the Dianchi Lake sampling and water intake area near Dragon Gate Village, the Linear Alkyl Sulfonate content in the water is over 0.7 (mg/l). This caused the carp's incubation rate and the terateger rate to reach 85% and 28% respectively, and results in a lethality rate of young carp of about 38%. In addition, further study has been stated on the distribution and degradation rates in Dianchi Lake water and in its sediments of two isomeric anionic detergents: ABS (Alkyl Benzene Sulfonate, in short form ABS) and LAS (Linear Alkyl Sulfonate, in short form LAS), and the harmful effect of LAS to its carp. Measures for harnessing and protecting the lake's aquatic environment from pollution, and using the area to develop carp aquaculture are posed. Water quality standards for feeding carp are also covered.  相似文献   

In recent years, climate change and retreating glaciers constitute a major hazard in the Himalaya of South Asia. Glacial lakes are rapidly developing or increasing due to climate change. The rapid development of the lake may cause outburst of the lake. The outburst discharge from the glacial lake can cause catastrophic flooding and disaster in downstream area. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the impact of climate change on glacial lakes and to understand the characteristics of the glacial lake outburst. In this study, the field assessment of Tsho Rolpa Glacial Lake in the Himalaya of Nepal has been presented and the impact of climate change on this glacial lake has been discussed. The Tsho Rolpa Glacial Lake is the largest and most potentially dangerous glacial lake in Nepal. In addition, a numerical model has been also developed for computing the characteristics of glacial lake outburst due to moraine dam failure by seepage and water overtopping. The numerical model is tested for the flume experimental cases. The simulated results of the outburst discharge, the dam surface erosion, and the temporal variation of the moisture movement in the dam are compared with those obtained from the hydraulic model experiments. The moisture profile calculated by numerical model was agreeable with the experimental moisture profile. The simulated failure surface of the dam due to seepage by considering the suction in slope stability analysis gave more agreeable results than the Janbu's simplified method. The results of the outburst discharge and dam surface erosion also agreed with the experimental results.  相似文献   

大型地下水封油库分期建设中,新建地下水封油库可能会对已投产的同类洞库水幕系统及渗流场产生一定影响,进而可能导致已建油库发生油气外泄等安全事故,但目前国内外对该问题的研究甚少。以在邻近某一已建大型地下水封油库附近扩建国家三期战略石油储库项目为背景,研究因扩建项目施工改变库区渗流场而导致的对已投产大型水封油库储油安全性的影响。通过洞库实际涌水量资料反演分析获取库区岩体的等效渗透张量,采用COMSOL Multiphysics软件模拟已建成的地下水封油库运营期的渗流场,并将其作为初始渗流场,进而模拟研究新建洞库开挖情况下渗流场的演化规律。以洞库区地下水位线、水封压力及围岩渗水量为评判指标,分析新建洞库对运行洞库水封可靠性的影响,研究表明:当两期洞库间距超过200m时,即使不设置中央垂直分离水幕系统,新建洞库施工也不会对已投产洞库的水封可靠性产生影响,即确保储油安全的最小洞库间距为200m。研究成果对评价在已投产地下水封油库附近修建同类油库的可行性及相互影响程度提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

E?irdir Lake is the second largest fresh water lake with 482 km2 surface area of Turkey. The lake is an indispensable water source for our country and region because of available water capacity and usage aims such as drinking-irrigation water, tourism, and fishing. However, especially contaminants located in the E?irdir Lake catchment affect the lake water quality negatively in times. Therefore, determination of the water quality of the lake has quite importance for region human health and sustainable usage of the lake. The major factors that control the quality of the E?irdir Lake water are agricultural activities in the basin, water–rock interaction, and domestic and industrial wastes. This study investigates the anthropogenic and geologic impact originated from pollution sources and water–rock interaction in the lake watershed basin to the E?irdir Lake water quality. For this purpose, geological, hydrogeological, and hydrological properties of the lake basin with point and nonpoint pollution sources were investigated. To determine the water quality of the lake, 48 water samples were collected especially from locations representing effects of pollutants in May and October 2009. The analysis results were compared with maximum permissible limit values recommended by World Health Organization and Turkish drinking water standards. The contents of all chemical and physical parameters are higher in dry periods than wet period, and water pollution was observed at discharge points of the streams into the lake. Also, pH, turbidity, potassium, chemical oxygen demand, ammonium, aluminum, iron, and lead concentrations were found to be above drinking water standards.  相似文献   

Lake Kastoria is a shallow lake with many anthropogenic activities concentrated in its catchment area. Surficial runoff rich in agricultural waste and underground seepage from urban and rural areas enrich the lake with nutrients intensifying the eutrophication problem of the water.Restoration techniques, with different approach, each one are proposed to restore the lake water. Treatment with alum is very effective but needs special care during the application. Reeds harvesting is an inexpensive and effective way and in combination with the city sewage redirection will improve the water quality and the trophic status of the lake sufficiently.  相似文献   

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