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In order to study the spatial-temporal change and environmental management of regional karst LUCC (land use and land cover change) and its causative environmental effect-rocky dcsertification by integrating qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, and relying on RS, GIS and GPS (3S) techniques, karst land rocky derification dynamic monitoring and visualization management information system (KLRD.DMVM.IS) is framed, which includes design aim and structure model, function design, database design and model system design. The model system design gives priority to dynamic monitoring, drive force diagnosis, comprehensive evaluation and decision support of karst rocky desertification. From the viewpoint of model type, mathematic expression and its meaning, the dynamic monitoring models are concretely devised to reflect the spatial and temporal changing features and the trend of karst LUCC and rocky desertification. Taking Du‘an Yao Autonomic County of Guangxi as an example, the KLRD.DMVM.1S is systematically analyzed in the application of the process and trend of karst LUCC and rocky desertiflcation in Du‘an County, and it provides the technical support for the study on karst land rocky desertification.  相似文献   

遥感石漠化信息的提取   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
石漠化信息提取是多种信息综合分析、反馈的过程。通过分析当前石漠化分级体系,对比喀斯特地区与石漠化范围、土地利用与石漠化关系,并结合当前石漠化信息提取关键技术研究认为:目前的石漠化分级体系在划分级别、分级指标、分级区域等方面存在巨大差异,将尺度划分引入石漠化等级体系是统一石漠化等级划分差异的有力途径;充分利用基于内容的特征识别算法进行喀斯区的圈定可以有效提高石漠化信息提取精度;利用已有的土地利用矢量数据,通过合理转换进行石漠化信息提取是重要研究思路;传统的建立石漠化解译标志、改进植被指数模型以及建立波谱关系模型等石漠化信息提取方法无法很好融合石漠化综合指征,提出基于遥感的石漠化综合指标度进行石漠化信息的提取方法。  相似文献   

喀斯特地区不同石漠化等级的结构和格局是实现区域石漠化治理的重要基础信息,受技术手段的限制,目前这方面的研究进展仍非常缓慢。随着无人机技术的快速发展,高精度的地表信息获取越来越方便、且成本较低。本研究利用无人机影像,对比了基于像元的非监督和监督分类方法以及面向对象的分类方法在裸岩信息提取中的表现,发现面向对象分类结果具有更高精度。基于获得的裸岩分布信息的研究结果表明:① 岩石平均斑块面积与裸岩率呈负相关的关系,岩石斑块个数与裸岩率呈正相关关系;② 通过对比不同裸岩率(11%、20%、29%和48%)基质的景观斑块指数、景观形状指数和景观破碎度指数对不同裸岩率的景观分布的影响,从而表明了在不同的石漠化地区随着裸岩率的增加,岩石形状指数与岩石破碎度指数均逐渐增加,进而表明石漠化程度越严重;③ 裸岩率不同的地区表现不同的分布形态和斑块特征,裸岩率越高,岩石越破碎,斑块分布较为分散。小尺度斑块景观格局与区域的生态过程有着重要关系,开展小尺度景观格局的研究会深化区域尺度石漠化发展过程的理解。石漠化地区的小尺度斑块景观格局变化影响区域的生态过程,对以后的石漠化过程以及未来石漠化演变的发展有重要的启示作用。  相似文献   

Karst rocky desertification is one of the major ecological and environmental problems that threaten the sustainable development of southwestern China. It is caused by irrational and intensive land-use patterns in karst geo-ecological environment. Therefore, it is vital to identify how human forces work on this degraded environment. Based on the soil erosion information in 2000 and remote sensing images of Guanling County collected in 2000 and 2007, four grades of karst rocky desertification data in 14 villages of Guanling County were extracted. Impacts of population, affluence, and other human forces on karst rocky desertification were analyzed using STIRPAT model. The results show that: 1) Factors of population and affluence had strong influence on karst rocky desertification. In the STIRPAT model analysis, the population and affluence coefficients were positive, indicating that the increase in population and affluence would lead to more serious desertification. 2) Factors of farmer correlated with karst rocky desertification negatively, especially the way of viewing the relationship between people and nature, and the level of knowledge about rocky desertification. Government behavior was not a significant factor in this analysis. 3) The findings provide evidence that STIRPAT model can be used to analyze the relationship between human driving forces and rocky desertification.  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了喀斯特石漠化动态监测与驱动诊断信息系统(KRD.DMDM.IS)的研制。文章论述了该系统应用的ArcObjects技术及其二次开发层次、一般开发步骤和应用的部分接口,采用了Geodatabase数据模型建立数据库,并将支持C/S体系结构的空间数据库管理器(ArcSDE)集成于系统中来,较好地解决了对空间和非空间数据进行高效率操作的数据库接口;构建了马尔柯夫模型和驱动诊断模型,对广西都安瑶族自治县的石漠化动态变化、演变趋势和形成机制进行了深入分析,从而为该地区的喀斯特石漠化综合治理工作提供有益的帮助。  相似文献   

科学界定山地和山区类型是认识山地、因地制宜促进山区可持续发展的基础,可为山区分类开发、分类施策提供依据。本文采用均值变点法确定滑动窗口尺寸,运用空间分析工具对SRTM进行处理以获取山地坡度、起伏度,并提取了黔桂喀斯特各类山地空间范围和规模,以此对县级层面黔桂喀斯特山区类型进行了划分。主要结论如下:①二次使用均值变点法确定移动窗口面积与平均地形起伏度拟合的对数曲线拐点,其表征的是黔桂喀斯特山区地形起伏度最佳统计单元—移动窗口面积为6.50 km2。②黔桂喀斯特山地占比大,山地与非山地面积之比约为89:11,且山地省际空间分异明显,贵州喀斯特山地以中山、中低山为主,占贵州部分的57%;而广西喀斯特山地以丘陵为主,占广西部分的59%。③黔桂喀斯特山地区均为山区县,其中,18个纯丘陵县、10个半山区县、15个准山区县、21个显山区县、32个整山区县。整山区县个数多,多分布于乌蒙山区和黔桂峰丛洼地山区,多数为国家扶贫开发工作重点县。  相似文献   

Karst rocky desertification is a geo-ecological problem in Southwest China. The rocky desertification risk zone delineation could be used as a guide for the regional and hierarchical rocky desertification management and prevention. We chose the middle and lower reaches of the Houzhai underground basin on the karst plateau in Puding County, Guizhou Province, China as the study area and selected land use type, elevation, slope, aspect, lithology and settlement buffer as the main driving factors of the rocky desertification. The potential risk of rocky desertification was quantified with the factor-weights union method and statistical analysis method. Five grades of rocky desertification risk were delineated based on Geographic Information System. The extremely low, low, moderate, high and extremely high rocky desertification risk zones accounted for 5.01%, 44.17%, 33.92%, 15.59% and 1.30%, respectively. As a whole, the rocky desertification risk level was moderate because the area of low and moderate rocky desertification risk zones occupied 78.09% of the study area. However, more than half of the area (about 50.81%) was predicted to have moderate rocky desertification risk and above, indicating that the study area was subject to rocky desertification. Rocky desertification risk was higher in the southeast and lower in the northwest of the study area. Distinct differences in the distribution of rocky desertification risk zones corresponding to different factors have been found.  相似文献   

The rocky desert in a karst area directly causes the lack of soil, water and forest, hence leading to the poverty there. In 1990, the villagers from the Muzhe Village in Benggu Township, Xichou County, Yunnan declared a war against rocky desert in an attempt to ask the fields for more yields. They invented a distinctive land rehabilitation and sustainable use pattern called "transforming heaven and earth" that had been practiced in Southwest China's karst areas. The key mechanism of the pattern was to develop terraced fields with well conserved soil, water and fertility by exploding rocks in the fields, building stone walls, gathering more soil, and improving soil quality and productivity for the fields in combination with building of irrigation facilities and roads, as well as with forestation and agriculture structure adjustment. The purpose of the pattern was to alleviate poverty in the karst areas by improving soil productivity and promoting agricultural development. A typical area was studied with the help of Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and the pattern was carried out there for fifteen years, have produced excellent ecological benefits and good economic benefits. Its application in the area approved that it was a sustainable land use pattern for rocky desert areas.  相似文献   

Karst rocky desertification is one of the major ecological and environmental problems that threaten the sustainable development of southwestern China. It is caused by irrational and intensive land-use patterns in karst geo-ecological environment. Therefore, it is vital to identify how human forces work on this degraded environment. Based on the soil erosion information in 2000 and remote sensing images of Guanling County collected in 2000 and 2007, four grades of karst rocky desertification data in 14 villa...  相似文献   

研究石漠化峰丛洼地土壤重金属空间分异特征及其影响因素, 对推动区域土壤重金属污染防治、石漠化综合治理具有重要的指导意义和实践价值。以广西平果市典型石漠化峰丛洼地土壤为研究对象, 通过调查采样分析以及综合运用地统计学、地质累积指数、潜在生态危害指数和地理探测器等方法, 分析探讨土壤重金属的空间分异特征及其影响因素。结果表明, 研究区8种重金属元素的空间分布总体呈东北向西南降低的变化格局, 研究区东北部和东南部为重金属高值叠加区的集中分布区, Cr,Cd元素呈现中等的空间相关性, 其他6个重金属元素表现为强空间相关性;研究区受Cd,As,Cr,Cu,Zn等元素不同污染程度的影响, 且以Cd的影响尤为突出, 其地质累积指数和潜在生态危害指数分别高达1.34和107.73;pH、地层、Fe2O3、土地利用、P、CaO、Mn、到断层距离、石漠化程度是影响研究区土壤重金属空间分异的主要因子, 而且不同因子组对土壤重金属空间分异的交互作用以双因子增强型和非线性增强为主。因此认为不同因子对石漠化峰丛洼地土壤不同重金属元素空间分异特征的影响程度存在差异, Cd是石漠化峰丛洼地土壤污染程度和潜在生态危害程度最严重的重金属元素, 地层、Mn、CaO、岩性、到断层距离、P是影响Cd空间分异的关键因子。   相似文献   

Guizhou Karst Plateau is located at the center of the karst region in Asia, where landslides are a typical disaster. Affected by the local karst environment, the landslides in this region have their own characteristics. In this study, 3975 landslide records from inventories of the Guizhou karst plateau are studied. The geographical detector method is used to detect the dominant casual factor and predominant multi-factor combinations for the local landslides. The results show that landslides are prone to areas on slopes between 10° and 35°, of clay rock, in close proximity to gullies, and especially in areas of moderate vegetation, dryland, and mild rocky desertification. Continuous precipitation over 10 days has a great effect on landslide occurrence. Compared with the individual factors, the impact of two-factor interaction has greater explanatory power for landslide volume. The volume of earthquake-induced landslides is predominantly controlled by the interactions of faults and slopes, while that of humaninduced landslides is affected by the interactions of land cover and hydrological conditions. For rainfallinduced landslides, the dominant interactions vary in different regions. In the central karst basin, the interactions between faults and precipitation can explain over 90% of the variations in landslide volumes. In the southern hilly karst region, the interactions between lithology and slope can explain over 71% of the variations in landslide volume and those between fault and land-use can explain 50% of the variations of the landslide volumes in the northeastern mountainous karst region.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONIn the 1980s and 1990s, there was widespread belief a-mong environmentalists that uncontrolled population growth would be responsible for environment degrada-tion of all types. This neo-Malthusian belief originally surfaced in the publication of ThePopulationBombin the late 1960s. In ensuing years this belief, combined with work on environment carrying capacity and a growing environmental movement, led to the seeming-ly commonsense conclusion that high population growth and …  相似文献   

Xichou County of Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in southeast Yunnan is one of the karst mountainous areas in southwest China showing typical rock desertification. During this study, we set up three soil erosion contrast test spots at Muzhe Village, Benggu Township, Xichou County, which was the birthplace of the Xichou rock-desertified land consolidation mode. The three spots included the terrace land spot (already consolidated land), sloping land spot (unconsolidated sloping land under rock desertification), and standard runoff spot (bare land spot). In 2007, a whole-year complete observation was conducted during the rainy season and "rainfall-erosion" data were obtained for 32 times. Our analysis showed that during the entire observation period, the number of the rainfalls that led to soil erosion accounted for 34.04% of the number of all rainfalls and the amount of the rainfalls that led to soil erosion accounted for 84.17% of the total amount of all rainfalls. The average erosive rainfall standard in the three test spots was 11.0 mm, slightly higher than the 10 mm standard that has been adopted all over China, but lower than the 12.7 mm standard of the US and the 13.0 mm standard of Japan. According to single-factor analysis, the soil loss in the sloping land spot (L2) and that in the bare land spot (L3) are correlated to certain extent to many other factors, including the single precipitation (P), rainfall intensity during the maximum ten minutes (I10), rainfall intensity during the maximum 20 minutes (I20), rainfall intensity during the maximum 30 minutes (I30), rainfall intensity during the maximum 40 minutes (I40), and rainfall intensity during the maximum 60 minutes (I60). Among these factors, they are of the highest relativity with I60. According to double-factor analysis, both L2 and L3 are of good relativity with P and I60. According to multi-factor analysis, L2 and L3 are also of good relativity with seven rainfall indexes, namely, P, Ia (average rainfall intensity), I10, I20, I30, I40, and I60, with their related coefficient R reaching 0.906 and 0.914, respectively. The annual soil losses in the three test spots are widely different: 1030.70 t/km2·a in the terrace land spot, which indicates a low-level erosion; 12913.22 t/km2·a in the sloping land spot (unconsolidated spot), some 12.5 times than that in the terrace land spot, which indicates an ultra-high-level erosion; and 19511.67 t/km2·a in the bare land spot, some 18.9 times than that in terrace land spot, indicating an acute erosion. These figures fully show that the Xichou rock-desertified land consolidation mode plays a significant role in soil conservation.  相似文献   

喀斯特山地流域植被变化具有独特性,探究其植被变化特征有利于石漠化治理和退耕还林工程科学实施。本文选取1990-2016年贵州石阡河流域Landsat系列遥感影像,采用像元二分模型和相关分析等方法研究流域植被覆盖度时空变化特征,并探究其变化的地形效应和人口效应。研究表明:① 1990-2016年贵州石阡河流域植被覆盖度总体处于上升趋势,植被恢复取得较好效果;② 1990-2016年贵州石阡河流域植被覆盖度变化的地形效应中,随海拔和坡度上升,植被覆盖度总体处于稳定上升趋势。随坡向变化中,无坡向地区植被覆盖度最低,其他坡向差异不明显;③ 1990-2016年贵州石阡河流域植被覆盖度变化的人口效应中,随人口密度上升,植被覆盖度总体处于下降趋势。研究结果可以为喀斯特地区退耕还林还草和石漠化治理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济的发展,推进土地集约节约利用,促进城乡统筹发展,是当前和今后一个时期有效的利用现有土地资源,改善农村生产生活条件和环境、缓解建设用地供需矛盾的有效途径和手段。近几年来,日照市严格按照上级有关要求,规范开展了城乡建设用地增减挂钩试点工作,取得了显著成效。  相似文献   

As the main body of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, North Tibet Plateau is one of three major sandy desertification regions in China and also a representative sandy desertification zone of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Accordingly, it is an important region for the study of recent sandy desertification processes and formation mechanism. From such aspects as desertified land types, areas and distributions etc., this paper analyses in detail the sandy desertification status on North Tibet Plateau, and qualitatively and quantitatively deals with the main factors that affect recent sandy desertification processes and the driving mechanism. Research results show that North Tibet Plateau is an important sandy desertificafion region in China characterized with large desertified land areas, diversified types, high severity, extensive distributions and serious damages. Sandy desertification occurrence and development resulted from combined effects of natural factors, anthropogenic factors, natural processes and man-made processes, of which climatic change is the main driving force.  相似文献   

为统筹城乡发展,促进土地节约集约利用,惠民县在城乡建设用地增减挂钩工作方面进行了探索和实践,有效缓解了建设用地供求矛盾,改善了农民生活居住环境,促进了农业发展、农民增收,取得初步成效。但同时也存在农村社区建设规划缺乏、增减挂钩建设资金不足、拆迁补偿安置难度大、基层认识不到位等问题。该文围绕促进城乡建设用地增减挂钩工作,在建立农村社区规划、拓宽多元化融资渠道、完善安置补偿机制、加大宣传力度等方面进行了论述,并提出了建议。  相似文献   

Understanding the impact of rock bareness on the transpiration in karst plants is essential to karst rocky desertification control and sustainable management of plantation in karst area.This study focused on the variations in sap flow of Zenia insignis caused by different rock bareness rate,and the impact of climate factors,soil water content(SWC)and leaf area index(LAI) on transpiration in karst plants,by continuously measuring sap flux densities (Fcd)of 12 sample trees using thermal dissipation probes and monitoring micrometeorology and SwC on a typical karst hill in north Guangdong of China during the year of 2016.Results show that:(1)the maximum hourly sap flux density occurred at11:00-14:00 and the peak daily sap flux density occurred in September.(2)Sap flow density of Zenia insignis increased with rock bareness rate at all hourly,daily and monthly scales,with the sequence of extremely severeseveremoderatemild rock bareness.(3)The transpiration of Zenia insi.gnis is controlled by different factors at different temporalscales.At hourly scale,transpiration was highly(n=144,R~20.72)correlated to Solar radiation(Rs),Air temperature(Ta),relative humidity(RH),and water vapor pressure deficit(VPD).At daily scale,transpiration was greatly(n=366,R20.31)affected by Solar radiation(Rs),Air temperature(Ta),and water vapor pressure deficit (VPD).While at monthly scale,transpiration was mainly(n=12,R~2=0.85)controlled by LAI.Our study proved that Zenia insi.gnis has a good physiecological adaption to fragile karst environment,and Zenia insignis plantation has long-term sustainability even in extremely rocky landscapes.The results may provide scientific basis for plantation management and ecological restoration in karst area.  相似文献   

为了解决广西岩溶石山区人畜饮水和农田用水问题 ,需对丰富的地下水资源进行详细勘查和合理开发 ,采取有效措施 ,就能实现岩溶石山区人民的脱贫目标。  相似文献   

在建设美丽中国的背景下,农村土地整治不仅要增加耕地、节约集约利用建设用地和保护生态环境,发挥其经济价值、社会价值和生态价值,还要发挥其美学价值,为建设美丽乡村做出贡献。该文探讨了景观美学与农村土地整治的关系,探索了农村土地整治的景观美学要素及其内涵,从宏观、中观和微观尺度分析了农村土地整治的主要内容,以期为丰富土地整治理念、内容等提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

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