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利用哈尔滨1960~2005年烟幕出现次数进行气候分析,找出了烟幕冬季的月、年变化规律,统计发现哈尔滨市烟幕日主要出现在冬季(11、12、1、2)4个月,并通过对哈尔滨市2000~2005年6a烟幕资料详细分析,结合烟幕发生时的天气特征,以及烟幕与各项天气要素之间的关系,找出烟幕的气象预报着眼点。烟幕日多产生在高压系统控制下,冬季烟尘排放量多、风速较小、大气层结稳定(常有逆温层存在)是多烟幕的主要原因。  相似文献   

利用济南1961~1991年的气象资料,从气候学的角度,统计分析了济南烟幕日形成的一些特征规律。统计结果发现,济南市烟幕日年均290天以上,强烟幕日年均达23.2天,其中冬季烟幕日最多。烟幕日多产生在高压天气系统控制下。烟尘排放量多,大气层结较稳定(常有逆湿层存在)是多烟幕的主要原因;另外,济南市所处的特定地形环境也是多烟幕的原因之一。  相似文献   

北京地区的烟幕与天气条件的联系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文分析了北京地区烟幕的一般规律,并讨论了影响烟幕的气象条件以及与北京地区烟幕有密切联系的几种常见的地面天气形势。  相似文献   

运用和田地区气象、社会统计、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,综合应用气候趋势、小波、突变、合成方法分析了1960—2010年和田地区烟幕天气的变化趋势、周期及突变特征,揭示了影响烟幕天气多发的气候及社会成因,结果发现:(1)和田地区烟幕天气呈现出递增(15.4 d/10a)的趋势,多年平均日数66 d,其代表站——和田高达123 d,烟幕天气在20世纪60年代最少、90年代增至最高峰,2000—2010年大幅减少,年烟幕日数呈单峰型,峰值在10月—次年3月的冬半年,日烟幕频数呈双峰型,峰值在20—01时和早上09—12时;(2)年烟幕日数具有稳定的准17 a振荡周期,1982年为显著突变增加年、2005年为显著突变减少年;(3)影响和田地区烟幕天气多寡的主因是人口快速增长下,冬半年长时间向空中大量排放烟尘,加之冬半年受高空浅暖高压脊和地面塔里木盆地低气压环流的控制,气层稳定、逆温易发且频率高,风速较小,烟尘不易扩散。  相似文献   

《气象》今年第6期上刊登了谈刚毅“烟幕与轻雾能否同时记载”一文,我们对该文论点有不同的看法。 在城市中,烟幕和轻雾是不能截然分开的。轻雾中可能有烟的成分,烟幕中也可能有轻雾的成分。从这  相似文献   

利用1961年-2012年山西逐日天气现象、能见度、相对湿度和日平均气温资料,采用Kendall-tau方法和相关分析法研究山西雾霾日数的时空变化特征及成因。结果表明:雾多发区在中南部,北部雾日较少。霾、烟幕日数高值区出现在以大同、太原、临汾为中心线的带状区域。季节分布来看,轻雾、雾日数峰值出现在8、9月份,谷值在5月份出现;霾和烟幕日数的峰值出现在12、1月份,谷值在8、9月份出现。近50余年以来,山西雾霾日数呈现增多趋势,雾日增加趋势较弱,60、70年代为增多趋势,进入21世纪则为减少趋势;轻雾和霾日数均为显著单调上升趋势;烟幕日数也为显著增多趋势,但表现为抛物线型,90年代后期以前为增多,之后转为下降趋势。山西霾和烟幕日数与E1Nino事件有很好的对应关系,E1Nino事件发生年往往霾和烟幕日数较多,赤道中东太平洋的海温异常通过海气相互作用,引起东亚地区上空的大气环流异常,形成利于霾和烟幕出现的天气条件。山西冬季气温偏高往往导致霾和烟幕天气的增多,气候变暖对霾和烟幕天气的影响不容置疑。  相似文献   

湿度大小不是区别轻雾和烟幕的唯一依据于红莲目前,大多数观测员是用1.0~10.0km能见度来确定轻雾和烟幕这两种天气现象的。也有人单纯用湿度作为指标确定轻雾和烟幕。在测报实践中,常遇到在轻雾消失的过程中,因为雾滴蒸发需要一段时间,所以尽管相对湿度已经...  相似文献   

位于城市环境的气象台站,如杭州市气象台,由于种种原因,大气透明度较差,以致使能见度经常小于10.0千米。此时,值班员为记何种天气现象而伤脑筋。现就轻雾、烟幕、霾、扬沙、浮尘等现象的判别问题,谈一点浅见,供讨论。轻雾(=)与烟幕(?):地面气象观测规范(以下简称规范)第五章§5.1天气现象的特征中指出:轻雾——“微小水滴或已湿的吸湿性质粒所构成的灰白色的稀薄雾幕”。烟幕——“大量的烟存在空气中”“城市、工矿区上空的烟幕呈黑色、灰色或褐色,浓时可以闻到烟味。”轻雾为气层稳定,空气较潮湿;烟幕为气团稳定,有逆温时利于形成。“大致出现时  相似文献   

谈刚毅 《气象》1981,7(6):26-26
在一些地区,随着工矿企业的发展,出现烟幕的次数增多。于是出现了一些地区观测规范中没有具体说明的业务技术问题;例如,烟幕与轻雾能否同时记录,即其中之一。现举例如下。 1980年1月18日02—08时本站的北、东、南三个方向有较浓的烟幕和轻雾混杂在一起,能见度O.8千米。而在无烟幕的西方,仅有轻雾,能见度在4.0—5.O千米之间。其他气象要素情况为:02—08时静风,  相似文献   

近几年来 ,在秋收和夏收之后 ,广大农民对小麦、玉米的秸秆普遍采取焚烧的办法 ,来节省时间和人力 ,致使空气中形成烟幕。虽然此情况只是季节性的 ,但观测资料表明 ,烟幕出现的月数有明显增加的趋势。烟幕不仅对城乡居民的生活和健康带来危害 ,也对气象观测带来一定影响。1 烟幕的形成与气象条件的关系大气的层结状态是形成烟幕的因素之一。大气处于不稳定状态时 ,垂直运动强烈 ,有利于烟的扩散 ;大气处于稳定状态时 ,空气的垂直运动受到抑制 ,不利于烟的扩散。逆温是大气稳定度的一项重要指标。近地面层逆温形成后 ,地面秸秆燃烧产生的烟…  相似文献   

The analyses of spatial and temporal characteristics of positive cloud-to-ground(CG) lightning for four mesoscale convective systems and two severe local convective systems in 1989 and 1990 show that positive CG flash rate usually has two peak values.The major peak occurs during the developing stage of the storm and most of the positive CG flashes originate at the lower part of the storm.The minor occurs during the dissipative stage of the storm and most of the positive CG flashes originate at the upper part of the storm,especially in the region of the wind divergence in the storm anvil.The positive CG flash rate is almost an order of magnitude larger in the developing stage than in the dissipative stage.The appearing time of the peak of negative CG flash rate is in accordance with that of the valley of positive CG flash rate.The higher the intensity of the radar echo,the higher the positive CG flash rate.Most of the positive CG flashes occur when the weak echo area is larger,and mostly originate in the region where the radar echo intensity is about 10dBz and in the back region of the moving storms.The spatial distribution of the positive CG flashes is much more dispersive than that of the negative.The mesoscale analysis reveals a bipolar lightning pattern.The mean bipole-length reaches its minimum during the mature stage of the storm and reaches the maximum during the developing stage of the storm.The vertical distribution of the charge density is calculated by a one-dimensional charging model.Then,we discuss the producing condition of the positive CG lightning and forming cause of charge structure mentioned above.  相似文献   

1958年8月4—12日西太平洋副热带高压减退过程的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对1958年8月4—12日中国大陆上西太平洋副热带高压减退过程作了分析。结果指出:它的减退是从200—400毫巴层次中开始,然后向上向下传递,最大变化发生在200毫巴层上,500毫巴以下高度场的变化是很小的,这是由于对流层顶附近的动力因子所决定的。文中还指出,大型环流发展所引起的经圈环流和东风急流显著的变动,是造成高压减退很主要的因素。本文还进一步分析了东风急流减退的物理机制和高压本身结构的演变特点,以及这种变化对高压减退所起的作用。  相似文献   

The variability of cumulants of the fifth and sixth orders of the sea surface elevations is studied. The investigations are carried out on the basis of the data of direct wave measurements carried out in the field conditions. It is demonstrated that the cumulants of the fifth order are weakly correlated with the variations of the mean sea surface slope generated by the dominant waves. The variations of the cumulant of the sixth order are not correlated with the mean slope variations. The errors of the sea surface elevation probability density approximated by the models based on the use of Gram-Charlier series are analyzed. The analysis is carried out for the models including various numbers of terms of the Gram-Charlier series.  相似文献   

正、斜压涡度拟能相互作用对乌拉尔阻塞过程的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究表明,正压涡度拟能的增强和减弱是乌拉尔山上空阻塞过程的重要特征,正压涡度拟能增强的主要机制是斜压涡度拟能向正压涡度拟能的转换,而斜压涡度拟能的来源则是阻塞区外斜压涡度拟能向阻塞区的净输送和阻塞区内斜压涡度拟能的净生成。正压涡度拟能减弱的主要机制足耗散机制和β效应。因此。阻塞过程是正、斜压涡度拟能相互作用的结果。纬向斜压风对斜压涡度的输送在阻塞的维持和崩溃中具有重要的作用,经向斜压风对斜压涡度的输送在阻塞环流的建立中具有重要的作用,经向正压风对正压涡度拟能的净输送和斜压风对涡度拟能的净输送也具有重要贡献。  相似文献   

Presented are the computations of condensation and precipitation of atmospheric moisture at night depending on the diurnal variations of air temperature and air humidity. Used are the meteorological data for northern Dagestan. Determined is the contribution of the dew to the moistening of the soil. The examples of the exponential and lognormal distribution of droplets revealed that the use of the velocity of medium-size droplet underestimates the value of the moisture mass precipitated on the soil. A concept of the mean mass precipitation velocity is introduced, and the formulae are provided for determining the average mass of deposited condensate depending on humidity, the temperature drop, and size distribution of droplets. Posed is a new problem of diurnal condensate precipitation in the soil in summer and of technology of its increase.  相似文献   

Compared are the estimates or regional changes in temperature and precipitation on the territory of Russia for two methods of the spatial averaging of meteorological station data, one of which is adapted to the sparse observational network and takes account of the station weights proportional to the area of their influence. Considered are several variants of the zoning with the separation of the different number of regions. Formulated is a criterion of the zoning adequacy to the problem of the revelation and analysis of regional climate changes. Estimated is the representativeness of the network of observations of temperature and precipitation for separate regions. Presented are the estimates of regional trends of air temperature and precipitation for the century interval and for the recent decades obtained on the basis of the full archive of available data for the zoning attached to the administrative division of the Russian Federation into the federal districts.  相似文献   

在经典偶极性电荷结构下,结合已有的闪电放电参数化方案及中国气象局雷电野外科学试验基地的广州高建筑物雷电观测站(Tall-Object Lightning Observatory in Guangzhou,TOLOG)观测分析结果,不断调整主负电荷区参数进行二维高分辨率闪电模拟试验,讨论自持型上行负地闪与云中闪电之间的相互竞争关系以及有利于自持型上行负地闪始发的云中电荷结构。数值模拟结果表明:自持型上行负地闪始发与电荷结构存在一定关系,在主负电荷区越高的情况下,始发自持型上行负地闪需要的主负区电荷密度与电荷分布范围越大。对于不同类型的闪电始发条件,推测存在自持型上行负地闪始发的主负电荷区高度阈值,当主负电荷区高度高于该值时,随着主负区电荷量的不断累积,会始发起始于云中的闪电而不是自持型上行负地闪,当主负电荷区高度低于该值时,电荷的不断积累会导致自持型上行负地闪始发。  相似文献   

梅雨锋暴雨中尺度对流系统触发和组织化的观测分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
赵宇  裴昌春  杨成芳 《气象学报》2017,75(5):700-716
利用观测和NCEP再分析资料,对2015年6月26-28日江淮流域梅雨锋暴雨天气对流的触发和中尺度对流系统(MCS)的组织方式进行了分析。结果表明:梅雨锋附近发展的2个线状中尺度对流系统是暴雨的直接制造者。MCS2的发展有2种组织方式,26日夜间到27日凌晨,东西向雨带的不断后部建立和随后对流单体的列车效应是其发展的主要方式。27日凌晨到白天,初期新单体不断在线状MCS2的南缘触发,形成多个近乎平行的东北-西南向短雨带,后期梅雨锋锋面雨带从西部不断东移,经过强降水区;对流元有2种尺度的组织方式:新生对流单体沿着单个雨带向东北方向的列车效应以及东北-西南向雨带沿线状中尺度对流系统向东平移的"列车带"效应;持续的后部建立型和沿着同一路径不断的"列车带"效应使MCS2发展和维持。梅雨锋前不稳定空气的地形抬升和边界层辐合上升是初始对流的主要触发机制;26日夜间对流产生的冷池对对流的触发和MCS2的组织化及维持起重要作用,中尺度对流系统的组织特征和发生、发展受近地面环境场制约。   相似文献   

The Fe(II)/Fe(III)-partition in cloudwater samples collected during two field campaigns is evaluated. It turned out that the simultaneous occurrence of complexing and reducing substances in the atmosphere and the cloud processing increase the solubility of iron compounds present in aerosol particles. A correlation between the concentration of iron(II) in the liquid phase and the intensity of the solar irradiation was observed for most of the cloudwater samples. This could be due to the fact that both the photochemical reduction of the iron(III) complexes and the photochemical reductive dissolution of iron(III)(hydr)oxides are depending on the pH-value. Iron(II) seems to be oxidised back to iron(III) preferably by hydrogen peroxide during the night. Positive correlations were received e.g. between the concentration of dissolved iron and the concentration of oxalate and between the percentage of iron(III) and the concentration of hydrogen peroxide. A negative correlation was found e.g. between the concentration of dissolved iron and the pH-value. The uncertainty of the whole process of sampling and analysis was investigated and the conformity of the results was satisfying considering the sometimes difficult conditions during a field campaign.  相似文献   

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