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本文介绍用“三波段太阳射电高时间分辨率同步观测系统”所观测到的1988年12月16日三波段(1420MHz、2840MHz、4000MHz)太阳射电大爆发中毫秒级精细结构的观测特征,指出太阳射电快速活动在射电爆发的不同阶段具有不同的特征,首先在爆发的上升沿出现2840MHz的毫秒尖峰辐射群,继而在1420MHz上出现毫秒级尖峰辐射群,并且还在以后的几个爆发次峰上陆续出现,在长达两小时的大爆发过程中,在4000MHz上始终未产生毫秒级尖峰辐射,这也反应了射电尖峰辐射现象存在着一定的带宽。特别引起注意的是毫秒级尖峰辐射群均出现在射电爆发的峰值附近,在其它时间的记录中尚未发现毫秒尖峰辐射。 三波段的秒级射电爆发曲线如图1所示。毫秒级精细结构如图2所示。由图2可见,单个尖峰辐射的持续随频率的减小而增加,2840MHz多为10—20ms,1420MHz多为30—170ms;所产生的尖峰辐射群强度不大,而且很少有孤立的尖峰;2840MHz尖峰辐射的强度一般为450—900sfu,1420MHz一般为500—1770sfu(1sfu=10~(-22)WM~(-2)Hz~(-1));还特别引起注意的是在2840MHz上当所出现的尖峰辐射群结束时,往往出现持续时间为100ms的流量下降现象,(此种现象在以往的观测中未曾见过),详见图2b和2c;关于事件尖峰辐射的丰度,仅对几个尖峰辐射群作了统计如下: 在1420M  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了云南天文台新建立的21cm波段快速(不中断采样)记录系统,及使用该系统观测到的快速尖峰事件。系统得到的太阳分米波段爆发中不同时间尺度的精细结构与Stu-rroch等提出的太阳耀斑中能量释放的模式相一致。  相似文献   

一个太阳耀斑约含数千个微耀斑[1],每个微耀斑以热的,低频波和加速粒子的形式释放能量。耀斑期间大部分能量的释放是通过电子加速转移的结果,然而电子加速是在耀斑前相开始,并在整个耀斑持续期间继续保持。在耀斑发展的不同相期间伴有各种各样的射电辐射现象(及其它波段共生现象),多波段射电观测和比较可以给出有关电子加速过程和耀斑自身发展的重要信息,尤其可检测加速开始的时间和频率部位(目前仍为太阳物理的前沿)。微耀斑能量的瞬时释放可能是引起不同类型快速精细结构的原因,射电毫秒级尖峰辐射是起因于连续能量释放的证据,其辐射源位于或靠近能量释放区[2],公认射电辐射的快速结构是日冕电子束的特征信号[3,4],所以今后使用高时间和高频率分辨率的宽带频谱仪同时观测可详细地探测加速过程,从而对预耀斑的加热和初始能量释放,耀斑的逐步建立和演化都具有重要意义。本文介绍几个典型事件,包括射电尖峰脉冲辐射,类尖峰辐射和短时标漂移结构  相似文献   

本文总结了北京天文台1991年的2840MHz波段微波爆发中精细结构(FS)事件的观测.从FS的时间标度、强度、共生的微波爆发的峰值流量、FS发生在微波爆发的相位和FS与Hα耀斑的关系等方面作了统计分析.发现约67%以上的FS其持续时间为几十毫秒到几百毫秒,85%以上的FS幅度小于200sfu.讨论了FS的时标、强度及22周太阳峰年期与21周FS出现率的差别.  相似文献   

本文对太阳射电精细结构这一领域进行了较为详尽深入的调研 ,发现由于观测仪器技术指标 (时间、频率、频率覆盖、偏振、灵敏度等 )相对不高 ,有很多的精细结构 ,在时间上、在频率上并没有被完全分解开来 ,或是没有被检测到。对FFS的研究 ,还处于发现 -认识 -逐步深化的阶段。观测资料还很单薄。在微波高端 (厘米波段 ) ,精细结构的观测资料更是很少。另外 ,对FFS也只是有一个侧重频谱形态的分类。本文利用我国的“太阳射电宽带快速频谱仪”的观测资料 ,几年来 ,对微波频段的射电快速精细结构进行了较为深入的研究。主要研究结果有 :发现了弱偏振微波尖峰辐射中两个偏振分量之间的时间延迟和偏振反转现象 ;首次发现了微波 (短分米波段 )高偏振U型爆发并给出解释 ;首次发现了厘米波N型和M型爆发并给出解释 ;首次发现了高偏振微波斑点并给出解释 ;首次利用甚高频率分辨率频谱仪 ,通过对大样本的分米波尖峰辐射的统计 ,给出了更为可靠的、更小的相对带宽的下限 ;结合高空间分辨率的观测资料 ,对运动Ⅳ型爆发及其伴生的精细结构作了探讨 ;对双向电子束的起源及其加速位置进行了研究  相似文献   

太阳微波爆发中精细结构的统计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本总结了北京天台1991年的2840MHz波段微波爆发中精细结构(FS)事件的观测。从FS的时间标度、强度、共生的微波爆发的峰值流量、FS发生在微波爆发的相位和FS与H。耀斑的关系等关系作了统计分子。发现约67%以上的FS其持续时间为几十毫秒到几百毫秒,85%以上的FS幅度小于200sfu,讨论了FS的时标、强度及22周太阳峰年期与21周FS出现率的差别。  相似文献   

本文分析了云南天文台四波段快速采样射电望远镜在1990年1月至1991年3月间记录到的毫秒级尖峰辐射事件。结合此期间S.G.D.公布的米波射电大爆发资料,给出了毫秒级尖峰辐射的各种特征,总结出毫秒级尖峰辐射同Ⅲ型、Ⅱ型和Ⅳ型太阳射电爆发的关系,最后做出了相应的解释和讨论。  相似文献   

耀斑研究的时变结构在射电波段已进入亚秒甚至毫秒级时标。微波段的尖峰辐射有高至10~(15)K的亮温度,硬X射线爆发也可能与电子加速过程有密切关系。1981年5月北京天文台第一次在十厘米波段取得微波爆发毫秒级的精细结构。1983年开始国内联合成立太阳射电爆发高时间分辨率研究课题协调组,并决定建立全国性的观测网。各有关单位设备的配置及计划见表1。该联测网将有从约2厘米波长到21厘米波长的大于10:1的波段覆盖。爆发的不同时标结构可能来自不同的机制,与光学高时间分辨的同时观测可能取得重要的结果,来间接证实精细结构尖峰源的位置。北台正在更新2840MHz的1ms采样设备;研制时间分辨率达约10微秒的十厘米波段多通道偏振计,可以轮流在2600 60MHz及2600-60MHz上相距10MHz的两点上同时接收,预计89年底至90年初投入观测;另一研制的设备为高速采样六厘米波段强度干涉仪,可发现日面上有无角径大于0.01"源的存在。云台已有1420,2840及4000MHz三波段同步观测设备,并将增加2160MHz的设备。紫台将使用13.7毫米波段天线进行高灵敏度的毫米波爆发高时间分辨观测研究。北京大学正在研制21厘米波段快速采样自相关频谱仪。各波段、各种形式的高时间分辨率的观测设备用时间同步系统联系起来。联测网的资料可进行如下研  相似文献   

通过分析云南天文台(YNO)0.7~1.5GHz太阳射电频谱仪2000年9月至2001年9月取得的158个射电爆发,发现其中约有65%存在4类不同类型的快速精细结构(FFS):毫秒尖峰辐射、Ⅲ型爆发、准周期脉动、慢漂移结构。给出了其中6个典型精细结构的介绍和相关的初步解释。  相似文献   

太阳射电宽带动态频谱仪1.10~2.06 GHz、2.6~3.8 GHz、5.2~7.6 GHz从2000年~2005年同时在3个频段上观测到复杂型频谱事件(45C爆发:双峰或多峰结构,单频辐射流量小于500 sfu)158个,有139个事件对应高能事件,其中对应X级耀斑3个,对应M级耀斑86个,对应C级耀斑44个。36个爆发对应发生日冕物质抛射(Coronal Mass Ejection,CME)事件,29个事件对应有II型爆发,20个事件对应IV型爆发。在76个事件中显示了丰富的毫秒级精细结构,有尖峰辐射(Spike)、鱼群结构(Fish)、斑马纹结构(Zebra)、纤维结构(Fiber)、漂移脉动结构(DPS)、准周期振荡(QPPS)、M型结构以及II、III型爆发等。举两例说明复杂爆发的观测特征。  相似文献   

分析北京天文台1998年4月15日观测到的一个太阳微波M型爆发事件.M型爆发实质上是Ⅲ型爆发的一个次型,它由两个连续的U型爆发所组成,即爆发源在同一个磁环中由于磁镜的作用而连续往返运动后的轨迹,但是在低时间分辨率(0.2s)记录资料中却是 U型爆发的形态.因此高时间分辨率(8 ms)的记录资料能更准确地反映M型爆发源的真实运动情况.对比组成M型爆发的两个U型爆发,可以看到,该磁环很可能处在下降的演化阶段.最后讨论该磁环可能的空间分布.  相似文献   

Previous models of microwave limb brightening have omitted the alignment of spicules along supergranule boundaries, have neglected the high temperature sheath around spicules, and have assumed an interspicular medium which was averaged over chromospheric network and non-network regions. We present a model which includes these factors. By constraining the model to conform to results from earlier UV and optical studies we are effectively left with two free parameters: the temperature at the core of the spicules, T core, and (at solar minimum), the interspicular chromospheric network density model of the lower transition zone. The absence of limb brightening at the short millimeter wavelengths implies T core 6000 k. Differences between the model and certain deconvolved observations near 9 mm are expected as a consequence of an extension of emission beyond the optical limb, predicted by the model, which affects the accuracy of the deconvolution technique. Unlike models which assume homogeneous spicules in a random distribution, ours does not require an abnormally high spicule area.  相似文献   

在北京天文台1.0-2.0GHz射电频谱仪记录到的1994年1月5日爆发图上,首次发现一界面频率位于1240MHz与1340MHz之间的微波II型爆发对,其频漂率为-0.22GHz/s和+0.23GHz/s.由此推出电子加速区位于光球之上3.7×104km的高度,电子加速区及II型爆发形成区的高度范围约为1000公里,而电子束的速度相应为0.102c及0.106c.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to establish a new method-first introduced by Soviet scientists in 1972 —for mapping the Earth in the microwave region passively using the interference pattern which results by correlating the signals from two radiometers which presumably can be mounted in two or more moving satellites. In such a procedure, the image is enhanced progressively by synthetic composition similar to that achieved by air-borne synthetic aperture radar. The only question left open by the Soviet originators is if the signal-to-backround ratio was sufficiently strong to think about implementing the system in more practical terms. By practical terms, I mean the construction of electronics to surmount instrumental noise and possible atmospheric interference. These two latter questions are not addressed at this stage of the analysis, but only the basic question of signal-to-backround. It appears that the signal-to-backround ratio can be reduced to a minimum level determined by the fringe spacing created which in turn is a function of satellite separation. It is shown that the signal-to-backround ratio becomes proportional to target area over resolution cell size and is enhanced by a mechanism of defocusing the interferometric radiometer. This reduction in the field of view suppresses background noise which surrounds the target within the foot-print size, to the enhancement of signal-to-background ratio. In addition, near field viewing in the Fresnel region permits the determination of cross range as well as range by measurement of the difference in the radii of curvature of the impinging wave front at the different vantage points of the two detectors. Thus near-field interferometric viewing permits two-dimensional range determination contrary to the usual astronomical applications which are far field and only one dimensional.  相似文献   

Wang  M.  Fu  Q.J.  Xie  R.X.  Huang  G.L.  Duan  C.C. 《Solar physics》2001,199(1):157-164
Two microwave type-U bursts observed with the 2.6–3.8 GHz spectrometer of Beijing Astronomical Observatory (BAO) are described and analysed in this paper. The microwave type-U bursts have very short durations (about 200 ms), narrow bandwidth, high-frequency drift rates of the ascending and descending branches, and a high degree of circular polarization (80%). The sense of polarization remains the same from the ascending to the descending branch.  相似文献   

Polarized microwave emission from dust is an important foreground that may contaminate polarized CMB studies unless carefully accounted for. We discuss potential difficulties associated with this foreground, namely, the existence of different grain populations with very different emission/polarization properties and variations of the polarization yield with grain temperature. In particular, we discuss observational evidence in favor of rotational emission from tiny PAH particles with dipole moments, i.e. “spinning dust”, and also consider magneto-dipole emission from strongly magnetized grains. We argue that in terms of polarization, the magneto-dipole emission may dominate even if its contribution to total emissivity is subdominant. Addressing polarized emission at frequencies larger than 100 GHz, we discuss the complications arising from the existence of dust components with different temperatures and possibly different alignment properties.  相似文献   

A series of microwave observations of a sunspot in the active region NOAA 4741 was made with the Owens Valley Solar Array for the purpose of investigating the center-to-limb variation of both the spectral and spatial brightness distribution. In this investigation, several properties of the sunspot microwave radiation are found. First, sunspot microwave emission appears in two typical profiles depending on the heliocentric position of the spot: either the ring structure near disk center or single-peak structure near the limb. Second, the brightness temperature at high, optically thin frequencies (>6 GHz) increases slightly as the spot approaches the limb, which we interpret as being due to the increase of the gyroresonance opacity of the field lines near the spot center as they gain greater viewing angles. Third, the center-to-limb variation of the gyroresonance spectrum seems to be mostly characterized by a change of effective harmonic, which accompanies a discontinuous change of the degree of polarization. Fourth, a change of spectrum from gyroresonance to free-free emission is found in the passage of the spot over the solar limb, which gives a determination of the height of the gyroresonance layer to confirm its location low in the corona of the active region.  相似文献   

对1988年6月29日云南天文台高时间分辨率射电望远镜观测到的微波超快速吸收现象进行了分析研究。在世界时07h38m50s至07h38m58s超快速吸收现象出现在太阳活动区NOAA/USAF5060上空的400GHz上,而在284GHz和142GHz上空出现的是spike辐射。当时,该活动区呈现出极其活跃的双极磁场位形。在世界时07h38m至08h47m先后产生了3B级和2B级的Hα耀斑,并出现了M65X射线爆发。根据电子回旋脉泽谐波吸收峰的特性,我们计算了三个波段的二次、三次谐波的磁场强度,并采用偶极磁场模型进行分析。对于400GHz上出现的超快速吸收现象,可能是产生的三次谐波脉泽辐射,在穿过吸收区时被吸收掉了。  相似文献   

From the gyroresonance brightness temperature spectrum of a sunspot, one can determine the magnetic field strength by using the property that microwave brightness is limited above a frequency given by an integer-multiple of the gyrofrequency. In this paper, we use this idea to find the radial distribution of magnetic field at the coronal base of a sunspot in the active region, NOAA 4741. The gyroresonance brightness temperature spectra of this sunspot are obtained from multi-frequency interferometric observations made at the Owens Valley Radio Observatory at 24 frequencies in the range of 4.0–12.4 GHz with spatial resolution 2.2″–6.8″. The main results of present study are summarized as follows: first, by comparison of the coronal magnetic flux deduced from our microwave observation with the photospheric magnetic flux measured by KPNO magnetograms, we show that theo-mode emission must arise predominantly from the second harmonic of the gyrofrequency, while thex-mode arises from the third harmonic. Second, the radial distribution of magnetic fieldsB(r) at the coronal base of this spot (say, 2000–4000 km above the photosphere) can be adequately fitted by $$B(r) = 1420(1 \pm 0.080)\exp \left[ { - \left( {\frac{r}{{11.05''(1 \pm 0.014)}}} \right)^2 } \right]G,$$ wherer is the radial distance from the spot center at coronal base. Third, it is found that coronal magnetic fields originate mostly from the photospheric umbral region. Fourth, although the derived vertical variation of magnetic fields can be approximated roughly by a dipole model with dipole moment 1.6 × 1030 erg G?1 buried at 11000 km below the photosphere, the radial field distribution at coronal heights is found to be more confined than predicted by the dipole model.  相似文献   

Cyclotron microwave emission from magnetic stars is considered, assuming that they have coronae with the temperatureT107 K and the emission measureEM1054 cm–3. It has been shown that the cyclotron radiation from a star with a dipole magnetic field has a specific spectrum with a maximum in the frequency rangesv o/2 >v >sv o/2 (s being the number of cyclotron harmonic, andv o the gyrofrequency corresponding to the polar magnetic field) and radiation flux decreasing towards lower frequencies asv 4/3. The frequency of the spectrum maximum depends on the angle between the line-of-sight and the magnetic axis of the star. The observed radiation from a rotating magnetic star can be modulated with a modulation depth of about 0.2 at frequencies near maximum. The radiation is partially circularly-polarized in the sense of an extraordinary mode. The degree of polarization is almost constant at frequenciesv >sv o/2 and increases with frequency atv >sv o/2. The estimation of cyclotron radio fluxes of the nearest magnetic stars shows that they are observable in microwaves by means of modern radio astronomy.  相似文献   

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