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Turbidity currents in the ocean are driven by suspended sediment. Yet results from surveys of the modern sea floor and turbidite outcrops indicate that they are capable of transporting as bedload and depositing particles as coarse as cobble sizes. While bedload cannot drive turbidity currents, it can strongly influence the nature of the deposits they emplace. This paper reports on the first set of experiments which focus on bedload transport of granular material by density underflows. These underflows include saline density flows, hybrid saline/turbidity currents and a pure turbidity current. The use of dissolved salt is a surrogate for suspended mud which is so fine that it does not settle out readily. Thus, all the currents can be considered to be model turbidity currents. The data cover four bed conditions: plane bed, dunes, upstream‐migrating antidunes and downstream‐migrating antidunes. The bedload transport relation obtained from the data is very similar to those obtained for open‐channel flows and, in fact, is fitted well by an existing relation determined for open‐channel flows. In the case of dunes and downstream‐migrating antidunes, for which flow separation on the lee sides was observed, form drag falls in a range that is similar to that due to dunes in sand‐bed rivers. This form drag can be removed from the total bed shear stress using an existing relation developed for rivers. Once this form drag is subtracted, the bedload data for these cases collapse to follow the same relation as for plane beds and upstream‐migrating antidunes, for which no flow separation was observed. A relation for flow resistance developed for open‐channel flows agrees well with the data when adapted to density underflows. Comparison of the data with a regime diagram for field‐scale sand‐bed rivers at bankfull flow and field‐scale measurements of turbidity currents at Monterey Submarine Canyon, together with Shields number and densimetric Froude number similarity analyses, provide strong evidence that the experimental relations apply at field scale as well.  相似文献   

A consideration of the dune:antidune transition in fine gravel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hydraulic data defining the dune:antidune transition in fine gravel are compared with potential flow theory, and information is drawn from published experiments and field‐based studies. Attention is given to both transitional bedforms and the development of downstream‐migrating antidunes. In the latter case, most data pertain to sand beds and not to gravel. Empirical data provide some weak support for the theoretical notion that the transition occurs at progressively lower Froude numbers at greater relative depths. Although a critical Froude number of 0·84 may reasonably be applied for the beginning of the dune to antidune transformation, lag effects (and a possible depth limitation) ensure that transitional bedforms may persist across a broad range of Froude numbers from 0·5 to 1·8. This latter observation has great relevance for palaeohydraulic estimates derived from outcrop data. Whereas the application of theoretical bedform existence fields, based upon potential flow theory, to fine gravel was previously purely speculative, the addition of experimental and field data to these plots provides a degree of confidence in applying stability theory to practical geological problems. For the first time, laboratory data pertaining to downstream‐migrating gravel antidunes are compared with theory. These bedforms have been reported from certain experimental near‐critical flows above sand or gravel beds, but have been observed infrequently in natural streams. However, there are no detailed studies from natural rivers and only a few contentious identifications from outcrops. Nevertheless, the limited hydraulic data conform to theoretical expectations.  相似文献   

Gravel antidunes in the tropical Burdekin River, Queensland, Australia   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The geological record is punctuated by the deposits of extreme event phenomena, the identification and interpretation of which are hindered by a lack of data on contemporary examples. It is impossible to directly observe sedimentary bedforms and grain fabrics forming under natural particle-transporting, high-velocity currents, and therefore, their characteristics are poorly documented. The deposits of such flows are exposed however, in the dry bed of the Burdekin River, Queensland, Australia following tropical cyclone-induced floods. Long wave-length (up to 19 m) gravel antidunes develop during short (days) high-discharge flows in the upper Burdekin River (maximum recorded discharge near the study reach over 25 600 m3 s?1 in February 1927). Flood water levels fall quickly (metres in a day) and flow is diverted away from raised areas of the river bed into subchannels, exposing many of the high-stage bedforms with little reworking by falling-stage currents. Gravel bedforms were observed on the dry river bed after the moderate flows of February 1994 (max. 7700 m3 s?1) and January 1996 (max. 3200 m3 s?1). The bedforms had wave-lengths in the range 8–19 m, amplitudes of up to 1 m with steeper stoss than lee faces and crest lines generally transverse to local peak-discharge flow direction. The gravel fabric and size sorting change systematically up the stoss and down the lee faces. The antidune deposits form erosive based lenses of sandy gravel with low-angle downstream dipping lamination and generally steep upstream dipping a-b planes. The internal form and fabric of the antidune gravel lenses are distinctly different from those of dune lee gravel lenses. The erosive based lenses of low-angle cross-bedded gravel with steep upstream dipping a-b planes are relatively easy to recognize and may be diagnostic of downstream migrating antidunes. The antidune gravel lenses are associated with thick (to 1 m) high-angle cross bed sets. Ancient antidune gravel lenses may be diagnostic of episodic high-discharge conditions and particularly when they are associated with high-angle cross-bedded gravelly sand they may be useful for palaeoenvironmental interpretation.  相似文献   

The wavelength of stationary water‐surface waves and their associated antidune bedforms are related to the mean velocity and depth of formative flow. In past published sand‐bed flume experiments, it was found that lens structures were preserved during antidune growth and change, and the dimension of the lenses was empirically related to antidune wavelength, and thus could be used to estimate flow velocity and depth. This study is the first to compare observations of formative flow conditions and resulting sedimentary structures in a natural setting, testing the previously published relationship at a field‐scale. Trains of stationary and upstream migrating water‐surface waves were prevalent during the flash flood in October 2012 in the Belham Valley, Montserrat, West Indies. Wave positions and wavelengths were assessed at 900 sec intervals through the daylight hours of the event within a monitored reach. The wave data indicate flow depths up to 1·3 m and velocity up to 3·6 m sec?1. Sedimentary structures formed by antidune growth and change were preserved in the event deposit. These structures include lenses of clast‐supported gravel and massive sand, with varying internal architecture. The lenses and associated low‐angle strata are comparable to sand‐bed structures formed from stationary and upstream migrating waves in flume experiments, confirming the diagnostic value of these structures. Using mean lens length in the event deposit underestimated peak flow conditions during the flood and implied that the lenses were preserved during waning flow.  相似文献   

Abstract The branches of the River Rhine in the Netherlands, characterized by a sand–gravel bed in the upstream part and a sand bed in the downstream part of the river system, show migrating dunes, especially during floods. In the last 20 years, these dunes have been studied extensively. High-resolution echo-sounding measurements of these dunes, made with single and multibeam equipment, were analysed for three different sections of the Rhine river system during several floods. This analysis was done to quantify the growth, decay and migration rates of the dunes during floods. In addition, the migrating dunes were used to calculate bedload transport rates with dune tracking. The results of dune growth and decay and migration rate are shown to be very different for the various sections during the various floods, and these differences are related to differences in grain size of the bed and to differences in the distribution of discharge over the main channel and the floodplain. The relations are used to show that the growth and migration rate of dunes, and the calculated bedload transport rates during the rising stage of a flood wave can be predicted from the mobility of the bed material with simple power relations.  相似文献   

Preliminary results are reported from an experimental study of the interaction between turbulence, sediment transport and bedform dynamics over the transition from dunes to upper stage plane beds. Over the transition, typical dunes changed to humpback dunes (mean velocity 0–8 ms-1, depth 01 m, mean grain size 0.3 mm) to nominally plane beds with low relief bed waves up to a few mm high. All bedforms had a mean length of 0.7–0.8 m. Hot film anemometry and flow visualization clearly show that horizontal and vertical turbulent motions in dune troughs decrease progressively through the transition while horizontal turbulence intensities increase near the bed on dune backs through to a plane bed. Average bedload and suspended load concentrations increase progressively over the transition, and the near-bed transport rate immediately downstream of flow reattachment increases markedly relative to that near dune crests. This relative increase in sediment transport near reattachment appears to be due to suppression of upward directed turbulence by increased sediment concentration, such that velocity close to the bed can increase more quickly downstream of reattachment. Low-relief bedwaves on upper-stage plane beds are ubiquitous and give rise to laterally extensive, mm-thick planar laminae; however, within such laminae are laminae of more limited lateral extent and thickness, related to the turbulent bursting process over the downstream depositional surface of the bedwaves.  相似文献   

Fluvial strata dominated internally by sedimentary structures of interpreted upper flow regime origin are moderately common in the rock record, yet their abundance is not appreciated and many examples may go unnoticed. A spectrum of sedimentary structures is recognised, all of which occur over a wide range of scale: 1. cross-bedding with humpback, sigmoidal and ultimately low-angle cross-sectional foreset geometries (interpreted as recording the transition from dune to upper plane bed bedform stability field), 2. planar/flat lamination with parting lineation, characteristic of the upper plane bed phase, 3. flat and low-angle lamination with minor convex-upward elements, characteristic of the transition from upper plane bed to antidune stability fields, 4. convex-upward bedforms, down- and up-palaeocurrent-dipping, low-angle cross-bedding and symmetrical drapes, interpreted as the product of antidunes, and 5. backsets terminating updip against an upstream-dipping erosion surface, interpreted as recording chute and pool conditions. In some fluvial successions, the entirety or substantial portions of channel sandstone bodies may be made up of such structures. These Upper Flow Regime Sheets, Lenses and Scour Fills (UFR) are defined herein as an extension of Miall's [Miall, A.D., 1985. Architectural-element analysis: a new method of facies analysis applied to fluvial deposits. Earth Sci. Rev. 22: 261–308.] Laminated Sand Sheets architectural element. Given the conditions that favour preservation of upper flow regime structures (rapid changes in flow strength), it is suggested that the presence of UFR elements in ancient fluvial successions may indicate sediment accumulation under the influence of a strongly seasonal palaeoclimate that involves a pronounced seasonal peak in precipitation and runoff.  相似文献   

Grain fabric of a laboratory antidune   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The grain fabric of a laboratory antidune composed of coarse- to medium-grained sand shows a high-angle upcurrent imbrication both on the upstream and downstream sides. Such a grain fabric differs from a normal dune or a megaripple, where grain alignment displays an upcurrent imbrication relative to the depositional slope in the foreset lamina and/or near parallelism with the slope surface in the toe-set lamina. Recognition of antidunes in ancient rocks is difficult, but detailed examination of grain fabric of cross-stratification makes it possible to distinguish antidunes or ‘backset’ bedding from normal dunes or megaripples.  相似文献   

The geometry and kinematics of river dunes were studied in a reach of the Calamus River, Nebraska. During day-long surveys, dune height, length, steepness, migration rate, creation and destruction were measured concurrently with bedload transport rate, flow depth, flow velocity and bed shear stress. Within a survey, individual dune heights, lengths and migration rates were highly variable, associated with their three-dimensional geometry and changes in their shape through time. Notwithstanding this variability, there were discernible changes in mean dune height, length and migration rate in response to changing discharge over several days. Changes in mean dune height and length lagged only slightly behind changes in discharge. Therefore, during periods of both steady and unsteady flow, mean dune lengths were quite close to equilibrium values predicted by theoretical models. Mean dune steepnesses were also similar to predicted equilibrium values, except during high, falling flows when the steepness was above that predicted. Variations in mean dune height and length with discharge are similar to those predicted by theory under conditions of low mean dune excursion and discharge variation with a short high water period and long low water period. However, the calculated rates of change of height of individual dunes vary considerably from those measured. Rates of dune creation and destruction were unrelated to discharge variations, contrary to previous results. Instead, creations and destructions were apparently the result of local variations in bed shear stress and sediment transport rate. Observed changes in dune height during unsteady flows agree with theory fairly well at low bed shear stresses, but not at higher bed shear stresses when suspended sediment transport is significant.  相似文献   

Pleistocene coastal terrace deposits exposed in sea cliffs near Gold Beach, Oregon can be divided into four stratigraphic units: a basal gravelly unit and three overlying sandy units, each with mud beds, a paleosol, or the modern soil in its uppermost part. The gravelly unit consists of gravel and sand in its lower part, sand, in part pebbly or cobbly, in its middle part, and mud and sand in its upper part. Black sand and transported pieces of wood are common in the middle part of the unit, and wood is common in the mud. This unit is interpreted as a progradational deposit including environments ranging from lower forebeach at the base to backbeach flats and streams at the top.The main sandy parts of the sandy units are made up of a crossbedded sand facies, the dominant structure in which is medium-scale crossbedding, and an irregularly bedded sand facies, which is locally pebbly and is dominated by scour-and-fill structures. Deciding between shallow marine and eolian interpretations of the sandy units proved exceptionally difficult until modern analogues were found in the fine details of the internal structures. Largely on the basis of such structural details, the crossbedded sand facies is interpreted as the product of small eolian dunes, and the irregularly bedded sand facies is interpreted as deposits of interdune ephemeral streams, ephemeral ponds, and wet to dry subaerial flats. The mud beds and paleosols at the tops of the sandy units represent times of temporary stabilization of the dune field.  相似文献   

Large symmetric and asymmetric dunes occur in the Fraser River, Canada. Symmetric dunes have stoss and lee sides of similar length, stoss and lee slope angles <8°, and rounded crests. Asymmetric dunes have superimposed small dunes on stoss sides, sharp crests, stoss sides longer than lee sides, stoss side slopes <3° and straight lee side slopes up to 19°. There is no evidence for lee side flow separation, although intermittent separated flow is possible, especially over asymmetric dunes. Dune symmetry and crest rounding of symmetric dunes are associated with high sediment transport rates. High near-bed velocity and bed load transport near dune crests result in crest rounding. Long, low-angle lee sides are produced by deposition of suspended sediment in dune troughs. Asymmetric dunes appear to be transitional features between large symmetric dunes and smaller dunes adjusted to lower flow velocity and sediment transport conditions. Small dunes on stoss sides reduce near-bed flow velocity and bed load transport, causing a sharper dune crest. Reduced deposition of suspended sediment in troughs results in a short, steep lee slope. Dunes in the Fraser River fall into upper plane bed or antidune stability fields on flume-based bedform phase diagrams. These diagrams are probably not applicable to large dunes in deep natural flows and care must be taken in modelling procedures that use phase diagram relations to predict bed configuration in such flows.  相似文献   

The Algodones dune field of southeastern California is one of the largest active dune fields in North America. The dune field is migrating in an easterly direction, oblique to the resultant sand flow direction (S 24° E). The migration of the Algodones results from an interaction between regional winds and the dune field. This interaction generates a localized secondary flow that has caused the dune field to migrate in a direction oblique to the resultant sand flow direction. Four lines of evidence suggest that the Algodones has migrated in an easterly direction: (1) A ramp, interpreted as the trailing edge of the dune field, 35 m thick and 500 m wide composed of aeolian deposits that borders the western edge of the dune field. No similar deposits are found on the eastern (leading edge) margin of the dune field. (2) Leading-edge sand-sheet deposits are exposed in interdune areas within the dune field. These deposits are west of the modern leading-edge sand sheet. (3) Across the breadth of the dune field sands are consistently coarser and more poorly sorted in the west and finer and better sorted in the east. This observation suggests that sand is transported from west to east. (4) Eastward migration of a large compound-complex crescentic dune. If the dune field continues to migrate it will deposit a vertical sequence consisting of: a basal sand-sheet deposit consisting of wind and water-ripple laminae, small-scale aeolian cross-strata, and ephemeral stream (wadi) deposits; aeolian dune deposits consisting of medium-scale aeolian compound cross-strata; small-scale simple sets of aeolian cross-strata with highly variable dip directions; a sand sheet containing low-angle wind-ripple cross-strata capped by a coarse sand lag super bounding surface.  相似文献   

This paper presents results from two flume runs of an ongoing series examining flow structure, sediment transport and deposition in hydraulic jumps. It concludes in the presentation of a model for the development of sedimentary architecture, considered characteristic of a hydraulic jump over a non-eroding bed. In Run 1, a hydraulic jump was formed in sediment-free water over the solid plane sloping flume floor. Ultrasonic Doppler velocity profilers recorded the flow structure within the hydraulic jump in fine detail. Run 2 had identical initial flow conditions and a near-steady addition of sand, which formed beds with two distinct characteristics: a laterally extensive, basal, wedge-shaped massive sand bed overlain by cross-laminated sand beds. Each cross-laminated bed recorded the initiation and growth of a single surface feature, here defined as a hydraulic-jump unit bar . A small massive sand mound formed on the flume floor and grew upstream and downstream without migrating to form a unit bar. In the upstream portion of the unit bar, sand finer than the bulk load formed a set of laminae dipping upstream. This set passed downstream through the small volume of massive sand into a foreset, which was initially relatively coarse-grained and became finer-grained downstream. This downstream-fining coincided with cessation of the growth of the upstream-dipping cross-set. At intervals, a new bed feature developed above and upstream of the preceding hydraulic-jump unit bar and grew in the same way, with the foreset climbing the older unit bar. The composite architecture of the superimposed unit bars formed a fanning, climbing coset above the massive wedge, defined as one unit: a hydraulic-jump bar complex .  相似文献   

The nature of flow, sediment transport and bed texture and topography was studied in a laboratory flume using a mixed size-density sediment under equilibrium and non-equilibrium (aggradational, degradational) conditions and compared with theoretical models. During each experiment, water depth, bed and water surface elevation, flow velocity, bed shear stress, bedload transport and bed state were continuously monitored. Equilibrium, uniform flow was established with a discharge of about 0.05 m3 s?1, a flow depth of about 0.01 m, a flow velocity of about 0.81–0.88 m s?1, a spatially averaged bed shear stress of about 1.7–2.2 Pa and a sediment transport rate of about 0.005–0.013 kg m?1 s?1 (i.e. close to the threshold of sediment transport). Such equilibrium flow conditions were established prior to and at the end of each aggradation or degradation experiment. Pebble clusters, bedload sheets and low-lying bars were ubiquitous in the experiments. Heavy minerals were relatively immobile and occurred locally in high concentrations on the bed surface as lag deposits. Aggradation was induced by (1) increasing the downstream flow depth (flume tilting) and (2) sediment overloading. Tilt-induced aggradation resulted in rapid deposition in the downstream half of the flume of a cross-stratified deposit with downstream dipping pebbles (pseudo-imbricated). and caused a slight decrease in the equilibrium mean water surface slope and total bedload transport rate. These differences between pre- and post-aggradation equilibrium flow conditions are due to a decrease in the local grain roughness of the bed. Sediment overloading produced a downstream fining and thinning wedge of sediment with upstream dipping pebbles (imbricated), whereas the equilibrium flow and sediment transport conditions remained relatively unchanged. Degradation was induced by (1) decreasing the downstream flow depth (flume tilting) and (2) cutting off the sediment feed. Tilt-induced degradation produced rapid downstream erosion and upstream deposition due to flow convergence with little change to the equilibrium flow and sediment transport conditions. The cessation of sediment feed produced degradation and armour development, a reduction in the mean water surface slope and flow velocity, an increase in flow depth, and an exponential decrease in bedload transport rate as erosion proceeded. A bedload transport model predicted total and fractional transport rates extremely well when the coarse-grained (or bedform trough) areas of the bed are used to define the sediment available to be transported. A sediment routing model, MIDAS, also reproduced the equilibrium and non-equilibrium flow conditions, total and fractional bedload transport rates and changes in bed topography and texture very well.  相似文献   

The grain-size fractions in the bedload transported over the five heterogeneous sediment beds of different values of bed roughness were computed from the flume experiments. The existence of an entrapment factor associated with the sorting observed from the bed to active layer was modeled based on the modified critical shear stress to estimate the grain-size fractions in the transport layer under given hydraulic conditions. The efficiency of these models was tested with the observed data. Subsequently, the patterns of observed grain-size distributions in the transport layer were tested to identify the distributions developed in the active layer due to sorting using three probability density functions (pdf), such as, log-normal, log-hyperbolic and log-skew-Laplace. Tests indicated that a log-skew-Laplace distribution fitted best for 49%, a log-hyperbolic for 31%, and a log-normal for 20% out of forty-five bedload samples collected under unidirectional flow with changes in flow discharge and bed roughness. The results of this study would be useful to specify the grain-size distributions in the bedload formed under different hydrodynamic conditions in various sedimentary environments.  相似文献   

The parautochthonous Cloridorme Formation is a syn-orogenic flysch succession that was deposited in an elongate foredeep basin as mainly lower middle-fan, outer-fan, and basin-floor deposits. The basin-floor deposits (about 1.5 km thick) are confined to members β1, β2 and γ1, and are characterized by graded, thick (1–10 m) mud-rich calcareous greywacke beds previously interpreted as deposits of concentrated, muddy, unidirectional turbidity currents that locally generated backset (antidune) lamination in internally stratified flows. The dominant flow directions were from east to west, but west to east transport also occurred, as seen in the orientation of ripples, climbing ripples, flutes, consistently overturned flames, and grain imbrication. We believe that the flows that deposited these thick calcareous greywacke beds reversed by roughly 180° one or more times during deposition of the lower sandy part of the beds. Flow reversals are consistent with the sharp grain-size breaks and mud partings within sandy divisions. Measurement of grain fabric relative to stratification in the most celebrated ‘antidune’ bedforms indicates flow from west to east; thus, the bedforms were produced by west-to-east migration of megaripples, not by the upcurrent migration of antidunes. The thick muddy beds were deposited by large-volume, muddy flows that were deflected and reflected from the side slopes and internal topographic highs of a confined basin floor, much like the ‘Contessa’ and similar beds of the Italian Apennines. Large quantities of suspended mud were ponded above the irregular basin floor and settled to produce the thick silty mudstone caps seen on each bed. Because of their mode of emplacement, we propose that these beds be called contained turbidites.  相似文献   

Bedforms and associated sedimentary structures, formed under supercritical water flow over an aggrading sand bed, were studied in a laboratory flume. Although the geometry and hydraulic characteristics of these bedforms (antidunes, chutes-and-pools) are well known, their internal structures are not. The objectives of the study were to: (1) describe the three-dimensional geometry of the sedimentary structures and examine their mode of origin; (2) develop a relationship between the geometries of the sedimentary structures and the formative bedforms and; (3) identify criteria that distinguish these sedimentary structures from similar types, such as hummocky and swaley cross-strata. Sedimentary structures associated with antidunes are primarily lenticular laminasets with concave-upward erosional bases (troughs) in which laminae generally dip upstream or fill the troughs symmetrically. These laminasets are associated with growth and upstream migration of water-surface waves and antidunes, and with surface-wave breaking and filling of antidune troughs respectively. In addition, sets of downstream-dipping laminae are produced by rapid migration of asymmetrical bedwaves immediately after wave breaking. Rare convex-upward laminae define the shape of antidunes that developed under stationary water-surface waves. The laminasets and internal laminae extend across the width of the flume, but vary in thickness and inclination, indicating that the antidunes have some degree of three dimensionality. The length and maximum thickness of the lenticular laminasets are approximately half of the length and height of formative antidunes, providing a potentially useful tool for palaeohydraulic reconstructions. The sets of downstream-dipping laminae formed under antidunes are distinctive and do not occur in hummocky and swaley cross-strata. Sedimentary structures associated with chutes-and-pools are sets of upstream-dipping laminae and structureless sand.  相似文献   

River bifurcations strongly control the distribution of water and sediment over a river system. A good understanding of this distribution process is crucial for river management. In this paper, an extensive data set from three large bifurcations in the Dutch Rhine is presented, containing data on bed‐load transport, suspended bed sediment transport, dune development and hydrodynamics. The data show complex variations in sediment transport during discharge waves. The objective of this paper is to examine and explain these measured variations in sediment transport. It is found that bend sorting upstream of the bifurcations leads to supply limitation, particularly in the downstream branch that originates in the outer bend of the main channel. Tidal water level variations lead to cyclical variations in the sediment distribution over the downstream branches. Lags in dune development cause complex hysteresis patterns in flow parameters and sediment transport. All bifurcations show evidence of sediment waves, which probably are intrinsic bifurcation phenomena. The complex transport processes at the three bifurcations cause distinct discontinuities in the downstream fining trend of the river. Differences among the studied river bifurcations are mainly due to differences in sediment mobility (Shields value). Because the variations in sediment transport are complex and poorly correlated with the flow discharge, prediction of the sediment distribution with existing relationships for one‐dimensional models is problematic.  相似文献   

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