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Contemporary cartographic research on mapmaking and map use has a broad mandate and, as a consequence, researchers need a broad suite of methods. Consistent with research developments in other geographic subdisciplines, cartographic researchers now use qualitative methods. They offer the advantage of bringing research closer to the problem‐solving realms of mapmakers and map users. Our purpose here is to discuss an array of qualitative methods for mapmaking and map use. Questionnaires, interviews, and protocol methods are used to gather verbal data about mapmaking and map use. Ethnographies produce data from direct observation of mapmakers and users. Maps also are sources for document analysis. We use examples of published cartographic research to elaborate on each of these methods.  相似文献   

Narrative analysis produces strategies to inform the conduct, interpretation and presentation of interview talk, and encourages and enables researchers to take account of research participants' own evaluations. We suggest this to be a useful method for geographers because it focuses on how people talk about and evaluate places, experiences and situations, as well as what they say. With an example from health geography, we show how it allows for interactive texts, thus providing a tool for geographers doing qualitative research to connect intimate details of experience to broader social and spatial relations.  相似文献   

For qualitative researchers, selecting appropriate sites in which to conduct interviews may seem to be a relatively simple research design issue. In fact it is a complicated decision with wide-reaching implications. In this paper, we argue that the interview site itself embodies and constitutes multiple scales of spatial relations and meaning, which construct the power and positionality of participants in relation to the people, places, and interactions discussed in the interview. We illustrate how observation and analysis of interview sites can offer new insights with respect to research questions, help researchers understand and interpret interview material, and highlight particular ethical considerations that researchers need to address.  相似文献   

For qualitative researchers, selecting appropriate sites in which to conduct interviews may seem to be a relatively simple research design issue. In fact it is a complicated decision with wide‐reaching implications. In this paper, we argue that the interview site itself embodies and constitutes multiple scales of spatial relations and meaning, which construct the power and positionality of participants in relation to the people, places, and interactions discussed in the interview. We illustrate how observation and analysis of interview sites can offer new insights with respect to research questions, help researchers understand and interpret interview material, and highlight particular ethical considerations that researchers need to address.  相似文献   

定性地理信息系统在城市社会空间研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
冯健  柴宏博 《地理科学进展》2016,35(12):1447-1458
定性地理信息系统(定性GIS)是西方人文地理学定性研究的重要方法。它集成了定性和空间元素,更全面地阐明空间背景是如何被社会建构的。这种多元要素的整合,可以表达人们生活空间的多样性和复杂性,有助于展示生活路径的三维可视化细节,实现可视化社会空间过程。本文试图梳理西方定性GIS的方法论并探讨其在基于情感表达的个体数据采集分析、基于混合方法的可视化活动空间研究以及基于多重互动视角的社会空间研究中的应用。定性GIS包含微观和宏观层面的多重含义,使得研究者可以从多个有利位置观察问题并参与其中,有助于城市社会空间研究理论创新,为社会空间研究提供可探索空间。最后,从学科建设、方法论拓展、研究成果表达和研究议题选择等方面对中国开展同类研究进行展望。  相似文献   

Contemporary cartographic research on mapmaking and map use has a broad mandate and, as a consequence, researchers need a broad suite of methods. Consistent with research developments in other geographic subdisciplines, cartographic researchers now use qualitative methods. They offer the advantage of bringing research closer to the problem-solving realms of mapmakers and map users. Our purpose here is to discuss an array of qualitative methods for mapmaking and map use. Questionnaires, interviews, and protocol methods are used to gather verbal data about mapmaking and map use. Ethnographies produce data from direct observation of mapmakers and users. Maps also are sources for document analysis. We use examples of published cartographic research to elaborate on each of these methods.  相似文献   

Making Space for Failure in Geographic Research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The idea that field research is an inherently “messy” process has become widely accepted by geographers in recent years. There has thus far been little acknowledgment, however, of the role that failure plays in doing human geography. In this article we push back against this, arguing that failure should be recognized as a central component of what it means to do qualitative geographical field research. This article seeks to use failure proactively and provocatively as a powerful resource to improve research practice and outcomes, reconsidering and giving voice to it as everyday, productive, and necessary to our continual development as researchers and academics. This article argues that there is much value to be found in failure if it is critically examined and shared, and—crucially—if there is a supportive space in which to exchange our experiences of failing in the field.  相似文献   

Playing the Field: Questions of Fieldwork in Geography   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
Many questions-practical, strategic, political, ethical, personal-are raised by conducting field research. Some of these seem, or are constituted as, separate from the “research itself,” yet are integral to it. In this paper I attempt to cut through the breach that divides the doing of fieldwork and the fieldwork itself by addressing what constitutes the “field,” what constitutes a field researcher, and what constitutes data under contemporary conditions of globalization. Drawing on my work in New York City and Sudan, I argue that by interrogating the multiple positionings of intellectuals and the means by which knowledge is produced and exchanged, field researchers and those with whom they work can find common ground to construct a politics of engagement that does not compartmentalize social actors along solitary axes.  相似文献   

选取《中国学术文献网络出版总库》文献,从文献作者、研究领域、支撑平台、研究方法、研究区域、研究层次6 个方面,对1987-2012 年国内生态补偿研究进行评析。在文献作者方面,国内生态补偿研究尚未形成强大的核心作者群;从年度文献数量看,可将研究领域划分为4 种类型,即急剧上升型、平缓上升型、平缓稳定型和下降型;从研究区域看,国内生态补偿研究以省域层面的研究成果较多,涉及到30 多个地域类型区;在研究方法上,早期研究生态补偿大多为定性描述,目前过渡到定性与定量研究相结合;在研究层次方面,最初生态补偿研究大多为自然科学类基础与应用基础研究,后转向技术指导与政策决策支撑方面的社会科学应用研究。最后,从研究领域、研究区域、研究方法、项目支撑以及研究挑战5个方面讨论了国内生态补偿研究的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

Criticisms of conventional knowledge production systems target their inability to address complex issues involving natural resources. In response, several researchers have adopted participatory research methodologies, incorporating more holistic problem-solving approaches that greatly value the knowledge and abilities of stakeholders. This case study explores forest science researchers' engagement strategies with stakeholders and how researchers can incorporate alternative approaches to knowledge production. We conducted semistructured interviews with forest science researchers, asking direct questions about how they define and work with stakeholders. Analysis revealed a great awareness among researchers for the need to cooperate with stakeholders and to incorporate their knowledge and abilities into the research process, as well as lamentations over structural, institutional, and resource limitations inhibiting the adoption of these practices. Our results reveal both how forest science researchers and institutes work with stakeholders and how they can better incorporate these stakeholder engagement methodologies into their research practices.  相似文献   

In this article I ask to what extent geographers can draw on psychoanalytic theory when examining interview data. I consider Freud's theory of the mind and its unconscious processes to ask how bringing the unconscious to bear on identity studies potentially impacts qualitative research on subjectivity and identification. Existing geographic debate on psychoanalytic theory and methods provides an organizing framework for my argument. Although the article advocates an ontology of the psychoanalytic subject, I suggest that researchers must avoid psychoanalyzing research subjects. This distinction limits the ways in which scholars can “read” personal narratives for unconscious processes.  相似文献   

This article introduces an important, but overlooked, actor—the research associate—into methodological discussions about the production of knowledge. We use the term research associate (rather than assistant) to encompass the individuals on whom researchers rely while conducting fieldwork. We seek to avoid the unidirectional hierarchy and power dynamics between researchers and associates, which place the researcher as expert and knowledge producer while obscuring the diversity of roles conducted by field associates. Therefore, throughout this article we examine and destabilize power dynamics and hierarchies and widen the range of what is considered research assistance in the coproduction of knowledge. We also highlight the ways in which geopolitics are written into encounters with ourselves and research associates, encounters that render and reveal the complexities of vulnerability and bodily risk in fieldwork. The goals of this article are threefold: to (1) introduce the influential role of research associates during the production and dissemination of knowledge, (2) situate the work of research associates in both fieldwork and methodological literature, and (3) problematize the invisibility of research associates in academic publications and discuss possible alternatives to how authorship is credited.  相似文献   

This paper considers the issues of research ‘relevance’ and ‘use’ to reflect upon a cultural geography research project on bushfire that did not begin with any specific aim of being useful to policy makers but which has garnered considerable and ongoing interest from a broad audience. It provides an example of how the integration of quantitative and qualitative research methods and data can enhance research into cultural aspects of natural hazards whilst simultaneously playing a key role in ensuring that the research results are of interest to a wide range of groups. Using a mixed-methods research approach was found to provide insight into complex factors that influence attitudes and actions towards bushfire amongst diverse landholders in rural–urban interface areas in south-east Australia. We argue that mixed-methods research is a powerful tool in building and enhancing a cultural geography that has policy relevance, retains analytical depth, and is acceptable to risk managers. The ability of cultural geography through mixed-methods research to illuminate how socio-cultural processes are central to environmental attitudes and preparedness behaviour has direct relevance to recent international discussions of how to manage the vulnerability of the growing number of people living in bushfire-prone rural–urban interface areas.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This article contributes to a recent and growing body of literature exploring the nature of fieldwork in human geography. Specifically, we critically examine the role of gatekeepers in providing access to “the field,” based on existing conceptualizations of gatekeepers in the literature and on our own experiences with gatekeepers. We argue that the concept of gatekeepers has been oversimplified, in that relationships between researchers and gatekeepers are often assumed to be unidirectional—with gatekeepers controlling or providing access by researchers—and predominantly static in form and time. Although we accept the necessity and advantages of working through gatekeepers, our experiences suggest that relationships with them are highly complex and evolve over time, with sometimes unexpected implications for research. In gathering and analyzing data, researchers become gatekeepers themselves, what we are calling “keymasters.” Reconceptualizing the gatekeeper‐researcher relationship will contribute to ongoing efforts to more fully understand field‐workers as undertaking a practice inherently political, personal, and linked to the production of knowledge.  相似文献   

适应自然灾害的研究方法进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
自然灾害损失虽然不可避免, 但可通过调整人类活动规避或减轻风险, 实现人类社会与自然灾害共存的协调适应。本文基于适应自然灾害研究发展的历程, 综述了现有适应性研究中的定性和定量研究方法。前者主要集中在对多尺度的适应主体综合分析、底层家庭或群体适应以及顶层的政策适应等方面;而后者主要集中在生态系统适应、民众或区域适应对策优选及适应能力评估等方面。基于数理模型或者实地观测实验的定量评估以及多指标、多标准的综合评估方法是适应自然灾害定量研究的主流。研究表明:①适应自然灾害研究有向综合性和精细化方向发展的趋势, 一些系统综合分析方法以及本地乡土的适应自然灾害逐渐引起重视。②目前适应自然灾害研究方法上存在自上而下与自下而上两种研究途径, 而探索这两种途径有效结合的多尺度综合研究方法是适应自然灾害研究的关键。  相似文献   

城市怀旧研究是认识城市空间的社会、文化和情感意义的重要途径,近年来逐渐成为国外学者关注的热点话题。基于地理学视角,以Web of Science为数据源,利用Citespace软件对国外城市怀旧的地理学研究进行了知识计量分析,并基于原文回溯,对该研究进行综述,发现:近年来国外城市怀旧的研究越来越受到地理学者们的关注;研究热点呈现出以“怀旧”、“城市”和“记忆”为中心,向“地方”、“历史”、“地理”和“景观”等多方面拓展的趋势;研究内容上,主要集中在城市怀旧的构成维度与多维空间尺度、城市怀旧与记忆、身份认同及怀旧旅游的关系、城市怀旧的触发要素与影响因素、城市怀旧对地方建构的影响、城市怀旧应用研究等方面。研究方法上,国外城市怀旧研究逐渐由定量研究转向定性和定量研究相结合,GIS技术、认知地图和景观分析等方法对于拓展城市怀旧的研究将起着重要作用。最后,文章指出城市怀旧的本质及其所反映的城市人地关系特征研究、城市怀旧的影响及其作用机制研究、城市怀旧的符号景观及空间特征研究以及城市怀旧与地方建构的关系研究是未来我国城市怀旧研究中值得深入的重要领域。  相似文献   


In this article I ask to what extent geographers can draw on psychoanalytic theory when examining interview data. I consider Freud's theory of the mind and its unconscious processes to ask how bringing the unconscious to bear on identity studies potentially impacts qualitative research on subjectivity and identification. Existing geographic debate on psychoanalytic theory and methods provides an organizing framework for my argument. Although the article advocates an ontology of the psychoanalytic subject, I suggest that researchers must avoid psychoanalyzing research subjects. This distinction limits the ways in which scholars can “read” personal narratives for unconscious processes.


西方创新地理研究评述   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
邓羽  司月芳 《地理研究》2016,35(11):2041-2052
创新是区域经济发展的重要驱动力,创新地理研究得到了西方地理学界的重视。追溯西方创新地理研究的发展历程:从创新的空间特征描述,经区域创新集聚机制探索,到跨区域知识传播和创新网络演化机理的研究;系统梳理了20世纪90年代以来西方创新地理研究的代表人物、空间尺度、研究内容、主要观点和研究方法。研究发现:西方创新地理研究存在以下缺憾:重视创新组织,忽略了创新个体和组织之间的互动关系研究;重视理论反思,缺乏对实证研究的重视和方法的突破;欧美研究占绝对主流,缺乏基于发展中国家实证的反思。因此,未来应围绕着创新主体,运用定量和定性相结合的研究方法,建立基于中国等发展中国家实践的新型创新地理研究框架。  相似文献   

国外传统村落旅游研究及对我国的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文献①分析发现,国外传统村落旅游存在多种驱动模式,研究的内容有传统村落旅游影响、传统村落社区与旅游、传统村落游客体验等,旅游研究的区域性很明显.基于国外传统村落旅游研究现状与国内传统村落旅游资源特点,认为国内传统村落旅游研究在如下方面有待深入:个案研究的拓展;旅游资源本体可持续性研究;旅游资源的再创造性;游客体验和游客感知;国内传统村落旅游现象的多学科研究.  相似文献   

This article proposes the metaphor of the periscope to guide an innovative approach to researching topics obstructed from view or out of range of more traditional approaches. Periscoping, it suggests, combines a feminist focus on the everyday with the recognition that no space, even those intentionally obscured, can be fully contained. Drawing on research on U.S. immigration enforcement policies, the article explores how feminist geographers can think creatively about how to arrange the “prisms” and “mirrors” at their disposal to obtain an image of what was previously thought to be unknowable. It then explores potential problems inherent to a periscopic strategy alongside tools it offers to researchers.  相似文献   

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