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The mean electromotive force and α effect are computed for a forced turbulent flow using a simple non-linear dynamical model. The results are used to check the applicability of two basic analytic ansätze of mean-field magnetohydrodynamics – the second-order correlation approximation (SOCA) and the τ approximation. In the numerical simulations the effective Reynolds number Re is 2–20, while the magnetic Prandtl number P m varies from 0.1 to 107. We present evidence that the τ approximation may be appropriate in dynamical regimes where there is a small-scale dynamo. Catastrophic quenching of the α effect is found for high P m. Our results indicate that for high P m SOCA gives a very large value of the α coefficient compared with the 'exact' solution. The discrepancy depends on the properties of the random force that drives the flow, with a larger difference occurring for δ-correlated force compared with that for a steady random force.  相似文献   

In our previous paper, we evaluated the transit duration variation (TDV) effect for a co-aligned planet-moon system at an orbital inclination of   i = 90°  . Here, we will consider the effect for the more general case of   i ≤ 90°  and an exomoon inclined from the planet-star plane by Euler rotation angles  α, β  and γ. We find that the TDV signal has two major components, one due to the velocity variation effect described in our first paper and one new component due to transit impact parameter variation. By evaluating the dominant terms, we find the two effects are additive for prograde exomoon orbits, and deductive for retrograde orbits. This asymmetry could allow for future determination of the orbital sense of motion. We re-evaluate the ratio of TDV and transit timing variation effects, η, in the more general case of an inclined planetary orbit with a circular orbiting moon and find that it is still possible to directly determine the moon's orbital separation from just the ratio of the two amplitudes, as first proposed in our previous paper.  相似文献   

This paper presents global solutions of adiabatic accretion flows with isothermal shocks in Kerr black hole geometry. It is known that in the previously studied cases, where the flow including the shock is either entirely adiabatic or entirely isothermal, there can be no more than one stable shock solution, and the solution can only be of α –x type. However, the solution topology in the present case shows remarkable new characteristics: for the same flow parameters there can be two stable shock solutions satisfying physical boundary conditions, and the solution can be of three types, namely α– x , x –α and α–α type. In addition, shocks in the present case occur for a parameter region different from that for Rankine–Hugoniot shocks. These results greatly increase the possibilities of shock formation in astrophysical flows. It is also significant that the effects of frame-dragging of a rapid Kerr black hole on the shock formation are discovered. Finally, a brief comparison is made between shocked inviscid flows and two types of shock-free viscous flows, namely those of Shakura & Sunyaev and Narayan & Yi, and some comments are made about the fact that numerous authors who have studied transonic global solutions of accretion flows have found no shocks.  相似文献   

The generation of mean magnetic fields is studied for a simple non-helical flow where a net cross-helicity of either sign can emerge. This flow, which is also known as the Archontis flow, is a generalization of the Arnold–Beltrami–Childress flow, but with the cosine terms omitted. The presence of cross-helicity leads to a mean-field dynamo effect that is known as the Yoshizawa effect. Direct numerical simulations of such flows demonstrate the presence of magnetic fields on scales larger than the scale of the flow. Contrary to earlier expectations, the Yoshizawa effect is found to be proportional to the mean magnetic field and can therefore lead to its exponential instead of just linear amplification for magnetic Reynolds numbers that exceed a certain critical value. Unlike α effect dynamos, it is found that the Yoshizawa effect is not notably constrained by the presence of a conservation law. It is argued that this is due to the presence of a forcing term in the momentum equation, which leads to a non-zero correlation with the magnetic field. Finally, the application to energy convergence in solar wind turbulence is discussed.  相似文献   

We study semi-analytically and in a consistent manner the generation of a mean velocity field     by helical magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) turbulence, and the effect that this field can have on a mean field dynamo. Assuming a prescribed, maximally helical small-scale velocity field, we show that large-scale flows can be generated in MHD turbulent flows via small-scale Lorentz force. These flows back-react on the mean electromotive force of a mean field dynamo through new terms, leaving the original α and β terms explicitly unmodified. Cross-helicity plays the key role in interconnecting all the effects. In the minimal τ closure that we chose to work with, the effects are stronger for large relaxation times.  相似文献   

The spiral pattern in the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 6946 has been studied using the wavelet transformation technique, applied to galaxy images in polarized and total non-thermal radio emission at λλ 3.5 and 6.2 cm, in broadband red light, in the λ 21.1 cm H  i line and in the optical Hα line. Well-defined, continuous spiral arms are visible in polarized radio emission and red light, where we can isolate a multi-armed pattern in the range of galactocentric distances 1.5–12 kpc, consisting of four long arms and one short spiral segment. The 'magnetic arms' (visible in polarized radio emission) are localized almost precisely between the optical arms. Each magnetic arm is similar in length and pitch angle to the preceding optical arm (in the sense of galactic rotation) and can be regarded as its phase-shifted image. Even details like a bifurcation of an optical arm have their phase-shifted counterparts in the magnetic arms. The average relative amplitude of the optical spiral arms (the stellar density excess over the azimuthal average) grows with galactocentric radius up to 0.3–0.7 at r ≃5 kpc, decreases by a factor of two at r =5–6 kpc and remains low at 0.2–0.3 in the outer parts of the galaxy. By contrast, the magnetic arms have a constant average relative amplitude (the excess in the regular magnetic field strength over the azimuthal average) of 0.3–0.6 in a wide radial range r =1.5–12 kpc. We briefly discuss implications of our findings for theories of galactic magnetic fields.  相似文献   

If a magnetic field is frozen into a plasma that undergoes spherical compression, then the magnetic field B varies with the plasma density ρ according to   B ∝ρ2/3  . In the gravitational collapse of cosmological density perturbations, however, quasi-spherical evolution is very unlikely. In anisotropic collapses the magnetic field can be a much steeper function of gas density than in the isotropic case. We investigate the distribution of amplifications in realistic gravitational collapses from Gaussian initial fluctuations using the Zel'dovich approximation. Representing our results using a relation of the form   B ∝ρα  , we show that the median value of α can be much larger than the value  α= 2/3  resulting from spherical collapse, even if there is no initial correlation between magnetic field and principal collapse directions. These analytic arguments go some way towards understanding the results of numerical simulations.  相似文献   

We study the solar-cycle variation of subsurface flows from the surface to a depth of 16 Mm. We have analyzed Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) Dopplergrams with a ring-diagram analysis covering about 15 years and Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) Dopplergrams covering more than 6 years. After subtracting the average rotation rate and meridional flow, we have calculated the divergence of the horizontal residual flows from the maximum of Solar Cycle 23 through the declining phase of Cycle 24. The subsurface flows are mainly divergent at quiet regions and convergent at locations of high magnetic activity. The relationship is essentially linear between divergence and magnetic activity at all activity levels at depths shallower than about 10 Mm. At greater depths, the relationship changes sign at locations of high activity; the flows are increasingly divergent at locations with a magnetic activity index (MAI) greater than about 24 G. The flows are more convergent by about a factor of two during the rising phase of Cycle 24 than during the declining phase of Cycle 23 at locations of medium and high activity (about 10 to 40 G MAI) from the surface to at least 10 Mm. The subsurface divergence pattern of Solar Cycle 24 first appears during the declining phase of Cycle 23 and is present during the extended minimum. It appears several years before the magnetic pattern of the new cycle is noticeable in synoptic maps. Using linear regression, we estimate the amount of magnetic activity that would be required to generate the precursor pattern and find that it should be almost twice the amount of activity that is observed.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional stationary magnetic reconnection models that include a thin Syrovatskii-type current sheet and four discontinuous magnetohydrodynamic flows of finite length attached to its endpoints are considered. The flow pattern is not specified but is determined from a self-consistent solution of the problem in the approximation of a strong magnetic field. Generalized analytical solutions that take into account the possibility of a current sheet discontinuity in the region of anomalous plasma resistivity have been found. The global structure of the magnetic field in the reconnection region and its local properties near the current sheet and attached discontinuities are studied. In the reconnection regime in which reverse currents are present in the current sheet, the attached discontinuities are trans-Alfvénic shock waves near the current sheet endpoints. Two types of transitions from nonevolutionary shocks to evolutionary ones along discontinuous flows are shown to be possible, depending on the geometrical model parameters. The relationship between the results obtained and numerical magnetic reconnection experiments is discussed.  相似文献   

Modern spectropolarimeters are capable of detecting subkilogauss field strengths using the Zeeman effect in line profiles from the static photosphere, but supersonic Doppler broadening makes it more difficult to detect the Zeeman effect in the wind lines of hot stars. Nevertheless, the recent advances in observational capability motivate an assessment of the potential for detecting the magnetic fields threading such winds. We incorporate the weak-field longitudinal Zeeman effect in the Sobolev approximation to yield integral expressions for the flux of circularly polarized emission. To illustrate the results, two specific wind flows are considered: (i) spherical constant expansion with   v ( r ) = v   and (ii) homologous expansion with   v ( r ) ∝ r   . Axial and split monopole magnetic fields are used to schematically illustrate the polarized profiles. For constant expansion, optically thin lines yield the well-known 'flat-topped' total intensity emission profiles and an antisymmetric circularly polarized profile. For homologous expansion, we include occultation and wind absorption to provide a more realistic observational comparison. Occultation severely reduces the circularly polarized flux in the redshifted component, and in the blueshifted component, the polarization is reduced by partially offsetting emission and absorption contributions. We find that for a surface field of approximately 100 G, the largest polarizations result for thin but strong recombination emission lines. Peak polarizations are approximately 0.05 per cent, which presents a substantial although not inconceivable sensitivity challenge for modern instrumentation.  相似文献   

We show that recently published assertions that advection-dominated accretion flows (ADAFs) require the presence of strong winds are unfounded because they assume that low radiative efficiency in flows accreting at low rates on to black holes implies vanishing radial energy and angular momentum fluxes through the flow (which is also formulated in terms of the 'Bernoulli function' being positive). This, however, is a property only of self-similar solutions which are an inadequate representation of global accretion flows. We recall general properties of accretion flows on to black holes and show that such, necessarily transonic, flows may have either d positive or negative Bernoulli function depending on the flow viscosity. Flows with low viscosities ( α ≲0.1 in the α -viscosity model) have a negative Bernoulli function. Without exception, all 2D and 1D numerical models of low-viscosity flows constructed to date experience no significant outflows. At high viscosities the presence of outflows depends on the assumed viscosity, on the equation of state and on the outer boundary condition. The positive sign of the Bernoulli function invoked in this context is irrelevant to the presence of outflows. As an illustration, we recall 2D numerical models with moderate viscosity that have positive values of the Bernoulli function and experience no outflows. ADAFs, therefore, do not differ from this point of view from thin Keplerian discs: they may have, but they do not have to have, strong winds.  相似文献   

We study how axisymmetric magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) accretion flows depend on γ adiabatic index in the polytropic equation of state. This work is an extension of Mościbrodzka & Proga, where we investigated the γ dependence of two-dimensional Bondi-like accretion flows in the hydrodynamical (HD) limit. Our main goal is to study if simulations for various γ can give us insights into the problem of various modes of accretion observed in several types of accretion systems, such as black hole binaries (BHBs), active galactic nuclei (AGN) and gamma-ray bursts. We find that for  γ≳ 4/3  , the fast-rotating flow forms a thick torus that is supported by rotation and gas pressure. As shown before for  γ= 5/3  , such a torus produces a strong, persistent bipolar outflow that can significantly reduce the polar funnel accretion of a slowly rotating flow. For low γ, close to 1, the torus is thin and is supported by rotation. The thin torus produces an unsteady outflow which is too weak to propagate throughout the polar funnel inflow. Compared to their HD counterparts, the MHD simulations show that the magnetized torus can produce an outflow and does not exhibit regular oscillations. Generally, our simulations demonstrate how the torus thickness affects the outflow production. They also support the notion that the geometrical thickness of the torus correlates with the power of the torus outflow. Our results, applied to observations, suggest that the torus ability to radiatively cool and become thin can correspond to a suppression of a jet as observed in the BHBs during a transition from a hard/low to soft/high spectral state and a transition from a quiescent to hard/low state in AGN.  相似文献   

We present the results of measurements of magnetic fields of chemically peculiar (CP) stars, performed from the shifts between the circularly polarized components of metal and hydrogen lines (the Babcock method). The observations are carried out with an analyzer of circular polarization at the 6‐m telescope of the SAO RAS. We found that for the absolute majority of the objects studied (in 22 CP stars out of 23), the magnetic fields, determined from the Zeeman shifts in the hydrogen line cores, are significantly lower than those obtained from metal lines in the same spectra. This disparity varies between the stars. We show that instrumental effects can not produce the above features, and discuss the possible causes of the observed effect. The discovered condition reveals a more complicated structure of magnetic fields of CP stars than a simple dipole, in particular, a reduction of the field strength in the upper atmosphere with the vertical gradient, significantly higher than the dipole (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present results of 3D numerical simulations of the matter flow in the disk of a binary T Tauri star. It is shown that two bow-shocks caused by the supersonic motion of the binary components in the gas of the disk are formed in the system having parameters typical for T Tauri stars. These bow-shocks significantly change the flow pattern. In particular, for systems with circular orbits they determine the size and shape of the inner gap. We also show that the redistribution of the angular momentum due to the bow-shocks leads to occurrence of two matter flows propagating from the inner edge of the circumbinary disk to the components. Further redistribution of this matter between the components is considered.  相似文献   

The Sun is a non-equilibrium, dissipative system subject to an energy flow that originates in its core. Convective overshooting motions create temperature and velocity structures that show a temporal and spatial multiscale evolution. As a result, photospheric structures are generally considered to be a direct manifestation of convective plasma motions. The plasma flows in the photosphere govern the motion of single magnetic elements. These elements are arranged in typical patterns, which are observed as a variety of multiscale magnetic patterns. High-resolution magnetograms of the quiet solar surface revealed the presence of multiscale magnetic underdense regions in the solar photosphere, commonly called voids, which may be considered to be a signature of the underlying convective structure. The analysis of such patterns paves the way for the investigation of all turbulent convective scales, from granular to global. In order to address the question of magnetic structures driven by turbulent convection at granular and mesogranular scales, we used a voids-detection method. The computed distribution of void length scales shows an exponential behavior at scales between 2 and 10 Mm and the absence of features at mesogranular scales. The absence of preferred scales of organization in the 2?–?10 Mm range supports the multiscale nature of flows on the solar surface and the absence of a mesogranular convective scale.  相似文献   

The temperatures of electrons and ions in the post-shock accretion region of a magnetic cataclysmic variable (mCV) will be equal at sufficiently high mass flow rates or for sufficiently weak magnetic fields. At lower mass flow rates or in stronger magnetic fields, efficient cyclotron cooling will cool the electrons faster than the electrons can cool the ions and a two-temperature flow will result. Here we investigate the differences in polarized radiation expected from mCV post-shock accretion columns modeled with one- and two-temperature hydrodynamics. In an mCV model with one accretion region, a magnetic field ?30 MG and a specific mass flow rate of ~0.5 g?cm?2?s?1, along with a relatively generic geometric orientation of the system, we find that in the ultraviolet either a single linear polarization pulse per binary orbit or two pulses per binary orbit can be expected, depending on the accretion column hydrodynamic structure (one- or two-temperature) modeled. Under conditions where the physical flow is two-temperature, one pulse per orbit is predicted from a single accretion region where a one-temperature model predicts two pulses. The intensity light curves show similar pulse behavior but there is very little difference between the circular polarization predictions of one- and two-temperature models. Such discrepancies indicate that it is important to model some aspect of two-temperature flow in indirect imaging procedures, like Stokes imaging, especially at the edges of extended accretion regions, were the specific mass flow is low, and especially for ultraviolet data.  相似文献   

Yurchyshyn  Vasyl B.  Wang  Haimin 《Solar physics》2001,203(2):233-238
We study photospheric plasma flows in an active region NOAA 8375, by using uninterrupted high-resolution SOHO/MDI observations (137 intensity images, 44 hours of observations). The active region consists of a stable large spot and many small spots and pores. Analyzing horizontal flow maps, obtained with local correlation tracking technique, we found a system of stable persistent plasma flows existing in the active region. The flows start on either side of the sunspot and extend over 100′′ to the east. Our measurements show that the speed of small sunspots and pores, averaged over 44 hours, was about 100 m s−1, which corresponds to root-mean-square longitudinal drifts of sunspots of 0.67°–0.76° day−1. We conclude that these large-scale flows are due to faster proper motion of the large sunspot relative to the ambient photospheric plasma. We suggest that the flows may be a good carrier to transport magnetic flux from eroding sunspots into the outer part of an active region.  相似文献   

A numerical solution is presented for the problem of continuum radiative transfer in a magnetoactive medium. The continuum opacities are calculated in the presence of a strong magnetic field (H=107 G) typical of magnetic white dwarfs. The L.T.E. pure absorption model is assumed for calculating the polarized radiation field emitted by a realistic model atmosphere in the plane parallel approximation. The wavelength dependence of the linear and circular polarizations are calculated for both uniform and dipole field configurations.  相似文献   

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