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在计算机硬件、软件技术高速发展的基础上,笔者用QBASIC语言成功地开发出一种在普通486以上微机上运行的,高效、准确、直观地显示各种分子及晶体结构的高性能的实体造型系统,可以较好地满足材料科学及矿物学等各领域的迫切需要。输入数据简单,界面友好,操作简便,功能十分丰富。可以自由地选择颜色、光照、材质和结构表达方式等多种参数。应用此系统已制作出上千幅精美的晶体结构的高分辨率真彩色实体图片,有非常显著的效果和巨大的应用推广价值。  相似文献   

Our ability to deal with complex systems has improved through information system research which includes improved modeling (both data and system), the use of semantics and advances in distributed computing. The past decade has seen an explosion in the amount and variety of geosciences data and the emergence of true open data repositories through which scientists can freely access this data. Those data are found in thousands of repositories located around the world. Virtual observatories have been created to address the challenge of helping scientists search those repositories to find and access the required data. This challenge is been addressed by using technologies such as the Internet (with ample connectivity and bandwidth), the Web, cheap computing power, cheap storage and standards for critical components. Many scientific disciplines are developing virtual observatories. Yet some of the most compelling science questions cross multiple domains. While semantics can provide cross domain reasoning, often the first step in answering a question is determining what resources are available which may be relevant to a topic. The topic can be expressed as simple phrases or word sequences. Using a common relevance scoring method at all locations can enable a federated search across loosely coupled providers. The results of which can be organized into facets to aid the user in selecting the most promising resources with which to pursue the scientific investigation. We describe an approach to developing and deploying relevance scoring methods and faceted results in this brave new (virtual) world. We have found that a scoring method which considers both the presence of terms and the proximity of these terms relative to the order of the terms in the query improves the assessment of relevance. We call this Term Presence-Proximity (TPP) scoring and describe a method for calculating a normalized score. TPP scoring compares favorably with other scoring approaches.  相似文献   

比较中美两国大气科学研究的几点认识   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过对中美两国大气科学研究在经费、管理、人才战略等方面的一些简单比较,说明我国大气科学研究,无论在成果、人力物力资源、管理体制和人才战略思想等方面,均与美国有不小的差距。需要我们从管理制度、评价体系、资源信息共享机制、人才战略等方面切实加以改进。  相似文献   

The realization of an international cyberinfrastructure of shared resources to overcome time and space limitations is challenging scientists to rethink how to document their processes. Many known scientific process requirements that would normally be considered impossible to implement a few years ago are close to becoming a reality for scientists, such as large scale integration and data reuse, data sharing across distinct scientific domains, comprehensive support for explaining process results, and full search capability for scientific products across domains. This article introduces the CI-Miner approach that can be used to aggregate knowledge about scientific processes and their products through the use of semantic annotations. The article shows how this aggregated knowledge is used to benefit scientists during the development of their research activities. The discussion is grounded on lessons learned through the use of CI-Miner to semantically annotate scientific processes in the areas of geo-sciences, environmental sciences and solar physics: A use case in the field of geo-science illustrates the CI-Miner approach in action.  相似文献   

国家重点基础研究发展计划项目“我国重大天气灾害形成机理与预测理论研究”经过项目全体科学家的5年研究,取得了一系列重要的研究成果:①提出了基于多种实时观测资料的梅雨锋暴雨的多尺度物理模型;②建立了梅雨锋暴雨的天气学模型;③梅雨锋是由多个不同尺度系统构成的梅雨锋系,它具有介于温带锋系结构与热带辐合带结构之间的副热带锋系结构,在长江中下游可以有时表现为双峰结构。锋前的湿物理过程与锋上强对流系统发展形成的正反馈过程以及梅雨锋系的不同尺度系统的相互作用是梅雨锋维持与发展的重要机制;④提出了多种中尺度暴雨的定量卫星遥感反演理论和方法,并形成一系列新的反演产品;⑤成功地研究了双多普勒雷达同步探测和反演中尺度暴雨三维结构的理论和方法;⑥发展了配有三维变分同化系统的中尺度暴雨数值预报模式系统,在2003年淮河抗洪救灾中发挥了积极作用;⑦成功组织了2001/2002年长江中下游梅雨锋暴雨野外科学试验,在野外试验中还开展了中日国际合作,在此基础上项目建立了规范、完善、使用便捷的暴雨野外试验数据库,实现了数据共享。  相似文献   

对国际全球变化研究计划的数据信息系统和世界数据中心联合召开的会议,以及会议做出的双方进行有效数据合作的若干决定和今后共同中的行动计划做了详细介绍。并根据国际发展趋势对我国有关数据工作的对策进行探讨并提出了建议。  相似文献   

加拿大“海王星”是世界首座海洋观测网体系,它将覆盖整个东北太平洋区的胡安·德富卡板块,揭开了地球科学研究的新篇章.它通过主干动脉光电缆连接位于5个汇结端上的仪器设备,对海底进行长期实时观测,并通过强大的数据管理和存档系统,实时传输观测数据,供科学家和科学爱好者们免费使用.加拿大“海王星”海底观测技术主要应用于观测海底火...  相似文献   

人类已经叩响了区块链时代的大门,但在地质领域,区块链的应用几乎还处于空白的状态。哪怕是像深时数字地球(DDE)这样极具雄心的大科学项目,也没有意识到区块链技术有助于分散在科学家个人或实验室的“长尾数据”的有效收集和利用。地质科学信息是一个超大型共享数据库,需要许多人彼此信任去协作完成数据库的改写,区块链将是非常好的支撑技术。区块链基于其系统特性和智能合约提供有丰富交互接口,特别是其具有去中心化、不可篡改、隐私保护特性,为区块链技术在地质领域应用提供了重要的基础。地质勘查实物、资料、数据的溯源管理,面向更广泛科学共同体的长尾数据的收集,应该是区块链地质应用的重要突破口。地质通证使打造全球地质社区成为可能。  相似文献   

Several interrelated factors affect, water quality in the Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine System (APES) including land use change in the upland and coastal watersheds, legislatively mandated basin-wide nutrient management plans, intense storms, and global and local changes in sea level. Despite its importance as an essential fish habitat, the APES has not been monitored as intensively or extensively for habitat impacts associated with decreased water quality as other estuaries have been, such as with the North Carolina tributary estuaries or Chesapeake Bay. To support the sustainable use of these estuaries, we are developing an automated water quality monitoring system aboard ferries that traverse the APES. This program, FerryMon, provides a unique, long-term, and cost-effective monitoring system to evaluate status and trends in APES water quality. Intensive temporal and spatial data obtained from all ferry routes provide an environmental baseline and are used to assess the patterns and variability in surface water hydrography, dissolved constituents, and particulate matter. The data are useful to calibrate estimates of ocean color and sea surface temperature from aircraft and satellite sensors. We are creating a searchable geographic database that is intended for scientists, managers, and the general public. Using ferries as sampling platforms to monitor estuarine water quality is a tractable approach and FerryMon represents a model for use in other large bodies of water traversed by ferries.  相似文献   

我国的地球系统科学研究向何处去   总被引:27,自引:8,他引:19  
近15年来,全球变化与地球系统科学研究在中国广泛开展,我国科学家越来越积极地参加各项国际计划。当前,一些重大的国际计划正在进入其新阶段(如IGBP-II,IODP),恰好我国也正在制定科技发展中长期规划,迫切需要回顾我国地球系统科学的现状并探讨其今后方向。尽管中国作者的国际论文数量在增长,我国地球系统科学落后于国际的差距仍有拉大的趋势:国际前沿的许多热点问题,在中国尚未提上日程;中国学者在国际计划中早期多有贡献,但在项目总结中却很少有份。为此,提出 3点建议:(1)中国地球科学家应当扩大视野、立足本国、面向全球;(2)应当注意国际前沿动向,促进地学与生命科学在分子水平上的结合;(3)中国的地球科学,应当从以描述为主向探索理的方向发展。我们不应当满足于向国际学术界输出"原料",而要积极参加地球系统科学中关键问题的理论探讨。  相似文献   

笔者在建设庐山世界地质公园数据库和河北地质遗迹网络电子地图(WEBGIS)过程中提出了建设地质遗迹网络大百科全书(WIKI维客)的概念, 实现了人人参与、协同维护的网络门户建设, 同时技术上开发了基于MAPGIS-IMS和FLASH的两种WEBGIS技术, 吸收并用二者的优点, 综合了遥感和GIS技术, 为政府机构和游客提供信息服务, 为科学家提供宝贵的地质资料。  相似文献   

Amazon’s deforestation affects citizens from varying information communities. Experts like scientists or journalists acquire relevant data on-site and publish valuable information on the Web. But different and sometimes conflicting views on reality impede sharing of information across communities, relevant content remains far too often undiscovered. We introduce rule-based semantic annotations as solution to facilitate the discovery and evaluation of geographical information. With the distinction between shared domain and local information source ontologies, the proposed architecture of a semantically supported SDI for the Amazon also takes the plethora of GI formats into account. Creating semantic annotations is challenging, a recommender system for semantic annotations enables even the non-IT experts to participate. The benefits of the proposed techniques are further illustrated by a scenario which spans across information communities of economics, ecology, and ethnology.  相似文献   

IRRI's Training Program and Information and Knowledge Exchange Program entail collaboration and partnerships with national agricultural research systems (NARS). Both programs disseminate research results to develop collaborators and accelerate information transfer. IRRI's training program has evolved in parallel with IRRI's strategic research focus to address specialized needs of national rice scientists. Forging partnerships with NARS rice-related training programs to collaborate in national and regional in-country training activities addresses the more general training needs of national rice research systems. IRRI's information and knowledge exchange program publishes and disseminates research results to national rice scientists, maintains and makes available to rice scientists the world's largest collection of rice literature, develops and maintains rice data bases, organizes conferences and workshops to discuss research findings with NARS scientists, and is actively involved in public awareness activities.  相似文献   

The DigitalOcean (DO) Project is designed to bring essential Web 2.0 capabilities to an open-source software platform built for scientific collaboration and publishing. The DO platform is being built using the Drupal content management system (CMS). The following are some of the core features of the proposed platform: social networking, media/data sharing/publishing, and collaboration spaces for scientific virtual organizations (VO); active support for VO governance and reputation systems for members and objects; Creative Commons licensing, support for preprint archives and micro-articles, and; professional user-profiles that can be saved as well formatted biosketches. The DO platform serves as a collaboration environment for active research teams, a personal repository for individual researchers, an aggregation/filter for science information, and a scientific publishing tool. This article will outline the history and goals of the DO Project, the core technology concerns and solutions, and the opportunities that this new platform will bring to scientists across the planet.  相似文献   

The demands and needs of our presently increasing population require that the social decisions for land use must be based on the best and most reliable information that the decision-makers can obtain. Growing mass of natural resource information should be presented in a concise and practical form which the planners and public administrators can readily use without a need to learn about natural resources in detail. One of the means to present this information is a resource evaluation system which consists of four levels of maps: basic resource maps, single-factor maps, limiting-factor maps and final land suitability maps. The basic process used in the system is developing a series of individual maps showing specific kinds of information and superimposing them to identify a degree of suitability for a specific land use. The authors provide an overview of the use of land suitability maps in land use planning in the United States; show what natural resource data planners can require and put to use; outline the way in which earth scientists can evaluate and present the data needed; and finally demonstrate the land suitability analysis by case studies. Also briefly discussed is the need for information other than earth-science data. Land use planning and decision-making process is an intricate mixture of scientific, engineering, ecological, sociological, economic, cultural and political factors and forces. Obvious as it may seem this fact is nevertheless often ignored in practice resulting in misunderstandings and mutual disbelief of parties involved.  相似文献   

Landslides are mainly triggered by earthquakes and rainfall and have poor temporal predictability. Landslides pose significant threats to settlements and infrastructure in mountainous regions around the world. To mitigate this natural hazard, a new paradigm of landslide mitigation and management is required. Increasing smartphone ownership around the world, especially in developing countries, offers scientists an opportunity to embrace crowdsourcing so as to improve landslide research. This paper presents a new landslide information system (LIS) comprising a smartphone app and an administrative interface and database. The mobile app has been published for both iPhone and Android platforms. The interface of the smartphone app is powered by the highly-customizable Google Maps platform, which is overlaid with real-time landslide data. Users can choose between visualizing “known sites” and “contribution” of landslide data. The visualization option shows published landslides and areas that are susceptible. Users can contribute their GPS coordinates and multimedia to enhance landslide reports. A comparison with similar systems, potential applications, and challenges of using smartphone technology for mitigating landslides are also discussed.  相似文献   

当前世界进入基于大数据进行数据密集型科学研究的时代,协同操作的数据、信息、系统、空间基础设施对整个地球科学研究和应对巨大社会挑战至关重要.2012年8月在澳大利亚布里斯班召开的第34届国际地质大会,吸引了世界范围内的行业领军科学家交流讨论了地学信息领域取得的进展、成果和发展趋势.从本届地质大会来看,计算机技术、数据库技术、网络技术、虚拟技术等现代化的技术深入应用到了地学众多专业领域,地学信息产品服务成为了信息化时代各国为公众提供公益性服务的主流渠道,地学信息逐步突破孤立的专题、地区、国家的限制,跨专业、跨学科、跨国乃至跨大洲级别的数据共享将逐步达成共识.当前,全球的地学信息科学家都在朝着这同一方向努力,让地学知识能够快速、便捷、高效的为变化的地球服务.  相似文献   

We discuss here the issues faced by earth scientists in analyzing and visualizing large datasets over a GRID-like setup from a client-server perspective. We approach this problem by using a remote, web-based visualization and data analysis framework, called WEB-IS, and by employing second-generation wavelets as a means for reducing the amount of data transferred and for extracting coherent features in complex geophysical flows and surface faulting patterns. As an example, we describe how onboard processors on satellites can function as a server for beaming down extracted information to the client computer on the ground, thus exemplifying WEB-IS as a viable middleware on a GRID network for geosciences.Reviewed by: Prof. I.D. Clemens, Prof. L. Hanyk  相似文献   

Hydrologic budgets to determine groundwater availability are important tools for water-resource managers. One challenging component for developing hydrologic budgets is quantifying water use through time because historical and site-specific water-use data can be sparse or poorly documented. This research developed a groundwater-use record for the Ozark Plateaus aquifer system (central USA) from 1900 to 2010 that related county-level aggregated water-use data to site-specific well locations and aquifer units. A simple population-based linear model, constrained to 0 million liters per day in 1900, provided the best means to extrapolate groundwater-withdrawal rates pre-1950s when there was a paucity of water-use data. To disaggregate county-level data to individual wells across a regional aquifer system, a programmatic hierarchical process was developed, based on the level of confidence that a well pumped groundwater for a specific use during a specific year. Statistical models tested on a subset of the best-available site-specific water-use data provided a mechanism to bracket historic groundwater use, such that groundwater-withdrawal rates ranged, on average, plus or minus 38% from modeled values. Groundwater withdrawn for public supply and domestic use accounted for between 48 and 74% of total groundwater use since 1901, highlighting that groundwater provides an important drinking-water resource. The compilation, analysis, and spatial and temporal extrapolation of water-use data remain a challenging task for water scientists, but is of paramount importance to better quantify groundwater use and availability.  相似文献   

Climate Change research is even more becoming a data intensive and oriented scientific activity. Petabytes of climate data, big collections of datasets are continuously produced, delivered, accessed, processed by scientists and researchers at multiple sites at an international level. This work presents the Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change (CMCC) initiative, discussing data and metadata issues and dealing with both architectural and infrastructural aspects concerning the adopted grid enabled solution. A complete overview of the grid services deployed at the Centre is presented as well as the client side support (CMCC data portal and monitoring dashboard).  相似文献   

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