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In 1983, inhabitants of the City of Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico, began to observe a series of differential settlements causing damages to constructions along linear trends parallel to a system of regional faults. The same phenomenon occurs in others cities of the Mexican Volcanic Belt (MVB), such as Celaya, Aguascalientes, and Querétaro, and is linked to a structurally controlled subsidence, caused by groundwater withdrawal, and the presence of geological faults. We define this subsidence type as Subsidence-Creep-Fault Processes (SCFP), based on the necessary elements for their generation, and we studied them through geophysical and geotechnical techniques. In Morelia, the geophysical investigations have been carried out using ground-penetrating radar (GPR). GPR profiles, perpendicular to the axis of the surface fault generated by the SCFP were carried out. The common-offset single-fold profiling was used, with a central frequency of 50 MHz. In all cases it has been possible to visualize a fault plane dividing two blocks, the presence of synthetic and antithetic faults, influence zones from 20 m to 40 m, and a maximum “net throw” of 4 m. Exploration trenches followed the same direction of the profiles obtained with GPR (perpendicular to the axis of the surface fault). These trenches exposed a fault plane dividing two blocks with different lithology, generating a maximum “net throw” of 4.40 m; as well they help in the determination of influence zones that varied from 14 m to 40 m.  相似文献   

Detailed geologic mapping of the San Andreas fault zone in Los Angeles County since 1972 has revealed evidence for diverse histories of displacement on branch and secondary faults near Palmdale. The main trace of the San Andreas fault is well defined by a variety of physiographic features. The geologic record supports the concept of many kilometers of lateral displacement on the main trace and on some secondary faults, especially when dealing with pre-Quaternary rocks. However, the distribution of upper Pleistocene rocks along branch and secondary faults suggests a strong vertical component of displacement and, in many locations, Holocene displacement appears to be primarily vertical. The most recent movement on many secondary and some branch faults has been either high-angle (reverse and normal) or thrust. This is in contrast to the abundant evidence for lateral movement seen along the main San Andreas fault. We suggest that this change in the sense of displacement is more common than has been previously recognized.The branch and secondary faults described here have geomorphic features along them that are as fresh as similar features visible along the most recent trace of the San Andreas fault. From this we infer that surface rupture occurred on these faults in 1857, as it did on the main San Andreas fault. Branch faults commonly form “Riedel” and “thrust” shear configurations adjacent to the main San Andreas fault and affect a zone less than a few hundred meters wide. Holocene and upper Pleistocene deposits have been repeatedly offset along faults that also separate contrasting older rocks. Secondary faults are located up to 1500 m on either side of the San Andreas fault and trend subparallel to it. Moreover, our mapping indicates that some portions of these secondary faults appear to have been “inactive” throughout much of Quaternary time, even though Holocene and upper Pleistocene deposits have been repeatedly offset along other parts of these same faults. For example, near 37th Street E. and Barrel Springs Road, a limited stretch of the Nadeau fault has a very fresh normal scarp, in one place as much as 3 m high, which breaks upper Pleistocene or Holocene deposits. This scarp has two bevelled surfaces, the upper surface sloping significantly less than the lower, suggesting at least two periods of recent movement. Other exposures along this fault show undisturbed Quaternary deposits overlying the fault. The Cemetery and Little Rock faults also exhibit selected reactivation of isolated segments separated by “inactive” stretches.Activity on branch and secondary faults, as outlined above, is presumed to be the result of sympathetic movement on limited segments of older faults in response to major movement on the San Andreas fault. The recognition that Holocene activity is possible on faults where much of the evidence suggests prolonged inactivity emphasizes the need for regional, as well as detailed site studies to evaluate adequately the hazard of any fault trace in a major fault zone. Similar problems may be encountered when geodetic or other studies, Which depend on stable sites, are conducted in the vicinity of major faults.  相似文献   

The Olinghouse fault zone is one of several NE—ENE-trending fault zones and lineaments, including the Midas Trench and the Carson—Carson Sink Lineament, which exhibit left-lateral transcurrent movement conjugate to the Walker Lane in western Nevada. The active portion of this fault zone extends for approximately 23 km, from 16 km east of Reno, Nevada, to the southern extent of Pyramid Lake. The fault can be traced for most of its length from its geomorphic expression in the hilly terrain, and it is hidden only where overlain by recent alluvial sediments. Numerous features characteristic of strike-slip faulting can be observed along the fault, including: scarps, vegetation lines, sidehill and shutter ridges, sag ponds, offset stream channels and stone stripes, enclosed rhombohedral and wedge-shaped depressions, and en-echelon fractures.A shear zone having a maximum observable width of 1.3 km is defined principally by Riedel shears and their symmetrical P-shears, with secondary definition by deformed conjugate Riedel shears. Several continuous horizontal shears, or principal displacement shears, occupy the axial portion of the shear zone. The existence of P-shears and principal displacement shears suggests evolution of movement along the fault zone analogous to the “Post-Peak” or “Pre-Residual Structure” stage.Historic activity (1869) has established the seismic potential of this zone. Maximum intensities and plots of the isoseismals indicate the 1869 Olinghouse earthquake had a magnitude of 6.7. Field study indicates the active length of the fault zone is at least 23 km and the maximum 1869 displacement was 3.65 m of left-slip. From maximum fault length and maximum fault displacement to earthquake magnitude relations, this corresponds to an earthquake of about magnitude 7.  相似文献   

The cartographic, sedimentologic and stratigraphic studies carried out on the Mesozoic deposits in the border zone between the Middle and the High Moroccan Atlas (regions of Naour and Aghbala) led us to specify the lithology of formations, the significant differences of thickness and the angular unconformities as well as stratigraphic hiatuses. All of this indicates a tectonic regime of transcurrent faults from the Bajocian–Bathonian period along the major fault zone “Aghbala–Afourer” in a N70° direction. A sinistral strike-slip movement along this major fault zone induced the development of folded and fractured zones in a N120° direction, which limited a small trough filled by the red continental formations. The whole system is covered thereafter by lower Cretaceous deposits.  相似文献   

Recent field studies demonstrate the southern and northern parts of the Alpine fault to be dominantly under right-lateral shear. The central portion of this fault is dominantly under compression.The Marlborough—North Island dextral shear zone, together with the Fiordland and NW Nelson sinistral shear zones, demonstrate these shears to result from lateral drag within these zones and is only partially transmitted to the central section of the Alpine fault which is dominantly reverse in character.Regional extension in the North Island west of the shear belt and regional shortening in the South Island indicate clockwise rotation at the east side of the Alpine fault and its extension in the North Island relative to the west side about a “pole” on the Alpine fault in the north of the South Island.  相似文献   

The parameters “radiant flux” (energy radiated per unit area of an earthquake fault in unit time) and “radiant flux per unit displacement” reflect the power dissipated on a fault during slip. Values for moderate-to-large earthquakes range over two orders of magnitude, implying considerable variations in seismic efficiency, even for events of similar magnitude occurring on faults of the same type.  相似文献   

The mechanical interaction between an elliptically shaped magma chamber and a fault subject to transtension is investigated with particular reference to the Coso geothermal field. The geologic setting of the Coso field is interpreted as a releasing bend step-over structure formed by the Airport Lake and Owens Valley dextral strike-slip fault system. The role of the Coso volcano-magmatic center in the development of the “over-step” structure is examined by treating the magma chamber as a liquid inclusion in a viscoelastic crust containing a fault (Airport Lake). The problem is numerically solved using a 2D viscoelastic finite element model with thermally activated viscosity to account for thermal weakening of the rock. The temperature distribution around the magma body is calculated based on a 3D steady-state approach and using the mesh-less numerical method. The fault is modeled as a frictionless contact. The simulated distributions of stress and strain around the inclusion display a rotation caused by the shearing component of the applied transtension. The results indicate that the fault tends to overstep the chamber in a geometric pattern similar to a step-over. There is good correspondence between the computed distributions of the maximum shear stress in the vicinity of the magma chamber and the map of earthquake epicenters at a depth of 7–10 km in Coso.  相似文献   

Examination of the interaction area of conjugate faults yields evidence of a yet unknown structural pattern. Analogue experiments revealed the evolution of this pattern during the interaction process. A fault propagating towards the highly active section of another conjugate fault becomes increasingly deflected towards the obtuse angle side of the conjugate system while approaching until joining it. During this process, the tip of the curved propagating fault retains its shear sense until immediately before joining with the highly active fault—a process called “confluence” in this report. Under constant remote stress, the deflected fault now becomes dominant. A fault branch splits off at the point where deflection commences, propagating straight ahead of the original direction, and may dissect the former master fault. Alternating activity at both of the faults finally produces the known intersection patterns. Further studies of the proposed concept on natural examples are recommended due to the close geometric similarity of the evolutionary structural stages and natural fault patterns.  相似文献   

Fluid flow in sedimentary basins can be driven by a variety of mechanisms. Commonly, flow is localized in relatively thin aquifers or structures and often these permeable units may be approximated by a series of straight planar segments with shallow dip. A simple formula is derived that describes temperature perturbations in a straight aquifer segment with shallow dip. The temperature is determined everywhere along the segment if the flow rate and temperature at one point is known. “Daisy chaining” the solutions allows easy calculation of the temperature perturbation in a basin caused by fluid flow through a shallow-dipping network of linear fault and aquifer segments. The approach may find many applications but is here illustrated the a number of examples related to the origin of Mississippi Valley-type PbZn deposits. The cases considered emphasize the “salinity problem” encountered by models that hypothesize these deposits formed as the result of cross-basin hydrological flow.  相似文献   

The Geysers–Clear Lake area has a long history of research on its active hydrothermal systems. It is a unique area containing a number of hydrothermal systems which include: the Geysers steam field, one of the largest vapor-dominated geothermal systems yet recognized; the McLaughlin gold deposit, an extremely well preserved hot-spring style gold deposit; and the Sulphur Bank mercury deposit, one of the first locations where geothermal systems were recognized as modern analogues to epithermal deposits. There is also a variety of active hot- and mineral-springs, including Wilbur Springs, or the Sulphur Creek district, which has been considered one of the type localities for connate fluids.The McLaughlin gold–mercury deposit is a fossil hot-spring system dominated by meteoric waters that exchanged with sedimentary rocks of the Great Valley sequence. Mineralization was syntectonic, occurring contemporaneously with fault movement. The fluids circulated in syntectonic dilation zones that resulted in, and maintained, high permeability of the fluid conduits permitting large volumes of fluid flow. The fluids precipitated metals in response to physical and chemical changes associated with boiling. The hydrothermal fluids that formed the McLaughlin deposit have the highest reservoir temperature, salinity and are isotopically the most enriched, of the Coast Range hydrothermal systems. The McLaughlin deposit is considered an end-member “fluid-dominated” hydrothermal system.The Geysers steam field, in its earliest phase was likely similar to the McLaughlin deposit being fluid-dominated and forming, at least on a small scale, a vein system enriched in silver and anomalous in gold, base metals, antimony and mercury. The hydrothermal system evolved into a vapor-dominated system as a result of decreased permeability of the reservoir, decreased recharge and/or increased heat flow. The modern day reservoir is encapsulated in impermeable rocks and is a “vapor-dominated” end-member hydrothermal system.Active hot- and mineral-springs in the Coast Ranges of northern California are intermediate between the fluid- and vapor-dominated end-member systems. The chemical and isotopic compositions of these fluids are the result of thermal processes and are not explained by simple mixing models between connate fluids and meteoric groundwater. Their isotopic and chemical composition is best explained by meteoric-dominated systems with repeated non-equilibrium subsurface vapor loss (evaporation) in a near closed system, with the relative deuterium and 18O enrichment proportional to the reservoir temperature.  相似文献   

Three samples of gem quality plagioclase crystals of An60 were experimentally deformed at 900 °C, 1 GPa confining pressure and strain rates of 7.5–8.7×10−7 s−1. The starting material is effectively dislocation-free so that all observed defects were introduced during the experiments. Two samples were shortened normal to one of the principal slip planes (010), corresponding to a “hard” orientation, and one sample was deformed with a Schmid factor of 0.45 for the principal slip system [001](010), corresponding to a “soft” orientation. Several slip systems were activated in the “soft” sample: dislocations of the [001](010) and 110(001) system are about equally abundant, whereas 110{111} and [101] in ( 31) to ( 42) are less common. In the “soft” sample plastic deformation is pervasive and deformation bands are abundant. In the “hard” samples the plastic deformation is concentrated in rims along the sample boundaries. Deformation bands and shear fractures are common. Twinning occurs in close association with fracturing, and the processes are clearly interrelated. Glissile dislocations of all observed slip systems are associated with fractures and deformation bands indicating that deformation bands and fractures are important sites of dislocation generation. Grain boundaries of tiny, defect-free grains in healed fracture zones have migrated subsequent to fracturing. These grains represent former fragments of the fracture process and may act as nuclei for new grains during dynamic recrystallization. Nucleation via small fragments can explain a non-host-controlled orientation of recrystallized grains in plagioclase and possibly in other silicate materials which have been plastically deformed near the semi-brittle to plastic transition.  相似文献   

An analysis of the superficial structures related to the Huaytapallana fault is presented. This fault was formed during the Pariahuanca earthquakes of July 24 and October 1, 1969. The fault trends N120E and is 3.5 km long, the displacement is 0.70 m left-lateral slip and 1.6 vertical upthrust. At most places the fault appears as a steep flexure associated with open fractures and mostly gravity folds, all of them almost parallel to it. Oblique, “en échelon” shears, often associated with small folds, are developed in the turf which is partly detached from its substratum. The analysis of these fractures is consistent with a mean N65E shortening direction. The compressional and dilatational quadrants obtained by means of this analysis fit rather well with the focal-mechanism data. On the other hand, some of the en échelon fold and fault systems provide a model of similar features with a magnitude of several kilometers.  相似文献   

We explore the impact of fluids migrating through a fault network on the dynamics of lithosphere, both on slow movements and seismicity. For that purpose fluids in the fault zones are incorporated into modelling of blocks-and-faults systems, which takes into account driving forces and the system's geometry. Simulations have been performed for two-dimensional models: an idealised “brick wall” structure, and a coarse image of Sinai Subplate. Migrating fluids originating in different locations are considered, as well as fluids trapped in closed pockets. Basic features of the modelled and observed seismicity are in good accord, as shown by comparison with the earthquake catalog compiled by Geophysical Institute of Israel.  相似文献   

Using open-ended interviews to conduct research on foreign elites raises methodological questions which conducting research on non-foreign elites and foreign non-elites does not. In this paper I first reflect upon some of the practical issues I have encountered when conducting interviews with members of foreign elites. I then examine the issue of positionality to suggest that the dualism of “insider” knowledge and status versus “outsider” knowledge and status is not as stable as it is often assumed to be, and that it should not be presumed that an “insider” will necessarily produce “better” knowledge than will an “outsider” simply by dint of their positionality. Indeed, given that the interview process is about constructing social meaning – a process that involves both the researcher and the source – in many ways such a dualism is meaningless.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the recent tectonic evolution of the Bay of Naples with the aim of exploring the connection between local tectonics and volcanism. We reprocessed the seismic reflection dataset acquired in the area in the late 1973. The new processing was highly successful in obtaining a decisive strong reduction of random noise, removal of coherent noise and reduction of spatial aliasing. Classical interpretative schemes and complex attributes of seismic traces were used to reconstruct fault kinematics and reflector patterns. The results show that the faults affecting the Bay of Naples exhibit prevailing NE structural strikes, with the exception of the Pozzuoli Caldera where NW patterns are also common. Many faults are subvertical and show seismic evidence of volcanic activity along them. A main alignment of conjugate NE–SW faults, named here as “Magnaghi–Sebeto line”, intersects several submarine volcanic banks and separates the bay into two sectors, characterized by important geological, geophysical and petrochemical differences. The structural configuration of the bay may reflect the occurrence of either oblique extension or a transfer zone of the NW–SE fault system, along which, in the Campanian–Lucanian Apennine chain, great vertical displacements occur.  相似文献   

The Cenomanian/Turonian Boundary Event (CTBE) at Wunstorf, north-west Germany, has been analysed palynologically by high resolution sampling to reconstruct changes in relative sea-level and water mass character within photic zone waters. Based on changes in the ratio of terrigenous sporomorphs to marine palynomorphs (t/m index), the distribution of the organic-walled algal taxa as well as of selected dinocyst taxa and groups the section can largely be subdivided into pre-“plenus-bed” and post-“plenus-bed” intervals, reflecting different stages of third-order relative sea-level cycles and/or changes in water mass influence in the photic zone. Accordingly, the pre-“plenus-bed” interval is placed in a transgressive systems tract starting at the “facies change” event (C. guerangeri/M. geslinianum ammonite Zone boundary) with the maximum flooding surface at the top of the “Chondrites II” bed (top of R. cushmani Biozone). A highstand systems tract is suggested from the base of the “plenus-bed” up the base of the “fish-shale” event. Within the “fish-shale” event interval, a transgressive systems tract is suggested to start at the base of the thin, grey-green marly interbed. The Cenomanian/Turonian boundary proper, as defined by the first occurrence of Mytiloides spp., as well as the lowermost Turonian are located within the initial phase of a transgressive systems tract. With respect to water mass characteristics within photic-zone waters, the pre-“plenus-bed” interval is predominantly characterized by warm water masses that changed gradually towards the deposition of the “Chondrites II” bed, where a strong influence of cool and/or salinity-reduced waters is indicated by various palynological proxies. Within the post-“plenus-bed” interval a mixture and/or alternation of warmer and cooler waters is indicated, with the warmer water influence increasing gradually towards and within the Lower Turonian stage. The increased proportions of prasinophytes within the “Chondrites II” bed and parts of the “fish-shale” interval may indicate availability of reduced nitrogen chemospecies, especially ammonium, within photic-zone waters as a function of a vertical expansion of the oceanic O2-minimum zone.  相似文献   

Analysis of fault system in the high-P/T type Sambagawa metamorphic rocks of central Shikoku, southwest Japan, shows that conjugate normal faults pervasively developed in the highest-grade biotite zone (upper structural level) in three study areas (Asemi river, Oriu and Niihama areas). These conjugate normal faults consist of NE–SW to E–W striking and moderately north-dipping (set A), and NNW–SSE striking and moderately east dipping (set B) faults. The fault set A is dominant compared to the fault set B, and hence most of deformation is accommodated by the fault set A, leading to non-coaxial deformation. The sense of shear is inferred to be a top-to-the-WNW to NNW, based on the orientations of striation or quartz slickenfibre and dominant north-side down normal displacement. These transport direction by normal faulting is significantly different from that at D1 penetrative ductile flow (i.e. top-to-the-W to WNW). It has also been found that these conjugate normal faults are openly folded during the D3 phase about the axes trending NW–SE to E–W and plunging west at low-angles or horizontally, indicating that normal faulting occurred at the D2 phase. D2 normal faults, along which actinolite breccia derived from serpentinite by metasomatism sometimes occurs, perhaps formed under subgreenschist conditions (ca. 250 °C) in relation to the final exhumation of Sambagawa metamorphic rocks into the upper crustal level. The pervasive development of D2 normal faults in the upper structural level suggests that the final exhumation of Sambagawa metamorphic rocks could be caused by “distributed extension and normal faulting (removal of overburden)” in the upper crust.  相似文献   

Geological and geophysical data on southwest Tuscany are reviewed in order to define the structure and evolution of the upper lithosphere from the Miocene to the Quaternary. Petrologic studies reveal the existence, below all of Tuscany, of Hercynian and older polyphased metamorphic rocks and of Hercynian granite, whose top is an important seismic reflecting horizon. The basement is characterized by NE-SW trending structures, in contrast with the main NW-SE “Alpine” structures of the uppermost levels. The heat flow map shows two broad areas with values higher than 80 mW/m2, reaching maximum values of 10.5 and 15 H.F.U. in the geothermal areas, which are also characterized by negative Bouguer anomalies. A Landsat study revealed a NE-SW band of subcircular structures passing through Larderello and coinciding with a regional fault system and a steep rise in the Moho. Petrologic, geochemical and radiometric data on the Tuscan igneous rocks show that partial melting took place in the Tuscan crust at different levels and to varying degrees from the Miocene to Quaternary, producing a continuous “Alpine” granitic layer. The known Tuscan intrusive bodies and two batholiths below the Larderello and Mt. Amiata geothermal fields represent culminations of the “Alpine” granite. The rise of the Tuscan magmas was closely correlated to a post-Tortonian tensional tectonics and followed its N-E migration. Tensional tectonics started after the last compressional phase (10–11 Ma B.P.) as a consequence of the anticlockwise rotation of Italy, the opening of the Tyrrhenian Sea and the swelling of the mantle below southwest Tuscany.  相似文献   

Possibilities for the fate of oceanic plateaus at subduction zones range from complete subduction of the plateau beneath the arc to complete plateau–arc accretion and resulting collisional orogenesis. Deep penetration, multi-channel seismic reflection (MCS) data from the northern flank of the Solomon Islands reveal the sequence stratigraphy, structural style, and age of deformation of an accretionary prism formed during late Neogene (5–0 Ma) convergence between the 33-km-thick crust of the Ontong Java oceanic plateau and the 15-km-thick Solomon island arc. Correlation of MCS data with the satellite-derived, free-air gravity field defines the tectonic boundaries and internal structure of the 800-km-long, 140-km-wide accretionary prism. We name this prism the “Malaita accretionary prism” or “MAP” after Malaita, the largest and best-studied island exposure of the accretionary prism in the Solomon Islands. MCS data, gravity data, and stratigraphic correlations to islands and ODP sites on the Ontong Java Plateau (OJP) reveal that the offshore MAP is composed of folded and thrust faulted sedimentary rocks and upper crystalline crust offscraped from the Solomon the subducting Ontong Java Plateau (Pacific plate) and transferred to the Solomon arc. With the exception of an upper, sequence of Quaternary? island-derived terrigenous sediments, the deformed stratigraphy of the MAP is identical to that of the incoming Ontong Java Plateau in the North Solomon trench.We divide the MAP into four distinct, folded and thrust fault-bounded structural domains interpreted to have formed by diachronous, southeast-to-northwest, and highly oblique entry of the Ontong Java Plateau into a former trench now marked by the Kia–Kaipito–Korigole (KKK) left-lateral strike-slip fault zone along the suture between the Solomon arc and the MAP. The structural style within each of the four structural domains consists of a parallel series of three to four fault propagation folds formed by the seaward propagation of thrust faults roughly parallel to sub-horizontal layering in the upper crystalline part of the OJP. Thrust fault offsets, spacing between thrusts, and the amplitude of related fault propagation folds progressively decrease to the west in the youngest zone of active MAP accretion (Choiseul structural domain). Surficial faulting and folding in the most recently deformed, northwestern domain show active accretion of greater than 1 km of sedimentary rock and 6 km, or about 20%, of the upper crystalline part of the OJP. The eastern MAP (Malaita and Ulawa domains) underwent an earlier, similar style of partial plateau accretion. A pre-late Pliocene age of accretion (3.4 Ma) is constrained by an onshore and offshore major angular unconformity separating Pliocene reefal limestone and conglomerate from folded and faulted pelagic limestone of Cretaceous to Miocene age. The lower 80% of the Ontong Java Plateau crust beneath the MAP thrust decollement appears unfaulted and unfolded and is continuous with a southwestward-dipping subducted slab of presumably denser plateau material beneath most of the MAP, and is traceable to depths >200 km in the mantle beneath the Solomon Islands.  相似文献   

Continental breakup, or compressive lithosphere scale faulting, requires a physical mechanism for wholesale faulting of the lithosphere. We compared numerical and experimental models for the nucleation of quasi-adiabatic shear bands in polyvinylchloride (PVC) with those in an idealized viscoelastoplastic mantle with olivine rheology. In both materials fault nucleation is caused by elastic stress concentration on pre-existing imperfections, with localized yielding confined to its vicinity. Faulting occurs rapidly after the initial elastic energy in the system is charged sufficiently to cause wholesale yielding. Propagation of the fault, monitored by looking at the dissipation of plastic energy, reveals migration of a sharp, thermal-mechanical “crack”- like instability, which appears in the temperature field as a slightly diffused signal. The initial temperature rise in the crack is subtle but increases suddenly when the plate is severed. This autocatalytic behavior has also been described in ductile polymers, which can be used as mechanical analogues. We suggest that elastoplastic coupling in quasi-adiabatic shear banding is a key for fast (< 1 Ma) nucleation of shear zones. These nonlinear phenomena will be illustrated for both experimental and numerical results by nine movies  相似文献   

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