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Over the last two decades, in-situ cosmogenic 14C dating has become an import tool in Quaternary geology and is recognized to geoscientists because of its potential to provide information on exposure age and process rate estimates for geomorphic studies. The in-situ cosmogenic radiocarbon has a relatively short half-life(5730 yr)and is substantially more sensitive than all the other cosmogenic nuclides used so far. It is therefore particularly useful to determine surface-exposure ages of Holocene landforms and quantify erosion rates in rapidly denuding landscapes during the past few tens of thousands of years. Moreover, in situ 14C is produced in quartz which is both highly resistant to weathering and common in nature, so it can be used in combination with other in-situ cosmogenic nuclides such as 3He, 10Be,21Ne,26Al, and 36Cl to constrain complex exposure histories involving burial and/or erosion occurring over the past 25ka. The age and slip rate of Holocene normal fault have been undoubtedly a challenge for seismologists to be faced with as result from lack of appropriate late Quaternary sediment. Recently, the cosmogenic nuclides such as 36Cl of preserved, seismically exhumed normal fault scarps were used to identify the last few major earthquakes and recover their ages and displacements through the modeling of the content of 36Cl in the scarp rocks. This paper mainly summarizes the development of in-situ 14C dating, including its research history, production rate estimate, production mechanism, chemical behavior and experimental method. The potential application of in-situ 14C dating to recovering past earthquakes, their timing, and the regularity of their recurrence for preserved, seismically exhumed normal fault scarps is also introduced.  相似文献   

The weathering characteristics of bedrock fault scarps provide relative age constraints that can be used to determine fault displacements. Here, we report Schmidt hammer rebound values (R‐values) for a limestone fault scarp that was last exposed in the 1959 Mw 7.3 Hebgen Lake, Montana earthquake. Results show that some R‐value indices, related to the difference between minimum and maximum R‐values in repeated impacts at a point, increase upward along the scarp, which we propose is due to progressive exposure of the scarp in earthquakes. An objective method is developed for fitting slip histories to the Schmidt hammer data and produces the best model fit (using the Bayesian Information Criterion) of three earthquakes with single event displacements of ≥ 1.20 m, 3.75 m, and c. 4.80 m. The same fitting method is also applied to new terrestrial LiDAR data of the scarp, though the LiDAR results may be more influenced by macro‐scale structure of the outcrop than by differential weathering. We suggest the use of this fitting procedure to define single event displacements on other bedrock fault scarps using other dating techniques. Our preliminary findings demonstrate that the Schmidt hammer, combined with other methods, may provide useful constraints on single event displacements on exposed bedrock fault scarps. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Qilianshan north-edge thrust (QNT)is located at the boundary between the northern margin of the Qilianshan mountain and Hexi Corridor, with a length over 700km. The Minle-Damaying fault (MDF), trending NWW, is part of the eastern section of the QNT, cutting through the Minle and Wuwei Basins. Hexi Corridor is a region of intense seismic activities, where many large earthquakes have been documented in history, such as the M7.5 Gaotai earthquake in 180, M8.5 Haiyuan earthquake in 1920, M8.0 Gulang earthquake in 1927 and the M7.6 Changma earthquake in 1932. While, there is no seismic record on the MDF. The Dongda River flows across the MDF from south to north. One of the tributary of the Dongda River, Xie River, has very well preserved terraces (T6-T1)which were offset by the MDF. On these terraces, there is clear trace of scarps, of which the height increases from terraces T3 to T6, indicating an accumulation of offset with time. In order to acquire the cross-section of scarps, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)scanning was implemented. With a digital camera mounted on, the UAV scanned an area of 0.52km2 and digital elevation model (DEM)was generated with an accuracy of 0.2m vertically. The Thompson's method was utilized to conduct linear regressions on both the hanging wall and foot wall of the fault. The difference between the intercepts of the regression lines with the vertical line going through the intersection of the scarp surface on the fault surface is considered as the vertical offset. Terraces from T6 to T3 are very well preserved where MFD intercepts the Xie river, while T2 and T1 are badly eroded at the same location. Utilizing the cross-sections extracted from high resolution DEM, we estimate that the vertical offsets of T6-T3 are 13.26~15.67m, 9.74~10.13m, 5.86~7.35m and 5.03~5.60m, respectively, with 95%confidence interval. From the offsets of terraces, at least 4 paleo-seismic events are indentified. Terraces were dated by the AMS 14 C dating, yielding ages (cal BP)of T6-T2 as (16 405±210)a, (111 975±21)a, (5 697.5±210)a, (4 470.5±54.5)a and (3 137.5±77.5)a. Liner regression was performed for the relation between the ages and the offsets of terraces, resulting in the average vertical slip rate of MDF since the formation of T6 as 0.91 average v. As the dip of MDF is about 35°, the shortening rate is estimated to be (1.3±0.13)mm/a. This study provides important parameters for the analysis of seismic activity in heavily populated Minle and Yongchang areas.  相似文献   

In this study, we explored the spatial and temporal relations between boulders and their original in-situ locations on sandstone bedrock cliffs. This was accomplished by combining field observations with dating methods using cosmogenic isotopes (10Be and 14C) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL). Our conclusions bear both on the landscape evolution and cliff retreat process in the hyperarid region of Timna and on the methodology of estimating exposure ages using cosmogenic isotopes.

We recognize three discrete rock fall events, at 31 ka, 15 ka, and 4 ka. In this hyperarid region, the most plausible triggering mechanism for rock fall events is strong ground acceleration caused by earthquakes generated by the nearby Dead Sea fault (DSF). Our record, however, under represents the regional earthquake record implying that ongoing development of detachment cracks prior to the triggering event might be slower than the earthquake cycle.

Cliff retreat rates calculated using the timing of rock fall events and estimated thickness of rock removed in each event range between 0.14 m ky− 1 and 2 m ky− 1. When only full cycles are considered, we derive a more realistic range of 0.4 m ky− 1 to 0.7 m ky− 1. These rates are an order of magnitude faster than the calculated rate of surface lowering in the area. We conclude that sandstone cliffs at Timna retreat through episodic rock fall events that preserve the sharp, imposing, landscape characteristic to this region and that ongoing weathering of the cliff faces is minor.

A 10%–20% difference in the 10Be concentrations in samples from matching boulder and cliff faces that have identical exposure histories and are located only a few meters apart indicates that cosmogenic nuclide production rates are sensitive to shielding and vary spatially over short distances. However, uncertainties associated with age calculations yielded boulder and matching cliff face ages that are similar within 1 σ . The use of external constraints in the form of field relations and OSL dating helped to establish each pair's age. The agreement between calculated 14C and 10Be ages indicates that the accumulation of 10Be at depth by the capture of slow deep-penetrating muons was properly accounted for in the study.  相似文献   

The distribution of concentration of cosmogenic nuclides in fault scarps is used to determine slip histories. The complicated part is the calculation of cosmic radiation shielding by the escarpment body and the overlying wedge of the colluvial sediment. To improve reconstruction of earthquake ages and slip histories, we developed a mathematical model and corresponding MATLAB® code for computation of shielding factor profiles in fault scarp geometry. In the model, cosmic radiation received by a point of footwall is represented as unit rays attenuated exponentially in scarp geometry. This approach allows producing very precise results both for the fault scarp and the sloped surface. The code is presented as a m-function and as a stand-alone program with a user-friendly interface. Shielding factors are calculated by the code for fast neutrons or for muons and include all general shieldings: topographical, sloped surface, fault scarp surface, colluvium cover, snow cover and self-shielding. A variety of input parameters enables one to adjust the model and the code to almost all possible shielding cases. The code and stand-alone version are provided as supplementary materials and equipped with help and explanatory notes.  相似文献   

The Tian Shan Mountains is an active orogen in the continent. Previous studies on its tectonic deformation focus on the expanding fronts to basins on either side, while little work has been done on its interiors. This work studied the north-edge fault of the Yanqi Basin on the southeastern flank of Tian Shan. Typical offset landforms, and lineaments of scarps on the eastern segment of this fault were used to constrain the vertical displacement and shortening rates. Geological and geomorphic mapping in conjunction with high-resolution GPS differential measurement reveals that the vertical offsets can be divided into three groups of 1.9m, 2.4m and 3.0m, and the coseismic vertical offset was estimated as 0.5~0.6m. In situ 10Be terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide dating of three big boulders capping the regional geomorphic surface that preserved 3.0m vertical offset suggests that the surfaces were exposed at~5ka. Meanwhile, the lacustrine sediments from Bosten Lake within the Yanqi Basin suggest climate change during cooling-warming transitions was also at~5ka. The climate, therefore, controlled creation and abandonment of geomorphic surfaces in southern piedmont of Tian Shan. Combining the exposure ages and vertical offsets, we inferred that the east section of the north-edge fault in the Yanqi Basin has a dip slip rate 0.6~0.7mm/a,~0.5mm/a of vertical slip and~0.4mm/a of shortening since 5ka. Based on calculation of earthquake moment, we estimated that this fault is capable of generating M7.5 earthquakes in the future. This study provides new data for further understanding tectonic deformation of Tian Shan and is useful in seismic hazard assessment of this area.  相似文献   

Coseismic displacement plays a role in earthquake surface rupture, which not only reflects the magnitude scale but also has effect on estimates of fault slip rate and earthquake recurrence intervals. A great historical earthquake occurred in Huaxian County on the 23rd January 1556, however, there was lack of surface rupture records and precise coseismic vertical displacements. It's known that the 1556 Huaxian earthquake was caused by Huashan front fault and Weinan plateau front fault, which are large normal faults in the east part of the southern boundary faults in Weihe Basin controlling the development of the basin in Quaternary. Here, we made a study on three drilling sites in order to unveil the coseismic vertical displacements. It is for the first time to get the accurate coseismic vertical displacements, which is 6m at Lijiapo site of Huashan front fault, 7m at Caiguocun site, and 6m at Guadicun site of Weinan plateau front fault. These coseismic displacements measured based on same layers of drilling profiles both at footwall and hanging wall are different from the results measured by former geomorphological fault scarps. It's estimated that some scarps are related with the nature reformation and the human beings' activities, for example, fluviation or terracing field, instead of earthquake acticity, which leads to some misjudgment on earthquake displacements. Moreover, the vertical displacements from the measurement of geomorphological scarps alone do not always agree with the virtual ones. Hence, we assume that the inconsistency between the results from drilling profiles and geomorphological scarps in this case demonstrates that the fault scarp surface may have been demolished and rebuilt by erosion or human activities.  相似文献   

Changes in surface roughness on carbonate fault scarps often reflect varying durations of subaerial weathering. On the Pleasant Valley fault in central Nevada, the documentation of a surface rupture in 1915, a long recurrence interval of faulting, slow weathering rate, and a relatively high (2–3 m) single-event displacement make the discrimination of the historical and penultimate slip patches unambiguous. Following from a 2018 study, we used a Schmidt hammer and terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) to further test whether these weathering patterns delineate exposed slip patches on a fault scarp. Results show that Schmidt hammer rebound value ranges (termed ΔR – the difference between minimum and maximum R-values in repeat impacts at a point), increase by ~8–10 points across the historical–penultimate event transition zone in two separate scarp transects. TLS-derived surface roughness also indicates a clear difference between the most recent and penultimate events. The average single-event displacement (SED) estimated using the Schmidt hammer and TLS is 2.85 m at two transect sites and is roughly equivalent to the visually estimated 3 m. While this fault is an ideal case where we know some of the slip history, the results demonstrate that these techniques show promise for discriminating slip patches on larger carbonate fault scarps with longer paleoearthquake histories, and could be used alongside 36Cl cosmogenic exposure-age dating to improve paleoseismic records on normal faults. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although the kinematics and mechanics of the Yilan-Yitong fault zone (YYFZ) since the Mesozoic-early Cenozoic were studied very well in the past decades,few results about the average recurrence interval of great earthquakes in late Quaternary,which is the most important parameter for us to understand the active tectonics and potential seismic hazard of this crucial structure,were obtained because of its unfavorable work environments.Based on interpretations of high-resolution satellite images and detailed geologic and geomorphic mapping,we discovered that there exist linear fault scarp landforms and troughs in the Shangzhi part of YYFZ with a length of more than 25km.Synthesized results of trenches excavation and differential GPS measurements of terrace surfaces indicate two paleo-events EⅠ and EⅡ occurring in Shangzhi part during the late Holocene,which resulted in ca.(3.2±0.1) m accumulated vertical coseismic displacement with strike-slip motion accompanied by thrusting and shortening deformation.14C samples dating suggests that event EⅠ might occur at (440±30) and (180±30) a BP and event EⅡ might happen between (4 090±30) and (3 880±30) a BP,and the average recurrence interval of major earthquakes on the YYFZ is around (3 675±235) a.Historical written records discovered from Korea show that the event EⅠ may correspond to the earthquake occurring in AD 1810(Qing Dynasty in Chinese history) in Ningguta area with magnitude 7.0.  相似文献   

Fault-related tectonic geomorphologic features are integrated expressions of multiple strong seismological events and long-term surface processes, including crucial information about strong earthquake behavior of a fault. It's of great significance to identify the strong seismic activity information from faulted landscapes, which include the date and sequence of the seismic activities, displacements, active fault features, for studying the seismic rupture process, predicting the future seismic recurrence behavior and evaluating the seismic hazard of the fault. However, due to the restriction of measuring techniques and the subsequent poor quality of the acquired data, it has been difficult to accurately extract such information from complex tectonic landforms to study active faults for a long time. Recently, "small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(sUAV)" photogrammetric technique based on "Structure from Motion(SfM)" provides a cost-efficient and convenient access to high-resolution and high-accuracy "digital elevation models(DEMs)" of tectonic landforms. This paper selects the Tangjiapo area at the Haiyuan Fault to conduct data collection, in which the structural and geomorphic features are well preserved. Using a small quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle(Inpire 2), we collect 1598 aerial photographs with a coverage area of 0.72km2. For calibrating the accuracy of the aerial data, we set 10 ground control points and use differential-GPS to obtain the spatial coordinates of these control points. We use model software Agisoft PhotoScan to process these digital pictures, obtaining high-resolution and high-accuracy DEM data with the geographic information, in which data resolution is 2.6cm/pix and the average density of point cloud is 89.3 point/m2. The data with these accuracy and resolution can fully show the real geomorphic features of the landform and meet the requirements for extracting specific structural geomorphic information on the surface. Through the detailed interpretation of the tectonic landforms, we identify a series of structures associated with the strike-slip fault and divide the alluvial fan into four stages, named s1, s2, s3, and s4, respectively.Wherein, the s1 is the latest phase of the alluvial fan, which is in the extension direction of the Haiyuan Fault and there isn't any surface fracture, indicating that the s1 was formed after the M8.5 Haiyuan earthquake in 1920. The rupture zone on the s2 fan is composed of varied kinds of faulting geomorphologic landforms, such as a series of en echelon tension-shear fractures trending 270°~285°, fault scarps and seismic ridges caused by the left-lateral motion of the seismic fault. In addition, a number of field ridges on the s2 fan were faulted by the 1920 Haiyuan M8.5 earthquake, recording the co-seismic displacements of the latest earthquake event. Relatively speaking, the surface rupture structure of the s3 fan is simple, mainly manifested as linear fault scarp with a trend of 270°~285°, which may indicate that multiple earthquakes have connected the different secondary fractures. And a small part of s4 fan is distributed in the southwest of the study area without fault crossing. Furthermore, we measured the horizontal displacements of river channels and vertical offsets of fault scarps. The faulted ridge on the s2 fan and faulted gully on the s3 fan provide good linear markers for obtaining the fault left-lateral dislocation. We used the graphical dislocation measurement software LaDiCaoz developed based on Matlab to restore the gully position before the earthquake by comparing the gully morphology on both sides of the fault, and then determined the horizontal offset of s2, which is(4.3±0.4)m and that of s3 is(8.6±0.6)m. In addition, based on the DEM data, we extracted the fault scarp densely along the fault strike, and obtained the vertical offset of s2, which is(4.3±0.4)m and that of s3 is(1.79±0.16)m. Moreover, we detect slope breaks in the fault scarp morphology. For compound fault scarps generated by multiple surface rupture earthquakes, there are multiple inflection points on the slope of the topographic section, and each inflection point represents a surface rupture event. Therefore, the slope break point on the scarp becomes an important symbol of multiple rupture of the fault. The statistical result shows that the slope breaks number of s2 is 1 and that of s3 is 2. Based on the analysis of horizontal displacements of river channels and vertical offsets of fault scarps as well as its slope breaks, two surface rupturing events can be confirmed along the Tangjiapo area of the Haiyuan Fault. Among them, the horizontal and vertical displacements of the older event are(4.3±0.95)m and(0.85±0.22)m, respectively, while that of the latest event are(4.3±0.4)m and(0.95±0.14)m, which are the coseismic horizontal and vertical offsets of the 1920 Haiyuan earthquake. These recognitions have improved our cognitive level of the fine structure of seismic surface rupture and ability to recognize paleoearthquake events. Therefore, the high-resolution topographic data obtained from the SfM photogrammetry method can be used for interpretation of fine structure and quantitative analysis of microgeomorphology. With the development of research on tectonic geomorphology and active tectonics toward refinement and quantification, this method will be of higher use value and practical significance.  相似文献   

断层陡坎的形态可以保存有关断层带上地震活动等重要信息,陡坎上的坡折就是多次地震发生后陡坎演化留下的微地貌信息。以往研究选取的断层陡坎多为位于标准阶地面上的断层陡坎,而断层沿线地貌现象复杂,因此需要探索一种具有普适性的断层陡坎形态研究方法。本研究将常见的断层陡坎剖面按照形态划分为三种类型,以LiDAR技术获取的0.2m分辨率DEM数据为基础,选择了8个属于不同断层陡坎剖面类型的实验区,每个实验区采集不少于20条剖面,通过窗口检验确定研究区最佳数据获取移动窗口为7个像元并计算每条剖面的坡度值,通过坡度约束限定陡坎范围,进而识别坡折并获取坡折信息。对坡折信息进行概率密度统计,根据概率密度统计图中的峰值个数确定强震事件的次数。结果显示,陡坎形态研究结果与古地震探槽结果表现出较好的一致性,表明本文提出的陡坎形态研究方法可以适用于不同类型断层陡坎来确定强震事件次数。  相似文献   

由于对第四纪地层的严重依赖,传统古地震探槽研究方法在基岩区难以发挥作用,导致无法获取基岩区断层的强震活动历史。本研究以山西地堑系的交城断裂为目标断裂,以断裂北段2处基岩断层面为研究对象,通过三维激光扫描技术获取基岩断层面高精度形貌,基于变差函数法结合滑动窗口操作量化断层表面形貌特征,开展在基岩区提取断裂古地震信息的实例研究。结果显示,2处基岩断层面的形貌在高度上具有明显的分段特征,指示了断层面在地震事件作用下的分段出露过程。这种断层面形貌分段特征可以用来识别古地震事件和同震位移量。在思西村基岩断层面上,识别出由老到新的3次古地震事件,同震倾滑位移量依次为2.0 m、1.9 m和2.3 m,在上兰镇基岩断层面上,识别出由老到新的3次古地震事件,同震倾滑位移量依次为1.4 m、2.5 m和2.0 m,指示了交城断裂北、中段具有产生同震位移量大于2 m、震级大于7.5级的破裂型地震的能力。上述研究成果表明,基于三维激光扫描和形貌量化分析方法开展基岩断层面古地震研究,可以准确而高效地识别古地震事件次数和同震位移量,扩展古地震的研究对象,拓宽古地震的研究空间。在未来的研究中,可以适时地开展宇宙成因核素测年以测定断层面的暴露年龄,获得发震年代,给予地震序列年龄框架。  相似文献   

Based on the 1︰50000 active fault geological mapping, combining with high-precision remote imaging, field geological investigation and dating technique, the paper investigates the stratum, topography and faulted landforms of the Huashan Piedmont Fault. Research shows that the Huashan Piedmont Fault can be divided into Lantian to Huaxian section (the west section), Huaxian to Huayin section (the middle section) and Huayin to Lingbao section (the east section) according to the respective different fault activity. The fault in Lantian to Huaxian section is mainly contacted by loess and bedrock. Bedrock fault plane has already become unsmooth and mirror surfaces or striations can not be seen due to the erosion of running water and wind. 10~20m high fault scarps can be seen ahead of mountain in the north section near Mayu gully and Qiaoyu gully, and we can see Malan loess faulted profiles in some gully walls. In this section terraces are mainly composed of T1 and T2 which formed in the early stage of Holocene and late Pleistocene respectively. Field investigation shows that T1 is continuous and T2 is dislocated across the fault. These indicate that in this section the fault has been active in the late Pleistocene and its activity becomes weaker or no longer active after that. In the section between Huaxian and Huayin, neotectonics is very obvious, fault triangular facets are clearly visible and fault scarps are in linear distribution. Terrace T1, T2 and T3 develop well on both sides of most gullies. Dating data shows that T1 forms in 2~3ka BP, T2 forms in 6~7ka BP, and T3 forms in 60~70ka BP. All terraces are faulted in this section, combing with average ages and scarp heights of terraces, we calculate the average vertical slip rates during the period of T3 to T2, T2 to T1 and since the formation of T1, which are 0.4mm/a, 1.1mm/a and 1.6mm/a, and among them, 1.1mm/a can roughly represent as the average vertical slip rate since the middle stage of Holocene. Fault has been active several times since the late period of late Pleistocene according to fault profiles, in addition, Tanyu west trench also reveals the dislocation of the culture layer of(0.31~0.27)a BP. 1~2m high scarps of floodplains which formed in(400~600)a BP can be seen at Shidiyu gully and Gouyu gully. In contrast with historical earthquake data, we consider that the faulted culture layer exposed by Tanyu west trench and the scarps of floodplains are the remains of Huanxian MS8½ earthquake. The fault in Huayin to Lingbao section is also mainly contacted by loess and mountain bedrock. Malan loess faulted profiles can be seen at many river outlets of mountains. Terrace geomorphic feature is similar with that in the west section, T1 is covered by thin incompact Holocene sand loam, and T2 is covered by Malan loess. OSL dating shows that T2 formed in the early to middle stage of late Pleistocene. Field investigation shows that T1 is continuous and T2 is dislocated across the fault. These also indicate that in this section fault was active in the late Pleistocene and its activity becomes weaker or no longer active since Holocene. According to this study combined with former researches, we incline to the view that the seismogenic structure of Huanxian MS8½ earthquake is the Huashan Piedmont Fault and the Northern Margin Fault of Weinan Loess, as for whether there are other faults or not awaits further study.  相似文献   

A series of NWW striking faults are obliquely intersected by the NEE striking Altyn Tagh fault zone in the western Qilian Mountains. These faults were mostly active in late Quaternary and play an important role in accommodating regional lateral extrusion by both reverse and sinistral slip. Detailed studies on late Quaternary activity, tectonic transformation, paleoseismology, and strain partitioning not only significantly affect our recognition on seismogenic mechanism and zones of potential large earthquakes, but also provide useful information for exploring tectonic deformation mechanism in the northern Tibetan plateau. The Danghenanshan Fault, Yemahe-Daxueshan fault, and Altyn Tagh Fault form a triplet junction point at southwest of Subei county. The Yemahe-Daxueshan fault is one important branch fault in the western Qilian Mountains that accommodated eastward decreasing slip of the Altyn Tagh Fault, which was active in late Holocene, with a length up to 170km. Based on geometry and late Quaternary activity, the Yemahe-Daxueshan fault was subdivided into 3 segments, i.e. the Subei fault, Yemahe fault and Daxueshan Fault. The Yemahe Fault has the most prominent appearance among them, and is dominated by left-lateral slip with a little normal component. The heights of fresh scarps on this fault are only several tens of centimeters. We dug 2 trenches at the Zhazhihu site, and cleaned and reinterpreted one trench of previous studies. Then we interpreted trench profiles and paleoseismic events, and collected 14C and Optical Stimulated Luminescence samples to constrain event ages. Finally, we determined 3 events on the Yemahe fault with ages(6 830±30) a BP-(6 280±40) a BP, (5 220±30) a BP, (2 010±30) a BP, respectively. The elapsed time of most recent earthquake is(2 010±30) years before present, which is very close to the recurrence interval, so the possibility of major earthquakes on the Yemahe fault is relatively large.  相似文献   

卡兹克阿尔特断裂带活动特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
尹金辉  陈杰  郑勇刚  李锰  胡军 《中国地震》2001,17(2):221-230
卡兹克阿尔特断裂带是帕米尔和天山新生代造山带间一个重要的活动构造边界,通过对其活动构造特征的详细地质调查和大比例尺填图,可将卡兹克阿尔特断裂带进一步划分为吉勒格由特断裂带、乌恰地震断裂带和木什断裂带3段.吉勒格由特断裂带的地表破裂为一系列的断层陡坎和偏转的冲积扇,经过别尔托阔依河出山口处时,切割了T1至T3堆积阶地.断裂带在T1、T2和T3阶地的断层陡坎高度分别为0.67m、3.90m和36.50m.对采自T2阶地顶部和底部的粉砂样品进行光释光测年,测定的初步结果分别为8900aBP和10500aBP,因此对T3、T2阶地以来的滑动速率估计分别约为3.5mm/a、0.8mm/a.断裂的前缘开挖的探槽揭示出全新世以来有4次古地震活动.乌恰地震带主要切割克兹勒苏河的T3阶地后缘,沿断裂带分布有大小不等的断塞塘和断层陡坎.1985年8月23日在乌恰地震带上发生Ms7.4地震,地震最大位错为1.5m.根据断层陡坎计算出断裂的滑动速率约为0.54mm/a.卡帕河的东岸探槽同样揭示出有4次古地震活动.在乌恰地震带的东端,木什断裂带地表长度约6km,由数十条左阶排列的反向断层陡坎(坡向北)组成,沿这些断坎多处可见冲沟被断错,横跨断层陡坎的探槽揭示出3次古地震活动.  相似文献   

塔里木西缘明尧勒活动背斜两翼河流阶地面上多处发育活动弯滑断层陡坎。这些断坎主要分布在活动轴面附近较陡的等斜岩层(地层倾角分别为74°~89°、18°~20°和45°~60°)一翼,往往成排发育在距活动轴面50~1 200m范围内,宽90~1 000m,长40~950m,随着离活动轴面的距离加大弯滑断层陡坎规模渐小。同一阶地面上发育的弯滑断层陡坎几乎以等间距或间距倍数关系产出。这些断坎走向与下伏基岩地层走向一致,基岩地层大多为中-厚层块状砂岩或粉砂岩互层,岩层间力学性质差异较小。明尧勒背斜南翼克孜勒苏河北岸T3阶地面废弃以来,单条弯滑断层的地表最大缩短速率为0.31mm/a,地表最大抬升速率为0.34mm/a。这些弯滑断层的活动具有重复性和新生性。  相似文献   

As the most active intracontinental orogenic belt in the world, the Tianshan orogenic belt has complex and diverse internal structural deformation patterns, and among them, the particularly striking is the linear straight U-type valley landscapes which cut inside the mountains by multiple NW-SE and ENE-WSW strike-slip faults. Many of the modern strong earthquakes in Tianshan orogenic belt are closely related to these strike-slip faults. Therefore, it is important to elaborate the activity characteristics of these faults to understand the deformation process inside the Tianshan Mountains belt. This paper focuses on one of the NW-SE right-lateral strike-slip fault (the Kaiduhe Fault), which lies inside the southeastern Tianshan. Typical offset landforms and scarp lineaments on the western segment of the Kaiduhe Fault can be used to study the activity characteristics and strike-slip rate. In particular, the fault cuts through the late Quaternary alluvial fans and a series of river gullies were right-laterally faulted, producing dextral offsets ranging from 3 to 248m. A digital elevation model (DEM)with resolution of 0.25m was established by using multi-angle photogrammetry technique to stripe about 12km linear tectonic landforms along the Kaiduhe Fault. Geological and geomorphic mapping in DEM with 22 high-resolution dextral offset measurements reveals that the dextral offsets can be divide into four groups of 3.5m, 7.0m, 11.8m and 14.5m. It is presumed from the approximately uniformly-spaced offsets that the coseismic offset was 3~4m. In addition, the exposure age of an older alluvial fan surface was about 235.7ka by in situ 10Be terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide method. Combining the exposure ages and the maximum dextral offset of 248m, we found that the strike-slip rate of the Kaiduhe Fault is about 1mm/a. It is found by this study that the Kaiduhe Fault plays an important role in regulating SN compression deformation within Tianshan Mountains, and it should also be the main stress-strain accumulation area which has the risk of occurrence of strong earthquake.  相似文献   

The Nojima fault on the northwestern coast of Awaji Island, south of Kobe, was reactivated during the January 17, 1995 Hyogoken-nanbu earthquake. This fault rupture was dominated by right-lateral offset (max. 1.7 m) along a high-angle reverse fault which has a maximum vertical displacement of 1.3 m on the southeastern side. We repeatedly measured seven profiles across the fault scarp in two areas (Hirabayashi to the northeast and Ogura to the southwest) for approximately 1 year following the earthquake. The original profile of the fault scarp was an overhanging scarp at Hirabayashi and Ogura, corresponding to the 70–80 ° dip of the fault plane. The fault scarp at Hirabayashi displaces Plio-Pleistocene siltstones of the Osaka Group and is overlain by a thin bed of unconsolidated gravel. The Ogura area is entirely underlain by the Osaka Group. Scarp degradation at Hirabayashi occurred by collapse of the gravel bed and proceeded more quickly than at Ogura, where fault scarp degradation proceeded mainly by exfoliation of the Osaka Group siltstones. The degradation occurred at a very fast rate until March at Hirabayashi, and until June or July at Ogura. Since then, the degradation has been very slow. Our data strongly indicate that the scarp profile was initially controlled mainly by the dip of the fault plane, and scarp degradation has been primarily controlled by lithological factors. The degradation of the Nojima earthquake fault scarp proceeded much more quickly than that of normal fault scarps in the western U.S.A., where many observations of the initial stages of scarp degradation have been carried out. The extremely rapid degradation of the Nojima fault scarp in weak late Neogene siltstones might, in combination with rapid cultural modification of the landscape, explain the paucity of geomorphic scarps along the numerous active faults in Japan. This observation may also have implications for tectonic geomorphology and paleoseismicity studies in other countries characterised by weak bedrock and moderate to high rainfall regimes.  相似文献   

Study of historical earthquake is one of the important methods to understand the seismic activities and analyze the seismogenic faults. On the May 25th, 1568 AD, a destructive earthquake occurred to the northeast of the present-day city of Xi'an, Shaanxi Province. Because this earthquake happened shortly after the 1556 M8 earthquake and was regarded as an aftershock, it has received little attention in previous studies. Previous earthquake catalogue agreed in assigning a magnitude 6 3/4 to this earthquake but had different epicentral locations and seismic intensity, and the seismogenic structure remains ambiguous. Based on textual research of historical earthquake and field investigation, the Jingyang County, Gaoling County, and Xianning County, were the worst hit area by the earthquake, and the areas, including Yongle Town, Gaozhuang Town at southeastern Jingyang County to Gaoling County and its southeastern present-day Jijia and Zhangbu, should be the mesoseismal area of this earthquake. The epicenter intensity of this earthquake is Ⅸ+(9~10 degrees), and the magnitude is estimated to be 7. The isoseismal lines were drawn to exhibit the various intensities of the areas damaged during the event, with its major axis directed NWW. Intensities reached Ⅸ+ in the zone extending west-northwest parallel to the Weinan-Jingyang Fault. This fault, characterized by a normal fault that developed during the Cenozoic extensional history of the Weihe Basin, dipping to the north at an angle of 60°~80°, is one part of the southern boundary faults in Weihe graben. There are geomorphological and geological evidences of recent activity of the fault during (180±30)a BP to (1 600±30)a BP. At T1-T2 fluvial terraces on the north bank of Weihe River, the scarps were faulted during Ming Dynasty, and sandy soil liquefaction, dense structural tensional fissures and faulted strata are noted in stratigraphic profiles and trenches. Thus, we suggest that this fault can reliably be regarded as being active during Holocene, and re-name the earthquake as the Shaanxi Gaoling earthquake.  相似文献   

The use of cosmogenic isotopes to determine surface exposure ages has grown rapidly in recent years. The extent to which cosmogenic nuclides can distinguish between mechanistic hypotheses of landscape evolution is an important issue in geomorphology. We present a case study to determine whether surface exposure dating techniques can elucidate the role knickpoint propagation plays in longitudinal profile evolution. Cosmogenically produced 10Be, 26Al, 36Cl, 3He and 21Ne were measured in olivines collected from 5·2 Ma basalt flows on Kauai, Hawaii. Several obstacles had to be overcome prior to the measurement of In situ-produced radionuclides, including removal of meteoric 10Be from the olivine grains. Discrepancies between the radionuclide and noble gas data may suggest limits for exposure dating. Approximate surface exposure ages calculated from the nuclide concentrations indicate that large boulders may remain in the Hawaiian valley below the knickpoint for hundreds of thousands of years. The ages of samples collected above the knickpoint are consistent with estimates of erosion based on the preservation of palaeosurfaces. Although the exposure ages can neither confirm nor reject the nickpoint hypothesis, boulder ages downstream of the knickpoint are consistent with a wave of incision passing upvalley. The long residence time off the coarse material in the valley bottom further suggests that knickpoint propagation beneath a boulder pile is necessary for incision of the bedrock underlying the boulders to occur. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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