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利用印度尼西亚Bukit Koto Tabang(BKT)观测站的地面和大气红外探测仪(AIRS)卫星观测数据,分别提取了该观测站2004年和2005年苏门答腊两次M8.0地震前后地面和卫星观测所获得的CO总量、近地面(1 000 hPa)CO体积分数和O3总量的高光谱气体地球化学信息,对BKT台站附近卫星观测数据和地面观测数据进行了相互验证。结果表明两次大地震前卫星和地面观测均捕获到了CO和O3异常,其中卫星观测获得的CO总量和CO体积分数与地面测得的CO浓度呈强正相关,相关系数分别为0.83和0.75,表明CO浓度异常可能主要源于孕震过程中地下逸出的气体,大气中的化学反应对CO异常的贡献次之。O3卫星观测结果与地面观测结果也呈正相关关系(r=0.49),地震前O3异常可能主要归因于地震前地下逸出的气体在大气中的化学反应。地面观测的CO和O3浓度在两次地震前标准偏差变大,且CO和O3浓度变化与分别以地面观测站和地震震中为中心从卫星数据提取的气体浓度与地面观测数据变化趋势一致。研究结果丰富了利用高光谱卫星数据提取地震前后气体地球化学异常信息的方法。  相似文献   

针对对流层主要污染物(对流层臭氧、NO_2、SO_2及HCHO)的高分辨率、高频次监测需求,开展了基于静止轨道卫星监测中国大气污染物的模拟观测实验.在参考现有极轨卫星载荷的遥感监测能力和仪器参数基础上,根据静止卫星观测模型,利用正演辐射传输模式模拟观测光谱.根据最优估计反演理论,分析光谱仪的主要指标参数对各目标气体的反演敏感性和反演误差.基于各目标气体反演精度需求,提出光谱仪的观测波段、光谱分辨率和信噪比等关键指标参数的建议方案.为评估选定的光谱仪参数能否满足需求,利用大气化学输送模式模拟中国区域大气成分的三维分布,进行中国区域的模拟反演实验.结果表明,针对各目标气体,满足反演需求的实验数目均达到90%左右.臭氧总量和平流层臭氧的反演精度可达到2%,且各气体反演在太阳天顶角高于70°范围内仍可以获得有效数据.因此,我们所提出的静止卫星观测方案和仪器参数方案具有一定可行性,为优化将来中国静止轨道卫星光谱仪仪器指标提供了理论依据和模拟工具.  相似文献   

2006年7月下旬—9月初,陕西华清4#泉气体总量测值出现了一次低值异常。经调查落实,此次异常不是构造活动或地震前兆异常,而是由采样扩散瓶刻度指示体积与实际体积不符引起的。9月6日的扩散瓶封存气体刻度指示体积与实际体积误差试验以及9月9日—13日的气体总量对比观测试验均证实了这一结论。  相似文献   

通过实际观测和实验,讨论了应用气相色谱法测定火山区温泉逸出气体时的主要干扰因素及排除方法,认为校正归一法是适合火山区微量气体检测的一种定量方法,另外发现观测时间对观测结果影响很大,应在取样后相对确定的时间段内进行样品分析,以保证分析结果的可对比性。  相似文献   

利用现有水化学观测仪器设备对某些灵敏气体进行观测,比如使用水氡、水质、气体观测仪器设备进行断层土壤气氡、二氧化碳、气体观测的实验研究,并且给出了集气、采气装置的构成方式.氡气和气体观测采用真空负压采样法,使用水氡观测仪器和气相色谱仪.而土壤二氧化碳观测方法可采用碱溶液吸收法,采样时采用真空负压采样法或常压自然吸收法两种方式,还提出了氡气观测中设计采样装置时应注意的事项.  相似文献   

通过对聊古一井气体总量30多年观测资料的处理,发现在11次地震中(△≤400 km,ML≥5.0)共有5次在震前出现了异常,映震率为45%.探讨了5次气体总量异常机理,解释了可比性地震有时出现异常、有时不出现异常的原因.  相似文献   

总结和分析了我国地震地下流体监测站网布局、观测技术、检测技术、台网管理等方面的现状与存在的问题,介绍和讨论了地热观测和数字化地下气体观测新技术新方法探索研究工作进展情况。针对存在的主要问题,结合发展趋势与前沿性的探索工作,以满足未来十年我国地震重点监视防御区震情监视跟踪需求为目标,提出了未来我国地震地下流体监测发展方向...  相似文献   

在地下气体观测的定量分析中,用气相色谱仪分析测量气体组分,是比较普遍的方法之一,气体分析资料的地震前兆反映明显,并且积累了不少典型震例,在地震预报研究中发挥了很好的作用。我们在观测实践中发现,即使严格按照规范(国家地震局,1985)的要求操作,仍有不少因素对观测数据的可靠性产生较大影响。为了提高气体观测资料的质量,对分析技术进行研究是完全必要的。 对庐江台1# 井的气体观测项目,就地下水溶解气和逸出气的观测过程,以SP-2304A型气相色谱仪的工作情况为例,结合笔者十几年的观测实践,对有关问题进行初步分析讨论,供同行参考。 1…  相似文献   

介绍了清丰井及气体观测基本情况,研究了清丰井气体观测资料动态特征变化的原因。结果表明,井孔条件,抽水条件,如水泵深度、抽水量等因素的改变对观测结果产生较大影响。  相似文献   

地热流体溶解二氧化碳总量观测方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文介绍了一种新的CO_2前兆观测方法——重量法测定地热流体的溶解CO_2总量。这种方法引入的溶解CO_2总量参数有确切的物理含义,因而能比较准确地反映采样当时地热流体的CO_2释放特征。文章较详细地阐述了新方法的理论基础,并根据大量的条件实验和实际观测资料论述了新观测方法的可行性,对溶解CO_2,总量观测中的影响因素和应用前景也作了初步的讨论。  相似文献   

通过实验和数学统计,对地电观测的探测深度和布极方向作了探讨,认为在实际观测时如选取合适的探测深度并合理布设观测装置,可以提高观测资料“震电”异常的幅度和可信度。  相似文献   

山西地区几次地震前后的重力场变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取了山西测网1997年—2006年重力复测资料,主要研究了重力点值特征和重力场变化情况,认为,重力场变化与山西境内的地震有较好的对应关系。  相似文献   

If plate thickness depends on crustal age, the region of extensive partial melting below the spreading axis will be wider around fast-spreading ridges. The melt region creates a subaxial conduit channeling partial melts away from ridge-centered hot spots. The channel is here modeled by an elliptical pipe of semiminor (vertical) axis 2 × 106 cm (20 km) and semimajor (horizontal) axis KS, where S is spreading half-rate (cgs) and K is a constant of magnitude 1014 to 1015 seconds. This simple analytical model is used to explain the observation that maximum hot spot elevations on the Mid-Oceanic Ridge fall dramatically with increasing spreading rate (there are no Icelands or Afars on the East Pacific Rise!). A hot spot under a fast-spreading ridge has a broad pipe in which to discharge its partial melts; hence, only a slight topographic gradient and a low elevation is needed to discharge the mass flux rising out of the deeper mantle at the hot spot center. A second factor is that partial melts are “used up” faster in the accretion process on fast-spreading ridges. In the simple analytical model, both factors operating together explain the rapid fall of hot spot heights with increasing spreading half-rate. This result indirectly helps confirm the idea of horizontal pipe flow below the Mid-Oceanic Ridge.A theoretical topographic profile through a hot spot on the Mid-Oceanic Ridge is derived from the assumption that the pressure — i.e., topographic — gradient at a distance x from the hot spot is sufficient to supply all the accreting lithosphere downstream of x, out to xn, the limit of topographic hot spot influence. The predicted profile is quadratic in x and concave upward, and resembles several observed profiles where neighboring hot spots are not so close as to confuse the profiles. Some observed profiles are more nearly linear or even convex upward. This could be explained, for example, by downstream increases in viscosity or decreases in pipe dimensions.A hot spot on a ridge spreading at much less than 1 cm/yr half-rate would produce an enormous elevation of the ridge axis, according to our model, because the pipe would be very narrow. Such a large topographic high would create a large gravity potential which would cause the plates to move apart faster, thereby widening the pipe, and reducing the topographic high. The system of ridges and hot spots may thus be self-regulating with respect to plate speeds; this could explain why spreading half-rates on the Mid-Oceanic Ridge are in many areas as low as 1.0 cm/yr but very rarely as low as 0.5 cm/yr.  相似文献   

合肥形变台跨郯庐断裂短水准异常研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以合肥形变台短水准测量场地各基岩点与检测线路端点(基岩)组成水准环线进行连测,利用重复观测资料,估算各点稳定度.研究认为,观测资料长期趋势变化是西端A点受环境条件改变的干扰造成的.  相似文献   

弥渡地器台经过多次试验,在2011年11月改进了弥渡自流井脱气集气装置。该装置在弥渡地下流体观测井使用后,脱气效果明显,弥渡地下流体前兆信息获取能力得到较大提高。本文选取改进脱气集气装置后的弥渡数字化气汞资料,对2012年以来云南省内发生的几次中强地震进行了分析、研究。  相似文献   


This paper examines the evolution and morphology of a magnetic anomaly: the appearance and disappearance of a longitudinal magnetic flux with opposite polarity at an area of about 10 arc seconds in the umbra of the following sunspot of an NOAA 12192 active region, which was observed from 21 to 26 October 2014 in the SDO/HMI and SOLIS/VSM magnetograms. Information collected by spacecraft and under on-ground observations including data from the Sun Service of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences are analyzed. Based on the methods of observation and determination of longitudinal magnetic fields in SDO/HMI in line FeI 6173.34 Å it was revealed, that combinations of contours appearing due to magnetic force lines inclinations relative to the line-of-sight and line-of-sight velocities can cause a significant undervalue of the magnetic field intensity in magnetograms, but polarity does not reverse. The fine spatial structure, evolution features, close correlation with ultraviolet loops system in SDO/AIA images, “moustaches”, and no temporal and spatial correlation with flares point to a connection between the detected anomaly and the new magnetic flux emergence of opposite polarity in a spot’s umbra at an earlier decay stage. We analyze magnetic force lines reconnection and show that annigilation of the magnetic fields of opposite polarities can take place for many hours at small (~30 km) scales and this fact is verified by observation results. There are additional facts in favor of the cluster model of a solar spot by Severny-Parker.


旨在介绍在对辽宁省地震监测中心的多个应用系统的高度提炼下,通过WEBgIS构建地震快速反应系统的整个过程。本文简要叙述了系统的主要开发目标,介绍了系统的软件架构和功能设计,阐述了使用网络技术和开源组件实现本系统的方法,总结了系统特点。  相似文献   

陕西地区地壳厚度初探   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用陕西测震台网记录到的七次人工爆破与邻区10个中强地震资料,利用由莫霍界面的首波P_n的走时数据,采用改进的时间项法[1]和相对时间项法[3][4]计算了各测点的时间项b_j和v_(pn),最后得出40个测点的地壳厚度。陕西地区地壳厚度的总趋势是东面较薄,西面较厚。陕北地壳较厚,约为41~43公里,陕南秦岭断块地区地壳厚度约为40公里,而渭河盆地地壳较薄,平均约为36公里。研究结果表明,地壳深部结构与地震活动存在着一定的联系。  相似文献   

Two prognostic experiments taking into account real atmospheric forcing for 2006 and 2011 were carried out based on the eddy-resolving numerical model with a horizontal resolution of 1.6 km for the Black Sea. The main dynamic features such as the Rim Current, the Sevastopol, and Batumi anticyclones are reproduced in both experiments. The model results are confirmed via observation data. We accomplished the analysis of simulated circulation and energetics. The results demonstrate that both the vertical viscosity and vertical diffusion along with the energy inflow from the wind have been the main contributors to the annual and seasonal budgets of kinetic and potential energies of the Black Sea circulation. It is shown that two regimes of the Black Sea general circulation are implemented depending on a magnitude of wind contribution to the kinetic energy in winter. Intensive mesoscale eddy formation was observed along the Anatolian, Caucasian, and Crimean coasts. The analysis of the Black Sea circulation and eddy energetics allowed us to conclude that the generation and development of the mesoscale coastal eddies is associated with the barotropic instability in case of intensive coastal currents and is associated with both the barotropic and baroclinic instability in case of weak coastal currents.  相似文献   

横波地震勘查技术在长春市活断层探测中的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以解决长春市区活断层的浅层地质问题为前提,阐述了活断层概念和横波的物理特征;从理论和实验的角度分析横波的分辨率和观测系统参数选取的原则.在试验的基础上,确定横波的观测系统,给出研究区的波组特征、断层分布和第四系的埋深情况.  相似文献   

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