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吕洪波  浦津  高于 《地质通报》2022,(4):517-532
在内蒙古赤峰市巴林左旗林东镇以南约20 km的召庙,出露一片面积约20 km2的花岗岩,称为召庙花岗岩体。该岩体被至少2组垂直节理及与地面起伏一致的剥离面理切割成大小不等的弧形岩块,构成高于周围地表300~400 m的花岗岩山区。在多条花岗岩山脊上保存有大小不等的壶穴,山脊两侧则发育从上到下紧密排列的泄水槽,而泄水槽则被剥离面理横向切割,沿剥离面理的露头线发育大小不等的风化穴。通过详细的野外调查,认为花岗岩山脊上的壶穴不是风蚀和风化所致,而是晚更新世冰盖上的冰川融水下泄冲刷形成的;山脊两侧的泄水槽也是冰川融水下泄冲刷的结果;剥离面理是第四纪冰川发育导致地表之下岩石温度变化的热变应力所致,可用于恢复第四纪冰川作用时期的基岩古地貌;盐风化穴是第四纪冰川退缩后本区重要的物理风化类型,优先沿着剥离面理发育。本区3种微型地貌景观和大型的剥离面理共生组合记录了更新世以来召庙花岗岩山区的地貌演化史。  相似文献   

广西区内139个主要风化矿床(点)中有近4成集中分布于中酸性岩浆岩风化区。新近纪以来新构造运动活跃,东亚季风盛行产生了湿热气候,致使近2.0×105 km 2不同时代、不同岩性的中酸性岩浆岩广泛出露并遭受强烈风化,大面积的厚层风化壳在低山丘陵地貌景观区得以保存,这为风化矿床的发育提供了得天独厚的气候、地质、构造和地貌等条件。广西中酸性岩浆岩风化作用形成的矿床主要包括残积型(以钛铁砂矿为代表)、淋积型(以离子吸附型稀土矿为代表)和残余型(以高岭土矿和膨润土矿为代表)三个类型。这些不同类型的风化矿床在成矿条件上表现出显著的母岩专属性和风化环境偏在性,二者联合约束了风化矿床的成矿作用及成矿类型。风化过程中复杂的水岩反应(淋积作用、残积作用和残余作用)是导致中酸性岩浆岩风化形成各类矿床的内在机制。  相似文献   

基于盐风化作用和化学风化作用在砂岩风化洞穴形成中的意义,本文利用硫酸盐与氯化物等盐类物质对丹霞山岩壁上的红色砂岩进行盐浸泡实验,并对比浸泡前后岩石结构、化学成分及矿物组成的变化,旨在为盐类物质在丹霞山岩壁上洞穴形成中的意义积累科学数据。结果表明,盐浸泡可以使红色砂岩中的矿物组成产生变化;含SO42-比含Cl-的盐溶液对红色砂岩洞穴破坏更为显著,且浓度越高对砂岩表面的剥蚀作用越强烈;盐溶液会使红色砂岩胶结物严重流失,且盐类物质在砂岩孔隙中结晶后,因其粒径的逐渐增大,致使大颗粒石英附近的裂隙扩大,进而加快洞穴的形成。总体上,广东丹霞山红色砂岩崖壁上风化洞穴的成因可解释为长石溶蚀、胶结物流失与盐风化共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

花岗岩地貌类型及其形成机制初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
魏罕蓉  张招崇 《地质论评》2007,53(B08):147-159
花岗岩是地壳最丰富的岩石类型之一,由于其不同的构造地质背景、不同的岩石类型以及受不同的气候条件和不同的后期地壳运动影响,形成了不同的地貌景观。本文介绍了花岗岩风化的控制因素、世界上各种地貌景观的特征,并简要介绍了主要地貌景观的形成机制,指出一种地貌景观的最后形成可能受多种因素控制,是内因和外因共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

宁德世界地质公园白水洋园区出露上侏罗统—下白垩统酸-中酸性火山岩,经长期构造变动、风化剥蚀和流水侵蚀,发育火山岩峰丛、石堡、石墙、石柱等山峰、山体,线谷、围谷、峡谷等谷地,以及洞穴、流水侵蚀地貌、水体景观,形成巍峨壮观、风光旖旎的火山岩地貌景观。白水洋火山岩岩性复杂、地貌类型繁多、成因多样,极具科学研究和观赏价值,是研究中生代火山岩区内、外动力地质作用、火山岩地貌发育的理想场所和地学旅游胜地。  相似文献   

贵州赤水南部地区丹霞地貌类型特征及成因演化分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贵州赤水南部地区广泛分布着白垩系嘉定群巨厚红层,受构造活动、流水侵蚀、风化剥蚀和重力崩塌等内外力地质作用影响,形成了类型丰富的丹霞地貌景观。本文将丹霞地貌的类型特征与成因演化相结合,按主导动力对丹霞地貌进行分类,包括丹霞构造地貌、丹霞水蚀地貌、丹霞风化地貌和丹霞重力地貌等类型,并对典型的代表景观特征进行描述。重点分析了赤水南部地区丹霞地貌的成因演化过程,从地质学的角度揭示出丹霞地貌景观的成因演化机理,起到普及地球科学知识,开展地学研究的作用。  相似文献   

博乐怪石峪是目前国内已知的规模最大、分布最为集中、发育最奇怪的怪石群,是由花岗岩石蛋形成奇特象形石景观的集中分布区。怪石景观规模宏大,造型神奇巧,自然天成,融典型性和观赏性于一体。它既不同于桂林等地的岩溶景观,不同于干旱沙漠中发育的蜂窝状风蚀穴地貌,也不同于国内外其他花岗岩地貌景观,而是一种特定的干旱地区气候环境条件下发育在遭大面积剥露的风蚀为主的花岗岩石蛋地貌,独具风格,自成一体,被命名为"怪石峪式"。  相似文献   

李志文  郭福生  孙丽  黄宝华 《地质论评》2017,63(5):1281-1292
梅岭主要以新元古代花岗岩为地质基础,在长期的构造抬升和风化侵蚀作用下,形成了以垄状山脊/锯状山脊和侵蚀沟谷为组合的地貌特征,其代表性地貌为大小不同和圆度各异的石块堆积,广泛分布于山顶、山谷和缓山坡上,对于其形成机制,过去常被认为是冰川遗迹或倒石堆。通过研究这些石块堆积的形态特征和分布规律,笔者认为属石蛋地貌,可分为裸露型石蛋地貌和埋藏型石蛋地貌。二者的广泛分布,表明梅岭处于花岗岩地貌演化的幼年期晚期—青年期早期阶段,发育机制与当地的地质构造背景和湿热气候环境密切相关,其中的裸露型石蛋主要与埋藏型石蛋剥露、裸露岩石的球状风化和倒石堆的球状风化有关,沟谷中的石蛋流主要形成于裸露岩石崩解破碎后顺坡滚动、土体崩塌导致埋藏型石蛋出露和顺坡滚动、洪水搬运、季节性冻融作用使岩石顺坡蠕动等方式的综合作用下。埋藏型石蛋主要是在花岗岩内部裂隙和节理的控制下,形成于温度和降水对不同深度花岗岩的差异性风化作用。  相似文献   

深圳地区花岗岩风化球成因探讨及勘察对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邱林  黄汉盛 《广东地质》1997,12(4):57-62
通过对深圳地区花岗岩的成因,区域构造,风化作用等因素的对比分析,探讨了风化球成因与它们的内在联系。燕山晚期混染花岗岩,蚀变花岗岩是风化球形成的内在原因,断裂构造带及次生裂隙为风化球形成提供了有利条件;风化带特征与风化球形态有密切关系。由此提出圈定花岗岩风化球发育地段的几点原则和勘察对策。列工程实例予以说明。  相似文献   

达古冰山地质公园以现代山地冰川地貌景观为核心,辅以古冰川冰蚀地貌、冰碛地貌和冰水堆积地貌景观,融类型丰富、规模宏大的地表碳酸盐岩钙华堆积地貌、各类水体景观和构造地质遗迹资源为一体。通过对各类地质遗迹进行分析,探讨了地质公园地质遗迹资源地学意义。研究表明,该地质公园在冰川地质学、第四纪地质学、地貌学、岩溶地质学、和岩石学等方面都具有极高的科学研究价值和极为典型的地学科普意义。  相似文献   

吴子杰  邱隆伟  王海鹏  仲米山  高福亮  侯静  李欣 《地质论评》2023,69(3):2023030024-2023030024
A small honeycomb tafoni was found on the surface of the Meso-Neoproterozoic sandstone in Wafangdian area, Dalian, Liaoning Province. It is located on the surface of the northwest side of the outcrop sandstone layer. On the top surface of the sandstone layer and on the east and south sides, the tafoni was not developed. The whole tafoni is round or oval, with a diameter of 1-5cm and a depth of 1-2cm. Through field observation and comparative analysis, it is determined that it is the salt weathering tafoni. It is formed by the precipitation and crystallization of salt from sea fog in sandstone, which causes the detrital particles on the rock surface to fall off and weathering.  相似文献   

Cavernous weathering is commonly found on sandstone slopes in different environments. Either a single dominant process or polygenetic agents require to be invoked in order to interpret the development. The Yongningshan hill of the central Loess Plateau is representative of cliff dwellings in Northwest China, which is characterized by well-developed cavernous weathering features and provides a good opportunity for the better understanding of sandstone weathering in the Loess Plateau. Multiple methods, including field survey, in-situ rock strength measurement, along with experiments on samples for microscopic observation, element composition and salt chemistry, were employed to investigate the controlling factors of cavernous weathering. The results show that cavern development is different on the four slopes with the western slope hosting massive honeycombs, tafoni and hardened surfaces. The porous and permeable aeolian sandstones are fundamental, because they provide space and pathways for the transportation of water and salt, honeycombs dominantly aligning within the lamination of cross-beds. The environmental factors such as the seasonal wetting and drying cycle, aeolian salt, moisture and water vapor are key factors for the development of cavernous weathering forms. The northern and northwestern wind-blown dust storms have brought abundant salts, the lengthier dry periods of the wetting and drying cycle being beneficial for salt accumulation within caverns, favoring salt weathering.  相似文献   

填海造陆区水环境演变与对策研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
许士国  许翼 《水科学进展》2013,24(1):138-145
填海造陆区普遍存在次生盐渍化、地下结构物腐蚀等生态环境问题,尤其在中国北方沿海地区年蒸发量远大于降雨量的水循环条件下,此类问题更为突出。在简要回顾了填海现状和发展趋势的基础上,总结了填海后地下水系统和土体环境的演变趋势,并分析了造成上述影响的主要原因。通过对比湿润地区与半干旱地区的气候差异,认为利用集雨措施来引导自然淡化过程从而构建长效淋盐机制是半干旱填海区盐渍化防治的关键。同时指出,因地制宜地规划土体结构、提升排盐能力和种植绿化植物,是搭建和维持填海造陆区健康稳定生态系统的必要之举。  相似文献   

湿润地区的荒漠化   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
崔书红 《第四纪研究》1998,18(2):173-181
本文根据类似荒漠境况的出现是判断荒漠化发生与否的重要标志这一原则,并结合在中国南方开展的一些研究,对湿润地区的荒漠化进行了初步的探讨。研究表明,湿润地区的荒漠化并不包含所有存在侵蚀作用的退化土地,而专指人为侵蚀作用导致的出现了具类似荒漠境况的退化土地。中国南方湿润地区土地荒漠化分布最显著的特征为斑点状分布于丘陵山区或河、湖、海滨的冲积平原,面积为1.98×105km2,其中流水作用导致的荒漠化面积为1.78×105km2,风力作用的为0.11×105km2,其它0.09×105km2。自然因素,特别是气候和地貌因素对荒漠化的形成和发展起着积极的影响作用,但不是决定作用。人为不合理的经济活动,才是造成荒漠化的主要原因。文章最后还简要介绍了湿润地区荒漠化的防治问题。  相似文献   

Salt weathering is a crucial process that brings about a change in stone, from the scale of landscapes to stone outcrops and natural building stone façades. It is acknowledged that salt weathering is controlled by fluctuations in temperature and moisture, where repeated oscillations in these parameters can cause re-crystallisation, hydration/de-hydration of salts, bringing about stone surface loss in the form of, for example, granular disaggregation, scaling, and multiple flaking. However, this ‘traditional’ view of how salt weathering proceeds may need to be re-evaluated in the light of current and future climatic trends. Indeed, there is considerable scope for the investigation of consequences of climate change on geomorphological processes in general. Building on contemporary research on the ‘deep wetting’ of natural building stones, it is proposed that (as stone may be wetter for longer), ion diffusion may become a more prominent mechanism for the mixing of molecular constituents, and a shift in focus from physical damage to chemical change is suggested. Data from ion diffusion cell experiments are presented for three different sandstone types, demonstrating that salts may diffuse through porous stone relatively rapidly (in comparison to, for example, dense concrete). Pore water from stones undergoing diffusion experiments was extracted and analysed. Factors controlling ion diffusion relating to ‘time of wetness’ within stones are discussed, (continued saturation, connectivity of pores, mineralogy, behaviour of salts, sedimentary structure), and potential changes in system dynamics as a result of climate change are addressed. System inputs may change in terms of increased moisture input, translating into a greater depth of wetting front. Salts are likely to be ‘stored’ differently in stones, with salt being in solution for longer periods (during prolonged winter wetness). This has myriad implications in terms of the movement of ions by diffusion and the potential for chemical change in the stone (especially in more mobile constituents), leading to a weakening of the stone matrix/grain boundary cementing. The ‘output’ may be mobilisation and precipitation of elements leading to, for example, uneven cementing in the stone. This reduced strength of the stone, or compromised ability of the stone to absorb stress, is likely to make crystallisation a more efficacious mechanism of decay when it does occur. Thus, a delay in the onset of crystallisation while stonework is wet does not preclude exaggerated or accelerated material loss when it finally happens.  相似文献   

Investigation of chemical and physical weathering of bedrock and alluvial sediment in the Anza Borrego Desert, California, sheds light on weathering processes in hot‐arid systems and clarifies interpretations of climate from alluvial sediment. All of the alluvial sediment in the study area emanates from Cretaceous tonalite of the Peninsular Range, enabling exploration of the effects of external variables – climate, transport distance and tectonics – on the physical and chemical properties of the sediment. Chemical weathering in this area is dominated by plagioclase alteration observed in both bedrock outcrops and sediment, evinced most clearly by changes in the Eu anomaly. Biotite chemical weathering, manifested by interlayer K+ loss, is not evident in bedrock, but clearly observed in the sediment. Despite the weak intensity of chemical weathering (Chemical Index of Alteration = 56 to 62), fine‐grained (<63 μm) sediment displays a clear weathering trend in A–CN–K space and contains up to 25% clay minerals. Physical abrasion and grain‐size reduction in biotite during transport predominates in the sediment, whereas physical (insolation) weathering affecting bedrock is inferred from estimates of differential thermal expansion of mineral phases in response to extreme temperature changes in the study area. Chemical alteration and Brunauer–Emmett–Teller surface area both increase within the active Elsinore fault zone at the distal end of the depositional transect, reflecting tectonic‐induced fracturing and associated accelerated weathering. Extensive fracturing, together with a more humid Pleistocene climate, probably facilitated in situ bedrock weathering, preceding arid alluvial deposition in the Holocene. This study demonstrates that both climate and tectonic processes can affect chemical and physical weathering, resulting in alteration of plagioclase, leaching of K+ from biotite in the sediment and formation of clay minerals, even in hot, arid systems.  相似文献   

Tafoni occur generally in granular rocks around the world, but their origin remains controversial. In this study,the roles of lithology, micro–climate, and organism in tafoni development are investigated in the Danxiashan UNESCO Global Geopark of South China. The Jinshiyan Temple and Luyitang sites along the Jinjiang River are chosen to conduct tafoni morphometry, bedrock petrography, and micro–climate analyses. The research methods used in this study include field observations and measurements, Voronoi diagrams, polarizing microscopic and scanning electron microscopic(SEM)image analysis, and meteorological detection. The tafoni are mostly 2–10 cm in length and elliptical in shape. The Late Cretaceous Jinshiyan sandstones are characterized by a grain–to–grain contact fabric and moderate sorting with a high proportion of soluble grains and cements. The Voronoi diagrams developed through the Arc GIS software are largely consistent with the tafoni openings. Moreover, owing to exposure to solar insolation, the external temperature values are higher than the internal ones, while the external relative humidity values are lower than the internal ones. Therefore, the permeable Jinshiyan sandstones are fundamental for tafoni development, while the abundant moisture from the Jinjiang River and frequent rains is favorable for salt weathering in tandem with biological activities. At last, a five–stage development model is proposed for the tafoni progression in the study area.  相似文献   

云冈石窟砂岩特性与岩石风化试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
严绍军  陈嘉琦  窦彦  孙鹏 《现代地质》2015,29(2):442-447
侏罗纪期间河相沉积而成的巨大砂岩透镜体是云冈石窟遗产载体,在目前环境条件下,石窟砂岩风化破坏非常严重。通过现场调查表明,在不同细分层位,砂岩破坏特征与其沉积环境及沉积构造密切相关。进一步对不同风化程度样品进行测试,以此建立起风化评估依据,结果表明,该砂岩化学风化主要体现在胶结物流失、长石蚀变,而次生可溶盐结晶及冻融形成的物理破坏也不应该忽视。通过风化模拟试验可知:酸的溶蚀对石窟岩体表面造成直接破坏;同时,形成的可溶盐将导致砂岩出现由内而外劣化现象;由于岩石的孔隙率低、渗透性较差且胶结密实,岩石抵抗冻融作用相对较强。建议云冈石窟目前保护措施以治水为主,通过减少崖壁表面渗水、洞窟裂隙渗水及底部泥岩泛潮来减少上述劣化作用效应。  相似文献   

丹霞山世界地质公园蜂窝状洞穴特征及成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蜂窝状洞穴以其精致的形貌和众说纷纭的成因吸引着科研人员和普通大众的兴趣。丹霞山世界地质公园蜂窝状洞穴主要产于晚白垩世丹霞组二段(锦石岩段)风成砂岩的崖壁上。本文以园区长老峰锦石岩寺和睡美人禄意堂两处蜂窝状洞穴为研究对象,通过野外实地调查,了解洞穴生长环境,定量统计分析其形态特征,并采集砂岩样品进行显微镜下观察,探讨洞穴形成与盐风化作用的关系。研究表明:蜂窝状洞穴所在的岩性主要为中—细粒长石岩屑砂岩,发育大型高角度交错层理,渗透性较好;洞穴开口均向下朝向锦江,有利于来自锦江河流的湿润水汽较长时间地保持在小洞内部;洞穴开口基本服从泰森多边形分布。因此,碎屑颗粒相对比较均匀的风成砂岩为丹霞山蜂窝状洞穴的发育提供了重要的岩石基础,锦江河流为盐风化提供了必要的湿润水汽和盐分。在初始发育阶段,从岩壁上最适合盐风化作用的若干个点开始形成细小的坑洼,逐步向同层位扩张。单个小洞穴由于盐风化作用,洞穴内部风化速率大于洞穴开口边缘,导致蜂窝状洞穴内部空间扩大较快。然后,蜂窝状洞穴的发育突破纹层的限制,逐步加大、变深而呈泰森多边形规则分布。最终,随着洞穴加深,在重力、风力的影响下,蜂窝状洞穴隔壁减薄失稳,洞穴消亡。  相似文献   

Al-hambra is an immense and valuable archaeological site in Spain built on Sabika hill with red brick and natural sandy limestone. It exhibits weathering features indicating salt weathering process. The main aim of this study is to examine weathering processes and intensity acting on Al-hambra. Rock petrography and mineralogical composition have been examined using thin sections, scanning electron microscope, X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence; limits of rock’s physical parameters using ultrasonic waves and mercury porosimeter; rock salt content through hydrochemical analysis. Salts attacking this structure are mainly from wet deposition of air pollutants on the long term chemical alteration of rock’s carbonate content to its equivalent salts. The salts’ concentration limit within the examined rock samples is considerably low but it is effective on the long run through hydration of sulphate salts and/or crystallization of chloride salts. Rock texture type and its silica as well as clay content reduces its resistance to internal stresses by salts as well as wetting and drying cycles at such humid area. The recession in limits of physical parameters examined for deep seated and weathered limestone samples quantitatively reflects weathering intensity on Al-hambra.  相似文献   

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