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We present a study of numerical effects in dissipationless cosmological simulations. The numerical effects are evaluated and studied by comparing the results of a series of 643-particle simulations of varying force resolution and number of time-steps, performed using three of the N -body techniques currently used for cosmological simulations: the Particle–Mesh (PM), the Adaptive Particle–Particle–Particle–Mesh (AP3M) and the newer Adaptive Refinement Tree (ART) codes. This study can therefore be interesting both as an analysis of numerical effects and as a systematic comparison of different codes.
We find that the AP3M and the ART codes produce similar results given that convergence is reached within the code type. We also find that numerical effects may affect the high-resolution simulations in ways that have not been discussed before. In particular, our study revealed the presence of two-body scattering, the effects of which can be greatly amplified by inaccuracies in time integration. This process appears to affect the correlation function of matter, the mass function, the inner density of dark matter haloes and other statistics at scales much larger than the force resolution, although different statistics may be affected in a different fashion. We discuss the conditions for which strong two-body scattering is possible and discuss the choice of the force resolution and integration time-step. Furthermore, we discuss recent claims that simulations with force softening smaller than the mean interparticle separation are not trustworthy and argue that this claim is incorrect in general, and applies only to the phase-sensitive statistics. Our conclusion is that, depending on the choice of mass and force resolution and the integration time-step, a force resolution as small as 0.01 of the mean interparticle separation can be justified.  相似文献   

Cosmological N -body simulations are used for a variety of applications. Indeed progress in the study of large-scale structures and galaxy formation would have been very limited without this tool. For nearly 20 yr the limitations imposed by computing power forced simulators to ignore some of the basic requirements for modelling gravitational instability. One of the limitations of most cosmological codes has been the use of a force softening length that is much smaller than the typical interparticle separation. This leads to departures from collisionless evolution that is desired in these simulations. We propose a particle-based method with an adaptive resolution where the force softening length is reduced in high-density regions while ensuring that it remains well above the local interparticle separation. The method, called the Adaptive TreePM (ATreePM), is based on the TreePM code. We present the mathematical model and an implementation of this code, and demonstrate that the results converge over a range of options for parameters introduced in generalizing the code from the TreePM code. We explicitly demonstrate collisionless evolution in collapse of an oblique plane wave. We compare the code with the fixed resolution TreePM code and also an implementation that mimics adaptive mesh refinement methods and comment on the agreement and disagreements in the results. We find that in most respects the ATreePM code performs at least as well as the fixed resolution TreePM in highly overdense regions, from clustering and number density of haloes to internal dynamics of haloes. We also show that the adaptive code is faster than the corresponding high-resolution TreePM code.  相似文献   

We present a computer code written in c that is designed to simulate structure formation from collisionless matter. The code is purely grid-based and uses a recursively refined Cartesian grid to solve Poisson's equation for the potential, rather than obtaining the potential from a Green's function. Refinements can have arbitrary shapes and in practice closely follow the complex morphology of the density field that evolves. The time-step shortens by a factor of 2 with each successive refinement.
Competing approaches to N -body simulation are discussed from the point of view of the basic theory of N -body simulation. It is argued that an appropriate choice of softening length ε is of great importance and that ε should be at all points an appropriate multiple of the local interparticle separation. Unlike tree and P3M codes, multigrid codes automatically satisfy this requirement. We show that at early times and low densities in cosmological simulations, ε needs to be significantly smaller relative to the interparticle separation than in virialized regions. Tests of the ability of the code's Poisson solver to recover the gravitational fields of both virialized haloes and Zel'dovich waves are presented, as are tests of the code's ability to reproduce analytic solutions for plane-wave evolution. The times required to conduct a ΛCDM cosmological simulation for various configurations are compared with the times required to complete the same simulation with the ART, AP3M and GADGET codes. The power spectra, halo mass functions and halo–halo correlation functions of simulations conducted with different codes are compared.
The code is available from http://www-thphys.physics.ox.ac.uk/users/MLAPM .  相似文献   

We explore a possible origin for the puzzling anti-correlation between the formation epoch of galactic dark-matter haloes and their environment density. This correlation has been revealed from cosmological N -body simulations and is in conflict with the extended Press–Schechter model of halo clustering. Using similar simulations, we first quantify the straightforward association of an early formation epoch with a reduced mass-growth rate at late times. We then find that a primary driver of suppressed growth, by accretion and mergers, is tidal effects dominated by a neighbouring massive halo. The tidal effects range from a slowdown of the assembly of haloes due to the shear along the large-scale filaments that feed the massive halo to actual mass loss in haloes that pass through the massive halo. Using the restricted three-body problem, we show that haloes are prone to tidal mass loss within 1.5 virial radii of a larger halo. Our results suggest that the dependence of the formation epoch on environment density is a secondary effect induced by the enhanced density of haloes in filaments near massive haloes where the tides are strong. Our measures of assembly rate are particularly correlated with the tidal field at high redshifts   z ∼ 1  .  相似文献   

Using a high-resolution cosmological N -body simulation, we identify the ejected population of subhaloes, which are haloes at redshift   z = 0  but were once contained in more massive 'host' haloes at high redshifts. The fraction of the ejected subhaloes in the total halo population of the same mass ranges from 9 to 4 per cent for halo masses from  ∼1011  to  ∼1012  h −1 M  . Most of the ejected subhaloes are distributed within four times the virial radius of their hosts. These ejected subhaloes have distinct velocity distribution around their hosts in comparison to normal haloes. The number of subhaloes ejected from a host of given mass increases with the assembly redshift of the host. Ejected subhaloes in general reside in high-density regions, and have a much higher bias parameter than normal haloes of the same mass. They also have earlier assembly times, so that they contribute to the assembly bias of dark matter haloes seen in cosmological simulations. However, the assembly bias is not dominated by the ejected population, indicating that large-scale environmental effects on normal haloes are the main source for the assembly bias.  相似文献   

Galaxies are believed to be in one-to-one correspondence with simulated dark matter subhaloes. We use high-resolution N -body simulations of cosmological volumes to calculate the statistical properties of subhalo (galaxy) major mergers at high redshift ( z = 0.6–5). We measure the evolution of the galaxy merger rate, finding that it is much shallower than the merger rate of dark matter host haloes at   z > 2.5  , but roughly parallels that of haloes at   z < 1.6  . We also track the detailed merger histories of individual galaxies and measure the likelihood of multiple mergers per halo or subhalo. We examine satellite merger statistics in detail: 15–35 per cent of all recently merged galaxies are satellites, and satellites are twice as likely as centrals to have had a recent major merger. Finally, we show how the differing evolution of the merger rates of haloes and galaxies leads to the evolution of the average satellite occupation per halo, noting that for a fixed halo mass, the satellite halo occupation peaks at   z ∼ 2.5  .  相似文献   

Modelling the build-up of haloes is important for linking the formation of galaxies with cosmological models. A simple model of halo growth is provided by Press–Schechter (PS) theory, where the initial field of density fluctuations is smoothed using spherically symmetric filters centred on a given position to obtain information about the likelihood of later collapse on varying scales. In this paper the predicted halo mass growth is compared for three filter shapes: Gaussian, top-hat and sharp k -space. Preliminary work is also presented analysing the build-up of haloes within numerical simulations using a friends-of-friends group finder. The best-fit to the simulation mass function was obtained using PS theory with a top-hat filter. By comparing both the backwards conditional mass function, which gives the distribution of halo progenitors, and the distribution of halo mergers in time, the build-up of haloes in the simulations is shown to be better fitted by PS theory with a sharp k -space filter. This strengthens previous work, which also found the build-up of haloes in simulations to be well matched to PS theory with a sharp k -space filter by providing a direct comparison of different filters and by extending the statistical tools used to analyse halo mass growth. The usefulness of this work is illustrated by showing that the cosmological evolution in the proportion of haloes that have undergone recent merger is predicted to be independent of mass and power spectrum and to only depend upon cosmology. Recent results from observations of field galaxies are shown to match the evolution expected, but are not sufficiently accurate to distinguish usefully between cosmological parameters.  相似文献   

High-resolution simulations of cosmological structure formation indicate that dark matter substructure in dense environments, such as groups and clusters, may survive for a long time. These dark matter subhaloes are the likely hosts of galaxies. We examine the small-scale spatial clustering of subhalo major mergers at high redshift using high-resolution N -body simulations of cosmological volumes. Recently merged, massive subhaloes exhibit enhanced clustering on scales  ∼100–300  h −1 kpc  , relative to all subhaloes of the same infall mass, for a short time after a major merger (<500 Myr). The small-scale clustering enhancement is smaller for lower mass subhaloes, which also show a deficit on scales just beyond the excess. Haloes hosting recent subhalo mergers tend to have more subhaloes; for massive subhaloes, the excess is stronger and it tends to increase for the most massive host haloes. The subhalo merger fraction is independent of halo mass for the scales we probe. In terms of satellite and central subhaloes, the merger increase in small-scale clustering for massive subhaloes arises from recently merged massive central subhaloes having an enhanced satellite population. Our mergers are defined via their parent infall mass ratios. Subhaloes experiencing major mass gains also exhibit a small-scale clustering enhancement, but these correspond to two-body interactions leading to two final subhaloes, rather than subhalo coalescence.  相似文献   

We derive the expected Type II supernova (SN) differential number counts, N ( m ), and Hubble diagram for SCDM and LCDM cosmological models, taking into account the effects of gravitational lensing (GL) produced by the intervening cosmological mass. The mass distribution of dark matter haloes (i.e. the lenses) is obtained by means of a Monte Carlo method applied to the PressSchechter mass function. The haloes are assumed to have a Navarro, Frenk & White (NFW) density profile, in agreement with recent simulations of hierarchical cosmological models. Up to z =15, the (SCDM, LCDM) models predict a total number of (857, 3656) SNII yr1 in 100 surveyed 44 arcmin2 fields of the Next Generation Space Telescope ( NGST ). NGST will be able to reach the peak of the N ( m ) curve, located at AB 30(31) for SCDM (LCDM) in J and K wavelength bands, and detect (75 per cent, 51 per cent) of the above SN events. This will allow a detailed study of the early cosmic star formation history, as traced by SNIIe. N ( m ) is only very mildly affected by the inclusion of lensing effects. In addition, GL introduces a moderate uncertainty in the determination of cosmological parameters from Hubble diagrams, when these are pushed to higher z . For example, for a 'true' LCDM with (M=0.4, =0.6), without proper account of GL, one would instead derive We briefly compare our results with previous similar work and discuss the limitations of the model.  相似文献   

An analytical model is presented for the post-collapse equilibrium structure of virialized objects that condense out of a low-density cosmological background universe, either matter-dominated or flat with a cosmological constant. This generalizes the model we derived previously for an Einstein–de Sitter (EdS) universe. The model is based upon the assumption that cosmological haloes form from the collapse and virialization of 'top-hat' density perturbations, and are spherical, isotropic and isothermal. This leads to the prediction of a unique, non-singular, truncated isothermal sphere (TIS), a particular solution of the Lane–Emden equation (suitably modified when Λ≠0) . The size and virial temperature are unique functions of the mass and redshift of formation of the object for a given background universe. The central density is roughly proportional to the critical density of the universe at the epoch of collapse. This TIS model is in good agreement with observations of the internal structure of dark-matter-dominated haloes on scales ranging from dwarf galaxies to X-ray clusters. It also reproduces many of the average properties of haloes in simulations of the cold dark matter (CDM) model to good accuracy, suggesting that it is a useful analytical approximation for haloes that form from realistic initial conditions. Our TIS model matches the density profiles of haloes in CDM N -body simulations outside the innermost region, while avoiding the steep central cusp of the latter which is in apparent conflict with observations. The TIS model may also be relevant to non-standard CDM models, such as that for self-interacting dark matter, recently proposed to resolve this conflict.  相似文献   

We present the results of weak gravitational lensing statistics in four different cosmological N -body simulations. The data have been generated using an algorithm for the three-dimensional shear, which makes use of a variable softening facility for the N -body particle masses, and enables a physical interpretation for the large-scale structure to be made. Working in three dimensions also allows the correct use of the appropriate angular diameter distances.
Our results are presented on the basis of the filled-beam approximation in view of the variable particle softening scheme in our algorithm. The importance of the smoothness of matter in the Universe for the weak lensing results is discussed in some detail.
The low-density cosmology with a cosmological constant appears to give the broadest distributions for all the statistics computed for sources at high redshifts. In particular, the range in magnification values for this cosmology has implications for the determination of the cosmological parameters from high-redshift type Ia supernovae. The possibility of determining the density parameter from the non-Gaussianity in the probability distribution for the convergence is discussed.  相似文献   

We use a high-resolution ΛCDM numerical simulation to calculate the mass function of dark matter haloes down to the scale of dwarf galaxies, back to a redshift of 15, in a  50 h −1 Mpc  volume containing 80 million particles. Our low-redshift results allow us to probe low-σ density fluctuations significantly beyond the range of previous cosmological simulations. The Sheth & Tormen mass function provides an excellent match to all of our data except for redshifts of 10 and higher, where it overpredicts halo numbers increasingly with redshift, reaching roughly 50 per cent for the  1010–1011 M  haloes sampled at redshift 15. Our results confirm previous findings that the simulated halo mass function can be described solely by the variance of the mass distribution, and thus has no explicit redshift dependence. We provide an empirical fit to our data that corrects for the overprediction of extremely rare objects by the Sheth & Tormen mass function. This overprediction has implications for studies that use the number densities of similarly rare objects as cosmological probes. For example, the number density of high-redshift  ( z ≃ 6) QSOs  , which are thought to be hosted by haloes at 5σ peaks in the fluctuation field, are likely to be overpredicted by at least a factor of 50 per cent. We test the sensitivity of our results to force accuracy, starting redshift and halo-finding algorithm.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe an adaptive softening length formalism for collisionless N -body and self-gravitating smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) calculations which conserves momentum and energy exactly. This means that spatially variable softening lengths can be used in N -body calculations without secular increases in energy. The formalism requires the calculation of a small additional term to the gravitational force related to the gradient of the softening length. The extra term is similar in form to the usual SPH pressure force (although opposite in direction) and is therefore straightforward to implement in any SPH code at almost no extra cost. For N -body codes, some additional cost is involved as the formalism requires the computation of the density through a summation over neighbouring particles using the smoothing kernel. The results of numerical tests demonstrate that, for homogeneous mass distributions, the use of adaptive softening lengths gives a softening which is always close to the 'optimal' choice of fixed softening parameter, removing the need for fine-tuning. For a heterogeneous mass distribution (as may be found in any large-scale N -body simulation), we find that the errors on the least-dense component are lowered by an order of magnitude compared to the use of a fixed softening length tuned to the densest component. For SPH codes, our method presents a natural and an elegant choice of softening formalism which makes a small improvement to both the force resolution and the total energy conservation at almost zero additional cost.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the Bayesian link between the cosmological mass function and the distribution of times at which isolated haloes of a given mass exist. By assuming that clumps of dark matter undergo monotonic growth on the time-scales of interest, this distribution of times is also the distribution of 'creation' times of the haloes. This monotonic growth is an inevitable aspect of gravitational instability. The spherical top-hat collapse model is used to estimate the rate at which clumps of dark matter collapse. This gives the prior for the creation time given no information about halo mass. Applying Bayes' theorem then allows any mass function to be converted into a distribution of times at which haloes of a given mass are created. This general result covers both Gaussian and non-Gaussian models. We also demonstrate how the mass function and the creation time distribution can be combined to give a joint density function, and discuss the relation between the time distribution of major merger events and the formula calculated. Finally, we determine the creation time of haloes within three N -body simulations, and compare the link between the mass function and creation rate with the analytic theory.  相似文献   

We present the Millennium-II Simulation (MS-II), a very large N -body simulation of dark matter evolution in the concordance Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) cosmology. The MS-II assumes the same cosmological parameters and uses the same particle number and output data structure as the original Millennium Simulation (MS), but was carried out in a periodic cube one-fifth the size  (100  h −1 Mpc)  with five times better spatial resolution (a Plummer equivalent softening of  1.0  h −1 kpc  ) and with 125 times better mass resolution (a particle mass of  6.9 × 106  h −1 M  ). By comparing results at MS and MS-II resolution, we demonstrate excellent convergence in dark matter statistics such as the halo mass function, the subhalo abundance distribution, the mass dependence of halo formation times, the linear and non-linear autocorrelations and power spectra, and halo assembly bias. Together, the two simulations provide precise results for such statistics over an unprecedented range of scales, from haloes similar to those hosting Local Group dwarf spheroidal galaxies to haloes corresponding to the richest galaxy clusters. The 'Milky Way' haloes of the Aquarius Project were selected from a lower resolution version of the MS-II and were then resimulated at much higher resolution. As a result, they are present in the MS-II along with thousands of other similar mass haloes. A comparison of their assembly histories in the MS-II and in resimulations of 1000 times better resolution shows detailed agreement over a factor of 100 in mass growth. We publicly release halo catalogues and assembly trees for the MS-II in the same format within the same archive as those already released for the MS.  相似文献   

The onset of stochasticity is measured in Λ cold dark matter cosmological simulations using a set of classical observables. It is quantified as the local derivative of the logarithm of the dispersion of a given observable (within a set of different simulations differing weakly through their initial realization), with respect to the cosmic growth factor. In an Eulerian framework, it is shown here that chaos appears at small scales, where dynamic is non-linear, while it vanishes at larger scales, allowing the computation of a critical transition scale corresponding to  ∼3.5 Mpc  h −1  . This picture is confirmed by Lagrangian measurements which show that the distribution of substructures within clusters is partially sensitive to initial conditions, with a critical mass upper bound scaling roughly like the perturbation's amplitude to the power 0.15. The corresponding characteristic mass,   M crit= 2 1013 M  , is roughly of the order of the critical mass of non-linearities at   z = 1  and accounts for the decoupling induced by the dark energy triggered acceleration.
The sensitivity to detailed initial conditions spills to some of the overall physical properties of the host halo (spin and velocity dispersion tensor orientation) while other 'global' properties are quite robust and show no chaos (mass, spin parameter, connexity and centre-of-mass position). This apparent discrepancy may reflect the fact that quantities which are integrals over particles rapidly average out details of difference in orbits, while the other observables are more sensitive to the detailed environment of forming haloes and reflect the non-linear scale coupling characterizing the environments of haloes.  相似文献   

A modified version of the extended Press–Schechter model for the growth of dark-matter haloes was introduced in two previous papers, with the aim of explaining the mass–density relation shown by haloes in high-resolution cosmological simulations. In this model, major mergers are well separated from accretion, thereby allowing a natural definition of halo formation and destruction. This makes it possible to derive analytic expressions for halo formation and destruction rates, the mass accretion rate and the probability distribution functions of halo formation times and progenitor masses. The stochastic merger histories of haloes can be readily derived and easily incorporated into semi-analytical models of galaxy formation, thus avoiding the usual problems encountered in the construction of Monte Carlo merger trees from the original extended Press–Schechter formalism. Here we show that the predictions of the modified Press–Schechter model are in good agreement with the results of N -body simulations for several scale-free cosmologies.  相似文献   

We explore the dependence of the central logarithmic slope of dark matter halo density profiles α on the spectral index n of the linear matter power spectrum P ( k ) using cosmological N -body simulations of scale-free models [i.e. P ( k ) ∝ k n ]. These simulations are based on a set of clear, reproducible and physically motivated criteria that fix the appropriate starting and stopping times for runs, and allow one to compare haloes across models with different spectral indices and mass resolutions. For each of our simulations we identify samples of well-resolved haloes in dynamical equilibrium and we analyse their mass profiles. By parametrizing the mass profile using a 'generalized' Navarro, Frenk & White profile in which the central logarithmic slope α is allowed to vary while preserving the r −3 asymptotic form at large radii, we obtain preferred central slopes for haloes in each of our models. There is a strong correlation between α and n , such that α becomes shallower as n becomes steeper. However, if we normalize our mass profiles by r −2, the radius at which the logarithmic slope of the density profile is −2, we find that these differences are no longer present. This is apparent if we plot the maximum slope     as a function of r / r −2– we find that the profiles are similar for haloes forming in different n models. This reflects the importance of concentration, and reveals that the concentrations of haloes forming in steep- n cosmologies tend to be smaller than those of haloes forming in shallow- n cosmologies. We conclude that there is no evidence for convergence to a unique central asymptotic slope, at least on the scales that we can resolve.  相似文献   

Using high-resolution cosmological N -body simulations, we investigate the survival of dark matter satellites falling into larger haloes. Satellites preserve their identity for some time after merging. We compute their loss of mass, energy and angular momentum as they are dissolved by dynamical friction, tidal forces and collisions with other satellites. We also analyse the evolution of their internal structure. Satellites with less than a few per cent of the mass of the main halo may survive for several billion years, whereas larger satellites rapidly sink into the centre of the main halo potential well and lose their identity. Penetrating encounters between satellites are frequent and may lead to significant mass loss and disruption. Only a minor fraction of cluster mass (10–15 per cent on average) is bound to substructure at most redshifts of interest. We discuss the application of these results to the survival and extent of dark matter haloes associated with galaxies in clusters, and to their interactions. We find that a minor fraction of galaxy-size dark matter haloes are disrupted by redshift z  = 0. The fraction of satellites undergoing close encounters is similar to the observed fraction of interacting or merging galaxies in clusters at moderate redshift.  相似文献   

We study the mass assembly history (MAH) of dark matter haloes. We compare MAHs obtained using (i) merger trees constructed with the extended Press–Schechter (EPS) formalism, (ii) numerical simulations and (iii) the Lagrangian perturbation code pinocchio . We show that the pinocchio MAHs are in excellent agreement with those obtained using numerical simulations, while the EPS formalism predicts MAHs that occur too late. pinocchio , which is much less CPU intensive than N -body simulation, can be run on a simple personal computer, and does not require any labour intensive post-simulation analysis, therefore provides a unique and powerful tool to investigate the growth history of dark matter haloes. Using a suite of 55 pinocchio simulations, with 2563 particles each, we study the MAHs of 12 924 cold dark matter (CDM) haloes in a ΛCDM concordance cosmology. This is by far the largest set of haloes used for any such analysis. For each MAH we derive four different formation redshifts, which characterize different epochs during the assembly history of a dark matter halo. We show that haloes less massive than the characteristic non-linear mass scale establish their potential wells much before they acquire most of their mass. The time when a halo reaches its maximum virial velocity roughly divides its mass assembly into two phases, a fast-accretion phase which is dominated by major mergers, and a slow-accretion phase dominated by minor mergers. Each halo experiences about 3 ± 2 major mergers since its main progenitor had a mass equal to 1 per cent of the final halo mass. This major merger statistic is found to be virtually independent of halo mass. However, the average redshift at which these major mergers occur is strongly mass dependent, with more massive haloes experiencing their major mergers later.  相似文献   

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