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根据宇宙飞船等对巨行星观测结果,我们首次发现大行星(包括巨行星和地球)的光度随其质量存在有规律地变化。我们利用线性回归律,求出大行星的质-光关系式。它能为大行星能源探索提供某些重要线索和限制条件。其次,我们讨论了目前解释此能源的各种理论及其存在困难。最后,着重介绍一种新的热核反应机制。它不仅对超高温的而且对低温的聚变等离子体都适用。原来老的热核反应机制只是它的一个特例。它不仅能说明大行星内部能源问题,而且能解释实验室中和天体上观察到许多异常核聚变现象。我们发现:虽然这些异常现象在自然界表现形式各式各样,但是它们的基本原理都是相同的,即都可用新的热核反应机制来解释它们。  相似文献   

Keiko Atobe  Shigeru Ida 《Icarus》2004,168(2):223-236
We have investigated obliquity variations of possible terrestrial planets in habitable zones (HZs) perturbed by a giant planet(s) in extrasolar planetary systems. All the extrasolar planets so far discovered are inferred to be jovian-type gas giants. However, terrestrial planets could also exist in extrasolar planetary systems. In order for life, in particular for land-based life, to evolve and survive on a possible terrestrial planet in an HZ, small obliquity variations of the planet may be required in addition to its orbital stability, because large obliquity variations would cause significant climate change. It is known that large obliquity variations are caused by spin-orbit resonances where the precession frequency of the planet's spin nearly coincides with one of the precession frequencies of the ascending node of the planet's orbit. Using analytical expressions, we evaluated the obliquity variations of terrestrial planets with prograde spins in HZs. We found that the obliquity of terrestrial planets suffers large variations when the giant planet's orbit is separated by several Hill radii from an edge of the HZ, in which the orbits of the terrestrial planets in the HZ are marginally stable. Applying these results to the known extrasolar planetary systems, we found that about half of these systems can have terrestrial planets with small obliquity variations (smaller than 10°) over their entire HZs. However, the systems with both small obliquity variations and stable orbits in their HZs are only 1/5 of known systems. Most such systems are comprised of short-period giant planets. If additional planets are found in the known planetary systems, they generally tend to enhance the obliquity variations. On the other hand, if a large/close satellite exists, it significantly enhances the precession rate of the spin axis of a terrestrial planet and is likely to reduce the obliquity variations of the planet. Moreover, if a terrestrial planet is in a retrograde spin state, the spin-orbit resonance does not occur. Retrograde spin, or a large/close satellite might be essential for land-based life to survive on a terrestrial planet in an HZ.  相似文献   

Sean N. Raymond  Thomas Quinn 《Icarus》2005,177(1):256-263
‘Hot jupiters,’ giant planets with orbits very close to their parent stars, are thought to form farther away and migrate inward via interactions with a massive gas disk. If a giant planet forms and migrates quickly, the planetesimal population has time to re-generate in the lifetime of the disk and terrestrial planets may form [P.J. Armitage, A reduced efficiency of terrestrial planet formation following giant planet migration, Astrophys. J. 582 (2003) L47-L50]. We present results of simulations of terrestrial planet formation in the presence of hot/warm jupiters, broadly defined as having orbital radii ?0.5 AU. We show that terrestrial planets similar to those in the Solar System can form around stars with hot/warm jupiters, and can have water contents equal to or higher than the Earth's. For small orbital radii of hot jupiters (e.g., 0.15, 0.25 AU) potentially habitable planets can form, but for semi-major axes of 0.5 AU or greater their formation is suppressed. We show that the presence of an outer giant planet such as Jupiter does not enhance the water content of the terrestrial planets, but rather decreases their formation and water delivery timescales. We speculate that asteroid belts may exist interior to the terrestrial planets in systems with close-in giant planets.  相似文献   

The last few years brought progress in our understanding of the interiors of the giant planets especially of the two larger ones which have been visited by Pioneer and Voyager spacecraft. An analysis of the formation of the giant planets also heped to clarify certain important common features. The presently available model of Jupiter is still based on certain somewhat bothersome approximations but it appears to satisfy the main observational constraints. Saturn's interior is much better understood than it was previously although the quantitative aspects of the role of the miscibility gap in the hydrogen-helium system have not yet been entirely resolved. Much attention has been directed at the interiors of Uranus and Neptune and the outstanding question appears to be the location and the amount of ices and methane present in their outer layers. Both the two-and the three-layer models are moderately successful. Serious difficulties arise from the considerable uncertainties concerning the rotational periods of both planets. Also the estimates of the internal heat fluxes and of the magnetic fields of both planets are not sufficiently certain. It is hoped that the forthcoming flyby of these two planets by a Voyager spacecraft will provide important new data for a future study of their interiors.  相似文献   

A new mechanism of thermonuclear reaction is briefly introduced. It shows that a certain amount of thermonuclear reaction can take place in dense, low-temperature (T < 1 × 105 K) plasmas. At a super-high temperature, it is in agreement with the old thermonuclear reaction mechanism first presented by Gamow and Bethe. As most regions in the Sun are at moderate and low temperature, a sufficient amount of fusion energy is generated therein. Therefore the solar central temperature in standard models must be decreased to about 13.8 × 106 K. That would make the flux of high-energy neutrinos conform with the observational results.  相似文献   

The existence of Uranus and Neptune presents severe difficulties for the core accretion model for the formation of ice giant planets. We suggest an alternative mechanism, namely disk instability leading to the formation of gas giant protoplanets, coagulation and settling of dust grains to form ice-rock cores at their centers, and photoevaporation of their gaseous envelopes by a nearby OB star, as a possible means of forming ice giant planets.  相似文献   

目前已发现了285颗围绕太阳系八大行星公转的卫星, 它们的轨道和物理性质呈现了丰富多样性. 目前为止, 几乎所有的卫星研究工作都基于单个卫星系统或者卫星群, 似乎缺少统一的研究. 提出了一个新的与行星性质无关、只与恒星半径有关的轨道参数n, 定义为以太阳半径为单位的轨道半长轴的自然对数. 不同行星的卫星的n值都存在双极分布, 绝大部分卫星在$n\gtrsim2$区间, 其次在$n\lesssim-1$区间, 位于中间区域的行星则很少. 从卫星物理参数和轨道参数与n的关系中发现, 分属六大行星的卫星有明显的共同特征. 首先, 轨道偏心率和轨道倾角偏大的卫星的n值都在3.5左右, 它们都是巨行星的不规则卫星. 其次, n值在-1和1之间的卫星绝大部分体积大、质量大、反照率高、自转速度慢. 从文献中找到11颗系外卫星候选体, 获得了它们轨道n值和卫星质量, 发现后者也是在-1< n< 1区间最大,其他区间偏小.这些统一的 规律暗示,太阳系内不同行星的卫星形成机制以及太阳系外卫星的形成机制可能一样或类似.  相似文献   

Gas giant planets have been detected in orbit around an increasing number of nearby stars. Two theories have been advanced for the formation of such planets: core accretion and disk instability. Core accretion, the generally accepted mechanism, requires several million years or more to form a gas giant planet in a protoplanetary disk like the solar nebula. Disk instability, on the other hand, can form a gas giant protoplanet in a few hundred years. However, disk instability has previously been thought to be important only in relatively massive disks. New three-dimensional, "locally isothermal," hydrodynamical models without velocity damping show that a disk instability can form Jupiter-mass clumps, even in a disk with a mass (0.091 M middle dot in circle within 20 AU) low enough to be in the range inferred for the solar nebula. The clumps form with initially eccentric orbits, and their survival will depend on their ability to contract to higher densities before they can be tidally disrupted at successive periastrons. Because the disk mass in these models is comparable to that apparently required for the core accretion mechanism to operate, the models imply that disk instability could obviate the core accretion mechanism in the solar nebula and elsewhere.  相似文献   

Analysis of the data obtained during transits of low-orbit extrasolar planets across the stellar disk yields different estimates of their atmospheric loss rates. Experimental data point to the probable existence of several distinct subtypes of extrasolar giant planets, including “hot Jupiters” of low density (HD 209458b), with massive cores composed of heavy elements (HD 149026b), and others. We show that the expected hot-Jupiter mass losses due to atmospheric escape on a cosmogonic time scale do not exceed a few percent, while the losses through Jeans dissipation are negligible. We also argue that low-orbit giant planets should have a strong magnetic field that interacts with circumstellar plasma with the planet’s supersonic orbital velocity. The magnetic field properties can be used to search for extrasolar planets.  相似文献   

Modelling planets is done for two main reasons – the first to further understanding of their internal structure and the second to provide models to explore astrophysical situations in which planets play a role. For the latter reason, the requirements on accuracy are less severe, although the planet must be realistic in its major features. A numerical model of a layered giant planet is developed with an iron core, a silicate mantle, an ice region and a hydrogen–helium atmosphere. The Tillotson equation of state is used and examples of two model planets are given, one reproducing the mass and radius of Jupiter quite closely and the other with two Jupiter masses. Transferring these results into a smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) model presents two main difficulties. A uniform distribution of SPH points leads to too few points representing the non-atmospheric component. It is shown that using a distorted lattice enables the core + silicate + ice to be represented by several hundred points so that the evolution of these regions can be followed in detail. Another difficulty concerns the density discontinuities attendant on a layered structure. Density estimates of SPH points are either too large or too small near material interfaces leading to unrealistic pressure gradients and, consequently, to large and unphysical local forces. Algorithms are described for avoiding this difficulty both at material interfaces and near the surface of the planet. In some astrophysical situations involving SPH-modelled planets, the main bulk of the planet is so opaque that internal heat transfer can be neglected. However, surface regions should radiate and a convenient way for including radiation from a planetary surface is described.  相似文献   

The discovered exoplanetary systems have highly diverse dynamic properties, which differ from those of the Solar System. A single model including planet migration effects and their gravitational interaction is used to investigate the features of dynamic processes that lead to the formation of giant-planet systems with different orbital characteristics. It is shown for a system of four giant planets similar to the Solar System how Type I migration could lead to all the planets being captured into resonant configurations. The resonant motion can continue for a long period of time after the transition to Type II migration and after the dissipation of the gas-and-dust disk. The three-planet system of GJ 876 is used to investigate the migration of the planets inward the orbit of the most massive planet and their capture into low-order resonant configurations under the conditions of Type II migration. A system similar to the exoplanetary system of HD 102272 is used to study the capture into high-order resonances followed by an increase in the orbit’s eccentricity.  相似文献   

There is an astonishing variety of celestial bodies in the outer regions of the Solar System: Europa, with its bizarre surface features, Enceladus, small but geologically active, Titan, the only moon with a significant atmosphere, Pluto, with its nitrogen glaciers, and many others. Over the past 25 years, measurements from spacecraft have shown that many of these celestial bodies are ocean worlds with large volumes of liquid water trapped under icy surfaces. This new group of celestial bodies, ocean worlds, is important for research for several reasons, but the most convincing and at the same time the simplest reason is that they can be potential habitats. Life, as we know it, requires liquid water in addition to energy, nutrients, and a sustainable environment. All these requirements can be met for some of these celestial bodies. The moons of the giant planets on which the presence of the subsurface ocean is established (Europa, Ganymede, Titan, and Enceladus) and their astrobiological potential are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the physical properties and characteristic features of extrasolar planets and planetary systems, those, for which the passage of low-orbit giant planets across the stellar disk (transits) are observed. The paper is mostly a review. The peculiarities of the search for transits are briefly considered. The main attention in this paper is given to the difference in the physical properties of low-orbit giant planets. A comparison of the data obtained during the transits of “hot Jupiters” points to the probable existence of several distinct subtypes of low-orbit extrasolar planets. “Hot Jupiters” of low density (HD 209458b), “hot Jupiters” with massive cores composed of heavy elements (HD 149026b), and “very hot Jupiters” (HD 189733b) are bodies that probably fall into different categories of exoplanets. Dissipation of the atmospheres of low-orbit giant planets estimated from the experimental data is compared with the calculated Jeans atmospheric losses. For “hot Jupiters”, the expected Jeans mass losses due to atmospheric escape on a cosmogonic time scale hardly exceed a few percent. Low-orbit giant planets should have a strong magnetic field. Since the orbital velocity of “hot Jupiters” is close to the magnetosonic velocity (or can even exceed it), the moving planet should actively interact with the “stellar wind” plasma. The possession of a magnetic field by extrasolar planets and the effects of their interaction with plasma can be used to search for extrasolar planets.  相似文献   

Giant planets in circumstellar disks can migrate inward from their initial (formation) positions at several AUs. Inward radial migration of the planet is caused by torques between the planet and the disk; outward radial migration of the planet is caused by torques between the planet and the spinning star, and by torques due to Roche lobe overflow and consequent mass loss from the planet. We present self-consistent numerical considerations of the problem of migrating giant planets by summing torques on planets for various physical parameters of the disk and of planets. We find that Jupiter-mass planets can stably arrive and survive at small heliocentric distances, thus reproducing observed properties of some of the recently discovered extra-solar planets. The range of fates of massive planets is broad, and some perish by losing all their mass onto the central star during Roche lobe overflow, while others survive for the lifetime of the central star. Surviving planets cluster into two groups when examined in terms of final mass and final heliocentric distance: those which have lost mass and those which have not. Some of the observed extrasolar planets fall into each of these two exclusive classes. We also find that there is an inner boundary for planets' final heliocentric distances, caused by tidal torques with the central star. Planets in small orbits are shown to be stable against atmospheric loss.  相似文献   

We took electronic photographs of Mercury on the side of the planet that was not photographed from the Mariner-10 spacecraft in 1973–1975 by the millisecond-exposure method in ground-based observations. Based on these photographs, we synthesized resolved images of the surface of unknown regions of the planet. The capabilities of the method are limited by the small angular size of the planetary disk (only 7.3 arcsec at average quadrature), specific difficulties of Mercury’s ground-based observations, their very limited duration, and the laboriousness of the subsequent computer-aided observational data processing. The millisecond-exposure method is complex, but a sufficient number of primary electronic photographs can be taken under good seeing conditions for the subsequent synthesis of Mercurian images with a resolution of no worse than the diffraction limit. A giant basin about 2000 km in diameter and other large structures are distinguished in the synthesized images of the planet. In the regions where radar data are available, these structures can be identified with previously found ones. In some measure, the synthesized images allow the relief of the longitude sector 210°–290° W to be reconstructed on Mercury. It can be asserted with caution that the large relief features are distributed asymmetrically over the surface of Mercury, much as observed on other terrestrial planets, the Moon, and many satellites of giant planets.  相似文献   

Yohai Kaspi  Glenn R. Flierl 《Icarus》2009,202(2):525-542
The giant gas planets have hot convective interiors, and therefore a common assumption is that these deep atmospheres are close to a barotropic state. Here we show using a new anelastic general circulation model that baroclinic vorticity contributions are not negligible, and drive the system away from an isentropic and therefore barotropic state. The motion is still aligned with the direction of the axis of rotation as in a barotropic rotating fluid, but the wind structure has a vertical shear with stronger winds in the atmosphere than in the interior. This shear is associated with baroclinic compressibility effects. Most previous convection models of giant planets have used the Boussinesq approximation, which assumes the density is constant in depth; however, Jupiter's actual density varies by four orders of magnitude through its deep molecular envelope. We therefore developed a new general circulation model (based on the MITgcm) that is anelastic and thereby incorporates this density variation. The model's geometry is a full 3D sphere down to a small inner core. It is nonhydrostatic, uses an equation of state suitable for hydrogen-helium mixtures (SCVH), and is driven by an internal heating profile. We demonstrate the effect of compressibility by comparing anelastic and Boussinesq cases. The simulations develop a mean state that is geostrophic and hydrostatic including the often neglected, but significant, vertical Coriolis contribution. This leads to modification of the standard thermal wind relation for a deep compressible atmosphere. The interior flow organizes in large cyclonically rotating columnar eddies parallel to the rotation axis, which drive upgradient angular momentum eddy fluxes, generating the observed equatorial superrotation. Heat fluxes align with the axis of rotation, and provide a mechanism for the transport of heat poleward, which can cause the observed flat meridional emission. We address the issue of over-forcing which is common in such convection models and analyze the dependence of our results on this; showing that the vertical wind structure is not very sensitive to the Rayleigh number. We also study the effect of rotation, showing how the transition from a rapidly to a slowly rotating system affects the dynamics.  相似文献   

The late-stage formation of giant planetary systems is rich in interesting dynamical mechanisms. Previous simulations of three giant planets initially on quasi-circular and quasi-coplanar orbits in the gas disc have shown that highly mutually inclined configurations can be formed, despite the strong eccentricity and inclination damping exerted by the disc. Much attention has been directed to inclination-type resonance, asking for large eccentricities to be acquired during the migration of the planets. Here we show that inclination excitation is also present at small to moderate eccentricities in two-planet systems that have previously experienced an ejection or a merging and are close to resonant commensurabilities at the end of the gas phase. We perform a dynamical analysis of these planetary systems, guided by the computation of planar families of periodic orbits and the bifurcation of families of spatial periodic orbits. We show that inclination excitation at small to moderate eccentricities can be produced by (temporary) capture in inclination-type resonance and the possible proximity of the non-coplanar systems to spatial periodic orbits contributes to maintaining their mutual inclination over long periods of time.  相似文献   

Photochemistry of giant planets and their satellites is characterized by numerous reactions involving many chemical species. In the present paper, chemical systems are modeled by signal flow graphs. Such a technique evaluates the transmission of any input into the system (solar flux, electrons...) and gives access to the identification of the most important mechanisms in the chemical system. For a given chemical system, we first evaluate rate coefficients. Then, in order to obtain concentrations of each compound, we integrate the set of continuity equations by Gear's method. Gear's method is chosen rather than another classical method because it is recommended for a system of stiff equations due to the existence of greatly differing time constants. Finally, the technique of signal flow graphs is used. This method is applied to the production of hydrocarbons in the atmospheres of giant planets. In particular, the production of C2H6 in the atmosphere of Neptune from the photodissociation of CH4 is investigated. Different paths of dissociation of CH4 are possible from L alpha radiations. A chemical system containing 14 species and 30 reactions including these different paths of dissociation is integrated. The main mechanism of production of C2H6 is identified and evaluated for each model of dissociation. The importance of various reaction paths as a function of time is discussed.  相似文献   

I examine the implications of the recently found extrasolar planets on the planet-induced axisymmetric mass-loss model for the formation of elliptical planetary nebulae (PNe). This model attributes the low departure from spherical mass-loss of upper asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars to envelope rotation which results from deposition of orbital angular momentum of the planets. Since about half of all PNe are elliptical, i.e., have low equatorial to polar density contrast, it was predicted that about 50 per cent of all Sun-like stars have Jupiter-like planets around them, i.e., a mass about equal to that of Jupiter, M J, or more massive. In the light of the new findings that only 5 per cent of Sun-like stars have such planets, and a newly proposed mechanism for axisymmetric mass-loss, the cool magnetic spots model, I revise this prediction. I predict that indeed ∼50 per cent of PN progenitors do have close planets around them, but the planets can have much lower masses, as low as ∼0.01 M J, in order to spin-up the envelopes of AGB stars efficiently. To support this claim, I follow the angular momentum evolution of single stars with main-sequence mass in the range of 1.3–2.4 M , as they evolve to the post-AGB phase. I find that single stars rotate much too slowly to possess any significant non-spherical mass-loss as they reach the upper AGB. It seems, therefore, that planets, in some cases even Earth-like planets, are sufficient to spin-up the envelope of these AGB stars for them to form elliptical PNe. The prediction that on average several such planets orbit each star, as in the Solar system, still holds.  相似文献   

Abstract— Here I discuss the series of events that led to the formation and evolution of our planet to examine why the Earth is unique in the solar system. A multitude of factors are involved: These begin with the initial size and angular momentum of the fragment that separated from a molecular cloud; such random factors are crucial in determining whether a planetary system or a double star develops from the resulting nebula. Another requirement is that there must be an adequate concentration of heavy elements to provide the 2% “rock” and “ice” components of the original nebula. An essential step in forming rocky planets in the inner nebula is the loss of gas and depletion of volatile elements, due to early solar activity that is linked to the mass of the central star. The lifetime of the gaseous nebula controls the formation of gas giants. In our system, fine timing was needed to form the gas giant, Jupiter, before the gas in the nebula was depleted. Although Uranus and Neptune eventually formed cores large enough to capture gas, they missed out and ended as ice giants. The early formation of Jupiter is responsible for the existence of the asteroid belt (and our supply of meteorites) and the small size of Mars, whereas the gas giant now acts as a gravitational shield for the terrestrial planets. The Earth and the other inner planets accreted long after the giant planets, from volatile-depleted planetesimals that were probably already differentiated into metallic cores and silicate mantles in a gas-free, inner nebula. The accumulation of the Earth from such planetesimals was essentially a stochastic process, accounting for the differences among the four rocky inner planets—including the startling contrast between those two apparent twins, Earth and Venus. Impact history and accretion of a few more or less planetesimals were apparently crucial. The origin of the Moon by a single massive impact with a body larger than Mars accounts for the obliquity (and its stability) and spin of the Earth, in addition to explaining the angular momentum, orbital characteristics, and unique composition of the Moon. Plate tectonics (unique among the terrestrial planets) led to the development of the continental crust on the Earth, an essential platform for the evolution of Homo sapiens. Random major impacts have punctuated the geological record, accentuating the directionless course of evolution. Thus a massive asteroidal impact terminated the Cretaceous Period, resulted in the extinction of at least 70% of species living at that time, and led to the rise of mammals. This sequence of events that resulted in the formation and evolution of our planet were thus unique within our system. The individual nature of the eight planets is repeated among the 60-odd satellites—no two appear identical. This survey of our solar system raises the question whether the random sequence of events that led to the formation of the Earth are likely to be repeated in detail elsewhere. Preliminary evidence from the “new planets” is not reassuring. The discovery of other planetary systems has removed the previous belief that they would consist of a central star surrounded by an inner zone of rocky planets and an outer zone of giant planets beyond a few astronomical units (AU). Jupiter-sized bodies in close orbits around other stars probably formed in a similar manner to our giant planets at several astronomical units from their parent star and, subsequently, migrated inwards becoming stranded in close but stable orbits as “hot Jupiters”, when the nebula gas was depleted. Such events would prevent the formation of terrestrial-type planets in such systems.  相似文献   

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