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This article examines the interplay of changes in urban environments, economic reforms and women's strategies in sustaining family livelihood through a case study based on the survey of off-plot urban cultivators in Harare, Zimbabwe. It also exemplifies the nature of gender-based conflicts arising from varying perceptions of the uses of open urban spaces. This article is organized into four sections. The first section briefly discusses some contemporary issues regarding urban agriculture in eastern and southern Africa. Specifically, it examines the role of women and the conflicts that arise over the use of urban spaces for agricultural activities from the perspective of women's struggle and strategies for sustaining family livelihood. The second section gives some background to urban agriculture in Harare, emphasizing the contribution of urban agriculture to women's strategies for maintaining household food and cash income security as a response to economic reforms and how this comes into conflict with Harare City Council's view. The third and fourth section discusses the results of the survey of urban agriculturists, illuminating how female participation in the activity has distinctive motivations and contributions to the household and the urban economy. Finally, the conclusion outlines the challenges to city planning in a tropical country faced with demand for agricultural use within the urban environment.  相似文献   

Based on an in‐depth case study of a rural community, this paper documents the contemporary state of Chinese smallholder agriculture and the changes that it has been experiencing in the context of dramatic socio‐economic transition through the lens of three main economic drivers: livelihood diversification, market conditions and government interventions. Results reveal that the change in Chinese smallholder agriculture has been complex and multidimensional. All three factors exert profound influence and shape the current state of Chinese agriculture. Massive rural‐urban migration has resulted in labour shortages, which in turn have led to a reduction in agricultural diversity and land use intensity and a shift from traditional labour‐intensive technologies to modern capital‐intensive technologies. However, because of well‐developed agricultural markets, input use levels are similar across farmer categories (such as income diversification), helping to maintain productivity. Furthermore, reduced profits from farming due to increasing input prices and decreasing output prices have exerted pressure on smallholders to increasingly turn to nonfarm activities and have also triggered a thriving informal land transfer market, which was previously non‐existent. Policy implications include the need to strengthen local economies, improve market conditions, invest in rural infrastructures and facilitate smallholders' mobility.  相似文献   

李玉恒  宋传垚  阎佳玉  刘彦随 《地理研究》2019,38(11):2595-2605
农民增收是体现不同发展阶段农户生计适应性与自我可持续发展能力的关键指标。本文采用库兹涅茨曲线模型分析了1995—2015年中国农民增收与经济发展水平的耦合关系,发现了农户生计对经济发展的响应呈现显著的时空差异性特征。2009年成为中国农民人均纯收入增长率开始降低的拐点。中、西部地区由于发展相对落后,农民增收难问题早在2005年就已显现,东部地区在2012年开始出现农民增收难问题。城镇化发展、地区科技投入均有助于农民持续增收,而农民受教育程度普遍较低,制约了其提高生计水平和获取稳定收入的能力。应着力推进村镇化发展与乡村转型,提高农民受教育水平,为农民自我发展创造机会与平台,提升其生计水平与应对外界发展环境变化的能力。  相似文献   

基于3个典型乡镇355户农户的调查数据考察武陵山片区农户的城镇化生计响应发现:① 农户生计响应是“城乡连续体”的“人业地”关系重构中乡村聚落的决策单元对城镇聚落吸附与扩散效应的综合反应,受宏观环境、外部条件和家庭因素的影响;② 区域性中心城市郊区、革命老区红色旅游景区和县城近郊特色农业种植区周边农户的生计综合响应、生计空间响应和生计产出响应依次递减,但生计资本和生计方式响应及各维度的响应强度排序不一致;③ 城乡二元体制的演变与新型城镇化战略、乡村振兴战略动态地规制与诱导农户,使其生计响应与国家阶段性战略目标相适应。地形平缓、距离县城较近、经济发展水平较高以及区域性中心城市郊区休闲驱动型城镇化对应于更广维度和更高强度的农户生计响应。收入来源以经商、务工为主,家庭成员中有小孩或老人,有较高教育程度家庭成员以及社会资本较高的农户,其生计响应的维度更广且强度更高。  相似文献   

Expanding beyond narrow approaches of understanding postapartheid space, this research analyzes the social relations contributing to land use patterns and livelihood decisions as manifestations of the coproduction of space. Drawing on a detailed livelihood and land‐change analysis case study of Polokwane, South Africa, it is argued that combinations of social processes across scales contribute to the production of peri‐urban South Africa and offer an uncommon mixed‐methods approach by combining qualitative ethnographic interviews, quantitative survey data, and land‐cover change detection. The peri‐urban interface is coproduced as individuals participate in multiple livelihood activities (wage labor, businesses, social programs) and changing land use patterns (residential, urban, mixed use) through negotiations at multiple scales—from macrolevel economic policy to local labor regimes.  相似文献   

刘璐璐  李锋瑞 《中国沙漠》2020,40(1):233-244
探索贫困地区退耕农户的生计资本与生计策略关系,对实现精准扶贫、乡村振兴战略具有重要意义。基于甘肃会宁县退耕农户调查数据,构建了具有区域特色的生计资本指标体系,采用熵值法测算生计资本,运用Logistic回归模型探讨了退耕农户生计策略选择问题。结果表明:(1)研究区退耕农户拥有的生计资本中人力资本指数最低,且各生计资本值存在差异;(2)金融资本中的现金收入可以显著增加退耕农户选择非农型生计策略的概率,而自然资本中的平地面积、物质资本中的耐用消费品价值和金融资本中的资金获得渠道会显著降低退耕农户选择非农型生计策略的概率;(3)对于不同退耕程度的农户,现金收入依旧可以显著增加选择非农型生计策略的概率,而抑制两类农户选择非农型生计策略的生计资本指标则存在差异。基于此,提出改善退耕农户的金融资本的多项措施,进而提高农户的非农生计意愿,更好地解决贫困问题。  相似文献   

城市化视角下北京农村居住用地非正规市场的形成机理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘冉  黄大志  刘盛和 《地理研究》2010,29(8):1355-1368
针对北京快速城市化影响下的农村居住用地大量非法流转、亟待规范管理等现状特点,选择海淀区肖家河城中村和通州区张家湾镇小产权房分别作为非正规住房租赁市场和非正规土地交易市场,开展微观案例研究。结果表明:城乡二元土地制度是农村居住用地非正规市场形成与发育的制度根源,城市化快速发展与低价住房供应严重不足为其宏观背景,农民对现行土地征用与补偿制度的日益不满和主动争取分享土地增值收益的强烈意愿是其内在原因。非正规市场采用"低成本-低地租-高利润"的微观运作机理,市场参与个体(农民与消费者)可获得较好的经济收益,但也要承担较高的风险;对于城市与社区,非正规市场则会带来较严重的经济社会与资源环境等方面的负面影响。  相似文献   

The concerns of political ecology since its beginnings as a field have been predominantly set in rural areas with limited focus on urban industrial risks. Further, debates on the global South (often from Anglo‐American perspectives) have not fully appreciated the divergent and differentiated perceptions of urban risks and, therefore, everyday forms of resistance within civil society. Instead, work has mainly focused on civil society power relations against the state and industry that are driven by coherent populist political agendas. Against this setting, this paper's contribution aims to better contextualize ‘other’ third world localities in political ecology through a case study of urban industrial risks in the upper/middle income (as opposed to rural, low/lower middle income) country, South Africa. In doing so, the paper sheds light on the derelict aspect of civil society contestation, especially along class and ethnic lines, over urban landfill infrastructure as a livelihood resource or a health hazard. The paper draws upon frameworks of self‐reflexivity and reflexive localism as complementary to the mainstream political ecology to illuminate differentiated civil society reflexiveness and therefore, aims to advance the discussion of other political ecologies. The case study of the largest formal landfill site in Africa, the Bisasar landfill situated in Durban, highlights differences underlying power relations and constraints within civil society (in leadership, social networking, resources and mistrust) that have implications for mainstream political ecology notions of civil society coherence.  相似文献   

国内外土地利用与农户生计研究评述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用文献资料计量法和比较分析法对1984—2014年间国内外土地利用与农户生计的相关文献进行了梳理。研究结果表明:土地利用与农户生计的论文发表数量呈逐年增长趋势,研究主题日益多元化。研究内容主要围绕可持续生计分析框架,重点开展了土地利用变化与农户生计演变的驱动、土地利用变化下农户生计资产评价和农户生计策略响应等研究。未来土地利用与农户生计研究应努力探索农户生计理论的中国化、系统化;开展土地利用变化下农户生计风险的识别与评价;加强土地利用系统与农户生计系统的耦合关系分析;深化土地利用变化下农户生计状况的动态变化分析。  相似文献   

苏飞  朱晓倩  刘江玉  童磊  郑珂  傅嘉艺 《地理科学》2022,42(6):1015-1023
从生计质量、生计促进、生计供给及灾害压力4个维度构建气象灾害影响下农村居民生计恢复力评估模型,运用结构动力学方法测度广东省农村居民生计恢复力水平,并识别生计恢复力的主要影响因素。结果表明:① 广东省农村居民生计恢复力水平呈现周期性变化,与生计质量、生计促进、生计供给之间存在显著正相关,与灾害压力存在较强的负相关,重大气象灾害对农村居民生计恢复力的影响作用仍然较为显著;② 人均地区生产总值、农村人均消费水平、人均教育支出、千人卫生技术人员、节水灌溉面积和水土流失综合治理面积对生计恢复力均具有正向促进作用,其中水土流失综合治理面积和节水灌溉面积影响最为显著;③ 政府宜优先从生计保障、生计促进以及抗灾应对3个维度,优化广东省农村居民生计水平,并且着重提升抗灾应对能力。既要注重临时性救助扶持措施,也要注重农村地区长期实力提升,从整体上提升农村居民应对灾害风险的能力,增强广东省农村居民的生计恢复力。  相似文献   

In rural parts of the global South, livelihoods are diversifying away from agriculture. Nevertheless, agriculture typically still remains the backbone of rural life and is usually considered the prime source of economic security, social prestige and self‐identity. The task of narrating these somewhat contradictory processes in a conceptually coherent fashion has proven a major challenge for research. This paper responds to this problem by deploying an adapted version of Andrew Dorward's schema of households ‘hanging in, stepping up or stepping out’ of their landed interests. Dorward's middle‐ground theory provides an appropriate analytical vehicle for capturing the vagaries and situated complexities of the land‐livelihoods nexus. However the theory fails to fully appreciate the extent to which household livelihood decision making rests on complex entanglements that leverage land‐based and nonfarm activities against one another. We demonstrate the critical importance of these processes through the results of in‐depth interviews with 32 households in two north Indian villages. These interviews lead us to propose that land factors in livelihood aspirations in three fundamental ways: an arena for interpenetrated agrarian and nonagrarian livelihood streams; a base for social reproduction; and a bulwark of food (and by extension, livelihood) security through own‐production capabilities.  相似文献   

本文通过探讨我国1949 年以来三次重要农村经济改革及其对我国农民收入变化的影 响, 明晰我国农村经济改革与农民收入三起三落的相互关系以及农村经济发展过程中存在的相 关问题: (1)每次改革都发生在农村经济发展停滞不前, 甚至影响到全国经济发展之时; (2)每次农 村经济改革都带来了农村经济的快速发展, 但持续时间不长, 且随之而来的是农民负担过重, 农 村经济陷入困境; (3)农民收入增长的幅度略有下降。本文认为新农村建设是我国1949 年以来三 次农村经济改革的延续, 基于已有三次改革以及新农村建设提出背景的分析, 指出: (1)农村经济 发展现状再一次提出了对农村经济改革的需求; (2)土地改革、家庭联产承包责任制属开源之策; 税费改革属节流之需; 新农村建设应该是在市场经济背景下, 从根本上实现广开财源之举。基于 以上分析并借鉴国外农村建设的经验, 阐释新农村建设的实质, 从而就我国新农村建设提出相关 建议。  相似文献   

张佰林  张凤荣  周建  曲衍波 《地理科学》2015,35(10):1272-1279
从微尺度考察农村居民点演变为解决当前农村发展中出现的问题提供了重要视角。构建农村居民点功能演变的分析框架,采用参与式农村评估(PRA)、GIS与遥感影像相结合方法,以山东省沂水县核桃园村为例进行实证。结果表明,农业生产功能一直是农村居民点生产功能的主导,但不同阶段有不同的内容。农业生计主导阶段(1949~1977年),农户以种植业为主要生计来源,利用庭院及房前屋后种植蔬菜;生计多样化阶段(1978~1999年),农户生计策略演变为种植、养殖和外出务工相结合,农户在宅基地内修建猪圈养猪,在庭院内散养家禽;生计非农转化阶段(2000~2012年),农户以种植和外出务工相结合为生计策略,将庭院硬化用来晾晒粮食、猪圈改造为储物间存放粮食和农机具。农村居民点用地一直以宅基地为主导,缺乏非农生产用地;随着生计成果的逐渐丰富,农户对农村居民点生活功能追求不断强化,表现在对住宅建筑材料的优化、居住空间的扩展及旧住宅的翻新。农村居民点内部土地利用结构及其功能承载状况是与农户生计需求相适应的,农村居民点整理应充分尊重这一客观事实。  相似文献   

杨振山  王玉璇 《地理研究》2018,37(11):2153-2164
开发区在中国城市与区域发展中作为经济活动和流动人口的聚集区域发挥着重要作用。基于对南沙新区流动人口的问卷调查与访谈,从生计空间的角度测量流动人口的生计资本,分析其生计空间特征,并与当地居民进行比较。研究发现,流动人口在开发区的生计空间存在延伸或压缩。其中,经济空间得到了延伸,制度空间、社交空间、公共服务空间、居住空间等存在不同程度的压缩。经济空间的扩张是吸引流动人口在开发区就业的主要因素,但其余空间的压缩和经济空间的有限延伸使流动人口在进入后缓慢外迁。因此,改善开发区流动人口的生计空间,对于提升城市工业工人的生活条件,制定城市一体化发展战略,促进城市社会空间整体提升具有重要意义。  相似文献   

贺艳华  刘聪  周国华  陈妍 《热带地理》2021,41(2):327-339
通过构建城乡居民客观发展指数、主观幸福感指数和福祉差异系数,分析了2005-2015年长江经济带城镇、乡村居民福祉水平及其差距的动态变化过程和空间差异,探讨其影响因素与作用机制。结果表明:1)长江经济带及各省城乡居民福祉均呈上升趋势,区域城镇和乡村居民福祉指数分别由2005年的0.665 3、0.570 4提高至2015年的0.761 5、0.683 0,上中下游由低到高的梯度变化明显。2)城镇居民福祉水平略高于乡村,城乡居民福祉差距呈缩小趋势,城乡居民福祉差异系数由2005年的1.166 3降低至2015年的1.114 8,下游缩小幅度相对较大。3)经济因素是影响长江经济带城乡居民福祉水平及差距的主要因素,且乡村居民福祉受经济因素的拉动效应更为明显。4)城乡居民福祉水平除经济因素外,还与基础设施、精神文化、社会管理、基本住房、生态环境等因素有关,因此经济水平高的地区福祉水平并不一定高于经济水平低的地区。5)社会主义新农村与美丽乡村建设、精准扶贫战略、城乡一体化发展战略的实施,有效促进了乡村居民福祉水平的迅速提升,在缩小城乡居民福祉水平差距中发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

王鹤霖  赵雪雁 《地理科学进展》2022,41(11):2004-2017
帮扶措施不仅是构建稳定脱贫长效机制的关键举措,更是推进脱贫攻坚与乡村振兴有效衔接的客观要求。论文构建了帮扶措施对农户生计策略选择的影响分析框架,利用入户调查数据,在辨明帮扶措施及生计策略选择特征的基础上,探讨了影响陇南山区脱贫户生计策略选择的关键因素。结果表明:① 陇南山区有59.84%的脱贫户享受了多元帮扶措施,其中,享受最多的多元帮扶措施为产业扶贫+生态补偿扶贫,享受最多的单一帮扶措施为生态补偿扶贫;② 陇南山区脱贫户的生计策略以务工主导型为主,呈农业特色化、非农化和多样化的特点;③ 陇南山区脱贫户生计策略选择的路径依赖性整体呈中等水平,其中,川坝河谷区农户、老年农户和低生计资本禀赋的农户生计策略选择的路径依赖性较强,且帮扶措施对其有调节作用;④ 社会资本、人力资本、金融资本和区位条件对农户的生计策略选择有显著影响;产业扶贫和电商扶贫对农户的特色务农型生计策略选择有正向影响,生态补偿扶贫和就业扶贫对农户的非农化生计策略选择有正向影响。最后,提出了优化农户生计策略的政策建议。  相似文献   

China’s new urbanization process requires coordinated development between cities and rural areas. Territorial functions of rural areas are defined as advantageous effects on nature and human society that, in particular, rural systems perform via their property and interactions with other systems at certain social development stages. This paper establishes an index system for evaluating rural territorial functions including agricultural function, social function, economic function and ecological function. By establishing a model based on a General Regression Neural Network (GRNN) with the county-level as the basic unit, we comprehensively evaluate the rural territorial functions of 109 counties and/or cities in Henan province, China in 2000, 2005 and 2010. Results show that compared with that in 2000, each function in 2010 improved, with the spatial heterogeneity of economic function the most evident, social service function comparatively balanced and spatial distribution of agricultural production function changing little. Cluster analysis was adopted to study the major functions of rural regions. Henan was divided into six major function zones to enhance administrative management and developmental policy. The six major function zones are Type I (core economic development zone), Type II (agricultural production safeguarding zone), Type III (function improving zone for rural areas), Type IV (model zone of livelihood and social services), Type V (economic restructuring and development zone), and Type VI (nature conservation areas). Different development goals and development strategies should be considered according to different major function areas to achieve the coordinated development of urban and rural areas in China.  相似文献   

The Moshav, a family farm-based settlement, has been a prime example of the major changes in the rural space in Israel. The aim of this paper is to present and understand these changes by studying the economic characteristics of second-generation – that is relatively younger – households in the Moshav. This group has shown a higher tendency to either adopt a livelihood strategy of pluriactivity, or to disassociate itself from agriculture in favour of non-agricultural income-generating activities, both inside and outside the settlement. Both trends have emerged in response to the increasing difficulty of deriving income from agriculture. The paper identifies the major patterns of economic activity and income sources among this group and assesses future attitudes towards operating the farm, choosing pluriactivity as a livelihood strategy, and remaining on the farm in the future.  相似文献   


Urban-rural interactions are important features of spatial dynamics in Africa that have been affected by recent economic, social and cultural transformations. The attention of academics and policy-makers has concentrated on the impact of such mobility on rural actors and economies. Our objective is to consider the point of view of urban households and to analyse how they manage to develop and use their “rural connections”. The paper is based on in-depth qualitative fieldwork conducted in Cameroon, in Douala and Bafoussam. It presents an analysis of the configurations of urban resident mobility to rural regions. By mapping mobility we show the role of linkages with rural areas in urban household strategies. We also illustrate how a major city and a fast-growing secondary one differ in their connections with rural areas. The paper addresses what is one of the recurrent questions in the literature: will urban-rural linkages change in the long-term as the trend towards urbanization intensifies. Urban-rural mobility remains crucial, contributes to creating complex and dynamic networks. Collective connections are reaffirming the importance of the village and the region of origin. Mobility is a key element for many urban households in developing their urban position and strategies.  相似文献   

湖南省乡村贫困的影响因素及调控路径研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谭雪兰  安悦  王振凯  蒋凌霄  陈晓红 《地理研究》2019,38(11):2804-2815
贫困是当今世界尖锐的社会问题之一,贫困问题的研究对于改善民生、保障民生和推动贫困地区的社会经济发展具有十分重要的意义。本文以湖南省51个贫困县为例,综合运用熵值法、空间回归分析等方法,从人口结构、居住条件、收入状况与家庭支出4个方面构建贫困测度指标体系,对乡村贫困空间分异特征、影响因素、类型划分、调控路径等进行研究。结果表明:① 湖南省乡村贫困的空间分布呈现出显著的差异性,总体上以轻度贫困和一般贫困为主,比较贫困所占比例较少,比较贫困主要位于武陵山连片特困地区,包括怀化与湘西地区。② 湖南省乡村贫困是区域自然条件和外部社会经济因素相互作用、交互影响的结果,乡村贫困与县均海拔、自然灾害发生面积、农林牧渔业总产值、乡村产业结构及城乡居民收入比呈正相关关系,与农业机械化总动力和人均耕地面积呈负相关关系。③ 基于乡村贫困的测度结果对湖南省51个贫困县进行类型划分,共分为单因素主导型、双因素驱动型、多因素综合型3个大类和P因素主导型、P-E因素驱动型、P-H-E因素综合型等14个小类,并从基础设施建设、文化教育、职业能力培训以及特色产业发展对不同类型贫困县提出相应的脱贫措施。  相似文献   

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