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The EISCAT UHF radar system was used to study the characteristics of E-region coherent backscatter at very large magnetic aspect angles (5–11°). Data taken using 60 s pulses during elevation scans through horizontally uniform backscatter permitted the use of inversion techniques to determine height profiles of the scattering layer. The layer was always singly peaked, with a mean height of 104 km, and mean thickness (full width at half maximum) of 10 km, both independent of aspect angle. Aspect sensitivities were also estimated, with the Sodankylä-Tromsø link observing 5 dB/degree at aspect angles near 5°, decreasing to 3 dB/degree at 10° aspect angle. Observed coherent phase velocities from all three stations were found to be roughly consistent with LOS measurements of a common E-region phase velocity vector. The E-region phase velocity had the same orientation as the F-region ion drift velocity, but was approximately 50% smaller in magnitude. Spectra were narrow with skewness of about –1 (for negative velocities), increasing slightly with aspect angle.  相似文献   

The aspect sensitivity of SOUSY-VHF-radar oblique-beam echoes from the troposphere and lower stratosphere has been examined for a number of jet stream passages during the years 1990 - 1992. When the core of the jet is overhead or nearly so, vertical profiles of the aspect sensitivity display two notable features. First, the distinction between mainly isotropic and strongly aspect-sensitive echoes in the troposphere and the lower stratosphere, respectively, often reported for measurements made during calm conditions, does not necessarily prevail in the vicinity of the jet stream. Second, echoes obtained at altitudes near the height of the horizontal wind maximum are found to be more aspect sensitive for beams directed parallel to the horizontal flow or nearly so, than for other beam directions. It is demonstrated that time-averaged horizontal wind speeds estimated from the radar data, taking into account the reduced effective oblique-beam zenith angle resulting from aspect sensitivity, may exceed uncorrected wind speeds by as much as 10 m s−1 in these circumstances. Implications for wind profiling and for describing the backscattering process are discussed. Doppler spectral widths examined for one jet stream passage are found to be narrower in a beam aligned with the horizontal wind at heights near the wind speed maximum than corresponding widths measured in a beam projected at right angles to the jet. The narrowest spectra thus coincide with the most aspect-sensitive echoes, consistent with the hypothesis that such returns result from specular backscattering processes.  相似文献   

A statistical study of underestimates of wind speeds by VHF radar   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Comparisons are made between horizontal wind measurements carried out using a VHF-radar system at Aberystwyth (52.4°N, 4.1°W) and radiosondes launched from Aberporth, some 50 km to the southwest. The radar wind results are derived from Doppler wind measurements at zenith angles of 6° in two orthogonal planes and in the vertical direction. Measurements on a total of 398 days over a 2-year period are considered, but the major part of the study involves a statistical analysis of data collected during 75 radiosonde flights selected to minimise the spatial separation of the two sets of measurements. Whereas good agreement is found between the two sets of wind direction, radar-derived wind speeds show underestimates of 4–6% compared with radiosonde values over the height range 4–14 km. Studies of the characteristics of this discrepancy in wind speeds have concentrated on its directional dependence, the effects of the spatial separation of the two sets of measurements, and the influence of any uncertainty in the radar measurements of vertical velocities. The aspect sensitivity of radar echoes has previously been suggested as a cause of underestimates of wind speeds by VHF radar. The present statistical treatment and case-studies show that an appropriate correction can be applied using estimates of the effective radar beam angle derived from a comparison of echo powers at zenith angles of 4.2° and 8.5°.  相似文献   

First HF radar measurements of summer mesopause echoes at SURA   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
HF sounding of the mesosphere was first carried out at SURA in summer 1994 at frequencies in the range 8–9 MHz using one of the sub-arrays of the SURA heating facility. The observations had a range resolution of 3 km. Almost all measurements indicated the presence of strong radar returns from altitudes between 83 and 90 km with features very similar to VHP measurements of mesopause summer echoes at mid-latitudes and polar mesopause summer echoes. In contrast to VHP observations, HF mesopause echoes are almost always present.  相似文献   

Backscatter from E-region irregularities was observed at aspect angles close to 90° (almost parallel to the direction of the magnetic field) using the ALOMAR SOUSY radar at Andoya/Norway. Strong electric fields and increased E-region electron temperatures simultaneously measured with the incoherent scatter facility EISCAT proved that the Farley-Buneman plasma instability was excited. In addition, strong particle precipitation was present as inferred from EISCAT electron densities indicating that the gradient drift instability may have been active, too. Backscatter at such large aspect angles was not expected and has not been observed before. The characteristics of the observed echoes, however, are in many aspects completely different from usual auroral radar results: the Doppler velocities are only of the order of 10 m/s, the half-width of the spectra is around 5 m/s, the echoes originate at altitudes well below 100 km, and they seem to be not aspect-sensitive with respect to the magnetic field direction. We, therefore, conclude that the corresponding irregularities are not caused by the mentioned instabilities and that other mechanism have to be invoked.  相似文献   

A number of observations showing enhanced ion acoustic echoes observed by means of incoherent scatter radars have been reported in the literature. The Received power is extremely enhanced by up to 1 or 2 orders of magnitude above usual values, and it is mostly contained in one of the two ion acoustic lines. This spectral asymmetry and the intensity of the received signal cannot be resolved by the standard analysis procedure and often causes its failure. As a result, and in spite of a very clear spectral signature, the analysis is unable to fit the plasma parameters inside the regions of ion acoustic turbulence. We present European Incoherent Scatter radar (EISCAT) observations of large ion outflows associated with the simultaneous occurrence of enhanced ion acoustic echoes. The ion fluxes can reach 1014 m–2 s–1 at 800 km altitude. From the very clear spectral signatures of these echoes, a method is presented to extract estimates of the electron temperature and the ion drift within the turbulent regions. It is shown that the electron gas is strongly heated up to 11 000 K. Also electron temperature gradients of about 0.02 K/m exist. Finally, the estimates of the electron temperature and of the ion drift are used to study the possible implications for the plasma transport inside turbulent regions. It is shown that strong electron temperature gradients cause enhancement of the ambipolar electric field and can account for the observed ion outflows.  相似文献   

We have observed a number of strong echoes with the European incoherent-scatter (EISCAT) UHF (930-MHz) radar at angles 83.5° and 78.6° with the geomagnetic field and at about 100-km altitude north in the auroral zone. The echoes are shortlived and occur in single 2- or 10-s data dumps. They are offset by 125–130 kHz with respect to the transmitted frequency. In most cases the offset compares well with the frequency of gyro lines in the incoherent-scatter spectrum, as given by the standard linear dispersion relation. But sometimes the measured offsets deviate significantly from the model calculations, and the interpretation in terms of gyro lines becomes questionable. The discrepancy could possibly be explained by local deviations in the magnetic field from the model (IGRF 1987), which are generated by incoming particle beams. A more serious problem with the gyro-line theory is how the line can be excited at altitudes where the collisional damping is substantial. The high intensity and short lifetime of the signal point to a fast-growing plasma instability as the likely excitation mechanism, if the gyro-line interpretation is correct. The cause of the instability could be the same particle beams as those causing the disturbances in the magnetic field. Alternatively, the observations may be interpreted as meteor head echoes. The large Doppler shifts, the short lifetimes and the altitudes of the signals support this explanation. The main difficulty is that the distribution of measured offsets appears to be different in magnetically active conditions and in less active conditions. Also, the occurrence of echoes does not seem to follow the expected changes in meteor density. More observations in different conditions are needed to decide between the two interpretations. As it is, we are inclined to believe in the meteor head echo theory, the objections to the gyro-line theory being more fundamental.  相似文献   

Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes of water are common environmental tracers used to investigate hydrological processes, such as evaporation, vegetation water use, surface water–groundwater interaction, and groundwater recharge. The water isotope signature in surface water and groundwater evolves from the initial rain signature. In mountain terrain, rain water stable isotope composition spatially varies due to complex orographic precipitation processes. Many studies have examined the isotope–elevation relationships, while few have quantitatively investigate the terrain aspect and slope effect on rain isotope distribution. In this paper, we examine the orographic effects more completely, including elevation, terrain slope and aspect, on stable isotope distribution in the Mount Lofty Ranges (MLR) of South Australia, using a multivariate regression model. The regression of precipitation isotope composition suggests that orographic effects are the dominant controls on isotope spatial variability. About 75% of spatial variability in δ18O and deuterium excess is represented by the regression using solely orography-related variables (elevation, terrain aspect and slope), with about 25% of δ18O spatial variability attributed to the terrain aspect and slope effect. The lapse rate is about −0.25‰ for every 100 m at both windward and leeward slopes. However, at the same elevation, δ18O at the leeward slope (eastern MLR) is 0.5‰ larger than that at the windward slope. The difference can be explained by different mechanisms – continuous rain-out processes on the windward side and sub-cloud evaporation on the leeward side. Both δ18O and deuterium excess maps (1 km resolution) are constructed based on the regression results for the MLR. Both maps are consistent with groundwater of local precipitation origin, and useful to examine groundwater recharge.  相似文献   

Summary Airborne particulate matter was sampled at Mt. Cimone, Italy, to determine the size distribution of black spherules in the 1–5 diameter range. The magnetic fraction of airborne particulate matter was separated by forcing air through a strong magnetic sampling device, where ferromagnetic particles accumulated on microscope slides.Sizes of the black spherules were determined by counting under a microscope. Samples were dissolved and analyzed for iron content. Distribution was found to be in agreement with that of deep-sea sediment and satellite high atmosphere samples. The rate of terrestrial accretion of cosmic matter composed of black spherules appears to be approximately 10–15 g cm–2 sec–1.  相似文献   

Using the MU radar at Shigaraki, Japan (34.85°N, 136.10°E), we measure the power distribution pattern of VHF radar echoes from the mid-troposphere. The large number of radar beam-pointing directions (320) allows the mapping of echo power from 0° to 40° from zenith, and also the dependence on azimuth, which has not been achieved before at VHF wavelengths. The results show how vertical shear of the horizontal wind is associated with a definite skewing of the VHF echo power distribution, for beam angles as far as 30° or more from zenith, so that aspect sensitivity cannot be assumed negligible at any beam-pointing angle that most existing VHF radars are able to use. Consequently, the use of VHF echo power to calculate intensity of atmospheric turbulence, which assumes only isotropic backscatter at large beam zenith angles, will sometimes not be valid.  相似文献   

Possible effects of signal reception from different electrojet heights in a skewness of auroral coherent spectra are studied assuming that the “inherent” spectral line due to plasma turbulence is of type-2 and symmetrical. For reasonable ionospheric parameters, the altitude integrated spectra are expected to be skewed negatively for positive mean Doppler shift, in agreement with radar observations at small aspect angles. However, the spectra could be skewed positively if the turbulent layer or the electron density profile is shifted to high altitudes of \sim120 km. This change of spectral shape will not be observed experimentally if, at the same time, either the electron collision frequency is enhanced or the “inherent” spectral width is increased. Observational results are discussed in view of the predictions given.  相似文献   

The effect of water on stress relaxation of faulted and unfaulted sandstone   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A series of stress relaxation experiments have been carried out on faulted and intact Tennessee sandstone to explore the influence of pore water on strength at different strain rates. Temperatures employed were 20, 300 and 400°C, effective confining pressure was 1.5 kb and strain rates as low as 10–10 sec–1 were achieved. Most samples were prefaulted at 2.5 kb confining pressure and room temperature. This is thought to have secured a reproducible initial microstructure.The strength of the dry rock was almost totally insensitive to strain rate in the range 10–4 to 10–10 sec–1. In contrast, the strength of the wet rock decreased rapidly with strain rate at rates less than 10–6 sec–1. Brittle fracture of the quartz grains which constitute this rock is the most characteristic mode of failure under the test conditions used.The experimental data are discussed in terms of the possible deformation rate controlling processes, and it is suggested that in the wet experiments at intermediate to high strain rates (10–7 to 10–4 sec–1) the observed deformation rate is controlled by the kinetics of water assisted stress corrosion, whilst deformation at low strain rates (ca. 10–9 sec–1) is controlled by a pressure solution process.The results have implications for the rheology of fault rocks at depths of perhaps 10 to 15 km in sialic crust.  相似文献   

The 2D morphology of coherent HF radar and optical cusp aurora has been studied for conditions of predominantly southward IMF conditions, which favours low-latitude boundary layer reconnection. Despite the variability in shape of radar cusp Doppler spectra, the spectral width criterion of 220 m s–1 proves to be a robust cusp discriminator. For extended periods of well-developed radar backscatter echoes, the equatorward boundary of the 220 m s–1 spectral width enhancement lines up remarkably well with the equatorward boundary of the optical cusp aurora. The spectral width boundary is however poorly determined during development and fading of radar cusp backscatter. Closer inspection of radar Doppler profile characteristics suggests that a combination of spectral width and shape may advance boundary layer identification by HF radar. For the two December days studied the onset of radar cusp backscatter occurred within pre-existing 630.0 nm cusp auroral activity and appear to be initiated by sunrise, i.e. favourable radio wave propagation conditions had to develop. Better methods are put forward for analysing optical data, and for physical interpretation of HF radar data, and for combining these data, as applied to detection, tracking, and better understanding of dayside aurora. The broader motivation of this work is to develop wider use by the scientific community, of results of these techniques, to accelerate understanding of dynamic high-latitude boundary-processes. The contributions in this work are: (1) improved techniques of analysis of observational data, yielding meaningfully enhanced accuracy for deduced cusp locations; (2) a correspondingly more pronounced validation of correlation of boundary locations derived from the observational data set; and (3) a firmer physical rationale as to why the good correlation observed should theoretically be expected.  相似文献   

The skewness of broad Type 2-like spectra has been studied using data collected by two orthogonal CW 50-MHz radio links with co-located scattering volumes. Geometrical aspect angles of observations were about 10. One short event was considered. For this event, the electron flow direction was changing periodically (period about 9 minutes) presumably due to the passage of a magnetospheric MHD wave through the ionosphere. It was found that for the radar observations along the electrojet flow, the skewness had the same sign as the mean Doppler shift with average absolute values in between 0.5–1.0. For observations perpendicular to the electrojet flow, spectra were more symmetrical (average skewness was around 0) and the sign of the skewness was sometimes opposite to the sign of the mean Doppler shift. These observations are interpreted in terms of contribution from both the Farley-Buneman and gradient-drift instabilities to the resultant spectrum. Differences with radar observations at small aspect angles are discussed.  相似文献   

The generation of Hall and field-aligned currents in and in the vicinity of nighttime mid-latitude sporadic E-layers moving under the action of strong acoustic impulses of seismic, anthropogenic, or meteorological nature is considered in a model presented in this paper. The influence of the electrical polarization fields caused by charges at the horizontal edges of the sporadic layers and the finite conductivity of the external circuits are also taken into account. The theoretical model is applicable for ionospheric altitudes between 95 and 130 km. The estimates show that under certain conditions in a system with two sporadic E-layers, one of which is the current generator and the other is situated in the external circuit, the Farley-Buneman instability could be generated. On the other hand, observations show that Farley-Buneman waves are likely responsible for the infrequent echoes of mid-latitude 50-MHz backscatter with Doppler velocities near 300 m s–1. The possibility exists that the proposed current-generator model is at the origin of the observed mid-latitude Farley-Buneman waves.  相似文献   

A case study of the dayside cusp/cleft region during an interval of stationary magnetospheric convection (SMC) on November, 24, 1981 is presented, based on detailed measurements made by the AUREOL-3 satellite. Layered small-scale field-aligned current sheets, or loops, superimposed to a narrow V-shaped ion dispersion structure, were observed just equatorward from the region of the “cusp proper”. The equatorward sheet was accompanied by a very intense and short (less than 1 s) ion intensity spike at 100 eV. No major differences were noted of the characteristics of the LLBL, or “boundary cusp”, and plasma mantle precipitation during this SMC period from those typical of the cusp/cleft region for similar IMF conditions. Simultaneous NOAA-6 and NOAA-7 measurements described in Despirak et al. were used to estimate the average extent of the “cusp proper” (defined by dispersed precipitating ions with the energy flux exceeding 10−3 erg cm−2 s−1) during the SMC period, as ≈0.73∼ ILAT width, 2.6–3.4 h in MLT, and thus the recently merged magnetic flux, 0.54–0.70 × 107 Wb. This, together with the average drift velocity across the cusp at the convection throat, ≈0.5 km s−1, allowed to evaluate the cusp merging contribution to the total cross-polar cap potential difference, ≈33.8–43.8 kV. It amounts to a quite significant part of the total cross-polar cap potential difference evaluated from other data. A “shutter” scenario is suggested for the ion beam injection/penetration through the stagnant plasma region in the outer cusp to explain the pulsating nature of the particle injections in the low- and medium-altitude cusp region.  相似文献   

Basic properties of the mid-latitude traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) during the maximum phase of a major magnetic storm of 6–8 April 2000 are shown. Total electron content (TEC) variations were studied by using data from GPS receivers located in Russia and Central Asia. The nightglow response to this storm at mesopause and termospheric altitudes was also measured by optical instruments FENIX located at the observatory of the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics (51.9°N,103.0°E), and MORTI located at the observatory of the Institute of Ionosphere (43.2°N, 77.0°E). Observations of the O (557.7 and 630.0 nm) emissions originating from atmospheric layers centered at altitudes of 90 and 250 km were carried out at Irkutsk and of the O2(b1g+X3g) (0-1) emission originating from an atmospheric layer centered at altitude of 94 km was carried out at Almaty. Our radio and optical measurement network observed a storm-induced solitary large-scale wave with duration of 1 h and a wave front width of no less than 5000 km, while it traveled equatorward with a velocity of 200 m/s from 62°N to 38°N geographic latitude. The TEC disturbance, basically displaying an electron content depression in the maximum of the F2 region, reveals a good correlation with growing nightglow emission, the temporal shift between the TEC and emission variation maxima being different for different altitudes. A comparison of the auroral oval parameters with dynamic spectra of TEC variations and optical 630 nm emissions in the frequency range 0.4–4 mHz (250–2500 s periods) showed that as the auroral oval expands into mid-latitudes, also does the region with a developed medium-sale and small-scale TEC structure.  相似文献   

Kawah Putih is a summit crater of Patuha volcano, West Java, Indonesia, which contains a shallow, 300 m-wide lake with strongly mineralized acid–sulfate–chloride water. The lake water has a temperature of 26–34°C, pH=<0.5–1.3, Stot=2500–4600 ppm and Cl=5300–12 600 ppm, and floating sulfur globules with sulfide inclusions are common. Sulfur oxyanion concentrations are unusually high, with S4O62−+S5O62−+S6O62−=2400 – 4200 ppm. Subaerial fumaroles (<93°C) on the lake shore have low molar SO2/H2S ratios (<2), which is a favorable condition to produce the observed distribution of sulfur oxyanion species. Sulfur isotope data of dissolved sulfate and native sulfur show a significant 34S fractionation (ΔSO4–Se of 20‰), probably the result of SO2 disproportionation in or below the lake. The lake waters show strong enrichments in 18O and D relative to local meteoric waters, a result of the combined effects of mixing between isotopically heavy fluids of deep origin and meteoric water, and evaporation-induced fractionation at the lake surface. The stable-isotope systematics combined with energy-balance considerations support very rapid fluid cycling through the lake system. Lake levels and element concentrations show strong seasonal fluctuations, indicative of a short water residence time in the lake as well.Thermodynamic modeling of the lake fluids indicates that the lake water is saturated with silica phases, barite, pyrite and various Pb, Sb, Cu, As, Bi-bearing sulfides when sulfur saturation is assumed. Precipitating phases predicted by the model calculations are consistent with the bulk chemistry of the sulfur-rich bottom sediments and their identified mineral phases. Much of the lake water chemistry can be explained by congruent rock dissolution in combination with preferential enrichments from entering fumarolic gases or brines and element removal by precipitating mineral phases, as indicated by a comparison of the fluids, volcanic rocks and lake bed sediment.Flank springs on the mountain at different elevations vary in composition, and are consistent with local rock dissolution as a dominant factor and pH-dependent element mobility. Discharges of warm sulfate- and chloride-rich water at the highest elevation and a near-neutral spring at lower level may contain a small contribution of crater-lake water. The acid fluid-induced processes at Patuha have led to the accumulation of elements that are commonly associated with volcano-hosted epithermal ore deposits. The dispersal of heavy metals and other potentially toxic elements from the volcano via the local drainage system is a matter of serious environmental concern.  相似文献   

The large-scale terms in the vorticity equation are evaluated usingKrishnamurti's (1971a, b) summer mean winds at 200 mb for a global belt from 25°S to 45°N. The production of vorticity by the divergent wind field is found to be imbalanced over all of the tropical and subtropical belt. As a result there is a requirement for a sub-grid scale (space or time) mechanism which removes negative vorticity from the regions of strong divergence (Tibetan and Mexican highlands) and removes positive vorticity from the regions of strong convergence (mid-oceanic troughs) at 200 mb during northern summer at a rate of approximately 4×10–10 sec–2. As suggested byHolton andColton (1972), in regions of strong and persistent convection, such as the Tibetan Plateau, deep cumulus clouds can account for this transport. However, the mechanism for removing positive vorticity in the vicinity of the upper tropospheric mid-oceanic troughs is still an intriguing and open question.On leave-of-absence at the National Science Foundation, Climate Dynamics Research Section.  相似文献   

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