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Recent paleomagnetic and K-Ar age dating studies in the Caroline Islands show that the high volcanic islands of Truk, Panape and Kusaie formed at the same shallow latitude and display a progression of ages increasing westward from 1 m.y. (Kusaie), through 6 m.y. (Ponape) to 12 m.y. (Truk). These data suggest that the islands were formed by a young hotspot or melting anomaly. One hundred and fifty volcanic rocks from these three islands have been analysed for major and 15 trace elements and results indicate that shield-building lavas on each island (1) evolved by low-pressure open-system fractional crystallisation of a small range of partial melts and (2) became more alkaline with time from Truk to Kusaie. The secular geochemical variation along the Caroline chain may represent a hotspot trace whose magma production was slowly declining over the past 14 m.y.  相似文献   

K-Ar radiometric datings are presented for volcanic rocks from the Coastal Range of Taiwan and from Lanhsu and Lütao islands. The samples involved are basalts, andesites and dacites which show the main petrological and geochemical characteristics of island arc magmas. The K-Ar data show that volcanic activity occurred from Early Miocene to Early Pliocene times in the Coastal Range and in Lanhsu Island, and during Pliocene times (ca. 1.3–4.3 Ma) in Lütao Island. The geological significance of Early and Middle Miocene ages is discussed with respect to hydrothermal/metasomatic alterations which have affected most of the samples. A significant increase in incompatible elements (e.g., K and Sr) is shown to have occurred during Pliocene to Recent times, and is exemplified by the compositions of the Lanhsu, and Lütao volcanic rocks. The origin of these chemical variations is related to the magmatic effects of crustal thickening linked to the transition from subduction to collision regimes.  相似文献   

We present the first report of geochemical data for submarine basalts collected by a manned submersible from Rurutu, Tubuai, and Raivavae in the Austral Islands in the South Pacific, where subaerial basalts exhibit HIMU isotopic signatures with highly radiogenic Pb isotopic compositions. With the exception of one sample from Tubuai, the 40Ar/39Ar ages of the submarine basalts show no significant age gaps between the submarine and subaerial basalts, and the major element compositions are indistinguishable at each island. However, the variations in Pb, Sr, Nd, and Hf isotopic compositions in the submarine basalts are much larger than those previously reported in subaerial basalts. The submarine basalts with less-radiogenic Pb and radiogenic Nd and Hf isotopic compositions show systematically lower concentrations in highly incompatible elements than the typical HIMU basalts. These geochemical variations are best explained by a two-component mixing process in which the depleted asthenospheric mantle was entrained by the mantle plume from the HIMU reservoir during its upwelling, and the melts from the HIMU reservoir and depleted asthenospheric mantle were then mixed in various proportions. The present and compiled data demonstrate that the HIMU reservoir has a uniquely low 176Hf/177Hf decoupled from 143Nd/144Nd, suggesting that it was derived from an ancient subducted slab. Moreover, the Nd/Hf ratios of the HIMU basalts and curvilinear Nd–Hf isotopic mixing trend require higher Nd/Hf ratios for the melt from the HIMU reservoir than that from the depleted mantle component. Such elevated Nd/Hf ratios could reflect source enrichment by a subducted slab during reservoir formation.  相似文献   

Reported in this paper are K-Ar ages of volcanic rocks, biotite-granite and greisen from the Lianhuashan tungsten mine in Guangdong Province. The isotopic dilution method was adopted in this work. Whole-rock isochron ages of the volcanic rocks are in the range 120.4±12.1 m.y. The petrogenetic age of biotite-granite and the minero genetic age of tungsten ore are close to those of the volcanic rocks. The apparent ages of various types of rock in the mining district generally bias towards younger values, which may be attributed to the effects of late thermal events which took place in the circum-Pacific metallogenetic belt.  相似文献   

The results of 63 new radiometric K-Ar and Rb-Sr measurements on metamorphic minerals from the internal units of the Western Alps show Hercynian, Permian, as well as three Alpine age groups. The first of the Alpine ages cover the period between 78 and 100 m.y. and refer to high pressure parageneses. The second group comprises K-Ar 39 to 50 m.y. ages; these values are affected by some inherited argon, as indicated by Rb-Sr measurements which point to 35–36±4–5 m.y., i.e. similar to the culmination of the Lepontine crystallization. The final group includes 15 to 30 m.y. ages. It is not yet clear which geologic processes have led to this isotope re-equilibration. Large amounts of inherited argon have been found in Alpine metamorphic minerals of the basement rocks.  相似文献   

Fortyfive new K-Ar ages and Sr isotope data on amphiboles, biotites, clinopyroxenes and whole rock samples from subvolcanic dykes south of the Tauern Window establish, that alkalibasaltic dykes were intruded 30 m.y. ago and shoshonitic volcanism occured between 30 and 24 m.y. ago. Two calc-alkaline rocks of high-potassium composition yielded ages of 40 and 26 m.y. resp., a spread which may or may not be real. Calc-alkaline dykes with medium and low potassium contain excess argon and are hence undatable. Alkalibasaltic dykes have 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7056–0.7070, shoshonitic rocks 0.7075–0.7133, potassium rich calc-alkaline dykes 0.7077–0.7100. 87Sr/86Sr of all other calc-alkaline rocks scatter between 0.7074 and 0.7150. Sr data indicate that dykes studied do not represent closed Sr systems, but that Sr characteristics result from selective strontium assimilation en route to surface. Primary Sr isotopic ratios of alkalibasaltic dykes point to an origin of these rocks in enriched sub-continental upper mantle. The source region of shoshonitic and high-potassium calcalkaline rocks could have 87Sr/86Sr around 0.707, which is assigned to the input of a component rich in alkalies, LREE and LIL elements. Genetic relationships with other Tertiary magmatites of similar geotectonic position are explained in terms of plate tectonic models of the Eastern Alps.  相似文献   

Volcano-sedimentary series of the Upper Jurassic to the Lower Cretaceous are extensively developed in Zhejiang Province. But ages and stratigraphic correlation concerning these rocks have long been a controversial problem. Systematic sampling was made of volcanic rocks of the Laocun, Huangjian, Shouchang and Moshishan Formations in western Zhejiang considered thus far as the Late Jurassic. Isotopic age determinations show that U-Th-Pb zircon ages are approximately concordant with Rb-Sr isochron ages, whereas K-Ar biotite ages and K-Ar isochron ages are all slightly lower. It can therefore be established that the ages of volcanic rocks mentioned above range from 134±6 to 122±2 m.y., corresponding to the “transitional period” from Jurassic to Cretaceous. It can also be concluded that the rocks have not undergone apparent epigenetic metamorphism. The initial87Sr/86Sr ratio is about 0.7089–0.7121, on the basis of which it may be postulated that the volcanic magma seems to have originated from the upper mantle with contamination by sialic materials subsequent to differentiation. For age determinations of such acid volcanic rocks Rb-Sr isochron method is considered more suitable in view of its following advantages: the high reliability of results; wide applicability to different samples; smaller sample requirement and the possibility for further studies involving petrogenesis by use of initial87Sr/86Sr ratio.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of strontium has been determined for samples from the alkaline lavas of the Dunedin Volcano covering the range basalt, basanite, intermediate compositions, phonolite and quartz normative trachyte. The basaltic, intermediate and phonolitic rocks appear to be comagmatic and have similar low initial Sr87/Sr86 ratios around 0.7030, comparable with those of other alkaline provinces. The quartz normative trachytes have initial ratios significantly higher than those of the other rocks (0.7040) although their age is comparable. Contamination by sea water or crustal material could explain the higher initial ratios of the trachytes but it does not account for important features of their chemistry. It is suggested that the trachytes formed by partial melting involving an alkali feldspar-rich portion of older igneous rocks. Rb-Sr ages obtained are comparable with published K-Ar dates. The Rb-Sr age for the trachytes is 14.± 7 m.y. and the other alkali-enriched rocks give ages ranging within the limits of 14.4 to 12.0 m.y.  相似文献   

Three linear zones of active andesite volcanism are present in the Andes — a northern zone (5°N–2°S) in Colombia and Ecuador, a central zone (16°S–28°S) largely in south Peru and north Chile and a southern zone (33°S–52°S) largely in south Chile. The northern zone is characterized by basaltic andesites, the central zone by andesite—dacite lavas and ignimbrites and the southern zone by high-alumina basalts, basaltic andesites and andesites. Shoshonites and volcanic rocks of the alkali basalt—trachyte association occur at scattered localities east of the active volcanic chain,The northern and central volcanic zones are 140 km above an eastward-dipping Benioff zone, while the southern zone lies only 90 km above a Benioff zone. Continental crust is ca. 70 km in thickness below the central zone, but is 30–45 km thick below northern and southern volcanic zones. The correlation between volcanic products and their structural setting is supported by trace element and isotope data. The central zone andesite lavas have higher Si, K, Rb, Sr and Ba, and higher initial Sr isotope ratios than the northern or southern zone lavas. The southern zone high-alumina basalts have lower Ce/Yb ratios than volcanics from the other zones. In addition, the central zone andesite lavas show a well-defined eastward increase in K, Rb and Ba and a decrease in Sr.Andean andesite magmas are a result of a complex interplay of partial melting, fractional crystallization and “contamination” processes at mantle depths, and contamination and fractional crystallization in the crust. Variations in andesite composition across the central Andean chain reflect a diminishing degree of partial melting or an increase in fractional crystallization or an increase in “contamination” passing eastwards. Variations along the Andean chain indicate a significant crustal contribution for andesites in the central zone, and indicate that the high-alumina basalts and basaltic andesites of the southern zone are from a shallower mantle source region than other volcanic rocks. The dacite-rhyolite ignimbrites of the central zone share a common source with the andesites and might result from fractional crystallization of andesite magma during uprise through thick continental crust. The occurrence of shoshonites and alkali basalts eat of the active volcanic chain is attributed to partial melting of mantle peridotite distant from the subduction zone.  相似文献   

宁芜火山岩地区在长江下游,地跨苏、皖两省,位于淮阳山字型构造前弧东翼,是一陆相断陷盆地。中生代以来,该地区岩浆活动强烈,表现为大面积的中性和偏碱性岩浆喷发和侵入,其中火山岩厚度达千余米。解放以来,不少单位对该火山岩地区进行了大量工作。  相似文献   

We evaluated 193 K-Ar ages (10 newly determined) of basaltic and differentiated rocks of the Serra Geral (Paraná) flood-basalt province for indications of magmatism occurring systematically with progressive rifting and complete separation ( ≈130-105 Ma) of South America from Africa. The K-Ar ages represent basalt emplacement between 35° and 19°S covering about 1,200,000 km2. We note that volcanism appears ubiquitous across the province between about 140 and 115 Ma, and that there are no significant age differences within that relate directly to progressive south-to-north tectonism. On the other hand, the oldest samples, about 140–160 Ma, are among those nearest the Brazil coastline (rift margin), perhaps suggesting migration of activity away from the rift with time. Studies of other flood-basalt provinces now indicate short (<3 m.y.) eruption periods, thereby pointing to the need for re-examination of Serra Geral ages by 40Ar-39Ar incremental heating techniques.  相似文献   

Age determinations, mostly by Rb---Sr analyses, of the Precambrian rocks of Rajasthan by us and by others are summarized and discussed. Broad periods of acid magmatism at (1) 3000−2900 m.y., (2) 2600−2500 m.y., (3) 2000−1900 m.y., (4) 1700−1500 m.y. and (5) 850−750 m.y. were identified. The oldest rocks in the area are the yet undated banded gneisses (BGC) east of Udaipur, intruded by the Untala granite dated at 2950 m.y. and hence of mid-Archean age. The basal status hitherto attributed to the Berach granite dated at 2600 m.y. is no longer tenable. The radiometric control on the beginning and duration of the overlying Aravalli Supergroup is not yet satisfactory, though a lower limit at 2000 m.y. is indicated. Heron's original Delhi rocks have recorded two magmatic events widely separate in space and time. While the earliest granitic activity at 1600 m.y. is recorded only in the Alwar basin in the northeast, the younger activity between 850-750 m.y. is widespread, as shown by the nearly concordant ages of “Erinpura-type” granites along the Aravalli mountain Range and the Malani rhyolites in the western plains of the Aravalli Range.  相似文献   

Polymetamorphic rocks of Sifnos (Greece) have been investigated by Rb-Sr, K-Ar, and fission track methods. Critical mineral assemblages from the northern and southernmost parts of Sifnos include jadeite+quartz+3T phengite, and omphacite+garnet +3T phengite, whereas the central part is characterized by the assemblage albite+chlorite+epidote+2M 1 phengite.K-Ar and Rb-Sr dates on phengites (predominantly 3T) of the best preserved high P/itTmetamorphic rocks from northern Sifnos gave concordant ages around 42 m.y., indicating a Late Lutetian age for the high P/T metamorphism. Phengites (2M 1+3T) of less preserved high P/T assemblages yielded K-Ar dates between 48 and 41 m.y. but generally lower Rb-Sr dates. The higher K-Ar dates are interpreted as being elevated by excess argon.K-Ar and Rb-Sr ages on 2M 1 phengites from central Sifnos vary between 24 and 21 m.y. These ages date a second, greenschist-facies metamorphism which overprinted the earlier high-pressure metamorphic rocks.  相似文献   

Two major episodes are evident in the metamorphic and igneous Precambrian basement of the Llano Uplift, central Texas. Dynamothermal metamorphism was accompanied by minor basaltic and tonalitic syntectonic plutonism. This was followed by a second period of thermal overprinting accompanying emplacement of high-K2O, high-level major granite plutons. Extensive isotopic age work by Zartman, published in the mid-1960s, suggests that development of the basement complex, spanning an interval of 150 m.y. or more, began with deposition of Valley Spring Gneiss (the lowest unit) and terminated about 1,050 m.y. ago with final postmetamorphic cooling (indicated by retention ages of Ar and Sr in biotite). We have supplemented these data with more than 50 new K-Ar and Rb-Sr analyses.Two foliated plutons in the southeast are 1,167±12m.y. (2) old, with distinctly different initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios. Field relationships and isotopic data indicate that these plutons are the earliest yet known in the Uplift. Metamorphosed basalt dikes and gabbro bodies were emplaced immediately preceding and following the syntectonic plutons. Eleven of these rocks had extremely uniform initial 87Sr/ 86Sr=0.7029±0.0005. A Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron of the unfoliated Enchanted Rock pluton indicates an age of 1,048±34 m.y. with initial 87Sr/86Sr= 0.7048±0.0007. One of the northern unfoliated granites, the Lone Grove pluton, gives a whole-rock isochron age of 1,056±12 m.y., with initial 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7061±0.0003. All of the intrusive rocks have initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios consistent with a source in the mantle or lower crust, but not in ancient remobilized continental crust. Six K-Ar hornblende ages from metabasalts are 1,078±19 m.y. (1), in general agreement with K-Ar and Rb-Sr mineral ages elsewhere in the eastern Llano Uplift. A metasedimentary Valley Spring Gneiss sample from the western Uplift has a whole rock-muscovite Rb-Sr age of 1,129±9 m.y. Field and isotopic data are now sufficiently numerous to permit a moderately detailed reconstruction of the Precambrian history of the area.  相似文献   

The K-Ar dating method was applied to the volcanic rocks, the boninite and related rocks, from the Bonin Islands. Four fresh samples gave K-Ar ages of about 40 Ma. These ages suggest that the main volcanism of the Bonin Islands occurred about 40 Ma ago, as a result of the initiation of subduction of the Pacific plate at its western margin. Results of the K-Ar dating on other rocks suggest that some volcanism or thermal disturbance may have occurred 5 ~ 10 Ma ago, at least, in Chichijima.  相似文献   

腾冲火山岩群是我国著名的年轻火山岩群,前人主要采用K-Ar法、不平衡铀系等同位素定年方法研究该区火山岩的年龄并划分其喷发期次,采用K-Ar法获得腾冲火山岩0.013~17.84 Ma的年龄以及0.13~2.9 Ma的等时线年龄,不平衡铀系法主要用于该地区0.23 Ma以来的样品年龄研究。传统的同位素定年体系的精确度和定年范围对于研究该区火山岩的年龄存有很大局限性。近年来,微区原位离子探针U-Pb定年在年轻地质体年代学研究中表现出巨大潜力,在国际上已经应用于中更新世晚期地质体的年龄测定。本文报道了应用锆石SHRIMP U-Pb定年方法对腾冲曲石地区中更新世英安岩的3次测定结果,3次实验的年龄值在误差范围内一致。在对一次离子流选择及其强度、二次离子积分时间等实验条件探讨的基础上,综合分析3次实验中的二次离子计数表明第3次实验结果具有更高的精确度,年龄值为0.41±0.01 Ma,属中更新世,代表该英安岩的形成时代,该年龄结果是目前我国获得的最年轻的高精度锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄。本研究获得的中更新世锆石U-Pb年龄为年轻地质体的年代学研究提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

Geochronology of several Archaean rock units in the Slave Provinceestablishes a sequence of events which may be treated as a singletectonic cycle, approximately 75 m.y. in duration, leading tothe formation of a new crustal segment. The oldest rocks (2650m.y.) are basic metavolcanics with largely calc-alkaline characteristics.Metamorphic adjustment to greenschist facies conditions is largelyisochemical but departures from regular serial variation inalkalis are noted. Comparison with experimental studies suggeststhat the basalt-dacite volcanic association is probably theearly extrusive expression of the subcrustal processes whichled to the intrusion of calc-alkaline batholiths into the deformingvolcanic-sedimentary pile. Zircon U-Pb and whole rock Rb-Sr isochron ages of 2620–2640m.y. are recorded for the syn-kinematic quartz diorite batholithsand 2590–2610 m.y. for the major late-kinematic bodies.Pegmatitic adamellites (2575±25 m.y.) are the youngestplutonic units. Regional metamorphism of the andalusite-sillimanitefacies series reflects the relative unimportance of load pressurein the thin-crustal Kenoran deformation. Comparison of the resultsobtained by the three radiometric methods confirms that an intervalof over 100 m.y. may elapse between the time of emplacementof a given rock unit and the subsequent closure of the biotiteK-Ar system. The sequence of K-Ar mineral dates is in accordwith the relative argon retentivities of the various minerals.  相似文献   

The Bottle Lake Complex is a composite granitic batholith emplaced into Cambrian to Lower Devonian metasedimentary rocks. Both plutons (Whitney Cove and Passadumkeag River) are very coarse grained hornblende and biotite-bearing granites showing petrographic and geochemical reverse zonation. Two linear whole rock Rb/Sr isochrons on xenolith-free Whitney Cove and Passadumkeag River samples indicate ages of 379±5 m.y. and 381±4 m.y., respectively, in close agreement with published K-Ar ages for biotite from Whitney Cove of 377 m.y. and 379 m.y., and for hornblende 40Ar/39Ar determinations from Passadumkeag River which indicate an age of 378±4 m.y. The initial Sr isotopic ratio for Whitney Cove is 0.70553 and for Passadumkeag River is 0.70414. A whole-rock isochron on a suite of xenoliths from the Passadumkeag River granite indicates a whole rock Rb-Sr age of 496±14 m.y., with an initial Sr isotopic ratio of 0.70262.Two types of zircon exhibiting wide petrographic diversity are evident in variable proportions throughout the batholith. One of these types is preferentially found in a mafic xenolith and it is widely dispersed in the host granites forming discrete grains and probably as inclusions in the other type of zircon. U-Pb analyses of zircons give concordia intercept ages of 399±8 m.y. for Whitney Cove, 388±6 m.y. for Passadumkeag River, 415 m.y. for a mafic xenolith in Passadumkeag River, and 396±32 for combined Whitney Cove and Passadumkeag River granite. The zircons show a spread of up to 20 m.y. in the 207Pb/206Pb ages. Omitting the finest zircon fraction in the Passadumkeag River results in a concordia intercept age of 381±3 m.y., in better agreement with the whole-rock Rb-Sr and mineral K-Ar ages. For the Whitney Cove pluton, exclusion of the finest fraction does not bring the zircon age into agreement with the Rb-Sr data.Age estimates by the whole rock Rb-Sr, mineral K-Ar and Ar-Ar methods suggest that the crystallization age of the plutons is about 380 m.y., slightly younger than the U-Pb zircon intercept ages. A possible reason for this discrepancy is that the zircons contain inherited lead. Thus, zircon U-Pb ages might represent a mixture of newly developed zircon and older inherited zircon, whereas the Rb-Sr whole rock age (380 m.y.) reflects the time of crystallization, and the argon ages result from rapid cooling after emplacement.  相似文献   

雷州半岛第四纪火山岩激光40Ar/39Ar等时线定年研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
雷州半岛是我国新生代火山岩最重要的分布地区之一,火山活动主要集中在中晚更新世。前人对雷州火山岩的年代学研究以K-Ar法为主。研究表明,雷州火山岩测年结果大致分布在0.38~3.04Ma范围内。根据地层和火山岩层的叠置关系,雷州第四纪火山岩由于覆盖在被确定是1.87Ma和0.76Ma沉积的地层之上,故火山岩年龄应小于该地层年龄。K-Ar法定年结果与雷州地区地层叠置关系存在矛盾。本文通过对雷州半岛第四纪火山岩进行野外考察及采样,利用激光40Ar/39Ar年代学方法进行了精细定年。结果表明,雷州火山岩的喷发主要集中18万年前后。定年结果还表明,对于年轻样品,基于尼尔值计算的K-Ar年龄及40Ar/39Ar表观年龄偏老,等时线年龄相对较为可靠。对同一样品的斑晶、基质作斑晶-基质等时线计算,只有在斑晶基质满足同源条件时才有意义。本文首次提出,通过对比未照射样品的初始36Ar/38Ar值的均一性,以检验样品是否同源,确认斑晶-基质等时线年龄的可信度。据此,等时线的处理方法可以推广应用于特定区域内全部同源同时样品。  相似文献   

A Rb-Sr analysis of suites of samples from a small intrusion of cordierite-bearing alkali granite into the peridotite of the Sierra Bermeja (Serrania de Ronda) yields an age of 22± 4 Ma ( = 1.42×10–11 a–1): Late Oligocene/Early Miocene. It is believed that the intrusion was derived from contact-anatectic melts produced along the hot ultramafic mass during and/or directly following its tangential, tectonic dislocation from a mantle diapir. Its age can thus be taken as dating the termination of the hot emplacement of the ultramafic masses. K-Ar dates of biotites and Rb-Sr dates of biotite/whole-rock pairs in contact-metamorphic wall rocks along the ultramafics mostly lie between 19.5 and 18.5 Ma. This probably indicates that about 19 Ma ago the contact-zones of the ultramafic masses had cooled down to the blocking temperature of biotite to Rb-Sr and K-Ar.  相似文献   

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