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Studies of the internal structure of asteroids, which are crucial for understanding their impact history and for hazard mitigation, appear to be in conflict for the S-type asteroids, Eros, Gaspra, and Ida. Spacecraft images and geophysical data show that they are fractured, coherent bodies, whereas models of catastrophic asteroidal impacts, family and satellite formation, and studies of asteroid spin rates, and other diverse properties of asteroids and planetary craters suggest that such asteroids are gravitationally bound aggregates of rubble. These conflicting views may be reconciled if 10-50 km S-type asteroids formed as rubble piles, but were later consolidated into coherent bodies. Many meteorites are breccias that testify to a long history of impact fragmentation and consolidation by alteration, metamorphism, igneous and impact processes. Ordinary chondrites, which are the best analogs for S asteroids, are commonly breccias. Some may have formed in cratering events, but many appear to have formed during disruption and reaccretion of their parent asteroids. Some breccias were lithified during metamorphism, and a few were lithified by injected impact melt, but most are regolith and fragmental breccias that were lithified by mild or moderate shock, like their lunar analogs. Shock experiments show that porous chondritic powders can be consolidated during mild shock by small amounts of silicate melt that glues grains together, and by friction and pressure welding of silicate and metallic Fe,Ni grains. We suggest that the same processes that converted impact debris into meteorite breccias also consolidated asteroidal rubble. Internal voids would be partly filled with regolith by impact-induced seismic shaking. Consolidation of this material beneath large craters would lithify asteroidal rubble to form a more coherent body. Fractures on Ida that were created by antipodal impacts and are concentrated in and near large craters, and small positive gravity anomalies associated with the Psyche and Himeros craters on Eros, are consistent with this concept. Spin data suggest that smaller asteroids 0.6-6 km in size are unconsolidated rubble piles. C-type asteroids, which are more porous than S-types, and their analogs, the volatile-rich carbonaceous chondrites, were probably not lithified by shock.  相似文献   

Abstract— The complete (or near complete) differentiation of a chondritic parent body is believed to result in an object with an Fe-Ni core, a thick olivine-dominated mantle and a thin plagioclase/pyroxene crust. Compositional groupings of iron meteorites give direct evidence that at least 60 chondritic parent bodies have been differentiated and subsequently destroyed. A long standing problem has been that our meteorite collections, and apparently our asteroid observations as well, show a great absence of olivine-dominated metal-free mantle material. While the basaltic achondrites (HED meteorites) represent metal-free pyroxene-dominated crustal samples, the isotopic and geochemical evidence implies that this class is derived from only one parent body (perhaps Vesta). Thus the meteoritic (and perhaps astronomical) evidence also suggests a great absence of crustal material resulting from the collisional disruption of numerous parent bodies. One explanation for the rarity of olivine-dominated metal-free and basaltic asteroids that fits all the available evidence is that all differentiated parent bodies, with the exception of Vesta, were either disrupted or had their crusts and mantles stripped very early in the age of the solar system. The resulting basaltic and olivine-dominated metal-free fragments were continually broken down until their sizes dropped at least below our current astronomical measurement limit (~5–10 km for inner-belt objects) and perhaps completely comminuted such that meteorite samples are no longer delivered. Because of their greater strengths and longer survival time in interplanetary space, only the iron and the stony-iron meteorites remain as the final tracers of this differentiation and collisional history. However, other scenarios remain plausible such as those which invoke “space weathering” processes that effectively disguise the distinctive basaltic and olivine spectra of possible remnant crustal and mantle material within the main asteroid belt.  相似文献   

Abstract— As the solar system formed, it inherited and perpetuated a rich organic chemistry, the molecular products of which are preserved in ancient extraterrestrial objects such as carbonaceous chondrites. These organic‐rich meteorites provide a valuable and tangible record of the chemical steps taken towards the origin of life in the early solar system. Chondritic organic matter is present in the inorganic meteorite matrix which, in the CM and CI chondrites, contains evidence of alteration by liquid water on the parent asteroid. An unanswered and fundamental question is to what extent did the organic matter and inorganic products of aqueous alteration interact or display interdependence? We have used an organic labelling technique to reveal that the meteoritic organic matter is strongly associated with clay minerals. This association suggests that clay minerals may have had an important trapping and possibly catalytic role in chemical evolution in the early solar system prior to the origin of life on the early Earth.  相似文献   

Abstract— Densities and porosities for 285 ordinary chondrites have been assembled and analyzed. Measured chondrite porosities are bimodal; finds have an average porosity of <3%, whereas fall porosities average 7% but range from zero to >30%. We conclude that mild degrees of weathering fill pore spaces, lowering grain densities and porosities without significantly changing the bulk size or mass of the sample. By assuming an original pristine grain density (as a function of the meteorite's mineralogy—determined by its class), we can derive model pristine porosities. These model porosities cluster around an average value of 10% for all classes of ordinary chondrites. Ordinary chondrites do not show any correlation of porosity (model or measured) with petrographic grade or sample size (over a range from 0.2 g to 2 kg). However, we do see a correlation between shock state and porosity. Shock-blackened meteorites are less porous than other meteorites. Furthermore, less severely shocked meteorites show a much broader range of porosities, with the maximum porosity seen among meteorites of a given shock class falling linearly as a function of that shock class. This is consistent with the idea that shock compresses and closes pore space. Analysis of meteorite porosity provides a lower bound to the fine-scale porosity of asteroids. Our densities, even with 10% primordial porosity, are significantly higher than inferred densities of possible asteroid parent bodies. These asteroids are probably loose piles of rubble.  相似文献   

Abstract— The remarkable fact about the Mazapil meteorite is that it fell on the same night, in 1885, that the Andromedid meteor shower underwent a spectacular outburst. The simultaneity of these two events has driven speculation ever since. From ?1886 to ?1950 the circumstances of the Mazapil fall were taken, by a number of researchers, as the paradigm that demonstrated the fact that comets were actually swarms of meteoritic boulders. Beginning ?1950, however, most researchers began to adopted the stance that the timing of the Mazapil fall was nothing more than pure coincidence. The reason behind this change in interpretation stemmed from, amongst other factors, the fact that none of the prominent annual meteor showers could be clearly shown to deliver meteorites. Also, with the introduction of the icy‐conglomerate model for cometary nuclei, by F. Whipple in the early 1950s, it became increasingly clear that only exceptional circumstances would allow for the presence of large meteoritic bodies in cometary streams. Further, by the mid 1960s it had been shown that meteorites could, in fact, be delivered to the Earth from the main belt asteroid region via gravitational resonances. With the removal of the dynamical “barrier” against the delivery of meteorites from the asteroid region, the idea that the Mazapil meteorite could have been part of the Andromedid stream fell into complete disfavor. This being said, we nonetheless present the results of a study concerning the possible properties of the parent object to the Mazapil meteorite based upon the assumption that it was a member of the Andromedid stream. This study is presented to illustrate the point that while cometary showers do not yield meteorites on the ground, this does not, in fact, substantiate the argument that no meteoritic bodies reside in cometary streams. Indeed, we find no good reason to suppose that an object with the characteristics of the Mazapil meteorite could not have been delivered from the Andromedid stream. However, we argue that upon the basis of the actual reported observations and upon the scientific maxim of minimized hypothesis and least assumption it must be concluded that the timing of the fall of the Mazapil meteorite and the occurrence of the Andromedid outburst were purely coincidental.  相似文献   

Abstract— Based on reflectance spectroscopy and chemical/mineralogical remote sensing methods, it is generally assumed that asteroids are parent bodies for most meteorites reaching the Earth. However, more detailed observations indicate that differences exist in composition between asteroids and meteorites resulting in difficulties when searching for meteorite‐asteroid match. We show that among other physical parameters the magnetic susceptibility of an asteroid can be determined remotely from the magnetic induction by solar wind using an orbiting spacecraft or directly using the AC coil on the lander, or it can be measured in samples returned to the laboratory. The shape corrected value of the true magnetic susceptibility of an asteroid can be compared to those of meteorites in the existing database, allowing closer match between asteroids and meteorites. The database of physical properties contains over 700 samples and was recently enlarged with measurements of meteorites in European museums using mobile laboratory facility.  相似文献   

Evaluating the water‐soluble organic composition of carbonaceous chondrites is key to understanding the inventory of organic matter present at the origins of the solar system and the subsequent processes that took place inside asteroid parent bodies. Here, we present a side‐by‐side analysis and comparison of the abundance and molecular distribution of aliphatic amines, aldehydes, ketones, mono‐ and dicarboxylic acids, and free and acid‐releasable cyanide species in the CM2 chondrites Aguas Zarcas and Murchison. The Aguas Zarcas meteorite is a recent fall that occurred in central Costa Rica and constitutes the largest recovered mass of a CM‐type meteorite after Murchison. The overall content of organic species we investigated was systematically higher in Murchison than in Aguas Zarcas. Similar to previous meteoritic organic studies, carboxylic acids were one to two orders of magnitude more abundant than other soluble organic compound classes investigated in both meteorite samples. We did not identify free cyanide in Aguas Zarcas and Murchison; however, cyanide species analyzed after acid digestion of the water‐extracted meteorite mineral matrix were detected and quantified at slightly higher abundances in Aguas Zarcas compared to Murchison. Although there were differences in the total abundances of specific compound classes, these two carbonaceous chondrites showed similar isomeric distributions of aliphatic amines and carboxylic acids, with common traits such as a complete suite of structural isomers that decreases in concentration with increasing molecular weight. These observations agree with their petrologic CM type‐2 classification, suggesting that these meteorites experienced similar organic formation processes and/or conditions during parent body aqueous alteration.  相似文献   

Heavily shocked meteorites contain various types of high‐pressure polymorphs of major minerals (olivine, pyroxene, feldspar, and quartz) and accessory minerals (chromite and Ca phosphate). These high‐pressure minerals are micron to submicron sized and occur within and in the vicinity of shock‐induced melt veins and melt pockets in chondrites and lunar, howardite–eucrite–diogenite (HED), and Martian meteorites. Their occurrence suggests two types of formation mechanisms (1) solid‐state high‐pressure transformation of the host‐rock minerals into monomineralic polycrystalline aggregates, and (2) crystallization of chondritic or monomineralic melts under high pressure. Based on experimentally determined phase relations, their formation pressures are limited to the pressure range up to ~25 GPa. Textural, crystallographic, and chemical characteristics of high‐pressure minerals provide clues about the impact events of meteorite parent bodies, including their size and mutual collision velocities and about the mineralogy of deep planetary interiors. The aim of this article is to review and summarize the findings on natural high‐pressure minerals in shocked meteorites that have been reported over the past 50 years.  相似文献   

Abstract— We give a nonmathematical review of recent work regarding the Yarkovsky effect on asteroidal fragments. This effect may play a critical, but underappreciated, role in delivering meteorites to Earth. Two variants of the effect cause drifts in orbital elements, notably semimajor axes. The “classic” or “diurnal” Yarkovsky effect is associated with diurnal rotation at low obliquity. More recently, a “seasonal” effect has also been described, associated with high obliquity. Studies of these Yarkovsky effects are combined with studies of resonance effects to clarify meteorite delivery. If there were no Yarkovsky drift, asteroid fragments could reach a resonance only if produced very near that resonance. However, objects in resonances typically reach Earth-crossing orbits within a few million years, which is inconsistent with stone meteorites' cosmic-ray exposure (CRE) ages (5–50 Ma) and iron meteorites' CRE ages (100–1000 Ma). In the new view, on the other hand, large objects in the asteroid belt are “fixed” in semimajor axis, but bodies up to 100 m in diameter are in a constant state of mixing and flow, especially if the thermal conductivity of their surface layers is low. Thus, small asteroid fragments may reach the resonances after long periods of drift in the main belt. Yarkovsky drift effects, combined with resonance effects, appear to explain many meteorite properties, including: (1) the long CRE ages of iron meteorites (due to extensive drift lifetimes in the belt); (2) iron meteorites' sampling of numerous parent bodies; (3) the shorter CRE ages of most stone meteorites (due to faster drift, coupled with weaker strength and more rapid collisional erosion); and (4) the abundance of falls from discrete impact events near resonances, such as the 8 Ma CRE age of H chondrites. Other consequences include: the delivery of meteorite parent bodies to resonances is enhanced; proportions of stone and iron meteorites delivered to Earth may be different from the proportions at the same sizes left in the belt, which in turn may differ from the ratio produced in asteroidal collisions; Rabinowitz's 10–100 m objects may be preferentially delivered to near-Earth space; and the delivery of C-class fragments from the outer belt may be inhibited, compared to classes in other parts of the belt. Thus, Yarkovsky effects may have important consequences in meteoritics and asteroid science.  相似文献   

We present new irradiation experiments performed on the enstatite chondrite Eagle (EL6) and the mesosiderite Vaca Muerta. These experiments were performed with the aims of (a) quantifying the spectral effect of the solar wind on their parent asteroid surfaces and (b) identifying their parent bodies within the asteroid belt. For Vaca Muerta we observe a reddening and darkening of the reflectance spectrum with progressive irradiation, consistent with what is observed in the cases of silicates and silicate-rich meteorites such as OCs and HEDs. For Eagle we observe little spectral variation, and therefore we do not expect to observe a significant spectral difference between EC meteorites and their parent bodies. We evaluated possible parent bodies for both meteorites by comparing their VNIR spectra (before and after irradiation) with those of ∼400 main-belt asteroids. We found that 21 Lutetia (Rosetta's forthcoming fly-by target) and 97 Klotho (both Xc types in the new Bus-DeMeo taxonomy) have physical properties compatible with those of enstatite chondrite meteorites while 201 Penelope, 250 Bettina and 337 Devosa (all three are Xk types in the Bus-DeMeo taxonomy) are compatible with the properties of mesosiderites.  相似文献   

We develop a physical model for the evolution of regoliths on small bodies and apply it to the asteroids and meteorite parent bodies. The model considers global deposition of that fraction of cratering ejecta that is not lost to space. It follows the build up of regolith on a typical region, removed from the larger craters which are the source of most regolith blankets. Later in the evolution, larger craters saturate the surface and are incorporated into the typical region; their net ejection of materials to space causes the elevation of the typical region to decrease and once-buried regolith becomes susceptible to ejection or gardening. The model is applied to cases of both strong, cohesive bodies and to bodies of weak, unconsolidated materials. Evolution of regolith depths and gardening rates are followed until a sufficiently large impact occurs that fractures the entire asteroid. (Larger asteroids are not dispersed, however, and evolve mergaregoliths from multiple generations of surficial regoliths mixed into their interiors.) We find that large, strong asteroids generate surficial regoliths of a few kilometers depth while strong asteroids smaller than 10-km diameter generate negligible regoliths. Our model does not treat large, weak asteroids, because their cratering ejecta fail to surround such bodies; regolith evolution is probably similar to that of the Moon. Small, weak asteroids of 1- to 10-km diameter generate centimeter- to meter-scale regoliths. In all cases studied, blanketing rates exceed excavation rates, so asteroid regoliths are rarely, if ever, gardened and should be very immature measured by lunar standards. They should exhibit many of the characteristics of the brecciated, gas-rich meteorites; intact foreign clasts, relatively low-exposure durations to galactic and solar cosmic rays low solar gas contents, minimal evidence for vitrification and agglutinate formation, etc. Both large, strong asteroids and small, weak ones provide regolith environments compatible with those inferred for the parent bodies of brecciated meteorites. But from volumetric calculations, we conclude that most brecciated meteorites formed on the surfaces of, and were recycled through the interiors of, parent bodies at least several tens of kilometers in diameter. The implications of our regolith model are consistent with properties inferred for asteroid regoliths from a variety of astronomical measurements of asteroids, although such data do not constrain regolith properties nearly as strongly as meteoritical evidence Our picture of substantial asteroidal regoliths produced predominantly by blanketing differs from earlier hypotheses that asteroidal regoliths might be thin or absent and that short surface exposure of asteroidal materials is due chiefly to erosion rather than blanketing.  相似文献   

Abstract— All solid solar system bodies have been affected by impact to varying degrees, and, thus, magnetic records in these bodies may have been modified by shock events. Shock events may have overprinted all primordial magnetic records in meteorites. Shock metamorphism stages ranging from very little to extreme, when melting takes place, have been identified in meteorites. We are examining the creation and destruction of magnetic remanence associated with shock. In this paper, we develop a preliminary framework for understanding the magnetic properties of fine‐grained Fe particles (20–110 nm), which carry most of the remanent magnetization in lunar samples and, by extension, the kamacite phase in meteorite samples. Initial experiments on shock effects due to a first‐order shock‐induced crystallographic transformation are described. The first characterization of pre‐ and postshock magnetic properties for sized Fe particles and the first characterization of the transformation remanent magnetization (TMRM) associated with the face‐centered‐cubic (fcc) to body‐centered‐cubic (bcc) transformation in fine particle Fe spheres are described. This is equivalent to the 13 GPa transitions in bcc Fe. We show that the TMRM is in the same direction as the ambient magnetic field present during the shock, but is deflected from the field direction by 30–45° and that the remanence intensity is 1–2 orders of magnitude less than expected for thermoremanent magnetization (TRM) acquired during cooling through the Curie temperature. Isothermal remanence acquisition curves (RA) reveal the increasing magnetic hardness due to shock. Magnetic hysteresis loops are used to characterize the particle size and the shock‐induced magnetic anisotropy. Thermal demagnetization experiments describe the probable presence of particle size effects and the effects associated with recovery‐recrystallization due to the annealing that takes place during the thermomagnetic experiment. These observations have implications for paleofield determinations and the recognition of thermal unblocking. A TMRM mechanism could produce a shock overprint in a meteorite and might impart a significant directional feature in an asteroid magnetic signature.  相似文献   

Because of their short cosmic ray exposure ages, chondritic meteorites are more likely to have been broken off from parent bodies in Earth-crossing orbits than from parent bodies in the asteroid belt. The radii of the objects now in the vicinity of the Earth (Apollo and Amor objects) are too small to be unfragmented asteroids of the theory for the origin of gas-rich meteorites of Anders. Because of the abundant evidence for very heavy shock and reheating among L- and H-chondrites, I conclude that the asteroidal origin for the ordinary chondrites is still the most likely. A cometary origin for the CI chondrites is examined. Regolith and megaregolith do not necessarily have to be formed by impacts on the cometary nucleus. The short-period comet Encke receives about 1/10 the solar-wind flux of a belt asteroid at 2.5 AU in its present orbit. The thickness of the megaregolith (C1 chondrites) is estimated between 0.1 and 0.3 km. Stirring of the megaregolith without substantial loss of dust from the comet might occur when the comet is transitional between “active” and “dead.” The consolidation of C1- “dust” into rock is somewhat problematic, but if liquid water and water vapor have played a role, then a crust rich in solar gases might form in the outer regions of a comet. A testable alternative explanation is suggested, namely that the solar gases in the C1 chondrites do not come from the Sun.  相似文献   

Except for asteroid sample return missions, measurements of the spectral properties of both meteorites and asteroids offer the best possibility of linking meteorite groups with their parent asteroid(s). Visible plus near‐infrared spectra reveal distinguishing absorption features controlled mainly by the Fe2+ contents and modal abundances of olivine and pyroxene. Meteorite samples provide relationships between spectra and mineralogy. These relationships are useful for estimating the olivine and pyroxene mineralogy of stony (S‐type) asteroid surfaces. Using a suite of 10 samples of the acapulcoite–lodranite clan (ALC), we have developed new correlations between spectral parameters and mafic mineral compositions for partially melted asteroids. A well‐defined relationship exists between Band II center and ferrosilite (Fs) content of orthopyroxene. Furthermore, because Fs in orthopyroxene and fayalite (Fa) content in olivine are well correlated in these meteorites, the derived Fs content can be used to estimate Fa of the coexisting olivine. We derive new equations for determining the mafic silicate compositions of partially melted S‐type asteroid parent bodies. Stony meteorite spectra have previously been used to delineate meteorite analog spectral zones in Band I versus band area ratio (BAR) parameter space for the establishment of asteroid–meteorite connections with S‐type asteroids. However, the spectral parameters of the partially melted ALC overlap with those of ordinary (H) chondrites in this parameter space. We find that Band I versus Band II center parameter space reveals a clear distinction between the ALC and the H chondrites. This work allows the distinction of S‐type asteroids as nebular (ordinary chondrites) or geologically processed (primitive achondrites).  相似文献   

The Whitecourt meteorite impact crater, Alberta, Canada is a rare example of a well‐preserved small impact structure, with which thousands of meteorite fragments are associated. As such, this crater represents a unique opportunity to investigate the effect of a low‐energy impact event on an impacting iron bolide. Excellent documentation of meteorite fragment locations and characteristics has generated a detailed distribution map of both shrapnel and regmaglypted meteorite types. The meteorites' distribution, and internal and external characteristics support a low‐altitude breakup of the impactor which caused atmospherically ablated (regmaglypted) meteorites to fall close to the crater and avoid impact‐related deformation. In contrast, shrapnel fragments sustained deformation at macro‐ and microscales resulting from the catastrophic disruption of the impactor. The impactor was significantly fragmented along pre‐existing planes of weakness, including kamacite lamellae and inclusions, resulting in a bias toward low‐mass (<100 g) fragments. Meteorite mineralogy was investigated and the accessory minerals were found to be dominated by sulfides and phosphides with rare carlsbergite, consistent with other low‐Ni IIIAB iron meteorites. Considerations of the total mass of meteoritic material recovered at the site relative to the probable fraction of the impactor that was preserved based on modeling suggests that the crater was formed by a higher velocity, lower mass impactor than previously inferred.  相似文献   

The hornblende‐ and biotite‐bearing R chondrite LAP 04840 is a rare kind of meteorite possibly containing outer solar system water stored during metamorphism or postshock annealing deep within an asteroid. Because little is known regarding its age and origin, we determined 40Ar/39Ar ages on hornblende‐rich separates of the meteorite, and obtained plateau ages of 4340(±40) to 4380(±30) Ma. These well‐defined plateau ages, coupled with evidence for postshock annealing, indicate this meteorite records an ancient shock event and subsequent annealing. The age of 4340–4380 Ma (or 4.34–4.38 Ga) for this and other previously dated R chondrites is much older than most impact events recorded by ordinary chondrites and points to an ancient event or events that predated the late heavy bombardment that is recorded in so many meteorites and lunar samples.  相似文献   

Meteorites may be pieces of main-belt asteroids, derived by cratering collisions. The physical strength of an asteroid critically affects the quantity of ejecta that can be placed in orbits (probably resonant) that evolve to cross the Earth's. Asteroid strengths very widely due to initial composition and size (e.g., weak carbonaceous material or strong rock), subsequent geophysical evolution (e.g., formation of a strong iron core), and subsequent collisional evolution (e.g., conversion of a strong rocky body into a weak rubble pile). The meteorite yield on Earth further depends on meteorite strength, which affects longevity in space and survival through the atmosphere. We show that meteorites may be derived mainly by cratering rather than by disruptive fragmentation and from large main-belt asteroids rather than from small, Earth-approaching bodies. The model combines a wide variety of evidence from various disciplines to yield results consistent with meteorite statistics. However, no claim is made for uniqueness of this model, and many elements still admit considerable uncertainty.  相似文献   

Abstract— We present noble gas analyses of sediment‐dispersed extraterrestrial chromite grains recovered from ?470 Myr old sediments from two quarries (Hällekis and Thorsberg) and of relict chromites in a coeval fossil meteorite from the Gullhögen quarry, all located in southern Sweden. Both the sediment‐dispersed grains and the meteorite Gullhögen 001 were generated in the L‐chondrite parent body breakup about 470 Myr ago, which was also the event responsible for the abundant fossil meteorites previously found in the Thorsberg quarry. Trapped solar noble gases in the sediment‐dispersed chromite grains have partly been retained during ?470 Myr of terrestrial residence and despite harsh chemical treatment in the laboratory. This shows that chromite is highly retentive for solar noble gases. The solar noble gases imply that a sizeable fraction of the sediment‐dispersed chromite grains are micrometeorites or fragments thereof rather than remnants of larger meteorites. The grains in the oldest sediment beds were rapidly delivered to Earth likely by direct injection into an orbital resonance in the inner asteroid belt, whereas grains in younger sediments arrived by orbital decay due to Poynting‐Robertson (P‐R) drag. The fossil meteorite Gullhögen 001 has a low cosmic‐ray exposure age of ?0.9 Myr, based on new He and Ne production rates in chromite determined experimentally. This age is comparable to the ages of the fossil meteorites from Thorsberg, providing additional evidence for very rapid transfer times of material after the L‐chondrite parent body breakup.  相似文献   

Very low strengths of interplanetary meteoroids and small asteroids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract– We have assembled data on 13 cases of meteorite falls with accurate tracking data on atmospheric passage. In all cases, we estimate the bulk strength of the object corresponding to its earliest observed or inferred fragmentation in the high atmosphere, and can compare these values with measured strengths of meteorites in the taxonomic class for that fall. In all 13 cases, the strength corresponding to earliest observed or inferred fragmentation is much less than the compressive or tensile strength reported for that class of stony meteorites. Bulk strengths upon atmospheric entry of these bodies are shown to be very low, 0.1 to approximately 1 MPa on first breakup, and maximal strength on breakup as 1–10 MPa corresponding to weak and “crumbly” objects, whereas measured average tensile strength of the similar meteorite classes is about 30 MPa. We find a more random relation between bulk sample strength and sample mass than is suggested by a commonly used empirical power law. We estimate bulk strengths on entry being characteristically of the order of 10?1–10?2 times the tensile strengths of recovered samples. We conclude that pre‐entry, meter‐scale interplanetary meteoroids are typically highly fractured or in some cases rubbly in texture, presumably as a result of their parent bodies’ collisional history, and can break up under stresses of a few megapascals. The weakness of some carbonaceous objects may result from very porous primordial accretional structures, more than fractures. These conclusions have implications for future asteroid missions, sample extraction, and asteroid hazard mitigation.  相似文献   

Abstract— Motivated by recent observations of T-Tauri stars and the interpretation of these observations in terms of the properties of circumstellar disks, we derive internal (midplane) temperatures for disks around mature (age ~1 Ma) T-Tauri stars. The estimates are obtained by combining published results for disk masses, sizes, accretion rates, and surface temperatures. For 26 stars (for which adequate data are available), we derive midplane temperatures at 1 AU primarily in the range 200–800 K, and 100–400 K at 2.5 AU. It is likely that the solar nebula, at the same stage of evolution, contained planetesimals and objects destined to become meteorite parent bodies. Observations of young stellar objects at earlier stages of evolution (age ~0.1 Ma) imply that accretion rates were, on the average, at least two orders of magnitude greater than the 10?8 M/year rates typical for mature T-Tauri stars. Such high values would result in midplane temperatures at or near the silicate vaporization temperature in the terrestrial planet region. If cooling of the solar nebula from such a hot epoch was responsible for establishing the pervasive elemental fractionation patterns found in chondritic meteorites, then objects in the asteroid belt must have grown rapidly (within 0.1 Ma) to sizes of ~1 km, a conclusion consistent with current theories of planetesimal formation. However, the fact that primitive meteorite parent bodies escaped being melted by the decay of 26Al then implies that further growth of at least some objects was essentially delayed for 2 Ma or more. Such a diminished growth rate appears to be consistent with simulations of the dynamics of solid bodies in the asteroid belt. Other hypotheses seem less attractive. One might assume that the final cooling occurred only after the decay of 26Al (i.e., more than a million years after calcium-aluminum rich inclusion formation), or that 26Al was not ubiquitous in the early solar system. But the first of these conjectures is incompatible with astronomical observations of T-Tauri systems, and the second appears to be contradicted by the evidence for 26Al in diverse meteoritic components. The remaining alternative would then appear to be that, despite a lack of supporting evidence, chondritic fractionation patterns reflect the net effect of many local heating and cooling events and have nothing to do with global nebular cooling. We conclude that the most plausible hypothesis is that both nebular cooling and coagulation of solids to kilometer-sized objects occurred rapidly and that a substantial number of planetesimals in the asteroid belt remained smaller than a few kilometers in radius for at least 2 Ma.  相似文献   

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