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叙述了在FreeBSD环境下构建基于PPTP的VPN网关的过程和技术,分析了基本概念、实现方式以及在江西省地震信息网的实际应用等。  相似文献   

At present the development together with an intensification of anaerobic processes calls for methods of observation and control. It is very important to know intermediate metabolites of anaerobic microorganisms and the activity of methanogenic ones. Presented analytical methods are GLC analyses of lower fatty acids, alcohols, aldehydes and ketones and components of biogas. The chromatography using steam as a mobile phase is also mentioned. The method of determining the fluorescent coenzyme F420 was tested and modified. This coenzyme is specific for methanogenic microorganisms and is closely linked with their activity. The determination of the total activity of the hydrogenase system of anaerobic microorganisms by means of the rate of the consumption and evolution of molecular hydrogen was also presented. The applicability and effectivenes of these methods were verified on natural samples. All the methods mentioned above give satisfactory results with available equipment, materials and techniques.  相似文献   

In recent decades, increased extraction of groundwater for human and agriculture consumption has led to a substantial drop in groundwater level in large areas of across the world. Declining groundwater levels is a serious problem in itself and has multiple economic, social, cultural, political, security-related, and environmental externalities. The negative economic-environmental externalities of overextraction of groundwater in the Orzouiyeh plain in the Kerman Province, Iran, were evaluated using methods such as replacement cost, production function, market prices, shadow price, and the value of the input marginal product. After evaluating externalities, the Positive Mathematical Programming method was used to evaluate different water policies to reduce the consumption of groundwater. The total economic losses due to the externalities were calculated to equal 2.8 U.S. million dollars. The damages caused by environmental externalities were calculated to equal 436.1 U.S. million dollars. The results related to the positive planning model show that the best policy among different options, such as deficit irrigation policy or combined policies, involves implementation of pressurized irrigation systems.  相似文献   

山西大同数字遥测地震台网记录的震相特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从地球及地壳的分层结构出发,使用较成熟的理论,从地震波传播的基本原理入手,结合多年的震相观察分析工作实践,选取了山西大同数字遥测地震台网近年来的一些典型震相进行了分析,得出本台网记录到震中距小于100km的地方震震相有Pg,P11,Sg,S11震中距在100km~500km的近震震相有Pn,Pg,P11,Sn,Sg,S11对比分析了在本台网内及周边地区发生的爆破与天然地震在震相上的差异性,并对其特征作了较详细的描述。  相似文献   

对兰州地震研究所的三段历史作回顾,分别为国家地震局、中国地震局兰州地震研究所的体制沿革变迁,中国科学院地球物理研究所;中国科学院兰州地球物理研究所观象台早期创建;兰州地震研究所硕士点早期阶段。  相似文献   

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目的:分析淋巴结结核的CT和MRI表现特点,并与病理学对照,探讨两种检查方法的应用价值。方法:回顾性分析2010年1月至2014年12月间34例经手术、穿刺病理或临床证实为淋巴结结核患者的CT或MRI影像学资料,分别从生长方式(融合/非融合)、边缘(光滑/欠光滑)、境界(清晰/欠清晰)、密度及信号、增强后强化方式(均匀/不均匀/环形规则/环形不规则)这5个方面对所受累淋巴结进行分析。结果:34例患者中共累及223枚淋巴结,其中颈部淋巴结67.7%,纵隔内淋巴结27.7%,肺门淋巴1.8%,肺内淋巴结0.5%,腹腔淋巴结0.5%,腹膜后淋巴结1.8%。所有受累淋巴结中,8.5%呈融合性生长,83.9%形态规则,79.4%边缘光滑。CT上发现的171枚病变淋巴结以等密度较多(53.8%)、低密度次之(43.3%),MRI上发现的66枚病变淋巴结中98.5%为等T1长T2信号。所有CT及MRI观察到的病变淋巴结中,除57%的病灶密度或信号均匀外,仅伴钙化的为12.6%,仅伴部分坏死的26.9%,另外有3.6%同时伴钙化及坏死;增强扫描的204个病变淋巴结中,1%钙化显著、未见明显强化,38.7%均匀强化,伴坏死者内见不强化的低密度区,11.3%呈环形规则强化(均位于颈部),8.3%环形不规则强化(纵隔内82.4%),5.9%可见病变淋巴结内有分隔样强化(均位于颈部)。结论:CT与MRI对于淋巴结结核具有重要诊断价值,两者均能清晰显示病变部位、形态以及边缘情况,MRI对于病变边缘及周围情况显示较CT更明确,尤其是增强后,对于包膜及邻近组织受累情况的显示也更加敏感。   相似文献   

Methods of computing the deflections of flexible vegetation elements under the dynamic pressure of water were presented in the paper. Two methods, based on Euler-Bernoulli beam theory, were discussed, one designed for small deflections and the other, generalized one, also for larger deflections. The choice of the method for computations of deflections was discussed from the perspective of the computation of flow velocities above flexible vegetation. Computational results were compared with laboratory experiments and it was found that the simplified, computationally less expensive method may be used in many practical situations without deterioration of the results.  相似文献   

在土-结构的动力相互作用简化分析中,常采用双自由度集中参数模型简化土层.这种模型适合各向同性的单一土层,而实际工程场地的地基土多是各向异性的成层土层.为了将这一模型应用于此类土层,本文根据实际地震动记录,提出了一种变阻尼最小二乘反分析方法,可用来识别模型中的各个参数值.文中提出的方法具有适用范围广、计算精度较高的优点,并已通过编制FORTRAN程序加以实施和应用.  相似文献   

为解决地震台光记录倾斜仪灯光系统故障率高的问题 ,研制了一种时号·光源灯控器。采用了数字钟报时及定闹信号对直接延时时号灯进行控制的措施 ,使仪器的无故障运行期及蓄电池的使用寿命得以延长 ,明显提高了观测质量。  相似文献   

萧山-球川断裂是浙江地区1条大规模的北东向断裂,在该断裂附近曾发生过多次破坏性地震。本文通过地质调查、电法勘探和探槽开挖等方法,对萧山-球川断裂富阳—建德段第四纪活动性进行了研究。萧山-球川断裂富阳—建德段的遥感影像线性特征清楚,对地貌的控制作用较为明显,对山前的第四系发育有明显影响。通过对断裂露头剖面的分析,认为萧山-球川断裂富阳—建德段活动性质以走滑兼具逆冲为主。通过本次开挖的富阳峙山村探槽,结合ESR年龄测定,判定该断裂在第四纪早、中期有过活动,但未断错上覆中更新统上部地层,其最新活动时代为早、中更新世。  相似文献   

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - The problem of disturbances of the parameters of the F2 layer and the upper ionosphere during the days preceding the beginning of a magnetic storm has already been known...  相似文献   

利用山东数字地震台网的实时记录波形资料,采用在频率域积分方法,计算出各台站背景噪声的位移值。然后进行统计分析,得出了山东地区背景噪声位移值的空间分布和时间变化特征:台站背景噪声幅值与不同地区地质环境、岩性密切相关,位于第四系黄土覆盖层较厚的鲁西聊城、菏泽地区,鲁西北德州地区和鲁北东营、滨州地区各子台的背景噪声位移值较大,鲁中、鲁南山区和胶东半岛地区的基岩台站背景噪声位移值较小;同时,白天噪声值大于夜间噪声值,但深井观测台站的背景噪声值相对稳定。此项研究为绘制台网监测能力图提供基础数据,并为计算各台站的场地响应及震级修正值等测震学研究提供基础资料,促进台网的改建和发展。  相似文献   

采集夏县中心地震台温泉水及周边水点样品进行水化学组分特征分析。利用矩形图、Na-K-Mg三角图等方法,初步分析温泉水的水质类型、水-岩平衡状态、热储温度以及循环深度等,并结合氢氧同位素组成特征,初步分析温泉水补给来源。研究表明,夏县中心地震台温泉水化类型属于Na-Cl·SO4型,水-岩反应属于部分成熟水,热储温度为148.8℃,循环深度为3.91 km,补给源主要为大气降水,温泉为断裂型温泉。以上结果可为该台流体异常分析提供基础研究资料,为夏县地区水化研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

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