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刘成武  黄利民 《地理研究》2015,34(12):2268-2282
认识农地边际化过程中农户土地利用行为的变化及其对粮食生产的影响,对正确判断中国的粮食生产形势,制订相关政策以确保粮食安全具有重要意义。基于湖北省咸宁市4县1市1区的23个村组、1252个农户家庭的调查数据,对1981年以来农户土地利用行为变化的特征及其对粮食生产的影响进行分析。结果表明:① 农户用于粮食生产的劳动力与土地面积明显下降,农户用地方式出现“省工性”变化,劳动力被农机要素替代,农业机械、化学肥料与农药等物质投入显著上升。② 主要粮食作物的劳动生产率、土地生产率与商品率分别提高了4.61%、29.69%与50.56%,但区域主要粮食作物的总产量与农户家庭平均粮食占有量却分别下降了10.49%与10.50%,区域粮食安全的保障能力出现弱化。③ 丘陵山区主要粮食作物的“三率”提高幅度高于平原地区,丘陵山区的水稻总产量与家庭占有量均略有提高,但平原地区却出现了明显下降。产粮重心在空间上出现从平原地区向丘陵山区倾斜的现象。④ 稳定主要粮食作物的用地规模,促进农户规模经营,提高土地产出效率,是应对农地边际化作用的关键。从事规模化与专业化粮食生产的农区与农户,应成为国家惠农政策与粮食安全政策重点扶持的对象。  相似文献   

In this paper we aimed to explain differences in agricultural labour productivity at microregional level. We tested the effects of three major independent variables – farmland fragmentation, urbanization economies and farm size structure with particular emphasis on the relationship between land-use fragmentation and microregional differences in agricultural labour productivity. Our principal question therefore was if higher agricultural labour productivity at microregional level is associated with internal scale economies resulting from large average farm size (in terms of employment), proximity to large cities as a proxy for urbanization economies and lower levels of land-use fragmentation. We also asked if productivity gains from large average size of plots is higher than potential losses resulting from land tenure (tenants are generally less productive than farmland owners). Drawing on a case study of Czechia – a country with extremely fragmented farmland ownership, but the largest average size of plots in the EU and a strong role of farmland rental market – we confirmed our initial expectation that land-use fragmentation affects negatively microregional agricultural labour productivity. Larger average size of plots is positively related to microregional agricultural labour productivity despite potentially negative effects of land tenure. At the same time, no significant effects of urbanization economies and farm size structure were documented.  相似文献   

 农牧交错区的农牧业生产系统是一个受到社会、经济和自然因素影响的复杂系统,对其模型化需要建立分层系列模型。以农业经济学和土地资源学研究成果为基础,结合风沙科学研究的有关结论以及深入的综合分析,得到了一套包含25个基本变量的农牧业生产数学模型。次一级的模型包括有效劳动模型、固定资本模型、生产费用模型和土地生产潜力模型。在土地生产潜力模型中专门考虑了土地利用类型及沙漠化程度的影响,以确保模型的适用性。基于这套模型可以对农牧业生产的诸多特征进行较为全面的分析。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to establish several important factors representing land use intensification in cultivated land (denoted by CII), using a multi-dimensional approach to achieve realistic and practical cultivated land use policies in China. For this reason, the theoretical framework was first built to explain the changes of land use intensification in the cultivated land, and then the variables and index were further developed for the purpose of characterizing the dynamic trends and driving forces of the land use intensification in the cultivated land at the provincial level. The study results indicate that the extent of CII significantly increased during the period of 1996 to 2008, due to the extensive use of fertilizers, machinery and pesticide, increased labor and capital input, and intensified land use. Moreover, the principal component regression results show that the productivity of cultivated land, economic benefits of cultivated land, labor productivity, and land use conversion are the main factors affecting the village development. The first three factors play a positive role, while the last one has a negative effect on the land use intensification in the cultivated land. According to these results, the main policies for sustainable intensification in cultivated land are proposed. First, the sustainable pathways for intensification should be adopted to reduce the unsustainable uses of chemical fertilizer, agricultural chemicals, etc. Second, the conditions for agricultural production should be further improved to increase the cultivated land productivity. Third, it is very necessary and helpful for improving labor productivity and land use efficiency from the viewpoint of accelerated the cultivated land circulation. The last step is to positively affect the production activities of peasants by means of reforming the subsidy standards.  相似文献   

1980年以来中国棉花生产向新疆集中的主要原因   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
朱会义 《地理研究》2013,32(4):744-754
1980年以来中国棉花生产格局发生了明显变化,在空间上逐步向新疆集中,这一变化不仅促进了新疆地区耕地的扩张,也强化了新疆地区在我国农业生产中的地域功能,同时还加速了该地区的荒漠化进程。目前对这一现象的研究主要立足于区域尺度,关注棉花生产对当地农民收入的影响以及区域棉花产业的优势与发展战略,对生产格局变化的成因还缺乏清晰认识。本文从生产要素配置效率的角度,利用全国农产品成本收益数据,通过比较全国主要植棉省市棉花生产中土地生产率、劳动生产率和资本产出率的差异,来探讨这一现象的成因。结果表明:劳动生产率的区域差异是市场经济条件下中国棉花生产向新疆集中的主要原因。这一结论对于判断中国棉花生产格局变化的未来趋势以及其他农产品生产格局变化研究都具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

中国省域耕地集约利用态势与驱动力分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
基于“理性小农”、超边际经济学等理论,建立了农户耕地集约利用解释的理论框架。构建了集约利用度指数 (CII) 和驱动力模型,分析了1996-2008年中国省域的耕地集约利用程度及其影响因素。研究结果表明:我国耕地利用集约度总体大幅度提高,但地域差异明显,初步形成了第一阶梯较高集约度、第二三阶梯较低集约度的空间格局;耕地集约利用的首要贡献来自于化肥、机械、农药等省工性劳动的大量使用,其次是资本投入和劳动力;耕地自然本底条件、耕地经济收益和劳动力生产率,与耕地集约度呈正相关,而耕地非农化效益与耕地利用集约度呈负相关。基于研究结论的政策引申:加强政策引导,科学合理使用非可再生能源等省工性劳动;切实改善农业生产条件,适度规模经营,提升劳动生产率和耕地综合生产力;提高耕地经营性经济补贴标准,激励农户稳定从事农业生产的积极性。  相似文献   

以Landsat5TM遥感影像、农户调查数据和统计数据为基础数据,运用3S技术提取了案例区河北省文安县1995~2007年土地利用变化信息,分析了杨树扩张的时空格局;并从农户杨树种植决策行为视角,运用数理统计、投入产出法分析了杨树扩张占地的驱动因素。结论如下:(1)杨树林地扩张幅度大、速率快。(2)杨树扩张所用土地92.14%来源于耕地,"杨上粮下"现象突出。(3)杨树扩张速率的空间差异显著。杨树扩张受生产要素、土地产品市场及政策因素的综合驱动,其中劳动力因素和经济因素起主要作用。(4)非农从业人员比率和农民年人均收入越高,杨树扩张速度越快。在劳动力由富余转为相对稀缺的情况下,农户为提高经济收益,倾向选择耗工少,劳动生产率较大的杨树,是杨树扩张占地的根本原因。  相似文献   

Although there has been rapid rural-urban migration in rural China since the 1980s, the total grain production of China saw a continuous increase. As of today, the relationship between labor migration and grain output growth remains partial and contradictory. The main aim of this empirical study is to examine some specific measures adopted by peasants to deal with labor shortage and maintain grain output growth. Using tracking survey, participatory rural appraisal methods, and land plot investigation, we investigate 274 households and 1405 arable land plots in four villages in two stages in Jinchuan county, southwestern China. The results show that continuous emigration of labor from the four villages caused the abandonment of a small amount of land, decreased labor intensity, and reduced multiple cropping index, shifting from “corn-wheat” multiple cropping pattern to the “corn” cropping pattern, which means labor shortage in some households. At the same time, owing to surplus labor in the villages, the peasants utilize a series of means to offset the negative impacts of labor migration on grain output, such as cropland transfer, labor exchange in the busy seasons, and the substitution of capital and technology for labor. The econometric analysis also shows that labor migration boosts grain production. This study provides a reasonable explanation of grain output growth under rural-urban migration.  相似文献   

近20年中国农业主产区耕地资源质量和产能变化研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
依据全国土地利用图与土地资源质量评价图,分析1980s末至2005年末中国农业主产区内耕地资源数量和空间格局的动态变化,并对由此带来的耕地质量和产能的变化做出宏观评估。主要结论如下:1)2005年农业主产区耕地面积①为9 321.96万hm2,较1980s末增加175.53万hm2。2)耕地在空间上呈现"北增南减"的变化格局。北方的内蒙古东部区、新疆区、松嫩平原区和三江平原区为耕地净增加区,共增加354.41万hm2,各区分别增长10.29%、19.10%、10.91%和14.14%;偏南部的黄淮海区、长江中下游及江淮地区、华南蔗果区和四川盆地区为耕地净减少区,各区分别减少2.17%、2.00%、3.15%和5.61%。3)根据土地资源图对耕地质量的划分结果,20年间农业主产区内耕地面积和空间格局的变化导致一等耕地减少3.24%,二、三等耕地和宜林宜牧地分别增加2.91%、7.81%和14.10%。4)考虑各区耕地复种指数和耕地质量的影响,结合耕地单产数据进行耕地产能的核算,结果显示,在耕地数量净增1.92%的情况下,耕地的总体产能依然下降0.84%。  相似文献   

针对粮食生产力影响因素分层结构的特点,构建粮食单产影响因素的多层线性模型,以江苏省为实证案例,定量研究耕地利用集约度及宏观政策因素对粮食单产变化影响及其内在作用机制。研究结果表明:(1)粮食单产的影响因素是多层次的,耕地利用集约度解释了平均粮食单产差异的57.04%,农业政策因素解释了平均粮食单产差异的42.96%;(2)2001~2008年江苏省的粮食单位面积产出总体呈逐年增加的趋势,其中,劳动集约度和资本集约度分别解释了县级平均粮食单产差异的19.50%和5.68%。(3)所选政策变量中,支农支出、科技支出和农业贷款三个变量对市级平均粮食单产具有显著作用。(4)所选政策变量解释了市级粮食单产均值差异的63.21%,市级层次还有36.79%的"背景效应"未得到解释。  相似文献   

Understanding the driving forces and mechanism of land use change is a key issue in land change science, and has received much attention over the past 30 years. While many driving forces have been identified, the mechanism of land use change is still unclear, mainly because of limited knowledge of the underlying motivation for land use change. Traditionally, the underlying motivation for land use change was ascribed to people's pursuit of satisfying their own demands or that of profit maximization. However, those theoretical hypotheses combine all productive factors without highlighting certain predominant factor, in this paper, a case study was conducted on the variation of land productivity, capital productivity and labor productivity in agricultural land use in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China. The case study revealed that only labor productivity presented a long-term increasing trend in regional cotton and grain production. This result implies that people's pursuit of increasing labor pro- ductivity is probably the underlying motivation for land use change. Additional details identi- fied in agricultural and non-agricultural land use in China support the above implication. As labor productivity is a determinant of people's living standards, increasing labor productivity means improving people's living standards. Therefore, it is concluded that land use change results from people's pursuit of increasing labor productivity in a changing environment.  相似文献   

北方生态脆弱区农户兼业对耕地利用的影响(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前我国农户兼业现象十分普遍。本文基于在内蒙古太仆寺旗的农户调查数据,采用单因素方差分析法,对生态脆弱区农户兼业及其对耕地利用的影响进行了研究。结果表明:当前研究区农业劳动力非农就业和农户兼业现象十分突出,而兼业程度不同的农户,其经营土地的方式差异明显。非农就业户通过将其土地转给其他农户而脱离了农业耕作,这同时满足了其他农户扩大土地经营面积的愿望。种植结构差异不大,均体现为劳动生产率高的作物具有优势;对于有耕地利用行为的纯农业户、I兼型农户和II兼型农户,随着兼业程度的增加,物质投入增加,说明农户兼业使其资金约束减小,增加了资金投入能力,但是在劳动力约束下,兼业农户的劳动力投入减少,且务农劳动力"妇女化"、"老龄化"和"文化低"等现象突出;作物单产和土地净收益纯农业户大于兼业农户,说明劳动投入对土地产出更为重要。文章最后认为建立农业劳动力非农就业与耕地利用相互协调的机制,是解决生态脆弱区生态安全与农业生产之间矛盾的重要途径。  相似文献   

华北地下水超采区冬小麦退耕的生态补偿问题探讨   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
压减冬小麦种植面积是有效减少华北平原地下水用量最为有效的方法。近期,国家和地方政府均出台了土地休耕政策,拟在华北地下水超采区退耕冬小麦,实现“一季休耕、一季雨养”。然而,华北平原已经出现农户主动退耕冬小麦的现象。在此背景下,明确冬小麦退耕的瞄准目标、制订合理适度的补偿标准是土地休耕政策有效实施所面对的核心问题。本文利用农户问卷数据,构建多层次logit模型分析农户种植制度决策的影响因素,并计算冬小麦退耕的机会成本,旨在确定华北平原地下水超采区土地休耕政策的瞄准目标,并为农户补偿标准的制订提供建议。结果表明:① 地块层次的土地质量和灌溉条件是解释农户种植制度差异的关键因素,近70%的四等耕地和90%以上的旱地已退出冬小麦耕作,土地休耕政策应瞄准一、二、三等土地质量的水浇地;② 相似耕作条件的地块种植春、夏玉米的净收益大致相同,土地休耕的机会成本等于种植冬小麦的净收益;③ 仅考虑冬小麦对地下水资源的影响,土地休耕政策初期以地下水回升和地下水环境恢复为主要目标时,建议以350元/亩作为补偿标准参考值,后期目标转为维持地下水资源采补平衡时,可调整至280元/亩左右。  相似文献   

The land fallow policy was adopted by central and local governments to encourage the abandonment of water-intensive crops, such as winter wheat, in groundwater over-exploited areas. At the same time, since the 1990s, many households in the North China Plain (NCP) have chosen to replace the winter wheat and summer maize double-cropping system with the spring maize single-cropping system. Therefore, it is crucial to identify target land parcels for winter wheat abandonment and to design reasonable and proper standards for ecological compensation prior to the implementation of the land fallow policy in the NCP. In this study, multi-level logit models were used with household survey data in order to detect determinants across land parcel, household and village levels on household cropping system decisions; the opportunity costs for winter wheat abandonment were also calculated using cost–benefit analysis. The results show that: (1) land quality and irrigation condition at parcel level are two essential elements influencing household cropping system decisions. Nearly 70% of the total area of poor land and more than 90% of the total area of unirrigated land has suffered winter wheat abandonment. Target land parcels for the land fallow policy should be those that are irrigated and of high quality. (2) There were no significant differences between net profits from spring maize and summer maize under similar farming conditions, and the opportunity cost for winter wheat abandonment should be equal to the net profit of winter wheat. (3) The primary purpose of the land fallow policy is to induce groundwater recovery and restoration as a preliminary stage. A higher level of 350 yuan/mu is recommended as subsidy for ecological compensation at this stage. Later, the primary purpose of the policy should be a transition to a balance between exploitation and supplementation of water resources, and a lower level of 280 yuan/mu is recommended as a subsidy at this stage.  相似文献   

Although there has been rapid rural-urban migration in rural China since the 1980 s, the total grain production of China saw a continuous increase. As of today, the relationship between labor migration and grain output growth remains partial and contradictory. The main aim of this empirical study is to examine some specific measures adopted by peasants to deal with labor shortage and maintain grain output growth. Using tracking survey, participatory rural appraisal methods, and land plot investigation, we investigate 274 households and 1405 arable land plots in four villages in two stages in Jinchuan county, southwestern China. The results show that continuous emigration of labor from the four villages caused the abandonment of a small amount of land, decreased labor intensity, and reduced multiple cropping index, shifting from "corn-wheat" multiple cropping pattern to the "corn" cropping pattern, which means labor shortage in some households. At the same time, owing to surplus labor in the villages, the peasants utilize a series of means to offset the negative impacts of labor migration on grain output, such as cropland transfer, labor exchange in the busy seasons, and the substitution of capital and technology for labor. The econometric analysis also shows that labor migration boosts grain production. This study provides a reasonable explanation of grain output growth under rural-urban migration.  相似文献   

海岸带土地持续利用景观生态评价   总被引:47,自引:1,他引:46  
应用景观生态学理论研究土地持续利用问题,从景观生产力、景观受胁度与景观稳定性3方面构建海岸带土地利用可持续性的景观生态评价指标体系,并辅以山东省无棣县土地持续利用的个案分析,将土地持续利用的多重目标与景观格局结合在一起进行土地持续利用时空尺度上的综合评价,是土地持续利用评价研究的有益拓展。评价结果表明,无棣县土地利用可持续性景观生态评价值整体较低,区域差异大。通过聚类分析,将无棣县11个乡镇划分为土地利用的强可持续区、可持续区、弱可持续区、弱不可持续区与强不可持续区等5个梯度区,并分析了自然资源禀赋、乡村现代化、人口规模与人口素质等区域差异成因。  相似文献   

China’s low agricultural labor productivity has become the key weakness of its agricultural competitiveness and sustainable development, and strategies for improving China’s agricultural labor productivity lack clear and consistent theory and empirical support. To address this issue, the current study uses the methods of convergence index, correlation coefficient, and nonparametric test, to analyze the characteristics and influencing factors of agricultural labor productivity among 32 major agrarian countries during 1961-2013. This analysis shows that the development gap among countries has been narrowing. The USA takes the leading position among all the countries, while some countries with scarce land like Japan have succeeded in achieving transcendence, and other countries like India have experienced relatively slow speed. The agricultural labor productivity is significantly driven by agricultural labor surplus, agricultural product processing, and agricultural industrial structure. The effects of land resource endowment, agricultural mechanization, and biochemical inputs have been declining and in some cases are no longer even significant. It is therefore necessary to shift attention to marketization, diversification, and high quality, instead of the former focus on agricultural intensification, concentration and large-scale operations, and this shift is probably more closely aligned with current practices. There are more people and less land in China, and the agricultural labor force in China still accounts for nearly 30% of the total population. Considering these national conditions, it is very important to simultaneously improve the efficiency of agricultural production of small farmers and promote the successful urbanization of the agricultural labor force. In the medium and long term, it is imperative to improve the competitiveness of Chinese agriculture by adopting related policy arrangements such as induced agricultural technological innovation, production factor substitution, and multifunctional agriculture development.  相似文献   

以奈曼旗为例,根据农牧业生产综合模型对农牧业生产的主要方面进行了分析。农牧业生产中,资本对产出的贡献最大,有效劳动和土地生产力次之,表明奈曼旗的生产处于规模报酬递增的增长时期。农牧业生产基本呈指数增长,且1951-1980年增长较缓,1980年以后增长很快。固定资本的增长较为稳定和缓慢,生产费用的增长具有波动性。生产费用与施肥量和沙漠化程度关系显著,当年生产费用与上年产出高度相关,同时由于生产费用对产出增加有很高的贡献,说明农牧交错区的农牧业发展中存在负反馈关系。土地生产潜力利用率反映了农牧业生产与土地生产力之间的关系,该利用率在0~0\^4之间波动,并且1980年以前利用率低且波动小,说明这段时期的农牧业生产整体水平不高,1980年以后利用率高且波动大,资本对产出贡献的比重下降,土地生产潜力的重要性相对增大。  相似文献   

Population pressure and land resource depletion in southeastern Nigeria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper measures farmland size per capita, fallow index and fragmentation index as indices of land resource depletion and population pressure in the heavily populated southeastern Awka-Nnewi of Nigeria. Population density in the area ranges from 574-2403 persons per square km, increasing annually at 3%. The soils are porous, sandy, with extensive gully erosion. Land is subdivided in each generation such that each male child receives a parcel of his father's land. There are other pressures on land parcels, notably for residential use. Soils have become depleted from intense cropping such that yams can no longer be grown and people subsist on cassava. Data were collected from 290 households in 36 towns and villages. The 3 variables were defined mathematically, and tabulated for each village. Then a correlation matrix was computed between the independent and dependent variables. All 3 variables, land per capita, fallow and land depletion, were significantly inversely correlated with population density (p.01), the fragmentation index to the greatest degree. All dependent variables were significantly and positively correlated. Scatter diagrams suggested that the worst hit areas were the central towns, and the least affected areas were the peripheral zones along the rivers and floodplains. Although federal regulations have been passed to make land redistribution easier, local custom makes it unlikely that people will resettle voluntarily to outlying areas because of traditions of land ownership. Similarly, government measures to encourage conservation and recovery of eroded land have not been successful, and food shortages are beginning to occur.  相似文献   

重庆市山区农户耕地转入特征及其影响因素   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
何威风  阎建忠  周洪 《地理科学进展》2014,33(11):1566-1576
耕地流转有利于缓解耕地撂荒和闲置问题,促进土地规模化经营,但已有山区的研究侧重耕地转出,且未深入分析农户耕地转入的特征.本文运用重庆市“两翼”地区12 个典型村的1015 份农户调查问卷,从地块尺度详细分析了农户耕地转入的特征,并通过Tobit 模型,定量分析了农户转入耕地面积的影响因素.结果表明:①农户多无偿转入耕地,但仍主要转入质量好、坡度小、离家近的地块;因受地形影响,转入地块又多为旱地,且难灌溉、面积小,并存在“去粮化”和粗放化经营.②农户特征方面,转入耕地的农户多为普通农户,经营耕地规模小、效益低,且地块细碎化程度高.③影响因素方面,农业劳动力比例、农业收入、农具数量和耕作面积对农户转入耕地面积有显著正向影响,而户主年龄、地块平均面积和地区哑变量则武隆县有显著负向影响.  相似文献   

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