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New topographic maps of six large central volcanoes on Mars are presented and discussed. These features are Olympus Mons, Elysium Mons, Albor Tholus, Ceraunius Tholus, Uranius Tholus, and Uranius Patera. Olympus Mons has the general form of a terrestrial basaltic shield constructed almost entirely from lava flows; but with 20 to 23 km of relief it is far larger. Flank slopes average about 4°. A nominal density calculated from the shield volume and the local free-air gravity anomaly is so high that anomalously dense lithosphere probably underlies the shield. Uranius Patera is a similar feature of much lower present relief, about 2 km, but its lower flanks have been buried by later lava flood deposits. Elysium Mons has about 13 km of local relief and average slopes of 4.4°, not significantly steeper than those of Olympus Mons. Its upper flank slopes are significantly steeper than those of Olympus Mons. We suggest Elysium Mons is a shield volcano modified and steepened by a terminal phase of mixed volcanic activity. Alternatively, the volcano may be a composite cone. Albor Tholus is a partially buried 3-km-tall shield-like construct. Ceranius and Uranius Tholus are steeper cone-like features with relief of about 6 and 2 km, respectively. Slopes are within the normal range for terrestrial basaltic shields, however, and topographic and morphologic data indicate burial of lower flanks by plains forming lavas. These cones may be lava shield constructs modified by a terminal stage of explosive activity which created striking radial patterns of flank channels. Differences among these six volcanoes in flank slopes and surface morphology may be primarily consequences of different terminal phases of volcanic activity, which added little to the volume of any construct, and burial of shallow lower flanks by later geologic events. Additional topographic data for Olympus Mons, Arsia Mons, and Hadriaca Patera are described. The digital techniques used to extract topographiv data from Viking Orbiter stereo images are also described.  相似文献   

Athabasca and Marte Valles lie on the Cerberus plains, between the young, lava-covered plains of Elysium Planitia and Amazonis Planitia. To test pre-MGS (Mars Global Surveyor) suggestions of extremely young volcanic and fluvial activity, we present the first crater counts from MGS imagery, at resolutions (∼2-20 m/pixel) much higher than previously available. The most striking result, based on morphologic relations as well as crater counts from different stratigraphic units, is to confirm quantitatively that these channel systems are much younger than most other major outflow channels. The general region has an average model age for lava and fluvial surfaces of ≤200 Myr, and has possibly seen localized water releases, interspersed with lava flows, within the past 20 Myr. The youngest lavas may be no more than a few megayears old. Access of lava and liquid brines to the surface may be favored by openings of the Cerberus Fossae fracture system, but, as shown in the new images, the fractures appear to have continued developing more recently than the most recent lavas or fluvial activity. The Cerberus Fossae system may be an analog to an early stage of Valles Marineris, and its youthful activity raises questions about regional tectonic history. Large-volume water delivery to the surface of young lava flows in recent martian history puts significant boundary conditions on the storage and history of water on Mars.  相似文献   

We present results of our study of the rheologies and ages of lava flows in the Elysium Mons region of Mars. Previous studies have shown that the geometric dimensions of lava flows reflect rheological properties such as yield strength, effusion rate and viscosity. In this study the rheological properties of lava flows in the Elysium Mons region were determined and compared to the rheologies of the Ascraeus Mons lava flows. We also derived new crater size-frequency distribution measurements (CSFDs) for the Elysium lava flows to identify possible changes in the rheological properties with time. In addition, possible changes in the rheological properties with the distance from the caldera of Elysium Mons were analyzed.In total, 35 lava flows on and around Elysium Mons were mapped, and divided into three groups, lava flows on the flanks of Elysium Mons, in the plains between the three volcanoes Elysium Mons, Hecates and Albor Tholus and lava flows south of Albor Tholus. The rheological properties of 32 of these flows could be determined. Based on our morphometric measurements of each individual lava flow, estimates for the yield strengths, effusion rates, viscosities, and eruption duration of the studied lava flows were made. The yield strengths of the investigated lava flows range from ~3.8 × 102 Pa to ~1.5 × 104 Pa, with an average of ~3.0 × 103 Pa. These yield strengths are in good agreement with estimates for terrestrial basaltic lava flows. The effusion rates are on average ~747 m3 s?1, ranging from ~99 to 4450 m3 s?1. The viscosities are on average ~4.1 × 106 Pa s, with a range of 1.2 × 105 Pa s to 3.1 × 107 Pa s. The eruption durations of the flows were calculated to be between 6 and 183 days, with an average of ~51 days. The determined rheological properties are generally very similar to those of other volcanic regions on Mars, such as on Ascraeus Mons in the Tharsis region. Calculated yield strengths and viscosities point to a basaltic/andesitic composition of the lava flows, similar to basaltic or andesitic a’a lava flows on Earth.Absolute model ages of all 35 lava flows on Elysium Mons were derived from crater size-frequency distribution measurements (CSFD). The derived model ages show a wide variation from about 632 Ma to 3460 Ma. Crater size-frequency distribution measurements of the Elysium Mons caldera show an age of ~1640 Ma, which is consistent with the resurfacing age of Werner (2009). Significant changes of the rheologies with time could not be observed. Similarly, we did not observe systematic changes in ages with increasing distances of lava flows from the Elysium Mons caldera.  相似文献   

Gerald G. Schaber 《Icarus》1980,42(2):159-184
High-resolution Viking Orbiter images (10 to 15 m/pixel) contain significant information on Martian surface roughness at 25- to 100-m lateral scales, whereas Earth-based radar observations of Mars are sensitive to roughness at lateral scales of 1 to 30 m, or more. High-rms slopes predicted for the Tharsis-Memnonia-Amazonis volcanic plains from extremely weak radar returns (low peak radar cross section) are qualitatively confirmed by the Viking image data. Large-scale, curvilinear (but parallel) ridges on lava flows in the Memnonia Fossae region are interpreted as innate flow morphology caused by compressional foldover of moving lava sheets of possible rhyolite-dacite composition. The presence or absence of a recent mantle of fine-grained eolian material on the volcanic surfaces studied was determined by the visibility of fresh impact craters with diameters less than 50 m. Lava flows south and west of Arsia Mons, and within the large region of low thermal inertia centered on Tharsis Montes (H. H. Kieffer et al., 1977, J. Geophys. Res.82, 4249–4291), were found to possess such a recent mantle. At predawn residual temperatures ≥ ?10K (south boundary of this low-temperature region), lava flows are shown to have relatively old eolian mantles. Lava flows with surfaces modified by eolian erosion and deposition occur west-northwest of Apollinaris Patera at the border of the cratered equatorial uplands and southern Elysium Planitia. Nearby yardangs, for which radar observations indicate very high-rms slopes, are similar to terrestrial features of similar origin.  相似文献   

J.B. Plescia 《Icarus》2003,164(1):79-95
Cerberus Fossae, a long fracture system in the southeastern part of Elysium, has acted as a conduit for the release of both lava and water onto the surface. The southeastern portion of the fracture system localized volcanic vents having varying morphology. In addition, low shields occur elsewhere on the Cerberus plains. Three locations where the release of water has occurred have been identified along the northwest (Athabasca and Grjota' Vallis) and southeast (Rahway Vallis) portions of the fossae. Water was released both catastrophically and noncatastrophically from these locations. A fluvial system that extends more than 2500 km has formed beginning at the lower flank of the Elysium rise across the Cerberus plains and out through Marte Vallis into Amazonis Planitia. The timing of the events is Late Amazonian.  相似文献   

HiRISE has imaged a graben wall on the western flank of Arsia Mons volcano, Mars. This graben is ∼3×16 km in plan-view size and is oriented almost perpendicular to the general volcano slope. We have identified 1318 individual sub-horizontal layers, which we interpret to be lava flows, in the 885 m high, nearly vertical, eastern wall of this graben. The average and median outcrop widths of each layer are 149 and 85 m, respectively. No layers extend >1.72 km across the width of the section, arguing against these being either areally-extensive ash or paleo-glacial deposits, which has implications for the reoccurrence interval of glacial events and/or the long-term magma production rate of the volcano. Measurements (N=118) made at a 100-m spacing across the width of the section reveal that there are, on average, 17.3 layers at each location. This implies an average layer thickness of ∼51 m. Locally, however, as many as 7 layers can be counted within a 70 m-high part of the section, implying, if these layers are indeed lava flows, that Arsia Mons occasionally erupted flows that were only ∼10 m thick.  相似文献   

Valley networks observed on the martian surface are found mostly on Noachian-aged highlands units, but a few occur on younger volcanic edifices. Enigmatically, they do not occur on all younger volcanoes of similar age or location. Using new data, we reanalyze the radially arrayed valleys on the flanks of Hecates Tholus, a Hesperian-aged shield volcano, and test the hypothesis that these valleys might have formed via basal melting of summit snowpack. We find that magmatic intrusions with reasonable geometries provide sufficient heat flux to cause basal melting of snowpack, with the resulting meltwater interpreted to be responsible for incision of the observed valleys. Valley morphology is similar to valleys observed adjacent to seasonally melting Antarctic Dry Valley glaciers formed on comparable slopes, supporting the hypothesis of a snowmelt origin. These relatively young valley networks are thus plausibly interpreted to form under circumstances in which summit snow accumulation was melted during one or more episodes of high localized heat flux.  相似文献   

Wudalianchi volcanic field, located in northeast China, consists of 14 Quaternary volcanoes with each volcano as a steep-sided scoria cone surrounded by gently sloping lava flows. Each cone is topped with a bowl-shaped or funnel-shaped crater. The volcanic cones are constructed by the accumulation of tephra and other ejecta. In this paper, their geologic features have been investigated and compared with some Martian volcanic features at Ascraeus Mons volcanoes observed on images obtained from High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiments (HiRISE), Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC), Context Imager (CTX) and Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS). The results show that both Wudalianchi and Ascraeus Mons volcanoes are basaltic, share similar eruptive and geomorphologic features and eruptive styles, and have experienced multiple eruptive phases, in spite of the significant differences in their dimension and size. Both also show a variety of eruptive styles, such as fissure and central venting, tube-fed and channel-fed lava flows, and probably pyroclastic deposits. Three volcanic events are recognized at Ascraeus Mons, including an early phase of shield construction, a middle eruptive phase forming a low lava shield, and the last stage with aprons mantling both NE and SW flanks. We suggest that magma generation at both Wudalianchi and Ascraeus Mons might have been facilitated by an upwelling mantle plume or upwelling of asthenospheric mantle, and a deep-seated fault zone might have controlled magma emplacement and subsequent eruptions in Ascraeus Mons as observed in the Wudalianchi field, where the volcanoes are constructed along the northeast-striking faults. Fumarolic cones produced by water/magma interaction at the Wudalianchi volcanic field may also serve as an analogue for the pseudocraters identified at Isidis and Cerberus Planitia on Mars, suggesting existence of frozen water in the ground on Mars during Martian volcanic eruptions.  相似文献   

A lava channel identified on the wall of an Elysium Planitia impact crater is investigated to identify the dominant erosion mechanism, mechanical vs. thermal, acting during channel formation. Observations of channel morphology are used to supplement analytical models of lava channel formation in order to calculate the duration of channel formation, the velocity of the lava flowing through the channel, and the erosion rate in each erosion regime considered. Results demonstrate that the channel observed in the Elysium Planitia impact crater formed primarily due to mechanical erosion. In a more general sense, results of this study suggest that lava channels can form primarily due to thermal erosion in the presence of more gradual slopes and more consolidated substrates whereas lava channels can form primarily due to mechanical erosion in the presence of more energetic flows on steeper slopes and more poorly consolidated substrates. Therefore, both erosion regimes must be considered when analyzing origins of eroded lava channels that cut through strata of different strengths.  相似文献   

We have used Galileo spacecraft data to produce a geomorphologic map of the Culann-Tohil region of Io's antijovian hemisphere. This region includes a newly discovered shield volcano, Ts?i Goab Tholus and a neighboring bright flow field, Ts?i Goab Fluctus, the active Culann Patera and the enigmatic Tohil Mons-Radegast Patera-Tohil Patera complex. Analysis of Voyager global color and Galileo Solid-State Imaging (SSI) high-resolution, regional (50-330 m/pixel), and global color (1.4 km/pixel) images, along with available Galileo Near-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (NIMS) data, suggests that 16 distinct geologic units can be defined and characterized in this region, including 5 types of diffuse deposits. Ts?i Goab Fluctus is the center of a low-temperature hotspot detected by NIMS late during the Galileo mission, and could represent the best case for active effusive sulfur volcanism detected by Galileo. The Culann volcanic center has produced a range of explosive and effusive deposits, including an outer yellowish ring of enhanced sulfur dioxide (SO2), an inner red ring of SO2 with short-chain sulfur (S3-S4) contaminants, and two irregular green diffuse deposits (one in Tohil Patera) apparently produced by the interaction of dark, silicate lava flows with sulfurous contaminants ballistically-emplaced from Culann's eruption plume(s). Fresh and red-mantled dark lava flows west of the Culann vent can be contrasted with unusual red-brown flows east of the vent. These red-brown flows have a distinct color that is suggestive of a compositional difference, although whether this is due to surface alteration or distinct lava compositions cannot be determined. The main massif of Tohil Mons is covered with ridges and grooves, defining a unit of tectonically disrupted crustal materials. Tohil Mons also contains a younger unit of mottled crustal materials that were displaced by mass wasting processes. Neighboring Radegast Patera contains a NIMS hotspot and a young lava lake of dark silicate flows, whereas the southwest portion of Tohil Patera contains white flow-like units, perhaps consisting of ‘ponds’ of effusively emplaced SO2. From 0°-15° S the hummocky bright plains unit away from volcanic centers contains scarps, grooves, pits, graben, and channel-like features, some of which have been modified by erosion. Although the most active volcanic centers appear to be found in structural lows (as indicated by mapping of scarps), DEMs derived from stereo images show that, with the exception of Tohil Mons, there is less than 1 km of relief in the Culann-Tohil region. There is no discernable correlation between centers of active volcanism and topography.  相似文献   

A number of Martian volcanoes, especially Ceraunius Tholus, Uranius Tholus, Uranius Patera, and Hecates Tholus, show morphological features strikingly different from those of shield volcanoes but analogous to those of terrestrial cones and composite volcanoes such as Barcena Volcano, Mexico. The most distinguishing overall features are steep slope angles, and Krakatoa-type caldera morphologies. Erosional features comprise numerous radial channels which extend from below the rim toward the base of the dome, and in some cases, patterns of anastamosing gullies which contribute to the main radial channels. Constructional features include blanketed flanks interpreted as dune or fan-like deposits of ash, and perhaps lava deltas. A possible explanation for the morphological features associated with these volcanoes is that they were formed by explosive volcanic density currents. Such eruptions would be expected on Mars where a rising magma came in contact with a thick layer of permafrost generating a base surge or after a Vulcanian explosion of a separate gas phase producing a nuée ardente. Crater age data from the surface of Martian domes and shields indicate that such explosive activity occurred more frequently early in Martian geologic history. This is more consistent with the view that the volcanic density flows were base surges rather than nuées ardentes, the melting of permafrost supplying the water required in base surge generation. If atmospheric conditions were more clement at the time, allowing the recycling of water back to the ground water, then the length of duration of phreatic activity would have been longer, not being limited by depletion time of the local permafrost reservoir.  相似文献   

Magellan radar image data of Sapas Mons, a 600 km diameter volcano located on the flanks of the Arla Rise, permit the distinction of widespread volcanic units on the basis of radar properties, morphology, and spatial and inferred temporal relations, each representing a stage or phase in the evolution of the volcano. Six flow units were identified and are arranged asymmetrically about the volcano. Although there is some evidence for overlapping of units, the stratigraphy clearly indicates a younging upwards sequence. The estimated volume of this 2.4 km high volcano is 3.1 × 104 km3, which is comparable to the largest Hawaiian shield (Mauna Loa, 4.25 × 104 km3), but it is significantly less than an estimated volume for the entire Hawaiian-Emperor chain (1.08 × 106 km3) and less than the lower diameter (100 × 150 km) island of Hawaii (11.3 × 104 km3). Although it is difficult to clearly identify a single lava flow, estimates of apparent single flow volumes range from 4 km3 (for an average unit 5 flow of 3.4 km width, 10 m thickness, and 121 km length) to almost 59 km3 (for a 17.8 km wide, l0 m thick, 330 km long unit 1 flow). Estimates of total volumes for the units show that four of the six flow units have volumes that are within a factor of 1.2 of each other, one unit is approximately three times more voluminous, and the latest unit has a very small volume. Flows within a given unit are very distinct relative to flows in other units with respect to average lengths, aspect ratio, radar brightness, and planimetric outline. There is a weak distinction in rms slope between units and emissivity is correlated with altitude, not unit boundaries. A pair of 25 km diameter scalloped-margin domes occur at the summit and are the source of the last stage of eruptions on Sapas; steep fronts and high aspect ratios suggest that associated flows may have had a high viscosity. Graben form a circumferential structure 75–100 km in diameter surrounding the summit domes and are interpreted to be indicative of subsidence over a central magma reservoir. Radial fractures with associated small edifices cut the lower flanks of the edifice but are not observed within the summit ring of graben; these are interpreted to be the expression of near-surface dykes and may have been emplaced during a period of enhanced activity that correlates with the most voluminous flow unit. Unlike at Hawaii, however, these dykes and small edifices do not seem to be the source of significant flank eruptions. Although some effusive activity may have accompanied their emplacement, the majority of lava flows at Sapas appear to be radial to a single, near-summit point located between the two summit domes.Calculated effusion rates range from 1.5 × 103 m3/s to 3.1 × 105 m3/s; these values suggest that rates were high compared with the Earth and decreased with time. These rates, and the volumes calculated, give eruption durations for the various units that range from 18 days to over 20 years. If eruption is caused by the influx of magma from depth and rupture of an overpressurized chamber, this suggests a variable flux over the history of the volcano. The late-stage eruptions which formed the summit domes are interpreted to be the result of fractional crystallization and/or volatile build-up in the chamber, following a period of decreased supply from depth.Local topography and gravity, as well as regional geology support the presence of a mantle plume at Sapas. The similar properties of large volumes of magma over the total history of the volcano, as well as the prolonged period of magma supply and gradual waning, are consistent with a plume origin. These inferences and the observations allow us to characterise the history of the volcano as follows: arrival of the mantle plume caused uplift of topography and surrounding plains formation: continued supply of smaller volumes of material permitted construction of the edifice; development of a magma reservoir (predicted by theory to form at shallow depths) modified eruption characteristics by permitting storage and homogenization of magma; unbuffered conditions prevailed for the majority of eruptions, producing flows of similar volumes but decreasing flow lengths; a period early on of enhanced supply led to buffered chamber conditions, resulting in the eruption of the voluminous flow unit and the emplacement of many lateral dykes; evacuations from the chamber and cooling towards the last stages caused distributed summit collapse and formation of the ring graben; and finally the gradual waning of supply allowed evolution of the magma which produced the late-stage, possibly viscous flows and dome construction. Preliminary observation of Sapas and two other volcanoes at different elevations suggests that altitude-dependent chamber development and growth may influence the complexity of lava flows and determine the existence of collapse calderas. Many features at Sapas are representative of large volcanoes on Venus and thus Sapas Mons is a good example of a typical plume-associated edifice. Sapas differs in many ways from Kilauea, a terrestrial type shield volcano, but these differences can be understood in the context of the Venus environment.  相似文献   

The Mangala Valles system is an ∼ ∼900 km fluvially carved channel system located southwest of the Tharsis rise and is unique among the martian outflow channels in that it heads at a linear fracture within the crust as opposed to a collapsed region of chaos as is the case with the circum-Chryse channels. Mangala Valles is confined within a broad, north–south trending depression, and begins as a single valley measuring up to 350 km wide that extends northward from a Memnonia Fossae graben, across the southern highlands toward the northern lowlands. Approximately 600 km downstream, this single valley branches into multiple channels, which ultimately lose their expression at the dichotomy boundary. Previous investigations of Mangala Vallis suggested that many of the units mapped interior to the valley were depositional, related to flooding, and that a minimum of two distinct periods of flooding separated by tens to hundreds of millions of years were required to explain the observed geology. We use infrared and visible images from the THermal EMission Imaging System (THEMIS), and topographic data from the Mars Orbiting Laser Altimeter (MOLA), to investigate the nature of the units mapped within Mangala Vallis. We find that the geomorphology of the units, as well as their topographic and geographic distribution, are consistent with most of them originating from a single assemblage of volcanic flow deposits, once continuous with volcanic flows to the south of the Memnonia Fossae source graben. These flows resurfaced the broad, north–south trending depression into which Mangala Vallis formed prior to any fluvial activity. Later flooding scoured and eroded this volcanic assemblage north of the Mangala source graben, resulting in the present distribution of the units within Mangala Vallis. Additionally, our observations suggest that a single period of catastrophic flooding, rather than multiple periods separated by tens to hundreds of millions of years, is consistent with and can plausibly explain the interior geology of Mangala Vallis. Further, we present a new scenario for the source and delivery of water to the Mangala source graben that models flow of groundwater through a sub-cryosphere aquifer and up a fracture that cracks the cryosphere and taps this aquifer. The results of our model indicate that the source graben, locally enlarged to a trough near the head region of Mangala, would have required less than several days to fill up prior to any spill-over of water to the north. Through estimates of the volume of material missing from Mangala (13,000–20,000 km3), and calculation of mean discharge rates through the channel system (∼ ∼5 × 106 m3 s−1), we estimate that the total duration of fluvial activity through the Mangala Valles was 1–3 months.  相似文献   

The occurence within Elysium Planitia of meltwater deposits, possible pseudocraters, collapse features within troughs, and outflow channels indicates that a layer of subsurface volatiles existed at the time of volcanic activity within this area. The pseudocraters are interpreted to be indicators of near-surface volatiles, while meltwater deposits and the degree of preservation of trough walls and floors are thought to signify greater volatile depths. A latitudinal variation in the distribution of these features indicates either that the depth to the volatile layer increased from less than about 50 m at 35°N to greater than 600 m at 24°N, or that an ice wedge that existed at 35°N thinned to nonexistence at 24°N. Braided distributary channel systems within the chaotic terrain north of Elysium Planitia show that ephemeral lakes were repeatedly created and drained at this locality. The existence of volatiles contemporaneous with volcanic activity permits a search to be made for explosively generated landforms predicted to exist by previous theoretical models. Morphological evidence for strombolian, vulcanian and plinian eruptions is lacking within western Elysium Planitia; there are no identifiable cinder cones, pyroclastic flow deposits, or mantled areas indicative of large airfall deposits at an image resolution of 50–150 m/pixel. However, the pseudocraters indicate that small-scale phreatomagmatic activity may have taken place.  相似文献   

Caleb I. Fassett 《Icarus》2007,189(1):118-135
Ceraunius Tholus, a Hesperian-aged volcano in the Tharsis region, is characterized by small radial valleys on its flanks, and several larger valleys originating near its summit caldera. All of these large valleys drain from near the lowest present portion of the caldera rim and down the flanks of the volcano. The largest valley debauches into Rahe Crater (an oblique impact crater), forming a depositional fan. Recent study of climate change on Mars suggests that many low-latitude regions (especially large volcanic edifices) were periodically the sites of snow accumulation, likely triggered by variations in spin orbital parameters. We apply a conductive heat flow model to Ceraunius Tholus that suggests that following magmatic intrusion, sufficient heating would be available to cause basal melting of any accumulated summit snowpack and produce sufficient meltwater to cause the radial valleys. The geometry of the volcano summit caldera suggests that meltwater would also accumulate in a volumetrically significant caldera lake. Analysis of the morphology and volumes of the largest valley, as well as depositional features at its base, suggest that fluvial erosion due to drainage of this summit caldera lake formed the large valleys, in a manner analogous to how valleys were formed catastrophically from a lake in Aniakchak caldera in Alaska. Moreover, the event which carved the largest valley on Ceraunius Tholus appears to have led to the formation of a temporary lake within Rahe Crater, at its base. The more abundant, small valleys on the flanks are interpreted to form by radial drainage of melted ice or snow from the outside of the caldera rim. Comparison of Ceraunius Tholus with the volcano-capping Icelandic ice sheet Myrdalsjokull provides insight into the detailed mechanisms of summit heating, ice-cap accumulation and melting, and meltwater drainage. These observations further underline the importance of a combination of circumstances (i.e., climate change to produce summit snowpack and an active period of magmatism to produce melting) to form the valley systems on some martian volcanoes and not on others.  相似文献   

New radar images obtained from the Arecibo Observatory (resolution 1.5–4.0 km) for portions of the southern hemisphere of Venus show that: the upland of Phoebe Regio contains the southern extension of Devana Chasma, a rift zone extending 4200 km south from Theia Mons and interpreted as a zone of extension; Alpha Regio, the only large region of tessera within the imaged area, is similar to tessera mapped elsewhere on the planet and covers a smaller percentage of the surface than that observed in the northern high latitudes; the upland made of Ushas, Innini and Hathor Montes consists of three distinct volcanic constructs; Themis Regio is mapped as an ovoid chain of radar-bright arcuate single and double ring structures, edifices and bright lineaments. This area is interpreted as a region of mantle upwelling and on the basis of apparent split and separated features, a zone of localized faulting and extension. Linear zones of deformation in Lavinia Planitia are characterized by lineament belts that are often locally elevated, are similar to ridge belts mapped in the northern high latitudes and are interpreted to be characterized mainly by compression; radar-bright lava complexes within Lavinia Planitia are unique to this part of the planet and are interpreted to represent areas of eruption of high volumes of extremely fluid lava; the upland of Lada Terra is bound to the north by a linear deformation zone interpreted as extensional, is characterized by large ovoids and coronae, is interpreted to be associated with an area of mantle upwelling, and is in contrast to the northern high latitude highland of Ishtar Terra. Regions of plains in the southern hemisphere cover about 78%; of the mapped area and are interpreted to be volcanic in origin. Located within the area imaged (10–78 S) are 52 craters interpreted to be of impact origin ranging from 8 to 157 km in diameter. On the basis of an overall crater density of 0.94 craters/106 km2, it is determined that the age of this part of the Venus surface is similar to the 0.3 to 1.0 billion year age calculated for the equatorial region and northern high latitudes. The geologic characteristics of the portion of the Venus southern hemisphere imaged by Arecibo are generally similar to those mapped elsewhere on the planet. This part of the planet is characterized by widespread volcanic plains, large volcanic edifices, and zones of linear belt deformation. The southern hemisphere of Venus differs from northern high latitudes in that tessera makes up only a small percentage of the surface area and the ovoid chain in Themis Regio is unique to this part of the planet. On the basis of the analysis presented here, the southern hemisphere of Venus is interpreted to be characterized by regions of mantle upwelling on a variety of scales (ovoids, region made up of Ushas, Innini and Hathor Montes), upwelling and extension (Themis Regio) and localized compression (lineament belts in Lavinia Planitia).  相似文献   

New radar images (resolution 1.5–2.0 km) obtained from the Arecibo Observatory are used to assess the geology of a portion of the equatorial region of Venus (1 S to 45 N and from 270 eastward to 30). Nine geologic units are mapped on the basis of their radar characteristics and their distribution and correspondences with topography are examined. Plains are the most abundant unit, make up 80%; of the area imaged, and are divided into bright, dark, and mottled. Mottled plains contain abundant lava flows and domes suggesting that volcanism forming plains is a significant process in the equatorial region of Venus. Tesserae are found primarily on Beta Regio and its eastern flank and are interpreted to be locally stratigraphically older units, predating episodes of faulting and plains formation. Isolated regions of tesserae concentrated to the north of Western Eistla Regio are interpreted to predate the formation of plains in this area. The volcanoes Sif Mons, Gula Mons, Sappho, Theia Mons, and Rhea Mons, are found exclusively in highland regions and their deposits are interpreted as contributing only a small percentage to the overall volume of the regional topography. The northern 15 of the image data overlap with Venera 15/16 images making it possible to examine the characteristics of geologic units mapped under various illumination directions and incidence angles. Surface panoramas and geochemical data obtained from Venera landers provide ground truth for map units, evidence that plains are made up of basaltic lava flows, and that linear deformation zones contain abundant blocks and cobbles. On the basis of spatial and temporal relationships between geologic units, the highlands of Beta Regio and Western Eistla Regio are interpreted to have formed in association with areas of mantle upwelling which uplift plains, cause rifting, and in the case of Beta Regio, disrupt a large region of tessera. Zones of linear belt deformation in Beta Regio and Western Eistla Regio are interpreted to be extensional and indicate that at least limited extension has occurred in both regions. The images reveal for the first time that southern Devana Chasma is a region of overlapping rift valleys separated by a distance of 600 km. Linear deformation zones in Guinevere Planitia, separating Beta Regio and Eistla Regio, converge at a region of ovoids forming a discontinuous zone of disruption and completes an equatorial encompassing network of highlands and tectonic features. The similarity between ovoids and coronae suggests a mechanism of formation associated with hotspots or mantle plumes. Analysis of the distribution and density of impact craters suggests a surface age for this part of the planet similar to or slightly less than that determined for the northern high latitudes from Venera 15/16 data (0.3 to 1.5 by) and comparable to that calculated for the southern hemisphere.  相似文献   

We produced a regional geologic map of the Zal region of Io's antijovian hemisphere using Galileo mission data. We discuss the geologic features, summarize the map units and structures that are present, discuss the nature of volcanic activity, and present an analysis of the volcanic, tectonic, and gradational processes that affect the region. The Zal region consists of five primary types of geologic materials: plains, mountains, paterae floors, flows, and diffuse deposits. The flows and patera floors are similar, but are subdivided based on uncertainties regarding emplacement environments and mechanisms. The Zal region includes two hotspots detected by Galileo: one along the western scarp of the Zal Patera volcano and one at the Rustam Patera volcano (name submitted to IAU). A third hotspot at the nearby At'am Patera volcano (name submitted to IAU) is the source of diffuse and pyroclastic materials that blanket north Zal Mons. The western bounding scarp of Zal Patera is the location of a fissure vent that is the source of multiple silicate lava flows. The floor of Zal Patera has been partially resurfaced by dark lava flows, although portions of the patera floor appear bright and unchanged during the Galileo mission. This suggests that the floor did not undergo complete resurfacing as a flooding lava lake but does contain a compound flow field. Mountain materials exhibit stages of degradation; lineated material degrades into mottled material. We have explored the possibility that north and south Zal Mons were originally one structure. We propose that strike-slip faulting and subsequent rifting separated the mountain units, opened a fissure which serves as a vent for lava flow, and created a depression which, by further extension during the rifting event, became Zal Patera. With comparison to other regional maps of Io, this work provides insight into the general geologic evolution of Io.  相似文献   

A classification of over 200 lunar mare domes shows that they have two major modes of occurrence: (1) low, flat, generally circular structures with convex shapes, slopes less than about 5°, and displaying summit craters, and (2) irregular structures often adjacent to highland regions and rarely containing summit craters. On the basis of morphologic and morphometric similarities, the first mode of occurrence appears to be analogous to small terrestrial shield volcanoes, and to represent primary volcanic constructs, while the second class of domes appears to result from secondary volcanic effects (flooding of highland material to produce kipukas and draping of lavas to produce irregular dome-like topography).Domes comparable to small shield volcanoes generally range from 3–17 km in diameter and up to several hundred meters in height and occur predominantly in groupings in the lunar equatorial region in northeast Tranquillitatis (Cauchy area), between Kepler and Copernicus (Hortensius area), and in the Marius Hills. In the Marius Hills, domes generally lack summit craters and have a rough surface texture formed in part by superposed cones and steep-sided flows. Elsewhere, domes representing volcanic sources are smooth-surfaced and usually contain a summit crater. These features are similar in general morphology to small terrestrial lava shields. They are generally intermediate in volume, slope, and height between small shields of terrestrial basaltic plains (such as the Snake River Plains) and larger Icelandic shields. Summit craters on lunar domes are considerably larger than craters on terrestrial shields of comparable diameters, apparently due to a combination of factors, including vent enlargement during extrusion, possibly higher lunar extrusion rates, different amounts of collapse, and impact erosion.Most vent-related domes appear to be associated with, and are thus approximately the same age as, surrounding lava plains, although relationships in specific areas have not yet been established. On the basis of age ranges of mare deposits established by Apollo samples, mare vent-related domes formed over an approximately one billion year period starting about 3.7 b.y. ago. Extrusion rates were apparently relatively low compared to the very high values characteristic of flows associated with major lunar sinuous rilles and terrestrial flood basalts, but may have been relatively high compared to similar terrestrial shields. Large shield volcanoes equivalent to the terrestrial Hawaiian-type or to the martian edifices such as Olympus Mons, do not occur on the Moon. Lack of these features may be due to the low viscosities and high effusion rates typical of many lunar eruptions and the lack of continuous eruptions from single sources.Paper presented at the European Workshop on Planetary Sciences, organised by the Laboratorio di Astrofisica Spaziale di Frascati, and held between April 23–27, 1979, at the Accademia Nazionale del Lincei in Rome, Italy.  相似文献   

A multidisciplinary approach involving various remote sensing instruments is used to investigate Apollinaris Mons, a prominent volcano on Mars, as well as the surrounding plains for signs of prolonged hydrologic and volcanic, and possibly hydrothermal activity. The main findings include (1) evidence from laser altimetry indicating the large thickness (1.5–2 km at some locations) of the fan deposits draping the southern flank contrary to previous estimates, coupled with possible layering which point to a significant emplacement phase at Apollinaris Mons, (2) corroboration of Robinson et al. (Robinson, M.S., Mouginis-Mark, P.J., Zimbelman, J.R., Wu, S.S.C., Ablin, K.K., Howington-Kraus, A.E. [1993]. Icarus 104, 301–323) hypothesis regarding the formation of incised valleys on the western flanks by density current erosion which would indicate magma–water interaction or, alternatively, volatile-rich magmas early in the volcano’s history, (3) mounds of diverse geometric shapes, many of which display summit depressions and occur among faults and fractures, possibly marking venting, (4) strong indicators on the flanks of the volcano for lahar events, and possibly, a caldera lake, (5) ubiquitous presence of impact craters displaying fluidized ejecta in both shield-forming (flank and caldera) materials and materials that surround the volcano that are indicative of water-rich target materials at the time of impact, (6) long-term complex association in time among shield-forming materials and Medusae Fossae Formation.The findings point to a site of extensive volcanic and hydrologic activity with possibly a period of magma–water interaction and hydrothermal activity. Finally, we propose that the mound structures around Apollinaris should be prime targets for further in situ exploration and search for possible exobiological signatures.  相似文献   

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