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目前 ,已有 1 0架口径 8~ 1 0m的地面大望远镜建成并投入科学观测。在近红外波段 ,自适应光学和干涉术已在大望远镜上获得成功。Hubble空间望远镜发射至今已逾 1 2年。为了研究早期宇宙 ,探测类地行星等 ,2 0 0 2年 9月NASA已与TWR公司签约 ,研制口径≥ 6m的下一代空间望远镜JWST ,计划2 0 1 0年发射。许多口径 30~ 1 0 0m的地面未来巨型望远镜FGT项目已经提出。本报告 ,也介绍了我国正在研制或预研中的三个大项目 :LAMOST、FAST和SST ,这些项目虽较小 ,但完成后都会对天文学的一个方面作出有份量的贡献。最后 ,报告人建议我国参与到与国外合作研制FGT或NGST的工作中 ,特别强调要有天文学家和工程专家参与进去  相似文献   

公众科学(Citizen Science)指的是非职业科学家(如科学爱好者等)组织或参与的科学研究活动,业余天文学(Citizen Astronomy)是公众科学的一个经典分支。受益于科技水平的提升,当代天文爱好者有力地补充了职业天文学家无力或无暇顾及的领域,如时域天文学观测、大数据的人工分析、数据挖掘等。近年来,我国业余天文学发展迅速,我国爱好者在新天体的搜寻和发现上成绩显著,但与欧美国家的业余天文相比,我国爱好者的兴趣点比较单一,对长期监测、数据挖掘等项目的参与度低。调查发现,我国青少年在业余天文学家群体中占有很大的比重,"对天文感兴趣"、"学习天文知识"、"获得乐趣"和"认识朋友"是我国爱好者参与业余天文学研究的主要动机,这两点与欧美国家业余天文学家有着明显不同。随着我国一系列大科学设备的建成运行,公众科学和业余天文学的潜力需要得到重视。应对公众和爱好者进行积极引导,使他们在学习知识和获得乐趣的同时,能为科学研究作出更大贡献。  相似文献   

天文学、天文学史离群数据的探测....................................................……张彦霞赵永恒(11)虚拟天文台的科学意义.............................................……张彦霞赵永恒(4,350)仪器与技术激光时间传递技术的进展............................................……李鑫数字滤波技术在射电天文测量中的应用................................……项英应用Al,A的对数周期馈源方案于FAST的可能性探讨 .....................……吴盛殷熊继衷吕善伟张江林徐祥南仁东多波段巡天和LAMOST观测目标. .........……何…  相似文献   

大学天文学是高校天文学专业最重要的专业基础课程, 主要 讲授天文学的基础知识和发展全貌, 具有覆盖面广、知识点多的特点. 教材的质量对于帮助学生理解天文学的基本原理和方法、提高学术水平和科学素养起到关键作用. 对于非天文学专业的学生和天文爱好者, 天文学教材也是拓展科学知识和认知宇宙的重要途径. 我国的大学天文学教材建设与欧美发达国家相比在数量和质量上还有不小差距. 梳理了国内外较有代表性的大学天文学教材, 评述其特色、优势和有待改进之处, 比较中外教材在内容和写法上的异同. 通过分析国外优秀教材的编著理念、方法和技巧, 为我国未来天文学教材建设提供参考建议.  相似文献   

大学天文学是高校天文学专业最重要的专业基础课程, 主要 讲授天文学的基础知识和发展全貌, 具有覆盖面广、知识点多的特点. 教材的质量对于帮助学生理解天文学的基本原理和方法、提高学术水平和科学素养起到关键作用. 对于非天文学专业的学生和天文爱好者, 天文学教材也是拓展科学知识和认知宇宙的重要途径. 我国的大学天文学教材建设与欧美发达国家相比在数量和质量上还有不小差距. 梳理了国内外较有代表性的大学天文学教材, 评述其特色、优势和有待改进之处, 比较中外教材在内容和写法上的异同. 通过分析国外优秀教材的编著理念、方法和技巧, 为我国未来天文学教材建设提供参考建议.  相似文献   

黑洞也可以蒸发 天文学的发展遵循着一条规律:观测、理论、再观测、再理论……这大概也是任何一门自然科学的发展规律,只不过天文学表现得更为突出,而在漫长的发展过程中,观测又始终是天文科学的真谛。因此,天文学又被称为是一门观测的科学。  相似文献   

吴德金  陈玲 《天文学报》2023,64(3):24-29
现代科学表明宇宙中99%以上的可观测物质都处于等离子体状态,从小尺度的微观粒子动力学集体过程与能量转换机制到大尺度的宇宙等离子天体结构状态与爆发活动现象,都是等离子天体物理学的研究课题.从宇宙演化历史、大尺度结构形成以及爆发活动现象等方面,系统地论述了等离子天体物理学在现代天文学发展以及现代等离子体宇宙观形成中的重要作用.同时,结合空间卫星科学探测研究及其对现代天文学的巨大影响,进一步阐述了地球磁层和日球层等空间等离子体实地探测研究在等离子天体物理学研究中所扮演的“天然实验室”的独特作用.  相似文献   

"十一五"国家重大科技基础设施建设项目—500 m口径球面射电望远镜(FAST)工程,是利用贵州天然喀斯特洼地作为望远镜台址,建造世界第一大单口径射电望远镜—500 m口径主动反射球面射电望远镜,以实现大天区面积、高精度的天文观测.FAST工程由中国科学院和贵州省人民政府联合共建,于2016年9月25日竣工.  相似文献   

天文观测数据开放共享政策与策略分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当代天文学已经进入数据密集型和数据驱动的时代。随着我国天文学研究的不断发展,国内自产的天文观测数据呈现爆炸式增长的趋势。将天文观测数据资源集成并推动数据资源与应用服务的共建共享,建立健全符合科学发展规律的数据资源开放共享政策与制度,使天文科技资源得到高效有序的管理和使用,对国内天文学研究和科普教育的发展至关重要。在充分调研各国政府、部门和国际组织有关政策的基础上,剖析了国外科学数据"完全与公开"的共享原则,介绍了我国科学数据共享有关的管理规定和当前状况,重点论述国际各大天文望远镜项目和天文数据中心天文观测数据资源开放共享的有关政策。对国内天文观测数据资源和开放共享的现状以及存在的问题进行了分析和总结。对我国天文观测数据资源共享工作发展和政策制定提出了具体建议。  相似文献   

天文学中的数据挖掘和知识发现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述了数据挖掘和知识发现在天文学中兴起的必然性及其这几年的发展状况、实现过程和具体任务。分析了当前天文数据的复杂性,介绍了天文学中数据挖掘的科学要求。系统地概括了近年来天文学中数据挖掘和知识发现领域研究的进展及其热点,并阐述了其所面临的挑战。天文学中的数据挖掘和知识发现的兴起将对天文学的发展起到巨大的推动作用,同时也在知识和技术等方面对天文学家提出了新的要求。另外,数据挖掘技术能否在虚拟天文台中成功应用,是虚拟天文台充分发挥作用的关键所在。  相似文献   

In the era of big science, the construction of large science projects is becoming more complex. Designers have to comprehensively consider factors such as instrument performance, technical reserves, funding, risks, and the environment to make a reasonable decision. On the basis of domestic and international astronomy, this paper sorts out the process of the formation of the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST) concept and the decisions made by the FAST team, including the Chinese concept of the large telescope, the proposal of the prototype, and the adoption of the active reflector, etc. We also discuss the process of decision-making. FAST was born in the process of interaction and integration between Chinese and international astronomy development, and realized the transformation from following up to taking the lead. It can provide a reference for constructing future large science projects with limited foundations in terms of technology and funding.  相似文献   

The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope(FAST) is by far the largest telescope of any kind ever built. FAST produced its first light in September 2016 and it is now under commissioning, with normal operation to commence in late 2019. During testing and early science operation, FAST has started making astronomical discoveries, particularly pulsars of various kinds, including millisecond pulsars, binaries, gamma-ray pulsars, etc. The papers in this mini-volume propose ambitious observational projects to advance our knowledge of astronomy, astrophysics and fundamental physics in many ways.Although it may take FAST many years to achieve all the goals explained in these papers, taken together they define a powerful strategic vision for the next decade.  相似文献   

Our knowledge of the solar system encourages us to believe that we might expect exomoons to be present around some known exoplanets. With present hardware and existing optical astronomy methods, we do not expect to be able to find exomoons for at least 10 years, and even then, it will be a hard task to detect them. Using data from the Exoplanet Orbit Database(EOD) we find stars with Jovian exoplanets within 50 light years. Most of them will be fully accessible by the new radio telescope, the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope(FAST), under construction which is now in the test phase. We suggest radio astronomy based methods to search for possible exomoons around two exoplanets.  相似文献   

Radio Frequency Interference(RFI)mitigation is essential for supporting the science output of Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope(FAST)due to its high sensitivity.In order to protect FAST from RFI,an Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)study has been carried out and the operation of a Radio Quiet Zone(RQZ)is ongoing.RFI measurements of the telescope instruments and monitoring of the active radio services outside the site have revealed the radiation properties of the RFI sources.Based on the measurement results and theoretical analysis,various EMC methods have been implemented for the telescope to decrease the RFIs.Meanwhile,the main RFI sources in the FAST RQZ,such as mobile stations,broadcast stations and navigation instruments,have been identified,and the technical measures have been adopted to protect the quiet radio environment around the site.The early science outputs of FAST have demonstrated the efficiency of RFI mitigation methods.  相似文献   

The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope(FAST)is the largest single-dish radio telescope in the world,and is now being commissioned after the first light in September 2016.Very long baseline interferometry(VLBI)is among the key science topics according to the original design.The FAST VLBI system has been established,and the first VLBI fringe has been successfully obtained.FAST will significantly improve the sensitivity of the existing VLBI networks in the future,and some science projects in need of high sensitivity will benefit from its participation.  相似文献   

The reflector of the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope(FAST)consists of 4450 reflector units.Installation of the reflector faces the challenges of large span,complex terrain,serious interference,complex processes,high position and inability to use conventional equipment.The installation technology for the flexible reflector with a large span was specially studied and designed.Two half-span arc-moving cable cranes and two transfer trucks were jointly operated along a path that follows a circular beam.After installation of the reflector was completed,two half-span cable cranes were merged into a set of full-span cable cranes for maintenance of the reflector.Installation of the reflector combines features of unit and site topography of FAST.The installation technology follows scientific and reasonable practices,and is highly efficient and convenient.It represents a breakthrough in many key technologies in construction and maintenance techniques.It has promoted related technical progress in the construction and maintenance of complex projects.It has also provided an important reference for the construction and maintenance of similar projects,and has strong significance and applicability.  相似文献   

An active reflector is one of the three main innovations incorporated in the Five-hundredmeter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope(FAST).The deformation of such a huge spherically shaped reflector into different transient parabolic shapes is achieved by using 2225 hydraulic actuators which change the position of the 2225 nodes through the connected down tied cables.For each different tracking process of the telescope,more than 1/3 of these 2225 actuators must be in operation to tune the parabolic aperture accurately and meet the surface error restriction.This means that some of these actuators are inevitably located within the main beam of the receiver,and Electromagnetic Interference(EMI)from the actuators must be mitigated to ensure the scientific output of the telescope.Based on the threshold level of interference detrimental to radio astronomy described in ITU-R Recommendation RA.769 and EMI measurements,the shielding efficiency(SE)requirement for each actuator is set to be 80 d B in the frequency range from 70 MHz to 3 GHz.Therefore,Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)was taken into account in the actuator design by measures such as power line filters,optical fibers,shielding enclosures and other structural measures.In 2015,all the actuators had been installed at the FAST site.Till now,no apparent EMI from the actuators has been detected by the receiver,which demonstrates the effectiveness of these EMC measures.  相似文献   

Software development costs for the Square Kilometre Array are likely to be very large – in the range of 1000–2000 person-year a total. This level of software effort is unprecedented in radio astronomy. Consequently the risk associated with software development is very large. This is common to many large science projects and so we can learn from such projects how to best mitigate against the risk. We present a shopping list of suggestions drawn from the experience in other projects.  相似文献   

FAST在深空探测中的应用前景   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
苏彦 《天文学报》2001,42(1):61-69
FAST(Five hundred meters Aperture Spherical Telescope)拟利用贵州省的喀斯特洼地,建立世界上最大的500米口径的球面射电望远镜。主动反射面新概念的提出,实现了望远镜的宽频带和全偏振能力;馈源及支撑系统简化的方案,使FAST对天体和航天器的跟踪范围得到很大的补充。分析预研中的FAST的测控功能,并论证其在未来深空网(DSN)中的重要作用和地位及开展国际合作的可能性。  相似文献   

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