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土地规划实施管理的研究是新一轮土地利用规划的亮点,该文通过对规划实施存在问题及实施难的原因分析,对比国内外的土地利用规划,借鉴国外土地利用规划实施管理的理论与实践,最后对我国土地利用规划实施保障措施提出对策建议。在土地利用规划实施管理保障框图的基础上,该文特别就借鉴外国土地规划的理论与实践、基层地方的作用、公众参与和经济措施4个方面提出相关建议。  相似文献   

全国和省级规划同步编制,交叉双向推进,市、县级规划编制先行试点;组织开展《全国土地整治规划(2011—2020年)》修编工作;积极探索村土地利用规划编制工作  相似文献   

截至2011年8月,我省除部分报国务院审批的市级土地利用总体规划(以下简称“市级规划”)未获得批准外。报省审批的市级规划和全部的县级、乡级土地利用总体规划(以下简称“县级规划”和“乡级规划”)都得到批准。从2011年7月1日起,《浙江省土地利用总体规划条例》(以下简称《规划条例》)正式生效,我省土地利用规划管理在法制化的道路上又前进了一大步。  相似文献   

曹玉钧 《山西地质》2012,(3):130-132
土地利用规划是对一定地区范围内的土地资源进行合理的组织利用和经营管理的一项综合性的技术经济措施。本文介绍了县级土地利用规划的特征,并对县级土地规划的整体模式构建做了简要探讨,在此基础上笔者结合自身多年实践经验对山西省怀仁县今后的土地利用规划做了简要介绍。  相似文献   

浙江省新一轮土地利用总体规划已经全面完成并进入实施阶段,全省实现了乡级规划数据库建设的全覆盖,土地利用规划管理信息系统也已开发完成,进入应用调试阶段。随着土地利用规划数据库的建设和应用.改变了以往靠手工描绘的纸质图件管理方法,实现了规划的信息化、网络化管理,规划的精度大大提高,为实现土地规划的图、数、实地一致奠定了坚实的基础,开创了土地利用规划工作的新局面。  相似文献   

谢华 《山西地质》2013,(6):131-133
土地利用规划的主要作用是协调人地矛盾,土地利用规划实施评价是其中重要的组成部分。本文对实施评价进行了回顾和展望,寻找目前评价研究领域的不足,在此基础上探讨了今后的研究和发展方向。本文利用文献比较法分析了土地利用规划实施评价的理论内涵及评价类型、基础资料获取、评价指标体系构建方法和评价信息系统建设方法,在此研究的基础上提出了土地利用规划实施评价在今后的发展中可能的研究方向:土地利用规划实施评价评判标准应该注重实施结果与规划意图的吻合度;完善规划实施评价指标确定体系:进一步提高规划实施评价现实性;在此基础上加强评价信息系统研究,着重加强评价信息系统智能模拟和辅助支持功能的提升。  相似文献   

土地利用规划与管理是保障实行可持续土地利用的重要手段.为了实现土地利用规划编制成果的科学性和可操作性,土地利用数据信息变更动态管理自动化、信息化是必然趋势.目前随着土地利用总体规划修编工作的不断深入,土地利用规划及管理工作作为土地利用管理宏观调控的重要手段也越来越受到重视.本文基于 MO组件和VB开发语言,以抚州市东乡县土地利用基础数据为例,设计和研究支持图文表一体化管理、适应土地利用规划业务管理需要的土地利用规划管理信息系统.  相似文献   

土地利用规划环境影响评价在国内研究尚属于探索阶段,在理论和实践上都不太成熟。通过对国内外土地利用规划环境影响评价概迷,以期在各地土地利用规划编制过程中,如何综合考虑环境建设和环境保护问题提供思路和参考。  相似文献   

为落实土地整治的国家战略,破解资源紧约束的瓶颈,上海转变土地利用方式,以土地综合整治促进土地节约集约利用、推动新型城镇化发展和生态文明建设,开展了区县土地整治规划研究。探索了上海土地整治潜力分析的方法,提出建设用地减量化等约束性指标,强调控制指标的空间落地。通过划分单元,加强郊野地区规划土地网格化精细管理。为保障规划实施,提出聚合涉农资金、创新政策机制等建议。  相似文献   

美丽乡村建设的现实需求催生了村土地利用规划。但在我国土地利用规划体系中,村土地利用规划还是新生事物,编制经验不足,技术方法不成熟。为有效引导美丽乡村建设有序开展,浙江省率先开展了村土地利用规划编制技术试点,着重在规划编制的数据基础、调查方法、空间布局、需求驱动、地方特色、公众参与和协调衔接等方面进行了有益尝试,并结合实际对不同比例尺数据衔接、规划法律定位和编制主体和审批权限等问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的快速发展,如何利用IT技术提高设计企业的生产和管理水平,增强企业竞争力益显重要。本文介绍了数字化设计院建设的有关内容,数字化设计院的体系架构、功能及规划。希望对设计企业的数字化建设有所参考。  相似文献   

曾鑫  叶长盛  杨庆坤  郭福生  刘毅轩  刘勇  齐子瑞 《地质论评》2023,69(2):2023020029-2023020029
响应乡村振兴战略的地质文化村建设正如火如荼地开展,而地质文化村规划却滞后于地质文化村建设。实施乡村振兴战略要坚持规划先行,以地质文化村规划引领地质文化村建设是必要的。本研究将地质文化村规划定位为国土空间规划体系下的专项规划,并提出构建地质背景下的自然文化资源保护专项规划体系的建议。针对范围划定,提出了先划定地质资源范围,再综合划定地质文化村规划范围的方法。在比较分析地质文化村规划、地质公园规划、村庄规划主要内容的基础上,结合江西大洲塘地质文化村规划实践探索,提出地质文化村规划的15项主要内容,包括9项强制性内容和6项引导性内容。在规划内容中,注重突出地质产业、彰显地质特色、融入地学文化和衔接好空间规划。  相似文献   

响应乡村振兴战略的地质文化村建设正如火如荼地开展,而地质文化村规划却滞后于地质文化村建设。实施乡村振兴战略要坚持规划先行,以地质文化村规划引领地质文化村建设是必要的。本研究将地质文化村规划定位为国土空间规划体系下的专项规划,并提出构建地质背景下的自然文化资源保护专项规划体系的建议。针对范围划定,提出了先划定地质资源范围,再综合划定地质文化村规划范围的方法。在比较分析地质文化村规划、地质公园规划、村庄规划主要内容的基础上,结合江西大洲塘地质文化村规划实践探索,提出地质文化村规划的15项主要内容,包括9项强制性内容和6项引导性内容。在规划内容中,注重突出地质产业、彰显地质特色、融入地学文化和衔接好空间规划。  相似文献   

邱才华 《矿产与地质》2001,15(Z1):660-662
以晶安公司为例,从局域网的软、硬件角度简述了企业内部局域网(LAN)规划与集成的一般原则,为中小企业的内部局域网尽量经济实用,易于维护、易于扩充提供一条合理的方法,从而提高企业的办公自动化水平.  相似文献   

This paper postulates that larger more complicated organisms cannot be comprehended completely. Some of their important internal characteristics and dynamics are indeterminate. Certain external conditions and occurrences vitally affecting them cannot be predicted or treated as random events. The internal functioning of complex organisms and their interaction with the external environment cannot therefore be formulated analytically with the completeness, precision, and reliability required for truly comprehensive planning and decision-making. Limitations of rational and collective action by people are also involved in what comprehensive planning can and cannot accomplish, and how it is best conducted.  相似文献   

Research of the interrelation between regional planning, division into economic districts and urban-planning, division into economic districts and urban planning is here emphasised. In the USSR development of a network of territorial economic complexes, economic districts including subregions of the II and III order, economic subregions and microdistricts is continuous. The outlook of regional planning is defined by the elaboration of its scientific theory including the geographical concept of regional planning. The use of geographical methods widens the scientific basis for the development of a systems approach and improves forecasting, the choice of aims and strategy of developing production, population distribution and the solution of ecological problems. The efficiency of regional planning depends not only on purely economic advantages, but on a more sensible use of nature. Regional planning is concerned with bio-economic systems, and must avoid conflict between the most important subsystems, natural and anthropogenic. Preservation of ecological balance has become the most important task of regional planning. When locating industrial enterprises in the process of regional planning, ecological factors are taken into account to an ever-increasing degree. The main tasks of regional planning concerning the distribution of agriculture stem from the aim of interrelated development of all elements of the agrarian and industrial complex. During the scientific and technical revolution the distribution of production orientates more and more and not towards individual towns but towards a system of populated areas. Systematic improvement of conurbations and their transformation into group systems of populated areas, regulated according to plan and having a broader economic and territorial base, are the most important task of regional planning and urban development.  相似文献   

对矿业城市规划的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
党的十六届三中全会提出了坚持“五个统筹”和全面协调可持续的科学发展观,对新时期城市规划工作指明了方向。本文探讨了落实科学的发展观,对矿业城市规划在交通、土地利用、生态环境、旅游等方面的协调发展。  相似文献   

Summary and Perspectives Most of the rural development plans and green revolution technology attempted in Pakistan between the years 1950 and 1970 were a part of induced transformations and institutional innovations. These attempts did bring some advances in productivity in Pakistan. In recent years, Panjab broke the international records in wheat production. But, a review of rural development efforts and wide application of induced innovations provide mixed results. Since 1972, the Integrated Rural Development has been adopted as a model for country's agrarian reforms, because of the gains at Shadab Project. The success of Shadab was impressive indeed, but Pakistan's economy, history, and society call for caution and raise scepticism, as were rightly pointed out byRuttan (12) for Integrated Rural Development Program.Success of Shadab Project was in large part due to well guided input of human resources devoted to organizational, management and technical assistance. Extensive extension services, model demonstration farms, publicity, and the training of farmers in various new techniques of agriculture were provided. The history of other development efforts prove that similar intensity of resource input cannot be maintained, when the program is generalized.Furthermore, the administrative freedom usually available in pilot projects of limited geographic extent to tailor programs precisely to local, national, and human endowments is usually not available in widespread use due to administrative inconveniences. Likewise, resources of physical, and institutional infrastructure are likely to diminish when the program is spread widely. Another perspective which worries the historical-cultural geographers is the dominant cultural attitudes and preferences of the village people in Pakistan.Pakistani way of life does not set man so much against the nature, as he often has been in the western world. Man is viewed as a part of nature, who can be happy and successful if he adjusts himself to his habitat. Rural Pakistan values leisure as an end in itself, and believes in its predestiny as set by one's luck. This luck-leisure attitude is one of the graces of rural Pakistan, and often serves as an impediment to quick induced changes, which did not evolve from within their own society.Deh Nareja, which this author is studying for the past 23 years as his laboratory to study rural changes, is a good example. Deh Nareja is an assemblage for six villages, with about 1000 people, located 15 km southwest of Tatta. The Deh is linked with Tatta, a tourist town and headquarter of the district administration, by a canal path and a surfaced road. Proximity and spatial linkage with Tatta have made the people of Deh Nareja more mobile, than their counterparts in other villages. In spite of this interchange, and exposure of farmers to other ways of life in the town, Deh Nareja remains a repository of traditional values, and traditional agriculture.Comparison of two maps of Deh Nareja, substantiates this point (Fig. 2). In order to improve the field ditches and save the water lost to seepage and spills, a survey was done in early 1960, to lay the fields in a rectangular pattern. Equal amount of land which belonged to a farmer as an irregular field was given to the farmer in a rectangular pattern (Fig 3). It took considerable amount of time and resources to accomplish the task, but the rural people resisted this change to the extent that the entire plan had to be abandoned. The traditional sentimental love of one's own land, its hereditary linkage were far more important than an efficient irrigation and agriculture.However, consequent to March 1972 land reforms, certain changes were visible in the attitude of the farmers. During a visit again to Deh Nareja and to a number of other villages in Pakistan in the summer of 1976, a certain optimism and hope was noticeable amongst the villagers. The farmers seemed to be more conscious of their rights; they were more aggressive, and were looking forward to a better future. Comparing with their former subdued and downtrodden condition, their changed situation and perceptions can better be expressed by the term agro-nauts. The term agro-naut is introduced here for the present conscious, partly reliant, and aggressive farmers, as against subdued, downtrodden and exploited peasants. Like astronauts, these agro-nauts still do not know their destiny or ramifications of induced changes, but seem to be prepared to accomplish something new. The first ever national conference of agro-nauts convened at Mandi Bahauddin, Panjab, and adoption of a national farmers charter were the steps in the right direction to enhance the confidence of the agro-nauts.Under this changed situation, the Integrated Rural Development Program, seems to have some potential, if environmental, cultural and historical roots of Pakistan are not ignored, and package transformations are induced without destroying the present producing ability of the farmers.  相似文献   

A characteristic feature of the cooperative family-farm settlement (Moshav) in Israel is the farmyard attached to the farmer's dwelling. With the intensification of production and resulting crowding of farmyards, there has been a growing tendency to remove farmbuildings from the built-up village area to the periphery. This has led to a new model of physical planning which is presently under review.The relative merits of detaching the farmbuildings from the immediate vicinity of the farmer's dwelling are discussed from the point of view of infrastructure costs, operation efficiency, environmental quality, and social aspects. The comparative analysis of village layouts and subsequent attitude tests indicate considerable advantages that can be gained from the separation between dwelling and production functions.This article is based on the findings of a recent study on the physical planning of the Moshav, undertaken by the Settlement Study Centre, Rehovot, Israel.  相似文献   

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