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COMMENTARY A preliminary discussion on the metallogenesis and the exploration access of the large deposits in Xinjiang………CHEN Zhe-fu (1-6) A preliminary discussion on the metallogenesis and the exploration access of suprelarge deposits in Xinjiang……CHEN Zhe-fu (2-87) Industrial situation of gold and development antidote in China………………………………………………………WANG Qin (2-90) Resource types and development prospect of ornamental stones in Xinjiang……………………LIU …  相似文献   

N口.D.Palaeozolc >mall,r Foramlnlfera Fauna、on the East Part of 八Orth China Platform… ··’…·’··’”……··””·’”……’……·”…··”’…………………………··Zheng hong(19)Tge Character5of Sllurlan Rugose Corals and the Discuss】on about the Age of tile Strata of Qujlnz Reg。on.Yu。nan··,,……·,··,,……,·,………,…··,··,…,…Dlnrr Chunmine(22〕sell—e口tarV rades and Te口tono—paleogeographv of the Late sin二an nengving ror回口ation In yor。bwest。rn Hubel…  相似文献   

Proeeedings of the Eleventh Annual Moeting of the Geo{ogieal Soeiety of China,held in Peiping at the匕brary of the Gcologieal Survey on February 14一16,一935 .........……1(二hi,Y .5.,Note,on some Carboniferous and Permian Coral。of Dr. Erik Norin’5 Colleetion from Slnkiang Provinee ...……23Hou,T.F.,&. C.C.Sun,A Geologieal Seetion,North一west of Lanchow .......……,..........……43Chi,Y.5.,Note on two AseFtate Corals from the Upper Part of the Nanshan Series in Kansu ........…  相似文献   

UPPer Mantle Craek Zones in the Eastern Part of North China YANG肠,,c(,i,ZH八入7G Xie,,,in‘了nd YU Chaz老gqiog(j了]了) An Analysis of SuPerPosed Deformation and Tectonie Stress Fields of the Western Segment of Daba Mountains Foretland SHI肠i,DONG Shuwe,;,HU Jianznin,Z产L今NG Zhong夕1 and LIU Gang(]了27少Quaterna即Normal Faulting and Its Dynamies of the oiga Graben in South·Eastern Tibet WU Zjlongh‘之i,Z厅魂NG Yongsl了z亡ang,HU Daogong,ZH乃0 Xitao a…  相似文献   

Sedimentary Suites(SDS)of Early St。la。P。nod in China………··、………M。ng Xiangkua。t al·(14).Meucd and ExamPles of Making maPs of World Reconstruu】onby a MlctocO*Puter·-·’··’··’·’…… ,……,……….、…………………………………………………··。,……··Li Xiang andZbang Lingkua(ZP)Geographic posit。on of the Qaidam Bio。k in L。ie Carboniferou。…·。…………·Li Yanpingetal.(32)Ontozenv of Homalophyllum Simpson,1900 and A SEM Study of itsMlcros发eletal 〕true…  相似文献   

New APProaches to Paleoecology………………………………,…。…………………·Yang Shipu et al.(12)The Study on the Char ttteristk玉灯Ge tthemistry and Mineral aation of the Mill Rare Meol CoConuinedGranitic Intrusion in Xinglong,Hebei…………··、…,·,·,…,……。………………··YeDeon巴 eQ al.(22)Aa山y on人ektrdogj一l、atUPB and oe Or…n of Alba!me R—由 of Zififlshn Ri叩 Complex in L3nCOtiflty,sMnAIhov1DCt……。…………………·,,··,…,,,………………………··HtisflsJn3hp…  相似文献   

The Earth system is characterized by the contradiction between increasing disorderness of the nature and increasing orderness of life evolution. The second law of thermodynamics shows that the irreversible process of heat dissipation of the Earth takes place naturally in only one direction, while paleontology shows that life on the Earth proceeds toward a state of increasing order. Why the life could be flourishing on the Earth in some periods or rapid extinction in some other times while the…  相似文献   

第期1溆浦陆相红盆地质特征及其演化探讨 (Discussion on the Geological Characteristics and the Evolution… of Xupu Red Basin of Continental Facies) …………李福顺(1)湘西南震旦纪长安期沉积相变与构造环境分析 (Analyzing the Facies Change of Sedimentary Facies and the Structural Environment in the Chang-an Stage of Sinian Period in South-Western Hunan………………)柏道远(5)湘南地区表生氧化锰矿地球化学行为及成矿机理研究(Research for the Geochemical Behaviors and the Genesis Mechanism of Hypog…  相似文献   

Planning of protection of geological environment FANG Jian- hua  XIE Jun- cheng  QIAO Guo- chao et al.(1— 1)………The harm ,inducing factor and prevention counterm easures of geological hazards in Jiangsu GAO De- yun(1— 8)…………The city disaster charecteristics and disaster reduction counterm easure in UrumqiMaihepireti· WU L AMU  Annigen er MOMING(1— 12 )…………………………………………………………………Reviews and evaluation of the geological envirom ent of Hebei provi…  相似文献   

The Mesozoic and Cenozoic Exhumation History of Tianshan and Comparative Studies on the Junggar and Altay Mountains GUO Zhaojie, ZHANG Zhicheng, WU Chaodong, FANG Shihu and ZHANG Rui (Key Laboratory of Orogenic Belts and Crustal Evolution (Peking University), Ministry of Education, Beijing 100871) The Tianshan Mountain is a Cenozoic intracontinental orogenic belt. To constrain its deformation history during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic, we conducted integrated research on apat…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONElimination of interferences (e.g. background variation)is the base of anomaly recognition in geochemical exploration.The interference elimination was performed by using thevariables that could indicate interference factors (L iu andZhao,1992 ) . As some variables such as carbonates and p Hcontain information on both interference and hydrocarbons,some information on hydrocarbons may be lost while theinterference is eliminated. Besides,this approach is not cost-effective becau…  相似文献   

NO.1.I’reface………’··’…………’…………‘…··‘…………………………………………Zhal Yu。lleng(l)bteletal btructures and Classlflcatlon of the Order Cystlpbylllda(Rugosa)…………………………………… Wang I4ongzhen,He Yuan-clang and Chen Jlanqlang(3)I。oramlnlfera Blostratl匡raphy and Paleogeography of the T。rtlary In Tibet Was X laoqiao(15)Trace Fossils In Ngar。l{eglon,Xlzang(tibet)and their Sedimentary Environments………………………………………··‘……………………………h…  相似文献   

of the 011一generating potential of vitrinitew ith submieron and ultramieron strueture.The exPerimental results provide straight evi-denees for the thermal一ehemieal behavior ofelarovitrinite、hydrocarbon generating.It 15believed that the elarovitrinite,s 011一generat-ing potential eomes from the existenee of theultramieron liPoid inelusions and the assimila-tion of ultramieron liPoid matter with vitriniteduring the eoalifieation based on the meltingof some ultramiero一liPoid debris and the h…  相似文献   

Geochemical Characteristics of Fossil Ginkgo huttonii Cuticles from the Jurassic in Gansu, China,Diatoms of Lacustrine Sediments and Paleo-environments in Dahyab Tso (Taicuo) Lake, Xi‘zang (Tibet),^40Ar/^39Ar Dating for the Strike-slip Movement on the Feidong Part of the Tanlu Fault Zone,Tectonic Origin of Klippen at the Foot of the Wuliangshan Thrust Belt, Western Yunnan……  相似文献   

Based upon the present research stratus on Nan Ling granites and in the view of the defferenees in the opinions on the ages and periodic division of Nan Ling granites existing among some research units concerned, a proposal has been snbmitted in the paper, pointing out that it is quite necessary to launch a discussion in the deeper-going way on the problem involving the ages of Nan Ling granites and their periodic division in the journal “GEOCHIMICA”. The main topics expected to be discussed are as follows : (1) The existanec of Hereynian granites and the possibility of the formation of non-orogenic granites; (2) The divisional boundary between Yeushanian and Indonsinian granites and their distributional characteristics; (3) The periodic sub-division of Yenshanian granites and their relatiouship with mineralization ; (4) The division of the ,ages of granites older than the Caledonian period.  相似文献   

No.1 Studies of Ice Formatiom and Ice Fabric 0n the Law Dome,Antarctica…………………Xie Zichu(22)Analysis of Mieropartieles in Ice Cores:An Indicator of Past Environments………………………... ……………………-’…………………………………………………………………-Lonnie G.Thempson(32)Creep Behavior of Frozen Silt under Constant Uniaxial Stress..…..…….………….………………… ………………………………………………………………………………Z^“Yannfin and D。L.Carbee(48)Preliminary Stu…  相似文献   

No.l Application of Cathodolum mene墨conc吕*the Pcrmian-Triassic Boundary Events and Stratlgrapjc Corrda· tioninNorthwcsternHunanProvillce*……………………………………………………………SongZhimin(9) Climatic and Glacio-Eusta口c Control over the R比ent Quattt21arysedlmentatlon In the Northeast Ganges Deep Sea Fan……………………………………………………………………………………… Falg Nlanqlao(22) DeltaicDeposltional Systems in the Middle and Up卜r Members ofLon以an Formation ofCoal…  相似文献   

煤矿二氧化碳突出与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CO2 outburst is a main geological disaster in coalmines. A survey of study on CO2 outbursts at home and abroad and the latest developments in research of China are introduced in this paper.
The CO2 outburst in the Lower Silesia Coalmine in Poland is the most serious in the world. In China,the extraordinary outburst of CO2 gas happened on May 24,1978 in the Yaojie Coalmine,GansuProvince. In the recearch work of Yaojie,we launched study on some forward domains. Such as helium and argon isotopes , fission一track dating of calcite veins,thermal simulated experiment and so on , and got some new data and new results.

Presented in this paper are some results of simulating experiments on the geochemical behaviours of iron and aluminium during chilling of silicate meh and on the effect of iron on the behaviours of trace elements U, Mo, Zr, and Ba with a sealed arc apparatus. Experimental results indicate obvious fusing separation of iron and aluminium and their Partial concentration in the silicate melt when the contents of iron and aluminium in the samples are in excess of 4.35%. Furthermore, the effect of fusing separation of iron on the behaviours of trace elements U, Mo, Zr, and Ba is evident. Experimental study has shown that it is possible to avoid iron fusing separation by changing its atomic valence state with the oxidation method.  相似文献   

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