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Assemblages classified as ‘Upper Paleolithic’ in the Korean peninsula are diverse in their composition, including not only some blade industries but also conventional ones continued from earlier Paleolithic periods. This has often been explained as the result of an indigenous development. However, the ‘heterogenic’ character of Upper Paleolithic industries is the result of the continuing influx of modern human populations via two different routes: (1) from Siberia and (2) from southern China. Blade technology from Siberia appeared in the Korean peninsula around 35 000 BP and coexisted with core and flake stone industries carried by modern humans from southern China and Southeast Asia throughout the Upper Paleolithic. This explanation is based on the current observation of patterns of Upper Paleolithic industries in East Asia. Blade industries have been found only in the northern part of East Asia while none have been reported in southern China, although modern Homo evidently dispersed via two different routes from the Near East. The ‘North-South Model’ of Modern Homo migrations into the Korean peninsula is supported by a genetic analysis of the Y-chromosome of the modern population in this region. Continuing influx of modern human population from both origins to the peninsula can explain the consistent presence of Upper Paleolithic industries that appear heterogenic.  相似文献   

This paper presents the culmination of an extensive study of fire-use at the Early and early Middle Pleistocene site of Gesher Benot Ya‘aqov. Using software available in the GIS package, we have examined the spatial distribution of burned and unburned flint microartifacts from eight Acheulian archaeological horizons. The results of this study demonstrate that the burned microartifacts are never evenly distributed and dense concentrations are observed. The circumstances that introduced these burned flint artifacts to the archaeological layers are examined, suggesting that anthropogenic rather than natural fires are responsible for the observed patterns. As the evidence for the use of fire is recorded throughout the long stratigraphic sequence, it seems that fire was continually used by the Acheulian hominins of the site. This repetitive use of fire indicates that the hominins of Gesher Benot Ya‘aqov had a profound knowledge of fire-making, enabling them to make fire at will.  相似文献   

Discussions of dispersals of early hominins from Africa assume that Southwest Asia and the Arabian Peninsula were the primary passageways for migrations to Eurasia. The Mediterranean is usually viewed as a barrier to early hominin movements because pre‐sapiens hominins were thought to lack the technical means or the cognitive skills to construct boats. The discovery of early Palaeolithic artefacts in an archaeological survey on the Greek island of Crete challenges this view. Here we show that Palaeolithic artefacts in the Plakias region in southwestern Crete are associated with geological contexts that can be dated to the late Middle or early Late Pleistocene. Because Crete has been separated from the mainland throughout the Pleistocene, the presence of Pleistocene age artefacts there suggests that early hominins were able to cross open water. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

通过实地考察和对收藏标本的细致研究,以获取第一手资料的方式,文章客观地评价了中国古人类学研究者的工作业绩和历史局限,认为在中国发现的东亚早期人类的新证据为探讨人类起源的单极和多极理论提供了新的可能;东亚人的古老性是目前科研工作的关键问题,必须利用各种手段,对此予以尽可能准确的界定。与中国学者合作研究人字洞遗址、龙骨坡遗址和东谷坨遗址的结果说明中国的考古遗址具有多样性,各遗址的石器相互间差异性很大,与同一时期非洲的模式不同,在这里可以找到更加有趣的材料来认识早期人类的方方面面,因此,应以最严谨的态度和最高的注意力对待中国的考古发现。此外,结合中国古人类、旧石器遗址和古气候学的研究资料,文章从宏观地理学的角度阐述了旧石器时代阿舍利和勒瓦娄哇两个典型的文化现象及其发展脉络,探讨了旧石器时代东亚和西亚之间的关系,对中国旧石器文化的发展模式及其与西亚乃至全球的关系提出了个人的独到见解;着眼于研究早期工业技术的发现地、创新地及其传播地点等问题认为,中国同西欧一样,在地理环境和人类生存方面都处于孤立无援的境地,其技术的发展亲历了在本土发明、从境外引进和向外输出等不同阶段,它们不愧是穿越时空来追随技术变革的两大实验场。文章  相似文献   

This review presents the themes of a special issue dealing with environmental scenarios of human evolution during the Early Pleistocene (2.6–0.78 Ma; MIS 103-MIS 19) and early Middle Pleistocene (0.78–0.47 Ma; MIS 19-base of MIS 12) within the western Palaearctic. This period is one of dramatic changes in the climates and the distribution of Palaearctic biota. These changes have played their role in generating adaptive and phyletic patterns within the human ancestry, involving several species such as Homo habilis, “Homo georgicus”, Homo erectus, Homo antecessor and Homo heidelbergensis. In the archaeological record, these species include the Oldowan (Mode 1) and Acheulian (Mode 2) lithic technologies. Taphonomic considerations of palaeoecological research in hominin-bearing sites are provided and evaluated. Syntheses are provided for north Africa, western Asia, the Mediterranean Basin, Britain, and continental Europe. Palaeoenvironmental reconstructions based on multidisciplinary data are given for Ain Boucherit, Ain Hanech and El-Kherba in Algeria, Dmanisi in Georgia, Atapuerca, Cueva Negra, and the Orce Basin in Spain, Monte Poggiolo and Pirro Nord in Italy, Pont-de-Lavaud in France, and Mauer in Germany. The state of the art with the Out of Africa 1 dispersal model is reviewed. A source-sink dynamics model for Palaeolithic Europe is described to explain the morphological disparity of H. heidelbergensis (we will sometimes use the informal name “Heidelbergs”) and early Neanderthals. Other aspects debated here are the selective value of habitat mosaics including reconstructions based on mammal and avian databases, and the role of geological instability combined with topographic complexity. This review is completed by addressing the question of whether the appearance of evolutionary trends within hominins is concentrated in regions of highest worldwide biological diversity (biodiversity hotspots). It is concluded that the keys for the activation of evolutionary change in hominins may have been geological instabilities, and a shifting physiographical heterogeneity combined with high biodiversity and ecological interaction.  相似文献   

The Pleistocene record of East Asia continues to pose controversial questions for palaeoanthropology, especially with regard to Palaeolithic technological patterns. In recent years, an increased understanding of the effect of demography on cultural transmission has improved our understanding of the incidence, proliferation, and elaboration of technological traditions. Here, we present a generalised null model of Lower–Middle Palaeolithic technological evolution, which expressly links cultural transmission theory and demographic factors (i.e. population size, density, and social interconnectedness). Consistent with our model, Africa exhibits evidence of major technological innovations during the Early to Middle Pleistocene, due to a constant source of population and growth due to accumulation through time. In comparison, Pleistocene East Asian assemblages are dominated by Mode 1-type technologies, and only a few localized occurrences of bifacial technology are currently known. We detail evidence suggesting that during much of the Pleistocene a combination of biogeographical, topographical, and dispersal factors are likely to have resulted in relatively lower effective population sizes in East Asian hominins compared with western portions of the Old World, particularly Africa. Thus, the Movius Line – as is the case with its namesake ‘Wallace's line’ – must be examined in terms of its biogeographical context, if the divergent evolutionary trajectories of entities either side of it are to be understood. Most parsimoniously, the Movius Line sensu lato is thus a ‘line’ which represents the crossing of a demographic threshold. Under the parameters of our (testable) null model, geographically and temporally sporadic occurrences of bifacial technology in East Asia are the product of short-lived instances of technological convergence. As a consequence, the in situ evolution of Levallois (Mode 3) was inhibited in East Asia due to the constraints of relatively smaller effective population sizes.  相似文献   

Early Acheulian assemblages in fluviolacustrine contexts at the Early Pleistocene site of ‘Ubeidiya (Jordan Valley, Israel) have been described as “living floors.” A study of variation in the surface abrasion of stone tools from several such “living floors” suggest a mixture of cultural and geological factors were involved in the formation of these assemblages. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Thinking creative clusters beyond the city: People,places and networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper develops an ethnographic study of a small rural based ‘creative cluster’, called Krowji, situated in the town of Redruth in West Cornwall, UK. The dominant geographies of creative industries research and policy in recent years have an acknowledged urban bias together with a focus on narratives of agglomeration. This paper sits alongside research that brings to the fore ‘other’ geographies of cultural production, and reflects an increasing interest in work on creativity in rural areas. Following work by Storper and Pratt, we explore Krowji’s complex interdependencies, investigating ‘the relations within, without and across the cluster’. We focus on the relationships between Krowji and its surrounding area together with the spatialities and temporalities of the relations that occur across and beyond the cluster. We address the dynamics and durability of relations formed within the cluster also paying attention to their disconnections. In offering this analysis we develop a valuable counterpoint to the urban bias of much work on creative clusters and we contribute to work that is looking more closely at the temporalities and spatialities of cultural production. Further, we point towards the value of ethnographical research on the creative industries.  相似文献   

We propose a population model for Middle Pleistocene Europe that is based on demographic “sources” and “sinks”. The former were a small number of “core” or populations in glacial refugia in southern Europe from which hominins expanded northwards in interstadial and interglacial periods; occupation outside glacial refugia would have been restricted to warm or temperate periods, and populations at the northern limit of the Middle Pleistocene range would have been “sink” populations in that they depended upon recruitment from source populations further south. Southwest Asia would also have been a likely source of immigrant, source populations. We argue as an alternative to an “ebb and flow” model in which groups retreated to refugia when conditions worsened that local extinction outside refugia would have been frequent. In extreme situations, Europe may have been a population “sink” (i.e. unpopulated) that was replenished from source populations in Southwest Asia. We suggest that this pattern of repeated colonisation and extinction may help explain the morphological variability of European Middle Pleistocene hominins, particularly Homo heidelbergensis and its apparent non-lineal evolution towards Homo neanderthalensis.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(22-24):2996-3016
River terraces are well established as an important source of Lower and Middle Palaeolithic artefacts in Europe, large collections having been assembled there during the years of manual gravel extraction. Now that many terrace sequences can be reliably dated and correlated with the oceanic record, potentially useful patterns can be recognized in the distribution of artefacts. The earliest appearance of artefacts in terrace staircases, marking the arrival of the first tool-making hominins in the region in question, is the first of several archaeological markers within fluvial sequences. The Lower to Middle Palaeolithic transition, with the appearance of Levallois, is another. Others may be more regional in significance: the occurrences of Clactonian (Mode 1) industry, twisted ovate handaxes and bout coupé handaxes, for example. IGCP Project no. 449 instigated the compilation of fluvial records from all over the ‘old world’. Comparison between British and Central European sequences confirms the established view that there is a demarcation between handaxe making in the west and flake/core industries in the east. Other centres of activity reported here have been in the Middle East (Syria), South Africa and India. Data from such areas will be key in deciphering the story of the earlier ‘out-of-Africa’ migration, that by pre-Homo sapiens people. There is clear evidence for diachroneity between the first appearances of different industries, in keeping with the well-established idea of northward migration.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first systematic study of the vegetation history of a range of low hills in SW England, UK, lying between more researched fenlands and uplands. After the palaeoecological sites were located bespoke archaeological, historical and documentary studies of the surrounding landscape were undertaken specifically to inform palynological interpretation at each site. The region has a distinctive archaeology with late Mesolithic tool scatters, some evidence of early Neolithic agriculture, many Bronze Age funerary monuments and Romano‐British iron‐working. Historical studies have suggested that the present landscape pattern is largely early Medieval. However, the pollen evidence suggests a significantly different Holocene vegetation history in comparison with other areas in lowland England, with evidence of incomplete forest clearance in later‐Prehistory (Bronze?Iron Age). Woodland persistence on steep, but poorly drained, slopes, was probably due to the unsuitability of these areas for mixed farming. Instead they may have been under woodland management (e.g. coppicing) associated with the iron‐working industry. Data from two of the sites also suggest that later Iron Age and Romano‐British impact may have been geographically restricted. The documented Medieval land management that maintained the patchwork of small fields, woods and heathlands had its origins in later Prehistory, but there is also evidence of landscape change in the 6th–9th centuries AD. We conclude that the Blackdown Hills area was one of many ‘distinctive subregions’, which due to a combination of edaphic, topographic and cultural factors could qualify as an eco‐cultural region or ‘pays’. It is argued that the use of such eco‐culturally distinctive regions or pays can provide a spatial and archaeological framework for palaeoecology, which has implications for landscape research, designation and heritage management.  相似文献   

John Horton 《Geoforum》2012,43(1):4-13
This paper considers a particular popular-cultural phenomenon: ‘Pokémon’. Specifically, it concerns a social–historical juncture – a so-called ‘Pokémania’ – wherein Pokémon toys, games, collectables and merchandising were ‘must-have’ items for many children in South-East Asia, Europe, North America, and Australasia. Drawing upon research with Pokémon fans aged 5–8 in the UK, the paper explores some ways in which global cultural phenomena become intimately, complexly and constitutively co-implicated with/in everyday geographies. In so doing, I argue that the quotidian social and spatial import of Pokémon – and other analogous phenomena – should sensitise accounts of children’s everyday spatial practices to the ever-presence of contemporary popular cultural forms, and sensitise accounts of global popular culture to the importance of multifarious, contingent spatial practices.  相似文献   

The 'Ayoun Qedim locality includes seven deflated Acheulian sites within and around a limestone box canyon, Juwit el Ghuweir, in the northern al‐Jafr Basin, Jordan. Survey of these sites identified dense scatters of Acheulian bifaces ( _ 1650) along with debris, cores, and reduction material from their production and maintenance. Although there is a clear Levallois component in the assemblages, reflecting a Late Acheulian occupation, strictly Middle and Upper Paleolithic sites are uncommon in this locality. Analysis of the geology and geomorphology of the northern al‐Jafr Basin indicates the area is strongly influenced by shallow subsurface groundwater flow and discharge, and Juwit el Ghuweir displays classic features of a canyon formed by groundwater seepage and sapping, except for the lack of a perennial spring within the modern canyon. The authors suggest that the extreme density of Lower Paleolithic material at 'Ayoun Qedim is associated with perennial groundwater discharge at Juwit el Ghuweir during the Middle Pleistocene and that the dearth of later Paleolithic material is attributable to the cessation of perennial spring discharge. The cause of the spring's cessation is unknown, but may have been related to local geomorphic factors, such as head migration of adjacent streams, or to more regional geomorphic factors, such as the lowering of theregional water table in the area of al‐Jafr Basin. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Bringing together concepts from the global production networks and evolutionary economic geography literature, this article empirically examines the trajectory of the electrical and electronics industry in Johor (Malaysia). Based on trends in firm entries and exit as well as interviews with companies, we find limited robustness in the industry’s trajectory. While there is evidence of the role of ‘structure’ in this outcome, we argue that human agency – particularly the actions of subnational policy-makers – is key. This is manifest in a preference for fostering regional ‘adaptiveness’ through the often uncritical promotion of a diversity of economic sectors. This compromises the meaningful pursuit of regional ‘adaptation’ in the form of new and more complex branches emerging from existing industries. This arrested development, in turn, hinders an effective strategic coupling between the regional economy and multinational corporations, thus undermining regional resilience.  相似文献   

The vegetation and the climatic context in which the first hominins entered and dispersed in Europe during the Early Pleistocene are reconstructed, using literature review and a new climatic simulation. Both in situ fauna and in situ pollen at the twelve early hominin sites under consideration indicate the occurrence of open landscapes: grasslands or forested steppes. The presence of ancient hominins (Homo of the erectus group) in Europe is only possible at the transition from glacial to interglacial periods, the full glacial being too cold for them and the transition interglacial to glacial too forested. Glacial–interglacial cycles forced by obliquity showed paralleled vegetation successions, which repeated c. 42 times during the course of the Early Pleistocene (2.58–0.78 Ma), providing 42 narrow windows of opportunity for hominins to disperse into Europe.The climatic conditions of this Early Pleistocene vegetation at glacial-interglacial transitions are compared with a climatic simulation for 9 ka ago without ice sheet, as this time period is so far the best analogue available. The climate at the beginning of the present interglacial displayed a stronger seasonality than now. Forest cover would not have been hampered though, clearly indicating that other factors linked to refugial location and soils leave this period relatively free of forests. Similar situations with an offset between climate and vegetation at the beginning of interglacials repeated themselves throughout the Quaternary and benefitted the early hominins when colonising Europe.The duration of this open phase of vegetation at the glacial–interglacial transition was long enough to allow colonisation from the Levant to the Atlantic.The twelve sites fall within rather narrow ranges of summer precipitation and temperature of the coldest month, suggesting the hominins had only a very low tolerance to climate variability.  相似文献   

Chlachula, J. & Serikov, Y. B. 2010: Last glacial ecology and geoarchaeology of the Central Trans‐Ural area: the Sosva River Upper Palaeolithic Complex, western Siberia. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00166.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. Quaternary and geoarchaeology studies from the eastern limits of the Ural Mountains provide multiple lines of evidence of the Palaeolithic peopling of this geographically marginal and still poorly explored territory of western Siberia following the mid‐last glacial (MIS 3) warming. A complex of investigated open‐air localities in the Sosva River basin (the north‐central Trans‐Ural area) at the periphery of the western Siberian Plain, distinguished by very high concentrations of Pleistocene megafaunal remains previously regarded as ‘mammoth cemeteries’, indicate, in conjunction with the associated diagnostic ivory/bone and stone industry, open occupation sites during the Last Glacial (MIS 2). Fossil faunal remains, dominated by mammoth (98%) together with bird and fish species, indicate various methods of exploitation of the Late Pleistocene natural resources and successful behavioural adaptation to the last glacial sub‐polar tundra‐steppe environment. The taphonomy and composition of the well‐preserved skeletal remains from the main occupation sites suggest both active hunting and anthropogenic ‘scavenging’ practices. The contextual geology and the cultural and biotic multi‐proxy records from the Trans‐Ural Upper Palaeolithic Complex provide new insights into the timing and palaeoecological conditions of the Pleistocene human occupation of north‐central Asia.  相似文献   

Air pollution is a grand challenge of our time due to its multitude of adverse impacts on environment and society,with the scale of impacts more severe in developing countries,including China.Thus,China has initiated and implemented strict air pollution control measures over last several years to reduce impacts of air pollution.Monitoring data from Jan 2015 to Dec 2019 on six criteria air pollutants(SO2,NO2,CO,O3,PM2.5,and PM1o)at eight sites in southwestern China were investigated to understand the situation and analyze the impacts of transboundary air pollutants in this region.In terms of seasonal variation,the maximum concentrations of air pollutants at these sites were observed in winter or spring season depending on individual site.For diurnal variation,surface ozone peaked in the afternoon while the other pollutants had a bimodal pattern with peaks in the morning and late afternoon.There was limited trans-port of domestic emissions of air pollutants in China to these sites.Local emissions enhanced the concen-trations of air pollutants during some pollution events.Mostly,the transboundary transport of air pollution from South Asia and Southeast Asia was associated with high concentrations of most air pollu-tants observed in southwestern China.Since air pollutants can be transported to southwestern China over long distances from the source regions,it is necessary to conduct more research to properly attribute and quantify transboundary transport of air pollutants,which will provide more solid scientific guidance for air pollution management in southwestern China.  相似文献   

Asia is the world’s largest but youngest continent, in which Pacific-type (P-type) and collision-type (C-type) orogenic belts coexist with numerous amalgamated continental blocks. P-type orogens represent major sites of continental growth through tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite type (TTG-type) juvenile granitoid magmatism and accretion of oceanic crust and intra-oceanic arcs. The Asian continent includes several P-type orogenic belts, of which the largest are the Central Asian and Western Pacific. The Central Asian Orogenic Belt is dominated by P-type fossil orogens arranged with a regular northward subduction polarity. The Western Pacific is characterized by ongoing P-type orogeny related to the westward subduction of the Pacific plate. Asia has a multi-cratonic structure and its post-Palaeozoic history has witnessed amalgamation of the Laurasia composite continent and Pangaea supercontinent. Nowadays, Asia is surrounded by double-sided subduction zones, which generate new TTG-type crust and supply oceanic crust and microcontinents to its active margins. The TTG-crust can be tectonically eroded and subducted down to the mantle transition zone to form a ‘second’ continent, which may generate mantle upwelling, plumes, and extensive intra-plate volcanism. Moreover, recent plate movements around Asia are dominated by northward directions, which resulted in the India–Eurasia and Arabia–Eurasia collisions beginning at 50–45 and 23–20 Ma, respectively, and will result in Africa–Eurasia collision in the near future. Therefore, Asia is the best candidate to serve as the nucleus for a future supercontinent ‘Amasia’, likely to form 200–250 Ma in the future. In this paper we unravel a puzzle of continental growth in Asia through P-type orogeny by discussing its tectonic history and geological structure, subduction polarity in P-type orogens, tectonic erosion of TTG-type crust and arc subduction at convergent margins, generation of mantle plumes, and prospects of Asia growth and overgrowth.  相似文献   

Single-grain optically stimulated luminescence dating was applied to Late Quaternary sediments at two sites in the Middle Son Valley, Madhya Pradesh, India. Designated Bamburi 1 and Patpara, these sites contain Late Acheulean stone tool assemblages, which we associate with non-modern hominins. Age determinations of 140–120 ka place the formation of these sites at around the Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage 6–5 transition, placing them among the youngest Acheulean sites in the world. We present here the geochronology and sedimentological setting of these sites, and consider potential implications of Late Pleistocene archaic habitation in north-central India for the initial dispersal of modern humans across South Asia.  相似文献   

This paper presents a summary of Late-glacial environmental changes in southwestern Europe (lberian Peninsula, Pyrenees, Massif Central and the northern Apennines). The emphasis is on palaeoclimatic interpretations inferred from key sites in the region from which the most detailed records are available and which have been radiocarbon dated. The earliest evidence for climatic improvement following the end of the last glacial stage is dated to ca. 15 ka BP and is found at a few sites only. By 13 ka BP, a more widespread and marked climatic improvement is evident, although it is difficult to be precise in the timing and magnitude of the event. There are significant variations in detail between the Late-glacial records, but evidence for a significant cooling correlated with the Younger Dryas event is widespread throughout the region. Just two sites in the region provide evidence for an earlier, less emphatic phase of climatic cooling, which is tentatively equated with the ‘Older Dryas’ of continental northern Europe. Dry conditions appear to have predominated throughout the region in the later part of the Younger Dryas and the early Holocene.  相似文献   

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