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滩浅海两栖地区油气地震勘探激发接收技术研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
针对海陆两栖地区地震勘探激发、接收中存在的问题,通过改造炸药震源的装药结构和起爆方式,研制出了一种新型激发震源,提高了激发信号的品质,减小了与气枪震源之闻的信号差异;在接收技术上,研制了新型压电检波器以代替常规的沼泽机电检波器,提高了接收地震信号的频率,实现了水陆相同感应机理的检波器同时接收地震信号,消除了两种不同检波器造成的信号差异;通过对两种新技术的试验分析,认为明显提高了地震资料的分辨率和信噪比,促进了海陆两栖地区地震勘探技术的发展.  相似文献   

速度、加速度检波器及其获取信息的研究(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从两种类型的地震检波器(10hz动圈式速度检波器和压电加速度检波器)及其检测介质的两种运动动参数(速度和加速度)入手,测试和对比分析了它们的频率响应函数,指出了二者的差异。又对两种检波器进行了冲击振动试验和结果对比,分析了其响应信号的特征和携带信息的能力。并于某地区在可比条件下进行了地震数据采集对比试验,对用两种检波器采集得到的单炮资料和叠加时间剖面进行了对比分析。结果表明,加速度信号更能满足当前和今后地震勘探对地震信号的高信噪比、高精度、高分辨率和大信息量的要求。  相似文献   

陆上地震勘探中多采用速度型检波器接收,随着单点高密度地震勘探的开展,加速度型检波器也被日趋广泛的应用.这两种检波器接收的地震信号具有不同的响应特征,在地震勘探中经常会遇到这样的情况:两个相邻区块分别应用速度型检波器和加速度型检波器接收,需要将这两个区块的地震资料进行连片处理,两类检波器接收资料如何处理拼接?本文在理论上分析了加速度检波器测量的加速度信号和速度检波器测量的速度信号之间的数学关系;并通过数值数据模拟分析、实际的地震数据资料分析证明了加速度信号通过积分计算以及去除积分误差后转化为速度信号的可行性和正确性,并进行了相应的对比和验证.在不同类型检波器接收地震资料的拼接处理过程中应用这种转换方法进行资料处理,得到一致性很好的地震剖面.  相似文献   

川南地区重要产气层之一的震旦系灯影组埋深约9000 m,以往多期地震勘探未能取得高品质资料,原因之一就是灯影组反射信息频率较低,而常规检波器(六串两并20DX-10 Hz速度型检波器)在低频段衰减严重,未能完整接收到地震反射信息.为得到深层高品质的资料,在川南赤水地区开展了不同类型检波器试验研究工作,首先研究了3种检波器(20 DX-10 Hz速度型检波器、自然频率5 Hz速度型检波器、单点陆用压电加速度检波器)的幅频特征,分析了不同检波器对低频信号接收能力的差异;对比测试了3种检波器对主频为25 Hz的雷克子波的波形、频率响应;结合实际地震资料,分析了加速度型检波器的实际地震资料在加速度域和速度域的频率特征;最后将加速度检波器地震资料转换至速度域,与其他两种速度型检波器地震资料对比分析得到以下认识:(1)加速度检波器具有宽频带特性,对提高分辨率较为有利,适用于勘探目的层相对较浅地区的高分辨率勘探.(2)加速度检波器地震资料在加速度域、速度域两种不同域的资料差别较大,前者积分转换虽然提高了低频段响应但频带变窄,不利于提高分辨率,生产中使用原始域数据更为合适.(3)野外实际资料表明,低频速度型检波器在保持常规20DX-10 Hz的勘探效果的基础上提高了低频段的响应,与加速度检波器转域后的低频效果接近,频带比加速度检波器转域后要宽,更加适合超深层地震勘探.  相似文献   

目前,广泛应用在地震勘探中的检波器类型主要是速度型检波器和加速度型检波器,分别接收振动的速度信息和加速度信息,不同类型的检波器接收的地震资料具有不同的响应特征.在滩浅海地震勘探中,不同的地表区域使用不同类型的检波器接收,滩上使用速度检波器接收、海中使用加速度检波器和速度检波器组成的"双检"检波器接收,所以存在着两类检波器资料的拼接、融合处理问题.本文在理论上通过速度检波器和加速度检波器机电转化原理不同,跟踪不同物理量说明了两种信号之间的关系,并通过理论分析、实际的地震数据资料分析和证明了速度信号通过微分计算转化为加速度信号的可行性和正确性,并进行了相应的对比和验证.在滩浅海以及浅海地震勘探中应用加速度检波器和速度检波器联合采集后,应用这种转换方法进行资料的拼接处理和融合处理,得到的地震剖面质量得到了很好的提升.  相似文献   

浅海勘探中"双检"检波器(速度检波器和压电检波器)接收已经得到广泛的应用,在资料处理过程中需要将两种检波器的资料进行合并,两种检波器的相位差异问题是合并处理的关键点之一.但是,一直以来对速度检波器和压电检波器之间是否存在相位差众说纷纭,对相位差的处理方法也各不相同.为了证明两种检波器相位差异的存在,本文通过速度检波器和压电检波器的试验进行了论证:在理论上通过不同检波器机电转换原理而跟踪不同的物理量(加速度、速度)分析了两种检波器的相位差异;通过试验所得地震单炮纪录的初至及波形对比、振动真值曲线对比、拟合振动方程对比证明了两种检波器相位差的存在、相位的差值以及两种检波器产生相位差异的原因,厘清了两种检波器在相位上的关系.用实际资料对比了"双检"合并处理过程中不同相位消除方法的区别:消除相位差合并处理能够提高资料的品质,消除相位差的方法中将"双检"资料转化到速度域内进行合并处理效果最好,可使资料品质得到较大的提高.  相似文献   

在地震勘探中使用的检波器类型较多,但其感应振动产生的信号类型通常只有三种:位移、速度和加速度信号。对这三种信号产生的机理、物性特征、岩石物理意义等认识与理解皆不够透彻,因而难以对不同类型检波器做出客观的科学评价,影响了检波器各自优势的充分发挥,本文从弹簧阻尼振动理论入手研究了地震信号产生的机理,分析了地震信号的物理特征、信号与介质的物性关系以及它们的信噪比、分辨率和频谱等特征。实验室测试、野外试验与应用表明:加速度信号反映了介质的弹性特征和物性变化规律,信号强度与物性变化呈正相关,而且加速度信号具有畸变小,保真度高,高频强,频带宽的良好属性,因而,对于复杂介质的高精度地震勘探更适宜利用加速度信号。此外,根据加速度信号与物性参数关系,纵波加速度信号反映杨氏弹性模量、剪切模量和密度变化的灵敏度比一般速度信号要高,但随着密度和剪切模量值的增大灵敏度降低;对于横波来说,加速度信号反映剪切模量和密度变化的灵敏度也比一般速度信号高。  相似文献   

在石油勘探中,动圈式速度型检波器以及MEMS加速度型检波器是当前野外采集施工中应用最为广泛的两类检波器.两类检波器采集数据的信噪比存在差异,往往前者较后者稍高.作者在分析了两种典型检波器工作原理、野外采集阶段有效信号与噪声的比较特征以及不同信噪比计算方法的基础上,模拟、分析了两种典型检波器数据信噪比存在较大差异的表现以及原因.认为地震数据用加速度表征后,时域的视觉信噪比降低了,但是数据所代表机械振动中信号与噪声的物理能量对比并没有随着表征量纲的差异而改变;也就是说,数据背后的“物理信噪比”并没有改变-无论采用何种量纲进行表征.加速度表征地震数据的视觉信噪比降低是由于地震信号的低频端较高频端具有更高的“物理信噪比”导致的.速度、加速度两种类型检波器的信噪比比较应该在同一个域内进行.  相似文献   

动圈式模拟检波器与MEMS数字检波器是当前地震勘探野外采集中非常具有代表性的两种检波器,前者的典型代表是20DX,是无源检波器;后者的典型代表是法国Sercel公司生产的DSU系列,是有源检波器.在经由地震仪采集地震信号的时候,20DX产生的模拟电信号由A/D转换器完成模数转换,由地震仪记录到磁带上;DSU系列则借助检波器自身的ASIC芯片完成模数转换.由于以上转换过程以及其他参与信号采集的元器件不同,二者的动态范围是有差异的.同时,因为20DX检波器是速度检波器,DSU系列是加速度检波器,所以容易使得人们在判定其由A/D转换器记录位数以及本底噪声定义的瞬时动态范围对数据信噪比的影响时产生混淆.基于模拟数据以及实际试验资料,验证了DSU系列加速度检波器在记录地震数据时,并没有信噪比方面的优势.  相似文献   

目前地震勘探中广泛使用动圈式检波器组合接收地震数据,动圈检波器动态范围只有60 dB、灵敏度低、响应频率范围窄,不能同时检测深层低频地震信号和分辨率所需要的高频信号,使得24位地震仪器120 dB动态范围的指标不能真正发挥作用.检波器组合造成的叠加效应也会在一定程度上降低频率、模糊地震反射特征,已经不能满足当前高精度勘探开发的需求.研究团队经过多年技术攻关,先后攻克了压电陶瓷一致性与抗冲击能力差、低频响应差、电池长期供电等技术难关,自主研发了陆用压电单点检波器,具有频带宽、动态范围大、灵敏度高、兼容性好等优势,技术指标达到或接近了DSU、GAC等国外数字检波器的水平.在实验室测试及多个区块对比实验的基础上,实现了产品定型与工业化生产,在胜利油田东风港三维首次使用了陆用压电检波器进行地震生产,取得了良好的应用效果,对推动东部老油区单点高密度地震技术的进步具有积极的示范作用.  相似文献   

In this paper, we review the differences between velocity geophones (VG) and acceleration geophones (AG) and their effect on seismic signals acquired in onshore-offshore transition areas. We present a new generation of Land Piezoelectric Geophone (LPG) and analyze its performance. Our field experiments demonstrate that our new LPG can be used to substitute for VGs in order to eliminate phase, frequency and energy differences between different geophone systems commonlv used in transition areas.  相似文献   

陆上高分辨率地震勘探检波器性能及应用效果分析(英文)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
地震检波器的性能是高分辨率地震数据采集中的一个重要因素,对资料的品质影响很大。为此,作者在不同类型地区对目前在高分辨率地震勘探中常用的动圈式检波器、涡流检波器和数字检波器的性能进行了对比试验。通过野外工作的实际,总结了动圈式检波器、涡流检波器和数字检波器在不同表层地质条件地区的应用效果,提出了适合该类地区高分辨率地震检波器的性能指标,指出合理选择检波器类型和检波器的联接方式,能提高地震资料的信噪比和分辨率。  相似文献   

钻井过程中钻头对井底的冲击振动为钻头前方地层的探测提供了震源,可用来消除钻井过程中的地质不确定性和降低钻井风险.本研究在分析井下钻头振动信号特点的基础上,根据现代地震观测技术的新发展,将多道勘探地震仪和流动数字地震仪的性能进行了对比分析,将天然地震的观测设备和分析方法应用到随钻地震检测中,提出了一套新的随钻地震检测方案,利用高灵敏度流动数字地震仪连续检测钻井过程中的钻头振动信号,初步现场试验表明该技术方案可行,获得的信号信噪比高,易于钻井工程师掌握,为随钻地震技术提供了新的技术路线.  相似文献   

宽线地震技术是一种地震勘探方法,它采用的是一种特殊的三维观测系统,特别适合在一些障碍区内施工。本文介绍的这项技术主要包括:研制出新型的水中钻井平台,解决了水中激发问题;精心试验,掌握了不同类型检波器之间的相位差别;采取一些特殊的处理方法,解决了新老资料在采集方法和资料品质上的差异。综合应用这些技术有效地填补了以往勘探地震剖面上的资料空白。  相似文献   

The Lihir open pit mine in Papua New Guinea is located inside an old volcano where geothermal activity is strongly present. Outbursts of hot water and steam into the mining areas were a major safety concern. Passive seismic monitoring was carried out at the mine to investigate whether the geothermal activities could be detected and located using microseismic techniques in a mining environment. In this trial, sixteen triaxial geophones which can withstand temperature up to 200°C were used and installed in four deep boreholes inside the pit. The microseismic events were discriminated using the STA/LTA triggering criterion. During 6 weeks of monitoring, more than 17,000 events were recorded. Approximately 12% of the events showed harmonic vibration characteristics similar to those observed in other geothermal and volcanic areas, suggesting that the geothermal activity inside the pit was captured by the microseismic monitoring system. More than 75% of the events present both P and S waves and they were interpreted to be associated with rock fracturing due to stress release near the bottom of the pit. Many geothermal-type events were located in areas where shear events occurred, implying that the detected geothermal events were not far from the mining area below the pit and they may also be associated with mining. The borehole installation of the geophones significantly reduced the interference of mining noise and achieved good observation of the seismic events. However, equipment installation requires great attention as the geophones may be destroyed due to unexpected rising temperature within the boreholes.  相似文献   

光栅Bragg地震检波器的传感特性研究(英文)   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
针对目前石油地震勘探的瓶颈—检波器性能差的问题,设计了一种新型光纤Bragg光栅(FBG)地震检波器,阐述了其工作原理,并从理论上给出了检波器的响应函数等参数。由于FBG的传感优势,这种新型地震检波器动态范围可达94dB,灵敏度高,重量轻,造价低,是理想的新一代地震勘探信号采集单元。  相似文献   

Multichannel analysis of surface wave method with the autojuggie   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The shear (S)-wave velocity of near-surface materials and its effect on seismic-wave propagation are of fundamental interest in many engineering, environmental, and groundwater studies. The multichannel analysis of surface wave (MASW) method provides a robust, efficient, and accurate tool to observe near-surface S-wave velocity. A recently developed device used to place large numbers of closely spaced geophones simultaneously and automatically (the ‘autojuggie’) is shown here to be applicable to the collection of MASW data. In order to demonstrate the use of the autojuggie in the MASW method, we compared high-frequency surface-wave data acquired from conventionally planted geophones (control line) to data collected in parallel with the automatically planted geophones attached to steel bars (test line). The results demonstrate that the autojuggie can be applied in the MASW method. Implementation of the autojuggie in very shallow MASW surveys could drastically reduce the time required and costs incurred in such surveys.  相似文献   

静校正问题是地震勘探的关键问题,直接影响地震勘探精度和准确性.实际地震采集过程中,当在相同接收点位置上不同时间内插拔布设了不同的检波器时,对于目前基于地表一致性理论假设的基准面静校正和剩余静校正,以及非地表一致性剩余静校正都不具备适用条件.为解决这一问题,本文提出了基于共姿态道集的静校正方法,将相同接收点位置上不同时间布设的检波点所接收的地震数据抽成不同的共姿态道集,在共姿态道集内实施地表一致性静校正;当某接收点位置上具有若干个共姿态道集时,该接收点位置上可能会存在多个检波点静校量;炮点静校问题仍然采用地表一致性静校正方法解决.该方法解决了同一接收点位置上不同共姿态道集之间的非地表一致性静校正问题,同时也解决了全区的检波点和炮点的地表一致性静校正问题,在实际数据应用效果明显.  相似文献   

A modern approach to migration is to perform wavefield extrapolation, subject to an imaging condition. Correct wavefield extrapolation requires that the boundary conditions at the array of geophones satisfy the wave equation. A sufficient condition is to perform the survey with a single stationary source. Contrary to this condition, many VSPs are conducted in deviated wells, where the source is maintained vertically above the down-hole geophone at each well station. Such a survey fails to provide the boundary conditions theoretically necessary for wave-equation migration. A recently published inversion scheme, referred to as acoustic generalized Radon transform migration (GRT migration), was developed to handle any configuration of sources and geophones, including moving-source deviated-well VSP surveys. GRT migration may be viewed as a weighted version of the generalized Kirchhoff migration, derived in this paper from the exploding-reflector model. When a VSP-survey geometry has been specified, GRT migration can be expressed in terms of array parameters, and compared with the equivalent expression for Kirchhoff (wave-equation) migration. The differences between the two integrals are significant and their effect is demonstrated on VSP data.  相似文献   

4D seismic is widely used to remotely monitor fluid movement in subsurface reservoirs. This technique is especially effective offshore where high survey repeatability can be achieved. It comes as no surprise that the first 4D seismic that successfully monitored the CO2 sequestration process was recorded offshore in the Sleipner field, North Sea. In the case of land projects, poor repeatability of the land seismic data due to low S/N ratio often obscures the time‐lapse seismic signal. Hence for a successful on shore monitoring program improving seismic repeatability is essential. Stage 2 of the CO2CRC Otway project involves an injection of a small amount (around 15,000 tonnes) of CO2/CH4 gas mixture into a saline aquifer at a depth of approximately 1.5 km. Previous studies at this site showed that seismic repeatability is relatively low due to variations in weather conditions, near surface geology and farming activities. In order to improve time‐lapse seismic monitoring capabilities, a permanent receiver array can be utilised to improve signal to noise ratio and hence repeatability. A small‐scale trial of such an array was conducted at the Otway site in June 2012. A set of 25 geophones was installed in 3 m deep boreholes in parallel to the same number of surface geophones. In addition, four geophones were placed into boreholes of 1–12 m depth. In order to assess the gain in the signal‐to‐noise ratio and repeatability, both active and passive seismic surveys were carried out. The surveys were conducted in relatively poor weather conditions, with rain, strong wind and thunderstorms. With such an amplified background noise level, we found that the noise level for buried geophones is on average 20 dB lower compared to the surface geophones. The levels of repeatability for borehole geophones estimated around direct wave, reflected wave and ground roll are twice as high as for the surface geophones. Both borehole and surface geophones produce the best repeatability in the 30–90 Hz frequency range. The influence of burying depth on S/N ratio and repeatability shows that significant improvement in repeatability can be reached at a depth of 3 m. The level of repeatability remains relatively constant between 3 and 12 m depths.  相似文献   

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