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Assessment on agricultural drought risk based on variable fuzzy sets model   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Drought is one of the major natural disasters causing huge agricultural losses annually. Regional agricultural drought risk assessment has great significance for reducing regional disaster and agricultural drought losses. Based on the fuzzy characteristics of agricultural drought risk, variable fuzzy sets model was used for comprehensively assessing agricultural drought risk of Liaoning Province in China. A multi-layers and multi-indices assessment model was established according to variable fuzzy sets theory, and agricultural drought risk of all 14 prefecture-level cities was respectively estimated in terms of dangerousness, vulnerability, exposure and drought-resistibility. By calculating the combination weights of four drought risk factors, agricultural drought risk grade of each city was obtained. Based on the assessment results, the spatial distribution maps of agricultural drought risk were drawn. The results shows that eastern cities have lower drought dangerousness than western cities in Liaoning Province totally. Most cities are located in low drought vulnerability region and high drought exposure region. Because of frequent and severe drought since 2000, most cities are located in lower drought-resistibility region. Comprehensive agricultural drought risk presents apparent spatial characteristics, escalating from the east to the west. Drought dangerousness is the most important factor influencing comprehensive agricultural drought risk. Through the spatial distribution maps of drought risk, decision makers could find out drought situation and make decisions on drought resistance conveniently.  相似文献   

The Yushu Ms 7.1 earthquake occurred on April 14,2010 in Qinghai Province,China.It induced a mass of secondary geological disasters,such as collapses,landslides,and debris flows.Risk assessment maps are important for geological disaster prevention and mitigation,and also can serve as a guide for post-earthquake reconstruction.Firstly,a hazard assessment index system of secondary geological disasters in the earthquake region was built in this paper,which was based on detailed analysis of environmental and triggering factors closely related to geological disasters in the study area.GIS technology was utilized to extract and analyze the assessment index.Hazard assessment maps of secondary geological disasters were obtained by spatial modeling and overlaying analysis.Secondly,an analysis of the vulnerability of hazard bearing bodies in the area was conducted,important information,such as, population density,percentage of arable land, industrial and agricultural outputs per unit area were regarded as assessment indices to evaluate socioeconomic vulnerability.Thirdly,the risk level of secondary geological disasters of the area was obtained by the formula:Risk=Hazard×Vulnerability. Risk assessment maps were categorized into four levels,including"low","moderate","high"and"very high".These results show that some urban areas are at very high risk,including Jiegu,Chengwen,Xiaxiula and Sahuteng towns.This research can provide some references and suggestions to improve decisionmaking support for emergency relief and post- earthquake reconstruction in the study area.  相似文献   

四川省小流域泥石流危险性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
泥石流危险性评价是泥石流防灾减灾的重要内容。本文以四川省为研究区,以DEM为数据源,通过提取水流方向,计算汇流累积量,实现四川省小流域划分。基于收集的已查明泥石流流域资料,分析了泥石流孕灾环境与成灾特点,选择流域高差、流域面积为指标,建立基于能量条件的潜势泥石流流域判识模型,对划分的小流域进行判识,识别出7798个小流域具备泥石流发生所需能量条件,面积为31.1×104 km2,占四川省总面积的64.18 %。进而建立了泥石流危险性评价指标体系和可拓物元模型,开展了小流域泥石流危险性评价,划分了危险度等级,得到中度、高度、极高危险区的小流域个数分别为1946、1725和1002个,面积分别为9.1×104、7.7×104和3.4×104 km2,中度以上危险区面积共20.2×104 km2,占四川省总面积的41.67%。最后对评价结果可靠性和各等级泥石流危险区在各地市级行政区、各大流域的分布进行了分析。其结果对促进泥石流判识与危险性评价理论,区域泥石流防灾减灾与山区可持续发展等具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

中国的贫困地区主要分布在山区,山地灾害的多发,易发在某种程度上成为制约贫困地区经济发展的因素之一.目前,山地灾害的研究集中于动力学研究,缺乏风险尤其是灾害致使贫困风险的研究.本文对山地灾害特有灾害与一般地质灾害的概念进行了区分;根据贫困的内涵与可量测性,定义了山地灾害的贫困脆弱性及山地灾害致贫风险;以贫困脆弱性分布和灾害危险性分布,构建区域山地灾害致贫风险评价模型,并基于此模型对少数民族特困地区--湖北省恩施土家族苗族自治州(简称恩施州)进行应用研究.在示例分析中,首先利用确定性系数模型和频率比例法对山地灾害的危险性进行了评价;然后,从暴露性和应对能力2个方面选取了经济,社会及自然指标,以进行脆弱性评价;最后,利用通用灾害风险评价公式对研究区由于山地灾害导致的贫困风险在空间的分布进行评价,得到了研究区的山地灾害致贫风险分布与分级图.  相似文献   

With the rapid development and expansion of the cities in China, the carrying capacity of resource and environment has become a huge concern for local governments. From the perspective of geological environment, geological disasters are the main restraining factor of the development in mountain cities. This study was conducted in Suide County of Shaanxi Province with a risk-based approach as followed: a hazard analysis on geological disasters based on a slope geological survey at a scale of 1:10,000; a consequence analysis based on unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) aerial survey data; integrating the results of hazard analysis and consequence analysis, a risk zonation and analysis of geological disasters in urban areas were completed considering urban planning, land use planning and the safety of infrastructure and major engineering. Subsequently, taking the acceptable levels of human life and property risks incurred by landslides as the criteria of the evaluation of geological environment carrying capacity, a comprehensive assessment of current and future urban carrying capacity was conducted based on the results of the risk analyses. Accordingly, the prior development zone, the restricted development zone and the prohibited zone were delineated, with corresponding suggestions for future urban development. The technological and methodological system used in the study can be applied to geological environment carrying capacity evaluation of other important mountain cities, which can provide scientific basis for the optimization of land and space.  相似文献   

湖北省恩施土家族苗族自治州(简称恩施州)地处中国14个集中连片特困区之一的武陵山区内,州内少数民族聚居多,贫困人口分布广,地质灾害频发,"因灾致贫,因灾返贫"现象较为突出.本文根据灾害系统学原理和灾害风险分析理论,综合考虑恩施州降雨诱发型地质灾害的致灾因子,孕灾环境和承灾体,构建了降雨诱发型地质灾害风险评价指标体系,基于灾害系统学原理的风险评估模型,对该区的降雨诱发型地质灾害风险进行评估.主要结论如下:(1)降雨诱发型地质灾害的诱发因子为强降雨,恩施州降水丰沛,恩施市中部与鹤峰县东南部属于致灾因子高危险性区域;(2)选取地形地貌,基础地质,水文条件,人类工程活动等孕灾环境要素,耦合信息量法和层次分析法,构建恩施州孕灾环境敏感性评价指标体系,结果表明恩施州孕灾环境敏感性较高,高区域主要分布在巴东县,恩施市和鹤峰县;(3)选取工程建筑,居民人口,社会经济,耕地等承灾体进行脆弱性评估,结果表明承灾体脆弱性较高区域与人口集中地区在空间上重合,利川市和来凤县有更多的高脆弱性区域;(4)综上可知,恩施州的降雨诱发型地质灾害风险总体较高,其较高,高风险区域主要分布在巴东县和恩施市.  相似文献   

基于信息量模型的涪陵区地质灾害易发性评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以重庆涪陵区为研究区域,选取坡度、坡向、累计汇水面积、地层岩性、水域、降雨量、植被和土地利用分类8个影响因子,提取高分一号遥感数据(2013.12.24)动态影响因子,引入信息量模型,分别计算上述影响因子对应的信息量,对该时期示范区的地质灾害危险性进行评价,并引入ROC曲线和AUC评价指标,对得到的区域地质灾害易发性评价结果进行精度评估。结果显示,2013年12月研究区内高易发区面积占总面积的9.73%,该易发区内含有104个地质灾害点,占所有灾害点的52.7%,灾积比为5.42,明显大于其他易发等级类别。利用ROC评价方法,计算成功率曲线AUC为0.796,预测率曲线AUC为0.748(74.8%),具有较高的可靠性,证明本文方法在该区域地质灾害易发性评价的适应性良好。  相似文献   

本文采用信息量模型法研究湖南省山丘区小流域山洪灾害的危险性程度。信息量模型的最大意义是能从影响山洪灾害发生的众多因素中找到“最佳因素组合”。基于湖南省1955-2015年近60年的历史山洪灾害数据,结合地形、下垫面以及降雨条件,利用信息量模型按危险性程度高低划分出湖南省山丘区山洪灾害危险性的分布情况。研究结果表明,湖南省山丘区山洪灾害容易发生在坡度小于10°,高程小于100 m,起伏度小于30 m,土地覆被为人工表面,土壤类型为粘土以及降雨量在1584.3~1662.0 mm之间的区域。湖南省山丘区危险等级较高的地级市有永州市、郴州市、株洲市、岳阳市、娄底市以及长沙东部山区,经过混淆矩阵验证后,通过信息量方法建立的山洪灾害危险性评价模型准确率为75.36%,基本可信。  相似文献   

在全球气候变暖的大背景下,干旱事件发生越来越频繁,严重危害我国的粮食生产安全。构建准确的干旱监测模型不仅能够及时地反映出干旱事件的发生,同时可以为地方政府制定减灾保产措施提供科学支撑和保障。传统的气象干旱监测方法因为缺乏对植被本身需水状态和土壤供水信息的考虑旱情判定结果往往比实际情况偏重,而遥感监测指标大多只考虑了植被或土壤等单方面因素具有局限性,目前已有的综合干旱监测模型大多以气象指标为因变量,一方面需要数据资料较多参数复杂,另一方面模型准确度依赖于气象指标对当地农业干旱的响应能力,而同一气象指标在不同区域适应性存在差异,因此同样存在局限性。本文以河南省的冬小麦为研究对象,利用2001-2011年的EOS-MODIS数据产品以及气象站点监测数据,计算了标准化降水蒸散指数SPEI、植被状态指数VCI、温度状态指数TCI、温度植被状态指数TVDI,同时结合河南省农业气象灾害旬报对冬小麦受灾的记录,构建了基于决策树的定性农业干旱监测模型。测试集结果表明,模型综合了大气异常信息、植被状态信息以及土壤水分信息,优于单个指标的监测结果。另外,基于此模型监测了河南省2009年4-5月的干旱事件,结果与实情相符,能够较好地反映农业旱情的发生和空间演变情况。  相似文献   

以基础地质数据为数据源,充分研究日照市地质灾害孕灾环境,采用层次分析法,分析选取地貌、构造、地层、岩浆岩、降水量和人类工程活动强度6种评价因子,建立层次结构模型,计算各个影响因子的权重,对各个因子进行分析并进行归一化处理,将各个评价因子与其权重进行加权叠加计算,最终得出日照市地质灾害易发性分区结果,划分出低、中和高易发区3类分区并完成精度检验。日照市地质灾害重点分布于沂沭断裂带的昌邑-大店断裂、安丘-莒县断裂通过的区域和低山、丘陵地貌区以及矿产资源开采引发的采空塌陷等地,此类区域需重点防治。采用层次分析法将地质灾害危险性评价过程层次化、定量化,从一个新的角度对日照市地质灾害危险性进行定量化评价和分区,分区结果较客观地反映实际情况。  相似文献   

 近年来,干旱灾害频繁发生,对区域内农业生产和生态环境造成了极大的破坏。为了快速准确地获取大面积地表土壤水分信息用以评估地表受旱程度,本文以2010年年初中国西南大旱为例,运用MODIS可见光-红外波段数据以及像元可信度综合生成了归一化干旱指数(NDDI)。同时,结合研究区内地面气象站点实测的土壤湿度数据验证了NDDI对地表土壤湿度的敏感度。结果表明:相比于植被状态指数(VCI)干旱监测模型,NDDI能更加灵敏地对浅层地表干湿变化做出迅速响应。最后,本文利用NDDI分析了2010年年初中国西南大旱旱情发展的时空演变过程,宏观上重现了此次旱情的发展历程,并使用该指数统计了不同时间节点、不同干旱等级下的贵州省土地受旱面积。结果显示:2010年1月-2010年4月为贵州省旱情最为严重的4个月,平均受旱面积达103 352km2,最大受旱面积达132 257km2,占贵州省总面积的75%以上。同时,旱情等级为重旱的土地面积最大达到88 246 km2,占贵州全境土地面积的50%以上。  相似文献   

Jilin Province is one of the main grain-producing provinces of China, which has dominant position in maize production, by the view of its advantages in policy, location, breed and market. And after entering WTO,some measures have been taken to enhance maize competitive ability. But there are some difficulties in concentrating production to maize advantaged areas. This paper expounds the basis that Jilin Province becomes the advantage area of maize, analyzes the problems and puts forward the supporting policy. Some strategic measures are proposed,as developing comparable advantages, carrying out the strategy of un-equilibrium development and cultivating advantaged product areas of maize to rapidly improve the international competitive ability and productivity of maize in Jilin Province, cast the agricultural predicament off and promote the agricultural development into a new stage.  相似文献   

An increase in extreme precipitation events due to future climate change will have a decisive influence on the formation of debris flows in earthquake-stricken areas. This paper aimed to describe the possible impacts of future climate change on debris flow hazards in the Upper Minjiang River basin in Northwest Sichuan of China, which was severely affected by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. The study area was divided into 1285 catchments, which were used as the basic assessment units for debris flow hazards. Based on the current understanding of the causes of debris flows, a binary logistic regression model was used to screen key factors based on local geologic, geomorphologic, soil, vegetation, and meteorological and climatic conditions. We used the weighted summation method to obtain a composite index for debris flow hazards, based on two weight allocation methods: Relative Degree Analysis and rough set theory. Our results showed that the assessment model using the rough set theory resulted in better accuracy. According to the bias corrected and downscaled daily climate model data, future annual precipitation (2030-2059) in the study area are expected to decrease, with an increasing number of heavy rainfall events. Under future climate change, areas with a high-level of debris flow hazard will be even more dangerous, and 5.9% more of the study area was categorized as having a high-level hazard. Future climate change will cause an increase in debris flow hazard levels for 128 catchments, accounting for 10.5% of the total area. In the coming few decades, attention should be paid not only to traditional areas with high-level of debris flow hazards, but also to those areas with an increased hazard level to improve their resilience to debris flow disasters.  相似文献   

WiththedevelopmentofagricultureandChina'sentryintoWTO,thesituationofsupplyanddemandinmaizemarkethaschangedgreatly.Facingtherelativesurplusofmaizeandtheformationofbuyer'smarket,weshouldfullydeveloprelativeadvantages,carryouttheunevenstrategyofsupportingthesuperior inmaizeproduction andcultivateadvantagedareasofmaize.Theabovestrategicmeasurescanrapidlyim-provetheinternationally competitiveabilityandpro-ductivityofmaizeinJilinProvince,getoutofthea-griculturalpredicamentandmaketheagriculturalde-…  相似文献   

Jilin Province is one of the main grain-producing provinces of China, which has dominant position in maize production, by the view of its advantages in policy, location, breed and market. And after entering WTO,some measures have been taken to enhance maize competitive ability. But there are some difficulties in concentrating production to maize advantaged areas. This paper expounds the basis that Jilin Province becomes the advantage area of maize, analyzes the problems and puts forward the supporting policy. Some strategic measures are proposed,as developing comparable advantages, carrying out the strategy of un-equilibrium development and cultivating advantaged product areas of maize to rapidly improve the international competitive ability and productivity of maize in Jilin Province, cast the agricultural predicament off and promote the agricultural development into a new stage.  相似文献   

加强自然灾害防治关系到国计民生。烟台市域面积13864.5km2,截至2020年末共有崩塌、滑坡、泥石流、岩溶塌陷、采空塌陷5类共405处地质灾害隐患点,数量约占全省总数的1/5。本文基于2020年山东省烟台市地质灾害核查数据,总结了烟台市地质灾害发育现状及灾情损失。采用地质灾害综合危险性指数法,开展了烟台市易发程度分区评价,划分出了高、中、低及不易发区。结合烟台市国民经济和社会发展规划将全市地质灾害防治区划分为重点防治区、次重点防治区和一般防治区,针对不同分区提出了具体的防治工作建议,为烟台市地质灾害防治工作提供了基础依据。  相似文献   

针对当前从气象风险角度开展小麦条锈病与气象关系研究甚少的状况,从农业气象灾害风险分析理论出发,采用相关分析、层次分析和极差正规化等方法,建立了包含气候条件和寄主存在数量两个环境因子的四川省小麦条锈病春季流行农业气候风险模型,并划分了高、中、低风险等级的指标.在此基础上,利用GIS技术对四川省小麦条锈病春季流行的农业气候风险进行了区划.结果表明,四川省的川西高原地区、川西南山地和盆地西南部是小麦条锈病春季流行低风险区,盆地大部地区是中、高风险的集中区.区划结果为进一步做好四川省小麦条锈病的分区预报和综合防治方面提供科学依据.  相似文献   

黄冈市是湖北省汛期地质灾害频发区之一, 地质灾害类型以滑坡为主, 其中75%为降雨型滑坡。通过统计分析黄冈市近10年滑坡与降雨的相关关系, 在考虑黄冈市地质灾害易发性分区基础上, 研究黄冈市降雨型滑坡的降雨阈值, 利用逻辑回归模型建立滑坡发生的概率预测模型, 再针对不同等级易发区提出对应的气象预警判据。最后以历史降雨及其滑坡事件检验预警判据的合理性与可信度。结果表明, 所建立的气象预警判据在时间尺度上由以往依托气象部门的中长期预警精细到了24 h的短临预警, 在空间尺度上确定了不同等级易发区的降雨型滑坡气象预警判据。预警准确率大幅提升, 显著提高了黄冈市降雨型滑坡气象预警精度, 可为临灾转移提供精细化的技术指导, 有效降低降雨型滑坡灾害带来的生命财产损失。   相似文献   

依据洪灾风险概念模型,从触发因子、孕灾环境和承灾体3方面选取江西省的12个洪灾风险指标,采用k近邻、随机森林、AdaBoost 3种机器学习算法构建洪灾风险评价模型。利用精度、Kappa系数、ROC曲线(AUC值)3种定量评估指标评价洪灾风险模型,基于随机森林和Boruta特征提取算法共同分析指标重要性,最后对比3种模型绘制的江西省山洪灾害风险分区图并分析山洪灾害分布特征。结果表明:① AdaBoost模型的精度、Kappa系数和AUC值的平均值为别为0.902、0.870和0.826,精度和Kappa系数略优于随机森林,AUC值与随机森林相当,而k近邻模型的3种性能指标均低于前2种算法;② 农田生产潜力、年最大6 h暴雨均值、年最大1 h暴雨均值、归一化差值植被指数、年降雨量均值这5个指标对最终的洪灾风险形成具有非常重要作用;③ 江西省较高风险区与最高风险区的面积和约占江西省总面积的34.4%,且主要分布于高降雨量、高暴雨量、农田生产潜力大的山区。  相似文献   

Since the Wenchuan earthquake in China on May 12th, 2008, highways in earthquake-affected areas have been frequently interrupted by debris flows. We analyzed the hazard effect modes and damage processes along highways and developed three key indexes, scale of debris flows, deposits on highways and river blockage, to describe quantitatively the highway disasters. By combining the empirical methods and the actual terrain conditions, we proposed new methods to determine the value of hazard indexes. In addition, we used the economic value and resistance of highway as vulnerability assessment indexes, then determined the specific subindexes for the subgrade, bridges and culverts, and developed a way for the quantified vulnerability zoning. Moreover, we proposed the assessment and mapping methods for highway risk. The risk is described into 5 grades: extremely low risk, low risk, middle risk, high risk and extremely high risk. We applied these methods in a case study carried out on provincial highway S303 from Yingxiu Town to Wolong Town, in Wenchuan County. Analysis of debris flow risk for the whole highway, showed that the total length of highway in extremely low risk area was 28.26 km, 4.83 km in low risk area, 8.0 km in middle risk area, 3.65 km in high risk area, and 3.06 km in extremely high risk area. The assessment results are consistent with the field survey data which reflected the disaster situation. This risk method can be used objectively to evaluate the debris-flow risk along highways, and is useful for highway reconstruction in mountainous areas suffering from active debris flows.  相似文献   

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