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Surface drifters and subsurface floats drifting at depths near 800 m were used to study the pathways of warm, salty Indian Ocean water leaking into the South Atlantic that is a component of the upper limb of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (MOC). Four drifters and 5 floats drifted from the Agulhas Current directly into the Benguela Current. Others looped for various amounts of time in Agulhas rings and cyclones, which translated westward into the Atlantic, contributing a large part of Indian Ocean leakage. Agulhas rings translated into the Benguela Current, where they slowly decayed. Some large, blob-like Agulhas rings with irregular shapes were found in the southeastern Cape Basin. Drifter trajectories suggest these rings become more circular with time, eventually evolving into the circular rings observed west of the Walvis Ridge. Agulhas cyclones, which form on the north side of the Agulhas Current south of Africa, translated southwestward (to 6°E) and contributed water to the southern Cape Basin. A new discovery is a westward extension from the mean Agulhas retroflection measured by westward drifting floats near 41°S out to at least 5°W, with some floats as far west as 25°W. The Agulhas extension appears to split the South Atlantic Current (SAC) into two branches and to transport Agulhas water westward, where it is mixed and blended with eastward-flowing water from the western Atlantic. The blended mixture flows northeastward in the northern branch of the SAC and into the Benguela Current. Agulhas leakage transport was estimated from drifters and floats to be at least 15 Sv in the upper 1000 m, which is equivalent to the transport of the upper layer MOC. It is suggested that the major component of the upper layer overturning circulation in the Atlantic is Agulhas leakage in the form of Agulhas rings.  相似文献   

Based on the satellite altimetry dataset of sea level anomalies, the climatic hydrological database World Ocean Atlas-2009, ocean reanalysis ECMWF ORA-S3, and wind velocity components from NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, the interannual variability of Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) transport in the ocean upper layer is investigated for the period 1959–2008, and estimations of correlative connections between ACC transport and wind velocity components are performed. It has been revealed that the maximum (by absolute value) linear trends of ACC transport over the last 50 years are observed in the date-line region, in the Western and Eastern Atlantic and the western part of the Indian Ocean. The greatest increase in wind velocity for this period for the zonal component is observed in Drake Passage, at Greenwich meridian, in the Indian Ocean near 90° E, and in the date-line region; for the meridional component, it is in the Western and Eastern Pacific, in Drake Passage, and to the south of Africa. It has been shown that the basic energy-carrying frequencies of interannual variability of ACC transport and wind velocity components, as well as their correlative connections, correspond to the periods of basic large-scale modes of atmospheric circulation: multidecadal and interdecadal oscillations, Antarctic Circumpolar Wave, Southern Annual Mode, and Southern Oscillation. A significant influence of the wind field on the interannual variability of ACC transport is observed in the Western Pacific (140° E–160° W) and Eastern Pacific; Drake Passage and Western Atlantic (90°–30° W); in the Eastern Atlantic and Western Indian Ocean (10°–70° E). It has been shown in the Pacific Ocean that the ACC transport responds to changes of the meridional wind more promptly than to changes of the zonal wind.  相似文献   

During the IOP (Intensive Observation Period) of TOGA/COARE (Tropical Ocean and Global Atmosphere/Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Response Experiment) from December 1992 to February 1993, four Japanese moored ADCPs (Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers) measured vertical profiles of three-component velocities at the stations 2S (2°S, 156°E), 2N (2°N, 156°E), 154E (0°N, 154°E) and 147E (0°N, 147°E). Power spectra of the surface current showed a pronounced peak having a period of around 14 days for both the zonal and meridional velocities at the stations 2S and 2N near the equator, and for only the meridional velocity at the equator. This 14-day phenomenon is considered to be a kind of equatorial wave of the first baroclinic mode, from a comparison of the result of the vertical mode analysis and the vertical distribution of the standard deviation of band-pass filtered velocity fluctuations. A dispersion relationship obtained from the horizontal mode analysis of this wave confirmed that the 14-day phenomenon is a mixed Rossby-gravity wave with the westward propagating phase speed and eastward propagating group velocity. From the cross-spectral analysis of velocity data, the average phase speed and wavelength of the wave were estimated as 3.64 m s−1 and 3939 km, respectively, for station pair 2S∼147E. These values were in good agreement with the average phase speed and wavelength of 3.58 m s−1 and 3836 km estimated from the dispersion curve and the observed period. A northerly wind burst blew over all the mooring sites during the middle of the observation period. The mixed Rossby-gravity wave, which is anti-symmetric for the zonal velocity about the equator, is likely to be forced by this northerly wind burst crossing the equator. Generation of the oceanic mixed Rossby-gravity wave of the first baroclinic mode is discussed in association with the atmospheric Rossby wave having the same period.  相似文献   

Using weekly sea surface height data, Agulhas rings from the period October 1992 to December 2006 are detected and tracked, from their formation dates and throughout the Cape Basin. While 102 of them formed at the Agulhas Current retroflection, their subsequent subdivisions and junctions led to 199 trajectories. The rings geographical probability of presence shows two maxima. One, related to numerous ring passages, lies in the submarine bight formed by the Erica seamount, the Schmitt-Ott seamount, and the northeastern tip of the Agulhas Ridge. The other one, to be ascribed to topographic blocking of the eddies, is southeast of the latter obstacle. On the basis of topographic effects three routes for Agulhas rings are distinguished, a Northern route for rings that enter the south-Atlantic northeast of the Erica seamount, a Central one for those passing westward between this seamount and the tip of the Agulhas Ridge, and a Southern one farther south. Despite its bathymetric obstacles, the central route is the dominant one, both in terms of percentage of eddy crossings at its definition segment, and in terms of conveyed volume transport. Specific behaviours of rings along each route are described, referring to observations in previous studies. Some rings from the Northern route interact with the flow regime of the South African continental slope. The southernmost trajectories of the Central route are thought to settle the location of the climatological Subtropical Front in that region. The rings of the Southern route experience important core property alteration as they transit through the subantarctic domain.  相似文献   

The upper ocean large-scale circulation of the western tropical Atlantic from 11.5°S to the Caribbean in November and December 2000 is investigated from a new type of shipboard ADCP able to measure accurate velocities to 600 m depth, combined with lowered ADCP measurements. Satellite data and numerical model output complement the shipboard measurements to better describe the large-scale circulation. In November 2000 the North Brazil Undercurrent (NBUC) was strongly intensified between 11 and 5°S by inflow from the east, hence the NBUC was formed further to the north than in the mean. The NBUC was transporting 23.1 Sv northward at 5°S, slightly less than the mean of six cruises (Geophysical Research Letters (2002) 29 (7) 1840). At 35°W the North Brazil Current (NBC) transported 29.4 Sv westward, less than the mean of 13 cruises (Geophysical Research Letters (2003) 30 (7) 1349). A strong retroflection ring had just pinched off the NBC retroflection according to the satellite information. The inflow into the Caribbean south of 16.5°N originated in part of a leakage from the NBC retroflection zone and in part from the North Equatorial Current. A thermocline intensified ring with a transport of about 30 Sv was located off Guadeloupe carrying South Atlantic Central Water towards the north. Observed deviations of the November/December 2000 flow field from the November long-term mean flow field were related to an enhanced Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) associated with an increased North Equatorial Countercurrent (NECC), as well as to boundary current rings and Rossby waves with zonal wavelength of the order of 1000 km. At 44°W the presence of a Rossby wave associated with an anticyclonic circulation led to a strongly enhanced NBC of 65.0 Sv as well as to a combined NECC and Equatorial Undercurrent transport of 52.4 Sv, much stronger than during earlier cruises. While the 1/3°-FLAME model is unable to reproduce details of the vertical distribution of the observed horizontal flow at 44 °W for November 2000 as well as the horizontal distribution of some of the observed permanent current bands, a climatological simulation with the 1/12°-FLAME agrees much better with the observations and provides information on the spreading path between the sections. E.g., the interpretation that the widening in the Antarctic Intermediate Water layer of the westward flowing NBC at 44°W in November was caused by water from the Equatorial Intermediate Current was further supported by the model results.  相似文献   

Altimeter and in situ data are used to estimate the mean surface zonal geostrophic current in the section along 115°E in the southern Indian Ocean,and the variation of strong currents in relation to the major fronts is studied.The results show that,in average,the flow in the core of Antarctic Circumpolar Current(ACC) along the section is composed of two parts,one corresponds to the jet of Subantarctic Front(SAF) and the other is the flow in the Polar Front Zone(PFZ),with a westward flow between them.The mean surface zonal geostrophic current corresponding to the SAF is up to 49 cm · s-1 at 46°S,which is the maximal velocity in the section.The eastward flow in the PFZ has a width of about 4.3 degrees in latitudes.The mean surface zonal geostrophic current corresponding to the Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front(SACCF) is located at 59.7 °S with velocity less than 20 cm · s-1.The location of zonal geostrophic jet corresponding to the SAF is quite stable during the study period.In contrast,the eastward jets in the PFZ exhibit various patterns,i.e.,the primary Polar Front(PF1) shows its strong meridional shift and the secondary Polar Front(PF2) does not always coincide with jet.The surface zonal geostrophic current corresponding to SAF has the significant periods of annual,semi-annual and four-month.The geostrophic current of the PFZ also shows significant periods of semi-annual and four-month,but is out of phase with the periods of the SAF,which results in no notable semi-annual and fourmonth periods in the surface zonal geostrophic current in the core of the ACC.In terms of annual cycle,the mean surface zonal geostrophic current in the core of the ACC shows its maximal velocity in June.  相似文献   

The distribution of tar balls over the Agulhas Bank during 1977 and 1978, although variable, was consistent with the oceanography of the region. Mesoscale patches of tar-ball concentrations appeared to move onto the Agulhas Bank from the south between 20 and 21°E, under the influence of prevailing winds and currents. Substantial concentrations were observed inshore and offshore in the region east of Cape Agulhas. Data of a hydrological and meteorological nature, on ship's drift and from drift cards have shown the existence of a zone of surface divergence extending southwards from Cape Agulhas. Surface water east of Cape Agulhas (20°E) tends to move slowly eastwards and northwards and water west of the same longitude has a predominantly westerly component. The surface currents east of Cape Agulhas would tend to move the tar balls, which accumulate in eddies in the area, on shore, whereas west of Cape Agulhas on-shore flow is less pronounced. The residence time of tar balls on the Agulhas Bank appears to be substantial, in the range 2—8 weeks. It is concluded that the beaches between Cape Agulhas and Mossel Bay are highly susceptible to pollution by oil and tar balls.  相似文献   

We conducted 1-year-long mooring observations four times below 2000?m, slightly south of the equator (2°39?? to 4°35??S) at 162°E in the Melanesian Basin in order to detect the southward deep western boundary return current crossing the equator. Contrary to our initial expectation of the deep flow scheme in the equatorial western boundary region, the observed results indicated a fairly complicated flow configuration. We analyzed the results with the help of a high-resolution model simulation. The ensemble average of the horizontal flow at each level near the deep western boundary indicates a significant westward flow at 2000 and 2250?m, with an insignificant southward component at 2500 and 2750?m. The annual mean meridional transports are very small (>1?Sv) and insignificant, with an ensemble-averaged value of 0.3?Sv (southward) ±0.4?Sv at most. Combining this with high-resolution model results, it is deduced that the southward transport of the deep western boundary current (DWBC) leaving the equator may be smaller than those obtained by low-resolution models, because of trapping of its fairly large fraction in the equatorial zone. Annual-scale flow patterns are classified into several categories, mainly based on the meridional-flow dominating or the zonal-flow dominating pattern. A case of the meridional-flow dominating patterns may possibly capture an annual-scale variability of DWBC, because its meridional transport variation, though somewhat weak, is consistent with that simulated. The zonal-flow dominating regime includes two types: long-lasting, almost steady westward flows and long-term zonal flow oscillations. The former seems to comprise well-known zonally elongated and meridionally narrow structures of the zonal flow beneath the thermocline in the equatorial region. The ensemble-averaged flow mentioned above is dominated by this type at the upper two levels 2000 and 2250?m, with total westward transport of 1.6?±?0.7?Sv. The latter type seems to be a manifestation of the vertically propagating equatorial annual Rossby waves.  相似文献   

A reduced estimate of Agulhas Current transport provides the motivation to examine the sensitivity of Indian Ocean circulation and meridional heat transport to the strength of the western boundary current. The new transport estimate is 70 Sv, much smaller than the previous value of 85 Sv. Consideration of three case studies for a large, medium and small Agulhas Current transport demonstrate that the divergence of heat transport over the Indian Ocean north of 32°S has a sensitivity of 0.08 PW per 10 Sv of Agulhas transport, and freshwater convergence has a sensitivity of 0.03×109 kg s−1 per 10 Sv of transport. Moreover, a smaller Agulhas Current leads to a better silica balance and a smaller meridional overturning circulation for the Indian Ocean. The mean Agulhas Current transport estimated from time-series current meter measurements is used to constrain the geostrophic transport in the western boundary region in order to re-evaluate the circulation, heat and freshwater transports across 32°S. The Indonesian Throughflow is taken to be 12 Sv at an average temperature of 18°C. The constrained circulation exhibits a vertical–meridional circulation with a net northward flow below 2000 dbar of 10.1 Sv. The heat transport divergence is estimated to be 0.66 PW, the freshwater convergence to be 0.54×109 kg s−1, and the silica convergence to be 335 kmol s−1. Meridional transports are separated into barotropic, baroclinic and horizontal components, with each component conserving mass. The barotropic component is strongly dependent on the estimated size of the Indonesian Throughflow. Surprisingly, the baroclinic component depends principally on the large-scale density distribution and is nearly invariant to the size of the overturning circulation. The horizontal heat and freshwater flux components are strongly influenced by the size of the Agulhas Current because it is warmer and saltier than the mid-ocean. The horizontal fluxes of heat and salt penetrate down to 1500 m depth, suggesting that warm and salty Red Sea Water may be involved in converting the intermediate and upper deep waters which enter the Indian Ocean from the Southern Ocean into warmer and saltier waters before they exit in the Agulhas Current.  相似文献   

Oceanic current data in the warm pool region of the western equatorial Pacific measured by upward-looking moored Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers at two equatorial sites (147°E and 154°E) and two off-equatorial sites (2°N and 2°S, 156°E) during TOGA/COARE Intensive Observing Period (IOP) from November 1992 to February 1993 are used to examine short-term variabilities in the upper layer above 160–240 m. In time series of the zonal and meridional currents in many layers, spectral peaks are found at periods around 2 days and 4 days in addition to high energies in a period range longer than 10 days. The signal with the period of about 2 days has significantly high energies at all sites, and its magnitude is higher for the meridional current than for the zonal one. This signal is especially active in the first half of IOP from November to December in 1992. In this period, the quasi-2-day signal in the current field is coherent between northern (2°N) and southern (2°S) stations, but it has no evident relationship with that in the surface wind field around the stations. The quasi-4-day signal with the period of about 4 days has highest energies in layers above 160 m at the southern station, and is coherent between northern and southern stations. Besides, the signal at the station of 2°S has a significantly high coherence with that in the wind at the southern station, suggesting that it is a local phenomenon.  相似文献   

The objective of the paper is to use the data collected along two meridional sections (45° E and 57°30′ E) during the austral summer (January–March) 2004 to understand the influence of seabed topography across the Madagascar and Southwest Indian Ridges on hydrographic parameters. The study was supplemented by World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) Conductivity-Temperature-Depth data collected during February–March 1996 along 30° E, as well as Levitus climatology. A southward shift of 2° latitude (between 45° E and 57°30′ E) was recorded for the two predominant frontal structures, i.e., the Agulhas Return Front and Southern Subtropical Front, which is attributed to the influence of seabed topography on hydrographic parameters. No significant spatial variation of these fronts was noted between the 30° E and 45° E meridional sections. Between latitudes 31° S and 42° S, the temperature and salinity structures show deepening over the ridges. The Antarctic Circumpolar Current core was detected between 40°15′ S and 43° S.  相似文献   

In support of the Deep Basin Experiment, part of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment, a large number of neutrally buoyant floats were released within the Brazil Basin during the 1990s in an attempt to measure directly the circulation in the deep ocean interior. Three levels corresponding to the three major subthermocline water masses were selected, and results from the deeper two (North Atlantic Deep Water, NADW, and Antarctic Bottom Water, AABW) are described. At this writing processing of acquired tracking data is incomplete. Hence, this paper reports on the progress of the observational program and gives our initial conclusions.It appears that the flow in the deep Brazil Basin is unlike previous conjectures in which the circulation patterns can be characterized as being primarily meridional, both along the western boundary and in the interior. The existence of a deep western boundary current (DWBC) is quite clear in the float data at the NADW level, but less prominent in the AABW, and the interior flow is dominantly zonal with unexpectedly small meridional space scales. Integral time scales are long, of order 20–30 days, and eddy kinetic energy levels are low, of order 1 cm2/s2. In spite of the low energy levels a surprising number of our floats became caught up in vortices.A line of seamounts extending offshore near 20°S, known as the Vitória–Trindade Seamounts, interrupts the DWBCs and is the location for eddy formation and apparent flow away from the boundary into the interior. Although it has been speculated that this could feed a narrow zonal current of NADW (the “Namib Col Current”) our float trajectories suggest a return to the western boundary, rather than a continuation to the east.  相似文献   

Red Sea Intermediate Water at the Agulhas Current termination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The inter-ocean exchange of water masses at the Agulhas Current termination comes about through the shedding of rings, and this process plays an important role in the global thermohaline circulation. Using several hydrographic sections collected during the ARC (Agulhas Retroflection Cruise), MARE (Mixing of Agulhas Rings Experiment) and WOCE (World Ocean Circulation Experiment), this investigation aims to establish the degree to which Red Sea Intermediate Water (RSIW) is involved in this exchange and at what level of purity. To this end a wide range of hydrographic parameters were used. Upstream from the Agulhas Current retroflection water with clear RSIW origin is shown to move downstream on both the landward and seaward sides of the Agulhas Current with the highest water sample purity or water-mass content exceeding 15%. The least mixed water was found close to the continental shelf. At the retroflection the RSIW purity shows considerable variability that ranges between 5% and 20%. This suggests that RSIW moves down the current in patches of considerably varying degrees of previous mixing. This pattern was also observed in a ring sampled during the ARC experiment. The MARE sections in turn indicate that at times RSIW may be entirely absent in the Agulhas Current. RSIW is therefore shown to travel down the current as discontinuous filaments, and this intermittency is reflected in its presence in Agulhas Rings. From the sections investigated it is therefore clear that any calculation of RSIW fluxes involved in inter-ocean exchange can only be done on the basis of event scales. RSIW not trapped in Agulhas Rings flows east with the Agulhas Return Current.  相似文献   

基于近40 a NCEP/NCAR再分析月平均高度场、风场、涡度场、垂直速度场以及NOAA重构的海面温度(sea surface temperature,SST)资料和美国联合台风预警中心(Joint Typhoon Warning Center,JTWC)热带气旋最佳路径资料,利用合成分析方法,研究了前期春季及同期夏季印度洋海面温度同夏季西北太平洋台风活动的关系。结果表明:1)前期春季印度洋海温异常(sea surface temperature anomaly,SSTA)尤其是关键区位于赤道偏北印度洋和西南印度洋地区对西北太平洋台风活动具有显著的影响,春季印度洋海温异常偏暖年,后期夏季,110°~180°E的经向垂直环流表现为异常下沉气流,对应风场的低层低频风辐散、高层辐合的形势,这种环流形势使得低层水汽无法向上输送,对流层中层水汽异常偏少,纬向风垂直切变偏大,从而夏季西北太平洋台风频数偏少、强度偏弱,而异常偏冷年份则正好相反。2)春季印度洋异常暖年,西北太平洋副热带高压加强、西伸;而春季印度洋异常冷年,后期夏季西北太平洋副热带高压减弱、东退,这可能是引起夏季西北太平洋台风变化的另一原因。  相似文献   

The western equatorial Atlantic is characterized by the formation and shedding of 3–4 large anticyclonic rings per year. These rings originate from the North Brazil Current which, in response to the vanishing wind stress curl (over the ocean interior), retroflects and turns eastward at around 4°N. After their formation and shedding the rings propagate toward the northwest along the South American coast carrying an annual average of about 4Sv. As such, the rings constitute an important part of the meridional heat flux in the Atlantic.The same cannot be said, however, of the western equatorial Pacific. Here, the situation is entirely different even though the South Equatorial Current retroflects at roughly the same latitude as its Atlantic counterpart, the North Brazil Current. Although the South Equatorial Current retroflection is flanked by two quasi-permanent eddies (the so-called Halmahera and the Mindanao eddies), these eddies are an integral part of the current itself and are not shed. Consequently, they are not associated with any meridional heat flux. An important question is, then, why the two oceans behave in such a fundamentally different way even though the source of the rings, the retroflected currents, are very similar in the two oceans.To answer this question, the two oceans are compared using recently developed analytical and numerical models for the western equatorial oceans. It is first pointed out that, according to recent developments in the modelling of the western equatorial Atlantic, the North Brazil Current retroflection rings are formed, shed and drift to the west because, in the Atlantic, this is the only way by which the momentum flux of the approaching and retroflecting current can be balanced. In this scenario, the northwestward flow force exerted by the approaching and retroflecting North Brazil Current (analogous to the force created by a rocket) is balanced by the southwestward force exerted by the rings as they are formed (analogous in some sense to the kickback associated with a firing gun).On the other hand, in the western equatorial Pacific, the formation and shedding of rings is unnecessary because the southward flowing Mindanao Current provides an alternative mechanism for balancing the northward momentum flux of the South Equatorial Current. This implies that it is the absence of a counter current (such as the Mindanao) in the western Atlantic that causes the formation and shedding of North Brazil Current rings. A remaining difficulty with the above scenario is that most colliding and retroflecting currents (i.e. the Mindanao and South Equatorial currents) are not “balanced” in the sense that they cannot be stationary but rather must drift along the coast. It is shown that, in the case of the western Pacific, the long-shore migration is arrested by the Indonesian Throughflow which allows the “unbalanced” fraction of the approaching currents to leak out into the Indian Ocean. This resolves the above difficulty and allows the retroflection to be approximately steady.  相似文献   

Hydrographic, current meter and ADCP data collected during two recent cruises in the South Indian Ocean (RRS Discovery cruise 200 in February 1993 and RRS Discovery cruise 207 in February 1994) are used to investigate the current structure within the Princess Elizabeth Trough (PET), near the Antarctic continent at 85°E, 63–66°S. This gap in topography between the Kerguelen Plateau and the Antarctic continent, with sill depth 3750 m, provides a route for the exchange of Antarctic Bottom Water between the Australian–Antarctic Basin and the Weddell–Enderby Basin. Shears derived from ADCP and hydrographic data are used to deduce the barotropic component of the velocity field, and thus the volume transports of the water masses. Both the Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front (SACCF) and the Southern Boundary of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (SB) pass through the northern PET (latitudes 63 to 64.5°S) associated with eastward transports. These are deep-reaching fronts with associated bottom velocities of several cm s-1. Antarctic Bottom water (AABW) from the Weddell–Enderby Basin is transported eastwards in the jets associated with these fronts. The transport of water with potential temperatures less than 0°C is 3 (±1) Sv. The SB is shown to meander in the PET, caused by the cyclonic gyre immediately west of the PET in Prydz Bay. The AABW therefore also meanders before continuing eastwards. In the southern PET (latitudes 64.5 to 66°S) a bottom intensified flow of AABW is observed flowing west. This AABW has most likely formed not far from the PET, along the Antarctic continental shelf and slope to the east. Current meters show that speeds in this flow have an annual scalar mean of 10 cm s-1. The transport of water with potential temperatures less than 0°C is 20 (±3) Sv. The southern PET features westward flow throughout the water column, since the shallower depths are dominated by the flow associated with the Antarctic Slope Front. Including the westward flow of bottom water, the total westward transport of the whole water column in the southern PET is 45 (±6) Sv.  相似文献   

The surface and subsurface waters of the Angola and Agulhas Current systems significantly influence the Benguela region and its living resources, and it is probable that the movement of Central Water, which plays a key role in the coastal upwelling process, is controlled by circulation of underlying Antarctic Intermediate Water (AIW) as well as by the dynamics of the overlying subtropical water. The movement of AIW can be inferred from a study of the t-s characteristics, and the data holdings and data base of the South African Data Centre for Oceanography facilitated this investigation. Key findings of the investigation, some confirming earlier theories and hypotheses, are as follows. The mean depth of the AIW core in the South-East Atlantic is 750 m, and in the South-West Indian Ocean, 1 100 m. Agulhas Current AIW, which is modified by Red Sea Water, becomes fresher en route because of entrainment and mixing of water from the south and west. Most of the Agulhas Current AIW per se retroflects east of 18°E. A poleward movement of AIW along the West Coast to around 32°S may be inferred from the salinity and oxygen data, with a freshening en route analogous to the Agulhas Current. Relatively fresh AIW (s < 34,35 × 10?3) is present off the South-Western Cape, the only part of the Benguela where the overlying virgin Central Water upwells. No statistically significant seasonal differences could be resolved.  相似文献   

An inverse model of the large scale circulation in the South Indian Ocean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An overview of the large-scale circulation of the South Indian Ocean (SIO) (10°S-70°S/20°E-120°E) is proposed based on historical hydrographic data (1903-1996) synthesized with a finite-difference inverse model. The in situ density, potential temperature and salinity fields of selected hydrographic stations are projected on the basis of EOFs. Then the EOF coefficients (the projected values) are interpolated on the model grid (1° in latitude, 2° in longitude) using an objective analysis whose spatial correlation functions are fitted to the data set. The resulting fields are the input of the inverse model. This procedure filters out the small-scale features. Twelve modes are needed to keep the vertical structures of the fields but the first three modes are sufficient to reproduce the large-scale horizontal features of the SIO: the Subtropical Gyre, the Weddell Gyre, the different branches of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current.The dynamics is steady state. The estimated circulation is in geostrophic balance and satisfies mass, heat and potential vorticity conservation. The wind and air-sea heat forcing are annual means from ERS1 and ECMWF, respectively.The main features of the various current systems of the SIO are quantified and reveal topographic control of the deep and bottom circulation. The cyclonic Weddell Gyre, mainly barotropic, transports 45 Sv (1 Sv = 106m3/s), and has an eastern extension limited by the southern part of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current.The bottom circulation north of 50°S is complex. The Deep Western Boundary Currents are identified as well as cyclonic recirculations. South east of the Kerguelen Plateau, the bottom circulation is in good agreement with previous water mass analysis. The comparison between some recent regional analysis and the inverse estimation is limited by the model resolution and lack of deep data.The meridional overturning circulation (MOC) is estimated from the finite difference inverse model. Between 26°S and 32°S the reversal of the current deepens and reaches 1400 m at 32°S. The major part of the deep meridional transport at 32°S is located between the African coast and the Madagascar Ridge, carried by the Agulhas Undercurrent. The mean value for this meridional thermohaline recirculation is 8.8 ± 4.4 Sv between 26°S and 32°S. The Agulhas Undercurrent (11 Sv) is associated with a weak Agulhas Current (55 Sv). The MOC is thus trapped in the western margin of the Southwest Indian Ridge. The corresponding vertical velocity along 32°S between 30°E and 42°E is 7.2 × 10−5 ± 8.9 × 10−5 cm s−1. The net meridional heat flux represents −0.53 PW at 18°S and −0.33 PW at 32°S (negative values for southward transports). The intensity of the meridional heat flux is linked to the intensity of the Agulhas Current and to the vertical mixing.  相似文献   

We investigated the variation of the North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW) distribution in the western North Pacific, focusing on the intermediate salinity minimum (S < 34.2) core observed along the meridional hydrographic sections including the 137°E repeat section by the Japan Meteorological Agency. This core is a cross-section of a low salinity tongue extending westward along the recirculation in the subtropical gyre. The core size shows remarkable variabilities in interannual and decadal time scales. The salinity change in the density layer during the period of core expansion (shrinking) represents the spatial salinity change in the tongue toward the west (east). Thus, we conclude that the core size variation is associated with the zonal wobble of the tongue having thicker distribution to the east, rather than temporal changes of the water mass itself. The core size at 137°E is well correlated with the meridional gradient of the depth in the isopycnal surface at the salinity minimum representing the recirculation intensity, suggesting a relation with the intensity of the subtropical gyre. A significant lag-correlation between the gradient and the wind forcing over the North Pacific suggests that the first mode baroclinic Rossby waves excited in the central North Pacific propagated westward to change the intensity of the recirculation in interannual time scales. In decadal time scales, it is found that the wind stress curl and heat flux fields in the North Pacific precede the recirculation by about 11 years.  相似文献   

Tarakanov  R. Yu. 《Oceanology》2021,61(6):815-829
Oceanology - The meridional shift of the absolute dynamic topography (ADT) gradient field structure in the zone of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) south of Africa (10° E–25°...  相似文献   

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