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Our Chandra observation of the FR I radio galaxy 3C 66B has resulted in the first detection of an X-ray counterpart to the previously known radio, infrared and optical jet. The X-ray jet is detected up to 7 arcsec from the core and has a steep X-ray spectrum, α ≈1.3±0.1 . The overall X-ray flux density and spectrum of the jet are consistent with a synchrotron origin for the X-ray emission. However, the inner knot in the jet has a higher ratio of X-ray to radio emission than the others. This suggests that either two distinct emission processes are present or differences in the acceleration mechanism are required; there may be a contribution to the emission from the inner knot from an inverse Compton process or it may be the site of an early strong shock in the jet. The peak of the brightest radio and X-ray knot is significantly closer to the nucleus in the X-ray than in the radio, which may suggest that the knots are privileged sites for high-energy particle acceleration. 3C 66B's jet is similar both in overall spectral shape and in structural detail to those in more nearby sources such as M87 and Centaurus A.  相似文献   

We have observed emission from the nucleus of the closest radio galaxy, Centaurus A, from the radio to the gamma-ray band. We construct, for the first time, its overall spectral energy distribution (SED) which appears to be intriguingly similar to those of blazars, showing two broad peaks located in the far-infrared band and at ∼0.1 MeV respectively. The whole nuclear emission of Centaurus A is successfully reproduced with a synchrotron self-Compton model. The estimated physical parameters of the emitting source are similar to those of BL Lacs, except for a much smaller beaming factor, as qualitatively expected when a relativistic jet is orientated at a large angle to the line of sight. These results represent strong evidence that Centaurus A is indeed a misoriented BL Lac, and provide strong support in favour of the unification scheme for low-luminosity radio-loud active galactic nuclei. Modelling of the SED of Centaurus A also provides further and independent indications of the presence of velocity structures in sub-parsec-scale jets.  相似文献   

We present Chandra , Very Large Array (VLA) and Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) observations of the nucleus of NGC 4696, a giant elliptical in the Centaurus cluster of galaxies. Like M87 in the Virgo cluster, PKS 1246−410 in the Centaurus cluster is a nearby example of a radio galaxy in a dense cluster environment. In analysing the new X-ray data, we have found a compact X-ray feature coincident with the optical and radio core. While nuclear emission from the X-ray source is expected, its luminosity is low,  <1040 erg s−1  . We estimate the Bondi accretion radius to be 30 pc and the accretion rate to be  0.01 M yr−1  , which under the canonical radiative efficiency of 10 per cent would overproduce by 3.5 orders of magnitude the radiative luminosity. Much of this energy can be directed into the kinetic energy of the jet, which over time inflates the observed cavities seen in the thermal gas. The VLBA observations reveal a weak nucleus and a broad, one-sided jet extending over 25 pc in position angle −150°. This jet is deflected on the kiloparsec-scale to a more east–west orientation (position angle of −80°).  相似文献   

We present results for the first three low-power radio galaxies from the B2 bright sample to have been observed with Chandra . Two have kiloparsec-scale radio jets, and in both Chandra resolves jet X-ray emission, and detects soft X-ray core emission and an X-ray-emitting galaxy-scale atmosphere of luminosity a few ×1041 erg s−1. These are the first detections of X-ray jets in low-power radio galaxies more distant than Centaurus A and M87. The cooling time of the galaxy-scale gas implies mass infall rates of the order of 1 M yr−1. The gas pressure near the jets is comparable to the minimum pressure in the jets, implying that the X-ray-emitting gas may play an important role in jet dynamics. The third B2 radio galaxy has no kiloparsec-scale radio jet, and here only soft X-ray emission from the core is detected. The ratio of X-ray to radio flux is similar for the jets and cores, and the results favour a synchrotron origin for the emission. Kiloparsec-scale radio jets are detected in the X-ray in ∼7-ks exposures with Chandra more readily than in the optical via Hubble Space Telescope snapshot surveys.  相似文献   

Transverse oscillatory motions and recurrence behavior in the chromospheric jets observed by Hinode/SOT are studied. A comparison is considered with the behavior that was noticed in coronal X-ray jets observed by Hinode/XRT. A jet like bundle observed at the limb in Ca II H line appears to show a magnetic topology that is similar to X-ray jets (i.e., the Eiffel tower shape). The appearance of such magnetic topology is usually assumed to be caused by magnetic reconnection near a null point. Transverse motions of the jet axis are recorded but no clear evidence of twist is appearing from the highly processed movie. The aim is to investigate the dynamical behavior of an incompressible magnetic X-point occurring during the magnetic reconnection in the jet formation region. The viscous effect is specially considered in the closed line-tied magnetic X-shape nulls. We perform the MHD numerical simulation in 2-D by solving the visco-resistive MHD equations with the tracing of velocity and magnetic field. A qualitative agreement with Hinode observations is found for the oscillatory and non-oscillatory behaviors of the observed solar jets in both the chromosphere and the corona. Our results suggest that the viscous effect contributes to the excitation of the magnetic reconnection by generating oscillations that we observed at least inside this Ca II H line cool solar jet bundle.  相似文献   

We study a model of particle acceleration coupled with an MHD model of magnetic reconnection in unstable twisted coronal loops. The kink instability leads to the formation of helical currents with strong parallel electric fields resulting in electron acceleration. The motion of electrons in the electric and magnetic fields of the reconnecting loop is investigated using a test-particle approach taking into account collisional scattering. We discuss the effects of Coulomb collisions and magnetic convergence near loop footpoints on the spatial distribution and energy spectra of high-energy electron populations and possible implications on the hard X-ray emission in solar flares.  相似文献   

γ射线暴是宇宙中恒星尺度的最剧烈爆发现象。γ射线暴瞬时辐射结束后,进入余辉辐射阶段。X射线耀发是γ射线暴X射线辐射衰减过程中出现的短时标闪耀现象。X射线耀发的脉冲轮廓具有不对称性,其上升时标小于下降时标。在部分γ射线暴中,X射线耀发的亮度达到瞬时辐射的亮度。X射线耀发的持续时间与峰值时间具有线性关系。X射线耀发的光谱比X射线余辉的光谱硬。早期X射线耀发与晚期X射线耀发相比,其脉冲轮廓较窄,光谱较硬。X射线耀发产生的物理过程类似于γ射线暴瞬时辐射的物理过程。在火球(fireball)模型中,内部壳层之间发生碰撞,产生的内激波加速电子,电子的同步辐射产生X射线耀发。当火球扫过星际介质,外激波加速电子时,电子的同步辐射也可产生X射线耀发。在光球(photospere)模型中,能量耗散发生在光学厚的区域,热辐射的光谱峰值落在X射线能段附近,γ射线暴的喷流在光球半径处会产生X射线耀发。如果射线暴喷流由坡印亭能流主导,喷流就会与星际介质相互作用,磁场的不稳定性使磁场发生耗散,产生的能量形成X射线耀发。γ射线暴的喷流具有几何效应。一部分同步辐射可能发生在喷流辐射面的高纬度处。由于曲率效应(curvature effect),各向异性辐射与各向同性辐射相比,X射线耀发的峰值出现较晚。此外,在γ射线暴发生后,黑洞会间歇性地吸积外部介质。在吸积过程中,黑洞周围的磁场会调节吸积的速率和喷流中的能量,这是出现多个X射线耀发的原因。  相似文献   

This review summarizes new trends in studies of magnetic reconnection in solar flares. It is shown that plasmoids play a very important role in this primary flare process. Using the results of magnetohydrodynamic and particle-in-cell simulations, we describe how the plasmoids are formed, how they move and interact, and how a flare current sheet is fragmented into a cascade of plasmoids. Furthermore, it is shown that during the interactions of these plasmoids electrons are not only very efficiently accelerated and heated, but electromagnetic(radio) emission is also produced.We also describe possible mechanisms for the triggering of magnetic reconnection.The relevant X-ray and radio signatures of these processes(such as radio drifting pulsation structures, narrowband dm-spikes, and the loop-top and above-the-loop-top X-ray sources) are then described. It is shown that plasmoids can also be formed in kinked magnetic ropes. A mapping of X-points of the magnetic reconnection on the chromosphere(as e.g. a splitting of flare ribbons) is mentioned. Supporting EUV and white-light observations of plasmoids are added. The significance of all these processes for the fast magnetic reconnection and electron acceleration is outlined. Their role in fusion experiments is briefly mentioned.  相似文献   

The acceleration of charged particles in the solar corona during flares is investigated in terms of a model in which the electrons and ions preaccelerated in the magnetic reconnection region are injected into a collapsing magnetic trap. Here, the particle energy increases rapidly simultaneously through the Fermi and betatron mechanisms. Comparison of the efficiencies of the two mechanisms shows that the accelerated electrons in such a trap produce more intense hard X-ray (HXR) bursts than those in a trap where only the Fermi acceleration mechanism would be at work. This effect explains the Yohkoh and RHESSI satellite observations in which HXR sources more intense than the HXR emission from the chromosphere were detected in the corona.  相似文献   

Litvinenko  Yuri E. 《Solar physics》2003,212(2):379-388
Yohkoh observations strongly suggest that electron acceleration in solar flares occurs in magnetic reconnection regions in the corona above the soft X-ray flare loops. Unfortunately, models for particle acceleration in reconnecting current sheets predict electron energy gains in terms of the reconnection electric field and the thickness of the sheet, both of which are extremely difficult to measure. It can be shown, however, that application of Ohm's law in a turbulent current sheet, combined with energy and Maxwell's equations, leads to a formula for the electron energy gain in terms of the flare power output, the magnetic field strength, the plasma density and temperature in the sheet, and its area. Typical flare parameters correspond to electron energies between a few tens of keV and a few MeV. The calculation supports the viewpoint that electrons that generate the continuum gamma-ray and hard X-ray emissions in impulsive solar flares are accelerated in a large-scale turbulent current sheet above the soft X-ray flare loops.  相似文献   

总结了近期用射电频谱仪(高时间和高频谱分辨)和野边山射电日像仪(高空间分辨)以及国内外其它空间和地面设备分析日冕磁场和重联的系列工作。主要结论可归纳为:1)在Dulk等人(1982)的近似下自恰计算射电爆发源区磁场的平行和垂直分量,并首次得到该磁场在日面的两雏分布。2)为了考虑非热电子低能截止的影响,必须采用更严格的回旋同步辐射理论来计算。结果表明:低能截止和日冕磁场对计算有明显的影响,而其它参数(包括背景温度、密度、高能截止和辐射方向)的影响均可忽略。因此,对低能截止和日冕磁场必须联立求解。3)射电爆发中的精细结构可能反映了射电爆发源比较靠近粒子加速(磁场重联)的区域,利用高时间和高频率分辨的频谱仪和高空间分辨的日像仪联合分析,可以确定精细结构的源区位置,从而确定粒子加速(磁场重联)的准确时间和地点。  相似文献   

We discuss the spatial and temporal characteristics of X-ray flares occurring in the active region NOAA2372 from April 6 to 13, 1980. The flares are seen to extend in most cases across the whole active complex, involving several magnetic features. They originate in an intermediate bipole, between the two main sunspots of the active region, where high magnetic shear was detected. A rapid expansion is seen in some cases, in conjunction with the start of the impulsive hard X-ray bursts. We also detect, in the late phases of some of the events, a large soft X-ray structure overlying the whole active region, which also shows up as a noise storm region at metric wavelengths. These large loops cool by heat conduction but, in some cases, Hα condensations seem to appear, probably as a result of magnetic compression and a condensation mode of the thermal instability. The topological aspects of the field configuration are discussed, in the context of flare models invoking magnetic reconnection at the site of the primary energy release. In such a model, the intermediate bipole is the natural site of initial magnetic reconnection, particle acceleration and heating. In one particular case of a flare observed at the limb, we find possible evidence of particle acceleration in a neutral sheet at the boundary between two clearly defined magnetic structures.  相似文献   

E. N. Parker 《Solar physics》1987,111(2):297-308
It is proposed that the principal cause of the confined solar flare is the dissipation of magnetic energy at the many small-scale pre-existing tangential dscontinuities in the local bipolar magnetic field. The discontinuities are a consequence of the continuous shuffling and intermixing of the footpoints of the bipolar field by the turbulent photospheric granules. The X-ray corona within the bipolar field is presumed to be a consequence of the continuing dissipation by reconnection at these discontinuities. A flare results when static deformation and/or internal agitation of the field stimulates the onset of rapid reconnection at the many small internal discontinuities. The discontinuities are partially exhausted by the flare, so that the post-flare X-ray emission of that particular loop is substantially below the pre-flare level for a period of some hours while the discontinuities are being rejuvenated.This work was supported in part by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under NASA grant NGL 14-001-001.  相似文献   

The origin of radio emission from plerions is considered. Recent observations suggest that radio-emitting electrons are presently accelerated rather than having been injected at early stages of the plerion evolution. The observed flat spectra without a low-frequency cut-off imply an acceleration mechanism that raises the average particle energy by orders of magnitude but leaves most of the particles at an energy of less than approximately a few hundred MeV. It is suggested that annihilation of the alternating magnetic field at the pulsar wind termination shock provides the necessary mechanism. Toroidal stripes of opposite magnetic polarity are formed in the wind emanating from an obliquely rotating pulsar magnetosphere (the striped wind). At the termination shock, the flow compresses and the magnetic field annihilates by driven reconnection. Jump conditions are obtained for the shock in a striped wind. It is shown that the post-shock magnetohydrodynamic parameters of the flow are the same as if the energy of the alternating field had already been converted into plasma energy upstream of the shock. Therefore, the available estimates of the ratio of the Poynting flux to the matter energy flux, σ, should be attributed not to the total upstream Poynting flux but only to that associated with the average magnetic field. A simple model for the particle acceleration in the shocked striped wind is presented.  相似文献   

傅其骏 《天文学进展》1997,15(3):198-217
太阳大气磁场的研究对于太阳大气物理及太阳活动研究是十分重要的。目前探测光球以外的日够以球,过渡区磁场的几乎唯一办法,是在紧密联系其他频说段取得的信息基础上使用射电观测。根据在微波,米波段有关辐射机制和传播过程,介绍了推导磁场讯息的基本射电方法。  相似文献   

One of the most puzzling problems in astrophysics is to understand the anomalous resistivity in collisionless magnetic reconnection that is believed extensively to be responsible for the energy release in various eruptive phenomena. The magnetic null point in the reconnecting current sheet, acting as a scattering center, can lead to chaotic motions of particles in the current sheet, which is one of the possible mechanisms for anomalous resistivity and is called chaos-induced resistivity. In many interesting cases, however, instead of the magnetic null point, there is a nonzero magnetic field perpendicular to the merging field lines, usually called the guide field, whose effect on chaos-induced resistivity has been an open problem. By use of the test particle simulation method and statistical analysis, we investigate chaos-induced resistivity in the presence of a constant guide field. The characteristics of particle motion in the reconnecting region, in particular, the chaotic behavior of particle orbits and evolving statistical features, are analyzed. The results show that as the guide field increases, the radius of the chaos region increases and the Lyapunov index decreases. However, the effective collision frequency, and hence the chaos-induced resistivity, reach their peak values when the guide field approaches half of the characteristic strength of the reconnection magnetic field. The presence of a guide field can significantly influence the chaos of the particle orbits and hence the chaos-induced resistivity in the reconnection sheet, which decides the collisionless reconnection rate. The present result is helpful for us to understand the microphysics of anomalous resistivity in collisionless reconnection with a guide field.  相似文献   

A magnetically structured accretion disc corona, generated by buoyancy instability in the disc, can account for observations of flare-like events in active galactic nuclei. We examine how Petschek magnetic reconnection, associated with MHD turbulence, can result in a violent release of energy and heat the magnetically closed regions of the corona up to canonical X-ray emitting temperatures. X-ray magnetic flares, the after effect of the energy released in slow shocks, can account for the bulk of the X-ray luminosity from Seyfert galaxies and consistently explain the observed short-time-scale variability.  相似文献   

Saint-Hilaire  Pascal  Benz  Arnold O. 《Solar physics》2002,210(1-2):287-306
We present the analysis of a compact flare that occurred on 26 February 2002 at 10:26 UT, seen by both RHESSI and TRACE. The size of the nearly circular hard X-ray source is determined to be 5.6 (±0.8)′′, using different methods. The power-law distribution of non-thermal photons is observed to extend down to 10 keV without flattening, and to soften with increasing distance from the flare kernel. The former indicates that the energy of the precipitating flare electron population is larger than previously estimated: it amounts to 2.6 (±0.8)×1030 erg above 10 keV, assuming thick-target emission. The thermal energy content of the soft X-ray source (isothermal temperature of 20.8 (±0.9) MK) and its radiated power were derived from the thermal emission at low energies. TRACE has observed a low-temperature ejection in the form of a constricted bubble, which is interpreted as a reconnection jet. Its initial energy of motion is estimated. Using data from both satellites, an energy budget for this flare is derived. The kinetic energy of the jet bulk motion and the thermal and radiated energies of the flare kernel were more than an order of magnitude smaller than the derived electron beam energy. A movie is available on the CD-ROM accompanying this volume. Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1022478300679  相似文献   

Litvinenko  Yuri E. 《Solar physics》2003,216(1-2):189-203
Traditional models for particle acceleration by magnetic reconnection in solar flares assumed a constant electric field in a steady reconnecting magnetic field. Although this assumption may be justified during the gradual phase of flares, the situation is different during the impulsive phase. Observed rapid variations in flare emissions imply that reconnection is non-steady and a time-varying electric field is present in a reconnecting current sheet. This paper describes exploratory calculations of charged particle orbits in an oscillating electric field present either at a neutral plane or a neutral line of two-dimensional magnetic field. A simple analytical model makes it possible to explain the effects of particle trapping and resonant acceleration previously noted by Petkaki and MacKinnon in a numerical simulation. As an application, electron acceleration to X-ray generating energies in impulsive solar flares is discussed within the context of the model.  相似文献   

Flat radio spectra with large brightness temperatures at the core of active galactic nuclei and X-ray binaries are usually interpreted as the partially self-absorbed bases of jet flows emitting synchrotron radiation. Here we extend previous models of jets propagating at large angles to our line of sight to self-consistently include the effects of energy losses of the relativistic electrons due to the synchrotron process itself and the adiabatic expansion of the jet flow. We also take into account energy gains through self-absorption. Two model classes are presented. The ballistic jet flows, with the jet material travelling along straight trajectories, and adiabatic jets. Despite the energy losses, both scenarios can result in flat emission spectra; however, the adiabatic jets require a specific geometry. No re-acceleration process along the jet is needed for the electrons. We apply the models to observational data of the X-ray binary Cygnus X-1. Both models can be made consistent with the observations. The resulting ballistic jet is extremely narrow with a jet opening angle of only 5 arcsec. Its energy transport rate is small compared to the time-averaged jet power and therefore suggests the presence of non-radiating protons in the jet flow. The adiabatic jets require a strong departure from energy equipartition between the magnetic field and the relativistic electrons. These models also imply a jet power of two orders of magnitude higher than the Eddington limiting luminosity of a  10-M  black hole. The models put strong constraints on the physical conditions in the jet flows on scales well below achievable resolution limits.  相似文献   

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