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《Urban geography》2013,34(1):50-79
This study examines the relationship between urban land development and municipal finance in a Chinese regional economy undergoing rapid urbanization. Drawing upon insights from the perspective of political economy, this study analyzes how municipalities in coastal Jiangsu Province have engaged in the land-dominated urbanization process, and the developmental landscape that has emerged from the new approach toward local public finance. Land development has not functioned simply as a passive outcome of urbanization, but has been actively pursued by local governments as a means of revenue generation to finance local economic growth. An inverse correlation is found between the growth of land conveyance income and the level of the regional economies in China's administrative hierarchy. We call for greater attention to be directed to the interrelationship between land development, local public finance, and urbanization in the ongoing transformation of the Chinese political economy.  相似文献   

政治生态学是西方人文政治地理研究人与自然/环境互动的辩证关系的核心领域。城市政治生态学作为政治生态学的衍生分支同样经历了二十年快速的发展,这一领域尚未获得中国人文地理学界的系统关注。本文对西方文献中城市政治生态学的理论发展、研究议题以及近期前沿的学术争论和理论拓展进行了系统梳理与探讨。政治生态学分析方法批判和克服了技术专家治国论、新马尔萨斯主义、增长的极限等非政治视角的环境生态解释。理论溯源于新马克思主义城市地理学的城市政治生态学,继承了政治生态学的政治视角,但同时对政治生态学和城市研究两个领域中的自然/社会的二元对立提出了批判,以社会-生态混合体为理论出发点,打破并超越了城市-自然的对立和二元划分,通过研究自然的生产、循环与新陈代谢,将城市概念化为动态变化的社会-生态混合体,并揭露了城市环境的生产和社会-生态演化过程本质上是一个政治过程,突出强调了社会-生态混合体演化变迁过程的政治经济学、政治过程、权力关系的分析对于理解不平等的城市环境的核心作用。近5年来,城市政治生态学研究在后结构主义理论启发下扩展了经典马克思主义城市政治生态学,拓展了理论溯源,丰富了对城市环境和生态的解释,并产生了一系列围绕方法论上的城市主义、星球城市化、多地点方法论等的前沿学术批判与争论。  相似文献   

城市空间是探讨城镇化特征、动力机制和效应的重要载体,但生态空间作为传统城市—自然二分对立认识论下被人类控制和支配的对象,却较少成为城镇化研究的主体。论文以深圳为例,从城市政治生态学视角展现了过去40余年深圳城—水关系的阶段性演化及其背后的权力结构关系变迁。研究认为,水是权力不可分割的一部分,具有多元复杂的本体特征,它与城市发展并非二元对立,而是相互建构。在深圳城镇化的不同阶段,国家、资本、自然展现出差异化的动态关系,塑造了水的商品化、去商品化、再商品化过程,使之成为经济发展所需开发利用的自然资源、支撑城市可持续运作的生态保障、提升城市长期竞争力的新动力。深圳城—水关系的演变揭示了中国环境治理从路径依赖到路径创新的过程。尽管改革开放初期为了确保经济发展,以水为代表的城市生态空间出现了同质化和退化,但在后续发展过程中,国家权力未必在资本和市场的扩张中出现“空心化”;相反,国家权力的主动介入修复甚至扭转了单一市场逻辑下的生态退化和社会不平等。这些新型的国家—资本—自然关系和社会经济实践,不仅呈现了人类寻找公平、正义、可持续城市建设的中国方案,而且为城市—自然辩证关系的理论深化提供了中国经验。  相似文献   

城市群作为国家新型城镇化的主体形态,表征其空间结构和组织演变的城镇建设用地具有明显“群态化”特征。借鉴群落生态学理论,利用城镇用地开发速率指数、景观指数、核密度估计等方法,对长三角城市群1978—2017年城镇建设用地的规模分布、形态变化和集聚状态进行探讨,提炼出快速城镇化背景下城镇建设用地的群态化演变模式。研究结果显示:① 随着长三角城镇建设用地的不断增长,城镇建设用地规模表现出从低级向高级逐渐跃迁的层级变动特征和明显的区域分异,汇合成群态化发展的“量”的物质基础。② 在空间发展上,城镇建设用地斑块趋于紧密、均衡,其形态变化由分散、无序逐渐变为集中和规整;在空间集聚上,城镇建设用地热点区向大城市集聚,逐渐打破城市行政界线,呈组团式发展态势,催生出群态化演变的“质”的提升。③ 在40年的快速城镇化过程中,长三角城镇建设用地经历了独立发育模式、优先生长模式、组团嵌套模式和圈层共生模式,最终形成“群内有群、多重嵌套”的群态化模式。本文通过分析城镇建设用地群态化的演变过程,重新解读城市群作为城镇化的主体形态这一现实规律,为推进新型城镇化进程和促进城市群高质量一体化发展提供相关的理论基础。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(6):520-535
Urban sprawl is eroding the traditionally compact, diverse, and mixed Southern European cities. Besides the rise in land and energy consumption, the expansion of low density urban forms also affects water, a critical resource in the region. This study examines garden watering in the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona in order to illustrate the importance of outdoor water use in the urbanization process, and, following the insights provided by urban political ecology, to highlight the differences in garden types and water spending according to power relations derived from income levels. Results indicate that, generally, higher income households prefer and can afford more water-consuming Atlantic gardens whereas lower income households have to resort to more climate-adapted species. These differences produce in turn different urban natures based on who can and who cannot afford water costs.  相似文献   

西安市城市化与都市农业发展耦合关系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
齐爱荣  周忠学  刘欢 《地理研究》2013,32(11):2133-2142
城市化以其强烈的市场效应与辐射功能带动了都市农业的发展,但同时又对都市农业的水土资源、生态环境造成负面影响;都市农业又通过其生产、社会及生态功能推动城市化发展。揭示两者之间的作用规律,对解决城市经济、社会和生态问题,快速推动都市农业发展,协调城乡关系具有重要意义。本文在构建城市化水平与都市农业发展水平测度指标体系的基础上,通过主成分分析法和相关分析法,探讨了城市化与都市农业发展之间的相互作用机制,并定量分析了两者之间的耦合关系。结果表明:① 近10 年,西安市城市化水平与都市农业发展水平都呈上升的趋势,且二者表现出显著的同步性;② 西安城市化水平和都市农业发展水平呈显著的正相关,相关系数达0.955;③ 西安城市现代化水平因子、城市生活质量水平因子和人口与经济结构因子是推动城市化的3 个主要因子,其中城市现代化水平因子是推动西安都市农业发展的主导因子。  相似文献   


This intervention probes the hidden, political dimensions of planetary urbanization. Drawing on political theory, it approaches its analysis through the analytic of ‘the political,’ the dimension in which antagonism performs a constitutive function in the social order. In doing so the intervention throws into relief the ways in which group-based differentiation, conflict, and exclusion establish the conditions of possibility for ongoing transformations of urban agglomeration. It then develops a case for further exploring intersections of the political and capitalist agglomeration to generate new knowledge about current mutations in urban economies of space.  相似文献   

As two rising great powers, China and India have undergone similar development processes, but they also exhibit significant differences in development paths and patterns. The significant differences in political systems, economic systems, and developmental environment between the two countries have attracted great attention from scholars. This research focuses on the regional differences and spatial evolution processes in urbanization and urban systems between the two countries from a geographical perspective. Based on the demographic censuses of both countries and the urban population data from the United Nations, this paper systematically compared and analyzed the spatial characteristics of urbanization and urban systems in China and India using various methods including spatial analysis, parameter estimation, and nonparametric estimation. The results indicate that: (1) Since the 1990s, the regional differences in urbanization in China have transformed from south-north differences to coastal-inland differences, whereas the north-south differences in India have been stable. (2) In recent years, the correlation between population density and urbanization rate kept increasing in China, while such correlation has been decreasing in India. (3) The economic reform posed significantly different effects on the spatial evolution of the urban systems in the two countries. The economic reform changed the major driving force for urban development in China from geographical and historical factors to the spatial structure of the economic system. However, in India, the driving forces for urban development have always been geographical and historical factors, and the economic reform even decreased the effect of the spatial structure of the economic system on urban development.  相似文献   


The impact of building cycles on recent expansions of Athens was assessed under the hypothesis that non-linear paths of urban growth result from sequential phases of economic growth and decline. Changes over time in building activity were examined by considering indicators derived from a local-scale analysis of building permits issued by Greek municipalities between 1990 and 2016. Relevant socioeconomic forces shaping spatio-temporal variability in building activity were identified by analyzing contextual indicators through inferential techniques and multivariate analysis. The results showed distinctive responses of real-estate local markets to economic cycles at the local scale in Athens, allowing for identification of short-term and long-term urban dynamics characteristic of expansion and recession waves. The most sensitive indicators to economic cycles in Athens were density of new buildings, average floors per new building, density of building additions, and number of building permits per inhabitant. Infrastructure-driven development, as a result of the 2004 Olympic Games, has produced relevant alterations in short-term patterns in the construction market, resulting in spatially-complex urbanization trends. The author concludes that local-scale indicators derived from building permit data provide insights into progressively complex dynamics of urban growth, with implications for regional planning and the design of sustainable development practices.  相似文献   

北京城市边缘区城市化过程与空间扩展——以大兴区为例   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:19  
城市边缘区空间扩展研究是探讨城市未来空间结构和形态演变的基础。本文基于北京大兴区1994、2001和2006年3期TM遥感影像资料提取城镇用地信息,通过对城市扩展强度、城市扩展梯度、城市边缘区空间扩展模式等建设用地的总体扩张行为进行研究,分析研究区十多年来城市化进程中城镇建设用地扩展的时间过程和空间格局特征,对明确未来城市边缘区土地利用发展方向,提高土地利用效率和城乡建设效益提供基本依据。结果显示,大兴区城市土地利用扩展强度不断增强;中心城区以及中心区面积的不断扩张,导致建设用地在高指数区间集中的趋势明显,农村地区小城镇建设的高速发展使得低指数区间的建设用地面积大幅度增加;根据城市化扩展梯度,大兴区分为城市化高速扩展带、城市化快速扩展带和城市化低速扩展带;紧邻中心区的城市化高速扩展带,以集中连片式扩展为主,该模式在边缘区空间扩展中居于主导地位。城市化快速发展带土地利用以轴向扩展模式为主,轴向扩展稳定地影响着大兴区城市化进程。独立发展模式随着城市经济的快速发展其影响将明显增强,逐渐成为城市边缘区空间扩展的主要形式。  相似文献   

中印城镇化区域差异及城镇体系空间演化比较   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
中国和印度作为两个正在崛起的大国,发展历程较为相似,但发展路径和模式差异较大。两个国家政治制度、经济体系、发展环境等的显著差异已经吸引了学者的广泛关注,本文将从地理学视角出发,重点关注两国城镇化及城镇体系的区域差异和空间演化过程。以人口普查和联合国城市人口数据为基础,采用空间分析、参数估计、非参数估计等多种方法,对中印两国城镇化和城镇体系的空间特征进行系统的比较分析,结果表明:① 20世纪90年代以来,中国城镇化的区域差异由南北差异转变为沿海—内部差异,而印度南北差异的格局则基本稳定;② 从省(邦)级空间尺度来看,中国和印度的人口密度和城镇化率都呈现正相关关系,当城镇化率超过50%后,两者的相关性更为显著,但是近年来中国人口密度与城镇化率的相关性不断增强,而印度则呈现降低的趋势;③ 现阶段中印两国以大中城市为主的城镇体系符合位序—规模分布的特征,但是经济改革对于两个国家城镇体系空间演化的影响差异明显,改革使得中国城镇发展的主要驱动力由地理历史因素向经济系统空间结构转变,而印度城镇发展的驱动力始终是地理历史因素,经济改革甚至降低了经济系统空间结构对城镇发展的影响。  相似文献   

This study investigates the driving forces of land urbanization in China. Drawing upon insights from the institutional perspective, this study argues that fiscal decentralization tightens local budget constraints, stimulating local governments to urbanize land to relieve fiscal distress. Political centralization triggers interregional competition among government officials for better economic performance, inspiring local governments to employ land development to mobilize more capital investment for growth. Based on official land-use change data from 2002 to 2008 for prefectural cities, and the application of spatial econometric models, this study presents empirical evidence to support these theoretical arguments. Results imply that fiscal and political incentives derived from land development drive China’s land urbanization process. This study enriches the urbanization literature by providing an institutional understanding of rapid land urbanization in a transitional economy.  相似文献   

赵丹丹  胡业翠 《地理研究》2016,35(11):2105-2115
基于京津冀、长三角和珠三角三大城市群2007-2013年土地集约利用与城市化水平的测度,运用协整检验、脉冲响应和方差分解等计量方法,对其城市化与土地集约利用的动态关系和相互作用强度进行研究。结果表明:三大城市群土地集约利用与城市化水平之间存在长期的正向促进作用,但作用强度不同;城市化对土地集约利用的作用强度表现为京津冀>珠三角>长三角,而土地集约利用对城市化的作用强度则表现为长三角>京津冀>珠三角;京津冀和珠三角城市群应在城市化进程中加强城市土地的内涵挖潜,而长三角城市群应逐步调整和优化城市发展模式,从而实现三大城市群城市化与土地集约利用的协同发展。  相似文献   

城市是区域发展的核心,城市化是区域发展过程中的一种重要运动形式。辽宁沿海地区完成带状空间格局演变后,其城市化进程中表现出城市化水平不均衡、城市等级体系不完善、城市化滞后工业化、城市基础设施不健全等问题。从城市化响应视角探讨辽宁沿海经济带的经济复兴和区域发展,提出中心城市化推进、城市体系重构、区域空间结构优化、城市生态空间构建四种适合带内城市化发展的响应方式。  相似文献   

湖北省城乡建设用地城镇化率及其影响因素   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
针对中国城镇化进程中城乡建设用地结构不合理的问题,提出了表征城乡建设用地结构的土地城镇化率,并以人口城镇化率为基础结合城乡用地水平构建了其理想值,借助Logistic城镇化过程模型分析了土地与人口城镇化率之间的动态耦合关系。以湖北省为例进行理论验证,根据理想值对各区县进行了城乡建设用地结构的合理性评价,并从社会经济和地理空间两方面分析了其影响因素。结果表明,非农产业比重、人口城镇化率和地形条件是土地城镇化率的主要影响因素,同时基于空间自相关性的热点分析表明,土地城镇化热点地区周围的土地城镇化率往往偏高。因此,可依据产业结构、城镇化水平、地形条件等因素制定差别化的城乡用地政策,并借助空间分析手段识别重点监控区域,提高决策的科学性。  相似文献   

采用城市化综合水平测度模型、生态系统服务价值评价模型及Pearson相关分析方法,在GIS技术支持下,以宁波市1991—2014年城市化相关数据和土地利用变更调查成果为基础数据,定量评价和分析区域城市化发展水平、生态系统服务价值以及二者之间的关系。结果表明:(1)宁波市各项城市化指数均呈逐渐递增趋势,城市化发展进程呈阶段化特征。快速城市化水平驱动区域经济高速发展,同时导致建设用地面积大幅度增加。(2)宁波市生态系统服务价值总体变化呈先增后减趋势,各县(市、区)生态系统服务价值空间分布差异显著,区域城市化水平越高其所贡献的生态系统服务价值越低。(3)当前城市化发展水平与生态系统服务价值演变之间呈显著负相关,经济城市化和土地城市化对生态系统服务功能产生的负面影响较为显著。快速城市化引起区域土地利用的剧烈变化,导致生态景观格局转变,城市人口集聚与工业化导致过度消耗资源与废物排放,对生态系统服务功能产生负面影响。建议提高宁波市城市化发展质量,注重与经济和社会的协同发展。  相似文献   

土地资源短缺是河谷型城市发展中极为突出的瓶颈问题,如何提高河谷城市土地利用效益以适应快速城市化过程是目前亟待解决的问题。本文以中国西部7个典型的河谷型城市为例,定量测度了其土地利用效益与城市化水平耦合协调关系,以期为城市土地利用效益与城市化协调发展提供参考。研究表明:截止到2012年,7个城市土地利用效益和城市化水平评价指数均有大幅上升,二者耦合协调等级均进入协调发展阶段。土地利用效益与城市化水平两个子系统之间相互关联,土地利用效益中经济效益和生态效益对城市化水平影响最为明显,人口城市化和社会城市化准则层各因子对土地利用效益影响较大。随着经济发展水平差距的缩小,各城市间协调性差距也逐渐缩小。区域发展的非均衡性导致西部河谷型城市与平原城市的土地利用效益、城市化水平以及二者的耦合协调关系的评价指数的增长速率并无明显差别。  相似文献   

徐智邦  焦利民  王玉 《地理学报》2022,77(10):2514-2528
城市边界是城市演化认知和城市规划决策的空间依据。中国不少研究实践将地级市等行政地域范围视为城市,与物理上主要由连续人造不透水面构成的城市实体地域相比,存在较大的空间边界差异。然而,鲜有研究定量分析“实体”视角下长时间序列的城市用地演化,特别是对实体和行政两种统计单元视角下的城市扩张差异缺乏系统认识。本文基于30 m空间分辨率的多源遥感产品识别了1988—2018年8期的城市实体地域边界,分析其用地扩张过程,进一步与行政地域相对比,系统识别了两种统计视角下城市用地扩张的认知差异和空间模式。主要结论为:① 1988—2018年间,中国面积5 km2以上的城市实体地域单元数量增长了378%,以华东和华中地区的增长最为显著;城市实体地域中,88%为独立增长型,分布广泛但面积大都小于50 km2;12%为空间聚合型,主要分布在发达地区,面积普遍较大。② 相比行政地域,城市实体地域的位序规模更符合幂律分布,其Zipf指数30年来逐渐上升趋向于1,城镇体系发展愈发均衡;相比城市实体地域,行政地域单元在平原地区的城市扩张面积普遍偏高,在沿海地区的城市扩张强度普遍偏低。③ 和城市实体地域单元在拓扑关系上无法一一匹配的1327个行政单元大多分布在人口密集或发达的平原地区;结合实体和行政边界识别了“跨政区同城化”和“政区内集群化”两种扩张模式,前者多发生在省会区域,后者主要分布在华北平原,两者反映了城市化的空间重构。本文研究结果有助于深化中国土地城镇化时空过程的认识,并可对土地资源的科学配置、统一协调及行政区划的优化整合提供空间依据。  相似文献   

厦门岛城市空间扩张特征及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most of the world’s cities are concentrated in coastal areas. As a special geographical component of the coastal system, island urban spatial expansion is the outcome of interactions between city development and the physical environment. This paper takes Xiamen Island, located in Southeastern China, as an example to analyze island urban spatial expansion and its determinants by combining an analysis of the literature on urban development policies, urban overall plans, population growth and industrial development, with geographical information analysis using historical maps and remote sensing photographs. Firstly, we reviewed the history of the Xiamen City development during the last 100 years, which can be divided into four periods: the embryonic modern city and early development from 1908 to 1949; administrative boundary expansion and infrastructure development from 1950 to 1979; special economic zone construction and rapid urbanization from 1980 to 2003; and Bay City construction since 2003. The dynamic changes to the coastline, island shape, built-up area, transportation, administrative division, and major land use type conversion which occurred during approximately the past 100 years were analyzed and the characteristics of the island urban spatial expansion were concluded: early expansion from a central point, followed by expansion along a section of coastline, and expansion from the coastline inland. Secondly, we discussed the potential determinants of island urban spatial expansion including administrative division adjustment, urban master planning revision, industrial development, topographical factors, coastal area reclamation, transportation expansion, and population growth. Finally, the effects of each potential determinant on island urban spatial expansion were concluded. Island urban spatial expansion is the result of a synthesis of natural and socio-economic factors which are not independent but interacting. Built-up area expansion is the major driver of island land cover and land use changes. By this paper, we hope to provide a scientific reference contributing to the rational understanding of island and coastal sustainable urbanization in China, and the world beyond.  相似文献   


The 21st century has been called the “century of the city” and compounded concerns that current development pathways were not sustainable. Calls for scholarship on urban sustainability among geographers cites strengths in the human-environment and urban subfields that positioned the discipline to make unique contributions to critical research needs. This special issue reflects on the contributions that geographers have made to urban sustainability scholarship. We observe that that integration across human-environment and urban subfields reflects broader bifurcations between social theory and spatial science traditions in geography. Piggy-backing on the rise of sustainability science, the emergence of urbanization science compels geographers to reflect upon the ways in which we are positioned to make unique contributions to those fields. We argue that those contributions should embrace systems thinking, empirically connect social constructs to biophysical patterns and processes, and use the city as a laboratory to generate new theories.  相似文献   

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