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We investigate how the divergence-free property of magnetic fields can be exploited to resolve the azimuthal ambiguity present in solar vector magnetogram data, by using line-of-sight and horizontal heliographic derivative information as approximated from discrete measurements. Using synthetic data we test several methods that each make different assumptions about how the divergence-free property can be used to resolve the ambiguity. We find that the most robust algorithm involves the minimisation of the absolute value of the divergence summed over the entire field of view. Away from disk centre this method requires the sign and magnitude of the line-of-sight derivatives of all three components of the magnetic field vector.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that the azimuthal ambiguity that is present in solar vector magnetogram data can be resolved with line-of-sight and horizontal heliographic derivative information by using the divergence-free property of magnetic fields without additional assumptions. We discuss the specific derivative information that is sufficient to resolve the ambiguity away from disk centre, with particular emphasis on the line-of-sight derivative of the various components of the magnetic field. Conversely, we also show cases where ambiguity resolution fails because sufficient line-of-sight derivative information is not available. For example, knowledge of only the line-of-sight derivative of the line-of-sight component of the field is not sufficient to resolve the ambiguity away from disk centre.  相似文献   

The objective testing of algorithms for performing ambiguity resolution in vector magnetic field data is continued, with an examination of the effects of noise in the data. Through the use of analytic magnetic field models, two types of noise are “added” prior to resolving: noise to simulate Poisson photon noise in the observed polarization spectra, and a spatial binning to simulate the effects of unresolved structure. The results are compared through the use of quantitative metrics and performance maps. We find that while no algorithm severely propagates the effects of Poisson noise beyond very local influences, some algorithms are more robust against high photon-noise levels than others. In the case of limited spatial resolution, loss of information regarding fine-scale structure can easily result in erroneous solutions. Our tests imply that photon noise and limited spatial resolution can act so as to make assumptions used in some ambiguity resolution algorithms no longer consistent with the observed magnetogram. We confirm a finding of the earlier comparison study that results can be very sensitive to the details of the treatment of the observed boundary and the assumptions governing that treatment. We discuss the implications of these findings, given the relative sensitivities of the algorithms to the two sources of noise tested here. We also touch on further implications for interpreting observational vector magnetic field data for general solar physics research.  相似文献   

Vector magnetic field synoptic charts from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) are now available for each Carrington Rotation (CR) starting from CR 2097 in May 2010. Synoptic charts are produced using 720-second cadence full-disk vector magnetograms remapped to Carrington coordinates. The vector field is derived from the Stokes parameters (\(I, Q, U, V\)) using a Milne–Eddington-based inversion model. The \(180^{\circ}\) azimuth ambiguity is resolved using the minimum energy algorithm for pixels in active regions and for strong-field pixels (the field is greater than about 150 G) in quiet-Sun regions. Three other methods are used for the rest of the pixels: the potential-field method, the radial acute-angle method, and the random method. The vector field synoptic charts computed using these three disambiguation methods are evaluated. The noise in the three components of the vector magnetic field is generally much higher in the potential-field method charts. The component noise levels are significantly different in the radial-acute charts. However, the noise levels in the random-method charts are lower and comparable. The assumptions used in the potential-field and radial-acute methods to disambiguate the weak transverse field introduce bias that propagates differently into the three vector-field components, leading to unreasonable pattern and artifacts, whereas the random method appears not to introduce any systematic bias. The current sheet on the source surface, computed using the potential-field source-surface model applied to random-method charts, agrees with the best solution (the result computed from the synoptic charts with the minimum energy algorithm applied to each and every pixel in the vector magnetograms) much better than the other two. Differences in the synoptic charts determined with the best method and the random method are much smaller than those from the best method and the other two. This comparison indicates that the random method is better for vector field synoptic maps computed from near-central meridian data. The vector field synoptic charts provided by the Joint Science Operations Center (JSOC) are therefore produced with the random method.  相似文献   

The X-Ray Telescope (XRT) onboard the Hinode satellite, launched 23 September 2006 by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), is a joint mission of Japan, the United States, and the United Kingdom to study the solar corona. In particular, XRT was designed to study solar plasmas with temperatures between 1 and 10 MK with ≈?1″ pixels (≈?2″ resolution). Prior to analysis, the data product from this instrument must be properly calibrated and data values quantified to accurately assess the information contained within. We present here the standard methods of calibration for these data. The calibration was performed on an empirical basis that uses the least complicated correction that accurately describes the data while suppressing spurious features. By analyzing the uncertainties remaining in the data after calibration, we conclude that the procedure is successful, because the remaining uncertainty after calibration is dominated by photon noise. This calibration software is available in the SolarSoft software library.  相似文献   

We review methods to measure magnetic fields within the corona using the polarized light in magnetic-dipole (M1) lines. We are particularly interested in both the global magnetic-field evolution over a solar cycle, and the local storage of magnetic free energy within coronal plasmas. We address commonly held skepticisms concerning angular ambiguities and line-of-sight confusion. We argue that ambiguities are, in principle, no worse than more familiar remotely sensed photospheric vector fields, and that the diagnosis of M1 line data would benefit from simultaneous observations of EUV lines. Based on calculations and data from eclipses, we discuss the most promising lines and different approaches that might be used. We point to the S-like [Fe xi] line (J=2 to J=1) at 789.2 nm as a prime target line (for the Advanced Technology Solar Telescope (ATST) for example) to augment the hotter 1074.7 and 1079.8 nm Si-like lines of [Fe xiii] currently observed by the Coronal Multi-channel Polarimeter (CoMP). Significant breakthroughs will be made possible with the new generation of coronagraphs, in three distinct ways: i) through single-point inversions (which encompasses also the analysis of MHD wave modes), ii) using direct comparisons of synthetic MHD or force-free models with polarization data, and iii) using tomographic techniques.  相似文献   

Numerical reconstruction/extrapolation of the coronal nonlinear force-free magnetic field (NLFFF) usually takes the photospheric vector magnetogram as input at the bottom boundary. The magnetic field observed at the photosphere, however, contains a force that is in conflict with the fundamental assumption of the force-free model. It also contains measurement noise, which hinders the practical computation. Wiegelmann, Inhester, and Sakurai (Solar Phys. 233, 215, 2006) have proposed to preprocess the raw magnetogram to remove the force and noise to provide better input for NLFFF modeling. In this paper we develop a new code of magnetogram preprocessing that is consistent with our extrapolation method CESE–MHD–NLFFF (Jiang, Feng, and Xiang in Astrophys. J. 755, 62, 2012; Jiang and Feng in Astrophys. J. 749, 135, 2012a). Based on the magnetic-splitting rule that a magnetic field can be split into a potential-field part and a non-potential part, we split the magnetogram and dealt with the two parts separately. The preprocessing of the magnetogram’s potential part is based on a numerical potential-field model, and the non-potential part is preprocessed using the similar optimization method of Wiegelmann, Inhester, and Sakurai (2006). The code was applied to the SDO/HMI data, and results show that the method can remove the force and noise efficiently and improve the extrapolation quality.  相似文献   

The measurement of solar magnetic fields using the Zeeman effect diagnostics has a fundamental 180° ambiguity in the determination of the azimuth angle of the transverse field component. There are several methods that are used in the community and each one has its merits and demerits. Here we present a disambiguation idea that is based on the assumption that most of the magnetic field on the sun is predominantly vertical. While the method is not applicable to penumbra or other features harboring predominantly horizontal fields like the sheared neutral lines, it is useful for regions where fields are predominantly vertical like network and plage areas. The method is tested with the full-disk solar vector magnetograms observed by the SOLIS/VSM instrument. We find that statistically about 60?–?85 % of the pixels in a typical full-disk magnetogram has a field inclination in the range of 0?–?30° with respect to the local solar normal, and thus can be successfully disambiguated by the proposed method. Due to its non-iterative nature, the present method is extremely fast and therefore can be used as a good initial guess for iterative schemes like the non-potential field computation (NPFC) method. Furthermore, the method is insensitive to noisy pixels as it does not depend upon the neighboring pixels or derivatives.  相似文献   

Recent studies show that active-region (AR) upflowing plasma, observed by the EUV-Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) onboard Hinode, can gain access to open-field lines and be released into the solar wind (SW) via magnetic-interchange reconnection at magnetic null-points in pseudo-streamer configurations. When only one bipolar AR is present on the Sun and is fully covered by the separatrix of a streamer, such as AR 10978 in December 2007, it seems unlikely that the upflowing AR plasma can find its way into the slow SW. However, signatures of plasma with AR composition have been found at 1 AU by Culhane et al. (Solar Phys. 289, 3799, 2014) that apparently originated west of AR 10978. We present a detailed topology analysis of AR 10978 and the surrounding large-scale corona based on a potential-field source-surface (PFSS) model. Our study shows that it is possible for the AR plasma to move around the streamer separatrix and be released into the SW via magnetic reconnection, which occurs in at least two main steps. We analyse data from the Nançay Radioheliograph (NRH) in a search for evidence of the chain of magnetic reconnections that we propose. We find a noise storm above the AR and several varying sources at 150.9 MHz. Their locations suggest that they might be associated with particles accelerated during the first-step reconnection process at a null point well outside of the AR. We find no evidence of the second reconnection step in the radio data, however. Our results demonstrate that even when it appears highly improbable for the AR plasma to reach the SW, indirect channels involving a sequence of reconnections can make it possible.  相似文献   

We investigate the accuracy to which we can retrieve the solar photospheric magnetic field vector using the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) that will fly onboard of the Solar Dynamics Observatory by inverting simulated HMI profiles. The simulated profiles realistically take into account the effects of the photon noise, limited spectral resolution, instrumental polarization modulation, solar p modes, and temporal averaging. The accuracy of the determination of the magnetic field vector is studied by considering the different operational modes of the instrument.  相似文献   

We report the results of the application of our approach to study the behavior of solar activity in the past, where:
  • When reconstructing the variations of solar activity, geomagnetic parameters, and the interplanetary magnetic field in the past we select a sequence of increasing time scales, which can be naturally represented by the potentials of available observational data. We select a total of four time scales: 150–200 years, 400 years, 1000 years, and 10000 years.
  • When constructing the series of each successive (in terms of length) time scale we use the data of the previous time scale as reference data.
  • We abandon, where possible, the series of traditional statistical parameters in favor of the series of physical parameters.
  • When deriving the relations between any parameters of solar activity, geomagnetic disturbance, and the interplanetary magnetic field, we take into account the differential nature of relations on different time scales. To this end, we use the earlier proposed MSR and DPS methods.
  • To verify the resulting reconstructions, we use the “principle of witnesses”, which uses independent (in some cases, indirect) information as initial data.
  •   相似文献   

    A New Method for Polar Field Interpolation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    The photospheric magnetic field in the Sun’s polar region is not well observed compared to the low-latitude regions. Data are periodically missing due to the Sun’s tilt angle, and the noise level is high due to the projection effect on the line-of-sight (LOS) measurement. However, the large-scale characteristics of the polar magnetic field data are known to be important for global modeling. This report describes a new method for interpolating the photospheric field in polar regions that has been tested on MDI synoptic maps (1996 – 2009). This technique, based on a two-dimensional spatial/temporal interpolation and a simple version of the flux transport model, uses a multi-year series of well-observed, smoothed north (south) pole observations from each September (March) to interpolate for missing pixels at any time of interest. It is refined by using a spatial smoothing scheme to seamlessly incorporate this filled-in data into the original observation starting from lower latitudes. For recent observations, an extrapolated polar field correction is required. Scaling the average flux density from the prior observations of slightly lower latitudes is found to be a good proxy of the future polar field. This new method has several advantages over some existing methods. It is demonstrated to improve the results of global models such as the Wang–Sheeley–Arge (WSA) model and MHD simulation, especially during the sunspot minimum phase.  相似文献   

    We report here on the present state-of-the-art in algorithms used for resolving the 180° ambiguity in solar vector magnetic field measurements. With present observations and techniques, some assumption must be made about the solar magnetic field in order to resolve this ambiguity. Our focus is the application of numerous existing algorithms to test data for which the correct answer is known. In this context, we compare the algorithms quantitatively and seek to understand where each succeeds, where it fails, and why. We have considered five basic approaches: comparing the observed field to a reference field or direction, minimizing the vertical gradient of the magnetic pressure, minimizing the vertical current density, minimizing some approximation to the total current density, and minimizing some approximation to the field's divergence. Of the automated methods requiring no human intervention, those which minimize the square of the vertical current density in conjunction with an approximation for the vanishing divergence of the magnetic field show the most promise.  相似文献   

    The Sun’s general magnetic field has shown polarity reversal three times during the last three solar cycles. We attempt to estimate the upcoming polarity reversal time of the solar magnetic dipole by using the coronal field model and synoptic data of the photospheric magnetic field. The scalar magnetic potential of the coronal magnetic field is expanded into a spherical harmonic series. The long-term variations of the dipole component ( $g^{0}_{1}$ ) calculated from the data of National Solar Observatory/Kitt Peak and Wilcox Solar Observatory are compared with each other. It is found that the two $g^{0}_{1}$ values show a similar tendency and an approximately linear increase between the Carrington rotation periods CR 2070 and CR 2118. The next polarity reversal is estimated by linear extrapolation to be between CR 2132.2 (December 2012) and CR2134.8 (March 2013).  相似文献   

    Studies of Compton scattering by relativistic electrons in a strong magnetic field have been restricted to either incident photon angles θ′ aligned along the magnetic field B or incident photon energies ω′ below the first pair creation threshold $\omega'_{PC}$ . When these restrictions are relaxed there is a resonance in Compton scattering associated with pair creation (PC), that is analogous to but independent of known resonances associated with gyromagnetic absorption (GA). As with the GA resonances, that may be labeled by the Landau quantum numbers of the relevant states, there is a sequence of PC resonances where the scattering cross section diverges. In this paper, the lowest divergence is studied for incident photon energies satisfying ω2sin2 θ′/(2eB)?1, assuming that the scattering electron is in its ground (Landau) state. This lowest resonance affects only parallel-polarized photons.  相似文献   

    We study the effects of winds on advection dominated accretion flows in the presence of a global magnetic field under a self-similar treatment. The disk gas is assumed to be isothermal. For a steady state structure of such accretion flows a set of self similar solutions are presented. We consider the wind in a general magnetic field with three components (r,φ,z) in advection-dominated accretion flows. The mass-accretion rate $\dot{M}$ decreases with radius r as $\dot{M}\propto r^{s+1/2}$ , where s is an arbitrary constant. We will see, by increasing the wind parameter s, radial and rotational velocities increase.  相似文献   

    Coordinates of polar faculae have been measured and processed using daily photoheliograms of the Kislovodsk Station of the Pulkovo observatory with the final goal of studying their latitude distribution during the solar cycles 20–21. The results obtained are as follows:
    1. The first polar faculae emerge immediately after the polarity inversion of the solar magnetic field at the latitudes from 40° to 70° with the average ?-55°.
    2. The zone of the emergence of polar faculae migrates poleward during the period between the neighbouring polarity inversions of the solar magnetic field. This migration is about 20° for 8 years, which corresponds to a velocity of 0.5 m s-1.
    3. The maximum number of polar faculae was reached at the activity minimum (1975–1976).
    4. The last polar faculae were observed in the second half of 1978 at the latitudes from 70° to 80°.

    We present a new method to automatically track filaments over the solar disk. The filaments are first detected on Meudon Spectroheliograph Hα images of the Sun, applying the technique developed by Fuller, Aboudarham, and Bentley (Solar Phys. 227, 61, 2005). This technique combines cleaning processes, image segmentation based on region growing, and morphological parameter extraction, including the determination of filament skeletons. The coordinates of the skeleton pixels, given in a heliocentric system, are then converted to a more appropriate reference frame that follows the rotation of the Sun surface. In such a frame, a co-rotating filament is always located around the same position, and its skeletons (extracted from each image) are thus spatially close, forming a group of adjacent features. In a third step, the shape of each skeleton is compared with its neighbours using a curve-matching algorithm. This step will permit us to define the probability [P] that two close filaments in the co-rotating frame are actually the same one observed on two different images. At the end, the pairs of features, for which the corresponding probability is greater than a threshold value, are associated using tracking identification indices. On a representative sample of filaments, the good agreement between automated and manual tracking confirms the reliability of the technique to be applied on large data sets. This code is already used in the framework of the Heliophysics Integrated Observatory (HELIO) to populate a catalogue dedicated to solar and heliospheric features (HFC). An extension of this method to other filament observations, and possibly sunspots, faculae, and coronal-holes tracking, can also be envisaged.  相似文献   

    We describe adapting a method that is used to find point sources in Chandra X-ray telescope data for use in finding solar X-ray bright points. The algorithm allows selected pixels to be excluded from the source-finding, thus excluding saturated pixels (from flares and/or active regions). For Chandra data the noise is determined by photon-counting statistics, whereas solar telescopes typically integrate a flux. Thus, the calculated signal-to-noise ratio is incorrect, but we find that we can scale the number to get reasonable results. We compare our source-finding to previous Yohkoh results and find a similar number of bright points. Finally, we analyze three sets of data from Hinode, representing different parts of the decline to minimum of the solar cycle. Although these preliminary results are based on a small sample, we see no dependence on the solar cycle.  相似文献   

    We characterize and analyze rotational torsional oscillations developing in a large-eddy magnetohydrodynamical simulation of solar convection (Ghizaru, Charbonneau, and Smolarkiewicz, Astrophys. J. Lett. 715, L133, 2010; Racine et al., Astrophys. J. 735, 46, 2011) producing an axisymmetric, large-scale, magnetic field undergoing periodic polarity reversals. Motivated by the many solar-like features exhibited by these oscillations, we carry out an analysis of the large-scale zonal dynamics. We demonstrate that simulated torsional oscillations are not driven primarily by the periodically varying large-scale magnetic torque, as one might have expected, but rather via the magnetic modulation of angular-momentum transport by the large-scale meridional flow. This result is confirmed by a straightforward energy analysis. We also detect a fairly sharp transition in rotational dynamics taking place as one moves from the base of the convecting layers to the base of the thin tachocline-like shear layer formed in the stably stratified fluid layers immediately below. We conclude by discussing the implications of our analyses with regard to the mechanism of amplitude saturation in the global dynamo operating in the simulation, and speculate on the possible precursor value of torsional oscillations for the forecast of solar-cycle characteristics.  相似文献   

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