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有机食品和绿色食品是我国近几年发展起来的对人体健康有益的无污染食品,根据平泉县的地域、环境等特点,规划该县的有机食品和绿色食品开发,使其成为发展经济新的增长点。  相似文献   

吉林省发展绿色食品的农业生态环境优势分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
发展绿色食品生产是吉林省实施“生态省”建设工程的主导产业之一,本文按照绿色食品产地环境质量标准要求,客观评价了吉林省发展绿色食品的产地环境条件,得出吉林省具有发展绿色食品生产的显著农业生态环境优势。基于吉林省良好的农业生态环境质量,结合区域自然条件和资源优势,将全省分为东部山区、中部松辽平原区、西部松嫩平原区和大、中城市郊区四种区域类型,并分别提出了其发展绿色食品生产的宏观策略。  相似文献   

杨定国 《山地学报》2001,19(4):344-348
森林采伐向来是甘孜州经济的重大支柱,对地方财政收入的贡献率达58.63%(1997年)。天然林禁伐影响巨大而广泛,既使经济产出与财政收入锐减,又导致一系列相关 产业萎缩,劳动就业压力增大,研究指出,选择新经济增长点与生长点产业大力加以培育发展迫在眉睫。其中,以加大财政转移支付力度加强基础设施建设、加强绿色产品与绿色食品发展以及天然药物开发,大力发展旅游业和流通产业等应是正确选择。  相似文献   

有机食品和绿色食品是我国近几年发展起来的对人体健康有益的无污染食品,根据平泉县的地域,环境等特点,规划该县的有机食品和绿色食品开发,使其成为发展经济新的增长点。  相似文献   

里下河地区发展绿色食品的生态环境优势及措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
发展绿色食品生产是生态农业建设规划的重要组成部分。文章根据绿色食品产地环境质量标准要求,客观评价江苏里下河地区发展绿色食品生产的环境状况,得出里下河地区具有发展绿色食品生产显著的农业生态环境优势。同时指出发展绿色食品生产的措施和对策。  相似文献   

我国高新技术产业开发区的现状及发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了我国52个高新技术产业开发区与发达国家高新技术园的差别,现有发展水平,类型及共空间分布态势,在此基础上,针对我国高新技术产业开发区的不同类型提出了各自有别的发展战略和措施,并对我国未来高新技术产业开发区的区位选择提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

我国服装业的地方集群战略思考   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
王缉慈 《世界地理研究》2003,12(2):32-38,85
本文旨在根据服装业的国际竞争态势,分析我国服装业发展中现存的产业组织问题,进而提出我国服装产业需要提高地理集中率的意见,以及在我国若干有条件的城市实行地方产业群的战略的政策建议。本文从对于城市服装产业集聚区域进行地方治理的角度研究提升服装业竞争力,对于服装产业的发展和城市发展具有双重意义,本研究对于我国其它产业的发展也具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

综述广东省绿色食品发展存在的问题 :(1)绿色食品生产的地区分布不平衡 ,规模小 ,品种结构不合理 ;(2 )绿色食品“产前、产中、产后”的生产与管理技术落后或缺乏 ;(3)资金投入与科技投入不足 ;(4 )宣传力度不够 ,人们的绿色食品意识淡薄 ;(5)绿色食品生产的“比较优势”未能充分体现。同时 ,提出了一系列的发展对策。  相似文献   

广东省绿色食品生产存在的问题与对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
综述广东省绿色食品发展存在的问题:(1)绿色食品生产的区分布不平衡,规模小,品种结构不合理;(2)绿色食品“产前、产中、产后”的生产与管理技术落后或缺乏;(3)资金投入与科技投入不足;(4)宣传力度不够,人们的绿色食品意识谈薄;(5)绿色食品生产的“比较优势”未能充分体现。同时,提出了一系列的发展对策。  相似文献   

一、我国石油化工产业发展的特点 石油化工产业已成为我国国民经济中固定资产存量最大、规模经济最显著的产业。从总体上看,我国石油化工产业的发展具有以下明显的特点。  相似文献   

中国北方农牧交错带风水蚀复合区是一个非常特殊的生态脆弱区,通过对该类型区60个典型县域的实地考察和统计资料分析表明:①该类型区的人均粮食产量自给有余,但粮食单产较低,较高的人均粮食产量是以扩大耕地面积,牺牲生态为代价的,今后粮食增产的主要潜力重点应放在提高水浇地单产上。②从区域和国家生态安全角度考虑,该类型区不适宜大规模开垦耕地,而应在粮食自给的基础上逐渐转变为以牧为主的发展方向,退耕还林(草)正是实现这一重要转变的最有效途径和措施。③农户调查结果表明,退耕对农户粮食产量和家庭经济收入的影响不大,大部分农户能够自觉接受退耕还林(草)政策,但目前正处于相持阶段,仍需要国家给予适当经济补偿。因此,该类型区的退耕还林(草)工程不但不能压缩,而且应该进一步扩大规模,加大投资力度。  相似文献   

可持续饮食系统的研究进展与理论框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾国军  王龙杰 《地理研究》2019,38(8):2068-2084
20世纪以来,伴随农业的工业化和食物链条的“远距化”,典型食物危机事件不断涌现并沿着食物贸易网络蔓延至全球,引发了学界对饮食系统及其可持续性的持久关注。国外地理学界关于饮食系统主要有生产主义、消费主义和关系主义等认识。在梳理已有概念内涵的基础上,将这三类认识归结为不同情境下、特定形式的“身体-食物”关系,进而构建了以饮食原真、饮食安全、饮食健康为内在线索,以去地化和再地化为外在情境的分析框架,并藉此分析饮食系统的演变过程,提炼其可持续逻辑。进一步地,从“身体-食物”与“地方”的关系视角详细阐述了上述三个维度的具体内涵,并归纳了饮食原真与饮食安全、饮食原真与饮食健康以及饮食安全与饮食健康的交叉议题。  相似文献   

This paper provides a detailed analysis of agricultural land use change in Bangladesh over a 59‐year period (1948–2006) and examines how these have impacted crop diversity, productivity, food availability and the environment. The key findings of the analysis are: first, land use intensity has increased significantly over this period, mainly from the widespread adoption of a rice‐based Green Revolution technology package beginning in the early 1960s; second, contrary to expectation, crop diversity too has increased; third, although land productivity has increased significantly, declines in the productivity of fertilizers and pesticides raise doubts over sustaining agricultural growth; fourth, food availability has improved, with a reversal in the dietary energy imbalance in recent years despite a high population growth rate; and finally, the production environment has suffered with widespread soil nutrient depletion experienced in many agroecological regions. The policy implication points towards crop diversification as a desired strategy for agricultural growth to improve resource economy, productivity and efficiency in farming in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

中国食物供给能力分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
王情  岳天祥  卢毅敏  杜正平  辛晓平 《地理学报》2010,65(10):1229-1240
从中国各类型生态系统(农田、草地、水域) 的实际的食物生产能力出发,结合进出口产品中的食物部分,得出全国实际的食物供给能力,根据食物营养成分表中的转化率,将各类食物折算成人类生存所需的3 大营养成分(热量、蛋白质、脂肪) 的产量来表示,并利用ArcGIS 进行草地和农田食物供给的空间分析。以2004 年为例,中国实际食物供给能力为:热量1.601×1015 kcal,蛋白质6.163×107 t,脂肪2.717×107 t。其中,中国内陆生态系统实际可供给热量1.454×1015 kcal,蛋白质4.996×107 t,脂肪2.074×107 t,分别达到了陆地生态系统生产潜力的32.46%、38.33 %和41.12%,内陆生态系统食物供给还有较大的增长余地。在小康水平下,中国的食物热量、蛋白质、脂肪分别可以供养人口19.12 亿,20.84 亿和11.03 亿人,按照2010 年营养目标和2020 年全面小康目标,热量和蛋白质的供给已经较为充足,而脂肪的供给有所不足,今后需要注重油脂作物的种植和生产。结果还表明:中国的食物供给能力中,农田占据了绝大部分,不过比例有下降的趋势,从1998 年的84.66%,下降到2004 年的74.72%;草地和水域生态系统所提供的食物所占比例分别为4.83%~5.80%、6.02%~7.51%,波动较小;净进口食物所占比例逐年增长,1998 年仅为4.04%,2004 年增加到13.82%。通过平衡模型计算,在温饱、小康、富裕水平下,2004 年中国可以供养的人口分别为:15.34 亿,15.00 亿和14.11 亿,这表明,如果能够优化种植结构,合理配置植物性食物向动物性食物转化比例,均衡营养消费结构,中国实际食物供给较为充足。  相似文献   

土地资源约束下的北京食物供给潜力与优化(英文)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
全球气候变化所带来的极端天气的频繁发生,水资源短缺情况下的农业用水的不断减少和伴随着人口增长与社会经济发展所引起的耕地面积下降,正在严重影响着世界范围内的食物安全。近年来由于食品价格的迅猛增长而导致的食品危机正在引起人们对增加地方食物供应的普遍关注。城市作为对食品安全更为敏感的地区,更是首当其冲受到食品危机的影响,城市一方面由于城市化快速发展,带来城市人口膨胀和消费多样性要求,从而形成需求的大幅增加,另一方面有由于城市周边耕地面积的不断减少,农业生产空间受到压缩,农业生产能力减弱,降低了城市的自我食品供给,引起自给率明显下降。如何保持供需之间的平衡,保障城市食品安全,成为亟需研究的问题。本文提出以食物足迹的概念,来衡量城市所间接消耗的土地资源,并以此为工具,以自给率为条件,来求得满足一定自给率条件下食物供给的空间对应格局。通过分析30年来北京食物足迹以及食物自给率的年际变化,得出结论:北京食物足迹从1981年的1.18万km2增加到2010年的2.94万km2,而自给率整体下降较多,蔬菜、水果、谷物及油脂类的自给率从1981年的59.3%、35.8%、37.3% 和 13.1% 下降到2010年的39.0%、27.0%、6.7% 和2.2%,可以看出蔬菜仍能保持相当的自给率,因此提高蔬菜自给率是增强城市自给能力的最佳选择。最后,以60%的蔬菜自给率为目标,提出了两种情景,包括完全以耕地为来源的空间应对格局,以及屋顶农业参与下的空间应对格局。  相似文献   

Adequate access to healthy food has become a social issue due to the recent Great Recession and heightened levels of unemployment. Geographers have focused their attention on how to accurately evaluate food access and how to identify and delineate food deserts; that is, low-income neighborhoods where affordable and healthy food is lacking or limited. Findings of recent food access studies are, however, dramatically inconsistent. We argue that spatial scale and the level of aggregation used in constructing food access measures could account for a major portion of the varying results. We draw on an empirical study in the Tucson, Arizona, metropolitan area, to examine how varying geographic scales and aggregation methods affect food access assessment. We also provide an analysis to show how spatial scale and aggregation practices lead to inconsistent conclusions about food access and designation of food deserts.  相似文献   

This article aims to make a contribution to current debates in the literature on food access by describing a mixed-methods approach to study the access to food in one rural community in Cuba. Each of the forty households in our study was asked to complete a detailed food diary in which they indicated what they ate and where they acquired each of the ingredients that they used for a full week. Although in Cuba the state plays a central role in organizing the distribution of food items, this method revealed a much more complex web of rural food access. By addressing alternative networks of food access and informal social relations, we aim to show how the use of food diaries, in combination with qualitative data from interviews and participant observation, can provide detailed insights in the complex processes and networks of food access.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Lapses in food safety have spurred development of governmental traceability systems to track every stage of food production as part of a standardized information base. These systems form part of national and international government efforts to reduce food‐security risks and control food‐related disease outbreaks. The European Union, the United States, Japan, and Canada have traceability requirements now in various stages of implementation, as does the Codex Alimentarius. Traceability regulations require that, from farm (plant or animal) to fork, foods have a clear, verifiable record that tracks through all stages of cultivation, production, supplying, transporting, processing, and distribution. Traceability implies complete information control over the geography of one of life's most essential acts, eating. The apparent object of traceability is food, which seems to imply that human tracking is not part of the process, but food does not move on its own. Those people responsible at each stage for food transfers and transactions may go into the traceability database, making their locations part of the record and supporting precise monitoring of labor performance, consumer buying patterns, and ownership and management strategies. Given these capabilities, the development of public‐sector traceability systems demands careful consideration. Owners, especially large exporters and importers, are likely to see their needs and fears shape the system. The food workforce may well bear tracking's brunt. Consumers, the presumed beneficiaries of the systems, will probably resist direct incorporation (and full benefit), favoring their privacy over their safety.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Scattered throughout the city of Toronto are more than no community gardens, sites of place‐based politics connected to the community food‐security movement. The gardens, spaces where passions for plants and food are shared, reflect the city's shifting cultural landscape and represent an everyday activity that is imbued with multiple meanings. Toronto's community food‐security movement uses gardens as one strategy to regenerate the local food system and provide access to healthy, affordable food. Three garden case studies expand on the complexities of “food citizenship,” illustrating the importance of that concept to notions of food security. The gardens reveal the role gardeners play in transforming urban spaces, the complex network of organizations working cooperatively and in partnership to implement these projects, and the way in which social and cultural pluralism are shaping the urban landscape.  相似文献   

Brazilian agricultural census data at the municipal level are used to develop and map a simple index of staple food versus nonstaple food agriculture for Brazil over time (1996–2006). The results show spatial variation in the direction and degree of the shift toward or away from staple food cropping across Brazil. The index is presented as an important methodological step toward a systematic geographic understanding of crop share changes surrounding food versus fuel and other nonfood crop production.  相似文献   

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