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δD and δ18O values have been determined for fluid inclusions in 45 samples of Permian halite. The inclusions are enriched in 18O relative to the meteoric water line but are depleted in D relative to ocean water. Inclusions with the more positive δ-values coincide with the isotopic composition expected for evaporating sea water which follows a hooked trajectory on a δD-δ18O diagram. Inclusions with more negative δ-values may represent more highly evaporated sea water but probably reflect synsedimentary or diagenetic mixing of meteoric water with evaporite brines. The isotope systematics in these inclusions are sufficiently similar to those of a modern evaporite pan to indicate that Permian sea water was isotopically similar to modern sea water.Connate evaporite brines can have negative δ-values because of the probable hooked isotope trajectory of evaporating sea water and/or synsedimentary mixing of evaporite brines with meteoric waters. Subsurface formation waters composed of mixtures of remnant primary evaporite brines and later meteoric waters may be more common than previous isotopic evidence has suggested.  相似文献   

An extensive geochemical data base, including analyses of major and minor solutes, mineralogical studies of core samples, and isotopic studies of waters, carbonates and sulfates, has been assembled for evaporites and related rocks in the northern Delaware Basin of southeastern New Mexico. These data were compiled for the geological and hydrological characterization of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), which is excavated in the evaporites of the Salado Formation. These data were evaluated in order: (1) to determine the stability of the evaporite mineralogy over geological time; (2) to compare the aqueous geochemistry with host rock mineralogy; (3) to delineate the nature and timing of water-rock interactions, such as dissolution and recrystallization; (4) to determine the geological and climatic conditions that have governed groundwater recharge. The resulting synthesis of data and current hypotheses concerning the origin, composition and history of waters in the evaporite rocks and related units of the Delaware Basin provides a tentative conceptual model for the behavior of the water-rock system since the deposition of the evaporites in the Permian. Essential components of this model include: (1) widespread Late Triassic/Early Jurassic evaporite recrystallization; (2) accumulation of deep-basin brines isolated from meteoric recharge; (3) evaporite dissolution by meteoric waters flowing in carbonates and sulfates interbedded in the uppermost Permian section and at the basin margin; (4) lateral rather than vertical infiltration of pre-Holocene meteoric waters in the uppermost Permian section; and (5) climatic conditions presently less conducive to recharge than in the Late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition and parameters for deuterium excess of brines, which were sampled in the Si-chuan Basin, show obvious regularities of distribution. The brine isotopic composition shows distinct two systems of marine and terrestrial deposits, with the Middle Triassic strata as the boundary. Brine hydrogen isotopic composition of marine deposits is lower while oxygen isotopic composition is higher than that of the SMOW, respectively, indicating that the brines were derived from seawater with different evaporating degrees at different times. From the Sinian strata, up to the Cambrian, Permian Maokou Formation and the Triassic Jialingjiang Formation, the δD values of brines tend to become relatively positive with the strata becoming younger. Brines of terrestrial deposits are considered to have been derived from precipitation and their isotopic composition is close to the globe meteoric water line (GMWL). Brines of transitional deposits between marine and terrestrial ones (the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation) have δD and δ18O values falling between the two end members of marine deposit brines and precipitation, indicating that the brines are a mixture of precipitation and vaporing seawater. Water samples from the brine-bearing strata of different ages show various deuterium excesses (d) with an evident decreasing trend as the age of strata gets older and older. Brine-bearing strata of the Triassic Leikoupo-Jialingjiang Formation, the Permian Maokou Formation, the Cambrian and Sinian strata are all carbonate rocks which have experienced intensive water/rock reaction and the deuterium excess essentially changes with time. All brine-bearing-strata surrounding the basin or faults, as well as those brine wells exploited for resources, have been obviously influenced by the precipitation supply. Therefore, the deuterium excesses of their brines have increased to different extents, depending on the amount of involvement of meteoric water. The variation and distribution of d values of the brines from different Triassic strata are related to the embedded depth of the strata. The deuterium excesses of brines become lower with increasing burial depth of the strata.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2001,16(1):35-55
Formation waters within Upper Carboniferous sandstones in the sub-sea Prince and Phalen coal mines, Nova Scotia, originated as residual evaporative fluids, probably during the precipitation of Windsor Group (Lower Carboniferous) salts which underlie the coal measures. Salinity varies from 7800 to 176,000 mg/l, and the waters are Na–Ca–Cl brines enriched in Ca, Sr and Br and depleted in Na, K, Mg and SO4 relative to the seawater evaporation curve. Br:Cl and Na:Cl ratios suggest that the brine composition corresponds to an evaporation ratio of as much as 30. The brines lie close to the meteoric line on H/O isotopic plots but with a compositional range of δ18O from −4.18 to −6.99 and of δD from −42.4 to −23.5, distant from modern meteoric or ocean water. Mine water composition contrasts with that of nearby salt-spring brines, which are inferred to have originated through dissolution of Windsor Group evaporites by modern meteoric waters. However, a contribution to the mine waters from halite dissolution and from Br in organic matter cannot be ruled out. Present concentrations of several elements in the brines can be explained by water–rock interaction. The original Windsor brines probably moved up into the overlying coal-measure sandstones along faults, prior to the Late Triassic. The high salinity and irregular salinity distribution in the Phalen sandstones suggests that the brines have undergone only modest dilution and are virtually immobile. In contrast, Prince waters show a progressive increase in salinity with depth and are inferred to have mixed with surface waters. Basinal brines from which these modern formation fluids were derived may have been important agents in base-metal and Ba mineralisation from the mid-Carboniferous onwards, as saline fluid inclusions are common in Zn–Pb sulphide deposits in the region.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1995,10(4):447-460
Brines in the Miocene formations of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin have isotopic composition close to SMOW, which identifies them as the connate marine water. However, controversies exist on the origin of brines in the Carboniferous formations. Isotopic and hydrochemical data exclude any relationship to marine water and enrichment by evaporation. The most common brine which occurs at great depths can be identified as the oldest infiltration in a very hot climate (δ18O ⋟ −2‰, δD ⋟ −20‰, Cl content 34 to 140 g/L). This brine is free of SO42− and U, and rich in Ba2+ and226Ra. Its salinity is probably related to the leaching of evaporites and intensive weathering of rocks during the Rotliegendes.Other brines are difficult to identify because their isotopic contents are within the range of mixing between the oldest brine and the Quaternary waters (δ18O ⋟ 10‰, δD ⋟ 70‰). Isotopic and hydrochemical data allow identification of several occurrences of brine formed by meteoric water of a warm Tertiary climate, after the last marine transgression in the Tortonian. That brine is rich in SO42− and contains moderate contents of226Ra and U. Its salinity is thought to result from leaching of Miocene evaporites. Two other identified types of brines can be related to some infiltration periods before the last marine transgression. The sources in salinity of these 2 types remain unknown. Mining activity results in a common occurrence of mixed brines. When the Quaternary component dominates, its identification is easy from the isotopic composition, whereas the end brine component can ususally be identified by chosen ion ratios and the presence or lack of sulphates.  相似文献   

The clay fractions of sedimentary kaolin deposits representing different ages (Carboniferous and Cretaceous), types (pisolitic flint and plastic), and localities (Sinai and Aswan) from Egypt were analyzed for their H and O isotopic compositions to examine the paleoclimate conditions during their formation. The δD values of the Carboniferous deposits in Sinai range between −67‰ and −88‰, while the values for the Cretaceous deposits in Sinai range between −59‰ and −75‰. The δ18O values of the Carboniferous deposits range from 17.9‰ to 19.4‰ and the values for the Cretaceous deposits range between 19.2‰ and 20.4‰. The relatively low δD and δ18O values of the Carboniferous deposit at the Abu Natash area (−67‰ and 17.9‰, respectively) compared to other Carboniferous deposits (averages of −83.3‰, and 18.8‰ for δD and δ18O, respectively) could be due to isotopic exchange between this deposit and the adjacent dolomite and/or the enclosed hydrothermally-formed Mn ores of the Carboniferous Um Bogma Formation. The δD and δ18O values of the Cretaceous pisolitic flint kaolin deposit from Aswan (averages of −65‰ and 20.3‰, respectively) and plastic kaolin from the same area (averages of −66‰ and 19.5‰, respectively) are almost identical. The differences in the δ18O values between the clay fractions of the pisolitic flint kaolin (20.3‰) and the previously analyzed bulk kaolin of the same deposit (average of 17.5‰) suggest a significant effect of non-clay minerals on the isotopic compositions of the kaolin deposits.The H and O isotopic compositions plot close to the kaolinite line that marks the isotopic composition of kaolinite in equilibrium with meteoric water at 20 °C. This indicates that the kaolinite from both the Carboniferous and Cretaceous deposits in Egypt formed by meteoric water weathering of the source rock(s). The δD and δ18O values also suggest that kaolinite of these deposits formed under warm-temperate to tropical conditions. The slight deviations of some samples from the kaolinite line suggest post-depositional modifications of the isotopic compositions of studied deposits probably due to the interaction between earlier-formed kaolinite and downward percolating meteoric water.The δD and δ18O values of the Cretaceous and Carboniferous deposits from all localities suggest that both deposits formed under similar climatic conditions due to the location of Egypt at almost the same distance from the equator either to the south during the Carboniferous or to the north during the Cretaceous.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2001,16(6):609-632
Generally, the history of past sub-surface fluid movements is difficult to reconstruct. However, the composition of oil-field waters characterizes the origins and mixing processes that allow such a reconstruction. We have investigated present-day formation waters from Brent Group sedimentary rocks of the Oseberg Field in order to assess both their geochemical variations, and their origin(s). Water samples (sampled at the separator) produced from immediately above the oil–water contact and from the aquifer (water-saturated zone below the oil–water contact) were taken from 11 wells across the field. In addition, 3 trace water samples were extracted from oil produced from higher up in the oil column. The water samples were analysed for their chemical components and isotopic compositions. Conservative tracers such as Cl, Br, δD, and δ18O were used to evaluate the origin of the waters. All formation waters can be characterised as Na–Cl-brines. The separator samples are of aquifer origin, indicating that aquifer water, drawn up by the pressure reduction near the well, is produced from the lower few tens of metres of the oil-zone. By defining plausible endmembers, the waters can be described as mixtures of seawater (60–90%), meteoric water (10–30%), evaporated seawater (primary brines) (3–5%), and possibly waters which have dissolved evaporites (secondary brines). Alternatively, using multidimensional scaling, the waters can be described as mixtures of only 3 endmembers without presupposing their compositions. In fact, they are seawater, very dilute brine, and a secondary brine (confirming the power of this approach). Meteoric water was introduced into the reservoir during the end-Brent and early-Cretaceous periods of emergence and erosion, and partially replaced the marine pore fluids. Lateral chemical variations across the Oseberg Field are extremely small. The waters from closer to the erosion surfaces show slightly stronger meteoric water isotopic signatures. The primary and secondary brines are believed to come from Permian and Triassic evaporitic rocks in the deeply buried Viking Graben to the west, and to have been modified by water–rock interactions along their migration path. These primary basinal brines have not been detected in the oil–zone waters, suggesting that the brines entered the reservoir after the main phase of oil-migration. There are indications that these external fluids were introduced into the reservoir along faults. Present-day aquifer waters are mixtures of waters from different origins and hardly vary at a field-scale. They are different in composition to the water trapped in the present oil-zone. One of the oil-zone samples is a very dilute brine. It is thought to represent a simple mixture of seawater and meteoric water. Due to oil-emplacement, this geochemical signature was preserved in the waters trapped within the oil-zone. Another oil-zone water shows a very similar chemical signature to the aquifer waters, but the chlorine isotopic signature is similar to that of the dilute oil-zone water. This water is interpreted to represent a palaeo-aquifer water. That is, it was within the aquifer zone in the past, but was trapped by subsequent emplacement of more oil. These vertical differences can be explained by two features: (i) emergence of the Brent Group sedimentary rocks in the Early Cretaceous allowed ingress of meteoric water; (ii) subsequent rapid burial of Viking Graben rocks caused migration of petroleum and aqueous fluids into the adjacent, less deeply buried Oseberg Field.  相似文献   

Hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of cherts (δD for hydroxyl hydrogen in the chert, δ18O for the total oxygen) have been determined for a suite of samples from the central and western United States. When plotted on a δD-δ18O diagram, Phanerozoic cherts define domains parallel to the meteoric water line which are different for different periods of geologic time. The elongation parallel to the meteoric water line suggests that meteoric waters were involved in the formation of many cherts.The existence of different chert δ-values for different geologic times indicates that once the granular microcrystalline quartz of cherts crystallizes its isotopic composition is preserved with time. An explanation for the change with time of the isotopic composition of cherts involving large changes with time in the isotopic composition of ocean water is unlikely since δ18O of the ocean would have had to decrease by about 3‰between Carboniferous and Triassic time and then increase about 5%.` from Triassic to Cretaceous time. Such isotopic changes cannot be accounted for by extensive glaciation, sedimentation of hydrous minerals, or input of water from the mantle into the oceans.The variation with time of the chert δ-values can be satisfactorily explained in terms of past climatic temperature fluctuations if the chert-water isotope fractionation with temperature is approximated by 1000 lnα = 3.09 × 106T?2 – 3.29. Crystallization temperatures so inferred suggest that the average climatic temperatures for the central and western U.S. decreased from about 34 to 20°C through the Paleozoic, increased to 35–40°C in the Triassic, and then decreased through the Mesozoic to Tertiary values of about 17°C. A few data for the Precambrian suggest the possibility that Earth surface temperatures may have reached about 52°C at 1.3 b.y. and about 70°C at 3 b.y.  相似文献   

Sixty-five inflow samples from access shafts were collected at three separate potash mines in order to construct three 1000 m deep hydrochemical profiles. Bromine concentrations, and δD and δ18O stable isotopic compositions, increase with depth in each case. Measured isotopic ratios have not changed in 15+ years since the mine-inflows were first sampled, implying little change in the hydraulic regimes at the mines over time. However, the bromine concentrations are typically a factor of five lower than previously reported. Newer analytical techniques have improved the accuracy, precision and resolution of the hydrochemical profiles. Results indicate that the salinity of the inflow waters originated as mixtures of evaporatively concentrated seawater, meteoric water, and brine derived from halite dissolution. Extremely concentrated brines (TDS > 525 g/L) were found at the Cory and Allan potash mines some 55 km apart, but their role in the paleohydrogeology of the basin remains uncertain.  相似文献   

The Permian Park City Formation consists of cyclically bedded subtidal to supratidal carbonates, cherts and siltstones. Early diagenesis of Park City Formation carbonates occurred under the influence of waters ranging from evaporative brines to dilute meteoric solutions and resulted in evaporite emplacement (syndepositional nodules and cements), as well as dolomitization, silicification and leaching of carbonate grains. Major differences are seen, however, in the diagenetic patterns of subsurface and surface sections of Park City Formation rocks. Subsurface samples are characterized by extensively preserved evaporite crystals and nodules, and preserve evidence of significant silicification (chert, chalcedony and megaquartz) and minor calcitization of evaporites. In outcrop sections, the evaporites are more poorly preserved, and have been replaced by silica and calcite and also leached. The resultant mouldic porosity is filled with widespread, very coarse, blocky calcite spar. These replacements appear to be multistage phenomena. Field and petrographic evidence indicates that silicification involved direct replacement of evaporites and occurred during the early stages of burial prior to hydrocarbon migration. Siliceous sponge spicules provided a major source of silica, and the fluids involved in replacement were probably a mixture of marine and meteoric waters. A second period of replacement and minor calcitization is inferred to have occurred during deep burial (under the influence of thermochemical sulphate reduction), although the presence of hydrocarbons probably retarded most other diagenetic reactions during this time interval. The major period of evaporite diagenesis, however, occurred during late stage uplift. The late stage replacement and pore-filling calcites have δ13C values ranging from 0·5 to -25·3%, and δ18O values of -16·1 to -24·30 (PDB), reflecting extensive modification by meteoric water. Vigorous groundwater flow, associated with mid-Tertiary block faulting, led to migration of meteoric fluids through the porous carbonates to depths of several kilometres. These waters reacted with the in situ hydrocarbon-rich pore fluids and evaporite minerals, and precipitated calcite cements. The Tosi Chert appears to have been an even more open system to fluid migration during its burial and has undergone a much more complex diagenetic history, as evidenced by multiple episodes of silicification, calcitization (ferroan and non-ferroan), and hydrocarbon emplacement. The multistage replacement processes described here do not appear to be restricted to the Permian of Wyoming. Similarly complex patterns of alteration have been noted in the Permian of west Texas, New Mexico, Greenland and other areas, as well as in strata of other ages. Thus, multistage evaporite dissolution and replacement may well be the norm rather than the exception in the geological record.  相似文献   

宁芜陶村磁铁矿矿床成矿流体及成矿作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陶村磁铁矿矿床位于长江中下游成矿带宁芜盆地中段,矿床地质特征及岩浆构造背景与Kiruna型磷灰石-铁氧化物矿床相似。本文在野外工作基础上,通过流体包裹体测温和氢氧硫同位素研究,探讨该矿床成矿流体性质、来源及成矿作用。陶村主要矿石类型为浸染状和脉状磁铁矿,脉状矿石形成稍晚。通过包裹体显微测温获得:磷灰石中包裹体的均一温度集中在210~390℃,盐度集中在15%~23%NaCl_(eqv);石英中包裹体的均一温度集中在330~390℃,盐度主要集中在9%~13%NaCl_(eqv),此外还存在部分高盐度原生包裹体。石英的δD为-96‰~-54‰,δ~(18)O_(H2O)除了一个为8.3‰,其余为1.9‰~4.0‰,指示原始成矿流体为岩浆来源,后期有地表水加入。黄铁矿δ~(34)S为4.8‰~9.3‰,平均值为7.4‰,综合中段地区硫同位素资料,认为成矿流体中的硫来自三叠纪膏盐层与岩浆硫的混合。结合矿床地质特征,陶村成矿作用过程可概括为:岩浆出溶形成的高温含矿气液同化三叠纪膏盐层,带入SO_4~(2-)、Cl~-、Na~+等矿化剂;这种高温气液在岩体内以钠质交代形式富集Fe后,于岩体上部形成浸染状磁铁矿,岩体顶部和边部断裂部位形成(网)脉状磁铁矿。  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1993,8(5):507-524
Formation waters from Silurian-aged reefs in the northern and southern trends of lower Michigan were collected and analyzed for major, minor and isotope compositions. The results were combined with an analysis of an exceptionally concentrated (TDS 640 g/l) Silurian brine reported by Case in 1945 to determine the origin and possible evolutionary pathways for the chemical and isotope components of the brines. The waters are extremely concentrated(TDS> 450g/l) CaNaCl brines. Bromide values support that they originated from seawater concentrated into the MgSO4 and possibly the KCl salt facies. The brines have, however, evolved considerably from an expected seawater composition and now contain a dominant CaCl composition. Dolomitization appears to have been very important in the brine evolution, but this process cannot explain all the Ca present in these brines. Four scenarios may explain the enrichment in Ca: (1) halite dissolution accompanied by the exchange of Na for Ca; (2) reactions involving aluminosilicate minerals, carbonates and halite; (3) an input of CaCl2 solutions derived from altered MgCl2 fluids released during the metamorphism of carnallite into sylvite; and (4) a pre-existing enrichment of CaCl in the Early Paleozoic seawater that filled the basin. All four are possible, but the favored explanation involves the diagenesis of the Salina A-1 potash salts. The isotope composition of the waters is consistent with evaporated seawater, perhaps enriched by exchange with carbonates or by the input of hydration water from evaporite minerals. The isotopic evolution, however, is equivocal but the brine composition does not indicate they have been diluted with meteoric water. This implies the waters have remained isolated from surface-controlled hydrological systems.  相似文献   

Hydrological systems have been seriously affected by changes of glaciations and snow covers in Mount Gongga, Sichuan, China, but the relevance of ice-snow melt for alpine river basin hydrology is so far not well known. To better understand hydrological features of the Hailuogou River, changes of δ18O and δ2H were investigated by analyzing 117 water samples collected from May 2008 to November 2009. Our results show that the stream water contains a relatively intermediate magnitude of isotopic variations, with δ18O ranging from ?18.09 to ?13.08 ‰ and δ2H from ?126.5 to ?88.8 ‰. The average values are both higher than those of ice-snow meltwater, but lower than those of meteoric water. These data also show a gradually increasing trend from upstream to downstream, and these changes might document the fingerprint of ice-snow melt in the headwater region and indicate the increasing recharge of heavy isotope-enriched waters with flow distance. The similarity in slopes of δ2H and δ18O relationship for meteoric waters and stream waters suggests that the isotopic signature of precipitation is well preserved in stream flow, and during the rainfall and stream flow the evaporation is only minor. Based on δ18O model, the results suggested that the fraction of ice-snow meltwater input over the total stream flow ranged from 84.50 to 86.52 % in the headwater region, but the fraction of ice-snow meltwater input from upper basin downward was significantly decreased. The study demonstrates that ice-snow meltwater is a substantially important water source in alpine regions on the edge of Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

In the Muskeg Trough of northcentral Alberta the Gilwood Member contains widespread carbonate deposits that formed within terrigenous mudstone and sandstone hosts. Stratigraphic, depositional and petrographic relationships indicate that these carbonates represent calcretes and dolocretes. Calcretes, observed best with cathodoluminescence, display microcrystalline alpha fabrics, circumgranular cracks, root networks, displacive growth fabrics, elongate channel voids and rare coloform growths with flower spar. Similarly, dolocretes have microcrystalline alpha fabrics, brecciation, gradational contacts with host mudstones, extensive layered nodular horizons and are associated with anhydrite and pyrite. δ13C values range between ?7‰ to +1‰ and –6‰ to +3‰ for calcretes and dolocretes, respectively. Oxygen isotopes are more variable and differ with host lithologies. δ18O of calcretes ranges between ?11‰ to ?8‰ for sandstones and ?8‰ to ?3‰ for mudstones, whereas δ18O of dolocretes ranges between ?3‰ to 1‰ for marine mudstones and ?6‰ to ?2‰ for pedogenic mudstones. Regional mapping indicates that calcretes thicken towards the deepest parts of the Muskeg Trough. Widespread dolocretes extend beyond the eastern and western limits of Muskeg Trough and are useful marker intervals for regional correlations. Dolocretes of restricted lateral extent are found within gleyed palaeosol mudstones next to calcretized channel sandstones. Calcrete isotopic values are interpreted as indicative of carbonate precipitation from waters with meteoric water input. However, the higher δ18O values in dolocretes are indicative of a contribution from an isotopically heavier source such as seawater. Stratigraphically, calcretes are most common along the western and northern edges of Muskeg Trough; thus, calcrete accumulation was further controlled by meteoric water in-flow from the highland to the west and sluggish groundwater flow in Muskeg Trough. In contrast, regionally widespread dolocrete horizons appear to have formed from mixing of fresh waters derived from the highland to the west and seawaters introduced from the east. Regionally restricted dolocretes which are found next to channel sandstones formed from groundwater out-flow from the permeable channel sandstones which resulted in calcretization in channel proximal mudstones and dolomitization in channel distal mudstones.  相似文献   

In the spring of 1995, 24 samples were collected from a widely distributed system of municipal water wells in Albuquerque, N.M., and analyzed for hydrogen (δD) and oxygen (δ18O) isotopic compositions. δD values for 15 of these samples are largely similar to those reported by Yapp in 1985, but have locally become more negative by as much as 5 per mil (ö). δD–δ18O data define two endmembers that are well aligned along the familiar meteoric water line (MWL): (1) the eastern domain (mountain precipitation runoff), having δD>–86ö (similar to the criteria of Yapp) and δ18O>–12.1ö (this work); and (2) a central basin domain, which may be in part derived from water seepage from the Rio Grande, having δD<–95ö and δ18O<–13.2ö. Only a few wells across the basin have δD values near the "baseline" value of the Rio Grande, defined by Yapp as –92ö. The proximity of these wells to the Rio Grande is consistent with recharge by seepage from the river bed under baseline conditions. Extensive pumping in the eastern domain and West Mesa areas may be partly responsible for an apparent expansion of the central-basin regime of water more depleted in δD, much as a plume migrating in response to transient perturbations in original hydraulic gradients. Vertically stacked groundwater occurrences having limited interconnection are inferred from the significant differences in isotopic compositions of samples from two wells screened at multiple depths. The central and western parts of the basin are little influenced by contributions from the eastern domain. Some groundwaters from the western part of the basin plot below the MWL and clearly cannot be mixtures solely of the eastern domain and central basin endmembers. The origins of these western groundwaters and the most depleted central basin groundwaters are as yet unknown, but we speculate they may have received recharge under climatic conditions different from the present.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2003,18(4):615-627
A study was conducted at the Fresh Kills landfill, Staten Island, New York to investigate the use of B and Li isotopes as tracers of mixing and flow in the groundwater environment. Four end-member waters are present at the Fresh Kills: freshwater, seawater, a geochemically distinct transitional groundwater (that occurs in the zone of mixing between seawater and freshwater) and landfill leachate. The δ11B and δ6Li values of end-member waters are distinct and have isotopic compositions that reflect the solute sources: freshwater δ11B∼+30‰, δ6Li∼−22‰; transition zone groundwaters δ11B∼+20‰, δ6Li∼−27‰; seawater δ11B+40 to +75‰, δ6Li−37 to−44‰; leachate δ11B∼+10‰ (δ6Li not determined). Those wells influenced by seawater exhibited a clear chemical mixing trend, with seawater contributions ranging from 3 to 85%. Well waters with a high percentage of seawater (>30%) had δ11B values that were within 1‰ of the seawater value (+40‰), whereas a trend of increasing δ11B values (+55 to +75‰) was observed for wells with a lower percentage of seawater (<30%). δ6Li values for well waters impacted by mixing with seawater ranged from−37 to−44‰, significantly more negative than pure seawater (−31‰). This deviation from the isotopic composition of seawater, for both δ11B and δ6Li values, represents non-conservative behavior and is likely the result of isotopic fractionation during ion exchange reactions. The wide range of δ11B and δ6Li values and the distinct isotopic compositions of end-member waters makes B and Li isotopes useful for recognizing solute sources, however isotopic fractionation may limit their use as simple tracers of groundwater flow and mixing.  相似文献   

Geothermal resources are very rich in Yunnan, China. However, source of dissolved solutes in geothermal water and chemical evolution processes remain unclear. Geochemical and isotopic studies on geothermal springs and river waters were conducted in different petrological-tectonic units of western Yunnan, China. Geothermal waters contain Ca–HCO3, Na–HCO3, and Na (Ca)–SO4 type, and demonstrate strong rock-related trace elemental distributions. Enhanced water–rock interaction increases the concentration of major and trace elements of geothermal waters. The chemical compositions of geothermal waters in the Rehai geothermal field are very complicated and different because of the magma chamber developed at the shallow depth in this area. In this geothermal field, neutral-alkaline geothermal waters with high Cl, B, Li, Rb Cs, As, Sb, and Tl contents and acid–sulfate waters with high Al, Mn, Fe, and Pb contents are both controlled by magma degassing and water–rock interaction. Geothermal waters from metamorphic, granite, and sedimentary regions (except in the Rehai area) exhibit varying B contents ranging from 3.31 mg/L to 4.49 mg/L, 0.23 mg/L to 1.24 mg/L, and <0.07 mg/L, respectively, and their corresponding δ11B values range from −4.95‰ to −9.45‰, −2.57‰ to −8.85‰, and −4.02‰ to +0.06‰. The B contents of these geothermal waters are mainly controlled by leaching host rocks in the reservoir, and their δ11B values usually decrease and achieve further equilibrium with its surrounding rocks, which can also be proven by the positive δ18O-shift. In addition to fluid–rock reactions, the geothermal waters from Rehai hot springs exhibit higher δ11B values (−3.43‰ to +1.54‰) than those yielded from other areas because mixing with the magmatic fluids from the shallow magma. The highest δ11B of steam–heated waters (pH 3.25) from the Zhenzhu spring in Rehai is caused by the fractionation induced by pH and the phase separation of coexisting steam and fluids. Given the strong water–rock interaction, some geothermal springs in western Yunnan show reservoir temperatures higher than 180 °C, which demonstrate potential for electricity generation and direct-use applications. The most potential geothermal field in western Yunnan is located in the Rehai area because of the heat transfer from the shallow magma chamber.  相似文献   

The oxygen isotope compositions of diagenetic carbonate minerals from the Lower Jurassic Inmar Formation, southern Israel, have been used to identify porewater types during diagenesis. Changes in porewater composition can be related to major geological events within southern Israel. In particular, saline brines played an important role in late (Pliocene-Pleistocene) dolomitization of these rocks. Diagenetic carbonates included early siderite (δ18OSMOW=+24.4 to +26.5‰δ13CPDB=?1.1 to +0.8‰), late dolomite, ferroan dolomite and ankerite (δ18OSMOW=+18.4 to +25.8‰; δ13CPDB=?2.1 to +0.2‰), and calcite (δ18OSMOW=+21.3 to +32.6‰; δ13CPDB=?4.2 to + 3.2‰). The petrographic and isotopic results suggest that siderite formed early in the diagenetic history at shallow depths. The dolomitic phases formed at greater depths late in diagenesis. Crystallization of secondary calcite spans early to late diagenesis, consistent with its large range in isotopic values. A strong negative correlation exists between burial depth (temperature) and the oxygen isotopic compositions of the dolomitic cements. In addition, the δ18O values of the dolomitic phases in the northern Negev and Judea Mountains are in isotopic equilibrium with present formation waters. This behaviour suggests that formation of secondary dolomite post-dates the tectonic activity responsible for the present relief of southern Israel (Upper Miocene to Pliocene) and that the dolomite crystallized from present formation waters. Such is not the case in the Central Negev. In that locality, present formation waters have much lower salinities and δ18O values, indicating invasion of freshwater, and are out of isotopic equilibrium with secondary dolomite. Recharge of the Inmar Formation by meteoric water in the Central Negev occurred in the Pleistocene, and halted formation of dolomite.  相似文献   

Dolomitization of the Zechstein (Late Permian) Main Dolomite carbonates of northern Poland was penecontemporaneous and/or very early diagenetic. Well-ordered, stoichiometric dolomites are associated with the basinal facies. The platform dolomites are relatively poorly ordered and usually non-stoichiometric. Most samples are highly enriched in 13C, as in other Zechstein carbonates. δ18O values show large variations from -5·1%0 to + 7·4%. There is an isotope zonation of the examined dolomites. The isotope signature indicates that dolomites formed from variable solutions of meteoric water, seawater, and evaporitic brines of possible marine or continental origin. Once initiated, dolomitization proceeded despite the evolution of dolomitizing brines. This evolution explains the occurrence of lagoonal dolomites with common evidence for dissolution in the lower part of sections compared with well-developed rhombohedra in the upper part. Crystal zoning suggests the initiation of dolomite growth in hypersaline water and progressive dilution by fresh water. There is isotopic evidence for migration of continental waters into the basin, presumably following sea-level fall at the end of the deposition of the Main Dolomite. Influence of fresh water on syndepositional dolomitization, well established in the Main Dolomite, strongly suggests that similar relationships may be characteristic for other evaporite-associated dolomites as well.  相似文献   

Mineralogical and chemical analysis of Late Pennsylvanian and Early Permian paleosols from the eastern shelf of the Midland basin, north-central Texas, USA, are used to test hypothesized climate change in Late Paleozoic western equatorial Pangea, previously defined independently on the bases of sedimentologic and paleontologic proxies and climate models. The <0.2-μm size phyllosilicate fraction in the studied paleosols exhibits down-profile trends in mineralogy and chemical composition that are consistent with modern weathering profiles suggesting a dominantly pedogenic origin. A stratigraphic trend from kaolinite-dominated profiles in Upper Pennsylvanian paleosols to profiles dominated by smectite and hydroxy-interlayered 2:1 phyllosilicates in Lower Permian paleosols indicates a relatively rapid decrease in soil weathering and leaching in the latest Pennsylvanian followed by a more gradual decrease in leaching throughout the Early Permian. The chemical composition (cation ratios and exchange capacity) of these phyllosilicates further corroborates this shift toward less intensive leaching, presumably in response to climate change from humid to progressively more arid conditions.The phyllosilicates in the <0.2-μm size fraction and contemporaneous pedogenic calcites from the Permo-Pennsylvanian paleosols exhibit a long-term stratigraphic increase in their δ18O values of as much as ∼3.2‰ and ∼5.2‰, respectively. This long-term trend is consistent with a transition throughout the latest Pennsylvanian through Early Permian toward progressively more evaporatively enriched soil waters. Superimposed on the long-term trend is an apparent rapid enrichment (1.5 to 2‰) in phyllosilicate δ18O values immediately above the Pennsylvanian-Permian boundary. Observed oxygen isotope fractionation between the phyllosilicates and calcites within individual paleosols indicate isotopic disequilibrium between mineral pairs. This is attributed to a minor detrital component in the pedogenic clay-dominated phyllosilicate fraction coupled with the effects of seasonality of mineral formation. Inferred δ18O compositions of Late Paleozoic meteoric water (−2‰ to +4‰) are compatible with less intensive soil leaching under conditions of increasing aridity, possibly coupled with a shift in local precipitation from a continental source to a marine source.  相似文献   

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